Active Learning Techniques

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Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.4, No.19, 2014

Towards an Interactive EFL Class: Using Active Learning

Valeh Gholami
University of Tabriz, Iran
[email protected]

Atena Attaran
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Mostafa Morady Moghaddam

Young Researchers and Elite Club, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
[email protected]

Throughout the history of second language acquisition, many methods and approaches have come to vogue. By
the advent of communicative approaches to SLA, an increasing attention was directed toward the interactive
nature of language and the role of interaction in EFL classes. This article reports on active learning strategies
which are helpful in creating an interactive learning situation. After the review of related literature, active
learning strategies were recognized and then the influence of these strategies on learners’ interactions was
investigated. This article helps teachers to create a more interactive teacher-learner environment.
Keywords: active learning strategies, interaction, language learning, EFL

1. Introduction
“Learning is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just by sitting in class listening to
teachers, memorizing repackaged assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what
they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives. They
must make what they learn part of themselves”. (Chickering & Gamson, 1987, p. 3)
Teachers encourage students to participate actively in the classroom (Pajares, 1996). However, many of the
learners are still reluctant to speak up and interact. Learners have the opportunity to follow up and be exposed to
new words and structures by verbal interaction during the teaching processes. With the advent of communicative
language teaching in the 1970s, students’ oral participation in English classes was emphasized as a significant
To promote students’ involvement in classroom activities, active learning strategies have been suggested by
many researchers (Tedesco-Schneck, 2013; Keyser, 2000). Also active learning was introduced as a path to
critical thinking (Tedesco-Schneck, 2013) and to promote students to think critically (Walker, 2003). Research
findings have advocated that a suitable learning environment is an active one, not passive. A discovery learning
in which the student is the main agent is supported (Adler, 1982). A review by McKeachie et al. (1987, p. 70)
concluded that “In those experiments involving measures of retention of information after the end of a course,
measures of problem solving, thinking, attitude change, or motivation for further learning, the results tend to
show differences favoring discussion methods over lecture”.

2. Review of the Literature: Importance of Active Learning

Swain (1985) avowed that language learning is more effective when the target language is used interactively,
particularly in regard to understanding the language in general, and improving their reading or listening skills in
particular. According to Ellis (1993), interaction within the classroom leads to many advantages for language
learning such as comprehension checks, language practice and so on. Long and Porter (1985) found that when
second language learners worked in groups, they were more motivated, took more initiative, and were less
anxious concerning their learning. On the other hand, there may be a relationship between student oral
participation and teachers’ questioning techniques and types of classroom activities (Wei, 2008). Wei (2008)
also found that students oral participation is increased if application and presentation activities are used;
appropriate vocabulary is offered when students need it to continue; questions related to students’ prior
experiences are asked; and an informal and friendly classroom atmosphere is present.
Khamwan (2007) found that after training the students to use interactional strategies as tools for
initiating their interaction, their responses to the teacher’s questions were longer and more meaningful. Further,
the average number of interaction turns was about two turns per three minutes. It was found that the students
could comprehend the lesson better. They could ask their teacher when they could not understand something.
Moreover, more students could respond to the teacher’s questions.

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.4, No.19, 2014

All above mentioned studies have supported the significance of learner’s participation and interaction.
Many research studies discuss the advantages of active learning techniques that can help students to initiate an
interaction with their teachers and ultimately clarify unclear points to enhance their understanding of the lessons
and improve creativities.
On the other hand many educators today agree that students learn more in an active learning environment
than they do in a passive learning environment. With active learning, we can make students creative (Bakır,
2011) and promote critical thinking (Walker, 2003; Tedesco-Schneck, 2013). The use of active learning to
promote critical thinking dates back to the time of Socrates who encouraged reflective thinking through
provocative questioning. Socratic questioning is one of the strategies to engage students in active learning and
cultivate critical thinking. Chan (2013) also explored how critical thinking is defined and realized in previous
studies of nursing education, and then analyzed the impediments and strategies in teaching and learning critical

3. Statement of problem
EFL teachers may have witnessed occasions when they face a passive class where students are unresponsive and
avoid interaction with the teacher. Sometimes, students do not answer even if they understand the question,
know the answer, and are able to produce the answer. The next section helps teachers to deal with this situation.

