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Chapter 1



Rationale of the Study

Communication is the transmitting of messages from one person to

another. It contains the sender, the message to be relayed, and the receiver.

Developing an effective communication skill is significant because a lot of jobs

nowadays require people who can effectively communicate. (What Is

Communication? Verbal, Non-Verbal & Written | SkillsYouNeed, n.d.) However,

many people find it difficult to communicate due to Communication Breakdown

in which according to Korkut et al. (2016),

Communication Breakdown happens when there’s a problem in the process of

communication either in the rules of syntax, pragmatics or in the study of

meanings. It is a struggle for the teachers and students to convey their

messages because of the breakdown of communication. Alghail and Mafoodh

(2019) found out that the problem for students in their communication is how

they construct ideas, pronunciation, and lack of confidence in communication.

This problem is not just in the Philippines but also in Indonesia.

According to the study of Fitriani, 2019, (41.70%) of students’ difficulties in

communicative competence are caused by linguistic difficulties. These are

caused by the limitations in the vocabulary and language rules discrepancy.


Similarly, in the study of Rastegar and Gohari (2016), discussed the strategies

used by the learners and its relationship to their English language speaking

ability and communications skills. A problem that also existed in Turkey states

that intercultural, miscommunication and cultural differences are also a part of

communication breakdown that affects the better quality of communication

among the students.

The study about the learners’ capability to communicate effectively is anchored

with the Theory of the Communicative Competence by Canale and Swain

(1987). The researchers found out that it is important to know about the

significance of knowledge and the necessary skills needed for effective

communication. Canale and Swain (1987) as cited by the

They believed that with sufficient knowledge and skills in communication, the

learners will be able to effectively communicate. However if all of the necessary

factors were insufficient, learners will encounter difficulties. In relation to the

study, the researchers concluded that the problem of communication

breakdown and ineffective communication skills were influenced by the

inadequate knowledge on how to communicate efficiently.

The researchers, guided by the competencies of the 11th grade senior

high school students at De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College, provide

a proposed in filling the gap of the present study backed-up with Constructivist

Learning Theory and Skill Acquisition Theory.


Theoretical Background of the Study

This study determines the affectivity of the communication module the

researchers will use as the tool to nurture the research respondents’

communication skills. The Constructivist Learning theory along with the Skill

Acquisition Theory supports this study.

Constructivist Learning Theory is the main theory used in the study.

The said theory originated to educational psychology introduced by a Swiss

Psychologist Jean Piaget in relation to his theory of cognitive development.

Piaget was inspired on the humans’ mind which were influenced by their innate

attributes and their environment. According to Macleod (2023), Constructivism

is an approach that focuses on the active participation of learners in learning.

Learners receive the information, use it to build their own experiences and

integrate it in creating their own ways in taking an action. Arends (1998)

elaborated that in constructivism, learners generate meaning which is affected

by the exposure of new knowledge through their personal experiences. There

are three types of Constructivism. The Cognitive Constructivism, Social

Constructivism and the Radical Constructivism. The Cognitive Constructivism

was developed by a Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget (1968)

opposed the idea that the learners passively acquire the knowledge. According

to the GSI Teaching and Resource Center (2015), Cognitive Constructivism

aims to aid the learners to integrate new information and after that, it’s up to


them to make changes to their already acquired knowledge. Social

Constructivism on the other hand, was proposed by Lev Vygotsky on 1968.

According to Vygotsky, as cited by Akpan et. al (2020) , language and culture

plays a crucial role in the development of human intelligence and on how they

viewed the world . Macleod (2023) expounded that in social constructivism, the

learners acquire knowledge and experiences through collaboration or social

interaction. The Radical Constructivism was developed by Ernst von

Glasersfeld on 1974. Glasersfeld (1974) argued that knowledge is created and

not discovered. Macleod (2023) stressed out that learning is a singular process

with the groundwork of the already acquired knowledge, learners devise new

knowledge. The present study used the constructivist learning theory as the

researchers believed that it would provide significant help to the research

respondents’ communication skills which is the goal that the researchers hoped

to achieve by the end of the study.

In the study of Liu and Zhang (2014), "The Application of Constructivism to

the Teaching of Intercultural Communication," they used the constructivist

learning theory as the framework for teaching intercultural communication. Liu

and Zhang (2014) found out that by letting the students be involved in the

exploration of cultural diversity, they were able to construct their own knowledge

and stand in intercultural communication. The researchers also emphasized the

importance and advantages of having the teachers facilitate the learning of the

students instead of the traditional teaching which dubbed as "spoon-feeding."

The role of the teachers transformed from being the knowledge provider into as


the facilitator of learning. Teachers will make changes to their inputs and

provide enhancements based on the performance of the students.

The research study of Liu and Zhang (2014) which utilized the

constructivist learning theory as a teaching strategy in conducting their study is

similar to the present study. It is because the researchers intended to do the

same such as act as a facilitator of the learning after providing the inputs

needed for the discussion and making modifications based on the performance

progress of the learners.

Shah (2019) on his study on effective constructivist teaching learning in

the classroom, he focuses on the various ways and instances on which the

constructivist theory was used incorrectly which resulted for the learners' needs

to not be addressed. Shah (2019) argued that learning is about the

comprehension of the knowledge accumulated through active participation.

Peterson (2001) & Dusting (1999) as cited by Shah (2019) used the

constructivist learning theory by letting the learners develop their own

techniques in studying the lesson. They abandoned the traditional way of

teaching and have their students gain the knowledge by having their own

engagement during the class discussion.

The study of Shah (2019) gives the researchers an overview and

possibilities that the constructivist learning theory used by the educators do not

satisfy the needs and improve the communication skills of the learners. This

warned the researchers to properly construct an appropriate teaching strategy


using the constructivist learning approach and effective inputs in consideration

for the research respondents and for future learners.

In the study of Alzahrani and Woollard (2013), they investigated on the

relationship between Constructivist learning theory and the collaborative

learning environment and its importance to learning. They researched about

how the learners used the Wiki technology and collaborate with each other in

contributing to their group during the class activity. The role of the teachers in

this study is just as the facilitator and guide the learners on how to answer the

assigned activity. Similarly, the study of Alzahrani and Woollard (2013),

presented the use of constructivism as a teaching strategy. It advocates the

building up the knowledge and on how the learners apply it to their own.

