Redline Full California Forever Initiative

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REDLINE SHOWING CHANGES BETWEEN JANUARY 17 AND JANUARY 29 FOR BALLOT SUBMITTED TO THE SOLANO COUNTY REGISTRAR OF VOTERS. JANUARY 29, 2024 East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative To bulld a better Solano County, with more middle-class homes, more good paying local jobs, and cleaner energy, the people of the County of Solano hereby ordain ‘amendments to the County of Solano General Plan as set forth in Section 5 herein, and to the Solano County Code as set forth in Section 6 herein, Figure A: Initiative Area Lec ‘mew Community e ® sisting Highway © Travis Seoutty Zone 2 Solano County Boundary © ost Parktand Tras Ar Force Bape © bis ction 1: Purpose and Findings ‘A. These General Plan amendments and Zoning Code amendments: 1. Authorize construction of a new community (‘New Community’) that provides ‘middle-class homes and good paying local jobs on lands in east Solano County ("County") depicted as "New Community” on Figure A above, with a total size of approximately 48.80017,500 acres (approximately the same or ‘smaller in acreage than each of Fairfield, Vacaville, and Vallejo), including enforcement of the following ten (10) “Voter Guarantees” (defined in Section 4), during the buildout of the New Community to 0,000 residents: + Solano Jobs Guarantee: Support the creation of at least 15,000 jobs in which workers earn at least the annualized equivalent of 125% of the average weekly wage in Solano County; otherwise, no more homes can be built; + Solano Homes for All, Solano Scholarships, and Green Solano: Provide $500 million in’ community benefit funding for downpayment assistance, scholarships, and parks, for the benefit of Solano County residents; + Solano Downtowns: invest $200 milion to improve and revitalize the downtowns of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo, by renovating, upgrading, and building new homes, offices, shops, and other mixed-use buildings in those downtowns; and ‘+ Water Guarantee, Transportation Guarantee, Schools Guarantee, ‘Smart Growth Guarantee, and Solano Taxpayer Guarantee, as detailed below in ths Initiative, ‘These ten (10) Voter Guarantees are commitments by the Api {hereinafter defined), which shall be included in both the amended General Plan and in any Development Agreement (hereinafter defined). ‘These Voter Guarantees may not be amended or weakened without @ vote of the people of Solano County. Create the Travis Security Zone to protect Travis Air Force Base ("Travis AFB") by almost doubling the size of the current Travis Reserve Area from 7,971 acres to 14,900 acres, as depicted in Figure A above, where new residential and commercial community development is prohibited, and only ‘agriculture, open space, and solar farms are allowed (provided that the solar technology is acceptable to Travis AFB). Create the Rio Vista Parkland, an open space buffer of approximately 712 acres between the New Community and Rio Vista, as depicted in Figure A above, that preserves the unique character and separate identity of each community while creating a shared open space resource with parks, sports facilities, and bike paths to benefit both communities. ‘Comply with-anc~imploment the Orderly Growth Initiative as amended by Ordinance 2008-01 ("Measure T"), by makingrequesting voter-approved approval to authorize a new community through amendments to the General Plan and Chapter 28 of the Solano County Code (‘Zoning Code"), and by ‘expressly providing that the Orderly Growth Initiative (as amended by Measure T) shall continue to apply to agricultural and open space parcels ‘outside of the New Community. Require that (a) the boundaries of the New Community and the Voter Guarantees regarding the New Community, (b) the boundaries and regulations for the Travis Security Zone, and (c) the boundaries for the Rio Vista Parkland, all as set forth in this Initiative, cannot be modified, in perpetuity, without prior approval of the voters. Require that construction of the New Community may not begin until (a) an environmental impact report ("EIR") under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") has been completed for the New Community, and (b) the applicant, or its successors or assignees, seeking to build the New ‘Community (‘Applicant’) has applied for and entered into a legally binding statutory development agreement with the County (‘Development Agreement’), which specifies the public benefits to be provided concurrently with development of the New Community consistent with Section 4 of this Initiative and Section 5 of this Initiative (General Plan Policy SS./-21) B. These General Plan and Zoning Code amendments have the following Purposes, which collectively advance ertical goals that are Important to residents ‘of Solano County: 1, Build_more homes in_safe, walkable_neighborhoods, including affordable workforce housing. * Create homes in safe, walkable neighborhoods, wherein for-sale and for-rent homes at different price points are integrated in the same neighborhoods, and wherein all residents and workers can not only