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Robonaut 2 - Initial Activities On-Board The ISS

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Robonaut 2 – Initial Activities On-Board the ISS

M. A. Diftler, T. D. Ahlstrom, C. A. Joyce, N. De La Pena A. L. Noblitt

R. O. Ambrose, N. A. Radford A. H. Parsons Wyle Integrated Science and
NASA Johnson Space Center Oceaneering Space Systems Engineering Group
2101 NASA Parkway 16665 Space Center Blvd 1290 Hercules Dr.
Houston, TX 77058 Houston, TX 77058 Houston, TX 77058
myron.a.diftler@nasa.gov charles.a.joyce@nasa.gov alan.l.noblitt@nasa.gov

Abstract—Robonaut 2, or R2, arrived on the International 1. INTRODUCTION

Space Station in February 2011 and is currently undergoing
testing in preparation for it to become, initially, an Intra- Many robotic systems have performed tasks in Low Earth
Vehicular Activity (IVA) tool and then evolve into a system Orbit. The most famous, the Shuttle Remote Manipulator
that can perform Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVA). After the System (SRMS) has manipulated a large number of
completion of a series of system level checks to ensure that the payloads and played a key role in the assembly of the
robot traveled well on-board the Space Shuttle Atlantis, International Space Station. Similarly the Space Station
ground control personnel will remotely control the robot to
perform free space tasks that will help characterize the
Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) not only participated
differences between earth and zero-g control. For in the ISS assembly, but also serves a vital role in managing
approximately one year, the fixed base R2 will perform a the vehicles that visit the station and in space station
variety of experiments using a reconfigurable task board that maintenance activities [1]. Both of these large robotic
was launched with the robot. While working side-by-side with systems have performed very well in their role of moving
human astronauts, Robonaut 2 will actuate switches, use large payloads and the occasional astronaut.
standard tools, and manipulate Space Station interfaces, soft
goods and cables. The results of these experiments will In contrast to the large space robots, several smaller systems
demonstrate the wide range of tasks a dexterous humanoid can have been deployed over the past two decades. ROTEX,
perform in space and they will help refine the methodologies developed by the German Space Agency, flew on STS-55 in
used to control dexterous robots both in space and here on
1993, and served as the first ground-controlled robot in
space [2]. The National Space Development Agency of
After the trial period that will evaluate R2 while on a fixed Japan (NASDA) launched the Engineering Test Satellite
stanchion in the US Laboratory module, NASA plans to (ETS) VII in 1997 [3]. Among the experiments performed
launch climbing legs that when attached to the current on- on the satellite were a number of robotic tests, including
orbit R2 upper body will give the robot the ability to traverse remote operation from the ground, coordinated control of
through the Space Station and start assisting crew with general the robot arm and Orbital Replacement Unit (ORU) change
IVA maintenance activities. Multiple control modes will be out. Also in 1997, a NASA robot, AERCam-Sprint, flew
evaluated in this extra-ordinary ISS test environment to on STS-87 [4]. AERCam is a free flying camera platform
prepare the robot for use during EVAs. Ground Controllers
will remotely supervise the robot as it executes semi-
that provides crewmembers with the ability to locate
autonomous scripts for climbing through the Space Station cameras flexibly. During this Shuttle flight experiment, the
and interacting with IVA interfaces. IVA crew will locally crew remotely controlled this robot showing its utility for
supervise the robot using the same scripts and also teleoperate collecting unique and very valuable video. More recently,
the robot to simulate scenarios with the robot working alone or the German Space Agency positioned a two joint robotic
as an assistant during space walks. arm on the outside of the ISS Russian Module to
demonstrate a variety of control modes and gather data on
TABLE OF CONTENTS the long term performance of the system’s modular joints
[5]. All of these experiments have significantly advanced
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 the state-of-the-art of space robots and demonstrated the
2. ROBONAUT 2 (R2) OVERVIEW ........................ 2 ability for remote robots to perform meaningful tasks.
3. SAFE OPERATION ON ISS................................ 3
4. OPERATIONS .................................................... 3 One important end goal for these demonstrations was to
develop systems that will help crew and ground controllers
5. INITIAL TESTS ON ISS ..................................... 4 maintain ISS. ISS currently has one system on-board
6. TASK BOARD .................................................... 5 specifically designed to perform this function. The
7. FUTURE ACTIVITIES ......................................... 9 Canadian Space Agency’s Special Purpose Dexterous
REFERENCES...................................................... 11 Manipulator (SPDM) [1] is slated to perform many
BIOGRAPHIES ..................................................... 11 servicing activities on equipment with EVA robotically
compatible interfaces. However, currently no robotic
system on ISS is certified to assist with EVA tasks that are
designed for crew only. This is Robonaut’s future role.
978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE
Robonaut is designed to setup and tear ddown EVA work Developed initially with legged robots in mind, series
sites, saving as much as 90 minutes on eithher side of a task. elastic actuators (SEA's) have been
b shown to provide
It can work side by side with a human, handding off tools and improved shock tolerance, ben neficial energy storage
other humanly compatible equipment, freeiing up crew time capacity, and a means for accurate and stable force control
for more valuable activities. Launched oon Space Shuttle [8].
Atlantis in February 2011 and now onboard the ISS, the
latest version of Robonaut, Robonaut 2, alsso known as R2, The Robonaut 2 hand and forearm are designed to improve
is an anthropomorphic system designed tto perform these upon the approximation of hu uman hand capabilities
tasks. achieved by its predecessor, Rob bonaut 1 [9]. The five
fingered, 12 DOF hand and the forrearm, which houses two
wrist degrees-of-freedom, is a modular, extremely
dexterous, stand alone end-effector.. The Robonaut 2 thumb
has one more joint than the Robon naut 1 thumb allowing a
much wider range of grasps. The th humb combined with the
primary fingers can achieve dextterous grasps and when
combined with the ring and pinkiee finger can form a full
range of power and tool grasps. Thhe hand has the capability
to manipulate a large set of EVA tools, conventional hand
tools, and soft goods (figure 2).