The research study of Alzahrani and Woollard (2013) has similarities to

the method that the researchers are going to utilize in the present study. It is

because the researchers plan to assume the role as the facilitator of the class.

They would provide the necessary instructions and inputs then let the students

do the activity themselves. However, the facilitators will be there to guide the

learners and correct their mistakes and misconceptions during the class activity.

Aside from the beneficial points that the constructivist theory provide,

Mellis (2013) emphasized the structured approach for the developing the

teaching strategy and the appropriately responses of the educators to the

performance of the learners. The researchers argued that teachers must not


blindly use the constructivist learning theory for it may bring negative impacts to

the students' learning.

The study of Mellis et. al (2013) provides a suggestion that the

researchers may consider in conducting the research study. This is because

Mellis et. al (2013) cautioned the current and future researchers to not utilize

the constructivist learning theory without proper understanding of its uses and

on how it can be applied on the field.

The study of Bryant, Kastrup (2013) stated in their study that by

establishing new information, the information will be based on the learner's

comment and the teacher's role is to guide and help the learner achieve the

information and create it not by directly transferring the information to the


The research conducted by Bryant, Kastrup (2013) also applies to the

present study that emphasizes the significance of teaching the learners through

proper guidance and helping them acquire the information itself.

Wang (2012) stated in his study that Constructivism also plays a

significant role in Intercultural Communication and he also believed that by

acquiring new information, the facilitators should be one that will guide and

organize the students’ information into effective communication. The research

conducted by Wang (2012) simply shows that there are also other factors in

gathering information but will be acquired in the same idea in proper guidance.


This study is very helpful in understanding the broad information in learner’s


The study of Mehmet and Hanifi (2015) stated that Constructive Learning

Approach should be mixed, incorporate, and assess the affectivity of the

learner's communication skills. In addition, the learning should not only be

focused on one aspect but rather in a combined learning strategies that will

enable the students and instructors to observe, apply and reinforce the main

goal of learning.

Their extraordinary study would not only help the learners introduce about

the topic but would also enable them to communicate as an individual which will

be very beneficial in enhancing the communication

Ali Mugahed Al-Rahmi and Alina Shamsuddin (2020) claimed that

collaborative learning, student's communication, and commitment have showed

efficient development in their communication skills using the constructivism

theory that helps them understand the importance of students’ engagement in

order to exchange information, skills acquisition through experience and

conversation with different people.

Their study asserted that the constructivism theory plays a significant role

in improving the mastery of communication through experience and discourse

to different individuals which is also a huge help for our current study to deeply

understand how to improve the learners communication skills itself.


In the study of Ayaz and Sekerci (2015), they investigated how the

constructivist learning approach affect the learners” academic performance. The

researchers compared the data of about 53 studies which utilized the

constructivist learning approach as their teaching strategy. Ayaz and Sekerci

found out that 50 of the 53 studies proved that the constructivist learning

approach provides significant he success and improvement to the learners’

academic performance. Thus they concluded that this theory is very useful as a

teaching strategy that the educators can utilize.

The study of Ayaz and Sekerci (2015) gives confidence for the

researchers to conduct the present study. It is because the study basically

proved that the constructivist learning theory is very effective to use as a

teaching strategy on improving the communication skills of the research

respondents in order to avoid communication breakdown.

In the study of Mogoshoa (2014), it discussed the application of the

constructivist theory in qualitative research. The Mogoshoa (2014) expound that

constructivist learning is not just about teaching and learning but it can also be

utilized in the field of research. By utilizing this theory as a teaching strategy, it

can also help the various educators to cultivate motivated learners that have the

drive to further improve themselves.

One of the factors that aids the learners’ success in their academic

performance is their mentality. However their motivation to improve themselves

did not just originate to their own selves. Their teachers or mentors can also


influence their state of mind. The study of Mogoshoa (2014) gives the current

researchers another point of view about the uses and benefits of the

constructivist learning theory because of its influence to the psychological

aspects of the learners which the researchers can consider in their present


Skill Acquisition Theory was the second theory used in the study. This theory

looks into psychological area that focuses the acquisition of a person’s learning

into skills. This area had a number of studies and theories made by some

researchers. One of them is the study of John Anderson’s Adaptive Control of

Thought, which it also called as Stimulus-Response Theory, classified

declarative knowledge, from procedural knowledge. Declarative knowledge is

the knowledge of facts and concepts, such as the fact that verb agrees with the

subject. Procedural knowledge points out how people apply the things such as

understanding and speaking a language. (Anderson, 1995) Skill Acquisition is

the short term for Skill-Based Theories of Second Language Acquisition. This

focused on the progress of the language or speaking skills of every learners in

the classroom. The researchers found this theory parallel to the conducted

study, specifically the Adaptive Control of Thought by John Anderson.

The study of DeKeyser (1997) addresses the main overarching questions

was the learning of grammar of the second language. He states that a person

can learn about grammar through his practice. This will take affect after the


introduction of declarative knowledge. DeKeyser’s concept about psychomotor

skills was taken from Anderson’s ACT-R model of Skill Acquisition. He focuses

on the progress of a person’s learning with his skills through rate and reaction

time. When based inside the classroom, the student learned the second

language after he was presented the core lessons about grammar. His teachers

will know the progress of this student through how he responds quickly and the

rate of his cognitive response.

In the study of Carol Chapelle (2010) entitled "The Relationship Between

Second Language Acquisition Theory and Computer-Assisted Language

Learning." The study focuses on the differences between the views of teaching

professionals in 1991 and as of today. Chapelle (2010) argued in her study the

effects of this theory for computer-assisted language learning. She also

mentioned that the Skill Acquisition Theory used some principles that are

derived from Cognitive Psychology and apply it in the area of language learning.

Through observations, Chappelle (2010) concluded that language is a skill that

can be learned and enhanced through practice.

