Schizoid Character Structure - Stay On The Health Track
Schizoid Character Structure - Stay On The Health Track
Schizoid Character Structure - Stay On The Health Track
This structure can be formed from the time of conception until the baby
becomes about 6 months old. It is formed when the baby experiences
rejection. This generates a strong fear in the baby. A baby is totally
dependant on its caretakers, if they reject it, it has no chance of survival.
And so, this structure is strongly related to fear of death.
In order to live while not expressing ones needs the schizoid will learn to disassociate from the feelings and emotions. This is
somewhat different from repressing feelings. They will just not feel them. This can at times be a very useful coping strategy,
however, when it becomes a lifestyle the person will tend to feel less and less over time. And often, over time, this will lead to
feeling a type of underlying sadness, for no apparent reason.
Ironically enough, the defence strategy of the schizoid actually deadens the body and the persons, while defending it from
death. This ironic detail is common to all defence structures. They will tend to generate that which they are most trying to
The schizoid will often live more in their head, in fact, if you ask where they feel themselves to be in their body, often they will
respond that it is in their head. This can lead them to develop a great intellect. But it can also imprison them in the mind and
not allow them to feel.
Physically one would work on grounding, making sure the person feels a connection to the ground, and can stand firmly. One
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Schizoid Character Structure | Stay on the Health Track
would also work on allowing the energy to flow through the whole body, enlivening it, allowing it to feel more. Work on the
tensions under the skull, in the neck and shoulders and in the hips will allow for greater energy flow to the extremities. This is
something bioenergetic therapists do.
Emotionally one can work on unifying the two extreme poles of “Survival” and “Needs”. This will often involve allowing the
person to feel that it is ok to express him or herself. This too is done in therapy. One of the ways to work on it alone is through
It is safe to be in my body.
I fit in.
I belong.
You can work the affirmations in a gradual manner. If you feel that it is not safe to be in your body, you can start asking
yourself: “What might it feel like if I were to feel that it is safe to be in my body?”. Then you focus on that feeling, expand it, get
used to it, and practice it.
for the Schizoid structure
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Schizoid Character Structure | Stay on the Health Track
the guided meditations here. You can also choose to get all of the packages for all of the structures.
The content on this site and in the videos is for informational purposes only. Please consult your health care provider before undertaking any changes in your lifestyle.
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