Hbo Finals
Hbo Finals
Hbo Finals
2.Informal Group – this group type is neither 2.The Storming Stage (stage 2) (conflict on who will
formally structured nor organizationally determined. lead)
It is formed by individuals and developed around - members accept the existence of a group but resist
common interests and friendship rather than around a constraints it imposes on individuality.
deliberate design. - conflict ober who will control the group.
Types of Informal Groups: -As individuals compete to impose their preferences
a.Interest Groups – it is formed because of some on the group and to achieve their desired status
special topic interest.The group disbands when the position,conflict may develop over leadership and
interest declines or a goal has been achieved. authority.
(Interest task)
b.Friendship Groups – a group where members are 3.The Norming Stage (stage 3) ( coordinate)
brought together because they share one or more - group demonstrate cohesiveness
common characteristics such as age, political beliefs, - created sense of group identify and common set of
or ethnic background. expectations.
interest and friendship groups - Interest in Common -Also known as the initial integration stage.This is
when the group really begins to come together as a
B.WHY PEOPLE FORM GROUPS coordinated unit. Cooperation and collaboration are
5 Reasons Why People Form Groups PEGAN its main characteristics.
1.Need satisfaction
-People join groups in order to satisfy their needs 4.The Performing Stage ( stage 4)
such as their social needs. - structure is now fully functional and accepted.
2.Proximity -group energy has moved from getting to know each
-When people work near each other, it is not hard for other to performing the task.
them to form a group. Distance -The group emerges as a mature, organized, and a
3.Attraction well-functioning group, and it is ready to focus on
-People are attracted to each other because of accomplishing its key tasks. This stage is also
similarities in perception,attitude, performance, or referred to as the total integration stage.
5.The Adjourning Stage (stage 5) (termination)
- preparation for disbanding
-wrapping up activities -is a by- product of group-decision making. It has the
-low task performance. potential to affect group's ability to arrive at high-
-This stage involves the termination of activities. quality solutions.
-The termination of the group may be triggered by
any of the following: - it describes students in which group pressures for
a.When the group’s purpose has been fulfilled conformity deter the group from critically appraising
b.When the group has failed to revitalize itself unusual/ minority views.
during the performing stage.
ROLES WITHIN GROUPS 1. No matter how strongly the evidence contradict
Group efforts can be more effective if relevant roles member's basic assumption, members behave so as
are played within the group Specific roles that are to reinforce them.
deemed important in the group process: 2. Members apply direct pressures on these who
1. Knowledge contributor momentarily express doubts about any of the
- contribute / provides the group with useful group's shared views.
and valid information 3. There is illusion of unanimity, if someone doesn't
2. Process observer speak, it is assumed he/she in full accord.
- a person occupying this role forces the
group to look at how it is functioning. HOW TO MINIMIZE GROUPTHINK
3. Peoples upporter 1.Monitoring group size, so it will not grow large
-a person occupying this role assumes some enough to intimidate some members to perform well;
leadership responsibility for providing emotional (limit the size)
support to teammates and resolving conflict
4. Challenger (devil's advocate) 2.Encouraging group leaders to play an impartial
-A challenger will criticize any decision or role (leader) by actively seeking input from all
preliminary thinking that is deficient in anyway, members and avoid expressing their own opinions,
including being ethically unsound especially in the early stages of deliberation; ( put
5. Listener impartial role)
-Listening contributes so substantially to team
success that it comprises a separate role even though 3.Appointing a member to play the role of
other roles involve listening devil’sadvocate;and
6. Mediator
- Because disputes among members may 4.Using exercises that stimulate active discussion
become so prolonged and intense,a team leader or of diverse alternatives without threatening the group
member may have to mediate and intensifying identity protection.
7. Gatekeeper (pry to open closed opp gate)
- When the opportunity gate for contributing TECHNIQUES IN GROUP DECISION
is closed to several members, the gate keeper pries it MAKING
open.He or she requests that a specific team member Interacting Groups - are typical groups in which
be allowed to contribute,or that the member's past members interact with each other face-to-face
contribution be recognized
8. Take-charge leader ( second leader) Brainstorming - is a group problem-solving
- When leadership is lacking ,a team member technique which promotes creativity by encouraging
can assume the role of the take-charge leader. members to come up with any idea, no matter how
strange, without fear of criticism.
- deterioration of mental efficiency, reality Nominal Group Technique - is a group decision-
testing,moral judgment in the interest of group making method in which individual members meet
cohesiveness. (Disadvantage). face-to-face to pool their judgments in a systematic
but independent fashion
Electronic Meeting -is a decision-making technique -planning, scheduling work, taking action
where in members interact through - bad conflict management - disadvantage
computers,allowing anonymity of comments and - higher absenteeism - disadvantage
aggregation of votes. (MS Teams)
Training is a way of turning individuals into team
players. They should be made to attend training
courses in problem solving, communication,
negotiation, conflict management, and coaching.
Fully trained members of the team must be well-
versed in the company's philosophy regarding teams,
the team mission, and new roles and responsibilities
individuals will have as a consequence of being part
of the team.
Rewards are powerful motivators. This is also true if
it is directed towards effective teamwork. With
adequate rewards, team members would be motivated
to be effective team players. (Encourage team
Changing membership
Newly formed teams need time to turn into
mature groups. Members may drop out due to-
reasons like:
1.transferring to a higher priority project;
2.the occurrence of personal problem requiring
extended leaves of absence;or
3.accepting a job in another company.
The higher the membership turnover is,the bigger
is the team's problem.
Social Loafing
This refers to the tendency for individuals to
expendless effort when working collectively that
when working individually. The reasons for social
loafing are:
1.the members think their contribution is less