drive, but also have the option to walk, bike, or take transit to work, schools, stores, restaurants, parks, and places of worship, and wherein the ‘community is expressly designed to accommodate the needs of children, families, and seniors. + Build homes that working families, such as teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, and construction workers, can afford by building a variety of home types, such as townhomes, row homes, condominiums, apartments, and accessory dwelling units, at a density of 20 units per acre, which is recognized by state housing law (pursuant to Government Code section 65583.2) as density recognized as affordable, to substantially increase the supply of homes that both buyers and renters can afford 2. Create the $400 million Solano Homes For All commitment to help ‘Solano County residents and their children purchase those homes, to ep our children in Solano. + Require the Applicant to fund this commitment with $400 milion, consistent with Section 1.B.13.a below. The funding shall be used to: (a) provide downpayment assistance to help Solano County families purchase homes in the New Community, and (b) help to build affordable homes for low income, very low income, extremely low income, and special-needs households, including veterans, seniors, and agricultural workers, including by providing gap funding, providing land donations, Creating community land trusts, and other similar methods. The allocation, eligbilty criteria, and governance shall be designed through a community engagement process open to all residents of Solano County and shall be included as an applicant exhibit to any Development Agreement. + To further encourage new pathways to home ownership for Solano County residents, require the Applicant to (1) maintain a free service whereby Solano County residents may register their interest in purchasing of leasing a home, and the Applicant shall notify such interested parties, as new homes initially become available for sale or rent and (2) offer online homeownership education to help prepare renters and lower income households for homeownership. 3. Greate the $200 million Solano Downtowns program to improve and revitalize the downtowns of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun ity, Vacaville, and Vallejo, The Solano Downtowns program enforces the Applicant's commitment to make commercial investments totaling $200 million in renovating, upgrading, expanding, creating, or building homes, offices, shops, and other mixed-use buildings in downtown areas of ali cexisting cities in Solano County, consistent with Section 1.8.13.a below, which shall be included as an applicant exhibit to any Development Agreement. 4, Greate more good paying local jobs, including through the Solano Jobs Guarantee. Create good paying local jobs and altract major employers so that the New Community becomes a major job center for all of Solano County, and Solano County residents have the opportunity to work locally with shorter commutes, saving time and money on transportation, and reducing air pollutant emissions. To achieve this objective, the Solano Jobs Guarantee requires the New Community to support the creation of 15,000 3 jobs in which workers earn at least the annualized equivalent of 125% of the average Weekly wage in Solano County (based on US Bureau of Labor Statistics data); otherwise, the New Community cannot expand bayond '50,000 residents, as further described in Section 4.A.3 below. Create the $70 million Solano Opportunities commitment to create ‘educational opportunity and economic mobility for Solano County residents. To provide funds that help ensure Solano County residents can take advantage of new jobs supported by the New Community, require the Applicant to fund this commitment with $70 milion, consistent with Section 1.B.13.a below, The funds shall be used to (i) help Solano County residents pay for collage, training, and educational programs, () provide for contributions into §29 College Savings Plans of children of Solano County residents, including through the ScholarShare 529 program, and (i) help ‘Solano County residents start or scale small businesses to take advantage of the new economic opportunities created by the New Community. The allocation, eligibility criteria, and governance shall be designed through a ‘community engagement process open to all residents of Solano County, and shall be included as an applicant exhibit to any Development Agreement. Groate more clean energy for Solano County residents and employers. Produce a new source of clean energy by permitting solar farms with potential generation capacity of over 2 gigawatts—enough to power the ‘equivalent of 1.5 million homes across Solano County and the broader region (if enough transmission is or becomes available). Protect and support Travis AFB. Improve the long-term resilience of Travis AFB by: + Creating the Travis Security Zone to protect Travis AFB by almost doubling the size of the current Travis Reserve Area from 7,971 acres to 14,900 acres, as depicted in Figure A above, where new residential and commercial development is prohibited, and