Figure 1 – Robonaut 2 (R22)


Robonaut 2 is a state of the art, dexterous, aanthropomorphic
robotic torso with significant technical imp
mprovements over
its predecessor making it a far more vvaluable tool for
astronauts [6]. Upgrades include: increaseed force sensing,
greater range of motion, higher bandwidthh, and improved
dexterity. R2’s integrated mechatronic de sign results in a
more compact and robust distributed contrrol system with a ng soft goods
Figure 2 – Manipulatin
fraction of the wiring of the original Robonnaut. Modularity
is prevalent throughout the hardware andd software along
with innovative and layered approaches for sensing and
control. The most important aspects oof the Robonaut
philosophy are clearly present in this latesst model’s ability
to allow comfortable human interaction andd in its design to
perform significant work using the sam me hardware and
interfaces used by people.

With 42 independent degrees-of-freedom (DOF's) and over

350 sensors, Robonaut 2, shown in Fig. 1, is an impressive
example of mechatronic integration. Encoompassing two 7-
DOF arms, two 12-DOF hands, a 3-DOF nneck and a single
DOF waist, the system includes 50 actuators with
collocated, low-level joint controllers embedded throughout. Figure 3 – Contrrol GUI
The system also integrates built-in compuuting and power
conversion inside its backpack and torso. The baseline control interface for robot is the custom R2
Graphical User Interface (GUI) which permits the user to
Robonaut 2, like its predecessor Robonnaut 1 [7], uses build up sequences using simple reusable control blocks
brushless DC motors, harmonic drive gearr reductions, and (figure 3). The GUI can save en ntire sequences for easy
electromagnetic failsafe brakes as the buiilding blocks for retrieval and modification and provides intuitive controls for
the power and torque dense actuators in the robot's human- executing the sequences. The sequences can include
scale, 5 DOF upper arms. The use oof series elastic conditional sections allowing a userr to have the robot use its
actuation, however, differentiates R2 from pprevious designs. sensor data to adjust its approach to a task. The GUI also