The study of Chappelle (2010) shows similarities to the focus of the

researchers' study because through the inputs of knowledge taught by the

educators, the research respondents will be able to apply it in order to enhance

their skills in communication. As what Chappelle (2010) stated, the Skill

Acquisition Theory means the acquisition language and then develop it through

continuous practice.


According to Nguyen and Pham (2023), the Skill Acquisition Theory is the

shift from rigorous use of second language to spontaneous use due to

systematic and habitual practice. They investigated the skill acquisition in

teaching pragmatics through the three classification of the skill acquisition

theory; the Declarative Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge and Automatisation

while reevaluating the current second language pragmatics studies which

supported the theory. Nguyen (2019) as cited by Nguyen and Pham (2023)

agreed that in the skill acquisition theory, the declarative knowledge and

procedural knowledge developed in different ways. This is because the

declarative knowledge only requires a short period of acquisition process then

proceeding to practice in developing the acquired knowledge whereas

procedural knowledge needed an extended period of time in order to be refined.

The three classification of the Skill Acquisition Theory used in the study of

Nguyen and Pham (2023) are applicable to the present study for the

researchers intended to provide necessary inputs in order to strengthen the

knowledge and ability of the research respondents to communicate effectively

thereby minimizing the possibilities of communication breakdown. The

researchers will also provide an opportunity to practice their acquired

knowledge and give assessments in order to determine the effectiveness of the

communication skills module.

Another research study that used the Skill Acquisition Theory in relation

to classroom situations especially in the field of communication is the study of

Oyama (2022). This study explores around how the learners use the language


as well as their development in it. Oyama (2022) found out that it is important to

have a sufficient control of an individual's working memory for the improvement

of communication skills fluency. It is because the restrictions of working memory

limits the access to the instructions or knowledge's availability.

The study of Oyama (2022) provides a unique viewpoint which the

researchers can consider in conducting the study. The findings about the

importance of proper control on the learners' working memory that Oyama

(2022) found out can be used by the researchers when giving inputs to the

research respondents. They must consider the necessary amount of inputs in

teaching the learners so that it will be enough for them to remember and not be

forgotten because as Oyama (2022) stated, an individual's working memory has

its own limitations and too much information given may cause them to forget or

not comprehend everything. The acquisition of the necessary communication

skills for oral presentations is significant for the learners' development.

In the study of Nadolskì et. al (2021) entitled "Rubric formats for the

formative assessment of oral presentation skills acquisition in secondary

education," they developed the appropriate formative assessment for the oral

presentation and its rubric during class discussions. Nadolski et. al (2021) found

out that learners managed to perform much better than their peers with the use

of the validated rubrics. The researchers also determined that it is common for

the learners to experience anxiety, lack of motivation and preparation during

oral presentation.


The research study of Nadolskì et. al (2021) is similar to the present study

in a way that it focuses on the oral presentation skills of the research

respondents. Aside from the acquiring the communication skills then utilize it in

class presentations, it is also necessary to have a proper rubrics or

assessments in measuring the understanding of the research respondents to

the inputs that the researchers provided.

According to Mystkowska-Wiertelak & Pawlak (2012) as cited by Taie

(2014), the Skill Acquisition Theory does not only focus on language use and

development. It is the learning of language from acquisition into its application.

Taie (2014), discussed that the Skill Acquisition Theory prioritizes the

significance of the acquisition of knowledge before it would be used to enhance

one's development on communication skill and it does not just centers around

the skill acquisition of the children but also involves the adults' behavior when

acquiring a skill.

The study of Taie (2014) provides a groundwork for the present study

which the researchers can utilize when applying the Skill Acquisition Theory in

the communication skills module that they proposed as a tool to improve the

communication ability of the research respondents. The researchers must

ensure that the inputs to be provided are really effective and can aid the

researchers to reach the aims of the study.

In the study of Sato (2013), it stated that the person’s skill acquisition will

be rated as a feedback to the declarative knowledge. It also stated that the


learners will not only focus on the studied practice, but also gives an effort to

provide their own knowledge that stored in their long-term memory. It means

that the learners’ practices are not enough in rating their progress without any

feedback. Moreover, Sato (2013) examined that the studied practice, together

with their own knowledge, will proved greater feedback from the learners, than

those learners whose learning skills were not put into practice.

Sato (2013) studied the result of the learners’ skill progress in

communication. The learners had those improved results in their speaking skills

if they would do it with their own knowledge about the certain topic. The skills of

each learners showed the outcomes from the lessons they had learned.

The researchers find Sato’s study relevant to the conducted study. The

students should use their own knowledge to express and to discuss the given

topic. By discussing, they are using their speaking skills to show the outcome of

their comprehension.

According to Ahmed (2022), the progress of the learners’ skill acquisition

on their oral communication could be enhanced with literature. Poems and

Moral stories would help the students to improve their oral output. Ahmed (2022)

uses the practice of summarization and interpretation in boosting the progress

of the students’ oracy skills. It developed the capacity of their learning progress

with their improved feedback.


Ahmed (2002) argued that literature can help to improve the speaking

skills through interpreting the meaning and the core values of each literary piece.

He stated that student can learn faster if their knowledge were used to interpret

the significance of a literary piece. When their enhanced knowledge were used,

their speaking skills provide outstanding ratings of their feedback.

In this study, the researchers used this study as useful for the conducted

module. The module, which is part of non-fiction literature, can help to improve

the speaking skills of each student. The module consists of different guidelines

and instruction in adhering their speaking skills. So that the students can avoid

communication breakdown.

Azeez (2023) found out that the skill acquisition of the students are

enhanced through their Think-Peer-Share output. This means that their

collaborative learning help to improve their knowledge through their skills. It also

enhanced their communication towards their peers with their own ideas inside

the classroom.

The study of Azeez (2023) observed that collaborative learning can

develop the learners’ knowledge on speaking skills. The learners’ were

encouraged to use the speaking skills through brainstorming. This helps to

improve the grammatical errors of how the learners construct sentences



The researchers used the study of Azeez (2023) to examine the student’s

collaborative learning. Brainstorming can improve the cognitive areas of their

knowledge and the progress of their speaking skills.