only agriculture, open space, and solar farms are allowed (provided that the solar technology must bois acceptable to Travis AFB); + Authorizing construction of the nearby New Community that provides homes, jobs, schools, and other features that support and enhance the quality of life of Travis AFB personnel and their families (including through attracting miltary-friendly employers for spouses); + Creating more homes with greater affordability within easy commute of Travis AFB, thereby directly addressing one of the largest stressors facing newly assigned Air Force members and thelr families arriving to Travis. AFB; + Encouraging creation of a local defense, aerospace, and advanced ‘manufacturing industry that supports Travis AFB, including through the Solano Jobs Guarantee; and ‘+ Encouraging the Applicant to collaborate with Travis AFB on infrastructure projects such as transportation and energy. Protect and support natural habitats, open space, and agriculture, Protect natural habitat, agriculture, open space, and the character of Solano County by: = Locating the New Community outside the boundaries of the Suisun Marsh, Jepson Prairie, and Cache Slough area, and supporting environmental habitat enhancement and restoration funding through the Green Solano initiative: + Locating the New Community in non-prime agricultural lands, thereby protecting Solano County's high value prime farmlands such as vineyards, orchards, and row crops, and by further limiting the impact of the New Community on agricultural resources by compressing the development into a walkable, compact community which minimizes acreage used; and 4 + Creating the "Green Solano” initiative, and requiring the Applicant to fund this initiative with $30 million, consistent with Section 1.8.13.a below, to be used for protecting open space and natural habitat, improving public parks and trails, and supporting the County's agriculture economy, including family farms and agricultural workers. The allocation, eligibility criteria, and governance shall be designed through a community engagement process open to all residents of Solano County, and shall be included as an applicant exhibit to any Development Agreement. 9. Create a “good neighbor” for Rio Vista, Create a “good neighbor” ‘community for Rio Vista, through: * Creating job opportunities and economic development that keep and attract young people in and to Rio Vista; ‘+ Providing an increased population base that supports downtown Rio Vista shops and businesses, including helping to attract an urgent care clinic to. fr near Rio Vista to help address the critical lack of local medical care: ‘+ Supporting improvements to Highway 12, including a bypass of downtown Rio Vista if desired by Rio Vista; and + Creating the Rio Vista Parkland, an open space buffer of approximately 712 acres between the New Community and Rio Vista that preserves the unique character and separate identity of each community while creating a shared open space resource with parks, sports facilities, and bike paths to benefit both communities, 10.Ensure reliable and sustainable water supply through the “Water Guarantee.” Ensure reliable water supplies by requiring the Applicant to prove its sustainable water supply through a Water Supply Assessment to be completed as part of the EIR process (pursuant to-Calornia Water Code section 10910), and a Water Supply Verification to be completed through the subdivision map approval process (pursuant to-Califersia Government Code section 66473.7), both of which are required prior to the commencement of residential or commercial development within the New Community. The sustainable water supply must also include water supplies for mull-year drought and curtailment periods, as required by law. ‘1.Improve highway safety and capacity, through the “Transportation “Guarantee.” With regards to improving Highway 12 and Highway 113 to provide safe and efficient regional transportation for transit, trucks and other Vehicles (including bypasses of Rio Vista and Dixon downtowns, and replacement of the Rio Vista bridge, if so desired by those cities), encourage investment in these regional transportation improvements by (a) requiring the Applicant to provide land for reasonable rights of way for such improvements (if applicable land is owned by Applicant), and (b) requiring the development of the New Community to allow for the financing of such improvements, as specified in the Public Facilties and Public Financing Plan of the Specific Plan (included as an amendment to the Solano County Zoning Code in ‘Section 6 of this Initiative) 12,Provide local schools for residents of the New Community without ‘overcrowding existing schoo! facilities outside of the New Community, through the “Schools Guarantee,” Prevent overcrowding of existing school facilities in other parts of Solano Gounty outside of the New Community by requiring the Applicant to ensure that new schools (pre-kindergarten through {grade 12) are constructed inside the New Community for students living in the New Community, all in accordance with a needs analysis conducted in ‘cooperation with the school districts