Yavorsky, Seleznev - Physics - A Refresher Course - Mir - 1979
Yavorsky, Seleznev - Physics - A Refresher Course - Mir - 1979
Yavorsky, Seleznev - Physics - A Refresher Course - Mir - 1979
A Refresher Course
M ir P ubl i sh e r s M o s co w
A Refresher
B. M. Hbopckhh, K). A. Cejie3HeB
n o (DH3HKE
AJiH nocTynaiom ax b By3U
h caMooSpaaoBaHHH
H3ffaTeJibCTBo «HayKa»
m sits
A Refresher
from the Russian by G. Leib
First published 1979
B. M. Yavorsky
Yu . A . Seleznev
Preface 5
Chapter 1. Kinematics 17
1. Mechanical Motion 17
2. Displacement Vector. Distance 21
3. Velocity 23
4. Acceleration 26
5. Uniform Rectilinear Motion 28
6. Uniformly Changing RectilinearMotion 31
7. Free Fall of Bodies 34
8. Motion of a Body Thrown Vertically Upward 35
9. Uniform Circular Motion of ajParticle 38
10. Motion of a Body Thrown at an Angle with the Ho
rizontal 41
11. Rotation of a Perfectly Rigid Body About a Fixed
Axis 45
Chapter 4. Statics 84
1. General 568
2. Classification of Elementary Particles and Their
Interactions 570
3*. Cosmic Rays 575
4*. Information on Selected Elementary Particles 576
5. Antiparticles 580
6*, Concept of the Structure of a Nucleon 583
Chapter 1
1. Mechanical Motion
1°. Mechanics studies the simplest kind of motion—me
chanical motion. By mechanical motion is meant the change
in the position of a given body (or its parts) relative to
other bodies. It is sometimes a simple matter to observe
mechanical motion: an electric locomotive moves relative to
the station platform or the railway track, motor vessels
move and change their position relative to the banks of
rivers or the shores of seas and oceans. Some mechanical
motions do not lend themselves to direct observation. For
example, the atoms and molecules of gases move relative to
the walls of the vessels containing them. We are convinced
that such invisible mechanical motions occur by the physical
phenomena associated with them (°;°).
Newtonian, or classical, mechanics deals with the mechan
ical motions of bodies occurring at velocities that are much
smaller than the speed of light in a vacuum (IV.4.2.1°).
2°. Kinematics is the branch of mechanics concerned with
the mechanical motions of bodies in time without regard to
the action of other bodies or fields on these bodies.
1$ M echanics t.1.1
Fig. 1.1.2
3. Velocity
1°. The average velocity (vav) during the time interval
At = t2 — tx is the physical quantity equal to the ratio of
the displacement vector Ar = r2 — rx of a particle to the
time interval At:
US, a v — -7
At7 -
As the time interval At tends to zero, the instantaneous
value of the speed
,. AS
Vs = Ahf -m0 1 f
coincides with the magnitude v of the instantaneous velocity
of a particle because
lim = lim I Ar[ v At
A f-0 A t-0
In the general case, the average speed v St av does not
equal the magnitude of the average velocity of a particle
yav. The equality v St av = vRV is observed only in rectili
near motion of a point particle without any change in the
direction of motion.
The average speed is convenient for describing motion
along a closed path or along a path whose different portions
Example. A point particle during the time interval At
performs a complete revolution along a circle of radius
/?. The average velocity of the particle is zero (vav = 0
because Ar = 0), whereas the average speed during the
same time interval differs from zero (vp%av = 2nR/At).
5°. A velocity graphTis a plot of the time dependence of
the projection of the velocity vector onto a coordinate axis
\vx = vx (t), or v v'= v T/ (t), or v2 = vz (J)l. The time measured
from a conventionally chosen initial moment (t0 = 0) is
laid off along the axis of abscissas at a definite scale p*,
and the values of the projections of the velocity vector onto
the given coordinate axis are laid off along the axis of ordi
nates at the scale
A plot of the relationship v = v (£)~when the magnitudes
of the velocity of a particle at different moments are laid
off along the axis of ordinates at a definite scale is also
called a velocity graph.
* Tt will not be mentioned in the following, as a rule, that when
plotting graphs the values of physical quantities are laid off at defi
nite scales along the coordinate axes.
26 Mechanics 1.1.4
4. Acceleration
1°. The average acceleration
(aaav) is the physical quantity equ-
al to the ratio of the change in
the velocity Av Vo — v, of a
point particle to the length of the time interval At = t2
during which the change occurred:
v —"At
The directions of the vectors aav and Av coincide.
Fig. 1.1.9
Table 1.1.1
= = f-- 0,
ax — flu —0
Rectilinear a = 0, a = 0 a = at , a =£0
motion v = const v=£ const
v = const const
ax — 0, 0 an =fc0
The form of the plots vx= v x (/), vy^ v (J (t), and vz=^vz (t)
depends on the direction of the vector v and on the choice
of the positive sense of the relevant coordinate axis.
----- ^
0 t
Fig. 1.1.11
M v M v
-O- - »»------X *
(a) (a)
>0 0
( b ) ( 6)
Fig. 1.1.12 Fig. 1.1.13
Fig. 1.1.14
If vx < 0 (Fig. 1.1.15a), then the graph Arx = Arx (t) has
the form shown in Fig. 1.1.156. In both cases, the slope
(tan a) of the graph with respect to the axis Ot (the angle
Fig. 1.1.15
ItHt = vx
where pr and ut are the scales along the corresponding axes of
the displacement graph (°).
5°. The distance S travelled by a point particle in uni
form rectilinear motion during the time interval At =
= t — t0 equals the magnitude Ar of the displacement vec
tor of the particle during the same time interval. Con-
1.1 .6 kinematics Si
S = v At = v (t — t0)
or, if t0 = 0,
S = vt
Example. A particle moves uniformly and rectilinearly
from a position with the coordinate x1 = 3 m to a position
o----------------- —
I----O----------- _►
x2 0 Xj X
Fig. 1.1.16
So = v0t*----at2
s V* , g (At)*
2a 2
34 Mechanics 1.1.7
v = V v l + 2s ( y —yo)
5°. The duration At of free fall without any initial velo
city (v o = 0) from the height h is
Ar = Vo* +
, _ V , ± V v l + 2 g ( h 0+ h )
tf' 1,2 ~ ------------ i ------------
The root
. _ Up — Y ~l~ (hp + h)
*’2 g
in the given conditions has no physical meaning because
we see that ttf 2 < 0. Thus,
_ V p + V v l + 2 g ( h 0+ h ) _
i t - f t . i --------------- ----------------
_ 2.3+1^(2.3)* + 2 X 9.8 (1.5+3.5) _ 4 0 „
--------------------- o ---------------------- S
The distance S travelled by the body is (Fig. 1.1.21)
S = 2hmax + h0-f- h
where femax is the maximum height of the body over the
point from which it was thrown. We know that hmax =
= yJ/2g. Hence,
S= 2 Jr h 0-\-h = -\~h0~{~h =
= J | | ! + 1.5 + 3 ,5 « 5 .5 m
5°. The magnitude of the velocity vr of a body at the
moment when it returns to its initial point after moving
vertically upward and downward equals the magnitude of
the initial velocity of the body: vT = v0. The vectors vr
and v 0 have opposite directions.
The time it takes a body to travel from the initial point
to the highest one (Ath) is the same as that which it spends
from the highest point to the initial one (A£r)*
Afh = AJr = -y-
Fig. 1.1.27
aa = 4 = = R
The vector an at each moment is directed along the radius
of the trajectory of the point toward the axis of rotation.
5°. In non-uniform, or variable, rotation of a rigid body,
the angles of rotation of the body during equal time inter
vals are not equal. The angular velocity co of the body
changes with time.
6°. The average angular acceleration a av in the interval
At = t2 — tx is defined as the physical quantity equal to
the ratio of the change in the angular velocity Aco = co2 —
— coj of a rotating body during the interval At to the length
of this interval:
a = lim a aT = lim
A f-0 A*-*0 m
When t0 = 0, we have
Acp = (o0; 2
When co0 = 0 at t0 = 0, then
a at2
Chapter 2
Dynamics of Motion
of a Point Particle
2. Force
1°. Force is a vector physical quantity that is a measure
of the mechanical action exerted on a point particle or a
body by other bodies or fields. A force is defined completely
if its magnitude, direction, and point of application are given.
The straight line along which a force is directed is called
the line of action of the force.
The action of a force results in a given body changing
the velocity of its motion (it acquires acceleration) or deform
ing (°). Forces are measured (°,6°) on
the basis of ti ese experimental facts.
2°. The various interactions known in modern physics can
be classified under four headings:
(a) gravitational interaction appearing between all bodies
in accordance with the law of universal gravitation (°);
(b) electromagnetic interaction—between bodies or par
ticles having electric charges (°, VI.5.2.6°);
1.2.2________ Dynamics of Motion of a Point Particle__________ 51
i= i
Fix* = 1=1
2 ^*2/* i= l
Example. The forces Fx, F2, and F3 act on the particle
M in the plane XO Y (Fig. 1.2.2a). Their resultant Fx
can be found as the closing side of a polygon constructed
on the forces Fx, F2, and F3 as on its sides (the polygon of
vectors) (Fig. 1.2.26). The projections Fx* and Fx„ of the
52 Mechanics 1.2.3
Fig. 1.2.2
a -i-
In this form, the law holds for a particle whose mass does
not change while the force acts. It also holds for the trans
lational motion of a body of finite dimensions whose mass
is constant. In the latter case, m stands for the mass of the
body, and a for the acceleration of any point of the body,
for instance the acceleration of its centre of mass (°).
The projections of the acceleration of a point particle or
of a translationally moving body of finite dimensions onto
the axes of a Cartesian coordinate system are expressed by
the relationships
1 X 1y and az ———
a* = m m * m
2°. The equation of Newton’s second law in a more gene
ral form is
A (mv)
F = lim - tt- = lim M
A*-*0 A<-0
If the force F is constant, then
F = _Ap_ = A (m\)
At to
Fto = — F hi
where Fih = force exerted on the i-th particle by the Zc-th one
Fhi = force exerted on the Zc-th particle by the i-th
The minus sign indicates that the force vectors are direct
ed oppositely.
Newton’s third law reflects the circumstance that inter
acting point particles have equal rights. The forces Fik
and Fki are applied to different particles and mutually bala
nce each other only when both particles belong to the same
perfectly rigid body.
2°. In connection with the circumstance that the velocity
of propagation of gravitational and electromagnetic inter
actions is finite and equals the speed of light in a vacuum
(V.4.4.40), the application of Newton’s third law to point
particles or bodies that are not in direct contact is restrict
ed. For example, if the Moon for some reason or other
were to suddenly pass over to a new orbit, the forces of inter
action between the Moon and the Earth would change not
instantaneously, but after a certain time elapses. Within
the limits of this interval, Newton’s third law is not appli
When assessing the “contact” interactions of particles or
bodies, such restrictions vanish.
58 Mechanics 1.2.6
A (m2y2)
—F2i + F23 + • • • + F2n + F2t ext
Ap z
= ^ 2, ext 2
Vk Vi v
forces Px and R1? and also P2 and R2 are balanced, then the
law of conservation of momentum can be applied to the
system. In accordance with this law, for instance, the
position of the centre of mass of the system of carts will
remain unchanged in an inertial reference frame (XOY)
after the spring causes the carts to move (Fig. 1.2.36).
Example 2. After a shot from a gun on a carriage, the
latter recoils (Fig. 1.2.4). The velocity vx of recoil of the
carriage can be found from the law of conservation of the
projection of the momentum onto the coordinate axis OX.
The projection of the force of g r a v ity of the projectile P2
(which is an external force) that is unbalanced after the
shot onto the axis OX equals zero (P2* = 0).
1 .2 .7 Dynamics of Motion of a Point Particle 61
Fig. 1.2.5
8. Forces of Gravity
1°. Law of universal gravitation: forces of mutual attrac
tion (forces of gravity, or gravitational forces) act between
two point particles that are directly proportional to the
masses of these particles and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between them. The magnitude of
the force of gravity is determined by the expression
64 Mechanics 1.2.8
body along a circle with its centre at O' upon the diurnal
rotation of the Earth about its axis. The force P acting on
the body owing to its attraction #to the Earth and equal in
magnitude to the reaction force N but directed oppositely
to it is called the force of gravity. The latter can be measured,
for example, with the aid of a dynamometer provided that
the body and the dynamometer are at rest relative to the
4°. In a reference frame associated with the Earth, any
unsupported body when moving from a small height h above
the Earth’s surface (h < i?E, where i?E is the Earth’s
radius) acquires the acceleration of free fall g (°) under
the action of the gravity force P. This acceleration does not
depend on the mass m of the body and in accordance with
Newton’s second law (°) can be expressed through
the gravity force P:
/ = G—
9. Elastic Forces
1°. The forces appearing in the elastic deformation of
bodies (°) are defined as elastic forces. They act bet
ween the contacting layers of the body being deformed, and
also at the place of contact of a
body being deformed with the
body causing its deformation.
For example, the elastic force
Fel acts from the side of the elas
tically deformed board D on the
bar C lying on it (Fig. 1.2.9).
Elastic forces are of an elec
Fig. 1.2.9 tromagnetic nature (°).
2°. The majority of the prob
lems in the elementary course
of physics deal with one-dimensional (linear) deformations
or strains of tension or compression. Here the elastic forces
Fig. 1.2.10
Fftr* = foN, or
The force N (Fig. 1.2.12) acting on a given body from the
side of its support perpendicular to its surface is called the
force of normal reaction, and the
force Pn exerted by the body on
its support is called the force of
normal pressure. The dimension
less coefficient of proportiona
lity / 0 is called the coefficient of
static friction. It depends on the
material of the bodies in contact,
on the quality of machining of the Fig. 1.2.12
contacting surfaces, the presence
between them of foreign substances, and many other factors.
The values of the coefficient of static friction are obtained
5°. The force of sliding friction Ffrt sl between the sur
faces of contacting bodies upon their relative motion depends
on the force of normal reaction N or on the force of normal
pressure Pn:
Ftr,s\ = fN , or F u , si = f P n
where / is the coefficient of sliding friction depending on the
same factors as the coefficient of static friction / 0, and also
on the velocity of relative motion of the contacting bodies.
The coefficient of sliding friction is determined experi
mentally and in the majority of cases at low velocities of
relative motion of contacting bodies is less than the coeffi
cient of static friction (/ < / 0).
6°. Forces of friction, unlike gravitational forces (°)
and elastic forces (°), do not depend on the coordi
nates of the relative arrangement of the bodies. Forces of fric
tion may depend on the relative velocities of the contacting
bodies. The work of the forces of sliding friction (°)
72 Mechanics 1.2.11
n r 3
ing an axis of rotation
(°), and on the choice of
a standard for measuring mass.
The equilibrium of an
equal-arm beam balance (Fig.
W w* 1.2.15) is achieved provided
Fig. 1.2.15 that
w = w.
where W and Ws are the weights of the bodies on the pans.
The forces of gravity of the bodies P and Ps equal to their
weights are also the same: P = Ps, whence
mg = msg and m = ms
because the accelerations of free fall are the same at the place
where both bodies are.
By choosing a body of mass ms as a standard of mass
(weights are used for this purpose), we can measure the mass
m of any body.
The masses of the weights are indicated on them, and a
beam balance can be used to measure the mass m of a body
regardless of the place on the Earth where weighing is being
performed. To determine the force of gravity (or weight)
of a body with the aid of a beam balance and weights, we
must know the acceleration of free fall at the place of weigh
1 .2 .1 2 D yn a m ics of M o tio n of a P o in t P a rticle 77
Chapter 3*
Elem ents of Dynamics of Rotation
of a Perfectly Rigid Body
About a Fixed Axis
/ = S miR\
i= 1
The calculation of this sum for bodies having an arbi
trary shape is very complicated, and their moments of iner
tia are determined experimentally.
The moment of inertia is a measure^of the inertness of a
body in rotation. It plays the same part as the mass in de
scribing the motion of a body in a straight line. But if the
mass of a given body in problems in Newtonian mechanics
is considered to be constant, then the moment of inertia of
a given body depends on the position of the axis of rota
6°. The moments *of inertia of selected homogeneous
bodies having a^ very simple shape arej as follows (m is the
mass of the body):
62 Mechanics } .3 i
t — T mp
L i = miR \ ^ = PiR i
L = S L i = S/*co
ir= 1 i= l
L = I co
where I is the moment of inertia of the body relative to the
given fixed axis.
3°. When using the angular momentum, the equation of
the fundamental law of rotational dynamics acquires the
ALt jk/r A (/co) -nr
- J f = M exU or ^ = ^ext
Chapter 4
Fi. = V F\x + F\y + F \z
6°. The resultant of two parallel forces Fj and F2
(Fig. 1.4.4) equals their sum, while the line of its action
§ Fj = F
i= 1
2. Conditions of Equilibrium
of a Point Particle and Perfectly Rigid Body
in an Inertial Reference Frame
1°. The condition for the equilibrium of a point particle
is the equality to zero of the sum of all the forces F* acting
on the particle:
2F, = 0
or in projections onto the axes of a Cartesian coordinate
= Yi Fiy = 0, and 3 ^ = 0
{=1 2=1 2= 1
where n is the number of forces acting on the given particle.
2°. If the constraints permit only translational motion
of a perfectly rigid body, it will be in equilibrium provided
S F , = 0,
i= l
2 ^ = 0, 2 / ^ = 0, and 2 ^ = 0
i= l i= l 1=1
S F , = 0 and 2 Mt= 0
1=1 1=1
where F* = external force acting on the body
Mi = moment of this force
n = number of external forces.
Example 1. A block B can be in equilibrium on the
inclined plane D (Fig. 1.4.10) under the action of the force
of gravity P, [the force of frstatic
friction Ffr>0, and the force of reac
tion N if the condition
P -T N -f- FfFto = 0
is observed and if, in addition, the
line of action of the force of reac
tion N passes through the point K
Fig. 1.4.10
of intersection of the lines of action
of the forces P and Ffr.o- Only when
Ihe last condition is observed will the sum of the moments of
(lie forces P, N, and Ffr>0 relative to any axis (for instance
relative to the horizontal axis perpendicular to the plane
of the drawing and passing through the centre of mass C
or the point K) vanish. If the line of action of the force of
reaction N passed through the centre of mass C of the block,
then the moment of the force Ffr,9 relative to the axis pass
ing, for instance, through the centre of mass C would not
equal zero, and as a result the block would have nothing
left to do but turn over clockwise about its edge A.
The general conditions of equilibrium of a body can be
used not only to find the lines of action of forces, but also
lo determine unknown forces.
90 Mechanics 1.4.2
3. Kinds of Equilibrium
1°. The equilibrium of a body in a certain position is
ealled stable if forces or moments of forces appear that tend
to return the body to its initial position upon any small
deviations of the body from this position
permitted by the constraints (°).
Examples. Figures 1.4.12 to 1.4.14
show the positions of stable equilibrium
of selected bodies and small deviations
of the bodies from these positions.
1. The ball A suspended on a string
(Fig. 1.4.12a) is in stable equilibrium
under the action of the force of gravity
P and the force of tension of the string
T so that when the ball is slightly devi Fig. 1.4.12
ated, for example to the right (Fig. 1.4.126)
an unbalanced force F appears that returns the ball to its
initial position.
2. The sleeve B (Fig. 1.4.13a) that can slide without
friction along a smooth horizontal rod and that is fastened
to an undeformed spring is in stable equilibrium under the
action of the force of gravity P and the force of reaction N
of the rod. When the sleeve is displaced slightly along the
rod (Fig. 1.4.136), the elastic force Fei appears that is direct
ed toward the initial position of equilibrium of the sleeve.
3. The non-homogeneous sphere D (Fig. 1.4.14a) floats
in a liquid under the action of the force of gravity P applied
at the centre of mass C of the sphere and the buoyant force
Fb (°) applied at the point 0 1 that is somewhat lower
than the geometrical centre of the sphere O. If the sphere is
submerged deeper into the liquid (Fig. 1.4.146), the buoy
ant force grows, and the resultant of the forces P and Fm
makes the sphere return to its initial position. If the sphere
is turned about its centre O (Fig. 1.4.14c) a moment of the
02 Mechanics 1 .4 .3
tend to deviate the body still more from its initial position
upon even small deviations of the body from this position
allowed by the constraints (°).
( c)
Fig. 1.4.18
Chapter 5
Work and Mechanical Energy
A = F\cos a Ar i2 == Fjzos a S l2
where Ar12 is the magnitude of the displacement vector ArJ2
of the particle (or body) from its initial position 1 to its
final position 2 equal in this case to the distance S12.
(b) The force F is constant, the trajectory of a particle
(or body) is curved (F — const, a* const) (Fig. 1.5.2).
As = G m M (-L — L )
c a lle d L Z I Z i f t h S e r n a l
and external forces (°) Fig. 1.5.8
acting on the bodies of the sys
tem are potential ones (Par. 1°).
In a closed conservative system, only internal potential
forces act between the bodies.
If even one of conditions needed for a system to be
conservative is violated, then it is called non-conservative.
