P.E Reviewer Quiz by Ma'Am Jacky

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P.E REVIEW QUIZ 10. Cheer dance 18.

Mambo's clear
(RECENT) movement with arms originator and style of
forming a "V": music:
1. Oldest extant ballroom - Answer: c) High V - Answer: a) Mambo
- Answer: b) Tango 11. Hip-hop dance style 19. Dance style involving
with intricate footwork and jerking the body to create
2. Motivating performing acrobatic moves on the the illusion of muscle
team with words or floor: contractions:
phrases: - Answer: d) Breaking - Answer: b) Popping
- Answer: c) Cheer (Breakdancing)
20. Technique developed
3. Graffiti usually done by: 12. Dancers wear in by Merce Cunningham,
- Answer: a) Street modern dance: emphasizing clarity and
artists - Answer: c) individual freedom:
Form-fitting, black - Answer: b)
4. Popular form of dance colored dancewear Cunningham Technique
developed in the mid-20th
century: 13. Developer of Graham 21. Main roles of the base
- Answer: d) technique and pioneer of in cheerleading:
Contemporary Dance modern dance: - Answer: d) Lifting,
- Answer: c) Martha throwing, and catching
5. Hip-hop dance style with Graham
energetic and aggressive 22. Large room designed
movements: 14. Merce Cunningham as for dancing:
- Answer: c) Krumping the "Father of - Answer: b) Ballroom
Contemporary Dance":
6. Ballroom dance involves - Answer: a) True 23. Key characteristics of
movements like box step, contemporary dance:
chasse, pivot turn, and 15. Meaning of the Latin - Answer: c)
twirl: word "ballare": Appearance
- Answer: a) True - Answer: b) to dance
24. Hip-hop dance
7. Dance style not 16. Coined from the words "freeze":
originating from Cuba: cheer and dance: - Answer: d) A dance
- Answer: c) Tango - Answer: a) move where the dancer
Cheerdance stops abruptly and holds
8. Contemporary dance a pose
and smooth transitions: 17. Cheerleading chant:
- Answer: c) False - Answer: a) A short 25. True about ballroom
cheer, often one that is dance:
9. Brazilian waltz: repeated. - Answer: a.) Ballroom
- Answer: d) Samba dancing is performed by
the couples
- Answer: d. All of the 40. Style characterized by
26. If a stunt falls, the above (a. Mambo and Cha bounces and rocks, also
spotter should try to catch: Cha, b. Bolero and known as street dance:
- Answer: a). The Paso-Doble, c. Tango and - Answer: d) Hip-Hop
flyer's feet Rumba) Dance

27. Distinguishing 34. Modern dance in the 41. Rejected classical

contemporary dance from 1930s was also known as: dance and ballet
traditional dance forms: - Answer: a) techniques to create a
- Answer: c) Fusion of Experimental dancing more fluid movement:
various movement styles - Answer: a) Isadora
and experimentation 35. Technique created by Duncan
José Limón, focusing on
28. Performance the weight of the body and 42. Contemporary dance
dominated by gymnastics: the use of breath: costumes designed to
- Answer: a). - Answer: d) Limon enhance dancers' __ and
Cheerdance Technique express underlying
29. Origination of hip-hop 36. Couple performing - Answer: c)
dance: social dances with Appearance
- Answer: b). New York predictable steps:
City - Answer: a. Social 43. Spectacular event in
Dance one of the biggest
30. Colleges offering collegiate sports events:
scholarships for 37. Two main styles of - Answer: c) UAAP
cheerleading: ballroom dancing:
- Answer: a) True - Answer: d. American 44. Promoting own
and International dance dances:
31. Definition of hip-hop - Answer: d) All of the
dance: 38. Characteristics of above (a. Looking at the
- Answer: d) A dynamic contemporary dance different dances of other
street dance style include nuanced body countries, b. Through
language and facial showcasing the different
32. Benefits of dancing: expressions: cultural dances, c.
- Answer: d) All of the - Answer: d) Representing and
above (a. Increases Expressively Body appreciating the dances of
mental functions, b. Language other countries)
Improves the condition of
heart and lungs, c. 39. Style with more fast 45. Creator of
Reduces the risk of movements: Cunningham Technique in
osteoporosis) - Answer: b) Samba contemporary dance:
- Answer: b) Merce
33. Types of ballroom Cunningham
46. Male ballroom dancer's
costume for Latin or
rhythm dance:
- Answer: a. Tailored
suits or Tuxedos

47. Significant role in

ballroom dancing:
- Answer: a) Courting
and Social interaction

48. Hold where partners

face each other and
maintain a close
- Answer: c) Open

49. Dance style NOT

considered a form of
hip-hop dance:
- Answer: a) Jazz

50. Merce Cunningham as

the "Father of
Contemporary Dance"
- Answer: a) True

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