4. Active learning
There are many different definitions of active learning. For example, Brown (2007) defines active learning as a
form of learning in which the learners use opportunities to decide about aspects of the learning process. He also
defines it as a mental activity that refers to the extent to which the learner is required to use his or her mental
capabilities in the process of learning. Still another definition was found on the Lexicon of Online and
Distance Learning which reads, student who are active learners, process, discover, and apply learned information
to new areas and try to solve new problems by previous information (Tomei, 2009).
Active learning deals with engaging students in an activity or task that will make the learner think and
analyze the information being taught. It may occur at every stage or level of a lesson, from getting the students
engaged in the topic, through actively and consciously taking part in discovering language and rules, to free,
active production. In addition, Bell and Kahrhoff (2006, p. 1) believe that “active learning is a process wherein
students are actively engaged in building understanding of facts, ideas, and skills through the completion of
instructor directed tasks and activities. It is any type of activity that gets students involved in the learning
process.” Active learning techniques affect students’ creative thinking level and this demonstrates that creative
thinking can be changed via education (Bakır, 2011). The taxonomy of significant learning is adopted from Bell
and Kahrhoff (2006, p. 6) and it is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1- The Taxonomy of Significant Learning

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.4, No.19, 2014

5. Method
Relevant studies were identified

Screening of titles

Screening of abstract

Screening of full paper

Total accepted paper

Figure 2. Flow diagram of the review process

Six studies relevant to the topic were chosen. Data source was Science Direct. Papers were indexed and some
web sites were reviewed to identify techniques applied in EFL classes (see fig.1).

6. Findings
Table 1 shows active learning strategies found by the review of related literature (Adler, 1982; Bell & Kahrhoff,
2006; Keyser, 2000; Tedesco-Schneck, 2013; Vrasidas, 2000; Walker, 2003).
Table 1
Active learning strategies
Active learning Description Purpose
Academic Portfolio Portfolios give students ownership of their Track student development, Reveals learning
work which improves their level of interest progress,
in what they are doing. Highlights best work, Connects students to
Involves students in assessment process
Assigning Roles, Provides students with the opportunity to Allows students to look for certain aspects
drama bring language alive in a fun and within a film or lecture and yet get
entertaining way. information regarding other aspects from
Debate To discover the complexity in big issues. Requires students to acknowledge opposite
viewpoints, develops listening skills,
demonstrates need for supporting evidence,
encourages research and investigation,
discourages simplistic approach to complex
The Fish Bowl Students write down one question To give the instructor feedback; gives the
concerning the course material and deposit. students the opportunity to ask questions, get
Their questions in a fish bowl. The clarification.
instructor then draws several questions out
of the bowl and answers them for the class
or asks the class to answer them.
Treasure Hunt The basic strategy here is to find web pages The activity works well when gathering
that hold information (text, graphic, sound, relevant factual information and providing
video, etc.) that you feel is essential to specific background information is needed.
understanding the given topic.

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.4, No.19, 2014

Think/Pair/Share or Students try out ideas with each other Focuses student attention, encourages
Write/Pair/Share before they make them public. problem solving individually and in groups,
allows shy students to gain confidence,
increases the body of material for student
response, provides forum for auditory and
kinesthetic learning.
Fictionary Ask each group to find an obscure word in Good dictionary skills will help your
the dictionary and then to write three students become more autonomous.
definitions of this word.
Clarification pause Throughout the lecture, especially after an It is helpful to circulate the room while you
important point, STOP and let the point are waiting for responses, this will help
sink in, then ask if anyone needs students who generally feel uncomfortable
clarification. asking questions.
Focused listening Used as a brainstorming technique to Can be used to generate class discussion or
generate definitions/descriptions of topics. then have students form groups to compare
Ask students to take 3-5 minutes and list lists and form the best overall description of
words or phrases that describe a concept. topic.
Team trouble Have students form groups of 3-4, pose a
shooting question or problem-ask teams to
troubleshoot for 5 minutes and write down
their ideas. Stop and collect the papers-use
to lead a discussion on an analysis of the
Discussion map A way to get your students talking about a Connecting the major topic of focus with
specific topic. Write the topic in the middle, what they consider its most important
and then get students to ask and answer features/other ideas and concepts.
questions using the prompts, and also to
discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
One Minute Paper Facilitator passes out small sheets of paper One Minute Paper provides an opportunity
to students. They are asked to spend one for all students to have a voice not just those
minute writing about an assigned topic. who are vocal in classroom discussions. It
facilitates discussion and helps to focus
attention on a point. It is a quick way to
check students’ understanding. It provides
concise feedback to specific questions.
Mini Cases (Group Mini cases are small, carefully selected Works well either as a way of introducing a
Activity) clusters of information that invite students new topic or as a way of closing a unit of
to analyze a set of facts or circumstances, study and helping students consolidate
offer interpretations, form judgments and learning gains.
make decisions using concepts in the

