Rociador Tyco Ec-25

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Model EC-25 (CMDA and CMSA Applications)

25.2 (360) K-factor (360) Upright Sprinkler
Extended Coverage
General Where the FM Approval is utilized, the
Model EC-25 Upright Sprinkler has
Description successfully undergone full-scale fire
testing at FM Global for ceiling-only
The TYCO Model EC-25 Extended storage and non-storage applica-
Coverage (EC) 25.2K Upright Sprin- tions. When used in conformance with
kler is a UL Listed, standard response, applicable FM Global Property Loss
extended coverage Control Mode Prevention Data Sheets, the Model
Density Area (CMDA) sprinkler for EC-25 Sprinkler provides low hydrau-
storage applications. It is also FM lic demand, the spacing advantages of
Approved as a quick response, extended coverage, and the obstruc-
extended coverage Control Mode tion benefits of an upright sprinkler.
Density Area (CMDA) sprinkler and For more information on applications
as a Control Mode Specific Appli- and benefits of the Model EC-25 Sprin-
cation (CMSA) sprinkler, as well as kler, refer to the available white papers
FM Approved for storage and non-stor-
age applications.
In addition, these sprinklers may be
used in accordance with the new
The Model EC-25 Upright Sprinklers
Chapter 21 of the 2013 edition of described herein must be installed Approvals
NFPA 13. As such, tables 21.2.2 and and maintained in compliance with this UL and C-UL Listed: CMDA
21.3.2 of NFPA 13 may be utilized for document, as well as with the applica- (Standard Response)
design options. When used in accor- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- FM Approved: CMDA and CMSA
dance with NFPA Chapter 21, smoke tection Association (NFPA), in addition (Quick Response)
vents and draft curtains are not required to the standards of any other authorities NYC Approved under MEA 355-01-E
as specified in the 2015 edition of the having jurisdiction (e.g., FM Global). (Approvals only apply to the service
International Building Code (IBC) and Failure to do so may impair the perfor- conditions indicated in the Design Cri-
International Fire Code (IFC) for CMSA mance of these devices. teria section.)
sprinklers with an RTI of 50 or less and a
design of 12 or fewer sprinklers. The owner is responsible for main- Maximum Working Pressure
taining their fire protection system 175 psi (12,1 bar)
These sprinklers offer a maximum cov- and devices in proper operating con- Pipe Thread Connection
erage area of 196 ft.² (18,2 m²), which dition. Contact the installing contrac- 1 Inch NPT or ISO 7-R1
is almost double the area offered by tor or sprinkler manufacturer with any
standard coverage sprinklers used for questions. Discharge Coefficient
similar applications. K=25.2 gpm/psi1/2 (362,9 lpm/bar1/2)
The Model EC-25 Upright Sprinklers
comply with the criteria for the protec-
Sprinkler Temperature Ratings
165°F (74°C) and 212°F (100°C)
tion of retail stores as described in the
2013 Edition of NFPA 13, Section 20.3.
Identification Maximum Coverage Area

Number (SIN) 196 ft.² (18,2 m²)

TY9128 Natural Brass
Physical Characteristics
Frame ���������������������������������������������������������Brass
IMPORTANT Deflector �������������������������������������������������� Copper
Always refer to Technical Data Compression Screw �������������������� Stainless Steel
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER Hook ��������������������������������������������������������MONEL
WARNING” that provides cautions Strut ��������������������������������������������������������MONEL
Link Assembly ��������������������������������Solder, Nickel
with respect to handling and instal- Button ��������������������������������������������������������Brass
lation of sprinkler systems and com- Sealing Assembly. . Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON
ponents. Improper handling and Ejection Spring ������������������������������������ INCONEL
installation can permanently damage Deflector Nut �����������������������������������������������Brass
a sprinkler system or its compo- Response Time Index (RTI)
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail Less than or equal to 50 (m-s)0.5
to operate in a fire situation or cause
it to operate prematurely.

