Crop Sci

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The concept of basic and nutritious food being available accessible, affordable and stable in supply
a. Food availability
b. Food security
c. Food safety
d. Food accessibility

2. A food production strategy in the 1960’s and 70’s designed to solve problems related to population explosion
and world hunger by introducing new farm technologies including modern varieties, pesticides, fertilizers,
irrigation and machines
a. Sustainable agriculture
b. Green revolution
c. Masagana 99
d. Gintong ani

3. A plant belonging to the grass family which has a very extensive root system and is effective as soil stabilizer
a. Corn
b. Vetiver
c. Lemon grass
d. Napier grass

4. The temperature, sunlight, humidity and other climatic conditions in a small localized area
a. Climate
b. Weather
c. Microclimate
d. None of the above

5. The practice of gradually exposing the seedlings to sunlight before field planting in order to minimized
transplanting shock is
a. Balling
b. blocking
c. hardening
d. sun bleaching

6. Practices of providing support to viny plants to keep the stem, leaves and fruits away from the soil and to allow
better exposure to sunlight
a. Supporting
b. Trellising
c. Staking
d. Propping

7. This refers to the practice of removing unnecessary suckers from the base of banana to minimize competition
among the remaining suckers
a. Flower induction
b. Fruit induction
c. Flowering thinning
d. Desuckering

8. A method of harvesting in which only matured or ripe fruits or pods are harvested is called
a. Stripping
b. tapping
c. tuxying
d. priming
9. The process of extracting latex from a tree or fruit is called
a. Tuxying
b. tapping
c. stripping
d. priming
10. Which of the following does not require threshing
a. Rice
b. corn
c. mungbean
d. soybean
11. Which of the following require fermentation during primary processing
a. Cotton
b. cacao
c. coconut
d. abaca

12. For longer shelf life perishables should not be stored under
a. Low oxygen
b. Low temperature
c. Low relative humidity
d. High CO2
13. Planting materials that are most applicable to most agronomic crops and vegetable crops
a. Stem
b. leaves
c. seeds
d. corms
14. What technique refers to a plant grown with the main crop, attracts the pest, but not suitable for their growth
and reproduction (e.g eggplant with tomato)
a. Repellant crop
b. Decoy
c. Natural enemies attractants
d. Trap crop
15. What technique refers to growing of flowering plants at strategic places in the field
a. Repellant crop
b. Decoy
c. Natural enemies attractants
d. Trap crop
16. Which of the following does not have modified stem
a. Ginger
b. Pineapple
c. Banana
d. Sweet potato
17. Aerial plantlets formed on the axis of the leaves or flower stalk of an Agave are called
a. Bulbils
b. bulblets
c. offsets
d. tuber
18. You have 15,000 seedling of Cacao and you are instructed to plant it with the distance of 118.08 inch. apart.
Compute the total area in hectare to be planted using the square planting pattern.
a. 135,000 sq.m.
b. 13.5 Ha.
c. 135 Ha.
d.1.35 Ha.
19. You have 1,300 seedling of Cacao and you are instructed to plant it in a 1.5 ha. Compute the distance of
planting using the square planting pattern.
a. 4.0 m
b. 3.0 m
c. 4.5 m
d. 3.5 m
20. You are instructed to plant 3 water melon seedlings per hill, with a distance 2 m by 3.28 ft apart. How many
seedlings can be planted for 2.5 Has farm? Use the formula P.D. = (A/d1*d2)* NPh, where: P.D.- Planting Density,
A-Area, d1-distance of plant per hill, d2- distance of plant per row, NPh- number of plant per hill
a. 37, 500
b. 3,750
c. 375,000
d. 375

21. High relative humidity can cause

a. Plant wilting
b. High disease incidence
c. Grain drying
d. Breakage of seeds
22. As a factor in crop production, edaphic factor refers to
a. Climate
b. Man
c. Soil
d. Microorganism

23. Which of the following is/are not considered as a berry??

a. Strawberry
b. Grape
c. Eggplant
d. Cherry

24. This type of dormancy is due to one or more unsuitable factors of the environment which are non-specific in
their effect. In seeds this is equivalent to quiescence.
a. Paradormancy
b. Endodormancy
c. Ecodormancy
d. Chemical dormancy
25. Reduction in the amount of green pigments in leaf, resulting to yellowing:
a. Chlorosis
b. Necrosis
c. Autolysis
d. Dialysis

26. The natural termination of the functional life of an organ, organism or other life unit which is also regarded as
the final phase in plant development:
a. Deterioraton phase
b. Abscission phase
c. Senescence
d. Growth inhibition

27. Photoperiodism is a growth response to unidirectional light which is probably influence by a particular growth
a. Abscissis acid (ABA)
b. Indole acetic acid (IAA)
c. Kinetic (Ki)
d. Gibberellins (GA)