Internal non-potential forces act between the bodies of a
closed non-conservative system in addition to the internal
potential forces.
Sometimes, one body instead of a system of bodies is
considered as a conservative or non-conservative system.
3. M echanical E nergy
1°. By energy is meant a scalar physical quantity that is
a single measure of various forms of motion of matter and a
measure of the transition of motion of matter from some
forms to others. To characterize different forms of motion
of matter, the relevant kinds of energy are introduced, for
example mechanical energy (Par. 2°), internal energy
(°,°), the energy of electrostatic (°),
intranuclear (VI.4.2.2°) interactions, etc.
Energy obeys the law of conservation, which is one of
Uie most important laws of nature.
2°. The mechanical energy E characterizes the motion and
interaction of bodies and is a function of the velocities and
mutual arrangement of the bodies. It equals the sum of ttyp
kinetic and potential Ep energies.
102 Mechanics 1.5.3
where EVt x and EVt 2 are the potential energies of the body
in its initial and final states, respectively.
With a view to the formulas for calculating the work of
some potential forces given in°, 3°, we can obtain
expressions for the potential energy of interaction of very
simple mechanical systems.
Example 1. The potential energy of the gravitational in
teraction of a system of two particles of masses m and M.
and at a distance r from each other is
„ GmM
E \>= r
104 Mechanics 1.5.3
p _ GmMjsJi
p“ B E ( R B + h)
k (Air
4. L a w o f C o n se r v a tio n o f M e c h a n ic a l E n e r g y
1°. The law of conservation *of mechanical energy: the
mechanical energy of a conservative system remains con
stant during motion of the system:
E = i?k + Ev = const
This law holds for both closed and for open conservative
systems (°).
Example 1. A central perfectly elastic collision of two
balls. A collision is defined as the phenomenon of the change
in the velocities of bodies during
the very small interval of time (a)
of their contact. A collision is
perfectly elastic if the forces of
interaction of the colliding bod
ies are potential ones and the
mechanical energy of the system JTip
does not change as a result of (b)
the interaction. A collision is
central if the velocities of the "L
0 s
bodies prior to it are directed «/ X
along the line connecting the Fig. 1.5.9]
centres of mass of the bodies.
Two balls of masses mx and
m2 travel along a horizontal straight line with the veloci
ties vx and v 2 (Fig. 1.5.9a). Determine the velocities of
the balls Uj and u2 after a perfectly elastic collision.
Although the system of balls is not closed (each ball is
acted upon by the force of gravity and another force balanc
ing the force of gravity), we may apply to the system the
law of conservation of the projection of the momentum onto
the coordinate axis OX (°):
m iV ix " b ^ 2 y 2a: = m iu ix “b m 2U 2x
When m1 > m2, the first ball continues to move to the right
after the collision, but with a lower velocity. When m1 <
<C m2 ,the first ball moves to the left after the collision. The
second ball in both cases moves to the right after the colli
If the condition ml m2 is observed when v 2 = 0, then
« —Vj and
The direction of the velocity vector of the light body will
be reversed after a perfectly elastic collision with a massive
stationary body.
Example 2. A perfectly rigid body of mass m moves from
the point 1 to the point 2 near the Earth’s surface under the
action of the gravity force P (Fig. 1.5.10). The point 1 is at
1.5.4 Work and Mechanical Energy 107
the elevation hx, and the point 2 at the elevation h2. Find
the velocity v 2 of the body if its initial velocity is zero
(vx = 0).
In this case, we can consider that the system consists of
only one body of mass m since the state of the Earth does
not virtually change during its motion. The system is open
because there is an unbalanced external force P, but it is
conservative because the force of gravity P is a potential
one. Let us apply the law of conservation of mechanical
energy. The work A gT of the force of gravity equals the
change in the kinetic energy of the body:
Agv = A 2 E^f *
In addition, this work equals the change in the potential
energy of the body taken with the reverse sign:
Agr = A/?p = — (^p, 2 — E Pf i)
Ek, 2 — ^k, 1 = —(^p,2 — Ep, i), or E^t 2-j-EPl 2 = E^t i~l-Ept i
In an inertial reference frame associated with the Earth
and when the zero potential energy is selected at the Earth’s
surface, we have
J U f + mgh2 = ^ - + mghl, or 4 + +
Since v1 = 0, then
v2 = Y 2 g (K — ht)
(the second root of the quadratic equation has no physical
meaning here). The vector v2 is directed vertically downward
2°. If a system of interacting bodies is closed, but non
conservative, its mechanical energy is not retained. The
change in the mechanical energy of such a system equals the
work of the internal non-potential forces:
^E = A\ntt n0n
A system in which forces of friction act in addition to
potential forces is an example of such a system.The forces
qf friction reduce the kinetic energy of the system when i\
108 Mechanics 1.5.4
m1-f- m2
The change AE in the mechanical energy of a system of
two balls is determined in the given case by the change in
the kinetic energy of the balls as the result of the inelastic
AE — Ekt 2— ^k, i
5. P ow er
1°. The average power P^wis defined as the physical quan
tity determined by the ratio of the work A^4 done by a force
or a system of forces during the finite time interval At to
no Mechanics i AJl
this interval:
p __AA
^ av~"Ar
2°. The power (instantaneous power) P is defined as the
physical quantity equal to the limit which the average power
tends to when the time interval At tends to zero:
Chapter 6
Elem ents of Fluid Mechanics
2. Fluid Statics
1°. In the absence or upon the compensation of external
actions on a fluid in an inertial reference frame, a particle of
a continuous medium is in equilibrium if the resultant
(°) of all the forces exerted on it by the adjacent par
ticles (°) equals zero. The same condition must be
112 Mechanics 1.6.2
w (b)
Fig. 1.6.1
Fx + F2 + F8 = 0
(the condition of equilibrium of the forces acting on the
faces of the prism).
A closed triangle of forces corresponds to the last condi
tion that is similar to the triangular base of the prism
(Fig. 1.6.16). We can therefore write that
Ft = F2 = F8
Ax Ay AI
1.6.2 Elements of Fluid Mechanics 113
P i — Pi = p g K —
where px and p 2 = pressures in the liquid at the depths hx
and h2 from its surface, respectively
p = density of the liquid
g = acceleration of free fall.
If we know the pressure p 0 at the level of the liquid’s
surface (h± = 0) (for instance it equals the pressure of the
surrounding air, or the pressure on the liquid of a piston
contacting its surface), then the pressure p at an arbitrary
depth h will be
P = Po + Pgh
114 Mechanics t.6.2
i —
t UE:
portion of the body). The centre of pressure D coincides with
the centre of mass C (°) of a body only when the latter
is homogeneous and completely submerged in a homogeneous
liquid (Fig. 1.6.4a). For a homogeneous body only partly
submerged in a liquid (Fig. 1.6.46) and for non-uniform bodies
(in Fig. 1.6.4c the density of the hatched portion is greater
than that of the remaining portion of the body), the centre
of pressure and the centre of mass of the body do not coincide.
The buoyant force is due to the fact that the hydrostatic
pressures at different depths are not the same.
4°. A body submerged in a liquid is in equilibrium if
the force of gravity (or weight) of the body P is balanced by
the buoyant force FA:
P = Fa
116 Mechanics 1 .6 J
3. M otion of F luids
1°. The motion (flow) of a fluid is called steady if the veloc
ity of the fluid at the given points of space is independent
of time. The velocity of a fluid may differ at different points
of space.
If the velocity of a fluid changes with time at fixed points
of space, the flow is called unsteady.
The flow of a fluid when its contacting layers move with
out mixing is called laminar. When the layers of the fluid
mix, the flow is defined as turbulent. Laminar flow maybe
either steady or unsteady. Turbulent flow is always un
2°. A line a tangent to which at a given point coincides
in direction with the velocity of the fluid at this point at a
given moment of time is called a streamline. In the steady
flow of a fluid, the streamlines coincide with the paths of
the fluid particles.
A flow tube is defined as the surface formed by the stream
lines passing through all the points of a small closed contour
(an area element) in a fluid. The fluid flowing through an
entire complex of flow tubes is called a stream.
In the steady flow of a fluid, the flow tubes do not change
in shape with time, and the fluid particles do not leave the
confines of definite flow tubes during their motion.
If the velocity of a fluid changes only slightly from point
to point of the cross section of a stream, then the pipe or
bed through which the fluid is flowing is assumed to be a
single large flow tube. The average velocity over a cross
section is considered to be the velocity of the fluid at this
cross section of such a flow tube.
3°. By internal friction (viscosity) is meant the phenom
enon of the appearance of forces preventing the relative dis
placement of the layers of a fluid. The forces of internal fric-
1.6.3 Elements of Fluid Mechanics 117
SI 1
2 ,}A \f
--- ^ ►
Fig. 1.6.5
pvS = const
vS = const
P + pgfr + = const
p - f = const
**t+ 4 = * * 2 + 4
Since the cross-sectional area of the hole is much smaller
than the area of the free surface of the liquid, then on the
basis of the continuity equation vx <C vV% <€ vV^i and
the second addend in the left-hand side of the equation may
be ignored. Hence,
ghi = gh2~ \-^
v2 = Y 2g (hr — h2) (Torricelli1s formula)
^ - = 9^H
(n) I
Fig. 1.6.8.
Chapter 1
of Molecular-Kinetic Theory
3. Diffusion
1°. Diffusion in the simplest case is defined as the process
of levelling out of the densities (or concentrations) of two
substances when they are mixed with each other. The mutual
penetration of the substances is a result of the chaotic mo
tion of their particles and the change in density along a cer
tain direction. It is exactly in this direction that diffusion
occurs. Diffusion is observed in fluids and in solids.
I I . 1.4 Fundamentals of Molecular-Kinetic Theory 129
Examples of diffusion:
(a) If we carefully pour water into a vessel containing a
solution of blue vitriol (copper sulphate), then the sharply
defined interface between the solution and the water will
vanish with time. The water will gradually become blue,
and after a rather long time a liquid homogeneous in colour
is obtained.
(b) The stratosphere is a homogeneous mixture of oxy
gen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour, and inert
gases. If there were no diffusion, all the constituent parts of
the stratosphere would be stratified owing to the different
force of gravity of the molecules of these gases (°).
(c) Plates of gold and lead ground in and pressed against
each other “intergrow” during five years as a result of the
mutual penetration of the particles into the plates to a depth
of about one millimetre.
2°. A measure of diffusion is the mass AM of a substance
that has diffused in a unit time through a unit area of con
tact of the substances. The quantity AM grows with an
increasing change in the density (or concentration) per unit
length in the direction of diffusion.
3°. Diffusion accelerates with elevation of the tempera
ture. For example, in hot water, sugar and salt dissolve
more rapidly than in cold water, mainly owing to diffusion.
The acceleration of diffusion is associated with the fact
that elevation of the temperature is attended by a growth
in the velocities of the molecules (°).
/att ( r ) = ----jr
/r e p (r) = ~p&
/(* ■ )= ---+ -£
(a) (b)
Fig. II.1.4
ure II.1.4 shows the crystal lattices of table salt (a) and
graphite (b). •
Single crystals having the shape of regular polyhedrons
are called monocrystals. Most solids have a fine crystalline
structure {polycrystals). Such bodies consist of a great num
ber of intergrown fine, chaotically arranged crystals (crystal
line grains, crystallites). Examples of polycrystalline solids
are metals, stones, and sand. For the types of crystals see°.
5°. The particles which a crystal consists of form a regu
lar crystal lattice in space (a space lattice). The basis of a
crystal lattice is an elementary cell of a definite geometrical
shape at whose apices—the lattice points, or sites—particles
(atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged. The elementary
cell repeating at spacings equal to integral lengths of its
edges forms a complete crystal. The length of an edge of an
elementary cell is called the period of the crystal lattice.
The periods may be different in different directions in a
6°. In crystalline solids, there is long-range order in
the arrangement of the particles which a crystal cell is con
structed of: the ordered arrangement of the particles repeats
within the limits of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thou
sands of cells. In this sense, an entire crystal can be con
sidered asVsingle "giant particle having a structure of a single
7°. Liquids are defined as fluids that have a definite vol
ume but do not have their own shape, taking on that of the
vessel containing them. If gases are characterized by com
plete disorder in the arrangement of their molecules, and
solids by the presence of long-range order, then liquids occu
py an intermediate position as regards their structure and
the nature of thermal motion in them. This is connected
with the circumstance that the condition (*) (°) is
most complicated for liquids: the] potential energy of in
teraction of the liquid particles is commensurable with their
kinetic energy. The strong intermolecular interaction of the
molecules leads to the fact that the particles in liquids are
very close to one another. This arrangement, however, is not
strictly ordered throughout the entire volume as in solids.
Short-range order is observed in liquids—an ordered relative
136 M o le c u la r P h ysics and T h erm o d yn a m ics 11.2.1
Chapter 2
Molecular-Kinetic Theory
of Ideal Gases
1. I d e a l G a s
another and with the walls of the vessel they behave like
absolutely elastic balls of finite but very small dimensions
(the model of elastic balls). The£e collisions occur according
to the laws holding for a perfectly elastic collision (°).
The existence of molecules of finite, though small, dimen
sions is associated with the action of forces of repulsion
between the particles (°). The sharp growth of the
repulsion forces when the molecules approach one another
to small distances does not permit the particles to penetrate
into one another and determines the finite dimensions of
the molecules.
The elementary course of physics treats ideal gases whose
molecules consist of a single atom.
2°. Actually existing gases at not too low temperatures
and sufficiently low pressures—rarefied gases—are close in
their properties to an ideal gas. For example, helium at room
temperature and atmospheric pressure obeys the laws of
ideal gases with a good approximation.
/ 29 X 10"3
500 m/s
3*. M e a n F r e e P a th o f a M o le c u le
1°. The mean free path I is the average distance which
a molecule travels without a collision, i.e. between two con
secutive collisions. A molecule travels uniformly and recti-
linearly over its free path.
2°. The mean free path of a molecule is directly propor
tional to the arithmetical mean velocity of the molecule
v and inversely proportional to the average number of col
lisions of a molecule z in a unit time:
140 M o lec u la r P h ysics and T h erm o d yn a m ics I I . 2.3
T - —
V I nnd2
P\li —P2 I2
I 7 l / * JX |X
8R T YM t
4. F u n d a m e n ta l E q u a tio n
o f th e K in e tic T h e o r y o f G a se s
1°. The fundamental equation of the kinetic theory of gases
establishes the relationship between the pressure of a gas p,
its volume V, and the kinetic energy of the translational
motion of its molecules Ek:
pV = ^ -E k
N 2
Here Ek = 2 -tt = total kinetic energy of the translational
i=l z
motion of N identical molecules of a gas oc
cupying the volume V
m = mass of a molecule
Vi = its velocity.
2°. If we introduce the mean square velocity (°),
Ek = -I- Nmv2= -i- M v2
= = (*)
E k = iN A = ± k T N A = ± R T
where R is the molar gas constant. Hence,
Ek, , = ± x 8.31 X1000 = 1.25 x 104 J
Chapter 3
Ideal Gas Laws
1. Equation of State
1°. Physical phenomena in gaseous and other bodies are
studied by the thermodynamic method in addition to the
statistical one (°). Thermodynamics is the name given
to the branch of physics studying the conditions of the con
version of energy from one kind to another and the quanti
tative relationships in such conversions (°). Thermo
dynamics is based on experimentally established laws of
thermodynamics (° and°). These laws allow
us, without taking into consideration the molecular struc
ture of substances, to get much information on the properties
of bodies and the laws of the processes occurring with bodies
11.3.1 Ideal Gas Laws 145
Fig. I I .3.4
where V2m and F1m are the final and initial volumes of
a mole of a gas. The values of R in different units are:
R = 8.31 X 103 J/kmol*K = 8.31 J/mol-K =
= 0.0821 1-atm/mol-K = 1.99 cal/mol*K
The volume of an arbitrary mass M of a gas of molar
mass (lx is V = (Ml\\) Vm. The Mendeleeu-Clapeyron equation
for an arbitrary mass of a gas has the form
pV = — RT
Since VlM = v is the specific volume of a gas, then
pv = — T = BT
Chapter 4
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
U = — RT
2., W ork
1°. Our concepts of work and energy treated in mechanics
(°,°) are further developed in thermodynamics.
An essential condition for the performance of work by a body
(or a system) is displacement of the body when acting forces
are present. We can speak of work only when the state of
a body (or a system) changes.
We distinguish the work A done by a system on external
bodies and the work A' done by external bodies on a system.
They are numerically equal and opposite in sign: A =
= —A '. The work A is assumed to be positive, and A*
2°. The work of expansion of an ideal gas is the work which
the gas does against the external pressure (see Fig. II.3.1).
The elementary work AA is determined by the formula
AA = pS Ax = p AV
where p = external pressure
S = area of the piston under which the gas is
Ax = elementary displacement of the piston from the
position 1 to the position 2
AV = S Ax — change in the volume of the gas.
The same formula expresses the elementary work done
not only by a gas, but also by any body against the external
An expanding gas does positive work against the external
forces (AV > 0). Compression of a gas is attended by nega
tive work (AV < 0). It is done by the external bodies that
created the external pressure.
II.4.2 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 159
= 2 8 S ^ X 8 -31 x l0 0 = 8 -31 x l ° 3 J
3. H e a t
1°. Heat is such a form of energy transfer in which the
direct exchange of energy occurs between the chaotically
moving particles of the interacting bodies. As a result of the
energy transferred to a body, the disordered motion of its
particles increases, i.e. the internal energy of the body grows.
For example, when two bodies having different temperatures
11.4.3 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 161
body and the wall. The energy of llie ordered motion of the
body is transformed into the energy of disordered motion
ol‘ the particles. Such a transfer of energy is irreversible
If energy is transferred to a body in the form of heat,
this increases the energy of chaotic thermal motion of its
particles and directly leads only to a growth in the internal
energy of the body. For instance, when a gas contained in
a vessel of constant volume is heated, the velocity of its
molecules increases, and its internal energy grows.
For an increase in kinds of energy other than the internal
energy to occur when heat is supplied to a body, at least
partial transformation of the chaotic motion of the particles
of the body into ordered motion is needed, or as we often
but not accurately say, the “transformation of heat into
work”. This occurs in heat engines (°, see also°).
4°. In real conditions, both ways of transferring energy
to a system (in the form of work and in the form of heat)
accompany each other. For example when a metal rod is
heated, its internal energy grows, and at the same time ther
mal expansion of the rod occurs (°) which means that
work of expansion is done.
In the International system of units (SI), the amount
of heat, like work, is measured in joules (J). A non-system
unit—the calorie—is also used to measure the amount of
heat. One calorie (VII.4.1°) is equivalent to 4.19 joules of
work. The mechanical equivalent of heat is
E = 4.19 J/cal - 4.19 X 107 erg/cal
The reciprocal quantity, 1IE = 0.239 cal/J, is called the
thermal equivalent of mechanical work.
4. H e a t C a p a c ity
1°. Heat capacity is the name given to the physical
quantity numerically equal to the amount of heat AQ
that must be added to a body to heat it by one kelvin:
11.4.5 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 163
T2 Q2
172 M olecular Physics and Therm odynam ics n .4 .8
This ratio can be used as the basis for comparing the tempe
ratures of two bodies. If the latter are chosen as the hot
and cold reservoirs in a reversible Carnot cycle, then by
measuring and Q2 we can determine the ratio T J T 2.
The thermodynamic temperature scale is established theoret
ically in this way. In accordance with Carnot’s theorems
(Paragraphs 3°-5°), this scale is not associated with the prop
erties of a thermometric body (see also°).
Problem 1. An internal-combustion engine has an effi
ciency of 28 % at a fuel combustion temperature of 927 °C
and an exhaust gas temperature of 447 °C. By how much
is the efficiency of an ideal engine greater than that of this
Given: = 927 + 273 = 1200 K, T2 = 447 + 273 =
- 720 K, T] = 28%.
Required: T)c, t|.
Solution: The efficiency of an ideal engine operating
according to the Carnot cycle is found by the formula
*lc X 100 = 40%
TJC—T1= 40% - 28% = 12%
T1 = 4 - = Q ' n Qt x l O O - f t - 0- ^ X 1 0 0 =
11*. Refrigerator
1°. A refrigerator is a cyclically functioning machine
that maintains a lower temperature in the refrigerator
chamber than the ambient temperature. This is achieved
by the transfer of a certain
amount of heat from a cold
H ot re s e rv o ir
( atm osphere)
body to one having a higher
temperature. Such a transfer
V r*>v does not contradict the sec
ond law of thermodynamics
y7ZZZZ2EZZZZZZLm (°) because this trans
t .Working z-
—, fer of heat is not the only
*.:substance _1 process. A compensating pro
cess occurs (°) involv
M yyM :
W( ing the conversion of the
mechanical energy of the sur
~ 7*— rounding bodies into the in
Refrigerator ternal energy of the hot res
2°. A diagram showing how
Fig. II .4.6
energy is converted in a refrig
erator is contained in Fig.
