Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Women are part and parcel of environment. Women have direct relationship with their
immediate environment. Regularly they collect water, fuel wood, foods like nuts, fruits, leaves,
roots etc. So women have closer vicinity with the flora and fauna of that region by living with them.
Women as a social category, perform multiple role. Certain roles have been recognized universally.
The physical differentiation between men and women necessitates certain social arrangements for
procreation and rearing of children. Man created practices and customs which tied woman to
motherhood in a familial social responsibility. A set of norms were created to curb her freedom,
creative potential and suppress her in society.
Even through, the first five ‘’ Five year plans’’ were focusing on women’s welfare, only from
the sixth ‘Five year plan’ (1980-1985) on wards, women were recognized as separate target group
involving developmental planning activities. The 1991 census revealed that women constitute 48.1
percent of the country’s population. Hence it is understood that for the development of the nation
backwardness of women has to be taken care.
Women rights and privileges
The constitution of India not only guarantees equality for women, but also empowers state
to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favours of women in order to overcome their
disadvantages in socio economic, educational and political fields. There are many articles in the
constitution specifically encourages the development of woman in the society.
• Article 14 - States that equal rights and opportunities for men and women in the political,
economic and social spheres.
• Article 15 - Prohibits discrimination against any citizen on the grounds of religion, caste and
• Article 15(3) - Makes a special provision enabling the state to make positive discrimination
in favour of women.
• Article 15(A) (e) - Condemn the practices derogatory to the dignity of women.
• Article 16 - Provides for equal opportunities in matter of public appointments.
• Article 39(a) - States that state shall direct its policy towards securing all citizens, men and
women equally the right to means of livelihood.
• Article 39(c) - Confirms that equal pay for equal work.
• Article 42 - Directs the state to provide the citizens the just and human conditions at work
and maternity relief.
The future of a nation depends on the way in which the children are growing nutritionally,
educationally and socially. Many children suffer from malnutrition and die for want of immunization.
The national policy for children was formulation in the year 1974.
Provision of early childhood services especially to the weaker and more vulnerable section of the
community could help , prevent or minimize infant mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and stagnation
in schools.
India has the world’s largest integrated child development services (ICDS) program started in
the year 1975, which involves supplementary nutrition, immunization, health care, growth monitoring,
pre-school education and health and education. ICDS provides health checkup service like antenatal
care for pregnant women, post-natal care for nursing mothers and healthcare for children less then 6
years of age. Children less than 6 years in the village are periodically examined, weighed, immunized
at prescribed times and treated for ailments. Provision for nutrition and health education has been
made for women 40-45 years of age with priority given to pregnant and lactation mothers. ICDS
provide the facilities like
- Foundation for personality.
- Reduction of deprivation.
- Effective Co ordination for policy implementation.
- Maternity and motherhood care through education and health care.
According to the Indian constitution that free and compulsory education for all children would
be provided until they complete the age of fourteen years. There has been special emphasis in
monitoring the drop outs in primary education.
National policy for children
The children population of India is nearly 300 million and the majority of the children
live under socially and economically under privileged conditions that can lead to deterioration of the
child’s physical and mental development. The national policy for children (NPC) 1974 was founded on
the conviction that child development programmes can ensure equality of opportunity to the poor
AIDS is caused by virus called HIV (Human Immune deficiency Virus). HIV breaks down the body’s
immune system leaving the patient to a number of life threatening infections. The AIDs patient will be
getting different kinds of severe infections including cancer, neurological disorders, skin diseases finally
leading to death. As HIV infected person receives a diagnosis of AIDS after developing one of the AIDS
indicator illnesses. A positive HIV test result does not mean that a person has AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS is
made by a physician using certain clinical criteria, AIDS illness indicator.
AIDS was discovered in 1983, though sufficient knowledge has been gained about the disease,
yet a definite source of this virus could not be identified, but some of the sources are
1) Through African monkey
Most of the evidences have suggested that the AIDS has spread from Africa. It has been believed
that the HIV has transferred to humans from African monkey or chimpanzees.