includes several data displays to inform the operator of the on-orbit robot as can be achieved. Now certified, R2C1 will
Robot’s health and status and for collecting data for later be used to formally test new hardware and software that can
analysis. then be transferred to the on-orbit unit.
3. SAFE OPERATION ON ISS A robot operated on the ground will of necessity be different
Preparation from one operated on orbit to accommodate differences in
The Robonaut team is dedicated to the safe operation of R2, the environments. For example, as a robot moves on the
both on the ground and on orbit. Operating a humanoid ground it must fight the force of gravity unlike a robot
robot internal to the Space Station is unprecedented in moving on orbit. Forces and torques due to gravity must be
NASA history and comes with its own set of unique compensated in the setup parameters and safety limits.
challenges. How will the robot react in a zero-g Differences in motor wear and tuning must also be
environment? How will we prevent damage to potentially accounted for.
delicate instruments near the robot? Will the radiation
Software updates are already in work to expand R2’s
environment affect how the R2 operates? The Robonaut
capabilities on the Space Station, and all updates will be
team spent many hours working with the NASA Safety
tested on the new certification unit.
Panels and many more hours in preparation and testing to
prove that the robot meets applicable ISS safety
requirements. To prevent damage to ISS systems and 4. OPERATIONS
prevent injury to ISS crewmembers, the NASA Safety Robonaut 2 on-orbit operations are performed in accordance
Panels levied a seldom-used set of requirements against R2, with processes defined for an experiment or a ‘payload’.
requiring that the R2 return to a pre-determined safe state in All payload operations are managed by the POIC (Payloads
the event of any off-nominal events. Operations Integration Center) located at the Marshall Space
Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Products needed for
Fault Containment Regions on-orbit operations includes crew procedures, flight rules,
To prove the safety of R2, the team defined two distinct software files and having the crew trained for the particular
Fault Containment Regions (FCRs) within the components activity [10].
of R2. These regions consist of sensors, processors, and
effectors that are able to measure and react to forces placed During real time operations, the Robonaut team follows the
on or by the robot joints. Any forces exceeding astronauts step by step through a series of procedures to
predetermined limits trigger a Fail Safe action, namely accomplish the set objective for that particular activity. The
removing motor power from the joints to prevent any further Robonaut ground control team monitors real time activities
motion. The first FCR uses force sensors located in the from the Mission Control Center located in Houston, Texas
robot’s shoulders and forearms to detect the amount of force at the NASA Johnson Space Center. The Robonaut ground
imparted by the joints. Central processors in the robot’s control team consists of three ground positions that are
main computer chassis compare these force readings against designated Lead, Task and Operator. The Operator sits next
set limits and can disable motor power in the event of an to the PLUTO (Plug-in-Port Utilization Officer) position
excessive force. The second FCR is focused in the since the PLUTO’s computer communicates directly to the
individual joints of the robot and uses Absolute Position Space Station Computer (SSC) that is connected to R2
Sensors (APSs) to measure the torque on a spring. Torque (figure 4). This setup allows the ground control team to
above a set limit opens relays in the joint driver to disable monitor all R2 on-orbit activity. On a separate computer, the
motor power and set a fault flag. That fault flag is Operator has the same GUI that is on board the SSC and can
monitored by the central processors which can trigger a monitor R2’s telemetry but cannot control R2. The Task
robot-wide motion stop. position monitors the mission/task timeline, procedure steps,
and assists the Operator during anomalies. The Lead
Trust, but Verify position is in charge of the entire activity and handles all
real time communications with various positions at Marshall
The Robonaut team performed extensive testing of the and with the astronauts.
system to verify that the two FCRs will perform as
advertised, and that they are independent of one another. During each R2 activity, the ground controllers monitor
Testing included imparting loads on and with the joints R2’s performance by viewing the U.S. Laboratory cabin’s
while systematically disabling safety features to ensure that video feed and also monitoring R2’s vision feed real-time.
the remaining safety features can act independently. The During times of video loss of signal (LOS), the on-board
tests were performed in accordance with NASA testing video is recorded and then downlinked at a later time. Post
processes and included 76 individual test points. processing of the data and video will ultimately determine if
R2 met its objective for the activity and will determine how
Certification Unit to plan for the next on-orbit activity.
The Robonaut team has an R2 unit that will remain on the
ground and serve as a certification test bed. The goal for the R2’s data and video are transmitted to the ground using the
ground robot, dubbed R2C1, is to be as exact a match to the ISS KU-Band system. This presents a challenge when

scheduling on-orbit operations because there are drop outs health of the robot and for thermal trending in the micro-
in KU Band coverage. During real time operations, ground gravity environment.
controllers constantly monitor the KU Band coverage to
make decisions based on R2’s performance using the real The initial power-up of R2 was the first step in a methodical
time data and video. sequence of checkouts and initial tasks developed by the R2
team. This sequence allows for the incremental evaluation
of the health and performance of the first humanoid robot in
space. These tasks include an initial power-up, sensor
checkout, tuning gains, initial motion and proof of concept
tasks prior to executing more complex tasks. This approach
will ensure the health and success of the robot while
allowing time for evaluation of the data.

Figure 4 – Ground Controllers in Mission Control

The S-Band system is used for voice communication with

the astronauts. The ground controllers keep track of the
outages to ensure smooth communication with the crew and
procedures are timed to ensure necessary call-ups are made
prior to an S-Band LOS.

R2 uses the ISS OPS LAN Ethernet system for network

communications to the SSC and ISS server. The OPS LAN
system is connected to the onboard OCA (Orbital
Communication Adapter) Router to provide a connection
between the ground and the OPS LAN. This means the
ground can log into the OPS LAN domain and control the
on-board SSC that controls R2.