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10 RATING (65,0 mm)
1- Frame
2- Deflector
3- Compression Screw
4- Hook 3-3/4"
5- Strut (95,3 mm)
6- Link Assembly
7- Button 6 9/16"
8- Gasketed Spring Plate (14,3 mm)
9- Ejection Spring 9 WRENCH NOMINAL
10- Deflector Nut FLATS MAKE-IN
* ISO 7-R1 pipe thread can be
provided on special request. 7
1" NPT *


Operation • The maximum coverage area per

sprinkler is 196 ft.² (18,2 m²).
listed storage sprinklers having a
K-factor greater than 11.2 (161,4)
The fusible link assembly is com- and having ordinary and interme-
• The maximum distance between
prised of two link halves that are joined diate temperature ratings (i.e., 165°F
sprinklers is 15 feet (4,6 m) when
together by a thin layer of solder. When or 74°C and 214°F or 101°C). Conse-
the coverage area does not exceed
the rated temperature is reached, the quently, the Model EC-25 Sprin-
144 ft.² (13,4 m²), and the maximum
solder melts and the two link halves klers, in accordance with NFPA 13,
distance between sprinklers is 14
separate, allowing the sprinkler to acti- may be used in conjunction with the
feet (4,3 m) when the coverage area
vate and flow water. density curves for high temperature
does not exceed 196 ft² (18,2 m²).
Design • The minimum distance between
sprinklers is 8 feet (2,44 m). • NFPA obstruction rules for Extended
Coverage Sprinklers must be utilized.
Criteria • The minimum flow requirement is
based on the design density applied System Type
over the actual coverage area per Wet pipe, dry pipe, and preaction
UL and C-UL Listing Criteria systems are acceptable.
NFPA 13, Chapters 12 thru 20 – FM Approval Criteria
Density / Area Design For example: when sprinkler
The TYCO Model EC-25 Extended spacing is 14 ft. x 12 ft. - 6 in. FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets
Coverage Upright Sprinklers (TY9128) (4,3 m x 3,8 m) or 175 ft² (16,3 m²), 2-0, 3-26, and 8-9
are UL and C-UL Listed for installation and the design density is 0.6 gpm/ft.² TYCO Model EC-25 Extended Cover-
in accordance with the extended cov- (24,4 mm/min), the sprinkler design age 25.2K Upright Sprinklers (TY9128)
erage upright spray sprinkler require- flow rate is 105 gpm (397 lpm) and are FM Approved to be utilized in accor-
ments of NFPA 13 or other applicable the required design pressure is dance with the following guidelines.
NFPA standards when used in conjunc- 17.4 psi (1,2 bar).
tion with the following guidelines: • The minimum clearance between The Model EC-25 Extended Cov-
• Suitable for the protection of extra the deflector and the top of erage Upright Sprinklers are
hazard and high-piled storage storage is 36 inches (0,9 m). For FM Approved ceiling-level Storage
occupancies where area/density clearances of 36 inches (0,9 m) Sprinklers for storage occupancy
design criteria are provided up to 48 inches (1,21 m), the hazards and other similar high heat
minimum design pressure is 22 psi release type fires. When compared with
• Suitable for unobstructed or (1,52 bar). For clearances of 48 other FM Approved Storage Sprinklers,
noncombustible obstructed inches (1,21 m) and greater, the the Model EC-25 Sprinkler provides low
construction minimum design pressure is estab- hydraulic demand, the spacing advan-
• The Model EC-25 Sprinklers having lished by the minimum flow require- tages of extended coverage, and the
been specifically tested and Listed ment. However, the pressure can FM Global obstruction benefits of an
for noncombustible obstructed never be less than 7 psi (0,5 bar). upright sprinkler.
construction are suitable for use • Ordinary and intermediate temper- Model EC-25 Sprinklers should be
within trusses or bar joists having ature rated Model EC-25 Sprin- used in conformance with applicable
noncombustible web members klers have been investigated for FM Global Property Loss Prevention
greater than 1 inch (25,4 mm) when use in high-piled storage occu- Data Sheets.
applying the 4 times obstruction pancies at the hydraulic demand
criteria rule defined under “Obstruc- normally associated with high
tions to Sprinkler Discharge Pattern temperature sprinklers. As such,
Devel­opment.” the Model EC-25 Sprinklers are
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Hydraulic Design When used in accordance with NFPA