2) Through Vaccine programmes
• HIV has spread in Africa through HIV contaminated polio vaccine prepared from
monkey’s kidney
• It had spread through Hepatitis – B viral vaccine in Los Angels and New York.
• It had also spread through small pox vaccine programme of Africa
World Scenario
HIV/AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death in the world. Globally the AIDS epidemic has
crossed over 20 million deaths and orphaned more than 14 million children. Nearly 90 % of the people
who are infected with AIDS live in developing countries. 13 % of world’s population lives in Africa,
almost all states of African countries were affected by HIV. About 3 million people so far died due to
HIV/AIDS in 2003. AIDS is rapidly spreading in Eastern Europe and Asia. India ranks second in the world
with 5.1 million HIV/AIDS affected people. The percentage is lower than Thailand, Myanmar and South
Scenario in India
The largest numbers of infected cases have been found in Maharastra and TamilNadu, followed
by Delhi, UP, Karnataka and Goa. In Tamil Nadu alone, till September 2008 a total of 24,667 cases of
AIDS have been found out. The first HIV +ve case was identified in Chennai in 1986.
Vaginal fluid
Breast milk
Other body fluids containing blood.
• These are additional body fluids that may transmit the virus that healthcare
workers may come into contact with
Fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
Fluid surrounding the bone joints.
Fluid surrounding an unborn baby.
HIV tests
The most commonly used test is ELISA. Most of the hospitals are insisting of HIV test
nowadays. If the sample shows positive results even after duplication, the results are confirmed using
a second test called” Western blot’’. In addition the following other test also used nowadays.
AIDS itself does not kill humans. The death occurs due to the attack by diseases because of the
weakening of immune system, white blood cell (WBC) responsible in the formation of antibodies are
called T-helper cells. T-helper cells are the key infection fighters in the immune system. The HIV enter
into the human body and destroys the T-cells, as a result of which various types of infection disease
occur. Even cancer can easily develop in the HIV infected persons.
The HIV infection stages can be divided into four stages clinically.
1) The first stage is the initial infection in the blood the destruction of T-4 cells or lymphocytes or
white blood corpuscles.
2) The second stage is the symptomatic carrier stage.
3) The third stage is the AIDS Related complex (ARC).
4) The final stage is the fully infected AIDS patient receiving different kinds of infections.
Minor symptoms
Major symptoms
o 10% of body weight get reduced within a short period
Screening test
The antibodies to HIV virus can be easily detected through blood tests. Hence the presence of HIV
antibodies in the blood sample can confirm the HIV infection of HIV positive. One of the HIV test “ELISA,
western blot “ is a highly reliable test for HIV. HIV can be isolated from cultured lymphocytes, but it is
an expensive and time consuming test.
Control of AIDS
The public should also be educated to treat AIDS patients with sympathy and concern. Since
AIDS patients with sympathy and contact, people should be educated not to isolate them. Clinical and
social workers should be specially trained for the welfare activities of AIDS patients. In the high school
level itself, proper education regarding the prevention of AIDS and the clinical and social aspects of AIDS
should be taught in the class rooms.
3) Educating illiterates as well as the educated public about AIDS prevention measures using
different medias
Various Medias such as radio, television, wall posters, pamphlets, booklets, etc should be
efficiently made use for educating the public to be cautions about AIDS. The public should be educated
regarding the various ways of transmission of the disease.
Today is an information age and tremendous flow of information is emerging in all fields
throughout the world. Information in this competitive era is more precious than life and without
information one cannot live at all. India is endowed with rich natural resources while facing the
problems of poverty, illiteracy, population growth , environmental degradation etc. It is creating new
possibilities to tackle these problems.