II.4.6. Upon the isothermal
expansion occurring at the temperature of the refrigerator
chamber T2, the working substance does work and absorbs
the heat Q2 from the chamber. Upon the isothermal com
pression of the working substance occurring at the higher
temperature T1 of the hot reservoir (the atmosphere), the
heat is transferred to the latter. This occurs as a result
of the work of external forces. The working substance is
transferred from the state with the temperature T1 to that
with the temperature T2 and back by processes of adiabatic
expansion (the temperature drops from T1 to T2) and
adiabatic compression (the temperature rises from T2
to Tx).
t!.4.11 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics ill
Chapter 5
Mutual Transitions
of Liquids and Gases
1. Evaporation of Liquids
1°. Vaporization is the process of transition of a substance
from the liquid state to the gaseous one. Vaporization occurr
ing at any temperature from the free surface of a liquid
is called evaporation. The molecules flying out of a liquid
in evaporation are called the vapour of the given liquid.
Not only liquids, but also solids form a vapour (°).
Molecules having the highest velocity and kinetic energy
of chaotic thermal motion fly out of the surface layer of
a liquid, hence evaporation results in cooling of a liquid.
A measure of the process of evaporation is the rate of evap
oration—the amount of liquid transforming into a vapour
in a unit time from a unit surface area of the liquid.
2°. Cooling upon the evaporation of liquids has a great
practical importance. For example, liquid ammonia or liquid
carbon dioxide is evaporated in special devices in the
refrigerator cars used for the transportation of perishable
products. The evaporation of liquid ammonia in the coils
of refrigerators is used for the preparation of ice. The coils
pass through a solution of salt (brine) and cool it to below
0 °C. Moulds of sheet steel filled with water are placed in
the brine, and pieces of ice form in them.
2. Saturated Vapour
1°. If a vaporization process (°) occurs in a closed
vessel, then after a certain time elapses the amount of the
liquid stops diminishing, although the liquid molecules
capable of leaving its surface continue to pass over into the
vapour. In this case, the vaporization process is attended
by a reverse compensating process of condensation—the trans-
II.5.3 Mutual Transitions of Liquids and Gases 179
3. Boiling
1°. Boiling is defined as the process of intensive vapor
ization not only from the free surface, but also throughout
Ilie entire volume of a liquid inside the vapour bubbles
formed during this process. The pressure p inside a bubble
is determined by the formula
2 a
P = Po + Pgh-t R
ISO_________ Molecular Physics and thermo&ytiamlck________11.5.8
Pn&Po + p g h + j r
4. Vapour Isotherm
1°. A vapour is defined as unsaturated if its pressure is
lower than the saturated vapour pressure ps at the given
temperature. The pressure of an unsaturated vapour depends
on its volume—a reduction of the volume is attended by
a growth in the pressure, and vice versa.
182 Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics 11.5.4
does not change. Part of it passes over into the liquid, and
at the point 2 the entire vapour condenses. A reduction
in the volume of the liquid on the path 2 -> 3 requires
a considerable pressure increase in connection with the low
compressibility of liquids.
3°. An unsaturated vapour can be brought into the
saturated state not only by its isothermal compression,
but also by lowering the temperature. The unsaturated
vapour when passing over into a state of saturation partly
liquefies. This explains the sweating of cold objects brought
into a warm room, the formation of a fog, dew, etc.
The isotherm can be considered as
a curve of the continuous transition of a liquid into the
state of an unsaturated vapour. A vapour can pass from the
saturated to the unsaturated state not only by isothermal
expansion, but also by elevation of the temperature. The
unsaturated vapour obtained by heating a saturated vapour
is called superheated.
11.5.5 Mutual Transitions of Liquids and Gases 183
6. Humidity of Air
1°. The absolute humidity of air f is defined as the mass
of water vapour contained in 1 m3 of air in the given con
ditions. The value of / is assessed according to the density
11.5.6 Mutual Transitions of Liquids and Gases 185
Chapter 6
Properties of Liquids*
(<0 Cb)
Fig. II.6.2
P m
T —
A i f T f
^ 4
~7 ~ . ______ _
— ■
Z T “. -------------- 7 1 ---------------------
£ T :
__ o 2a
Pm — ^
I q ^O’ *7£0 w 4 QQ I ^ X 40 X 10 ®
P = Po + 2 — = 7 5 2 x 1 3 3 + 4 x iQ-3 —
Chapter 7
Solids and
Their Transformation
into Liquids*
4. M elting, C rystallization,
and Sublim ation of Solids
1°. The melting of solids is their transition from the
solid state to the liquid one. At the expense of the energy
supplied to a solid in melting, the amplitudes of the displa
cements of the particles oscillating at the lattice points
grow, and become compatible with the lattice constant
(°). In the process of melting, the crystal lattice
of a solid is destroyed.
2°. Melting occurs at a definite temperature called the
melting point Tm. For most solids, Tm grows with increasing
external pressure. The latter prevents the increase in the
equilibrium distances between the particles in a crystal
lattice needed for melting of the body to begin, and hampers
the destruction of the lattice.
3°. The melting of solids, as a rule, is attended by an
increase in the specific volume or a reduction in the density
of a body. Exceptions to the rule are ice and bismuth in
which melting is attended by a reduction in the specific
volume (an increase in the density). In these substances,
an increase in the external pressure leads to lowering of the
melting point.
4°. In the course of melting of a solid, it simultaneously
exists in both the solid and liquid states. The temperature
of a body does not change in melting and constantly remains
equal to Tm. All the heat supplied to the body is used for
destroying the crystal lattice and for work against external
forces. As a result of melting, the internal energy of a body
(°) grows, as does the potential energy of intermole-
cular interaction (°).
5°. The amount of heat needed for the transition of
a unit mass of a solid into the liquid state at the melting
point is called the specific heat of fusion Lt.
I I .7 .4 Solids and Their Transformation into Liquids 201
Chapter 1
1. B a s ic C o n ce p ts.
T h e L a w o f C o n se r v a tio n o f E le c tr ic C h arge
2. C o u lo m b ’s L a w
P i~ 4jie0r2 — 4 x 3 .1 4 x 8 .8 5 x l t i - 12x 2 5 x l 0 - 4
« —6.6xl0"5N
208 Fundamentals of Electrodynamics 1II.1.3
jp _ M s _ 1.52 X iO-18
2 4jce0r2 4 X 3.14 X 8.85 X IO"12 X 25 X IO"4
= 0.81 xlO -5 N
The spheres will repel each other with a force of F2 =
= 0.81 X IO"5 N.
Fig. III.1.2
a field line, then the path of the charge will coincide with
the field line.
7°. Every electric charge sets up an electric field in
space regardless of the presence of other charges. The prin
ciple of superposition of electric fields: the intensity of the
electric field of a system of N charges equals the vector sum
of the intensities of the fields produced by each of them
E —Ei + E2 + . . . + Ejy — 2 Ei
_ 5xl0-» V 3 —
— 4 X3.14 X8.85 X 10-12X 10-* X 4
= 3 . 4 x l 0 3 V/m
111.1.4 Electrostatics 213
| Ec | = 2 1E+ | cos a = 2 x 4jie0a2 q
X 0.5 = 4j i e0fl2
= 4 . 5 x l 0 3V/m
E = 4ji80
r ~ 2 -v rTf -r-t (in the SI system)
i= \
V qi Vi (in the cgse system)
er? r t
i= l
Fig. III.1.6
Fig. III.1.8
Required: E.
Solution: The electrostatic field of a sphere with a
charged surface outside the sphere is similar to the field
of a point charge at its centre: E = ^/4jte0er2.
The charge on the sphere is q = aS = a4jii?2, where R
is the radius of the sphere. The relative permittivity e = 1;
o4nR2 _ a _ 6.4 xlO”8 2.0x 102V/m
4jie0e36i?2 ~ 36a0 ~ 8.85 X 10"12 X 36
\g. III.1.12
E=0 E*0
(Cl) (b)
Fig. III.1.13
cc cVc ccc ©e
V ecc €c
V €c
Fig. III.1.15
cannot be torn away from them [cf. the free charges on the
surface of a conductor (°)]. Bound charges do not
manifest themselves inside any volume of a dielectric:
the total electric charge of the molecules in this volume
equals zero. On the surfaces AB and CD of a dielectric,
the bound charges are not compensated and create the
internal electric field of the dielectric itself. The vector
Elnt of the intensity of this field is directed into the dielec
tric opposite to the direction of the intensity of the external
electric field that caused polarization. Therefore, the resul
tant electric field in a homogeneous isotropic dielectric
has an intensity that is 1/e-th of that in a vacuum (°).
The polarization of a dielectric with non-polar mole
cules consisting in the appearance of an induced electric
dipole moment (Par. 3°) in the molecules is called electron
or deformation polarization. Polarization of this kind does
not depend on the temperature of the dielectric. The inten
sity of the thermal motion of the molecules does not affect
the appearance of induced electric dipole moments of the
111.1.6 Electrostatics 225
Fig. III.1.17
\4 — Q* a _ K ) - i 4 X l()-4
~ 2e 0S A X 2 X 8.85 X IQ*"12 X 2 X 10"2
« 3 x l O " 8J
8. P o t e n tia l o f a n E le c tr o s ta tic F ie ld
1°. The energy of an electrostatic field is characterized
by its potential. The potential of a field at a given point
is a scalar quantity numerically equal to the potential
energy W of a unit positive charge placed at this point:
cp = —
An electrostatic field, every point of which is characterized
by a certain potential, is an example of a potential field.
230 Fundamentals of Electrodynamics III.1 .8
9i — 92 = -—
e08 0 n the SI system)
= —
4Jt808 r
(in the SI system)
q_______ i__ __ q
<Pi — <P2 4 ne0er2 4jte0e
2 X 10-® I 1
4 X 3.14 X 8.85 X 10“12 \ 0.4 '
<Pi — <P2 — 2 e 0e (x z — ^ i )
where o = q/S.
The charge of the plane is q = oS , or
(q)i—(p2) 2e0s g
Q x2 Xi
5 X 2 X 8.85 X 10-1*
X 4 x 10-2 = 7 X 10-“ C
10. Capacitance
1°. When the charge q on a conductor grows, the poten
tial of the conductor cp grows in direct proportion to the
charge. This holds for conductors of any geometrical shape.
The ratio of the charge of a conductor to its potential does
not depend on the magnitude of the charge on the conductor
and is determined by the properties of the conductor itself
and of the surrounding medium. The electric properties
of a conductor determining the possibility of accumulating
charges on it are characterized by its capacitance,
236 F u n d a m en ta ls of E le ctro d y n a m ic s III.1.10
The mutual capacitance depends on the geometrical
shape, linear dimensions and mutual arrangement of the
conductors, and does not depend on the material of the
conductors and their states of aggregation. The mutual
11. Capacitors
1°. A capacitor consists of two conductors charged with
unlike charges equal in magnitude. The conductors must
have such a geometrical shape and must be so arranged
relative to each other that the electric field produced by the
conductors will be concentrated in the space between them.
The conductors forming a capacitor are called its plates.
The capacitance of a capacitor is the mutual capacitance
of its plates (°). Capacitors are accumulators of
electric energy (°).
2°. A parallel plate capacitor consists of two parallel
flat plates carrying identical charges of opposite signs.
The plates of a capacitor are separated by the distance d
(Fig. III.1.24). When charging a capacitor, one of the
plates can be charged and the other one earthed. A charge
will remain on the earthed plate that is opposite in sign
and equal in value to the charge on the first plate. A charge
with the sign of the first plate will pass into the Earth.
238 Fundamentals of Electrodynamics I1U.11
C = -E
-^ S (in the SI system)
c = -££cr c^se system)
where £ = area of each plate or of the smaller of them
d = separation distance of the plates
e0 = electric constant in the SI system (VII.5.1°)
e = relative permittivity of the substance between
the plates.
If a parallel plate capacitor consists of a system of n
plates (a multiplate capacitor)v then the formula for the
Fig. III.1.27
w i
i —1
= (in the cgse system)
6 -0 2 1 1
242_______________ F u n d a m en ta ls o f E l e c t r o d y n a m i c s ___________ 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 2
w 8.0 X 40*
2 = 6 .4 pJ
Chapter 2
Steady Electric Current
* In the following, the term current density will signify the av
erage current density.
111.2.1 S te a d y E lectric C urrent 245
A = ^Coul + Aex
^ 1 -2 _ ^ C o u l, 1-2 . ^ c x , 1-2
q ~ q q
_^ex, 1-2
Fig. III.2.1
f / 2- i = — = ( < P i - c p 2) + £ 2-i
4. Ohm’s Law
1°. The electrical resistance (resistance) of the circuit
section 1-2 is one of the characteristics of the electrical
properties of the given circuit section determining the
ordered motion of the current carriers on this section.
The resistance of a metal conductor on a section of an
unbranched circuit (°) depends on the material
of the conductor, its geometrical shape and dimensions,
and also on the temperature (°). For a homogeneous
111.2.4 S tea d y E le ctric C urrent 249
#2-1 = P~^f"
where p is the resistivity of the conductor. The latter is defined
as the resistance of a homogeneous cylindrical conductor
I 2
Fig. III.2.2
made from the given material and having a unit length and
unit cross-sectional area.
Conductors having a great resistance # 2-i are usually
called resistors.
The reciprocal of the resistivity is called the conduc
tivity of a conductor: x = 1/p.
2°. Ohm's law for an arbitrary section of a circuit: the
voltage (voltage drop) across a section of a circuit equals
the product of the resistance of this section and the current:
C/2-1 = R2-1I
A different formulation is: the voltage drop across a section
of a circuit equals the sum of the potential difference across
the ends of the section and the e.m.f. applied to it:
# 2- 1/ = ( 9 1 — 9 2 ) 4 - ^ 2-1
3°. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit containing no e.m.f.
(Fig. III.2.3). Here = 0, U2.x = ^ - cp2 (°),
T ^1 — ^2
The current is directly proportional to the potential dif
ference across the ends of the circuit section and inversely
proportional to the resistance of this section.
250 Fundamentals of Electrodynamics 1112A
For the entire circuit, we have cpr = cp2, the total resis
tance of the circuit is R = R = R exi -f- r, and Jf2_j =
= <£. Hence,
^ext + r
j = en\ E = kE
252 F u n d a m e n ta ls of E lectro d yn a m ics II 1.2.5
included in the previously considered loops. For a multi
loop network containing n junctions and m branches of the
circuit between adjacent junctions, the number of inde
U = U1 + U2
U2 R2
i? — i?i -f- R 2 + . . . + Rn
256 Fundam entals of E lectrodynam ics 1II.2.6
Fig. III.2.9
Fig. III.2.10
Fig. H I .2.12
or r>__ R2Ri
R #2 + 2*!
The current I = S//?', where R' is the resistance of
the series connected resistors R and R J2, i.e. = * +
+ R 2/2 j whence
r % _ 2%
R + J h " 2R + R 2
TT _ 2 % Rt _ 2X110X10* _ e , v
4* j+ * 2 4 X 104 + 3 .0 X 103 ^ 01 V
----------- *|
^2t \ .D
A h 1■ ^ J .2
1 AA 1----------- 11------------
/, + / = h (i)
according to Kirchhoff’s second rule for loops:
for the loop %XBRA%X
h r x + IR = %X (2)
for the loop <$2BRA<$2
- / 2r2 + I R = g 2 (3)
From (2), we get I x = (<£x — IR)lrx. From (3), we have
/ 2 = (— “H I R ) / r 2*
Using the values of I x and / 2 in (1), we get
—8 a+ « i r t i —IR
111.2.6 Steady Electric Current 261
— ^2r i -\-IRr 1 + Ir ir2 = %ir2— I R i*2
r_ 8X0. 5 + 4 X 1 * a
i?r1+ r ,r 2+ i?r2 '“ 5 X 1 + 1 X 0.5 + 5 X 0.5
The current / in the rheostat, as in the other portions,
could be chosen as flowing in the direction opposite to the
one shown in the figure. Consequently, using the junction
and loop rules, we have
1 2 == -^1 H " I (1 )
( 2)
%2 = (3)
~ % 2- l R _ « ! + //? , r r (6 1+ IR r - g 2- / i ?
-----:-------= ----- Mi yi = ---- ;------, *2 r»
r2 rl rl
— ^2r i — I f i r i = $ i r2 + 2 + I r ir 2
j — % 2r\ — ^ ir2 _ —4 x 1 —8 x 0 . 5 _
The minus sign in the answer shows that the actual direc
tion of the current is opposite to the chosen one.
(2) For the junction A (Fig. III.2.14)
12 + / = h (1)
For the loop %XBRA%X
h r x + IR = %1 (2)
For the loop %^RRA<S2
- / 2r2 + //? = - g 2 (3)
Chapter 3
Electric Current
in Non-Metallic Media
1. Current in Electrolytes
1°. Electrolytes are substances in which ionic conductivity
is responsible for a current in them. Ionic conductivity
is the ordered motion of the ions under the action of an
electric field. Electrolytes are solutions of acids, alkalies,
and salts, and also molten salts. Ions are atoms or molecules
that have lost or attached one or more electrons. Positive
ions are also called cations, negative ones, anions. The electric
field producing the ordered motion of ions is created in
a liquid by electrodes—conductors connected to a current
source. A positively charged electrode is called an anode,
a negatively charged one, a cathode. Positive ions (cations) —
ions of metals and hydrogen ions—travel toward the cath
ode, negative ions (anions)—acid residues and hydroxyl
groups OH—travel toward the anode.
2°. The flow of an electric current through liquids is
attended by electrolysis—the liberation of the substances
forming the electrolyte on the electrodes. Electrolytes are
also called conductors of the second kind. The current in them
is associated with the transfer of a substance, unlike metal
conductors—conductors of the first kind, in which the current
is carried by the collective electrons of the metals (°).
3°. The appearance of ions in electrolytes is explained
by the phenomenon of electrolytic dissociation—the decom
position of the solute molecules into positive and negative
ions as a result of reaction with the solvent. The molecules
of the solutes consist of mutually bound ions of opposite
signs (for example Na+Cl“, H +C1", K+I “, and Cu++SO"~).
The forces of attraction between these ions ensure intact-
ness of such molecules. The interaction of these molecules
with the polar molecules of the solvent, for instance water
(°), results in weakening of the mutual attraction
264 Fundamentals of Electrodynamics III.3.2
2. Laws of Electrolysis.
Discreteness of Electric Charges
1°. The first law of electrolysis (Faraday's first law): the
mass of a substance liberated on an electrode is directly
proportional to the electric charge q passing through the
m = Zq1 or m = ZIt
JII.3.3 Current in Non-Metallic Media 265
3. Current in Gases
1°. Gases, unlike metals and electrolytes, consist of
electrically neutral atoms and molecules and in normal
conditions contain no free current carriers (electrons and
ions). In normal conditions, gases are dielectrics. Current
266 F undam entals of Electrodj/nam ics II T .3 .3
6. Plasma
1°. Plasma is defined as a special state of aggregation
of a substance characterized by a high degree of ionization
of its particles. The degree of ionization a of a substance
is the ratio of the concentration of the charged particles
to the total concentration of particles. Depending on the
degree of ionization, we distinguish weakly ionized (a is
a fraction of a per cent), partly ionized (a is several per
cent), and fully ionized (a is close to 100%) plasma. An
example of weakly ionized plasma in natural conditions
is the ionosphere—the upper layers of the atmosphere.
The Sun, hot stars, and some interstellar clouds are exam
ples of fully ionized plasma that is formed at a very high
temperature (high-temperature plasma) [see also thermo
nuclear reactions (VI.4.15.1°)].
III.3.7 Current in Non-Metallic Media 271
7. Current in a Vacuum.
Emission Phenomena
1°. A vacuum is defined as such a state of rarefaction
of a gas when we may ignore the collisions between its
molecules and consider that the mean free path I (°)
exceeds the linear dimensions d of the vessel containing
the gas (I d). The conductivity of the gap between the
electrodes in the state of a vacuum is called an electric
current in a vacuum. There are so few molecules that their
ionization cannot ensure the presence of the number of
8. Two-Electrode Valve—Diode
1°. Electron valves (tubes) are devices based on the use
of the thermionic emission phenomenon (°). The
simplest kind of electron valve is a two-electrode one—
a directly heated diode. It is depicted schematically as shown
in Fig. III.3.4. If the anode (plate) is connected to the
positive pole of a source of steady (direct) current, and
the cathode (filament) to the negative pole, then a steady
thermionic current I \ will appear in the circuit of the
At a constant cathode temperature, the thermionic cur
rent in a directly heated diode depends on the anode voltage
of the diode—the voltage U& applied between the anode
and the cathode (the volt-ampere characteristic), the size and
mutual arrangement of the electrodes, the work function
of the cathode electrons (°), and its temperature.