Rangel and Shi (2018) argued that learners who bestowed their skills

towards English were those who had higher result in their learning progress.

Young learners had greater facility in obtaining skills and English proficiency in

their future. This means that young learners should enhance their learning

progress of their skill acquisition before they reached to their critical age.

Moreover, Rangel and Shi (2018) found out that the skill acquisition may be

affected by the age level of the learners and by their bestowment of their

practices towards the language itself.

According to Rangel and Shi (2018), those learners who already had

some ideas on a particular lesson have the higher result of the speaking skills

than those who have no understanding on the given topic. The skill acquisition

took place when the learners who have no particular idea were presented and

educated with new topics on how they improve their speaking skills. The

teachers would facilitate the students in improving their skills on communication.

As it is also connected to the study of Sato (2013), the researchers will

find the results of their speaking comprehension by their communication skills.

The skills of the students will be tested through activities; individual and

collaborative activities. The study of Rangel and Shi (2018) is used for checking

their proficiency through their speaking skills.


In the study of Chafer and Christiansen (2018), it examines the learner’s

outcome to which that their challenge is not theoretical. The students’ language

acquisition was also understood as a type of skill acquisition. The learners’

practicality provide feedbacks that rate their progress in learning. Chafer and

Christiansen (2018) explained that the nature of the learner’s linguistic

development would be clarified by the language-as-skill perspective.

Chafer and Christiansen (2018) argued that the language acquisition

could be a type of skill acquisition because communication is significant in using

the language itself. The students learned how to use the speaking skills if the

language was expanded with higher comprehension in grammar, vocabulary,

and phonetics. These things could increase the ratings of learners speaking skill

progress. Although the researchers said that language acquisition is a type of

skill acquisition, language acquisition could show results in the progress of

every learner’s speaking skills.

The researchers uses the study of Chafer and Christiansen (2018) as it is

relevant to the study. The language acquisition of the students must be rated on

how students uses their grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary to excel their

speaking skills.

The two theories namely, Constructivist Learning Theory and Skill

Acquisition theory are relevant to the present study because the researchers

deemed it to have the possibility to further improve the communication skills of

the research respondents. The constructivist learning theory were chosen as


one of the theories to be used in the study because it let the learners cultivate

their learning with certain degree of freedom to choose their own style and be

able to interact with their peers as a form of collaborative work. Through this,

they would not just acquire the knowledge passively but have their own active

participation in learning with the teachers as the facilitator. The second theory,

Skill Acquisition were chosen as it focuses on the learners’ acquisition of their

communication skill as per the aim of the present study. This theory centers on

how the learners acquire and develop their communication skills with the aid of

the inputs provided by their teachers and the influence of their peers or



Module: Effective Communication

Defines communication

Explains why there is a breakdown

of Communication.

Uses various strategies in order to

avoid communication breakdown.


Figure 1: A Schematic Presentation Of The Theoretical Background Of The Study



Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of communication skill

module among the Senior High School students of De La Salle Andres Soriano

Memorial College S.Y 2022-2023 as a basic enhanced communication skills


Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. After having been exposed to the enhanced communication skill

module, what are the respondents’ scores on the first quarter competencies:

1.1 Define communication;

1.2 Explain the nature and process of communication; and

1.3 Use various strategies in order to avoid communication


2. What are the respondents’ feedback upon using the module?

3. What enhanced communication skills module can be utilized?


Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:

High School Administrators. Through this study, the high school

administrators will be able to have an idea of the trainings to be provided to the

English and communication educators.

Curriculum Planners. The curriculum planners will be guided by the

outcome of this study so that all English and communication courses in all

levels from the basic education up to the tertiary courses will be reviewed and

upgraded in line with the demand of the times.

English and Communication Teachers. This study will give the English

and communication teachers an idea on how to improve the communication

skills of the students.

Students. This study will give students’ confidence that their teachers

can effectively help them in enhancing their communication skills.

Future researchers. The future researchers will be given a new direction,

inspiration and ideas on which areas they are going to study in the area of

effective communication skills for the students.



This part presents the research design, flow, environment, respondents,

instrument, data-gathering procedure, statistical treatment, and scoring

procedure in the study.

Research Design

The study uses the descriptive research design as it involves the

collection of the research respondents' feedback and corresponding

performance using the communication skills module in which it seeks to provide

the knowledge and activities that can further improve the communication ability

of the research respondents.

Research Flow

The flow of the study is subsequently divided into four parts. First is the

pre-assessment in which the researchers will determine the weaknesses of the

research respondents in their communication skills. After determining these

areas that needed to be improved, the researchers will then give inputs in order

to supplement and enhance the knowledge of the learners. Next is the activities

that tests if there are improvements to the learners' communication skills. The

researchers will then compare the scores of the research respondents from the


pre assessments and the current activity. They would then determine if the

learners needed some supplementary lessons and enhancements. The output

of the study is the communication skills module which is comprised of the steps

the researchers would take and activities planned to be carried out in order to

accomplish the goal of the research study.



 Module
 Explaining how  Sending of
communication transmittal letter
breakdown  Giving of Inputs
happens and
how it is a  Collecting
struggle to respondents
teachers and feedback
students  Statistical
 Determining treatment
the weakness
of the
respondents in  Analysis and
their Interpretation
 Discussing the
strategies used

Fig. 2. Flow of the study


Research Environment

The study was conducted at De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial

College located at the vicinity of Carmen Copper Corporation (CCC), which was

formerly known as Atlas Consolidated Mining Development Corporation

(ACMDC) in Barangay Don Andrés Soriano (DAS), Toledo City, also known as

DAS Lutopan, Toledo City. It is accessible in any form of land transportation. It

is 14.1 km. away from Cebu city and is located 5.3 km. from Toledo City.

De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College (DLS ASMC) is a district

school established by the De La Salle Brothers in Lutopan, Toledo City, Cebu. It

is a private sectarian institution and a non-stock and non-profit school having

more than one thousand, two hundred thirty-two (1,232) students, forty-six (46)

faculty teachers, and six (6) administrators.