serving the New Community. All school facilities will be phased so as to meet student demand. Funding for any new schools would come from sources such as school mitigation fees (paid by Applicant), state school construction programs, and school facility improvement districts (which allow the issuance of general obligations bonds 5 over just the New Community), Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts, Mello-Roos Bonds, and other sources, provided that none of the sources shall create any additional fiscal burden on existing Solano County residents and businesses located outside of the New Community, 18.Ensure that Applicant's financial commitments scale with the build-out ‘of the New Community, through the “Smart Growth Guarantee.” + The Applicant's funding forthe () $500 milion community beneft funding for Solano Homes for All, Solano Scholarships, and Green Solano, and i) $200 milion commercial investments in Solano Downtowns, shall be paid every year after the start ofthe community build-out, proportionally to the progress of such build-out. By way of example, iin a given year the New Community has grown by 6,000 residents, the Applicant shall be required to fund by March 30 of the folowing year; () $50 milion for Solano Homes for All, Solano Scholarships, and Green Solano, and (i) $20 milion for Solano Downtowns. + In addition, the Applicant's funding for these programs shall NOT terminate at 50,000 residents, but shall instead thereafter continue in the same exact amounts for each additional increment of population. By way of example, if after the New Community has reached 80,000 residents, and after the Applicant has provided $500 milion and $200 milion in funding, respectvely, the New Community thereafter grows by another 10,000 residents, the Applicant shall be required to provide an additional $100 milion in community benefits funding and an additional $40 milion for Solano Downtowns. + These Applicant commitments shall continue to be enforceable throughout the full build-out of the New Community (described in this Inative) during the full term of any Development Agreement. By way of example, if the New Community’ utimately reaches a population of 100,000 residents, the Applicant shall be required to have contributed, in te aggregate, $1 bilion in community benefit funding and $400 milion for the Solano Downtowns program. + The mechanism for these funding commitments shall be as further clarified by Section 4 below, and shall bo included as an applicant exhibit to any Development Agreement 14.Demonstrate the sustainability and economic viability of building walkable, sustainable communities to advance state, national, and international climate goals. Increase climate resilience and fight climate change by (a) building one of the most walkable and sustainable communities in the United States that pioneers low-carbon solutions for transportation, energy, and water, and demonstrates to other regions, states, and countries the viability of these solutions, and (b) concentrating development on lands with low fire hazard and’ low flooding hazard (by restricting development to lands above the projected 2150 sea level rise elevation). 15.Increase_tax revenues _and_support_more_public_services_and infrastructure for Solano County residents and schools. Create a Stronger tax base for Solano County By generating increased property taxes, new sales taxes, and new employment taxes in the New Community to fund social services, health care, fire protection, law enforcement, emergency medical services, senior services, schools, and other essential services for ‘every Solano County resident. 16.Protect Solano County taxpayers and ensure financial resiliency of the New Community through the “Taxpayer Guarantee.” Achieve the purposes of the General Plan amendments, including all Voter Guarantees listed above, without imposing any new tax or other fiscal obligation on any Solano County resident or business located outside of the New Community, 6 by requiring implementation of the Public Faclties and Financing Plan of the ‘Specific Plan (Included as an amendment to the Solano County Zoning Code in in Section 6 of this Initiative) to finance, build, own, and maintain New ‘Community local infrastructure and public service facilites, as authorized by applicable laws and regulations. Local infrastructure includes, by way of ‘example, local roads as well as other transit and transportation infrastructure, water supply and sewage treatment facilites, stormwater management facilities, energy faciities, and telecommunications facilities, which are located in the New Community. Public service facilies include, by way of ‘example, schools, fire, law enforcement, and emergency medical stations, libraries, parks, and open space, which are located in or required to serve the New Community. Local roadways within the New Community shall be improved and maintained at no cost to residents or businesses located outside the New Community For purposes of this Intative, whenever a benefit is provided to "Solano County residents,” this term shall adcitionally also include: (a) children of