Figure 6 – Checkout 1

Following the on-orbit soak, R2’s state of the art force

sensor system was verified. This system includes four 6-
DOF sensors, one in each forearm and one in each shoulder.
These sensors monitor R2 limb forces and change in forces.
R2 will autonomously stop motion and safe itself if these
sensors experience readings beyond pre-determined limits.
The astronauts on-board ISS verified the force sensors are
Figure 5 – R2 On-Orbit Soak working properly during the Checkout 1 activity (figure 6)
performed on September 1, 2011.
The success of the first two activities prepared the team for
The first humanoid robot in space, R2, was powered on by the next checkout, an activity to determine control gains for
ground controllers and astronauts for the first time on R2. One of the many differences between earth and a
August 22, 2011. This on-orbit soak activity (figure 5) micro-gravity environment are the gains used to drive R2’s
allowed the Robonaut team to evaluate the health and status joints. R2’s first commanded motion on-orbit sequentially
of the robot after its journey into space on the Space Shuttle maneuvered each upper arm joint, one at a time, adaptively
Atlantis. R2 powered up flawlessly and remained powered learning the differences between these two environments by
for 2.2 hours while the ground collected data to verify the setting control gains through repetitive motions. These

control gains will then be used for future motion in micro- the amount of force applied at each finger. This is
gravity. accomplished by measuring the forces on human-like
tendons that actuate each finger. Astronauts will verify
Following the determination of the required control gains, these sensors are working properly by manipulating and
the Robonaut team then remotely commanded R2 to move applying a force to each finger. This activity completes
from the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Houston, TX functional level checks for the R2 and allows for the
(figure 4). This demonstrated the operational flexibility of progression to free space tasks.
R2 to be commanded both from the ground and on-orbit.
This activity immediately followed the on-orbit
commanding performed by the astronauts (figure 7) and
highlighted the seamless transition between ground and on-
orbit operations.

Figure 8 – R2 finger dexterity

Free Space Tasks

Before moving on to actual contact tasks, R2 will
demonstrate its coordinated motion capability through a
series of free space tasks. These tasks will exercise the
robot joints over a greater range than the initial checkout
and allow project personnel to start assessing repeatability.
Free space tasks include: “Night Watchman” – the robot
repeats a series of neck motions for visually inspecting its
environments, “Hello World” – R2 speaks in sign language
(figure 9), and R2 shaking hands with the crew. In addition
to continuing robot checkout, these activities are excellent
educational and public outreach events, and serve as a
transition before performing contact tasks with R2’s task

Figure 7 – Astronaut M. Fossum operating R2

R2 uses a sophisticated vision system that allows for the

robot to autonomously determine if it has successfully
completed a task. This vision recognition software allows
the operator to program a sequence of tasks, each dependant
on a successful completion condition prior to proceeding. If Figure 9 – R2 ground unit practicing “Hello World”
the end item is not successful, then R2 will repeat the task
until it can confirm the task is complete. This vision 6. TASK BOARD
recognition software will be verified on-orbit through a The reconfigurable task board (figure 10) launched
sequential checkout, first verifying function of the cameras, alongside R2 provides a series of tasks for R2 to experiment
depth perception tasks, human and object tracking as well as with onboard the ISS. The tasks have a wide range in
pattern recognition. difficulty and also serve different purposes. Some of the
tasks are very generic and others are specifically driven by
One of the many incredible capabilities of R2 is the tasks that R2 will perform in the future both in the IVA and
dexterity of its hands (figure 8). Each hand has the EVA environments. This task board is installed into seat
capability to achieve a wide range of grasps, and also sense track by the IVA crewmembers prior to R2 performing any

Powered Panel IVA Panel EVA Panel Stowage Panel

Seat Track

Figure 10 – R2 Reconfigurable Task Board

experiments. Seat track channels are available throughout Push Button

the ISS which allows for installation location flexibility. Array
The task board itself contains a length of seat track which is
shown in figure 10. This seat track allows R2 to practice Two-way
Switch with
installing and removing IVA handrails or other common Guard
IVA items that interface with seat track such as temporary
stowage aids.

The task board has a modular design which consists of four Rocker
slots that can hold individual task panels. As seen in figure Switch
10, slot 1 contains the Powered Panel, slot 2 contains the
IVA Panel, slot 3 contains the EVA Panel and slot 4
contains the Stowage Panel. There is also a Softgoods Task
Panel not shown in this image. The modular design allows Three-way
for these panels to be installed into any slot and also allows
for new task panels to be designed and launched if desired.
After R2 has performed successful free-space operations, it
will purse tasks on the Powered Panel and the IVA Panel.
These panels contain a few of the easier tasks for R2 to start
with, allowing R2 and its controllers to become comfortable
with on-orbit operations. As R2 and the controlling team
gain experience on-orbit, the more difficult tasks will be
Two-way Switch
practiced on the other task panels.
Figure 11 – Powered Panel
The Powered Panel components are depicted in figure 11.
This panel contains various 2 and 3-way toggle switches, a The IVA Panel, depicted in figure 12, contains various
rocker switch and an array of push buttons. The finger valves and connectors that are common to IVA. The fluid
guards common on ISS are also included on the rocker quick disconnect (QD) valve and the circular connector are
switch to make this task as realistic as possible. This panel commonly used IVA for fluid and powered connections
allows R2 to practice common switch throw and button respectively. The other various valves do not represent
press actions that will be vital to becoming an important specific IVA hardware, but the actions required to actuate
member of the IVA team. these valves will be required for R2 to interact with other
systems or payloads on the ISS. These valves require a
relatively low amount of force to actuate and are generic