Each classroom facilities in De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

are equipped with multimedia projectors and/ or Smart TVs for the teachers and

students to feel more convenient during the teaching-learning process. With that

the teachers can also maximize their time as well as the students’ activity.


Figure 3: Locale of the Study


Research Respondents

The Grade 11 HUMMSS section Blessed Evencio Ricardo composed of 53

students were the chosen respondents of the study. The students have ages

between 16-17 years old making them capable of accomplishing the aims of

this study for the researchers deemed them already prepared for the activities in

this study. Aside from that, the activities to be conducted in this study were

familiar because they already experienced these during their junior high school


Research Instruments

The study used impromptu speaking activity as a pre assessment in order

to determine the communication skills of the research respondents and to know

the areas that needed improvement. The competencies used were based on

the Department of Education’s Senior High School Oral Communication

Curriculum Guide. The data collected were used as the basis for the

improvements of the research respondents.

Research Procedures

Before the data we are gathered, the researchers made a letter for the

approval to conduct the study of De La Salle Memorial College, The study was

then conducted for the Senior High School Students. The respondents were

given a letter of consent before they cooperated with this study.


After collecting all the data the researchers asked for the cooperation of

the students. Using the module that has been given to the respondents. The

respondents answered it successfully. The examination was well administered.

The modules were repossess and the data were gathered.

Definition of Terms

The terms below are defined simply to avoid ambiguity in understanding the

meaning of the study.

Communication breakdown. A failure to conduct a communication caused by

insufficient knowledge and ability to communicate.

Constructivist. A theory where learners construct their own knowledge on the

specific lesson.

Skill Acquisition. A broad topic on Second-Language acquisition where it

focuses on the progress of the learner’s speaking and learning skills towards

their knowledge on the second-language.

Competency. It refers to the desired skills provided by the Department of

Education (DepEd) to be achieved by the learners in a given quarter.

Input. The information provided by the educators in order to enhance the

communication skills of the learners.



Name : Jhay Rheo R. Chavez

Age : 22 years old

Address : DASUNA, Toledo City

Contact No. : 09192259695

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Personal Information

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Male

Civil Status : Single

Birthdate : September 29. 2000

Place of Birth : Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu

Language : Cebuano, English and Tagalog

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Romeo Lapesigue

Mother : Jebbob Chavez



Secondary : De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2018-2019

Elementary : Don Andres Soriano Elementary School

Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2012-2013



Name : Angelo S. Segarra

Age : 24 years old

Address : DASUGA 3, Toledo City, Cebu

Contact No. : 09616330598

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Personal Information

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Male

Civil Status : Single

Birthdate : November 20, 1999

Place of Birth : Mandaue City

Language : Cebuano, English, Tagalog

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Crispin P. Segarra

Mother : Mercy L. Segarra



Secondary : Saint Cecilia’s College-Cebu INC.

Address : Ward II, Minglanilla, Cebu City

Year Graduated : S.Y 2019-2020

Elementary : General P. Del Rosario Elementary School

Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2011-2012



Name : Kaizen Kryle A. Barriga

Age : 20 years old

Address : Das Village 1, Toledo City, Cebu

Contact No. : 09310013998

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Personal Information

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Birthdate : February 9, 2003

Place of Birth : Toledo City Hospital

Language : Cebuano, Tagalog, English

Religion : Born Again

Father : Ruben Tantiado

Mother : Eva Marie Tantiado



Secondary : Don Andres Soriano National High School

Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2020-2021

Elementary : Don Andres Soriano Elementary School

Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2015-2016



Name : Janemar Son

Age : 20 years old

Address : DAS LQIA, Toledo City Cebu

Contact No. : 09339160078

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Personal Information

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Birthdate : January 21, 2003

Place of Birth : Casuntingan, Mandaue City, Cebu

Language : Cebuano, English, Tagalog

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Julies Son

Mother : Marie Cris Son



Secondary : Don Andres Soriano National High School

Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2020-2021

Elementary : Cabancalan Elementary School

Address : Cabancalan, Mandaue City, Cebu

Year Graduated :S.Y 2015-2016



Name : Chara Sapphire Batomalaque Garton

Age : 20 years old

Address : Bato, Toledo City, Cebu

Contact No. : 09692501900

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Personal Information

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Birthdate : September 20, 2002

Place of Birth : Toledo City Hospital

Language : Cebuano, English, Tagalog

Religion : Born Again

Father : Robert David Garton

Mother : Dr. Nelce Batomalaque Garton



Secondary : West Bay Learning Center

Address : Sangi, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2019-2020

Elementary : West Bay Learning Center

Address : Sangi, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2014-2015



Name : Chantal Kaye Papellero

Age : 21 years old

Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Contact No. : 09515836531

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Personal Information

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Birthdate : March 17,2002

Place of Birth : Das, Daspo Lotupan Toledo City

Language : Cebuano,English, Tagalog

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Cecilio L. Papellero

Mother : Ecelia B. Papellero




Address : DAS, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : SY: 2020-2021


Address : DAS Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : SY: 2015-2016



Name : Metchel Lou Cadongog

Age : 22 years old

Address : Media Once, Toledo City, Cebu

Contact No. : 09356648095

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Personal Information

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Birthdate : April 3, 2001

Place of Birth : Toledo City Hospital

Language : Cebuano, English, Tagalog

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Medardo Cadungog

Mother : Lolita Cadungog



Secondary : Banilad Center for Professional Development

Address : 491 Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Bario Luz, Cebu City

Year Graduated : S.Y 2018-2019

Elementary : Pandong Bato Elementary School

Address : Media Once, Toledo City, Cebu

Year Graduated : S.Y 2013-2014


De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines

Effective Communication
By: Chara Sapphire Garton, Jhay Rheo Chavez, Metchel Lou Cadongog, Chantal Papellero,
Kaizen Kryle Barriga, Angelo Segarra, Janemar


Communication is one of the important social skills needed for any individuals '
survival. Effectively communicating ensures that you not only convey your message to
others but also let them know about your feelings and emotions. Whether it is amongst
family members, friends, or office colleagues, effective communication helps individuals
get through the tasks of life with ease.

