Cse Reviewer
Cse Reviewer
Cse Reviewer
COMPREHENSIVE the star around the cross is the key to solving this
ABSTRACT REASONING sequence. As the sequence continues the location of the star
is determined by a quarter turn counterclockwise rotation
every next figure. This results in the 4th solution where the
star is positioned at the bottom right part of the cross.
The smiley obtaining the hat will keep its position. The one
on the right and across the one receiving the hat however,
will rotate 1800. Be aware of the fact that only the smiley
rotates and not the hat. When a smiley with a hat needs
rotation, only the smiley rotates, resulting in a smiley with
a beard.
The solution to the sequence therefore consists of all
smileys wearing hats / beards. The fourth figure of the
sequence shows that only the uppermost and the right smiley In this sequence the time displayed on the clockworks is
should be rotated. This results in the fourth solution. of importance to solving the row. The uppermost left
clockwork displays a time of 9.00h, the second 9.45h, the
third 11.15h and the last one 14.15h. A closer look at these
times reveals that the difference between the first two
clockworks 45 minutes is, between the second and third 90
minutes and between the last two 180 minutes.
Repeating this pattern, results in a difference between the
fourth and fifth clockwork of 360 minutes.
The time displayed on the clockwork should thus be 20.15,
which is the second solution on the
In the abstract reasoning sequence displayed above, two
distinct patterns can be observed:
As basic objects you have squares containing circles and
vice versa present in the figure.
Next to that curls show up with increasing sequence,
starting at the top and placed clockwise. This results in a
square containing a circle and 4 curls.
will start in the centre and work its way up via the left
diagonal to the removal of the right one.
All these patterns combined result in the third answer. After
all, this answer should contain 6 vertical stripes, 7
diagonals (uppermost left to undermost right) and 3 diagonals
(uppermost right to undermost left).
In order to obtain the answer from the sequence
displayed above, the objects displayed in the first ENGLISH, GRAMMAR & RELATED
figure of the sequence should switch places with each other:
First the two most right objects switch places with each ANSWER TO GRAMMAR & CORRECT USAGE
other, resulting in the second figure.
Next, the circle and square will change places, resulting 35. 1
in the third figure. This means that switching of the objects Between the three of us, I think I am the slowest runner.
occurs clockwise. Correct Sentence: Among the three of us, I think I am the
The next switch in place therefore takes place between the slowest runner.
circle and the square, which results in the fourth figure. Explanation: Among is used to refer to 3 or more members of
A logical next step will be switching the triangles. However, the group, while between is used to refer
since these objects are the same, the solution to this to two member of the group.
sequence will be the same as the figure we started the
switching procedure with. 37.2
There are scarcely no more birds in this city.
Correct sentence: There are scarcely any birds in this city.
Explanation: Double negative. Scarcely and no more are both
negative word/phrase
This fruit contains fewer sugar.
Correct sentence: This fruit contains less sugar.
Explanation: Fewer is used to describe plural nouns (how
In the abstract reasoning sequence displayed above, three many) while less is used to describe
distinct patterns can be observed: singular nouns (how much). Sugar is singular.
In every next figure in the sequence a vertical line will
be added 39.2
Next to that also a diagonal line (uppermost left to I have never seen nothing as beautiful as this city.
undermost right) will be added at both sides in every Correct sentence: I have never seen anything as beautiful as
following figure. Since the first figure does not contain this city.
such a diagonal, the second figure Explanation: Double negative. Never seen and nothing are both
will contain 1 diagonal. In the following figures a diagonal negative word/phrase.
at both sides of this starting one will be placed.
40.4 Correct sentence: All the students have finished their
Place the mirror on the wall to give you an allusion of report.
bigger room.
Correct sentence: Place the mirror on the wall to give you an Explanation: In this sentence, "all" refers to many students,
illusion of bigger room. therefore "have" is the correct verb.
Explanation: Allusion means "a passing or casual reference,"
while illusion means "something
that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression
of reality." 46.3
He was a honorable man.
41. We were lucky we didn't have typhoon this month. Correct sentence: He was an honorable man.
(No Error) Explanation: A is used before words beginning with a
consonant sound (a car, a pencil), while an is
42. 3 used to before words beginning with vowel sounds (an ant, an
My favorite vegetable are peas. egg). An is also used to before words
Correct sentence: May favorite vegetable is peas. beginning with the consonant h when h is not pronounced (such
Explanation: The subject is favorite is singular, therefore as honorable).
the verb are should be is.
43.2 The recently heavy flooding effected the crops of farmers.
Either James or John are going to lead the choir in the Correct sentence: The recently heavy flooding affected the
recital tomorrow. crops of farmers.
Correct sentence: Either James or John is going to lead the Explanation: Affect means "to influence" while effect means
choir in their recital tomorrow. "the result of some actions.
Explanation: In either or statements, the verb considers the
subject after the or statement. The 48.2
subject John is singular, so the verb should be is. Emmanuel could of passed the examinations if he had studied
44.3 hard enough.
The additional supplies that we need to bring are: band aids, Correct sentence: Emmanuel could have passed the examinations
cottons, alcohol, and gauze. if he studied hard enough.
Correct sentences:The additional supplies that we need to Explanation: The word "of' is not used after the verb could.
bring are band aids, cottons, alcohol,
and gauze. (The colon was deleted). 49. 2
The additional supplies that we need to bring are the I believe that were going to have a prosperous new year.
following: band aids, cottons, alcohol, and gauze. Correct sentence: I believe that we're going to have a
Explanation: The colon is used before a list of items prosperous new year.
especially after expressions like the following and Explanation: The word were is the past tense of was while
as follows. Do not use a colon before a verb or a we're is the contraction of we are.
50. 3
45.2 Paul Erdos was a mathematician who writes a lot of research
All the students has finished their report. papers in collaboration with other mathematicians.
Correct Sentence: Paul Erdos was a mathematician who wrote a
lot of research papers in
collaboration with other mathematicians.