The volt-ampere characteristic of such a diode at a constant
274_____________ Fundamentals of Electrodynamics__________ ill.3.8
9. Three-Electrode Valve—Triode
1°. Multielectrode (three and more) valves—triodes,
tetrodes, pentodes, etc.—are used for controlling the therm
ionic current in a valve, A triode has a third electrode—
a control electrode or grid G—between the anode and the
Fig. III.3.7
50 @57 @52 @ 53 @
Sn Sb Te I
Fig. III.3.14
OQO j+ + - ©©©
©GO ++ ©©©
gog ::!1 ©©©
and the holes in the p-type one will move in opposite direc
tions from the junction under the action of an electric
field (Fig. III. 3 . 17). This results in broadening of the barrier
Jayer and in a growth of its resis
tance. The direction of the ex- u— :__ I
n ^ * P
lernal electric field broadening —---------- -------- E—
the barrier layer is called the + + +
«*-© !+++ — |!© — ~~**
barrier (reverse) one. With such f j+++++++++— !| <±H*
a direction of the external field, |^-Q ;+ + +| -----!;©©~ ->h
virtually no current flows through .
the junction of an ra-type ------------- ----------- “—
and a p-type semiconductors.
5°. A p-n junction has uni- Fig. 111,3,17
Flg* III.3.17
polar conduction similar to the
rectifying action of a two-electrode valve—a diode
(°). Therefore, a semiconductor with one p-n junc
tion is called a semiconductor diode. Semiconductor diodes
have many advantages over electron two-electrode valves
(a saving in energy for obtaining current carriers, a small
size, high dependability, and a long service life). A short
coming of semiconductor diodes is the limited interval
of temperatures within which they function (approximately
from —70 to + 125 °C).
Chapter 4
M agnetic Field
of a Steady Current*
1. Magnetic Field.
Induction Vector of a Magnetic Field.
Magnetic Flux
1°. A magnetic field is one of the parts of an electromagnet
ic field (°). A feature of a magnetic field is that
it is produced by conductors carrying currents, moving
* All the formulas in this chapter are given only in SI unit*
(VII.5 3° .
286 fu n d a m e n ta ls of E le ctro d y n a m ic s m.4.1
pm = IS n0
11 1 A .1 M a g n e tic F ield of a S tea d y C urrent 28 1
2. A m p e r e ’s L a w
1°. A current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic
held is acted upon by the Ampere force. Ampere's law:
a small length of a conductor carrying the current I and
of length AI placed in a homogeneous magnetic field of
induction B is acted upon by the force AF whose magnitude
AF = I AZ B sin a = / AZ B ±
where a is the angle between the vector B and the current-
carrying conductor (Fig. III.4.8). The magnitude of the
3. M a g n e tic F ie ld
o f a n E le c tr ic C u rr e n t
1°. An electric current flowing in a conductor produces
a magnetic field in the space surrounding it. The magni
tude and direction of the magnetic induction vector at
any point of the magnetic field depend on the current in
the conductor, its geometrical shape, the arrangement of
the given point relative to the conductor, and also on the
magnetic properties of the medium containing the con
ductor and the point. It must be noted that the magnetic
field at a given point is induced simultaneously by all
the portions of the conductor carrying the current. Accord
ing to the principle of the superposition of fields (°),
the magnetic induction vector of a field at an arbitrary
point of it equals the geometrical sum of the magnetic
induction vectors of the fields induced by all the portions
of the conductor.
2°. If a conductor carrying the current I sets up in
a vacuum a magnetic field whose magnetic induction vector
at a given point is B0, then in a homogeneous isotropic
m .4.3 M agnetic F ield of a Steady Current 293
B= w - w
* In practice, a straight conductor is assumed to be infinitely long
if it can be considered that the distance from its ends t© the point where
the magnetic induction of the field is being sought is much greater
than R.
294 F undam entals of E lectrodynam ics 111.4.3
Pm 0.2
B = pp0 2nR3 1 X 1.26 X 10"6 X 2X3.14X10"3 4 X 10"5T
(All the symbols are given in Par. 2°.) The time T is in
dependent of both the radius of the circle and the veloc
ity of the particle [at a velocity of v < c, where c is the
speed of light in a vacuum, when the dependence of the
mass on the velocity does not tell (V.4.10.30)]. The opera
tion of a cyclic accelerator of
charged particles—a cyclotron
(VI.4.16.5°) is based on this fact.
4°. A charge moving simulta
neously in an electric and a mag
netic fields experiences a force also
called the Lorentz force (generalized
Lorentz force). Its magnitude is
Fl = qE -f qvB sin a
where E is the magnitude of the
electric field intensity vector
(°). The direction of the
generalized Lorentz force, according
to the rule of addition of forces (°), depends on
the directions in which the two forces forming the gen
eralized Lorentz force act.
Problem 1. An alpha particle having a velocity of
106 m/s flies into a homogeneous magnetic field whose
induction is 0.3 T. The velocity of the particle is perpen
dicular to the direction of the magnetic field lines. Find
Ihe radius of the circle along which the particle will move
and its period of revolution.
Given: v = 106 m/s, B = 0.3 T, a = 90°, q = 2e =
- 3.2 X 10-19 C, m = 6.64 X 10"27 kg.
Bequired: r, T.
Solution: In a magnetic field, the Lorentz force acts
on a moving charge. Since v _L B, this force will be a centri
petal one: FL = Fc and, consequently, qvB = mv2lr,
300 Fundam entals of Electrodynam ics I1I.4.5
Chapter 5
Electromagnetic Induction
Fig. III.5.4
5. Self-Induction
1°. The setting up of an induced field in a circuit as
a result of a change in the current in the circuit is called
self-induction. The change in the current causes its own
magnetic field to change. The phenomenon of electro
magnetic induction is set up in a current-carrying conductor
whose own magnetic field is varying. This phenomenon
is characterized by the e.m.f. of self-induction.
2°. The internal magnetic field of the current^in^a loop
sets up the magnetic flux Os through the area of the sur
face confined by the loop itself (°). The magnetic
flux Os is called the flux of self-induction of the loop. If
the latter is not in a ferro-magnetic medium (°),
i n . 5.a Electromagnetic Induction 309
L= = nofm 2F
Wm= — n0^ I W
Chapter 6
M agnetic Properties
of a Substance
3. Diamagnetism
1°. Diamagnetics are defined as substances in which the
atoms or molecules have no magnetic moments (°)
in the absence of an external magnetic field. The atoms of
such substances are called diamagnetic atoms. An example is
the helium atom. The nucleus of this atom has the charge
q = -\-2e (VI.2.1.1°), where e is the absolute value of the
charge of an electron. Let us assume that both electrons of
a helium atom are travelling about the nucleus with an
identical velocity in identical orbits (VI.2.2.1°), but in
opposite directions (Fig. III.6.3). Hence, their orbital mag
netic moments (°) will be equal in magnitude, but
opposite in sign, and the summary magnetic moment of an
atom Pm = p< m) + p(m* will equal zero.
2°. When a diamagnetic substance is brought into a mag
netic field, an additional atomic (or molecular) induced cur
rent 1 1 (°) of magnetic moment APm>1 is set up
in each of its atoms (or molecules). The vector APm,i is
directed oppositely to the magnetic induction vector B0
of the external magnetic field (Fig. III.6.4). The vector
APm,i and the induced current / 4, according to Lenz’s law
(°), should be directed so that the magnetic field
produced by the induced currents is opposite to the
318 Fundamentals of Electrodynamics tll.6.4
4. Paramagnetism
1°. Atoms (or molecules) having a certain magnetic mo
ment Pm (°) are called paramagnetic, and the sub
stances consisting of them —paramagnetics. The magnetic
moments of the atoms (molecules) of a paramagnetic depend
on the structure of the atoms (molecules), are constant for
III.6.4 Magnetic Properties of a Substance 319
5. Ferromagnetism
1°- Ferromagnetics are a group of solid crystalline sub
stances having a combination of magnetic properties due to
the specific interaction of the atomic carriers of magnetism.
In ferromagnetic substances, the internal magnetic field
(°) has an induction that is hundreds and thousands
of times greater than the induction of the external magne
* T h e m a g n e t ic m o m e n t o f a d o m a in m u s t n o t b e c o n fu s e d w it h
th a t o f a s e p a r a te a t o m o r m o le c u le (1 1 1 .6 .1 .3 ° ) .
324 Fundamentals of Electrodynamics 111.6/)
F ig. I I I . 6 .1 0 F ig . I I I . 6.11
Chapter 1
Mechanical O scillations
,. Ax
v = lim-T—
At-0 At
3, Harmonic Oscillations
of a Spring Pendulum
F — —kx
332 O sc illa tio n s and W aves IV .1.3
F = ma
where m = mass of the body of the spring pendulum
a = its acceleration.
From the above two equations, we get ma = —kx, or
a = —kxlm. In the preceding section, we found that a =
-c o fc (IV. 1.2.2°). Hence,
7’ = 2 j t | / y = 2 x 3 . 1 4 ) / 65 9 g° ~2 = 0-51 s
4. H a r m o n ic O s c illa tio n s
of a M a th e m a tic a l P e n d u lu m
1°. A mathematical, or simple, pendulum is defined as
a point particle M suspended from a fixed point by a mas
sless unstretchable string and moving in a vertical plane
y-| X
F = — rag —
a= — y x= —
5. E n e r g y o f H a r m o n ic O s c illa to r y
M o tio n
1°. In the harmonic oscillations of a spring pendulum
(see Fig. IV. 1.1), the potential energy of the elastically de
formed body Ev = kx2!2 (°) transforms into its ki
netic energy E k = mi;2/2 (°), where k is the spring
constant (°), x is the absolute value of the displace
ment of the pendulum from its equilibrium position, m is
the mass of the pendulum, and v is its velocity. In accordance
with IV.1.1.40 and IV.1.2.10,
jp kx2 kA2 . 9 / , x
E p — -g ” — ~~2~ Sm 2 9°)
A V k (0 V m
6. Addition of Harmonic
Identically Directed Oscillations
1°. If a point particle simultaneously participates in
two harmonic oscillations of the same cyclic frequency
(IV. 1.1.3°), then addition of harmonic oscillations occurs.
2°. In the simplest case when adding two identically
directed harmonic oscillations with the displacements x±
and x2 of identical cyclic frequency co and differing only
in their displacement amplitudes (A± and A 2) and initial
phases (cpj and cp2) (IV. 1.1.4°):
x 1= i41sin(co^ + q)1) and x2 = A2 sin («£ + ^2)
Fig. IV.1.10
7. Damped Oscillations
1°. Oscillations are called damped when their energy
diminishes with time. The damping of free harmonic oscil
lations (IV. 1.1.5°) is associated with the decrease in the
mechanical energy of the oscillating system because of the
action of forces of friction and other forces of resistance.
1 V .1 .7 Mechanical Oscillations 339
Fig. IV.1.12
8. Forced Oscillations
Fig. IV.1.13
cies of the driving force (co) and of the free undamped oscil
lations ((00).
4°. The curves showing how the amplitude A depends
on co at different damping factors depicted in Fig. IV. 1.14
have been plotted according to the formula for A (Par. 3°).
Corollaries from the formula of Par. 3°:
(a) If the cyclic frequency of the driving force equals zero
(co = 0), then
(o = cores= / c D ’ - 2 5 2 = c o 0j / 1 — ^
9. Auto-Oscillations
1°. An oscillating system performing undamped oscil
lations at the expense of the action of an energy source hav
ing no oscillating properties is called an auto-oscillating
344 Oscillations and Waves IV.1.9
Fig. IV.1.15
Chapter 2
Electromagnetic O scillations
Mass m Inductance L
Spring constant k Reciprocal of capacitance, i/C
Coefficient of friction / Resistance R
Force F E.m.f. %
Displacement x Charge q
Velocity y= A x/A t Current / = Ag/A*
Acceleration a = k v /& t Rate of current change A//AJ
T = — = 2nV LC
co0 r
/ = / 0 sin (co/-|-(p)
3. Alternating-Current Circuit.
4. Inductive Reactance
5. Capacitive Reactance
1°. If inductance is absent
( UL = 0 ) in the circuit depicted
in Fig. IV.2.7, and Uc > UR,
then we have an a.c. circuit with
a capacitive reactance xc. The
oscillations of the current in such a circuit are in advance
of the oscillations of the external e.m.f. in phase by j t /2
(Fig. IV.2.10):
%= ^0sin tot
and / = 70sin + -y j
Fig. I V . 2.10
8. Resonance in an
Alternating-Current Circuit
1°. The amplitude of the current / 0 in an a.c. circuit
reaches its maximum value 70,max at the smallest value of
the impedance Z of the circuit (IV.2.6.20), i.e. provided
Fig. IV.2.11 Fig. IV.2.12
in the circuit (see Fig. IV.2.7) equals the voltage drop across
the resistance UR. This phenomenon is called voltage reso
4°. In an electric circuit consisting of a capacitor of ca
pacitance C and a coil of inductance L connected in paral
lel (Fig. IV.2.12), with low resistances of the parallel
branches (Rx and R 2 tend to zero), the amplitude of the current
/ 0 in the external (unbranched) circuit is
9. V a lv e G en er a to r
Chapter 3
E lastic W aves. Sound
1. P r e lim in a r y C o n ce p ts
1°. A medium is defined as elastic if forces of interaction
exist between its particles that prevent any deformation of
the medium (°). For example, the pressure of gases
on the wall of a vessel ensures the ability of the gases to
resist a change in their volume (the cubic, or volume, elas
ticity of gases). Gases change their form unhindered, i.e.
do not have elasticity of form. Liquids have the same proper
ties. The forces of interaction between the particles of solids
are so great that the latter have both volume elasticity and
elasticity of form.
2°. If a body oscillates in an elastic medium, then it
acts on the adjoining particles of the medium and makes
them perform forced oscillations (IV.1.8.10). The medium
near the oscillating body is deformed, and elastic forces
(°) appear in it. These forces act on particles of the
medium that are farther and farther away from the body,
bringing them out of their equilibrium position. Gradually,
all the particles of the medium are involved in oscillating
The presence of an elastic medium is not an essential
condition for the propagation of any oscillations. For exam-
360 O s c illa tio n s and W aves IV.3.1
2. Transverse
and Longitudinal Waves
1°. A wave is transverse if the particles of the medium os
cillate in directions at right angles to the direction of pro
pagation of the wave. For example, a transverse wave pro
pagates along a stretched rubber cord, one end of which is
fixed and the other is made to oscillate (Fig. IV.3.3a). Every
portion of the cord oscillates relative to its unchanged posi
tion of equilibrium in a direction at right angles to the di
rection of propagation of the wave (Fig. IV.3.36).
2°. A wave is longitudinal if the particles of the medium
oscillate in the direction of propagation of the wave. The
harmonic oscillations of a piston in a tube filled with a fluid
under the action of elastic forces are transmitted to the fluid
particles, and an elastic longitudinal wave propagates
along the tube (Fig. IV.3.4). It is a system of regions of com
pression and rarefaction of the medium periodically chang-
362 Oscillations and Waves IV.3.2
Direction of oscillations
__________ D ire c tio n o f w av e ^
------- 1 n Z p r o p a g a tio n
Fig. IV.3.3
Fig. IV.3.4
where R =
molar gas constant (°)
T =
absolute temperature
\i =
molar mass (°)
y =
constant for a given gas depending on the
structure of its molecules.
For air, for example, y = 1.4, and v = 20]/"T. For T =
273 K, we have v = 330 m/s, and for T = 293 K, we have
v = 343 m/s.
3fi4 Oscillations and Waves IV.3.4
4. Wavelength
1°. A wavefront (IV.3.1.5°) propagates from the source
of the wave during the time At over a certain distance. For
a wave in an isotropic medium, it equals
Ax = v At
where v is the velocity of the wave. This signifies that the
oscillations of the particles of the medium at a distance of
A# from the source occur with a time delay of At, and with
a phase delay of Acp (IV. 1.1.4°), and
Acp __"2ji
7. Some Characteristics
of Sound Waves
1°. The branch of physics dealing with the properties
of sound waves (IV.3.1.4°), the laws of their generation,
propagation, and action on obstacles in their way is called
368 Oscillations and Waves 1V.3.7
L = 101og-^-
where J 0 is the standard audibility threshold (Par. 5°).
8. Ultrasounds
1°. Sound waves of frequencies ranging from 2 X 104
to 1013 Hz are called ultrasounds. Ultrasounds of frequencies
of 109 Hz and above are also called hypersounds. Ultrasounds
are generated by mechanical and electromechanical emit
ters (oscillators). A siren is a mechanical emitter of low-
frequency ultrasonic waves (with a frequency ranging from
about 20 to 200 kHz) of a high intensity. It emits sound owing
to the periodic cutting off of a powerful stream of compressed
air or steam passing through openings in two coaxial disks,
of which one is stationary and the other rotates.
2°. Magnetostriction and piezoelectric electromechani
cal oscillators are employed most often.
Magnetostriction oscillators are used for generating ultra
sounds of frequencies of up to 200 kHz. The design of these
oscillators is based on the phenomenon of magnetostriction—
the change in the shape and volume of ferromagnetics
(°) placed in a varying magnetic field. If a ferro
magnetic is magnetized in a periodically varying magnetic
field, then forced mechanical oscillations are set up in it
that are a source of ultrasound. The ferromagnetic bar used
as the core of a high-frequency transformer is a very simple
ultrasonic magnetostriction oscillator.
370 Oscillations and Waves iv.$.d
9*. Interference
1°. If two point sources produce spherical waves
(IV.3.6.3°) in a homogeneous and isotropic medium, then
at an arbitrary point of space M superposition of the waves
* The word “piezo” is from the Greek piezein meaning to squeeze
press. Piezoelectrics are crystals in which the direct and inverse piezoelec
tric effects are possible. The direct effect consists in the appearance of
electric charges on the boundaries of certain crystals when they are
compressed or stretched. The inverse effect consists in the appearance
of deformations when such crystals are introduced into an electric field.
IV.3.9 Elastic Waves. Sound371
Fig. IV.3.8
Fig. IV.3.7 reach the point Af, and each of them, inde
pendently of the other, causes it to oscillate.
2°. Two simultaneously propagating sinusoidal spher
ical waves s1 and s2 set up by the point sources Bx and B 2
(Fig. IV.3.8) produce an oscillation at the point M that
in accordance with the superposition principle is described
by the formula s = s± -f s2. According to IV.3.6.30, we
= sin (o)^ — k{ri -f- o&i) = ■^ sin
$2= — sin (g)2£— Jt2 r2 + a 2) = — sin 0>2
*2 r2
where Oj = co^ — k^ + a x and = (o2t — k2r2 -f a 2
are the phases of the propagating waves. For the other sym
bols, see IV.3.5.20.
In the resultant wave, s = s± + s2 = (Air) sin O, the
amplitude A ir and the phase O are determined by the for
— - s in d > H -------S i n 02
O = arc tan — ^ ---------
— — c o s <DX~\— cos 0 2
ri r*%
372 Oscillations and Waves IV.3.9
The amplitude of the resulting oscillations at any point of
the medium is independent of the time. The cosine equals
unity, and the amplitude of the oscillations in the resultant
wave is maximum (Air = A J rx + A 2lr2) at all the points
M of the medium for which k (r2 — rx) = 2mn, where
m = 0, ± 1 , ± 2, . . ., or, since k = 2nIK (IV.3.5.20),
r2 — rx = m%
The quantity r2 — rx = A is called the geometrical
path difference of the waves from their sources Bx and B z
to the point of the medium being considered (see Fig. IV.3.8).
The amplitude of the oscillations in the resultant wave
is minimum (Air = | Ajr-^ — A 2lr2 | ) at all the points
of the medium for which
k (r2 — rx) = (2m — 1) Jt
where m = 1 ,2 , . . ., or
IV.3.10 Elastic Waves. Sound 373
M 0
" 1 X
L ---------- >■
--------- -----
Fig. IV.3.10
where m = 0, ± 1 , ± 2 , . . . .
The points at which the amplitude of oscillations is
maximum and equals 2A are called the antinodes of the stand
ing wave (the points C, C2, etc. in Fig. IV.3.9). At
these points
k ( l - x ) + ^ -== 2m ^ -
I = mhst
where m = 1, 2, 3.......... Since A,st =XI2 (Par. 4°), or Xsi =
= v/2v where v is the velocity of elastic waves of frequency v,
then the natural frequencies of standing waves are found
from the conditions
v = (2m — or v = 2m ^-
Chapter 4
Electrom agnetic W aves
__________________ Y*V
* The word “displacement” in the term “displacement current”
is associated with the fact that the current density j is also determined
as jdis = AD/A*, where the vector quantity D = e0eE is called the
electric displacement vector. The vector D is not treated in an elementary
course of physics. *
378 Oscillations and Waves IV.4.2
where v = c /Y ep = velocity of the electromagnetic wave
c = i / Y e0p0
e0 and p0 = electric and magnetic constants in the SI
system (VII.5.1°, 3°).
2°. The intensity of an electromagnetic wave (not to be
confused with the electric field intensity) is determined
similar to the intensity of an elastic wave (IV.3.6.2°) and
is expressed by the formula
J = wv
1V.4.4 Electromagnetic Waves 381
4*. Emission
of Electromagnetic Waves
1°. Electromagnetic waves are produced by electric
currents varying in time, and also by separate electrically
charged particles moving with acceleration.*
The process of the production of electromagnetic waves
by a source is called the radiation, or emission, of electromag
netic waves, and the source itself is called the emitting system,
or emitter. The electromagnetic field of a wave is called a
radiation field.