motions for R2 to practice. The fluid QD and circular R2 when it’s EVA ready. As depicted, the tether point at
connector are more of a challenge for R2 because they are the top of the panel provides a location for R2 to practice
tethered and also require a higher amount of force to tethering operations. All loose hardware must be tethered
engage/disengage than the valves. while EVA to avoid inadvertent release. If hardware is
inadvertently released while EVA, it not only means the loss
Fluid Quick Toggle of that hardware, but also possible damage to other vital
Disconnect Valve systems located in the EVA environment. The EVA
Valve handrail on the right side of the panel is an exact copy of
many of the handrails that are all over the outside of the ISS
to aid in translation of EVA crewmembers. R2 will need to
Metering Needle be comfortable interacting with this style of handrail to aid
Valve Valve in its own EVA translation. The Microconical Fitting and
EVA Change-Out Mechanism (ECOM) Socket are two
common interfaces for handling large Orbital Replacement
Units (ORUs) and providing temporary stowage locations
while EVA. Handling aids, called scoops, and tethers
Circular interface with these fittings. The 7/16” EVA Bolt is the
most common fastener found in the EVA environment.
These bolts are interfaced often by EVA crewmembers for
ISS assembly or installation and removal of ORUs. A drill,
called the Pistol Grip Tool (PGT), is used by EVA
crewmembers to install and remove these bolts during
EVAs. After receiving clearance to use tools, R2 can
practice interfacing with this hardware prior to performing
tasks during a future EVA.

Figure 12 – IVA Panel The final single slot panel is the Stowage Panel (figure 14).
This is a generic blank panel with tether loops and buckle
straps. The tether loops and buckles are meant to be used by
Fitting Tether Point an IVA crewmember to restrain any item that is identified
for interaction with R2. There is a high probability that R2
will need to practice an action that we have not yet
identified and this panel allows for that flexibility.
Hanrail Tether Loops
EVA Bolt

EVA Change-Out Mechanism

(ECOM) Socket

Figure 13 – EVA Panel

The EVA Panel (figure 13) contains common hardware used

by spacewalking astronauts. After R2 has proven itself in Straps with Buckles
the IVA environment the next step is to evolve into an EVA
capable robot. Being able to interact with the hardware on
this panel will be vital for performing any duties given to Figure 14 – Stowage Panel

There is a fifth task panel not shown in figure 10 currently
interfaced to the task board. This Softgoods Panel (figure
15) takes up two slots in the task board. It simulates many
areas of ISS that R2 may be asked to access during future
EVAs that are covered with softgoods. Using softgoods in
the EVA environment helps keep hardware at more
regulated temperatures and also protects from any debris
that may be present. This panel also contains 4 EVA quarter
turn fasteners which is a common method of restraining
softgood covers in the EVA environment. This panel allows
R2 to practice actuating the quarter turn fasteners and
working with softgoods prior to performing an EVA. An
added benefit of this panel is that it has about 6” of depth
and is twice as wide as the other panels; therefore, items can
be stowed inside this containment area and R2 can practice
retrieving hardware from confined spaces. Figure 16 – Ground Demo: operating ISS Task Board

EVA Quarter Turn Fasteners

Figure 17 – Ground demo: rocker switch actuation

R2’s first task board activity will be with the Powered Panel
and will include a sequence of switch throws and push
buttons. R2 will demonstrate the ability to actuate a rocker
Figure 15 – Softgoods Panel switch (figure 17 – ground demo), followed by a sequence
of push buttons (figure 18 – ground demo). This task will
The task board provides R2 the link needed between free be performed several times, in sequence and with different
space motions and working with critical IVA or EVA control modes, to determine repeatability and assess
hardware. There are many tasks that R2 will be able to help precision. Once these objectives are met, the next script
with in both the IVA and EVA environment to free up more will be executed with an offset or misalignment built into
time for the crewmembers to perform other tasks. However, the script. The crew will then need to recover from the
prior to working with hardware vital to the survival of the missed switch throw, displaying the ease in which
ISS and its crew, R2 needs a test-bed to practice and gain operational scripts may be adjusted in real time. This
confidence in performing these tasks. The task board recoverability is paramount to progressing towards an EVA
provides this capability. unit as the team and robot must be easily configurable and
recover from the unexpected in a short period of time.
Task Board Operations

