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TFP321 03 2021

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Model ESFR-22
22.4 K-factor Pendent Sprinklers
Early Suppression, Fast Response
General The Model ESFR-22 Sprinklers can
eliminate the use of in-rack sprinklers
Description when protecting high-piled storage of
specific materials up to the following
The TYCO Model ESFR-22 Pendent heights:
Sprinklers are Early Suppression, Fast • NFPA: 40 ft (12,2 m) with ceilings up
Response (ESFR) sprinklers with a to 45 ft (13,7m)
nominal K-factor of 22.4. The sprinkler • FM: 45 ft (13,7 m) with ceilings up to
assembly is shown in Figure 1. The 50 ft (15,2 m)
sprinklers’ suppression-mode design is
For more specific criteria, see Table B
especially advantageous as a means of
and the applicable design standard.
eliminating the use of in-rack sprinklers
when protecting high-piled storage.
The Model ESFR-22 Sprinklers are
primarily used for ceiling-only sprin- The TYCO Model ESFR-22 Sprinklers
kler protection of the following storage described herein must be installed
applications: and maintained in compliance with this
• Most encapsulated or non-encap-
document, as well as with the applica-
ble standards of the National Fire Pro- Technical
sulated common materials including
cartoned, unexpanded plastics
tection Association (NFPA), in addition
to the standards of any authorities Data
• Uncartoned (exposed) expanded having jurisdiction such as FM Global. Approvals
plastics in accordance with NFPA 13 Failure to do so may impair the perfor- UL and C-UL Listed
and FM Global standards mance of these devices. FM Approved
• Some storage arrangements of rub- The owner is responsible for main- VdS Approved
ber tires, roll paper, flammable liq- taining their fire protection system LPCB Certified
uids, and aerosols and devices in proper operating con- Finish
Note: The sprinklers are not limited to dition. Contact the installing contrac- Natural Brass
these storage applications. tor or product manufacturer with any
questions. Physical Characteristics
For more specific criteria, see the Tech- Frame ���������������������������������������������������������Brass
nical Data section, Table A, and the In all cases, the appropriate NFPA or Deflector ���������������������������������������������������Bronze
FM installation standard, or other appli- Compression Screw �������������������� Stainless Steel
applicable design standard. Hook ��������������������������������������������������������MONEL
cable standard, must be referenced Strut ���������������������������������������������������������MONEL
to ensure applicability and to obtain Link Assembly ��������������������������������Solder, Nickel
complete installation guidelines. The Button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copper/Stainless Steel
general guidelines in this technical data Sealing Assembly. . Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON
sheet are not intended to provide com- Additional Technical Data
plete installation criteria. See Table A

Sprinkler Operation
Refer to Technical Data Sheet Identification The fusible link assembly is com-

TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to prised of two link halves that are joined
regulatory and health information. together by a thin layer of solder. When
the rated temperature is reached, the
Always refer to Technical Data See Table A solder melts and the two link halves
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER separate, activating the sprinkler and
WARNING” that provides cautions flowing water.
with respect to handling and instal-
lation of sprinkler systems and com-
ponents. Improper handling and
installation can permanently damage
a sprinkler system or its compo-
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail
to operate in a fire situation or cause
it to operate prematurely.

Page 1 of 4 MARCH 2021 TFP321

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1 1" NPT

Components: 8 1-13/16"
9/16" (46,0 mm)
1 - Frame
(14,3 mm)
2 - Deflector
3 - Compression MAKE-IN
4 - Hook 6
5 - Strut
6 - Link Assembly THERMAL
5 (96,8 mm)
7 - Button SENSING
8 - Sealing ELEMENT

2" (50,8 mm)

Design Item Description

Criteria Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY8223

Use the following guidelines about the K-factor, gpm/psi½ (Lpm/bar½) 22.4 gpm/psi½ (320 Lpm/bar½)
TYCO Model ESFR-22 Sprinklers for
quick reference. Thread Size 1 in. NPT or ISO 7-R 1

The National Fire Protection Associa- Sprinkler Orientation Pendent

tion (NFPA) and FM Global provide
installation standards that must be Maximum Working Pressure, psi (bar) 175 psi (12,1 bar)
used to properly design an automatic
sprinkler system utilizing ESFR Sprin- TABLE A
klers. The guidelines provided by NFPA MODEL ESFR-22 PENDENT SPRINKLER
and FM Global may differ. Conse- TECHNICAL DATA
quently, the appropriate standard must
be used for a given installation. Ceiling Slope Minimum Spacing
Maximum 2 in. rise for 12 in. run (16.7%) 8 ft (2,4 m)
In all cases, the appropriate NFPA or
FM Global installation standard must be Maximum Coverage Area Minimum Clearance to Commodity
referenced to ensure applicability and 100 ft2 (9,3 m2) 36 in. (914 mm)
to obtain complete installation guide-
lines. The guidelines are not intended Minimum Coverage Area Deflector-to-Ceiling Distance
to provide complete installation criteria. 64 ft2 (5,8 m2) per NFPA 13 / FM Global NFPA: 6 to 18 in. (152 to 457 mm)
For more information, see Table B. 2-0
Centerline of Thermal Sensing
Maximum Spacing Element-to-Ceiling Distance
Design Guidelines • 12 ft (3,7 m) for building heights up FM Global: Refer to FM Global 2-0 for
Roof Construction to 30 ft (9,1 m) Storage Sprinklers.
Applications include unobstructed • 10 ft (3,1 m) for building heights
or obstructed constructions, such as greater than 30 ft (9,1 m)
smooth ceilings, bar joists, beam and Note: In some cases, installation stan-
girder, or similar constructions. dards permit a greater spacing.
Note: Where the depths of the
solid structural members, for
example, beams and stem, exceed
12 in. (302 mm), install ESFR Sprinklers
in each channel formed by the struc-
tural members.
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Storage Type NFPA FM Global