2°. The emission of electromagnetic waves by a source
is accompanied by its emitting energy into the surrounding
The mean radiated power P is defined as the mean energy
which a source of electromagnetic waves emits in a unit
time in all directions. The mean power P is related to the
intensity of electromagnetic waves as follows: P = JS
(cf. IV.3.6.2°).
A wave zone is a region of space whose distance from the
source of radiation considerably exceeds the linear dimen
sions of the source and the wavelength % of the waves it
3°. An electric charge q that is at the origin of coordi
nates at t = 0 and moves in a vacuum along the axis OZ with
the acceleration a is a source of an electromagnetic wave.
The magnitudes of the vectors of the intensity E and the
induction B of the fields of this wave at the point M
Microphone D ynam ic
lo u d s p e a k e r
(a) (b)
Fig. IV.4.8
Chapter 1
Geometrical (Ray) Optics
2. L a w s o f R e fle c tio n
an d R e fr a c tio n of L ig h t.
T o ta l R e fle c tio n
1°. The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its
speed v in a given medium
n= = Y^s\i y^e
Fig. V.1.2
liquid is poured into the bowl up to its edges, then the observ
er will see the picture at the centre of the bowl’s bottom.
The depth of the bowl is 8.1 cm and its diameter is 14 cm
(Fig. V.1.4).
Determine the relative refractive index of the liquid
and the apparent depth h of the bowl.
Given: CA = 8 . 1 cm, CB = 14 cm.
Required: n21, h.
Solution: In the empty bowl, a light ray travels in the
direction B A , and the eye does not see the bottom and the
picture. In the liquid, the ray from the picture travels in
the direction;£M, is then refracted, and passes on to the observ
er’s eye. The relative refractive index of the liquid is n21 =
= sin ilsin r.lThe angles i and r are determined from the
triangles ACB and A CO:
sin 60° _ CL86
sin 40° 0.65
3. Plane Mirror.
P lan e-P arallel Plate. Prism
1°. Every point S of a source of light* in geometrical
optics is considered to be the centre of a divergent beam of
rays called homocentric. If after reflections and refractions
in various media a beam remains homocentric, then its
centre S' is called the image of the point S in the optical
The image S' is called realii the rays of a beam themselves
intersect at the point S', and virtual if the continuations
of these rays intersect at it. The energy of the light rays is
concentrated at the point where a real image is produced, and
this can be detected, for example, by a photocell (V.5.4.10)
or light-sensitive paper. This does not occur with a virtual
image—the light rays appear to emerge from a point at
which no energy can be detected. It is significant, however,
that even with a virtual image of a point, its real image al
ways appears on the retina of the eye (V. 1.7.3°).
2°. A homocentric light beam emerging from the point
S' of a source remains homocentric after reflection in the
plane mirror AC (Fig. V.1.5). The point Sx is the virtual
image of the point S. Its position is determined by the
intersection of the continuations of any two rays reaching
the eye, for example A B and CD. The line SSj is perpendic
ular to the plane of the mirror, and SO = OSv To find the
Fig. V.1.5
Fig. V.1.6
A= d s i n i ( l - ] /
V .1 .4 Geometrical (Ray) Optics 397
4. Spherical Mirrors
1°. If two media have a spherical interface, then a homo-
centric beam emerging from the point source S (V. 1.3.1°)
remains the same after refraction only provided that SA
« SO and AS' « S '0 ±1 i.e. when the points 0 and Ox vir
tually coincide (Fig. V.1.9).
398 Optics V.1.4
Fig. V.1.11
5. L e n s e s
1°. A transparent body having two curved surfaces is
called a lens. In a particular case, one of the surfaces may be
flat. In the majority of cases important in practice, both lens
(i!r -x r )
The thin-lens equation holding for paraxial rays (see
also Par. 6°) is
402 Optics V .U
Fig. V.1.16
404 O p tits V.1.6
The ratio of the focal lengths is
- I H 0' “ d n ~ i0h
6. Concept of Photometry
1°. Photometry is the branch of optics dealing with mea
surements of the energy transferred by electromagnetic
light waves (V. 1.1.1°), i.e. of the quantity of light. Photo
metry usually considers the action of electromagnetic waves
of the visible optical range on the eye and other optical in
struments (V. 1.7.1°). This action is described by introducing
the following physical quantities characterizing light from
the viewpoint of its quantity: the luminous flux, luminous
intensity, and illumination.
2°. The luminous flux O is defined as the power of visible
radiation (IV.4.4.1°), which is assessed according to its
V.1.6 Geometrical (Ray) Optics 405
where Otot is the total luminous flux of the source, i.e. the
power radiated by it in all directions—-the quantity of light
carried in a unit time through an arbitrary closed surface
surrounding the light source.
4°. If a light source is extended instead of being a point
one, then the luminous intensity I of a small section AS of
its surface in a given direction is
7 — ^ tot
4 ji
1= ^ 201,;- -^ v = 8 0 Cd
2 X 3.14 X (1 — 0.6)
Ji cos i i —
r Ih 80 X 0.6
E' = r3 13 = 48 lx
and the crystalline lens is filled with a fluid called the aqueous
humour. The crystalline lens is followed by the vitreous body
7. The optical system of the eye, similar to a lens of power
P « 5 8 . 5 diopters (V .l.5.60), is formed by the cornea,
aqueous humour, crystalline lens, and the vitreous body.
The optical centre of this system (V. 1.5.1°) with the prin
cipal optical axis (V .l.5.20) AB is at a distance of about 5 mm
from the cornea. A real inverted image of the object which
the eye is accommodated to (Par. 5°) is always formed on
the retina 9—a hemisphere consisting of special light-sen
sitive cells having the shape of rods and cones. The cells are
on the back surface of the retina, which lies on the choroid 8.
The nerve cells of the retina combine to form the optic nerve
10 that leaves the eye at a -spot where there are no light-
sensitive cells (the blind spot 11). The centre of the retina on
the optical axis is the region of most distinct vision called the
fovea centralis, or yellow spot, 12 at which the cones are con
centrated. They permit the eye to perceive colour. The
rods are arranged mainly on the other parts of the retina.
4°. The action of light on the cells highly sensitive to
light (every rod can react to one photon—V.5.1.20) causes
complicated physicochemical processes to occur in them. As
a result, a nerve impulse is generated in each cell which is
transmitted by the optic nerve to the brain. The joint action
of the rods and cones is responsible for the process of vision.
The rods detect the dimensions and shape of an object. Col
our vision is the duty of the cones when the image of an
object reaches the yellow spot.
5°. The focal length of the optical system in an eye must
change to create a sharp image of objects at different distances
from the eye on the retina. This is achieved by a change
in the curvature of the crystalline lens surfaces. The property
of an eye to adjust itself to the distance at which objects
being viewed are is called accommodation. The latter occurs
spontaneously as a result of contraction or stretching of the
ciliary muscle (Par. 3°). The point which an eye sees when
the ciliary muscle is relaxed is called the far point. The
point distinctly seen by the eye at the greatest tension of the
muscle is called the near point. For a normal eye, the far
point is at infinity, and the near one at a distance of from
15 to 20 cm,
V .1 .7 Geometrical (Ray) Optics 411
10°. A microscope is
an instrument that per
mits us to obtain con
Fig. V.1.25
siderable angular magni
fication of close minute
objects. It is a combination of two lenses of short focal
length—an objective and an ocular, or eyepiece. The focal
points of both lenses and the path of the rays in a micro
scope are shown in Fig. V.1.25. The object AB = h is placed
beyond the focal point F1 of the objective. A real magnified
image H is obtained behind the objective, before the focal
point F2 of the eyepiece. This image is what is seen by the
eye looking through the eyepiece as through a magnifying
V.1.7 Geometrical (Ray) Optics 413
of which one (B) is on the optical axis of the system and the
other 04) is higher than the axis, then the image A 1B 1 of
the object is obtained in the focal plane of the objective
(Fig. V.1.26). The eyepiece functioning as a magnifying
glass is arranged so that its front focal point will coincide
with the rear focal point of the objective. The eye sees a
beam of parallel rays at the angle of vision cp > (p0, where cp0
is the angle of vision at which the object is seen by the naked
eye. The final image is formed as shown in Fig. V.1.26.
The angular magnification of a telescope is
__ tan (p __ /pb
7 tan <p0 /e
Objectives of a long focal length and eyepieces of a short
focal length are used for considerable angular magnifica
414 Optics V.2.1
Chapter 2
the teeth, the light reaches the plane mirror M . The latter
reflects the light back to the toothed wheel, which may
either let it pass through and reach the observer’s eye, or
retain it. In the latter case during the time At spent by the
light for travelling over the distance 2Z, the wheel turns
through half the width of a tooth, and the passage of the
Fig. V.2.3
4°. In Michelson's method (Fig. V.2.3), the toothed wheel
is replaced by an octahedral prism. It rotates with such a
velocity that the image of the slit D is continuously seen in
416 O ptics V.2.2
the telescope C. For this to occur, the light must travel the
distance 21 when the prism rotates through one-eighth of
its length.
5°. Measurements of the speed of light v in various sub
stances (for example in water and glass) confirmed the fact
that it diminishes compared with the speed c in a vacuum in
accordance with the formula v = cln (V. 1.2.1°), where
n = j/ep, is the absolute refractive index of the substance.
2. Interference
1°. The interference (IV.3.9.50) of electromagnetic waves
of the optical range (V. 1.1.1°) when the oscillations occur
in the same planes is called the interference of light. The
result of superposition of coherent (IV.3.9.30) light waves
observed on a screen, photographic plate, etc. is called an
interference pattern. Upon the superposition of incoherent
light waves (IV.3.9.50), only an increase in the amount of
light is observed, and no interference is noted.
2°. The length X of a light wave in a substance of refrac
tive index n diminishes in comparison with the wavelength
A,0 in a vacuum: X = X0/n. This is associated with the fact
that the speed v of propagation of an electromagnetic wave
in a substance decreases to 1/rc-th the speed of light: v =
= cln (V.l.2.10). Consequently, X = vT — {cln) T = X0lny
where T is the period of oscillations. If an electromagnetic
wave travels the distance d in a substance, this distance w ill
accommodate n times more wavelengths than in a vacuum.
The concept of the optical path length nd is introduced in
optics. Here n is the refractive index, and d is the geometri
cal path length of the wave. The optical path length character
izes the number of wavelengths that can be accommodated
in a given medium over the length of the geometrical path
of a wave. The conditions for the constructive interference
(amplification) and destructive interference (weakening) of
two coherent light waves propagating from the sources S 1
and S 2 to the point M (Fig. V.2.4) are written differently
than in IV.3.9.40. The light waves emitted by the coherent
sources Sx and S 2 can travel in different substances with the
refractive indices nx and n2. The difference 8 between the
V.2.2 Wave Optics (Light Waves) 417
X !
N^ i C*r
0'/ 'A 'A 'A
/, A // %
Fig. V.2.8
Fig. V.2.9
3. D iffr a c tio n
1°. The diffraction of light is the property of light waves
of bending around obstacles in their way.
In a broader sense, the diffraction of light is defined
as the combination of phenomena due to the wave properties
of light and observed when it propagates in a medium
with sharply expressed inhomogeneities (holes in opaque
screens, edges of opaque bodies, etc.). The phenomenon
of diffraction points to violation of the laws of geometrical
Diffraction is observed at distances I from an obstacle
equal to / « D 2/4X, where D signifies the linear dimen
sions of the obstacle, and X is the wavelength (the condi
tion of observance of diffraction).
i '.2.3 W ave O ptics (Light W aves) 421
4. Diffraction by a Slit.
Diffraction Grating
1°. Assume that a beam of parallel rays of monochromat
ic light falls on the barrier AE having a thin slit BC of
constant width b = BC and length L > b (Fig. V.2.13).
The phenomenon of diffrac-
b tion will be observed on the
screen Sc at the distance I
from the slit. If this phenome
non were absent, then J we
would get an image of the
light source on the screen Sc
placed in the focal plane of
the converging lens ML
(V. 1.5.3°) at the point $F0—
the principal focal point of
the lens (V .l.5.30). When
light is diffracted by a nar
row slit, an interference pat
Fig. V.2.13 tern is observed on the
screen: a sequence of blurred
images of the light source
separated by dark spaces. All the parallel rays gather at
the point F<p on the screen that fall on the lens at the angle
cp (the diffraction angle) to the optical axis OF0 of the lens
(V. 1.5.2°) at right angles to the wavefront.
2°. The intensification of light (diffraction peaks) upon
diffraction by a narrow slit is observed at the angles cp
V .2 .4 Wave Optics (Light Waves) 423
^ ^ ^ s i n 19°8' — 5.46
x 10“4 mm =5460 A
5. Polarization
1°. By the polarization of light is meant the combination
of phenomena of wave optics (V.2.1.10) in which the trans
verse nature of electromagnetic light waves (IV.4.2.4°)
426 Optics V.2,5
Fig. V.2.17
6. Dispersion
1°. The dispersion of light is the phenomenon of the
dependence of the absolute refractive index of a sub
stance n (V. 1.2.1°) on the frequency v of the light falling
428 Optics V.2.6
light blue
dark blue
Fig. V.2.20
Chapter 3
Radiation and Spectra
2. Energy Distribution
in the Spectrum
of a Blackbody
1°. A blackbody consists of a tremendous number of
ntoms. Each of them as regards its properties of emitting
electromagnetic waves is similar to a miniature oscillator—a
dipole (IV.4.4.50 = 7°). Every oscillator atom oscillates
with many frequencies and emits energy of the correspond
ing frequencies. Therefore, a blackbody radiates electro
magnetic waves of all possible frequencies. The dependence
432 Optics V.3.2
ev, T= Cv2
VJJ Radiation and Spectra 433
3. Luminescence
1°. Apart from thermal radiation (V.3.1.10), bodies at
the same temperature can have another form of radiation
in excess of thermal radiation—luminescence* that is not
associated with the transfer of the energy of thermal motion
of the molecules into the energy of electromagnetic waves.
Luminescence consists in the emission of light by sources
at the expense of the supply of energy to them owing to
various processes.
2°. Cathodoluminescence is defined as the glow of bodies
due to the bombardment of a substance by electrons or
other charged particles (for example ions).
Electroluminescence is caused by the passage of an elec
tric current through a substance or the action of an electric
field on it. In these kinds of luminescence, the kinetic energy
of the charged particles of the energy of the electric field
is partly transmitted to the atoms (molecules) of the sub
stance that emit electromagnetic waves.
The glow of a gas discharge (°) in the tubes
of advertisements is an example of these kinds of lumines
cence. Streams of charged particles from the Sun cause
4. Kinds of Spectra
1°. The combination of frequencies (or wavelengths)
contained in the radiation of a substance is called the
emission spectrum of the substance. The combination of
frequencies (or wavelengths) absorbed by a given substance
is called its absorption spectrum.
2°. Glowing gases (rarefied) in the atomic state pro
duce line emission spectra consisting of separate narrow
spectral lines. The latter have a definite intensity (IV.4.3.20)
aud are separated from one another by dark spaces. Iso-
Inted atoms of a chemical element emit a quite definite
combination of spectral lines belonging only to this ele
ment. For example, the vapour of sodium in a vacuum
has two bright yellow lines of wavelengths 5890 and 5896 A
in its spectrum in addition to other lines.
4a6______________________ dpttct____________________
6. X-Rays
1°. X-radiation is defined as electromagnetic waves hav
ing a shorter wavelength than that of ultraviolet rays
(V.3.5.30). X-rays occupy a broad range of wavelengths
from 8 X 10"({ to 10~10 cm on the electromagnetic spectrum
(V.3.7.10). X-radiation is produced when the kinetic energy
438 Optics V.3.6
X-ray photons
Fig. V.3.7 Fig. V.3.8
-E -S
% r r
l•s i
i -§
___ 1___ » i
3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12
log A (X is in m)
Fig. V.3.11
Chapter 4*
of the Special Theory
of R elativity
1. Laws of Electrodynamics and
the Classical Principle
of Relativity
1°. The velocity of light c in a vacuum, according
to the classical addition law for velocities (°), should
vary in the different inertial reference frames (°)
shown in Fig. V.4.1. If it is c in the frame XYZ associated
with the light source (Fig. V.4.1a), then in the frame X'Y'Z'
V .4 .1 The Special Theory of Relativity 443
Z '\
~r '
c"'= £z^ ?
fig. V.44
444 Optics V.4.2
2. Postulates
of the Special Theory
of Relativity
1°. The1! special* theory of relativity also called the re
lativistic theory is based on two postulates.
The first postulate is the principle of relativity: all phys
ical phenomena (mechanical, electromagnetic, etc.) pro-
* Apart from his special theory of relativity, A. Einstein also
developed a general theory of relativity, information on which is far
beyond the scope of an elementary course in physics and of the present
V.4.2 th e Special theory of Relativity 445
4. Simultaneity of Events.
Synchronization of Timepieces
1°. Time is measured by means of a standard whose
capacity is filled by a periodic process (the rocking of a pen
dulum, the motion of the hands of timepieces over a dial,
etc.). The measurement of time is associated with the concept
of the simultaneity of two events.
By an event is meant any phenomenon occurring at a
given place having the coordinates x, y, z, at a certain mo
ment of time t. Two or more events are called simultaneous
if they occur at the same moment t. The simultaneity of two
events occurring at the same place is established according
to the reading of a clock installed at this place.
In Newtonian mechanics, time is treated as absolute.
According to I. Newton, time flows identically without
regard to any external thing. The age of substances remains
the same regardless of whether their motions are fast or slow,
or are in general absent. The simultaneity of two events oc-
Us Optics V.4.4
5. Relative Nature
of Simultaneity of Events
1°. It follows from the Galilean transformations
(°) that if two events occur in the frame K at the mo
ments tx and t2, and in the frame K' (see Fig. V.4.2) at the
moments t[ and t2, respectively, then since t = t', the in
terval of time between the two events is the same in both
reference frames:
At = t2— t i = t ’2—t\ = At'
The simultaneity of two events in Newtonian mechanics is
absolute and does not depend on the reference frame
(°): if At = 0, then we also have At' = 0.
2°. In the special theory of relativity, the simultaneity
of two events occurring at different points of space is rela
6. Lorentz Transformations
1°. In accordance with the two postulates of the special
theory of relativity (V.4.2.10), relationships called Lorentz
transformations exist between the coordinates and time in
two inertial reference frames.
2°. In the simplest case, when the frame K' moves with
the velocity v relative to the frame K as shown in Fig. V.4.3,
the Lorentz transformations for the coordinates and time
have the following form:
X —vt
Y i —y2/c2*
x —
(—v t
Y 1 — v 2J c 2 ’
V .4 .7 The Special Theory of Relativity 451
3°. The close relationship between the space and time coor
dinates in the special theory of relativity follows from the
Lorentz transformations. Not onTy do the space coordinates
depend on the time [as in the Galilean transformation
(°)I, but also the time in both reference frames de
pends on the space coordinates, and on the velocity v of the
reference frame K '.
4°. The Lorentz transformations are converted into the
Galilean ones provided that vie 1. In this case,
7. Relativity of Lengths
1°. It follows from the Lorentz transformations for the
coordinates x and x' and the time t and t' that vie ^ 1.
Otherwise, these coordinates and times will be imaginary.
The velocity v of the relative motion of two inertial refe
rence frames cannot exceed the speed of light in a vacuum.
2°. Assume that the bar MN moves together with the
reference frame K f relative to the frame K as shown in
Kig. V.4.3. The length of the bar in the frame K ' is (V.4.3.20)
Iq= X2 — X\
452 Optics V.4.7
I = x2 (t) — xx (t)
y2 — y i = y 2 — y i and 4 —4 = z2 — z t
v = v' + V
particle (or body) with a rest mass differing from zero can
travel with a velocity equal to the speed of light in a vacuum.
Particles with a rest mass not equal to zero (mQ=7^ 0)
and moving with such high velocities v that the term v2lc2
in the [formulas of Par. 3° can
not be ignored are called relativ
istic particles. A velocity v great
er than c leads for conventional
particles to an imaginary mass
and an imaginary momentum,
which is physically meaningless.
The dependence of the mass on
the velocity begins to tell only
at velocities very close to c
(Fig. V.4.6). The formulas of
Par. 3° cannot be applied to a
photon (V.5.1.20), which has no
rest mass (m0 = 0 ). A photon
always travels with a velocity
equal to the speed of light in a vacuum, and is an ultra-
relativistic particle. This does not mean, however, that the
speed of light is constant in all substances (V.2.1.50).
5°. When v!c < 1, the expression for the momentum be
comes the same as that used in Newtonian mechanics
p = mv
m0A> m 0A + m0t2
[see the decay of a neutron (VI.4.7.7°)I.
3°. The non-conservation of the rest mass does not sig
nify violation of the law of conservation of mass in general.