Similar to the initial check out phase, the R2 team is taking

a systematic approach by performing operations that
increase in complexity as the robot progresses through each
task panel. The success of task board operations will be
measured by: the number of tasks that R2 can perform, task
repeatability, recoverability during task operation, and the
usefulness of the force and position data acquired during
testing that will then feed into control system
improvements. All initial task board activities are developed
and certified using ground based R2 units (figure 16).
Figure 18 – R2 actuation of the push button switch

After successful completion of Powered Panel activities, R2 based R2 units has already tried its hand at air flow testing
will progress through the remaining panels, demonstrating (figure 19). This is a perfect example of R2 using existing
its capabilities and working towards adding additional tasks equipment to help with a crew task. R2 will be attempting
to its repertoire. Completion of the baseline ISS Task Board several other candidate tasks in the near future as a
operations is a significant milestone in the experimental precursor for any on-orbit activity. It could also serve in a
phase of R2. The operations completed at that point will safety role inside ISS and enter a part of the station that may
demonstrate not only the capability of R2 to operate in a have been damaged to verify that it is fit for humans. This
micro-gravity environment, but also the ability to assist with is referred to as an IVA EVA.
tasks currently only performed by crew. The data collected
and lessons learned will aid in refining operational Teleoperation
techniques that will be used in the mobile phase of R2 Robonaut 2, like Robonaut 1 (R1) has multiple control
operations. modes. While R1 started as a teleoperated system [11] and
later added autonomous functions to its capabilities, R2 with
7. FUTURE ACTIVITIES its GM heritage started with more autonomy and is now
Adding tools being augmented with teleoperation capability. A full set of
teleoperation gear was certified and launched on a supply
The currently scheduled task board activities on ISS are mission in October of 2011. This gear shown being worn
only the beginning of R2’s journey to becoming a useful by Astronaut Don Pettit in figure 20 provides an extremely
tool both inside and outside of the station. While R2 is flexible capability for operating R2 on-orbit during EVAs.
performing free space activities and then working its way By mapping the robot’s motions to an astronaut’s with
across the task board, a certification robot on the ground minimal time delay, the crew person can compensate for
will perform a series of safety tests while holding and real time changes and perform far more complicated and
manipulating space tools. These certification tests will unstructured tasks than an autonomous system could handle.
provide updates for both the on-orbit software and A full range of control capabilities from immersive
procedures to ensure safe tool manipulation in the tight teleoperation, also known as telepresence, to supervised
confines and zero-g environment on ISS. Once this process autonomy will enable R2 to perform tasks efficiently under
is complete R2 will start demonstrating its ability to use the various conditions.
tools with the on-orbit task panels.

Figure 20 – Astronaut Don Pettit teleoperating R2


Figure 19 – R2 reading air flow meter After the initial trial period during which R2 will be affixed
to a stanchion, NASA plans to increase R2’s utility by
IVA tasks adding mobility. This will come with two legs that are
currently scheduled to fly in 2013 and then integrated with
Now that R2 is on-board and more of the ISS community is R2’s upper body on-orbit. Furthermore, the addition of a
becoming familiar with its capabilities, program personnel battery backpack and wireless data transfer will allow the
are coming forward with excellent suggestions for tasks that robot to move freely and un-tethered inside the station.
can be performed inside the station to save valuable crew Each leg will be a seven degree-of-freedom, series elastic
time. These tasks include: general cleaning and vacuuming, limb, with an end effector that can interface with various
tools and parts inventory, tool calibration, relocating ISS stabilization points. Initially R2 will move through the
equipment, food preparation and clean up, general station gripping interior handrails to position itself for
inspection, and air and water testing. One of the ground various tasks (Figure 21); however, as it becomes a more