Communication has been taught from early age so that learners can effectively
communicate. It has been part of the educational curriculum and educators have
various ways to nurture the communication skills of their students. This study seeks to
do the same, accompanied by a modified communication skills module which seeks to
further improve the teaching strategies of the educators while also improving the
communication skills of the learners.

At the end of the lesson, the students are be able to;

1. Define Communication and its process;

2. Differentiates the various models of communication;
3. Show appreciation of the lesson using oral recitation

Lesson Proper
What is Communication?
It is the exchanging of information from one to another person. It can be through verbal, and non-verbal

What is the process of Communication?

The process of communication starts with the sender, the message, the receiver, the channel, encoding and
decoding, along with feedback, response, and noise. These are the definitions of each element.

Communication Models
These are the models of communication that show the process of how people communicate.


1. Aristotle
The primary character in communication, according to the Aristotle Model of
Communication, is the speaker. All communication will be handled exclusively by this person.
The speaker must carefully select his words in this communication approach. He must evaluate
his audience and craft his speech.The speaker and speech play a major role in Aristotle's
speaker-centered concept of communication.

2. Laswell’s Communication Model

The verbal communication process is described by the Lasswell Communication Model,
which has five components. Who speaks what, to whom, in what manner, and to what effect?
Because it explains a one-way process within communication, this model is sometimes known
as a "linear model of communication," "uni-directional process," or "action model." One of the
most effective communication models, according to many. The model, which has five parts, is
used as a tool for analyzing and assessing the complete communication process. These
components are built upon the answers to the previous "W" questions. These questions'
responses shed light on interpersonal communication.

3. The Shannon-Weaver Model

A framework for examining how messages are conveyed and received is
provided by the Shannon and Weaver model, a linear representation of
It is most known for its capacity to describe how signals might be confused and
misunderstood between the times of sending and receiving.

4. Berlo’s S-M-C-R Model

The SMCR Model of Communication by David Berlo captures communication
in its most basic form. Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver are all abbreviated
as SMCR.
The several elements that make up the fundamental process of communication are
described by Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication from 1960. This communication
tool can be utilized for more effective communication because it also emphasizes
the coding and decoding of the message.

5. The Osgood and Schramm Model

The Osgood-Schramm model of communication is defined as a model in
which communication takes place in a circular manner as opposed to a linear
manner between the sender and recipient. Being a circular communication
paradigm, it is assumed that the sender and the recipient frequently exchange
knowledge and concepts.

6. The Westley and Mclean Model


The mass communication component of the Westley and Maclean model is its
main application. With the use of this paradigm, communication is now influenced
by environmental and cultural elements. In other words, according to this
approach, contextual circumstances rather than the source or sender are what
initiate communication.

7. Barlund’s Transactional Model

The basic presumptions upon which Barnlund's model is built are that
communication is dynamic, continuous, circular, irreversible, complex, and
irregular. Contrary to the Interaction Model, which proposes that participants rotate
between the roles of sender and receiver, the Transaction Model proposes that you
are simultaneously a sender and a receiver. This makes communication dynamic in
the sense that it is not a static thing but an ever-changing process.

8. Dance’s Helical Model

According to Dance's approach, communication is a dynamic, non-linear,
ongoing activity that evolves through time. The model explains how the
communication process broadens and changes as people exchange messages
and learn from one another's feedback.
In accordance with Dance's Helical Model, communication is viewed as a
circular process that develops in complexity through time. It is symbolized by
a helical spiral because of this.

Elements of Communication
There are five elements of Communication;

1. Sender - The one who sends the message

2. Message - The most crucial element of communication. It can be in different forms; oral and non-


3. Receiver - The one who receives the message.

4. Feedback - Receiver’s reaction to the message.

5. Channel - is the medium where the message travels from one to another. It can be through radio,

television, documents, etc.


Effective Communication Skills

Do you want to be an effective communicator? To be an excellent communicator, you must
know your communication breakdowns. What is a communication breakdown? It is a failure to
transmit messages to another person. This happens when two people have different
cultures,lack empathy, poor listening skills, or have no clear and concise ideas. This may lead to
misunderstandings between the communicators.

Let’s learn these nine effective communication skills in order for us to avoid communication

1. Active Listening

2. Non-Verbal Communication

3. Asking questions

4. Be Clear

5. Start summarizing

6. Be Empathetic

7. Provide Feedback

8. Develop Trust and Respect

9. Being Present

Intercultural Communication
Is a type of communication that occurs between two people from different countries. When two
people from different countries, cultures, or traditions communicate, intercultural communication
takes place. For example, John Lewis from the USA talks to a teacher from Cambodia. That is
an example of intercultural communication.

The sociocultural dimension of communication situation with focus on

1. Gender - Communication may differ when it comes to gender. Sometimes women feel
conservative towards men or vice versa. Or if there is romantic interaction, the
communication of these genders may vary.
2. Age - Age can make the communication differ. Most adults tend to act and talk with
more maturity than those children.


3. Culture - Cultures may bring differences to communication. Some people use

technologies on translating languages in order for them to understand one another.
4. Social Status - Social status can make differences in communication. Most people in
the lower caste tend to have more street slang words than those in the upper class
caste. For example: Low and Middle class Filipinos use street slang words more than
the Upper. (Not all Upper class didn’t know these words.)
5. Religion - Religion can also bring differences to communication. Different religions have
different beliefs, rituals, and traditions. This may bring miscommunication when a person
stands on their own ideas on their religion. For example, An INC person and a Jehovah’s
Witness had a debate in front of the Catholic Audienc


Pre-Assessment: Impromptu Speaking

Each student will be asked a question given by the instructor or researcher.

5 3 1

Nonverbal The speaker shows The speaker shows The speaker

Communication nervous movement mild nervous effectively shows
and fails to make eye movement and makes positive movements
contact with the limited eye contact maintains consistent
audience. with the audience. eye contact with the

Vocalics The speaker fails to The speaker has The speaker has
utilize vocal variations good volume and/or good volume and
and has poor volume. lacks in vocal projection and vocal
Rate is either too slow variation. The rate is variation. The speaker
or too rapid. Speaker average. The talks at an
fails to captivate the audience is only understandable and
audience. marginally engaged. steady rate of speed.
Audience is
Content The speaker fails to The speaker The speaker
address the prompt addresses the prompt demonstrates


and/or supplies very and provides limited understanding of the

minimal details to supporting details. prompt and provides
elaborate on topic. Details may be solid supporting
redundant or off-topic. details.