The law of conservation of the relativistic mass (V.4.10.30)
holds in the theory of relativity. It follows from the formula
of the mass-energy relation E = me2 (Par. 1°). The total ener
gy (°) is retained in an isolated system of bodies
(°). Consequently, the relativistic mass is also re
tained. In the theory of relativity, the laws of conservation of
energy and relativistic mass are interrelated and form a
single law of conservation of mass and energy. The possibil
ity of the conversion of mass into energy and vice versa,
however, does not at all follow from this law. Mass and energy
460 Optics V .4.11
E0 2c2
4 £ = (m~'^o) _ _ 1 ——---------1 ^ 30
E2 = E q-\- pk2
Ek ~ pc
Chapter 5
Quantum Optics
1. Basic Concepts
1°. Quantum optics is the branch of the science of light
studying the discrete nature of the emission, propagation
of light, and its interaction with a substance.
2°. Light in quantum optics is considered as a stream
of special particles—photons, having no rest mass (m0 = 0)
(V.4.10.3°) and travelling with the velocity c equal to
the speed of light in a vacuum. The fundamental charac
teristics of a photon are its energy Ek and momentum p:
h v _ h
and p
c ~~ X o
* T h e a b s o r p t io n o f a p h o t o n b y a p o s it iv e io n in th e c r y s t a l la t -
lic e o f a m e t a l ( 1 1 .1 .6 .5 ° ) r e s u lt s in o th e r p h e n o m e n a n o t c o n s id e r e d
h ere.
468 Optics ir.5.d
4. Applications
of the Photoelectric Effect
1°. Photocells are devices based on the utilization of
the photoelectric effect. A photocell is shown schemati
cally in Fig. V.5.4. A light-sensitive layer is applied to
the greater part of the internal surface of a glass bulb that
is evacuated or filled with an inert gas and serves as the
cathode Ca. Light enters the bulb through the window W.
A wire ring or disk is the anode A. The latter is connected
to the positive pole of the battery 5 , and the light-sen
sitive layer through the galvanometer G to its negative
pole. A current appears in the circuit when the cathode
is illuminated by a source of light whose radiation spectrum
contains frequencies above the threshold one (V.5.3.3°).
2°. A photorelay is a device for the automatic control
of various installations employing the ability of a photo
cell to virtually instantaneously react to the action of
light or its change. A photorelay operates either when
V.5.4 Quantum Optics 469
5. Light Pressure
1°. By light pressure is meant the pressure exerted
by electromagnetic light waves falling on the surface of
a body. The existence of light pressure is predicted in
the electromagnetic theory of light. If, for example, an
electromagnetic wave falls on the metal M, then under
the action of the electric field of
the wave of intensity E, the elec
trons of the metal will travel in
a direction opposite to the vector
E with the velocity v (Fig. V.5.6).
The magnetic field of the wave of
induction B acts on the travelling
electrons with the Lorentz force
F l (°) in a direction at
right angles to the surface of the
metal. Thus, a light wave exerts
F ig . V . 5 . 6 a pressure on the surface of a
2°. In quantum optics, light pressure is the result of
the fact that a photon has the momentum p (V.5.1.20).
When a photon collides with the surface of a body, this
momentum is transferred to the atoms or molecules of the
substance. Similarly, the pressure of a gas is the result
of the transmission of momentum by molecules of the gas
to particles on the surface of the walls of a vessel.
V.5.5 Quantum Optics 471
Chapter 1*
1. De B roglie’s Ideas
on the W ave Properties
of Particles
1°. Quantum mechanics is one of the main directions of
development of modern physics. It studies the laws of
phenomena occurring in the microcosm—within the limits
of distances of about 10-15 to 10“10 m. Atoms, molecules,
crystals, and also atomic nuclei and elementary particles
are what is studied by quantum mechanics.
2°. The physical fundamentals of quantum mechanics
(a) M. Planck’s ideas on quanta of energy (V.3.2.30);
(b) A. Einstein’s ideas on photons (V.5.1.20); and
(c) L. de Broglie’s ideas on the wave properties of the
particles of a substance.
According to de Broglie, the particle-wave duality of
the properties of light (V.5.1.50) is characteristic not only
of light particles, photons, but also of the particles of a
substance having a rest mass (V.4.10.40), electrons, pro
tons, neutrons, and their ensembles, atoms, molecules,
V I .1 .1 Elements of Quantum Mechanics 475
X= - = -
mv p
P= hk
Fig. V I.1.3/
§ 1-0211
482 Atomic and Nuclear Physics V i.i.i
where n = integer
h = Planck’s constant
v0 = natural frequency of oscillations of the oscil
lator (IV. 1.3.3°)
G)0 = 2 jiv 0 = cyclic natural frequency
h = hl2n.
Figure VI. 1.8 shows the energy levels of a linear har
monic oscillator that are directly proportional to a series
of half-integral numbers. The
energy levels are at identical
“energy distances” from one
another. The minimum value
Eo of the energy of a linear
harmonic oscillator (at n = 0)
E0 = h v j 2 = h g)0/2 is called
the zero-point energy. It
cannot be diminished by any
external actions. The energy
Eo never becomes equal to ze
ro at any ultralow tempera
tures, including the absolute zero of temperature (T =
= OK = — 273.15 °C) (°). The existence of a zero-
point energy in a particle is a purely quantum effect. (For
the nature of the zero-point energy see V I.1.7.3°.)
7°. The quantization of physical quantities in definite
conditions is an important result of quantum mechanics
that is new in principle. In classical mechanics and in all
of classical physics, the physical quantities characterizing
any physical phenomena change, as a rule,* continuously.
Planck’s idea that the energy of an atom-emitter can take
on only definite values (V.3.2.3°) was consistently developed
in quantum mechanics.
* An exception here, for example, are the natural frequencies of
oscillations of fixed strings and plates (IV.3.10.7°).
4s4 Atomic and Nuclear Physics Vl.1.5
5. Uncertainty Relation
1°. An excited atom (VI.2.5.3°) has surplus energy in
comparison with an atom in the normal energy state. The
transition of an atom from an excited state to the normal
A ,
0------------ C T _________ ^
0 M X
Fig. V I.1.10
6. Part Played
by Uncertainty Relations
in Studying the Motion
of Microparticles
1°. If a particle having wave properties moves in a
region whose linear dimensions are much greater than the
dimensions of an atom (VI.2.1.1°), then the uncertainty
relation does not virtually limit the possibility of the
particle simultaneously having an exact value of the co
ordinate and the momentum. This can be explained by
the following problem.
Let us assume that an electron travels in a betatron
(VI.4.16.3°) along a circle of radius 2.5 m with a velocity
v = 2.97 X 108 m/s. Find the uncertainty in the velocity
Av if the radius of the trajectory has been determined
with the uncertainty Ar forming 0.002% of the radius
of the trajectory.
The uncertainty in the radius of the trajectory Ar —
= r X 0.002% = 0.05 mm, i.e. the trajectory has been
determined very accurately. According to the formulas
given in (VI. 1.5.5°), the uncertainty in the velocity will
Av = m- Ar
- « 0.3 m/s
1 0 -3 4
= 2.2 X 10® m/s
9.1 X 10“31 X 5 X 10"13
i.e. is 220 times greater than the value of the velocity itself.
The value of Au almost equals the speed of light. The veloc
ity of an electron moving in an orbit of a definite radius
becomes absolutely indeterminate, and there is no sense
in speaking of the motion of an electron in an atom along
a definite trajectory—an orbit.* If, conversely, we take
a reasonable value of the uncertainty in the velocity Ay
of an electron, for example, if we assume that Ay = O.Oly =
= 104 m/s, then the uncertainty in the radius Ar is Ar =
= him Ay = 10"34/9.1 X 10~31 X 104 = 1.1 X 10~8 m and
is 220 times greater than the radius of the orbit. Thus,
the radius of the orbit becomes absolutely indeterminate,
and, consequently, we cannot consider that an electron
moves in an orbit as understood in the meaning of the
classical trajectory in mechanics (°).
7. Zero-Point Energy
of a Linear Harmonic Oscillator
1°. The zero-point energy E 0 of a linear harmonic os
cillator (VI. 1.4.6°) is associated with the quantum prop
erties of the oscillator and the uncertainty relation. If
a particle of mass m oscillates with the amplitude A along
the axis OX (an oscillator) (see Fig. VI. 1.6), then its total
energy E 0 at the moment of reaching the turning points
B and C is
Z?0= 2
2°. If a particle of mass m has wave properties (a quantum
linear harmonic oscillator), then the de Broglie wave as
sociated with the particle (VI. 1.1.3°) is “shut in” in the
region with the linear dimensions A , where A is the dis
placement amplitude of the oscillator. The uncertainty
in the coordinate of the particle Ax (VI. 1.5.4°) will be
A# « A. According to the uncertainty relation (VI. 1.5.5°),
the uncertainty in the momentum of the particle Ap is
h A
tip Ax A
The momentum p of a particle cannot be smaller than
the uncertainty in the momentum Ap*: p ^ Ap. The
momentum p equal in magnitude to the uncertainty in
the momentum tip is called the momentum of a localized
particle: p = Ap.
A particle with wave properties always has a certain
zero-point energy (VI. 1.4.6°) that is the energy of a lo
calized particle E 0. This is the minimum energy determined
by the momentum of a localized particle p « hi Ax:
F P2 - h2
0 2m ~ 2m ( Ax)2
3°. For a quantum linear harmonic oscillator, Ax « A,
and E 0 « h2/2mA2. On the other hand, according to Par. 1°,
Chapter 2
The Structure of Atoms
1. Rutherford’s Nuclear Model
of an Atom
1°. By a nuclear (planetary) model of an atom is meant
such a model of its structure in which the entire positive
charge of the atom is considered to be concentrated in its
* Information on such a description is beyond the scope of the
I)resent course.
** Ep ^ ePlr, but r oc n1/3 because r*n ^ 1 (see Par. 2°).
494 Atomic and Nuclear Physics Vt.2.1
F ig . V L 2 . l i
* F lu o r e s c e n c e is o n e o f t h e k in d s o f lu m in e s c e n c e ( V .3 .3 .1 ° ) ?
* * A ll th e fo r m u la s in C h a p . 2 a re g iv e n in t h e S I s y s t e m o f u n it s .
49G A to m ic and N u c le a r P h ysic s VL2.2
alpha particle S c a tte r e d
a lp h a p a rtic le
F ig . V I .2 .2
2 4 jte 0 d
Over the distance d, the entire kinetic energy of the parti
cle transforms into the potential energy of electrostatic re
pulsion of the nucleus and the particle. The linear dimension
of the region occupied by the nucleus of an atom is deter
mined from this formula, namely, d « 10“1B to 10“14 m.
2. Predicam ents
in the C lassical E xplanation
of the N uclear M odel
of an A tom
1°. The electrons of an atom according to the nuclear
model must move relative to the nucleus (the latter is con
sidered to be stationary throughout the present chapter).
Otherwise, as a result of Coulomb forces of attraction to the
nucleus, the electrons would fall immediately onto the
nucleus. The dynamic stability characteristic of an atom is
explained by the high velocities of its electrons (v « 10® m/s).
V L 2 .2 The Structure of Atoms 497
13.53 o-
10.15 - eg %
10 HgHphfHsHelkHqHeh^
B alm er sen
6 .8 60000-
5 S
Fig. VI.2.3
where m = 2, 3, . . . .
When n = 2, the Balmer series in the visible part of the
spectrum is observed:
where m — 3, 4, 5, . . . .
The infrared part of the spectrum contains other series
of spectral lines. Figure VI.2.3 shows the series of spectral
lines of a hydrogen atom. The right-hand scale shows the
values of v* = 1IX = v/c, which are measured in cm"1.
The left-hand scale shows the values of the energy levels of
a hydrogen atom in eV (VI.2.5.3°).
3°. The line spectrum of a hydrogen atom contradicts the
classical interpretation of the nuclear model of an atom
4. Bohr’s Postulates
1°. The quantum theory of the structure of an atom de
veloped by N. Bohr (the Bohr model of an atom) is based on
the idea of combining into a single entirety:
* The quantity Rlc, where c is the speed of light in a vacuum, is
also called the Rydberg constant. It is measured in m-1 (VI1.8).
500 Atomic and Nuclear Physics V1.2A
E ft rp R
h ” l n ~ n2
it follows that
? Rh R2nh
'n ~ n2 ~ n2
LitB = Li cos a
O rb ital q u an tu m n u m b er I 0 1 2 3 4
S ta te o f e le ctr o n s P d / g
M axim u m nu m b er o f e le c tr o n s
Z 3 ( n , I) 2 6 10 14 18
1 K 2 _ _ _ _ 2
2 L 2 6 — — — 8
3 M 2 6 10 — — 18
4 N 2 6 10 14 — 32
5 0 2 6 10 14 18 50
K L M N 0 P Q
E le
z ment
Is 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4 / 5 s 5p 5d 5 / 6s 6 p 6d 6 / 7s
1 H 1
2 He 2
3 Li 2 1
4 Be 2 2
5 B 2 2 1
6 G 2 2 2
7 N 2 2 3
8 0 2 2 4
9 F 2 2 5
10 Ne 2 2 6
11 Na 2 2 6 1
12 Mg 2 2 6 2
13 A1 2 2 6 2 1
14 Si 2 2 6 2 2
15 P 2 2 6 2 3
16 S 2 2 6 2 4
17 Cl 2 2 6 2 5
18 Ar 2 2 6 2 6
19 K 2 2 6 2 6 1
20 Ca 2 2 6 2 6 2
21 Sc 2 2 6 2 6 1 2
22 Ti 2 2 6 2 6 2 2
23 V 2 2 6 2 6 3 2
24 Cr 2 2 6 2 6 5 1
25 Mn 2 2 6 2 6 5 2
26 Fe 2 2 6 2 6 6 2
27 Co 2 2 6 2 6 7 2
28 Ni 2 2 6 2 6 8 2
29 Cu 2 2 6 2 6 10 1
30 Zn 2 2 6 2 6 10 2
31 Ga 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 1
32 Ge 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 2
33 As 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 3
34 Se 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 4
35 Br 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 5
36 K 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6
VI.2.10 The Structure of Atoms 513
hv^ — *~hv
hv — *»hv
hv^ — *»hv
hv —
/?v> — *~hv
— *~hv
Mirror Half-silvered
Active medium
Fig. VI.2.13
Chapter 3
Structure and Spectra of Molecules
1, General Characteristics
of Chemical Bonds
1°. Molecules (°) consist of atoms or ions joined
into a single whole by chemical bonds (°). The stabi
lity of molecules is an indication that the chemical bonds are
518 Atomic and Nuclear Physics VI.3.1
2. Ionic Molecules
1°. An ionic (heteropolar*) molecule is one that consists
of oppositely charged ions (°) of the chemical ele
ments in the molecule (a molecule with a heteropolar bond).
The sum of the positive and negative charges of the ions in
n molecule equals zero, consequently, ionic molecules are
electrically neutral. The chemical bond ( V I.3.1.1°) is mainly
Ibe result of electrostatic attraction of oppositely charged
ions. Typical examples of ionic molecules are the alkali hal-
ides NaCl, RbBr, Csl, etc. These molecules are formed
* From the Greek heteros meaning other or different.
520 Atomic and Nuclear Physics VI.3.2
v vib-rot
vuib vet-uib
V ib r a tio n a l R o ta tio n a l
le v e ls le v e ls E le c t r o n V ib r a t io n a l
le v e ls le v e ls
F ig . V I . 3 .5 F ig . V I .3 .6
* T h e t r a n s it io n o f a m o le c u le fr o m a n u p p e r r o t a t io n a l e n e r g y
l e v e l to a lo w e r o n e le a d s t o t h e a p p e a r a n c e o f a lin e o f a r o t a t io n a l e m is
sion s p e c t r u m .
Vi.3.4 Structure and Spectra of Molecules 525
F ig . V I .3 .7
Chapter 4
1. General Characteristic
* A ll t h e in f o r m a t io n o n m a s s e s s e t o u t in C h a p . 4 r e la t e s to
r e s t m a s s e s ( V .4 .1 0 .3 ° ) , u n le s s o th e r w is e in d ic a t e d .
** M o re p r e c is e ly , t h e p r o j e c t io n o f th e s p in o n t o th e d ir e c t io n
o f th e in d u c t io n o f th e e x t e r n a l m a g n e t ic fie ld h a s th e tw o v a lu e s
* * * T h is a ls o r e la t e s to t h e s iz e o f a n a t o m b e c a u s e th e e le c t r o n s
t r a v e llin g in a n a t o m r e l a t i v e to i t s n u c le u s a ls o h a v e w a v e p r o p e r tie s .
528 Atomic and Nuclear Physics Vl.4.2
* F o r th e d iffe r e n c e b e tw e e n th e m a s s e s o f a n e u tr o n a n d a
p r o to n s e e V I .4 .1 .3 ° .
VIA.2 S tru ctu re and P ro p e rtie s of A to m ic N u clei 529
4. N atural R adioactivity
1°. Natural radioactivity is defined as the spontaneous
transformation of nuclei of unstable isotopes of one chemical
element into the nuclei of iso
topes of other chemical elements.
Natural radioactivity is attend
ed by the emission of definite
particles: alpha and beta radia
tion, antineutrinos (VI.4.7.6°),
and also electromagnetic (gam
ma) radiation. Natural radioac
tivity is observed, as a rule, in
the heavy nuclei of the elements
after lead in the periodic table
(VI.2.9.1°). There also exist
light naturally radioactive nu
clei: the potassium isotope 19K40,
the carbon isotope 6C14, the ru
Fig. VI.4.2 bidium isotope #r7Rb87, and
2°. The composition of radioactive alpha, beta, and gam
ma radiations is established according to their deviations
in a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of Fig. VI.4.2.
V I .4 .5 S tru ctu re and P ro p ertie s of A to m ic N u clei 535
* The symbol beta_ (P_) has been introduced for electron beta
decay because there is also beta+ (6+) positron beta decay (VI.4.10.3°).
V I.4.5 Structure and Properties of Atomic Nuclei 537
7*»1L“ ®= 0 .6 9 3 t, or T= - i « f + f » 1 .4471
6. Experimental Methods
of Studying Particles
and Radioactive Radiation
1°. All the methods of detecting and studying the prop
erties of radioactive radiations are based on the ionizing
and photochemical actions of the emitted particles and hard
light quanta, and also on the deviation of charged particles
in magnetic fields (°).
2°. Scintillation counters are based on the ability of
particles striking a fluorescent screen to cause scintillations
(VI.2.1.2°). Each flash acts on the photocathode (°)
of an electron multiplier (°) and knocks out elec
trons from it. The latter, passing through n cascades of the
multiplier, produce a current pulse at the output. The pulse
is then fed to an amplifier and actuates an electromechanical
pulse counter. A curve is obtained on the cathode-ray tube
(°) that shows the intensity of separate pulses
which is proportional to the energy of a separately counted
540 Atomic and Nuclear Physics V1.4.6
F i g . V I . 4 .5
8. Nuclear Reactions
1°. Nuclear reactions are defined as artificial transforma-
Iions of atomic nuclei due to their interactions with various
particles or with one another. In the majority of cases, two
.1 :■ 0211
540 A to m ic and N u clea r P h ysics VI.4A
9. Interaction of Neutrons
with a Substance
1°. In nuclear reactions with light nuclei under the ac
tion of alpha particles, the neutron was discovered. This
is a very important elementary particle contained in all
atomic nuclei except for that of conventional hydrogen
(VI.4.1.1°). A neutron was first obtained in the reaction of
transforming the beryllium isotope (4Be9) into the carbon
isotope (6C12):
4Be9+ 2He4 cC12+ on1
/ Radiation shielding
Fig. V I.4.9
14*. B io lo g ic a l A c t io n o f R a d io a c tiv e
R a d ia tio n s *
1°. Radioactive radiations have a strong action on a
substance, especially on live tissues. The harmful action of
radioactive radiations on an organism is associated with
the formation of free chemical radicals and with mutations
in cells. The latter may affect reproduction, and also result
in radiation sickness and in the formation of malignant tu
The biological action of radioactive radiations is assessed
by means of special quantities.
The radiation dose D is defined as the ratio of the radia
tion energy to the mass of the irradiated substance. The
unit of the dose is the gray (Gy) equal to one joule per kilo-
Its unit is gray per second (Gy/s) or watt per kilogram (W/kg).
3°. The exposure dose D e is an energy characteristic of
radiation describing the latter according to the effect of
ionization of dry atmospheric air. Its unit is the coulomb
per kilogram (C/kg)—the exposure dose to photon, X-ray
or gamma radiation at which the sum of the electric charges
of the ions of one sign produced by the electrons released
in irradiated air with a mass of one kilogram upon the com
plete utilization of the ionizing ability equals one coulomb.
4°. A non-system unit of the exposure dose is the roent-
gen (r):
1 r = 2.58 x 10~4 C/kg
A roentgen corresponds to the exposure dose at which a total
charge of ions of one sign equal to one absolute electrostatic
unit of charge is produced in one cubic centimetre of dry
air at standard atmospheric pressure.
5°. The power, or rate, of the exposure dose P e = D j t
is measured in amperes per kilogram (A/kg). It is the rate
of exposure to photon radiation at which the exposure dose
grows by 1 C/kg per second.