useful tool it will also stabilize itself by cllasping onto seat responding to a contingency sittuation and fixing the
track, which is much more ubiquitous throughout the problem in a reasonable amount of o time is required. The
station. Additionally, as R2 becomes EV VA compatible, it current ISS capabilities for this type
t of response are to
will have the capability to grab exterior hanndrails as well as perform an EVA, usually with thee assistance of the Space
interface to portable foot restraint sockets. Station Remote Manipulator (SSRM MS). The R2 EVA unit
will be utilized as a support tool forr these activities to assist
With a leg wingspan of nine feet, R22 will have an in EVA preparations, execution and a cleanup (figure 22).
impressive reach, easily able to span thhe width of the Currently, the EV crewmember spends an inordinate
Destiny Laboratory. However, with twoo-joint roll/pitch amount of time gathering equip pment, setting up and
modules that measure only 14 inches in lenngth, and a pitch cleaning up for specific tasks. Thiis impacts the amount of
joint that can fold 155 degrees back on itsself, it should be work performed during an EVA sin nce strict time constraints
able to fit itself into tight spaces and throough the narrow are dictated by limited consumables. An R2 EVA unit will
hatches that separate ISS modules. The caameras embedded off-load some of this work and allo ow for the worksite to be
in the end effectors will add extra video caapability that will setup and ready prior to the crrewmembers arriving to
be used to assist in grasping rails as w well as for close complete their task.
inspection. As R2 advances, machine vvision will allow
increasing level of autonomy for travellling through the One of the tasks that may be perforrmed by R2 EVA will be
station. setting up an Articulating Portable Foot Restraints (APFR)
for the EV crew to use for stabilizattion either at the worksite
or on the SSRMS (figure 23). This T type of task, while
required, uses precious time and consumables to retrieve
and setup at the correct settings an nd location. Due to the
unique ability of R2 to utilize the saame tools and equipment
as a crewmember, these tasks may be completed in
preparation for the EVA in order to save valuable time.

Figure 23 – APFR Operations


Several contingency operations on ISS

I may require multiple
EVAs to perform complex tasks, su uch as replacing a Pump
Module to ensure proper cooling g to ISS systems. In
Figure 21 – R2 Positioning itself for IVA task preparation for these major tasks,, the EV crew needs to
relocate required equipment, such as
a the Adjustable Grapple
Bar (AGB). The AGB is installed d on equipment like the
Pump Module in order to provid de an interface for the
SSRMS to grapple it. This task takkes significant EVA time;
however, the R2 EVA unit can complete this task prior to
starting the manned EVA.

Figure 22 – R2 EVA Unit and EV Crrewmember

EVA Tasks Figure 24 – R2 manipulating an adjustable grapple bar

The ISS is the most complex vehicle built bby man in one of Performing a task such as the AGB
A relocation requires
the harshest environments known to m man. As such, human-like dexterity to use EVA tools such as the Pistol

Grip Tool (PGT), and translating along the outside of ISS [8] Pratt, G. A. and Williamson, M. M. "Series Elastic
while securely grasping the equipment and stabilizing at the Actuators." Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International
work site. All of these techniques are in the unique suite of Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 95),
R2 tools and capabilities. The operational challenges will Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 399-406, 1995.
be to provide quick turnaround of such tasks in a reasonable
amount of time. The data and lessons learned from the [9] Lovchik, C.S. and Diftler, M.A. “The Robonaut Hand:
experimental phase of R2 will aid in the development of a Dexterous Robot Hand for Space.” Proceedings of the
these operational concepts. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Detroit, MI, pp. 907-912, 1999.
Historically, NASA has operated EVA and Robotics as
separate disciplines due to the high demands and technical [10] Gilbert, R., Payload Operations Integration Center
expertise required for those disciplines. R2 presents a Payload Operations Handbook, vol. 1, Huntsville, AL:
unique operational challenge in that the nature of a NASA, 2011.
humanoid robot dictates the need to combine both of these
skills. Therefore, the operational concept must account for [11] Diftler, M.A., et al. “Evolution of the NASA/DARPA
expertise both in robotics as well as performing EVA tasks. Robonaut Control System.” Proceedings of the IEEE
As R2 operations evolve, these operational challenges will International Conference of Robotics and Automation,
be met through the innovation and teamwork exhibited by Taipei, Taiwan, pp 2543 - 2548, 2003.
the R2 team and NASA.
REFERENCES Myron Diftler holds a B.S. in
[1] Stieber, M., Trudel, C., Hunter, D., “Robotic systems Mechanical and Aerospace
for the International Space Station.” Proceedings of the Engineering from Princeton
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and University, a M.S. in Electrical
Automation, Albuquerque, NM, pp. 3068-3073, 1997. Engineering from Yale University
and a Ph.D. in Mechanical
[2] Hirzinger, G., Brunner, B., Dietrich, J., Heindl, J., Engineering from Rice University.
“ROTEX–The First Remotely Control Robot in Space.” He serves as the Robonaut Project
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Leader at the NASA Johnson Space
Robotics and Automation, San Diego, CA, pp. 2604 – 2611, Center. He has led this team through the R2
1994. collaboration with GM as NASA’s industrial partner, as
well as previous collaborations with DARPA, Johns
[3] Oda, M., et al. “ETS-VII: Achievements, Troubles, and Hopkins, Vanderbilt, MIT, UMass, USC, Rice, and the
Future.” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Institute for Human-Machine Cognition. His research
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics & Automation in Space: interests include humanoid robotics, robotic hands,
I-SAIRAS 2001. Montreal, Canada 2001. grasping, and automated assembly.
[4] Fredrickson, S. E., Lockhart, P. S., and Wagenknecht, Robert Ambrose received his
J. D., “Autonomous Extravehicular Robotic Camera Ph.D. from the University of
(AERCam) for Remote Viewing.” Proceedings of the AIAA Texas at Austin in Mechanical
International Space Station Service Vehicles Conference, Engineering. He received his
Houston, TX, 1999. M.S. and B. S. degrees from
Washington University in St.
[5] Albu-Schaffer, A., et al. “ROKVISS– Robotics Louis. Dr. Ambrose currently
Component Verification on ISS Current Experimental serves as the Division Chief of the
Results on Parameter Identification.” Proceedings of the Software, Robotics and Simulation
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Division at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston
Automation, Orlando, FL, pp. 3879 – 3885, 2006. Texas, USA. The SR&S Division is responsible for flight
spacecraft software, space robotics and system
[6] Diftler, M.A., et al. “Robonaut 2- The First Humanoid simulations for human spaceflight missions. Within the
Robot in Space.” Proceedings of the IEEE International Division are five Branches responsible for managing on-
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China. orbit robotic systems for the International Space Station,
Pp. 2178 - 2183, 2011. development of software for the Multi Purpose Crew
Vehicle and future Human Spaceflight systems,
[7] Bluethmann, W., et al. “Robonaut: A Robot Designed simulations for engineering development and training,
to Work with Humans in Space.” Autonomous Robots, Vol hardware and software GFE, hardware in the loop
14. 2003. pp. 179-197. facilities for anomaly resolution and crew training, and
the technology Branch for development of new robotic