Sprinkler Type ESFR Storage

Response Type FR QR

System Type Wet Wet

165°F (74°C) 165°F (74°C)

Temperature Rating
212°F (100°C) 212°F (100°C)

Open Frame (for example, no solid shelves) Single, Double,

Multiple-Row, or Portable Rack Storage of Class I-IV and Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-9
Group A or B Plastics

Solid Pile or Palletized Storage of Class I-IV and Group A or Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-9
B Plastics

Idle Pallet Storage Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0, 8-9, and 8-24

Rubber Tire Storage Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-3

Roll Paper Storage Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 8-21

(Refer to the Standard)

Flammable/Ignitable Liquid Storage Refer to NFPA 30 Refer to FM 7-29

(Refer to the Standard)

Aerosol Storage Refer to NFPA 30B Refer to FM 7-31

(Refer to the Standard)

Automotive Components in Portable Racks N/A N/A

(Control mode only; refer to the Standard)

N/A – Not Applicable


Installation A leak-tight 1 in. NPT sprinkler joint

should be obtained by applying a min-
Step 2. Use only the W-Type 1 Sprin-
kler Wrench as shown in Figure 2 to
The TYCO Model ESFR-22 Sprinklers imum-to-maximum torque of 0 to 30 install the sprinkler. Fully engage or
must be installed in accordance with lb-ft (26,8 to 40,2 N∙m). Higher levels seat the wrench recess on the sprin-
the following instructions. of torque can distort the sprinkler inlet kler wrench flats as shown in Figure 1
with consequent leakage or impairment and wrench-tighten.
General Instructions of the sprinkler.
Damage to the fusible link assembly Step 3. After installation, inspect the
during installation can be avoided by Installing the Sprinkler link assembly of each sprinkler for
handling the sprinkler by the frame To install the sprinkler, perform the fol- damage. In particular, verify that the
arms only (that is, do not apply pres- lowing steps: link assembly and hook are positioned
sure to the fusible link assembly), and as shown in Figures 1 and 2, and that
Note: Install the Model ESFR-22 Pendent
by using the appropriate sprinkler the link assembly is not bent, creased,
Sprinkler in the pendent position as shown
wrench. Failure to do so can lead to an or forced out of normal position in any
in Figure 2.
unstable link assembly and premature way. Replace damaged sprinklers.
activation of the sprinkler. Damaged Step 1. Handle the Model ESFR-22
sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinkler only by the frame arms.
Apply pipe-thread sealant to the sprin-
kler. Hand-tighten the sprinkler into the
sprinkler fitting, and do not apply pres-
sure to the link assembly.
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Automatic sprinklers must never be

painted, plated, coated, or other- Ordering
wise altered after leaving the factory.
Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Procedure
FITTING Sprinklers that have been exposed to Contact your local distributor for avail-
corrosive products of combustion, but ability. When placing an order, indicate
have not operated, should be replaced the full product name and Part Number
if they cannot be completely cleaned (P/N).
by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or
by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Sprinkler Assemblies with
Care must be exercised to avoid 1 in. NPT Thread Connection
damage to the sprinklers before, Specify: Model ESFR-22 (TY8223),
WRENCH during, and after installation. Sprin- K=22.4, Early Suppression, Fast
RECESS klers damaged by dropping, striking, Response Pendent Sprinkler with
wrench twist/slippage, or any other 1 in. NPT thread connection, (specify)
action, must be replaced. temperature rating, Natural Brass, P/N
FIGURE 2 (specify):
W-TYPE 1 The owner is responsible for the 165°F (74°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-464-1-165
SPRINKLER WRENCH inspection, testing, and maintenance of 212°F (100°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-464-1-212
their fire protection system and devices
in compliance with the following docu- Special Order
Care and ments and standards: Sprinkler Assemblies with
ISO 7-1 Thread Connections
Maintenance • This technical data sheet
• Applicable standards of the National
Specify: Model ESFR-22 (TY8223),
K=22.4, Early Suppression, Fast
The TYCO Model ESFR-22 Pendent Fire Protection Association such as Response Pendent Sprinkler with
Sprinklers must be maintained and ser- NFPA 25 ISO 7-1 thread connection, (specify)
viced in accordance with the following temperature rating, Natural Brass,
information. • Standards of any authorities having P/N (specify):
Before closing a fire protection system 165°F (74°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-465-1-165
main control valve for maintenance Contact the installing contractor 212°F (100°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-465-1-212
work on the fire protection system or product manufacturer with any
questions. Sprinkler Wrench
that it controls, obtain permission to Specify: W-Type 1 Sprinkler Wrench,
shut down the affected fire protection Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- P/N 56-872-1-025
system from the proper authorities ommended to be inspected, tested,
and notify all personnel who may be and maintained by a qualified Inspec-
affected by this action. tion Service in accordance with local
Sprinklers found to be leaking or exhib- requirements and/or national codes.
iting visible signs of corrosion must be
replaced. Limited
For warranty terms and conditions, visit

1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 | Telephone +1-215-362-0700

© 2021 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.
NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION and NFPA are registered trademarks of National Fire Protection Association;
MONEL and INCONEL are registered trademarks of Special Metals Corporation;
TEFLON is a trademark of The Chemours Company FC, LLC

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