28. The growth response of plant to touch that is est exemplified by the coiling of tendrils as in Cucurbits:
a. Thermotropism
b. Seismopasty
c. Thigmotropism
d. Thigmomorphogenesis
29. Senescence is an energy-requiring process brought about by metabolic changes, one of thich is the destruction
of the pigments:
a. Carotenoid
b. Xanthophyll
c. Anthocyanin
d. Chlorophyll
30. The organ movement such that the axis of the organ come to lie at right angles to the direction of the
gravitational field as exhibited by stolon of potato and strawberry
a. Herliotropism
b. Plagiogeotropism
c. Diagravitropism
d. Thermonasty
31. Domestication of plants due to:
a. Change in plant type and limited ecological adaption
b. Narrower genetic variation and wider ecological adaptation
c. The disappearance of the natural habitats of wild plants
d. None of the above
32. The following changes in plants are attributed to domestication EXCEPT
a. Loss of seed dormancy
b. Increased susceptibility to disease
c. Conversion
d. Increased environmental adaptation
33. Oxygen as one of the products of photosynthesis evolves from:
a. The oxidation of H2O
b. Photolysis of H2O
c. The reduction of CO2
d. The reduction of H2O
34. Both photosynthetic and respiration rates are influenced by
a. Relatively humidity and CO2 concentration
b. Oxygen concentration
c. Temperature and CO2 concentration
d. Temperature and relative humidity
35. Respiration is a necessary evil in plants because
a. It breaks down glucose which should have been used in the synthesis of complex compounds
b. It leads to the loss of glucose but generates metabolic energy and organic compounds that are used in the
synthesis of structural and storage compounds
c. It generates CO2 and H2O and ATP
d. It generates heat energy for transpiration
36. The rapid industrialization cause the increase in value of agricultural lands near population center, resulting
a. Large scale reduction of our forested lands
b. Massive movement of work forces to other countries
c. Massive land conversion of farm lands
d. Excessive garbage problem
37. The three major crops of the Philippines in terms of land area cultivated are
a. Abaca, rice and coconut
b. Corn, abaca and banana
c. Rice, corn and coconut
d. Banana, sugarcane and coffee
38. Self-sufficiency (annual) in rice in the Philippines
a. Had never been attained
b. Is impossible because of high population
c. Had been achieved before
d. Is possible because IRRI is in the Philippines

39. Corn production in the Philippines is

a. Mainly used for animal feed manufacturing
b. Only supplied by our Mindanao farmers
c. Mostly consumed as people’s staple food
d. Consumed only in Cebu and Bohol

40. Forest denudation results into this possibility

a. Decreased agricultural production area
b. Movement of urban settlers to rural communities
c. Severe erosion of topsoil leading to less fertile uplands
d. Reduction of post in agriculture

41. Greater population with low productivity could lead to

a. General poverty among the people
b. Migration of work forces to rural areas
c. Higher taxes
d. Professional agriculturist

42. Genetically Modified Organisms could lead to the following problem

a. Reduced production in the crop concerned
b. Reduced damage due to the target pests
c. Monopoly in the supply and distribution of seeds
d. Indigenous practices will dominate the seed industry

43. The comprehensive land reform program coverage is cropland of

a. Rice and corn only
b. Lowland
c. Sugarcane and coconut
d. All agricultural lands regardless of crops

44. A farm laborer is instructed to plant cacao seedlings with a distance of 6.28 ft apart. Using the formula
P.D. =A/d2. How many Cacao seedlings can he planted for 5 Has farm?
a. 12,500
b. 1,250
c. 125, 000
d. 125

45. Modern crop agriculture would require

a. Indigenous knowledge
b. Knowledge synthesize from their information
c. Knowledge from research only
d. Knowledge of all kinds and from all sources
46. Land clearing is ________ land cultivation
a. Before
b. after
c. the same time with
d. does not matter

47. Soil erosion control is important in Philippine agriculture because

a. We have to conserve water in terraces
b. Growing upland crops like corn and vegetables require fertile soils
c. There is too much rainfall during some months and large cultivated areas are not flat
d. People are increasing too much and more people have to eat

48. Classification of seed are based on this concepts

a. Orthodox seeds can be kept for long period in storage as dried seeds (low moisture content)
b. Recalcitrant seeds are more associated with perennial horticultural crops
c. Seeds of corn, rice, eggplant and squash are recalcitrant seeds
d. Seeds of rambutan, mango and avocado are orthodox seeds
49. Kaingin system is primarily subsistence farming. The form of planting crops is generally.
a. Direct seedling of food crops like rice, corn, beans by edible method
b. Growing perennial crops by hedge row across slope with food crops between rows
c. Mixed cropping of perennials for export market
d. Regular distance of crops either by squared, rectangular or triangular layout.