Information technology has tremendous potential in the field of environmental education and
health as in any other field like business, economics, politics, or culture. Development of internet
facilities, World Wide Web, geological information system (GLS) and information through satellites,
has generated a wealth of up-to-date information on various aspects of environment and health. A
number of software have been developed for environment and health studies which are user friendly
and can help an early learner in knowing and understanding the subject. Nowadays the volume of
data being generated from the environment is increasing manifold. The whole process of data
collection, storage, processing and retrieved has become an easy task due to computerization. Lot of
time saved and reduces his work through automation of many tasks.
One of the important applications of IT in the study of global environment is the satellite
remote sensing technology. Satellite remote sensing technology helps in the evolution of its data
and interpretations offer potentially valuable information for assisting human dimensions of global
environmental changes are grouped into five major categories,
1. Fossil fuel consumption
2. Biomass consumption
3. Land use change
4. Agricultural activities
5. Halocarbon production and release.
These five categories of interactions has created concern about the possible effects on the global
physical , chemical and biological systems. The extra ordinary large scale in land use is frequently
accompanied by changes in land cover i.e. forest and vegetation that can cause ecological imbalance.
Satellite remote sensing technologies that provide satellite image data intervals which can be
interpreted to study the land surfaces at repetitive intervals allow mapping and monitoring of changes
is land cover of various types, amount, arrangement and the rate of change.
Satellite image products can assist the planning and co-ordination of global change research and
the implementation of methodologies that contribute to a global understanding of human dimension
activities which relates with the impacts of human activity in land use and land cover.
The remote sensing technology using satellite also play a major role in the environmental studies
of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, estuaries, etc. as well as ocean and coastal areas. The major
techniques for deriving information from satellite images are
• Image interpretation
• Digital image classification
• Data transformation
• Change detection
Remote satellite sensors
• US land state Multispectral scanner(MSS)
• French SPOT
• Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
• The Environment Information System - The ENVIS was started by MOEF in 1982 as
a decentralized information network for collection, storage, retrieval and
dissemination environmental information. ENVIS network presently consist of 25
subject oriented centres known as ENVIS centres.
Information technology plays a key role in human health. It has changed the human
life style completely. Many health organizations are turning to package solution of IT to
streamlining service oriented work in an effective manner.
The health service technology mainly involves three systems. They are
• With the help of IT packages, the data regarding birth and death rates,
immunization and sanitation programme are maintained more accurately.
• It helps the doctor to monitor the health of the people effectively- tools like CT
scans ,ultrasound Sonography uses IT for diagnosis
• The information regarding the outbreak of epidemic diseases can be conveyed
• On-line-help of export doctors can be consulted to provide better treatment and
services to the patient-through Video conferencing
• With central control system the hospital can run effectively- Most of the ICUs are
now using computers to monitor the progress and condition of the patient
undergoing treatments.
• Drugs and its replacement can be administered effectively.
Lecture 17. Woman and child welfare, HIV/AIDS and Role of information technology on
environment and human health.
1 From the -------------------- Five year plan onwards women were recognized for developmental
planning activities. (sixth ‘Five year plan’ (1980-1985))
2. Article ---------------- in the constitution states equal rights and opportunities for men and
women in the political, economic and social spheres.(Article 14)
3. Article ---------------- in the constitution provides equal opportunities in matter of public
appointments. (Article 16)
4. Article ---------------- in the constitution confirms equal pay for equal work for women (Article
5. ------------------ program involves supplementary nutrition, immunization , health care, growth
monitoring, pre-school education and health and education (Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS))
6. HIV has spread in Africa through --------------------- prepared from monkey’s kidney and also
spread through small pox vaccine programme of Africa (HIV contaminated polio vaccine )
7. HIV has spread through ------------------- in Los Angels and New York.(Hepatitis – B viral vaccine)
8. Global environmental changes like Fossil fuel consumption and Biomass consumption can be
evaluated through ----------- (Information technology)
9. The RST using satellite play a major role in the environmental studies of water bodies using --
-------, -------------- and -------- ---- Remote satellite sensors.
(US land state Multispectral scanner(MSS) , French SPOT , Indian Remote Sensing Satellite ).
10. Most commonly used test for HIV is --- and --- (ELISA and western blot).