current Solano County residents:, (b) any military personnel stationed at Travis AFB;, (c) any veterans who ‘retired from Travis AFB during the calendar year immediately prior to demonstrating benefit eligibility, and (d) any construction workers who have worked more than 1,000 hours on construction projects located within the New Community or infrastructure projects serving the New Community (such as transportation) during the calendar year immediately prior to demonstrating benefit eligibility; provided that all benefit programs shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations This Initiative adopts amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Code to achieve these purposes, which are hereby found fo be in the interests of the voters of Solano County. Section 2: The title ofthis initiative is the "East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative. This Initiative is referred to herein and in the General Plan and Zoning Code as the “East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative” or "Initiative. Unless otherwise indicated, text added to the General Plan and Zoning Code by this Initiative is shown as double underlined text, while text deleted from the General Plan and Zoning Code is st ‘stskethrotigh text, Section Initiative Area ‘The policies, goals, implementation programs, laws, and regulations adopted by this Initiative apply only to that certain portion of land in the southeastem area of the County shown in Figure A of Section 1, which is an area generally east of Fairfield, north of Highway 12, and west of Rio Vista (the “Initiative Area’). The Initiative Area includes the “New Community,” “Travis Security Zone,” and “Rio Vista Parkland” planning areas depicted in Figure A of Section 1 ‘As provided in the Orderly Growth Initiative as amended by Measure T, the policies of the Orderly Growth Initiative requiring voter approval of the redesignation of lands designated Agriculture or Open Space in the General Plan will remain in effect after this Initiative for the full tm of the Orderly Growth initiative as amended by Measure T (as may be extended by the voters). Section 4: Voter Guarantees / Development Agreement To assure that the voters receive the benefits of amending the General Plan and Zoning Code to authorize the New Community, and to provide for the orderly long-term funding, construction, and completion of the New Community, itis the intent of the voters that, fo the fullest extent permitted by law, upon submittal by the Applicant for a 7 Development Agreement that includes all public and community benefits listed below, the County first timely certifies the EIR required for the construction and completion of. the New Community under CEQA, and then approvesconsiders for approval a Development Agreement that includes and enforces these Applicant commitments and that vests the New Community under state Development Agreement law (Government Code sections 65864 ef seq.). It is further the intent of the voters that the County authorize construction of new residential, commercial, fire station, school, or other community building structures in the New Community only after the Development Agreement is executed, including enforcement mechanisms for Voter Guarantees ‘commitments made by the Applicant listed below. :To the fullest extent permitted by aw, uoon submittal by the Applicant for such Development Agreement, itis the intent of the voters that the Board approveconsider for approval a Development Agreement Which includes the following material terme’ ‘A. Require enforcement of the ten (10) “Voter Guarantees” commitments made by the Applicant as set forth in Section 1 of this Initiative, which are: 1, Enforce the $400 milion Solane Homes for All, on terms specified in ‘Section 1.8.2 and Section 1.B.13.a of this Initiative, 2. Enforce the $200 milion Solane Downtowns, on terms specified in Section 1.B.3 and Section 1.8.13.a of this Initiative. 3. Enforce the Solano Jobs Guarantee Applicant commitment from Section 1.B.4 of this Initiative to assure the New Community creates at least 15,000 {good paying local jobs; otherwise, the New Community cannot grow beyond 50,000 residents, on these terms: ‘@, "Good paying local jobs" means jobs where (i) the worker is primarily conducting the work physically within the New Community, including fulltime, parttime, self-employed, remote, and hybrid workers, and including construction workers, or primarily working elsewhere in Solano County in production of goods or services supplying the New Community, and (ji) the job pays a wage, salary, profit share, or other compensation (but not counting benefits) that is at least 125% of the annualized amount of average weekly wage in Solano County (based on US Bureau of Labor Statistics data). b. The Development Agreement shall require that once the population of the New Community reaches 50,000 residents, no additional new homes may be constructed unless an independent audit firm of national standing confirms that the New Community has supported the creation of at least 16,000 good paying local jobs. The Development Agreement shall include reporting provisions that permit an independent auditor to compute the ‘number of such “good paying local jobs. . IFhome construction is suspended because insufficient good paying local jobs have been created in the New Community as reported by the independent auditor, then construction of additional homes may start again only after the independent auditor has datermined that 15,000 good paying local jobs have been created as of the year preceding the audit 4. Enforce the $70 milion Solano Scholarships, on terms specified in Section 1.B.5 and Section 1.8.13.a of this Initiative. 