To determine the hydraulic design for Chapter 21, smoke vents and draft cur-
the Model EC-25 Sprinkler refer to the tains are not required as specified in the WRENCH
applicable FM Global Property Loss 2015 edition of the International Building RECESS
Prevention Data Sheet. Code (IBC) and International Fire Code
(IFC) for CMSA sprinklers with an RTI of
System Type
50 or less and a design of 12 or fewer
Wet pipe systems only
Sprinkler Spacing
Construction Type
The maximum coverage area per
In accordance with NFPA 13 for
sprinkler is 196 ft.² (18,2 m²). The
Extended Coverage Sprinklers for High
minimum coverage area per sprinkler is "FITTING SIDE"
Piled Storage.
100 ft.² (9,3 m²). The maximum distance TOWARDS SPRINKLER
between sprinklers is 14 feet (4,3 m). Obstruction Criteria FITTING
The minimum distance between sprin- Follow Sections, “Extended
klers is 10 feet (3,05 m). Coverage Obstruction Guidelines for
Note: When a wall or obstruction Sprinkler Discharge Pattern Develop- FIGURE 2
makes a minimum spacing of 10 feet ment”; and, “ESFR W-TYPE 1
(3,05 m) impossible, consult FM Global Obstruction Criteria,” for obstructions SPRINKLER WRENCH
Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet that prevent the pattern from reaching
the hazard below.
2.0 for applicable guidelines.
Sprinkler Location
Exception: When using the Upright Installation
EC-25 Sprinkler, any continuous TYCO Model EC-25 Extended Cover-
Locate sprinklers with respect to
obstruction 4 inches (100 mm) or age 25.2K Upright Sprinklers are to
the ceiling/roof in accordance with
less shall be permitted to be ignored be installed in accordance with this
FM Global Property Loss Prevention
in accordance with NFPA 13, section section.
Data Sheet 2.0.
Obstructions Damage to the fusible Link Assembly
Deflector Distance below Ceiling during installation can be avoided by
Follow the obstruction requirements
Follow NFPA 13, Section 8.8.4 for handling the sprinkler using only the
as detailed in FM Global Property Loss
allowed deflector distances below frame arms and the appropriate sprin-
Prevention Data Sheet 2.0.
ceiling. kler wrench. Do not grip or apply any
Other Details force to the fusible Link Assembly.
Clearance to Storage
All other design details should be in Damaged sprinklers must be replaced
Minimum 36 inches from deflector to
accordance with FM Global Property immediately.
top of storage required.
Loss Prevention Data Sheet 2.0 as well
as any other applicable FM Global Data Maximum Distance A leak-tight 1 inch NPT sprinkler
Sheet. between Sprinklers joint should be obtained by apply-
14 feet (4,3 m) ing a minimum-to-maximum torque of
NFPA 13, Chapter 21 – 20 to 30 lbs.-ft. (26,8 to 40,2 Nm).
Alternative System Design Minimum Distance Higher levels of torque may distort the
(CMSA) between Sprinklers sprinkler inlet with consequent leakage
TYCO Model EC-25 Extended Cover- 10 feet (3,0 m) or impairment of the sprinkler.
age Upright Sprinklers (TY9128) have
successfully undergone large-scale Note: Install the Model EC-25 Upright
fire tests at FM Global to comply with Sprinkler in the upright position.
Chapter 21 of NFPA 13, 2013 Edition. Step 1. With pipe thread sealant
As such, Tables 21.2.2 and 21.3.2 of applied, hand-tighten the sprinkler into
NFPA 13 may be utilized for design the sprinkler fitting. Do not apply any
options with the Model EC-25 Upright force to the Link Assembly, and handle
Sprinklers for providing ceiling-only the Model EC-25 Sprinkler only by the
protection. Frame arms.
This allows for the protection of Pal- Step 3. Wrench-tighten the Model
letized, Solid Piled, Bin Box, Shelf, or EC-25 Sprinkler using only the W-Type
Back-to-Back Shelf Storage as well 1 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 2) and
as Single, Double, and Multiple Row by fully engaging (seating) the wrench
Open Rack protection of up to 30 feet on the sprinkler wrench flats.
(9,1 m) of Cartoned Unexpanded Group
A Plastic Commodities in a maximum Step 4. After installation, inspect the
35 feet (11 m) ceiling condition with Link Assembly of each Model EC-25
extended spacing up to 196 ft.2 while Sprinkler for damage. In particu-
maintaining very reasonable flow and lar, verify that the Link Assembly and
pressure requirements. Pipe sizes as Hook are positioned as illustrated in
well as water supply requirements Figure 1, and that the Link Assembly
can now be kept to a minimum when has not been bent, creased, or forced
compared to other design methods for out of its normal position in any way.
high piled storage challenges. Refer to Damaged sprinklers must be replaced
Tables A and B of this data sheet for immediately.
specific flow, pressure, and number of
sprinklers to be calculated.
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Max. Min. Max. Hose
Ceiling/ Water
Storage Number Operating Coverage Stream
Storage Commodity Roof Type of Supply
Height of Design Pressure Area Allowance
Arrangement Class Height System Duration
Feet Sprinklers psi Ft. x Ft. gpm
Feet Hours
(m) (bar) (m x m) (lpm)