Continuity The speaker has The speech flows The speaker delivers
frequent pauses, smoothly with few speech without
"um"s, and/or "like"s pauses and/or pauses
in speech. thinking words.


Sample Questions;

1. What is it to be young?
2. Effects of climate change and global warming
3. Why do teenagers start smoking?
4. Why should every citizen vote?
5. When is it ok to lie?
6. What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom?
7. Why is humor an important life skill?
8. How are self-driving cars the future of transportation?
9. What is the role of CCTV cameras?
10. Use of the Internet without any geographical restrictions
11. Importance of medication
12. Why do good grades matter?
13. Everyone should become a vegetarian
14. Will technology save or destroy the world?
15. Euthanasia is justified.

Activity #1
In order to prepare for more speaking activities, you will be doing voice practice every
day. Let us begin by saying these homophones and homonyms.
Weak — Week
Sun — Son


See — Sea
Plane — Plain
Meet — Meat
Address – Address
Band – Band
Bat – Bat
Match – Match
Mean – Mean
Right – Right
Ring – Ring
On your own, practice this some more to improve your pronunciation skills.

Activity #2
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. In which of the following scenarios verbal communication is most needed?

a) Standing Straight in front of the class

b) Walking fast at the park
c) Calling someone on the phone
d) Waving at your classmate

2. In which of the following scenarios verbal communication is most needed?

a) Standing Straight in front of the class
b) Walking fast at the park
c) Calling someone on the phone
d) Waving at your classmate

3.The following are forms of non-verbal communication except

a) Clapping
b) Whispering
c) Stomping
d) Smiling

4 It is an element of communication that refers to the method used in delivering a message (e.g.
texting,talking, writing etc.).
a) Communication
b) Model


c) Channel
d) Barrier

5. It is also called________ which keeps a message from being understood or correctly

a) Medium
b) Channel
c) Feedback
d) Noise

6 .This element of communication contains meaning and can be in written, oral, symbolic or
nonverbal form.
a) Barrier
b) Channel
c) Noise
d) Message

7 Which model depicts communication as linear?

a) Laswell’s Model
b) Burland Model
c) Transactional Model
d) Schramm Model

8. Which barrier is characterized by culture that provides people ways of thinking, ways of
seeing,hearing, and interpreting the world?
a) Language Barrier
b) Emotional Barrier
c) Gender Barrier
d) Cultural Barrier

9. Which elements of communication where listening and reading directions carefully make is
claim to fame code?
a) Feedback
b) Source
c) Encoding
d) Decoding

10. Which type of non-verbal communication, refers to the way you say a word?
a) Gestures
b) Facial Expression
c) Space and Distance
d) Paralanguage


11. Which of the following elements of communication refers to the information or ideas
conveyed by the speaker?
a) Message
b) Receiver
c) Channel
d) Context

12. Non-verbal communication is the use of body language to convey a message. Which
underlined word is incorrect in the statement
a) Nothing is wrong in the statement
b) Non-Verbal
c) Message
d) Body Language

13. This type of barrier may result from the receiver’s physical state
a) Psychological Barrier
b) Systematic Barrier
c) Physical Barrier
d) Physiological Barrier

14. In Language barrier, language and linguistic ability may act as a barrier to communication.
The terminology used in a message may act as a barrier if not fully understood by the receiver.
This statement is:
a) None of the Above
b) False
c) True
d) Either True or False

15. It is defined as a failure to exchange information, resulting in a lack of communication.

a) Communication Breakdown
b) Communication Exchange
c) Communication Barrier
d) Effective Communication

16. Which among the choices below is not true?

a) Attitudinal barriers may result from personality conflicts, poor management, and
resistance to change or a lack of motivation in attitudinal barrier of communication.

b) A and B is not True

c) The psychological state of the communicators will influence how the message is sent,
received and perceived in physical barriers.
d) In language barrier, terminology used in a message may act as a barrier if not fully
understood by the receiver


17. Oral communication is the process of expressing and conveying information by word using
our mouth. The statement is:
a) Sometimes False
b) False
c) True
d) Sometimes True

18. The following are examples of formal type of oral communication except:
a) Telephone Conversations
b) Classroom Lectures
c) Commencement speeches given at a graduation ceremony
d) Presentations at Business Meeting

19. Which of the following is not an effective strategy for verbal communication?
a) Be flexible towards others
b) Be manipulative rather than genuine
c) Emphatize rather than remain detached
d) Focus on the issue, not on the person

20. Below are the examples of informal type of oral communication. Which of the following do
not belong?
a) Discussions that take place at business meetings
b) Telephone Conversation
c) Classroom Lecture
d) Face-to-face Conversation

Activity #3

Let’s take a look to these three TED TALK Videos on the YouTube channel.

a. “ To find work you love, don’t follow your passion” by Benjamin Todd.
b. “How to eliminate self doubt forever and the power of your unconscious mind” by
Peter Sage.
c. “How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed” by Daniel Levitin.

Focus on the content for this viewing. After the viewing the teacher will listen to all of
your thoughts and realizations about the videos. You must speak for at least 3 minutes.

Guide questions
1. What have you noticed about the mannerisms or how the speakers speak in their


2. Based on your observations, compare your own performance and communicative

ability to the speakers on the video.
3. What areas do you think you can improve?3. What have you learned on the

Activity #4 Debate

The students were divided into four groups and made them engage in a debate to test
their communication skills. All members of the group must speak or deliver their stand to
the particular issue they are assigned to do.