5, Enforce the $30 million Green Solano, on terms specified in Section 1.8.8.¢ and Section 1.8.13. ofthis Intative. 6. Enforce the Water Guarantee, on terms specified in Section 1.8.10 of this, Initiative, 7. Enforce the Transportation Guarantee, on terms specified in Section 1.8.11 of tis Initiative, 8. Enforce the Schools Guarantee, on terms specified in Section 1.8.12 of this, Initiative. 8. Enforce the Smart Growth Guarante of this Initiative, fon terms specified in Section 1.8.13 10.Enforce the Solano Taxpayer Guarantee, on terms specified in Section 1.B.16 of this Initiative, B. It is the voters! intent that the Development Agreement require the Applicant to fund its community benefit and commercial investments under the Solano Homes for All, Solano Scholarships, Green Solano, and Solano Downtowns programs pursuant to Section 1.8.13, with the following further terms: 1, two-thirds of the funding shall be linked to completion of residential units and ‘one-third to completion of commercial development (based ratably on population buildout estimates evaluated for the New Community in the EIR); 2, by March 30 of every year for the term of the Development Agreement (and the one year thereafter), the Applicant shall fund the proportional amount towards these commitments based ratably on the certificates of occupancy for new residential and commercial structures issued by the County in the New Community during the previous calendar year, as reported to the County in the annual public report required by Development Agreement law; and 3, by way of example, ifn a given year, 10% of the housing units and 10% of the commercial space necessary to support a population of 50,000 rasidents is completed, then by March 30 of the following year, the Applicant shall be ‘obligated to fund $50 milion towards the community benefit programs and {$20 million towards the Solano Downtowns program. . Its the voters’ intent that the Development Agreement contains a provision that requires the Applicant to fund its community benefit commitments (Solano Homes for Al, Solano Scholarships, Green Solano) and commercial investments (Solano Downtowns) in a way that ensures residents of each city and each community in Solano County receive their fair share of these programs, in proportion to the population of their city or community as a share of Solano County's overall population. D. It i the voters’ intent that these Voter Guarantees be timely achieved, that authorization to construct the New Community be vested t0 the full extent allowed under Development Agreement law for buildout of the New Community, and that the County undertake all actions requifed to complete the New Community and infrastructure within or providing service to the New Community as approved by this Intatve, including, by way of example, County approval of subdivision maps, infrastructure, public services, and public finance formation and funding actions, including implementation ofthe Public Facilities and Public Financing Plan of the Specific Plan (included as an amendment to the Solano. County Code in Section 6 of this Initiative), and further for the County to cooperate with and advocate for approvals and authorizations required from ather public agencies forthe New Community and infrastructure, as are or may become required for construction of the New Community. Itis the voters’ intent that the Development Agreement shall require that the County's reasonable staff time spent on the review, approval, inspection, and enforcement of_al such-ait, approvals shall be paid Yor by the Applicant at no cost to the residents or businesses of Solano County located outside the New Community E. It is the voters’ intent that the Development Agreement require the Applicant to work closely with Travis AFB and community stakeholders to consider public-private partnerships and other contractual and funding alignments that support and increase the resiliency of Travis AFB, consistent with the Travis, Regional Resilience Study and Report, through collaboration on common infrastructure investments and investments into improving the quality of life for Travis AFB personnel, including, in particular, agreeing to consult with Travis AFB and, where timely accepted by Travis AFB, to work with Travis AFB on: 1. Designing the New Community with consideration for the needs of Travis ‘AFB personnel, from the youngest members of the force, to those with children and families, to members who are about to retire or have recently retired; and 2. Designing the New Community's infrastructure so