25 30 30 14 x 14 250
Class I thru Wet 6 1
Palletized, (7,6) (9,1) (2,1) (4,3 x 4,3) (950)
Class IV,
Solid-Piled, encapsulated
Bin Box, 30 35 40 12 x 12 250
and unencapsulated, Wet 8 1
Shelf, or (9,1) (11) (2,8) (3,7 x 3,7) (950)
and cartoned
Back-to-Back non-expanded
Shelf Storage 30 35 40 14 x 14 500
plastics Wet 8 1.5
(9,1) (11) (2,8) (4,3 x 4,3) (1900)


Max. Min. Max. Hose
Ceiling/ Water
Storage Number Operating Coverage Stream
Storage Commodity Roof Type of Supply
Height of Design Pressure Area Allowance
Arrangement Class Height System Duration
Feet Sprinklers psi Ft. x Ft. gpm
Feet Hours
(m) (bar) (m x m) (lpm)

25 30 30 14 x 14 250
Wet 6 1
(7,6) (9,1) (2,1) (4,3 x 4,3) (950)
Class I thru
Sprinkler Class IV,
protection 30 35 40 12 x 12 250
encapsulated Wet 8 1
criteria for (9,1) (11) (2,8) (3,7 x 3,7) (950)
and unencapsulated,
open-frame and cartoned non-
rack storage expanded plastics 30 35 40 14 x 14 500
Wet 8 1.5
(9,1) (11) (2,8) (4,3 x 4,3) (1900)


Care and compliance with this document, as well

as with the applicable standards of any
Sprinkler Assemblies
Specify: Model EC-25 Extended Cover-
Maintenance authorities having jurisdiction. Contact
the installing contractor or product
age 25.2K Upright Sprinklers (TY9128),
(specify temperature rating), with
TYCO Model EC-25 Extended Cover- manufacturer with any questions. Natural Brass finish, P/N (specify):
age 25.2K Upright Sprinklers must be Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- 165°F (74°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 58-450-1-165
maintained and serviced in accordance ommended to be inspected, tested, 212°F (100°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 58-450-1-214
with this section. and maintained by a qualified Inspec- Special Order
Before closing a fire protection system tion Service in accordance with local Sprinkler Assemblies with
main control valve for maintenance requirements and/or national codes. ISO 7-R 1 Thread Connection
work on the fire protection system Specify: Model EC-25 Extended Cover-
that it controls, obtain permission to Limited age 25.2K Upright Sprinklers (TY9128)
with ISO 7-R 1 thread connection,
shut down the affected fire protection
system from the proper authorities
and notify all personnel who may be
Warranty (specify temperature rating), with
Natural Brass finish, P/N (specify):
affected by this decision. For warranty terms and conditions, visit
165°F (74°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 58-451-1-165 212°F (100°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 58-451-1-214
Inspection, testing, and maintenance
must be performed as indicated below
and in accordance with the local Ordering Sprinkler Wrench
Specify W-Type 1 Sprinkler Wrench,
requirements and/or national codes.
Any impairment must be immediately Procedure P/N 56-872-1-025

corrected. Contact your local distributor for avail-

The owner is responsible for the inspec- ability. When placing an order, indicate
tion, testing, and maintenance of their the full product description and part
fire protection system and devices in number (P/N).

GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS | 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 | Telephone +1-215-362-0700

Copyright © 2015 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved.
TEFLON is trademark of DuPont Corporation.

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