Non-system units of the rate of the exposure dose are:
1 r/s = 2.58 x 10“4 A/kg, \ r/min = 4.30 X 10“6 A/kg
1 r/h = 7.17 x 10“8 A/kg
6 °. The equivalent radiation dose is assessed according
to the biological action of the radiation. The unit is the gray
V I .4 .1 5 Structure and Properties of Atomic Nuclei 561
15*. F u s io n R e a c tio n s
1°. Fusion (or thermonuclear) reactions are exoergic nuclear
reactions (VI.4.8.3°) of synthesis of light nuclei into heavier
(»nes. Fusion reactions proceed effectively at ultrahigh
lernperatures of the order of 107 to 109 K. A very high energy
is released in fusion reactions. It exceeds the energy liberat
ed in the fusion of heavy nuclei (VI.4.11.2°). For example,
in the reaction of fusion of nuclei of deuterium XD 2 and tri
tium XT3 (VI.4.1.2°) into a helium nucleus 2He4:
1D2 + 1T3 - > 2He4 + 0n 1
mii energy of about 3.5 MeV per nucleon is released. In
lission reactions, the energy per nucleon is about 1 MeV.
In the synthesis of a helium nucleus from four protons:
4 1p1- * 2He4 + 2+1e°
where +1e° is the symbol of a positron (VI.4.10.3°), a still
higher energy is released. It equals 6.7 MeV per particle.
The “profitability” of fusion reactions from the energy view
point is explained by the fact that the unit binding energy
.1(1 01! 11
562 Atomic and Nuclear Physics VL4.15
16. Accelerators
1°. Devices for obtaining charged particles with a very
high kinetic energy are called accelerators. The following
methods of accelerating particles are distinguished: direct,
induction, and resonance. With respect to the shape of the
particle trajectories, accelerators
are classified as linear and cir- if),
cular-orbit ones. In the former,
the particle trajectories are close
to straight lines. In the latter,
the trajectories are circles or
2°. In linear accelerators, a
particle passes once through an
iPf pPl -'
electric field of high potential
difference ((p2 — cpj) and acquires
a high kinetic energy mvV2
equal (°) to <7 (qp2 — cpi),
where q is the absolute value M
of the charge of a particle.
3°. A betatron is an induc
tion accelerator of electrons. Its
design is based on the phenome
non of the appearance oFan eddy Fig. VI.4.10
electric field in space under the
Influence of a varying magnet
ic field (TTI.5.3.3°). Figure VI.4.10 is a schematic view
of a betatron. An evacuated annular accelerator cham-
tier n having the shape of'a closed ring is placed between
Ilie pole shoes A and C of a strong electromagnet. The axis
»f tiie chamber coincides with the axis of symmetry 0 0 '
»f the electromagnet pole shoes. A change in the current ip
566 Atomic and Nuclear Physics VI.4.16
* The conditions for the stability of the electron orbit are not
cpnsidered in the present course,
V I.4.16 Structure and Properties of Atomic Nuclei 567
To = T
568 Atomic and Nuclear Physics V1.5.1
Chapter 5
Elementary Particles
1. General
1°. Elementary particles are defined as particles which
at the present level of development of physics cannot be
considered as a combination of other, “simpler” particles.
An elementary particle upon interaction with other particles
or fields behaves as an integral whole. Modern physics of
elementary particles deals with the mutual transformations
of the particles, their properties manifesting themselves
when the particles interact with a substance, and the struc
ture of the elementary particles.
2°. The question of the structure of elementary particles
is considered differently depending on the energy of these
particles. At low energies E of the particles, their structure
does not affect the results of physical phenomena caused by
them, and they are considered to be structureless (struc-
V1.5.1 Elementary Particles 569
Table VI.5.1
Electric Mass, Lifetime, Spin,
Name Symbol charge, e MeV s h
Photon Y 0 0 Stable 1
Electron neutrino, ve ve 0 0 0 Stable 1/2
p-Meson neutrino, 0 0 0 Stable 1/2
Electron, positron e~ e+ -1 +1 0.511 Stable 1/2
pr-Meson, ^ -m e -1 +1 106 2.2 X 10-6 1/2
ji+-Meson, Ji“-me
Proton, anti proton PP +1 -1 938.2 Stable 1/2
Neutron, anti nn 0 0 939.6 0.93 X 103 1/ 2
572 Atomic and Nuclear Physics V I.5.2
A°-Hyperon, A° A° 0 0 1116 2 .5 X IQ"10 1/2
2 +-Hyperon, 2 + 2" +1 -1 1189 0 .8 X 1 0 - 10 1/2
anti-2+-hyperon M
-1 +1 1197 1 .5 X 1 0 - 10 1/2
2°-Hyperon, 2° 2° 0 0 1192 < lO"14 1/2
S “-Hyperon, 3“ 3+ -1 +1 1321 1 .7 X 10"10 1/2
S°-Hyperon, go go 0 0 1315 3 x 1 0 -1 ° 1/2
Q“-Hyperon, Q- Q+ -1 +1 1672 1 .3 X 10" 10 3/2?
Table V I.5.3
Fig. VI.5.3
4*. Information
on Selected Elementary Particles
1°. Different types of elementary particles (see Tab
le VI.5.1) are created when cosmic rays interact with the
nuclei of nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the atmosphere.
After the development of modern accelerators (VI.4.16.7°),
the birth, mutual transformations, and structure of ele
mentary particles are being studied in laboratory conditions.
2°. The possibility of the birth of new particles when
protons interact with nuclei follows from the relationship
between mass and energy (V.4.11.1°). At a proton energy of
104 GeV that is about 104 times greater than its rest energy
mvc2 {mv is the rest mass of a proton, and c is the speed of
VI.5.4 Elementary Particles 577
ji° -> y -f 7
578 Atomic and Nuclear Physics VI.5.4
Fig. VI.5.4
5. A ntiparticles
1°. Antiparticles correspond to most of the elementary
particles. Examples of particles and antiparticles are the
electron ^e0 and the positron +1e°, the muons p + and p “,
the pions jt+ and jt”, the kaons K + and K", and the electron
and meson neutrinos 0v{!, 0v|i, an(i fhe antineutrinos 0v£
and 0vji. The rest masses, spins, and lifetimes of particles
and antiparticles are the same. The electric charges of par
ticles and antiparticles are identical in absolute value, but
opposite in sign*. Particles whose properties are completely
identical to those of their antiparticles are called truly
neutral particles. They include the photon and the neutral
mesons jt° and K°.
1. U n it s an d D im e n s io n s
o f P h y s ic a l Q u a n titie s .
S y s t e m s o f U n it s
Pico 10-12 P
Nano 10-9 n
Micro lO-6 P
Milli 10-3 m
Centi 10-2 c
Deci io- 1 d
Deca 10 da
Hecto 102 h
Kilo 103 k
Mega 106 M
Giga 109 G
Tera 1012 T
2. B a s ic and D e r iv e d U n it s
o f th e S I S y s t e m
The basic and derived units of the SI system, their defi
nitions, and symbols are given in Table VII.2.
3. U n it s o f P h y s ic a l Q u a n titie s
in M e c h a n ic s
1°. The derived units of mechanical quantities in the
SI system are established through the units of length, mass,
time, and plane angle.
In addition to the SI system, the absolute physical sys
tem of units—the cgs system—is used in mechanics. The
basic units of this system are:
the unit of length—the centimetre—one-hundredth of a
Vlt.3 Supplements 569
Table V I1.2
Basic Units
Length Metre m Length equal to 1 650 763.73
wavelengths in vacuum of the
radiation corresponding to the
transition between the levels
2p10 and 5d5 of the kryp-
ton-86 atom
Mass Kilogram kg Mass of the international pro
totype of the kilogram
Time Second s The duration of 9 192 631 770
periods of the radiation cor
responding to the transition
between the two hyperfine lev
els of the ground state of
the cesium-133 atom
Tempera Kelvin K Thermodynamic temperature
ture equal to 1/273.15 of the ther
modynamic freezing point
of distilled water at a
pressure of 101 325 Pa
Amount of Mole mol Amount of substance of a
substance system containing as many
elementary particles (atoms,
molecules, ions, etc.) as there
are atoms in 0.012 kg of the
isotope carbon-12 (C12)
Current Ampere A Constant current which, if
maintained in two straight
parallel conductors of infinite
length, of negligible cross
section, and placed 1 metre
apart in a vacuum, would
produce between these conduc
tors a force equal to 2 X 10-7
newton per metre of length
Luminous Candela cd Luminous intensity, in the
intensity perpendicular direction, of a
surface of 1/600 000 m2 of a
blackbody at the freezing
point of platinum under a pres
sure of 101 325 Pa
590 Supplements Vll.4
T a b le V I 1 . 2 (co nclu d ed )
Supplemental Units
Plane angle Radian rad Angle between two radii of
a circle, the arc between
which equals the radius of
the circle
Solid angle Ste radian sr Solid angle with its apex at
the centre of a sphere that
cuts out an area on the surface
of the sphere equal to the
area of a square whose side
equals the radius of the sphere
Table VII.4
Angstrom A
Mass Technical unit t.u.m . 1 t.u m. ^ 9.81 kg
of mass
Tonne — 1 tonne = 103 kg
Time Minute min 1 min = 60 s
Hour h 1 h = 3600 s
Plane angle Round angle — 2jtrad ^ 6 .2 8 3 rad
Right angle — ji/ 2 rad « 1.570 rad
Degree o 1° = jc/ 180 rad « 1.745 X
X l0 ~ 2 rad
Minute 1' = (ji/ 108) X10"2 rad »
« 2.908X 10-4 rad
Second 1" = (ji/648) x 10“3 rad «
^ 4 .8 4 8 x l 0 ”6 rad
Area Are — 1 are = 102 m 2
Hectare ha 1 ha = 104 m2
Volume Litre 1 1 1 = 10-3 m3
V elocity Kilometre per km/h 1 km /h « 2.7 7 7 X
hour XlO-1 m /s
Angle of Revolution rev 1 rev = 2xc rad
Angular Revolutions per rpm 1 rpm = 31/30 rad/s
velocity minute
Revolutions per rps 1 rps = 2n rad/s
Force Kilogram-force kgf 1 kgf « 9.81 N
Tonne-force tonnef 1 tonnef « 9 .8 1 X103 N
Work Watt-hour W -h 1 W -h = 3 .6 x 103 J
Power Horsepower (met hp 1 hp « 735.499 W
Pressure Bar bar 1 bar = 105 Pa
M illimetre of mmHg 1 mmHg « 133.322 Pa
mercury column
M illim etre of wa mmH20 1 mmH20 « 9.81 Pa
ter column
Technical atmo at 1 at » 9.81 XlO4 Pa
Physical atm o atm 1 atm « 101 325 Pa
VII.5 Supplements 599
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602 Supplements VI1.5
Table VI 1.5b
VII.7 Supplements 603
c Ibo <
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VII.7 Supplements 605
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CJ co
Table VI1.6a (concluded
VII.9 Supplements 607
Table VI1.6b
T able V II.6 b (c o n c l u d e d )
610 Supplements VII.9
Table VII.7
iH N
< <
< n
7 co
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J dl ig§ sp2
C 1=1
O^ O
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5)S al
© o
g § o
s 2 s
U “ 3
u S 2 S tS s a a S a S S.S *o -t5 >»©
co bo d
VII.9 Supplements 611
Table VI1.8
612 Supplements VII.9
Table V II.9
VII.9 Supplements 613
\ y [A]' = a [A\ = a ) ^ -
2 *
A — i= 1
Am~ n
2 *
i= 1
618 Supplements VII.11
12. P r o c e s s in g th e R e s u lts
o f I n d ir e c t M e a s u r e m e n ts
Let us assume that the physical quantity A and certain
other quantities A 2, . . ., A h have the following func
tional relationship:
A — f {Ah A 2, • • •* Ak)
The quantities A x, A 21 . . ., A k may include directly meas
ured quantities A dti, tabulated quantities A tti (whose values
in the given experiment are taken from a table instead of
being measured), and the so-called equipment data A eti
(characteristics of the experimental equipment known be
forehand and1 not measured in the given experiment).
As a result of processing all the directly measured quan
tities A ^ i (VII.11), for each of them the mean value C4di*)m,
the absolute error AAd,*, and the relative error E&ti will
be found.
The result for the indirectly measured quantity A in
the simplest cases is obtained according to the following
(a) The mean value A m is calculated according to the
mean values of the quantities which the quantity A being
measured depends on:
= / (^1, mi ^2, mi • • •» Akt m)
(b) The relative error E is calculated according to the
form of the functional dependence of the quantity A on
the directly measured and tabulated quantities, and also
on the equipment data. For the simplest functional rela
tionships, the formula for calculating the relative error E
usually has the form
E = c1El -f- c2E 2 -f- cuEk
where clt c2, . . ., ch are integral or fractional dimensionless
coefficients, and Eu E 2j . . ., Ek are the relative errors
in measuring the quantities A u A 2, . . ., Ak-
620 Supplements VII.12
Table VII.10
Dependence of
quantity A on Relative error E Absolute error AA
other quantities
+ AA2
A ^ + AA,
^1 + ^2
A^i + A A 2
A = A 1— A 2 A A x -\-A A 2
At A 2
Ai4x ttA 2
A t A A 2-\-A 2 A A l
A t ' A 2
a — A l .
Ai4j AA2 A.4, t Aj Ai42
A i 1 A 2 A 2 ' A\
A A i
A t
A = sin A 1 AA ^ cot A-^ AA± cos A x
A = cos A ! AAt tan A x AAt sin A l
1 AA x 1 AA x
A = log A x
2 .3 0 | log A t | A x 2 .30 A t
P » = T ^ = S I ^ ^ 8-6 5 x l0 3 k g/m3
The relative error in measuring the density Ep equals
the sum of the relative errors in measuring the mass Em
and the volume E v (see Table V II.10):
0.5x 10"3
Ep = Em-{- E v = 25.4 X 10"3
0.05 X 10-6
2.94 X 10"6
» 0.02 + 0.02 = 0.04 = 4%
The absolute error in measuring the density Ap is
Ap = pm^p = 8.65 x 103 x 0.04 « 0.3 x 103 kg/m3
Rounding off the value of pm, we write the final result
in the form
p = (8.6 ± 0.3) x 103 kg/m3
Example 2. Determine the volume V of a cylinder accord
ing to the results of direct measurements of its diameter d
and altitude h : d = (3.46 ± 0.04) X 10"2 m, h = (4.87 ±
± 0.05) X 10”2 m.
Before calculating the mean value of the volume of the
cylinder by the formula
Vm= ^>dmhm
Collision, Constant,
completely inelastic, 108f fine structure, 573
perfectly elastic, 105f gas,
Compression, uniaxial, 196 molar, 154, 607
Concentration, current carriers, specific, 154
245 gravitational, 64, 607
Condensation, 178f magnetic, 603
rate, 178 Planck’s, 433, 607
Condition, frequency, 501f, 504 Rydberg, 499, 503, 607
Conductance, spring, 69
parallel connection of conduc Coordinate, angular, 39
tors, 256 Core, reactor, 554
unipolar, diode, 275 critical dimensions, 555
Conduction, critical mass, 555
electric, 243 Counters,
electron impurity, 282 Geiger, 540
hole impurity, 283 scintillation, 539f
impurity, 281 ff Couple, 86
intrinsic, arm, 87
activation energy, 280 forces, 86
electron, 280 moment, 86f
hole, 281 Crystallization, 201
rc-type, 280 Crystal(s), 134f
p-type, 281 atomic, 193
Conductivity, 249 elementary cell, 135
ionic, 263 ionic, 193
metal, 252 lattice, 135
Conductors, 219, 243 period, 135
first kind, 256 metallic, 194
parallel connection, 256 molecular, 194
second kind, 263 valence, 193
series connection, 255 Curie, 607
straight, 293 Current, 244
Constant, active power, 355
Avogadro, 127, 607 alternating, 351
Boltzmann, 142, 607 effective value, 355
decay, 537 instantaneous power, 355
dielectric, 206f mean power, 355
diffraction grating, 423 power factor, 356
electric, 206, 599 resonance in circuit, 356ff
Faraday, 265, 607 appearance time, 245
Subject Index 631
Current, Cycle,
average density vector, 244 reverse, 170
carriers, concentration, 245 reversible, thermal efficien
conduction, 243 cy, 171
density in metals, 245 Cyclotron, 566ff
convection, 243
displacement, 243
eddy, 308 Decay,
retarding action, 308 alpha, 536, 542f
electric, 243 beta, 536, 543ff
direction, 244 Decibel, 611
in vacuum, 271 Deformation(s),
electron, in atom, 314 elastic, 195
in gases, 266 plastic, 195
induced, 302f relative, 195
molecular, 315 residual, 195
in parallel conductors, inter solid body, 194
action, 296f Degree,
photoelectric, 465 Celsius, 591
power, 262 Kelvin, 591
quasistationary, 384 Demodulation, 387
saturation, 267f, 274 Density, 54, 127
steady, 244f average, 54
calculation of multiloop net displacement current, 377
work, 254f energy, 242, 312f, 366
density, 251 saturated vapour, and temper
thermionic, 272, 273 ature, 183f
Curve(s), steady current, 251
energy distribution, in black- surface charge, 216
body spectrum, 432 Detector, 386
resonance, 343, 356f Diagnostics, X-ray, 440
technical magnetization, 321 Diagram,
Cycle, 169ff stress-strain, 196
backward, 170 thermodynamic, 149
Carnot, 170ff p-7\ 151f
closed, 175 p-F, 149, 159
direct, 170 Diamagnetic(s)
forward, 170 demagnetizing, 318
irreversible, thermal efficien magnetizing, 318
cy, 171 relative permeability, 3161
open, 175 Diameter, collision, 133
632 Subject Index
Effect, Electron(s),
Magnus, 123 of bit, 497, 505
photoconductive, 464 orbital magnetic moment, 314
photoelectric, 464ff orbitals, 510
nuclear, 547 peripheral, 511
photoemissive, 464f shell, 510
threshold frequency, 466 spin, 315f, 508
piezoelectric, 370 subshells, 510
tunnelling, 542f systematization of states, 506
Efficiency, total energy, 502
heat engine, 176 valence, 126, 511
thermal, 171 dielectric, 222
thermodynamic, 171 velocity on orbit, 497
Elasticity, 195 Electron-volt, 603
cubic, gases, 359 Electrostatics, 203
of form, 359 Element(s),
Electrode(s), 263 periodic table, 510ff
control, 275, 276 relative atomic mass, 591
corona, 269 transuranium, 549
Electrodynamics, 208 Elongation, 198
Electroluminescence, 434 Emission,
Electrolysis, 263 photoelectric, 272
Electrolytes, 263 secondary electron, 272
Electromagnet, 296 thermionic, 272
Electron(s), 204, 571 Emissivity, 430
acceleration, centripetal, 497 Emitter(s), 272, 381, 383
affinity, 520 ultrasound, 369
charge, 204, 607 Energy,
classical radius, 569f activation,
collective, 194, 219 intrinsic conduction, 280
conduction, of metals, 219f nuclear fission, 552f
distribution in atoms, 512 bond, 519
energy levels, 484, 502f charged capacitor, 241
exchange interaction, 522 charged conductor, 240
free, 219 conversion, irreversible in con
in metals, 245, 251 ductor, 262
gas, in metals, 194 current,
intrinsic mechanical angular intrinsic, 312
momentum, 315 proper, 312
mass, 204, 527 definition, 101
motion in potential well, 481f dissociation, 519
634 Subject Index
Energy, Energy,
electric, plasma sources, 271 transfer, 161f
electric field, 241 wave, mean volume density,
volume density, 242 366
electromagnetic field, 313 Engine, heat 174ff
volume density, 313 Epidiascopes, 408, 409
electron, 502 Episcopes, 409
fission, 551f Equation(s), see also Formula