50. The best type of plating materials for crops like cereals and field legumes are
a. Sexual
b. Asexual
c. root cuttings
d. Tissue cultured plants

51. Because of
a. Planting materials are easy to produce, inexpensive and have hybrid vigor
b. Ture-to-type and early planting
c. Expensive for high density planting
d. Late bearer and no incompatibility

52. In determining when to irrigate

a. Leaves of crops with in the afternoon but not in the morning
b. Using sand cum soil moniplot technique, when the plant crop in the miniplot show wilting
c. When based on calculation, the amount of evapotranspiration is less than the amount of natural precipitation
d. Every 2 weeks regardless of kind of crops grown

53. Pump irrigation is most feasible

a. For rice when depth of water source is shallow
b. For high value crop like flowers and vegetables when method is by drip irrigation
c. For coconut grown in Pinatubo lahar
d. For early induction of flowering of fruit trees

54. Management of weeds is

a. Weed are allowed if competition with crops is minimal
b. Complete elimination of weeds by chemicals in steed slopes
c. Biological control by cover cropping in annual crops
d. Mulching in grain and legume crop
55. Vertebrate and insect are better controlled when
a. The population is at its height such as 10-12 hoppers per mango inflorescence
b. The rats are few and starving because the period is after harvest
c. The predators and parasites are in ecological balance with the population ration with pest
d. Pest are attacking the flower

56. Knowing the economics of irrigation the crops the correct statement is
a. Natural rainfall could be enough for coconut and mango
b. Pump irrigation is resorted for low value crops in greenhouse
c. Upland rice is irrigated by overhead method
d. Generally vegetables are irrigated by flooding

57. The corrects statement is

a. Biological pest control is feasible but not biological crop nutrition
b. Site preparation would not influence nutrition, water management and management of crops
c. Sod culture, covercropping, and pasturing are biological methods of controlling weed pest
d. Kind of planting materials and distance of planting are not directly related to plant

58. The process of removing dead and diseased parts from healthy plant is called
a. Rejuvenate pruning
b. Corrective pruning
c. Preventive pruning
d. Formative pruning

59. Fertilizer needs of crops is best determined by

a. Tissue analysis
b. Soil analysis
c. Fertilizer trials
d. Symptom
60. The loss of water though evapo-transpiration is favored by
a. Low temperature
b. High relative humidity
c. Low wind speed
d. High temperature
61. Wider plant spacing is adopted when
a. Soil fertility is low
b. Plant grow into a big tree at maturity
c. Plants have erect or vertical growth habit
d. Soil have water holding capacity
62. A well-prepared upland soil should be
a. Have enough moisture
b. Granular and friable
c. Have dried leaves burned before planting
d. Zero-tillage
63. Direct seeding is commonly practiced in planting
a. Eggplant
b. mango
c. corn
d. tomato
64. Phenotype refers to
a. The breeding potential of a plant
b. The physical appearance of a plant
c. The genetic make up of a plant
d. The chromosome content of a nucleus
65. Gene recombination’s occurs as a result of
a. Vegetative propagation
b. Clonal propagation
c. Self-pollination of a pureline
d. Sexual reproduction
66. The breeding method which may involve bringing a species or variety into an area and using it without change
or additional breeding method is called
a. Hybridization
b. Introduction
c. Pedigree selection
d. Pureline selection
67. Inbreeding leads to
a. Heterosis
b. Homozygosity
c. Llelism
d. increased productivity
68. The agency involved in approving the release of recommended varieties in the Philippines
a. Philippine Seed Board
b. National Seed Industry Council
c. Department of Agriculture
d. International Rice Research Institute
69. A seed is considered alive in the tetrazolium test when the
a. Whole seed is stained
b. Radicle portion is not stained but the rest of the seed is
c. Plumule portion is not stained but the rest of the seed is
d. Half the seed is stained
70. Seeds which can be dried to allow moisture level but cannot tolerate low temperature like coffee and papaya
are considered
a. Recalcitrant
b. Orthodox
c. Intermediate
d. None of the above
71. Which of the following is /are optional requirements for favorable seed germination?
a. Favorable temperature
b. 20% oxygen concentration
c. Light
d. Proper amount of water
72. The most favorable condition for storing orthodox seed is
a. Dry and cool condition
b. Moist and cool condition
c. Dry and hot condition
d. Moist and hot condition
73. Hardheadedness may be broken by the following methods except
a. Soaking in boiling water for several minutes
b. Rubbing the embryo part on sand paper
c. Soaking in tap water for 24 hours
d. Both a and c
74. Among the following desiccants or drying agents, _________ is the most effective, thus a smaller amount is
a. Lime
b. Charcoal
c. Wood ash
d. Silica gel
75. The most suitable substrate for germination test of very small seeds is
a. Rolled filter paper
b. Ragdoll method
c. Petri dish line with filter paper
d. Sand
76. Certified seed is produced from
a. Breeder seed
b. Foundation seed
c. Registered seed
d. Good seed
77. A good seed has the following qualities except
a. High germination
b. High physical purity
c. High moisture content
d. High vigor
78. It is the transfer of the pollen grains from the anther to the stigma
a. Fertilization
b. Pollination
c. Inoculation
d. Emasculation
79. The use of excessive pesticide in rice production and vegetable production pollutes the water supply and it
could be minimized by
a. Practice of integrated pest management
b. Requiring the planting hybrid rice
c. Imposing high tax to agricultural chemicals
d. Use overhead irrigation instead of flooding
80. Landscaping and plant arts are special aspect of crop production that do not require large land area. This
aspect of horticulture increase the value of the plants because of
a. Proper selection of resistance varieties
b. Proper selection of appropriate plants to the particular environments
c. Preference of high class clients
d. Adequate advertising