7. Conclusion
As already discussed, active learning is one of the useful strategies for EFL teachers and an effective teaching
technique. Regardless of the subject matter, when active learning is compared to traditional teaching methods
(such as lecture), students learn more, retain the information longer, and enjoy the class more. Active learning
allows students to learn in the classroom with the help of the instructor and other students, rather than on their
own. Therefore, a process of ZPD takes place in which learners can reach their potentials by the assistance of a
peer or teachers. It covers all the practical learning activities and teaching methods in which students are able to
think about their learning and to use their own knowledge to solve problems.
Additionally, teachers should be aware of their course goals and learning objectives. If these goals and
objectives are stated as higher-order thinking processes, then active learning strategies promote critical thinking,
creative learning, and corporative learning. Finally, it is important that active learning strategies be encouraged
and reinforced not only in all EFL classes by teachers, but also at every level of education. We can still plant the
seed and encourage students to use their thinking abilities in all aspects of life.

Adler, M. J. (1982). The Paideia proposal: An education manifesto. NY: Macmillan.
Bakır, S. (2011). Is it possible to have students think creatively with the help of active learning techniques?

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)
Vol.4, No.19, 2014

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 2533–2539.

Bell, D. & Kahrhoff, J. (2006). Active learning handbook. Louis, Missouri: Copyright Webster University.
Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (5th ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman.
Chan, Z. (2013). A systematic review of critical thinking in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 33(3),
Chickering, A., & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles for good practice. AAHE Bulletin, 39, 3-7.
Ellis, N. (1993). Rules and instances in foreign language learning: Interactions of implicit and explicit
knowledge. European Journal of Cognition Psychology, 5(3), 289-318.
Keyser, M. W. (2000). Active learning and cooperative learning: understanding the difference and using both
styles effectively. Research Strategies, 17(1), 35-44.
Khamwan, T. (2007). The Effects of interactional strategy training on teacher-student interaction in an EFL
classroom. Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Retrieved from
Long, M. H., & Porter, P. (1985). Group work, interlanguage talk and second language acquisition. TESOL
Quarterly, 19, 207–228.
McKeachie, W. J., Pintrich, P. R., Lin, Y. G., & Smith, D. A. (1987). Teaching and learning in the college
classroom: A review of the literature. Ann Arbor: National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary
Teaching and Learning, The University of Michigan.
Pajares, F. (1996). Assessing self efficacy beliefs and academic success: The case for specificity and
correspondence. Paper presented at a symposium chaired by B. J. Zimmerman, Measuring and
mismeasuring self-efficacy: Dimensions, problems, and misconceptions. Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, New York.
Swain, M. (1985). Communicative competence: Some roles of comprehensible input and comprehensible output
in its development. In S. Gass & C. Madden (Eds.), Input in second language acquisition (pp. 235–253).
Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Tedesco-Schneck, M. (2013). Active learning as a path to critical thinking: Are competencies a roadblock?
Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1), 58-60.
Tomei, L. A. (2009). Lexicon of Online and Distance Learning.UK: Roman & Littlefield Education.
Vrasidas, C. (2000). Constructivism versus objectivism: Implications for interaction, course design and
evaluation in distance education. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, 6(4), 339-
Walker, S. (2003). Active learning strategies to promote critical thinking. Journal of Athletic Training, 38(3),
Wei, M. (2008). Increasing oral participation in ESL/EFL conversation classrooms. Asian Journal of English
Language Teaching, 18, 169–187.

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