Thomas Ahlstrom received a B.S. in Noe De La Pena received a B.S. in
Engineering Mechanics and Engineering from University of
Astronautics from the University of Texas, Austin in 1996. He has been
Wisconsin – Madison in 2007. He with Oceaneering for more than 12
has been with NASA/Johnson Space years. A Senior Engineer in the
Center for 5 years in the Tools and Robonaut Team with a focus on ISS
Equipment Group. He has acted as Operations and astronaut training.
the project manager for numerous Prior to the Robonaut Team, he was
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) the Project Engineer for the
Repair Tools including a suite of tools to repair a Centerline Berthing Camera System and the External
damaged Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Race Ring Berthing Camera System. His career started as a Flight
which controls the Solar Arrays on the International Controller for the ISS Mobile Servicing System. Prior to
Space Station (ISS). He has also acted as project Oceaneering, he worked for The Boeing Company, and
manager for Intravehicular Activity (IVA) hardware United Space Alliance
including the support hardware required for Robonaut to
live and work onboard the ISS.
Alan Noblitt holds a B.S. in
Electrical Engineering from
Nicolaus Radford received a B.S. in Louisiana Tech University. He
Electrical Engineering from Purdue serves as the Robonaut safety
University in 2000. He is the Deputy engineer as well as Robonaut
Robonaut Project Manager and the software configuration
lead Electrical Engineer on the management lead at the NASA
project. Prior to joining NASA he Johnson Space Center. He joined
led the Robonaut Development team the Robonaut team in early 2010
at Oceaneering Space Systems. His and helped usher the hardware and software designs
research interests include motor through the NASA safety panels to support use of the
control, humanoid walking, and human augmentation. hardware on the International Space Station. Following
certification, Alan continues to assess the safety risk of
software and operations updates as well as new Robonaut
Adam Parsons holds a B.S. in hardware and present those findings to the safety panels.
Mechanical Engineering from Rice
University. He serves as the chief
engineer on the Robonaut Legs
team. He has been with the group
for 4 years, working on a number of
projects, including a lunar mobility
platform and R2. His interests
include joint design, mobility, and
stress optimization. Previous to NASA he worked in the
oil business.

Charles Joyce received a B.S. in

Materials Science and Engineering
from the University of Florida in
2000. He serves as the Robonaut
Operations Lead at the NASA
Johnson Space Center. Mr. Joyce
joined Oceaneering and the
Robonaut team to aid in developing
the R2 operational concepts and the
execution of operations on-board the International Space
Station. Prior to joining the R2 team, he spent ten years
in the Mission Operations Directorate at the Johnson
Space Center, serving as a Shuttle and ISS flight
controller for Robotics Systems and the United Space
Alliance Robotics Systems Group Lead.


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