internal, 108, 156ff Bernoulli’s, 118f
charged conductor, 240 horizontal flow tube, 118
wave, 380 continuity, steady flow of fluid,
zero, 157 118
kinetic, 102 Einstein’s photoelectric, 467
body, 102 kinetic theory of gases, funda
gas molecule, mean, 142 mental, 141
particle, 102, 460 Mendeleev-Clapeyron, 154
system, 102 motion, particle, 19
localized particle, 490 spherical mirror, 399
magnetic field, 312 spherical wave, 367
solenoid, 312 of state, 147
volume density, 312f ideal gas, 154f
mechanical, lOlff thin-lens, 401f
conservation law, 105f, 108 wave, plane, 365
molecule, and spectrum, 523 monochromatic, 379
nuclear, 557 standing, 374
potential, 103 Equilibrium, 84
elastic interaction, 104 body in liquid, 115f
gravitational interaction, 103f dynamic, 267
interacting charges, 228f vaporization and condensa
interaction of two molecules, tion, 179
132f indifferent, 93f
zero point, 103, 104 liquid particle, 113
proper, 459 mobile, 179
charged conductor, 240 neutral, 93
quantum, 433 rigid body, 88
rest, 459 stable, 91f
surface, 187f and potential energy, 94f
total, 156 two molecules, 133
conservation law, 108 unstable, 92f
electric, 241 Equivalent, electrochemical, 265
system, 156 Erg, 595
Subject Index 635
Law(s), Law(s),
Brownian motion, 128 Ohm’s
Charles’, 151 arbitrary circuit section, 249
communicating vessels, 114 circuit with e.m.f., 351f
Coulomb’s, 205 density of current in metals,
electric charge conservation, 251
204 electric circuit, 250
electrolysis, section without e.m.f., 250
combined, 265 Pascal’s, 112f
first, 264f photoemissive effect, 466
second, 265 radioactive decay, fundamental,
energy conservation, 105f, 108 537f
Faraday’s, rotational dynamics, funda
electromagnetic induction, mental, 82, 83f
303 thermodynamics, 144f
first, 264f first, 163ff
second, 265 second, 173f
Gay-Lussac’s, 150 third, 174
Hooke’s, 69, 196 universal gravitation, 63f
illumination by point source, vector addition, 22
406 velocity addition,
Joule-Lenz, 262 in Newtonian mechanics, 62
Kirchhoff’s, for thermal radia relativistic, 456
tion, 431 Layer,
Lenz’s, 304 barrier electric, 284f
light reflection, 392f boundary, 121
light refraction, 393 corona, 269
mass conservation, 53 surface, 111
momentum conservation, Length,
closed system, 59f body, and velocity, 452
open system, 59f focal,
Newton’s, lens, 401
first, 48 mirror, 399
second, 54ff, 72 Lorentz contraction, 452
in relativistic dynamics, measurement, 446f
457 path, 22
third, 57 proper, body, 452
nucleus displacement, in ra standing wave, 375
dioactive decay, 536 Lens(es), 400ff
Ohm’s, converging, 402f
a-c circuit, 354 diverging, 402f
Subject Index 641
Lens(es), Line(s),
power, 403 sp ecia l,
thin, 400f series, 499
Leptons, 570, 571 Liquid(s), 135, see also Fluid
Lifetime, dropping, 111
mean free, 136 fluidity, 136
radioactive isotope, 537 free surface, 111
Lift, aerofoil, 123f internal friction, 117
Light, isotropy, 136
chemical action, 472f non-wetting, 188
diffraction, 420ff short-range order in, 135f
dispersion, 427ff supercooled, 201
natural, 427 superheated, 181
plane-polarized, 426 surface curvature and addition
point source, 405 al pressure, 189
polarization, 425ff surface layer, 111
pressure, 470ff wetting, 188
quantity, 404 Loop,
quantum properties, 463f current-carrying, equilibrium
speed, position, 289
determination, 414ff hysteresis, 321 f
limiting nature, 448 iqagnetic moment, 286f
in vacuum, 607 Lumen, 612
unpolarized, 427 Luminescence, 434f
wave-particle duality of prop Luminophor, 435
erties, 463f, 474f Lux, 612
wave properties, 463f
Lightning, 270
Limit, Machine, perpetual motion,
elastic, 196 first kind, 165
proportionality, 196 second kind, 173
Line(s), Magnet, permanent, 322
held, Magnetics, 316ff
electric, 209f Magnetization, 320
magnetic, 289 diamagnetics, 320
Fraunhofer, 436 ferromagnetics, 320
magnetic induction, 289 paramagnetics, 320
spectral, 435 permanent, 322
in molecular spectrum, 523 residual, 322
natural width, 485 saturation, 321
reversal, 436 technical, curve, 321
642 Subject Index
Magnification, Mechanics,
angular, 412 quantum, 474ff
microscope, 413 Medium(a),
telescope, 413 active, 514
linear, amplifying, 514ff
spherical mirror, 400 continuous, llOf
thin lens, 403 elastic, 359
Masers, 513 with negative absorption of
Mass, light, 515
body, 52f optically homogeneous, 391
deficiency, 529f Melting, 200
electron, 204 Meniscus, 188
gravitational, 52 Mesons, 570, 571
inert, 52 Metals, 194
measurement, 72ff Method,
molar, 127, 599 Fizeau, 414f
neutron, 527 Michelson’s, 415f
in Newtonian mechanics, 63 nuclear emulsions, 542
proper, 457 Roemer, 414
proton, 204, 527 statistical, of investigation,
relative atomic, 591 138
relative molecular, 591 thermodynamic, of investiga
relativistic, 457 tion, 144
rest, 457, 459 tracer atom, 558
elementary particles, 574, Wilson-Skobeltsyn, 541
577, 579, 580, 607 Metre, 589
standard, 72 Microscope, 412
Mass-spectrographs, 302 Model,
Mass-spectrometers, 302 Bohr, atom, 499ff
Materials, see also Substance(s) drop nuclear, 533f
hard-magnetic, 322 Moderators, 548
soft-magnetic, 322 Modulus,
Measurement, elasticity, 196
arithmetic mean, 616 Young’s, 196
direct, 614 Mole, 589
error, 615 Molecule(s), 126
indirect, 614 atomic, 521 f
Measures, 586 bond length, 519
Mechanics, 17 collision diameter, 133
classical, 17 dipole moment, 222
Newtonian, 17 electron spectrum, 525
Subject Index 643
Molecule(s), Motion,
electron-vibrational spectrum, at aggie with the horizontal,
525 41ff
energy and spectrum, 523 body thrown vertically up
heteropolar, 519 ward, 35ff
ionic, 519f Brownian, 127f
path, mean free, 139f circular, uniform, 38ff
rotational spectrum, 524 curvilinear, 19, 28
spectra, 522ff decelerated, uniformly, 31, 33
time, mean free, 140 inertial, 48, 54
velocity, mechanical, 17ff
arithmetical mean, 138f non-inertial, 54
mean square, 139 non-uniform, 24, 28
vibrational-rotational spec oscillatory, 325
trum, 524 plane, 19
vibrational spectrum, 524 rectilinear, 19, 28
Moment, uniform, 28ff
dipole, molecule, 222 uniformly changing, 31ff
electron dipole, 217 rotational, see Rotation
induced, 222 thermal, 133f
force, 80f translational, 20f
inertia, perfectly rigid body, 21
body, 81 two-dimensional, 19
cylindrical shell, 82 uniform, 24, 28
point particle, 81 variable, 24
solid cylinder, 82 Multipliers, electron, 273
solid sphere, 82 Muons, 571, 577
thin straight rod, 82 rest mass, 577
atom, orbital, 314f
electron, orbital, 314 Nearsightedness, 411
loop, 286f Neutrino, 550, 571
momentum, see Angular mo meson, 577
mentum Neutron(s), 526
Momentum, 53f energies, 548f
angular, see Angular momentum fast, 548
localized particle, 490 fission, 552
relativistic, 457 free, radioactivity, 545
Monocrystals, 135 interaction with nuclei, 548f
Motion, multiplication, 552
accelerated, uniformly, 31, 33 resonance absorption, 549
Subject Index
Neutron(s), Nucleus(i),
rest mass, 607 heavy, instability, 551
slow, 548 and liquid drop, 533f
surplus, 552 mass, 526f
thermal, 548f mass number, 526
Newton, 593 mirror, 531f
Nodes, standing wave, 375 parent, 536
Noise, 368 spin, 527
Non-wetting, stability, 534
absence, 189 unit binding energy, 529
perfect, 189 volume, 527f
Nuclear reactions, 545ff Number(s),
chain, 554ff atomic, 494
channels, 546 Avogadro, 127
classification, 546 Loschmidt, 154
element transformation, 547f quantum, 484
endoergic, 546 magnetic, 507
endothermic, 546 magnetic spin, 508
exoergic, 546 orbital, 505f
exothermic, 546 principal, 484, 499, 503
fission, 554ff rounding off, 624
high-energy, 547 Z, 494
low-energy, 546f
medium-energy, 547 Objective, rapidity, 408
Q-value, 546 Ohm, 605
stages, 547 Optics, 390
Nucleon(s), 520, 570, 571 geometrical, 390f
binding energy, 528ff physical, 414
rest mass, 574 quantum, 462
structure, 583ff ray, 390f
Nucleus(i) wave, 414
atomic, 526 Orbit, electron, 497, 505
binding energy, 528ff Order,
charge, 526 diffraction maximum, 423
compound, 547 diffraction minimum, 423
daughter, 536 long-range, in solids, 135
energy state, short-range, in liquids, 135f
excited, 530 Ortho-hydrogen, 532f
ground, 530 Oscillation(s), 325ff
fission, 551 amplitude, 326
half-life, 538 complete, 326
Subject Index 645
Potential, Process,
difference, 230f anabatic, 153, 163, 164
electrostatic field, 229ff compensating, 174
point charge, 231 cyclic, 169f
sphere, 231f electromagnetic, 573
Potentiometer, 259 equilibrium, 148ff
Power, 109f irreversible, 169
alternating current, isobaric, 150, 164
active, 355 work of expansion, 159
instantaneous, 355 isochoric, 150, 151, 164
mean, 355 isothermal, 150, 163, 164
average, 109f quasistatic, 148
exposure dose, 560 reversible, 168f
instantaneous, 110 slow, 574
mean radiated, 381f thermodynamic, 148ff
radiation dose, 560 Projectors, 408
resolving, eye, 411 diascopic, 408f
wave, mean, 367 episcopic, 408
Pressure, 111, 146 Protection, electrostatic, 220
dynamic, 118 Proton(s), 204, 526
gas, 142 charge, 204
hydrostatic, 114 electric radius, 585
in liquid, 113 rest mass, 607
measurement, 120 Pump, heat, 177
static, 118f Pumping, amplifying medium,
total, 118 515
Archimedes’, 114f
charge conjugation, 581 Quantity(ies),
constancy of light speed, 445 dimensionless, 587
Huygens, 421 physical,
Huygens-Fresnel, 421f homogeneous, 587
independence of force action, 56 measuring, 607
minimum potential energy, 94 quantization, 483
Pauli exclusion, 509f quantized, 483
relativity, 444f, 451 similar, 587
classical, 63 Quantization, spatial, 507
Galilean, 63 Quantum,
mechanical, 63 action, 433
superposition, 371 numbers, see Number(s), quan
electric fields, 210, 212 tum
Subject Index
Sources, Stress,
luminous flux, 405 normal, 196
luminous intensity, 405 shear, 196
thermal radiation, 429 Sublimation, 201
Spectrum(a), Substance(s),
band, 522 fluorescent, 495
diffraction, 424 magnetic, 316ff
dispersion, 428f strongly, 316
electromagnetic, 441 f weakly, 316
line, 439 relative molecular mass, 591
mass, 302 surface-active, 188
molecules, 522ff working, 165, 175
X-ray, continuous, 438 in refrigerator, 177
boundary, 438 Superconductivity, 253
Speed, Surface,
average, 24f equipotential, 232f
instantaneous, 25 free, 111
Spin, electron, 315f, 508 layer, 111
Spring, graduation, 74 wave, 360
Standards, 586 Surfactants, 188
State, Synchrophasotrons, 568
critical, 183 System,
equilibrium, 145, 147 auto-oscillating, 343f
inverted, 515 closed, 51, 107f
mechanical, 54 centre of mass, 59
non-equilibrium, 515 conservative, 101
overload, 67 closed, 101
quantum, stationary, 484 coordinate, 18, see also Refer
stationary, 145 ence frame(s)
steady, 145 Cartesian, 18
thermodynamic, 145 polar, 39
weightlessness, 66 emitting, 381
Statics, 84 forces, balanced, 84
Steradian, 590 isolated, 51
Strain, 195 non-conservative, 101, 107f
Stream, fluid, 116 closed, 101, 107f
Streamline, 116, 123 open, 108
Strength, 197
ultimate, 197 Telescope(s), 413
Stress, radio, 388f
mechanical, 195 Television, 385, 387f
Subject Index 651
Uncertainty, Vector(s),
in particle momentum, 486f induction, magnetic field, 286
Unit(s), direction, 287f
absolute electrostatic, 599 magnetic induction, 286
atomic energy, 603 polygon, 51 f
atomic mass, 603 position, 18
basic, 587 radius, 18
derived, 587 wave, 462
physical quantity, 586 Velocity, 23ff
system, 586f amplitude, 328
absolute electrostatic, 599 angular,
cgs, 588, 590 average, 40
SI, 587, 588, 589f instantaneous, 40, 47
arithmetical mean, molecules,
Vacuum, 271 138f
Valves, average, 23f, 28
electron, 273ff body thrown vertically upward,
electron-beam, 277f 36
three-electrode, see Triode circular, 38
two-electrode, see Diode circulation in fluid, 123
Vaporization, 178 escape, 109
Vapour, 178, see also Gas(es) fluid, measurement, fl20f
isotherm, 182f in free fall, 35
saturated, 179 instantaneous, 24
density and temperature, 183f linear, 38, 45
pressure, 179 mean square, molecules, 139
superheated, 182 orbital, 67f
supersaturated, 183 phase, 363
unsaturated, 181 wave, 363f
pressure, 181 Viscosity, 116f
Vector(s), Vision, colour, 410
compression, 69 Volt, 605
currentjdensity, average, 244f Voltage, 248, 250
displacement, 21ff, 29, 32 drop, 248, 250
body thrown vertically up parallel connection of con-
ward, 36 du c I c j f , 2 5 6
displacement current density, series^connection of conduc
377 tors, 255
electric displacement, 377 effective value, 355
elongation, 69 grid, 275
force, components, 87f ignition, 268
Subject Index 653
Volume, Wave(s),
molar, 127 pfcwer (mean), 367
ideal gas in standard condi radio, 385
tions, 607 classification, 385
specific, 127, 146 running, 373
sound, 360
Watt, 595, 611 velocity in gases, 363
Wave(s), 360 source, 360
acoustic, 360 spherical, 361
coherent, 372f standing, 373ff
de Broglie, 475ff amplitude, 374f
direction line, 360f antinodes, 375
elastic, 360 length, 375
velocity in liquids, 364 nodes, 375
electromagnetic, 360 surface, 360
dispersion, 378 train, 485
emission, 381ff length, 485
energy transfer, 380 transverse, 361, 363
intensity, 380f vector, 462
modulation, 385f velocity, 363
monochromatic, 379 in gases, 363
plane-polarized, 426 in liquids, 364
radiation, 381 in solids, 364
unpolarized, 426 Wavefront, 360
velocity, 377f Wavelength, 364f
volume energy density, 380 de Broglie, 475ff
energy density, mean, 366 electron, 482
frequency, 379 Weber, 610
geometrical path difference, 372 Weight, body, 65
incoherent, 372, 373 Well, one-dimensional square po
intensity, 367 tential, 481f
interference, 373 Wetting, 188
light, 390 absence, 189
length in substance, 416 perfect, 188
longitudinal, 361ff Work, 158ff
velocity in solids, 364 elastic force, 69, 100
number, 365 electrostatic forces, 228
optical path difference, 417 elementary, 158
optical path length, 416 charge^displacement, 226f
plane, 360f force, 95f
monochromatic, 379 expansion, ideal gas, 158f
654 Subject Index
Work, Work,
force, 96ff potential forces, 103
friction, 71f, lOOf Work function, 272, 467
gravitational, 99
gravity, 64, 99f X-rays,
and heat, 161 absorption, 440
and kinetic energy, 102 properties, 440
mechanical, thermal equiva
lent, 162
moving charge along conduc Yield, 186
tor, 247
negative, 158 Zero, absolute, temperature, 147
positive, 158 Zone, wave, 381
S h e ll G roup
fille d
b y o u te r
e le c t r o n s I II II I IV V
F ir s t , H yd rogen
K - s h e ll 1 H
1 .0 0 7 9
T h ir d , S o d iu m M a g n e siu m A lu m in iu m S ilic o n P h o sp h o r u s
M -s h e ll 11 Na 12 M g 13 A1 14 S i 15 P
2 2 .9 8 9 7 7 2 4 .3 0 5 2 6 .9 8 1 5 4 2 8 .0 8 5 3 0 .9 7 3 7 6
P o ta s s iu m C a lciu m S c a n d iu m T ita n iu m V a n a d iu m
19 K 20 Ca 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V
3 9 .0 9 8 s 4 0 .0 8 4 4 .9 5 5 9 4 7 .9 0 5 0 .9 4 1 5
F o u r th ,
N - s h e ll C opper Z inc G a lliu m G erm an iu m A r s e n ic
29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 A s
6 3 .5 4 e 6 5 .3 8 6 9 .7 2 7 2 .59 7 4 .9 2 1 6
R u b id iu m S tr o n tiu m Y ttr iu m Z ir c o n iu m N io b iu m
37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 40 Zr 41 Nb
8 5 .4 6 7 s 8 7 .6 2 8 8 .9 0 5 9 9 1 .2 2 9 2 .9 0 6 4
F if t h ,
O -sh e ll S ilv e r C a d m iu m In d iu m T in A n tim o n y
47 A g 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb
1 0 7 .8 6 8 1 1 2 .4 1 1 1 4 .8 2 I I 8 .69 121. 7b
C esiu m B a r iu m H a fn iu m T a n ta lu m
55 Cs 56 B a 5 7 -7 1 * 72 H f 73 T a
1 3 2 .9 0 5 4 1 3 7 .3 3 1 7 8 .4 9 1 8 0 .9 4 7 9
S ix t h ,
P - s h e ll G old M ercury T h a lliu m L ead B is m u t h
79 A u 80 H g 81 T1 82 Pb 83 B l
1 9 6 .9 6 5 2 0 0 .5 s 2 0 4 .37 2 0 7 .2 2 0 8 .9 8 0 4
S e v e n th , F r a n c iu m R a d iu m K u r c h a to v iu m
Q -s h e ll 87 F r 88 R a 8 9 -1 0 3 ** 104 K u
(2 2 3 ) 2 2 6 .0 2 5 4 (2 6 1 )
L a n th a n u m C erium P r a se o d y m iu m N e o d y m iu m
57 La 5 8 Ge 5 9 Pr 60 Nd
* L a n th a 138. 905b 1 4 0 .1 2 1 4 0 .9 0 7 7 1 4 4 .2 4
n id e
se r ie s T erb iu m D y s p r o s iu m H o lm iu m E rb iu m
65 T b 66 D y 67 H o 68 Er
1 5 8 .9 2 5 4 1 6 2 .50 1 6 4 .9 3 0 4 1 6 7 .2 e
A c tin iu m T h o r iu m P r o ta c t in iu m U r a n iu m
89 Ao 90 T h 91 Pa 92 U
** A c t in (2 2 7 ) 2 3 2 .0 3 8 1 2 3 1 .0 3 5 9 2 3 8 .0 2 9
id e
se r ie s B e r k e liu m C a lifo r n iu m E in s te in iu m F erm i um
97 B k 9 8 Cf 99 E s 100 F m
(2 4 7 ) (2 5 1 ) (2 5 4 ) (2 5 7 )
atomic number Z, and the number below is its atomic mass in amu.
most stable isotope is given in parentheses.
• -----------------------------------------
N u m ber
o f e le c
t r o n s in
VI V II V III 0 s h e lls
H e liu m He
2 He 2
4 .0 0 2 6 0
O x y g en F lu o r in e N eon Ne
8 O 9 F 10 Ne 2. 8
1 5 .9 9 9 1 8 .9 9 8 4 0 3 2 0 .1 7
S u lp h u r C h lo rin e A rgon * Ar
16 S 17 Cl 18 A r 2. 8, 8
3 2 .0 6 3 5 .4 5 3 3 9 .9 4 s
S e le n iu m B r o m in e K r y p to n Kr
34 S e 3 5 Br 36 K r 2, 8
7 8 .9 0 7 9 .9 0 4 8 3 .8 0 18. 8
T e llu r iu m Io d in e X enon Xe
52 Te 53 I 54 X e 2, 8 . 18
1 2 7 .60 1 2 6 .9 0 4 5 1 3 1 .3 0 18, 8
T u n g s te n R h e n iu m O sm iu m Ir id iu m P la tin u m
74 W 75 R e 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt
1 8 3 .8 5 1 8 6 .2 0 7 1 9 0 .2 1 9 2 .2 2 1 9 5 . 0e
P o lo n iu m A s t a t in e R ad on Rn
84 P o 85 A t 86 Rn 2
. 8 , 18
(2 0 9 ) (2 1 0 ) (2 2 2 ) 3 2 . 18. 8
P r o m e th iu m S a m a r iu m E u r o p iu m G a d o lin iu m
61 P m 62 Sm 6 3 Eu 64 Gd
(1 4 5 ) 1 5 0 .4 1 5 1 .9 6 1 5 7 .2 b
T h u liu m Y tte r b iu m L u t e t iu m Lu
69 Tu 70 Yb 71 Lu 2. 8 . 18
1 6 8 .9 3 4 2 173. 0a 1 7 4 .9 6 ? 32, 9, 2
N e p tu n iu m P lu to n iu m A m e r ic iu m C urium
93 Np 94 Pu 95 A m 96 Cm
2 3 7 .0 4 8 2 (2 4 4 ) (2 4 3 ) (2 4 7 )
M e n d e le v iu m N o b e liu m L a w r e n c iu m Lw
101 Md 1 02 N o 103 Lr 2 . 8 . 18
(2 5 8 ) (2 5 5 ) (2 5 6 ) 32. 32, 9, 2