On Women and Child Welfare
On Women and Child Welfare
On Women and Child Welfare
1. Presentation onwomen and child welfare Submitted By:- Komal Bhatia 2. Women and children are usually the main targets, who suffer in a number of ways mainly becausethey are weaker, helpless and economically dependent. 3. Women and children are the soft targets. They are the victims of capitalism, development & environment They suffer in a number of ways because they are: Weaker Helpless Economically dependent etc. Illiteracy Wide Gender Discretion 4. Dowry- Dowry is property or money that a bride brings to her husband on the day of their marriage. It is sad, but many women who bring few dowrys after marriage are killed. The dowry is said to be a source of many of the problems in India to begin with. 5. Is also known as a sexselective abortion thatfavors the male sex anddeselects the femalesex and because ofthis, India has a lowfemale sex ratio to thatof the men. 6. Health and wellbeing -- Women are notcared for in the health standards that theyshould be cared for, especially during childlabor. The maternal mortality rate is amongthe highest in the world in India. They arealso malnourished because they are forced toeat their husbands leftovers. Many womenare also not equipped with the education thatthey need to fully understand and use theirnew found rights. 7. She is just 15 yrs, her son is 18 months old 8. 60 % of the Girls are married before the age of 16Nearly 60% of the married girls bear children before they are 18 125,000 women die from pregnancy and related causes every year Maternal mortality in India is the 2nd highest in the world Domestic Violence-Domestic Violence9. isextremely high because ofthe dowry that India has setinto play. Femaletrafficking, which is sexualabuse, is a big part of theviolence problem in theirsociety today. Every 93minutes a woman is burntto death due to dowryproblem and every singlehour at least one woman israped in India Overworked - Many women in India areoverworked. They10. often work double the hoursthat the males do, but they are not even givencredit for it.It is well known that women andchildren work in huge numbers inbidi-rolling, agarbatti-rolling,bangle making, weaving,brassware, leather, crafts andother industries.Yet, only 3 % of these women arerecorded as laborers. 11. o The World Health Organisation estimates that 1.6 billion early deaths occur annually from cooking stove pollution.o Between 400,000 to 550,000 children less than five years and women die each year in India due to indoor smoke. Chula smoke is the third- highest cause of disease and death, after dirty water and lack of sanitation. Hence, by providing access to clean water, sanitation, food and well-ventilated homes, over half the diseases and premature deaths could be avoided in India. 12. Divorce- Divorce is verycommon in India because itis looked down on in societycomparable to the U.S. manyyears ago. It is a signature offailure, but especially for thewomen. 13. After losing the forest and gettingrehabilitated from their native places,men fold usually migrate to towns insearch of some job while women areleft behind to look after the familyand household with little resourcesDevelopment projects like miningplay havoc with the life of women.The National Network for Women andMining (NNWM) with about 20 groupsin different in different mining statesof India is rightly fighting for
a"gender audit" of Indias miningcompanies. The displaced women arethe worst affected, as they do not getany compensation and are totallydependent upon the males for wages 14. Self Help GroupsAangan BadiGovt SchemesMicro FinanceSelf Employment 15. Ministry of women and child development has been made National network for women & mining (NNWM) with about 20 groups in different mining states of India is rightly fighting for a gender audit of Indias mining companies 16. Besides the government initiatives there are number, of non-governmental organization (NGOs) mostly as "Mahila Mandals " to create awareness amongst women of remote village even to empower them, train them, educate them and help them to become economically self- dependent. On the international level, the United Nations Decade for Women (1975- 85) witnessed inclusion of several women related issues on international agenda 17. United Nations Decade for Women (1975-85) included several women related welfare issues on international agenda CEDAW18. (InternationalConvention on theElimination of all formsof Discriminationagainst Women, 1979)is one of the result ofthe program forprotection &promotion of womenshuman right & socio-economic upliftment 19. It is found that the income of the women has been increased after joining the SHGs. The good practice of the women SHGs in the study area is repayment of the loan in time. Nearly 64% of the debtor paid their monthly due with in the time, even some members 19% paid their due in advance. In this way SHGs in north Tamil Nadu are very successful to develop women empowerment and rural areas. 20. Swabhiman, an initiative of Smile Foundation, aims to bring pride and dignity for our girl. Swabhiman is not anti-men, but it encourages women to defend themselves and escape from violence and advocates men to be a part of bringing due dignity for our girl child. Swabhiman started getting an overwhelming response from the participants, communities, institutions and organizations alike within a short time of its launch in Delhi & NCR. During first year of its launch Swabhiman has reached out to around 4000 beneficiaries through 50 communities and organizations Access21. Nutritiousto goodeducation &healthy FOOD 22. High self esteem FINANCIAL STABILITY Opportunity to Liberalize 23. Getting Recognition Maintaining Work Life Balance Spending Quality time with family 24. Stress Tiredness Bad Habits MolestationDisturbed Life 25. Positivity Rising India has worlds largest number of professionally qualified women. India has largest population of working women in the world. India has more doctors, surgeons, scientists, professors than the United States Indian women today are also singers, painters, beauty queens, and actors. 26. The Women of India These women have done so much more thanjust the few things I listed off for each individual. Asyou can see, India has come a long way, but there isstill work to be done. By the efforts of these women,and many more, hopefully men and women in Indiacan live in a society of equal rights and equal powerwithout the stigmas from the history in India.
