SOCI170 Field Report Winter 2022 8
SOCI170 Field Report Winter 2022 8
SOCI170 Field Report Winter 2022 8
a. Arthur C Clarke
b. Graham Greene
c. H G Wells
d. !Arthur Conan Doyle
5. Who wrote the young adult novel quot;The Fault in Our Starsquot;?
a. !John Green
b. Suzanne Collins
c. Stephen Chbosky
d. Stephenie Meyer
6. Which American author was also a budding travel writer and wrote of his
adventures with his dog Charley?
a. !John Steinbeck
b. Ernest Hemingway
c. William Faulkner
d. F. Scott Fitzgerald
7. According to The Hitchhiker039;s Guide to the Galaxy book, the answer to life,
the universe and everything else is...
a. Chocolate
b. Death
c. !42
d. Loving everyone around you
10. Which fictional English county was the setting for Thomas Hardy039;s novels?
a. Barsetshire
b. Ambridge
c. !Wessex
d. Fulchester
7. Which artist039;s style was to use small different colored dots to create a
a. Henri Rousseau
b. Vincent Van Gogh
c. Paul Ceacute;zanne
d. !Georges Seurat
2. Paul McCartney has always used his middle name. What is his real first name?
a. !James
b. Justin
c. Jack
d. John
3. Which of these people is NOT a part of the Internet comedy group Mega64?
a. Rocco Botte
b. Shawn Chatfield
c. !Jon Jafari
d. Derrick Acosta
4. Before voicing Pearl in Steven Universe, Deedee Magno Hall was part of which
American band?
a. The Pussycat Dolls
b. The Weather Girls
c. The Cheetah Girls
d. !The Party
10. Tupac Shakur died due to complications from being stabbed in 1996.
a. !False
b. True
12. Which American celebrity died in 1977 playing golf in La Moraleja, Madrid?
a. !Bing Crosby
b. Groucho Marx
c. Elvis Presley
d. Charlie Chaplin