Group 1 vs Group 4

Group 2 vs Group 3

No Evidence Limited Proficient Effective Exemplary

Preparatio Weak/no Limited Sufficient Moderate Excellent

n preparation preparation preparation to strong preparation
for the for the for the preparation for the
debate. Lack debate. debate. for the debate.
of notes and Notes and Notes and debate. typed
prepared comments comments May be speeches
comments present for are written or stronger in prepared in
for opening opening typed. some advance.
presentation presentations Presentations sections Presentation
s ; lack in have an than s complete
organization introduction, others. All with intro,
and essential body section presentatio body section
speech with at least ns contain w/3 or more
organizationa 1-2 points essential points and
l elements. and closing speech closing
marks. elements comments.
with 2 or


Organizati Presentation Presentation Presentation Majority of Presentation

on is not at all is somewhat is mostly well presentatio is very well
organized. organized. organized. n is organized.
Information Information is Information is organized. Information
is not presented in presented in All is presented
presented in a manner that a mostly clear information in a clear
a clear and is somewhat and and and
understanda clear and understandab arguments understanda
ble manner. understandab le manner. make ble manner.
le. sense. Effective
Attempts to refutation of
refute the opponent
opponent arguments.

Analysis of Topic Topic content Topic content Topic Topic

Issues content is slightly generally content content well
completely unorganized. organized. clearly organized.
unorganized. Analysis of Argument analyzed Clear
No analysis issue analysis uses and several analysis of
of important present; few details and examples the argument
issues. No details and examples to are complete
details and examples build support. presented with details
examples offered for Good that build and
presented for support. knowledge of the overall examples.
support. Limited subject case. Excellent
Weak knowledge of matter. More Strong command of
knowledge of subject than two working subject
subject matter. points knowledge matter and
matter. presented. of the main several
arguments points.
and points.

Delivery Presenter Presenter Presenter Presenter Presenter

Skills does not makes limited makes establishes has strong
make eye eye contact adequate eye confident eye contact
contact with with the contact with eye contact with the
the audience audience and most of the the majority entire


or speak speaks audience and of the audience

clearly. somewhat speaks speech. and speaks
Difficult to clearly. More clearly most Vocal clearly to
hear at vocal of the time. expression convey the
times. Some expression Rate is and rate message.
words and understandab are
pronounced projection le, words are adequate. Words
incorrectly. necessary. pronounced Pleasant to pronounced
correctly. listen to. correctly.
Vocal rate

Crossfire No Limited Moderate Effective Outstanding

Q&A participation participation participation participatio participation
in crossfire during in the n in both in both
or grand crossfire and crossfire and crossfire crossfire and
crossfire grand grand and grand grand
during the crossfire crossfire. crossfire. crossfire.
entire sections of Does ask at Able to ask Asks
debate. Does the debate. least two questions thoughtful
not answer Unable to questions and answer and
opponent's give logical and attempts confidently. important
questions. answers and to answer Uses questions.
does not ask questions evidence to Answers
relevant coherently. ask & questions
questions. answer comfortably.
Maintains questions. Civil
civility. Keeps throughout.
calm &
does not
get upset.


Final Task: Impromptu Speaking

Each student will be given a question to answer. This final task checks the communication
progress of every student.

5 3 1

Nonverbal The speaker shows The speaker shows The speaker

Communication nervous movement mild nervous effectively shows
and fails to make eye movement and makes positive movements
contact with the limited eye contact maintains consistent
audience. with the audience. eye contact with the

Vocalics The speaker fails to The speaker has The speaker has
utilize vocal variations good volume and/or good volume and
and has poor volume. lacks in vocal projection and vocal
Rate is either too slow variation. The rate is variation. The speaker
or too rapid. Speaker average. The talks at an
fails to captivate the audience is only understandable and
audience. marginally engaged. steady rate of speed.
Audience is
Content The speaker fails to The speaker The speaker
address the prompt addresses the prompt demonstrates
and/or supplies very and provides limited understanding of the
minimal details to supporting details. prompt and provides
elaborate on topic. Details may be solid supporting
redundant or off-topic. details.

Continuity The speaker has The speech flows The speaker delivers
frequent pauses, smoothly with few speech without
"um"s, and/or "like"s pauses and/or pauses
in speech. thinking words.


Sample Questions:


1. What’s more important? Being good-looking or being smart?

2. Are women more complicated than men?
3. If you are given the chance to become a president, what will you do to help your
4. Which do you prefer? Living in the country, or living in another country?
5. If there is a time machine, what time period will you go and why?
6. If you are the lover and you found out that your beloved has an incurable
disease, will you end the relationship or stay with her/him?
7. What is your biggest fear?
8. What will you do if you are alone on the island without anything you have?
9. Are you in favor of having the death penalty in the Philippines?
10. Are you in favor of having the Divorce law in the Philippines?


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difficulties encountered by Yemeni postgraduate students in a Malaysian university.
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De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines 6038
Telefax. No. (032) 316-0099 | [email protected]

Appendix A


May 17, 2023


School President

De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City

Dear Madame. Hernando

Good Day!

` The second year college of education students of De La Salle Andres Soriano

Memorial College was currently enrolled in Language Research and part of the final

requirements is to conduct a study.

The study is entitled “Effectiveness Of Communication Skill Module Among The

Senior High School Students Of De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College S.Y

2022-2023. The output of the study is a module that will serve as a guide for students to

enhance their communication skills.

In relation to this, we are seeking for approval from your office to allow us to

conduct our study at De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College. All the data that


will be gathered from this study will be confidential and will be used for educational

purposes only.

Your approval to conduct this study will be highly appreciated.


Barriga, Kaizen Kryle

Cadongog, Metchel Lou

Chavez, Jhay Rheo

Garton, Chara Sapphire

Segarra, Angelo

Son, Janemar







De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines 6038

Telefax. No. (032) 316-0099 | [email protected]

Appendix B


Dear Respondents,


We are presently conducting a study entitled “Effectiveness Of Communication

Skill Module Among The Senior High School Students Of De La Salle Andres Soriano

Memorial College S.Y 2022-2023” as a requirement for the Tertiary Education Program

BSED English.

In this connection, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents in

our study. We hope that you can help us by answering our research instrument

sincerely and truthfully. Rest assured that your responses will be used for educational

purposes and will be held with the utmost confidentiality. If you do not wish to

participate, kindly inform the researchers immediately.

Thank you very much!



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