27. India has the highest number of children in the world. More than one third of countrys population is below 18 years Approximately 40% of the population (around 440 million) is children 28. 1 million out of 21 million babies born every year in India are abandoned soon after their birth due to different socio-economic reasons Around 20 million children in our country are estimated to be working as child labors, some of them in various hazardous industries like the match industry, firework industry, brassware industry and pottery industry. 29. Child labour . Mall nutrition. No education. Undergo many dreadful diseases like: Pneumonia Diarrhea Measles Malaria Working in hazardous places to feed themselves. Undergo many respiratory problems due to pollution in the environment. 30. Orphans, abandoned & destitute children Missing or run-away children Street & working children Children of sex workers Abused, tortured and exploited children Children indulging in substance abuse Children affected by HIV/AIDS Children affected by natural calamities, emergencies and man made disasters Children with disabilities Child beggars Children suffering from terminal/incurable disease 31. Water born diseases are affecting 6 million children in India Childhood cancer rates are also increasing by 6% every year Growing foetus in the mothers womb is not safe & free from the adverse effects of environment toxins 32. ICDS Integrated Child Development services scheme Supplementary Nutrition Anganwadi Centers Parent education Girl child protection scheme check on Child traficing Children homes(shishuVihar / Balvihars) Kishora Shaki yojana 33. The UN General Assembly in 1959 adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Child. After the UN convention of Rights of Child, it became International Law in the year 1990, consisting of 54 articles and a set of international standards and measures to promote and protect the well being of children in a society. The law defines right of the child to survival, protection, development and participation. The right to survival emphasizes on adequately good standards of living, good nutrition and health. The right to protection means freedom from exploitation, abuse, inhuman treatment and neglect. 34. 1. Rights to Survival That includes the right to life, the highest attainable standard of health, nutrition and adequate standard of living. It also includes the right to name and nationally.2. Rights to protection That includes freedom all forms of exploitation, abuses, in human or degrading treatment and negligence including the right to special protection in situation of emergency and armed conflicts. 35. CHILD RIGHTS [contd]3. Rights to Development That consists of the rights to education, support for early childhood, development and care, social security and right to leisure, recreation and cultural activities.4. Rights to Participation That includes respect for the views of the child, freedom of expression, access to appropriate information and freedom of thought, consensus and religion.s 36. The World Summit on Children, held on September 30, 1990 has focused agenda for the well being of the children targeted to be achieved in the beginning of the new millennium. India is also a signatory to the World Declaration on Survival, Protection and Development of Children. A national plan of action for children has been formulated by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India in which a strategic plan has been formulated for childrens welfare in the priority
areas of health, education, nutrition, clean and safe drinking water, sanitation and environment. Universalization of effective access to at least primary level schooling, special emphasis on girl childs education including health and nutrition, up gradation of home- based skills, mid- day meals scheme, expansion of early childhood development activities including low-cost family based involvements are some of the important actions envisaged. 37. During outreach, Madurai CHILDLINE team came across 5 children in the age group of 10 to 16 years performing acrobatics such as passing their body through an iron ring, walking on their hands upside down, etc. CHILDLINE contacted their parents and brought them to the center. The parents were provided with counselling and warned not to send them for begging. CHILDLINE has assured to provide assistance for education of the children. 38. Provides useful and relevant elementaryeducation for all children in 6 to 14 age groupby 2010 39. Enrollment of all children in school, Education Guarantee Centre, Alternate School, and Back to School Camps Retention of all children till the upper primary stage of 2010 Bridging of gender and social category gaps in enrolment, retention and learning Ensuring that there is significant enhancement in the learning achievement levels of children at primary and upper primary stage. 40. Action Aid India concentrates on child education and on street and working children CRY targets underprivileged children who dont have basic resources to sustain themselves. Butterflies engage themselves in offering free education to poor kids. They teach children living in slums in Delhi. CARE India with branches in 11 states focus on girls education. Prayas address issues related to lack of sensitivity and infrastructure for childrens rehabilitation, education, and reintegration.