81. The root crops like ube and gabi are propagated commercially by
a. Suckers
b. Division
c. Root cuttings
d. Runners

82. Sugarcane are propagated commercially by stem cuttings and irrigated by furrow and overhead method.
Integrated farming with sugarcane could be
a. sugarcane with livestock
b. intercropping with rice
c. fishery and sugarcane
d. relay cropping with coconut
83. Special practices in the contr
ol of pest of mango in Cebu and Iloilo is by
a. Spraying the fruits with Malathion
b. Smudging by burning dried leaves before flowering
c. Bagging the fruits individually with paper bag
d. Pruning
84. Irrigation for sugarcane and corn could be by furrow or overhead method. The most appropriate irrigation
method for greenhouse crops that could incorporate fertilizer nutrients is by
a. Overhead irrigation
b. Flooding
c. Drip irrigation
d. Furrow irrigation
85. Grape culture requires support of trellis like other vine crops. it is induced to flower by
a. Irrigation
b. Chemical spraying of calcium carbide
c. Smudging
d. Pruning

86. Because crop production/farming is a regular activity of rural people and without it they will never have a
normal life, farming is considered a
a. Business
b. art
c. technology
d. culture ( a way of life)

87. Trade liberalization could lead to declining demand for locally grown products as manifested by
a. Increasing tendency to buy imported fruit products
b. Greater desire of balikbayan to buy traditional native products
c. Greater utilization of modern technologies
d. Television advertising and computer marketing
88. The increasing interest in the use of organic foods and traditional medicine is due top the public perception or
belief that
a. Natural products are harmful and than those produce with synthetic inputs
b. Natural products are cheaper in the market
c. Foods produced using chemical (synthetic fertilizers and pesticides) always have harmful residues
d. Foods produced without pesticide and synthetic fertilizer are safer
89. A method of asexual propagation in which organ(s) is allowed to generate on detached vegetative part of the
a. Marcotting
b. cutting
c. budding
d. grafting
90. Cucumber will be planted 2 seedlings per hill. With the distance of 2 feet between rows and 3 feet between
hills. How many cucumber seedlings will be planted in a 2.5 ha farm?
a. 90,073.86
b. 90,074
c. 9,007
d. 900,734

91. This type of dormancy is due to one or more unsuitable factors of the environment which are non-specific in
their effect. In seeds, this is equivalent to quiescence.
a. Paradormancy
b. Endodormancy
c. Ecodormancy
d. Chemical dormancy

92. Plant response to seasonal variations in the length of day are collectively known as
a. Vernalization
b. photoperiodism
c. circadian rhythm
d. morphogenesis

93. These plant organisms need to be supplied only with inorganic substances since they make their own organic
a. Heterotrophic organisms
b. Accumulators
c. Autotrophic organisms
d. Eukaryotic organism

94. In grafted plant, the lower portion of the graft union that became the root system is called
a. Rootstock
b. Roots
c. Scion
d. Interstock

95. The practice of growing a new crop out of shoot arising from the previous crops is called
a. Replanting
b. Re-cropping
c. Rationing
d. Rejuvenation

96. The arrangement of individual soil practices into compound particles or aggregates which normally determines
the water holding capacity and drainage quality of the soil
a. Soil structure
b. Soil texture
c. Soil aggregation

97. One way of producing off-season fruits is by

a. Flower induction
b. Fruit induction
c. Flower thinning
d. Fruit thinning

98. This refers to the judicious removal of plant parts to attain specific purpose
a. Thinning
b. Pruning
c. Training
d. Rejuvenating
99. Which of the following is NOT among the objectives of pruning?
a. To dwarf the plant
b. To increase the volume of canopy
c. To maintain desired canopy shape
d. To rejuvenate an old tree

100. Crops that normally have short shelf-life due to rapid deterioration
a. Durables
b. Semi-perishables
c. Perishables
d. Non-perishables

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