that Travis AFB has the ‘option to use, on the same terms as residents and businesses in the Now ‘Community, the New Community's systems for renewable energy generation and storage, transportation, water, and wastewater to provide emergency backup services for the Travis AFB systems; and 3. Improving immediate access to Travis AFB by expanding base access via South Gate, North Gate, and potentially adding a new easter gate to Travis [AFB via Creed Road to create an alternative access point to Travis AFB via Highway 113 and Creed Rd; and 4, Improving regional access to Travis AFB through Applicant's commitments to improving capacity of Highway 12 and Highway 113. F. Itis the voters’ intent that the Development Agreement require that the Applicant conduct an ongoing community outreach and consultation process with the Solano County community as the project evolves, which shall require that the Applicant publishes, no later than Apri 30 of each year during the term of the Development Agreement, a report describing the progress of the project in the past calendar year and outlining phases of the development being planned in the next three years. Thereafter, the Applicant shall create a process by which Solano County residents can ask questions and provide feedback on the planned developments, G. It is the voters’ intent that the Development Agraement include (1) a 40-year vesting term, and (2) a force majeure provision which suspends this 40-year vesting term due to delays caused by acts beyond the control of County or Applicant, such as acts of God, floods, fires, earthquakes, acts of war, ligation, ‘economic recessions and depressions, national and regional emergencies, and epidemics and pandemics. H. It is the voters’ intent that the Development Agreement shall be binding on successors and assigns of the Applicant, so that if the Applicant were to sell any of the land to third parties, those third parties would remain bound by the terms. of the Development Agreement, including but not limited to obligations to comply with the Voter Guarantees and provide a pro-rated share of funding for Voter Guarantees, | is also the voters’ intent that, if the Board of Supervisors approves, the Development Agreement shal include provisions assuring that the County shall retain the power to enforce the Development Agreement (includin all Voter Guarantees) for the full term of the Development Agreement, whether 2S-a parly to such agreement or as an express thiro-party beneficiary of such agreement ‘Section 5: _ Amendment of Solano County General Plan Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 of the General Plan are hereby amended to authorize and allow for implementation of the New Community, for creation of the Travis Security Zone (by almost doubling the size of the Travis Reserve Area designated in the General Plan from 7,971 acres to 14,900 acres), and for creation of the Rio Vista Parkland, as follows: General Plan Chapter 1 ‘+ Chapter 1 of the General Plan is hereby amended to add the following summary of this Initiative immediately after that chapter's existing summary of Measure A, which summary includes placeholders for the presently unknowable letter or umber offcialy assigned to this Intiative for purposes of its designation on the official ballot, as well as a designated placeholder for the presently unknowable date upon which this Initiative shall have been adopted by the electorate, which placeholders may be replaced by the County with the actual measure letter or umber officially assigned to this Initiative and the actual voter adoption date of this Initiative, provided that the full text of the following summary is otherwise inserted into Chapter 1 without alteration: ‘Measure [INSERT OFFICIAL MEASURE LETTER/NUMBER HERE] On JINSERT INITIATIVE ADOPTION DATE HERE], the voters of Solano County approved Measure [INSERT OFFICIAL MEASURE CETTERINUMBER HERE], the East Solano Homes, Jobs. and Clean Eneray inative, The measure established new policies and zoning regulations for the purpose of creating a New Community designed to be one of the most walkable and sustainable communities in the United States by approving ‘amendments fo the General Plan and County Cade to authorize and allow for implementation of the New Community, for creation of the Travis Security Zone, and for creation of the Rio Vista Parkland. General Plan Chapter 2: ‘+ Figure LU-t, the Land Use Diagram, of Chapter 1 is hereby amended by deleting the current Figure LU-1 and replacing it with the new Figure LU-1 as set forth immediately below, to create the New Community designation and add such designation to Special Purpose Areas — SP (Spesific Projact Area), to create the Travis Security Zone (consisting of the 7,971 acres designated as Travis, Reserve Area in the General Plan, less the 268 acres that were excluded from the Travis Reserve Area Zoning Overlay by Ordinance 2023-1849, plus 7,197 new acres added, for a total size of 14,900 acres), to create the Rio Vista Parkland area designation, and to add the following text to the "Note" within the land use diagram immediately below the last ine of the existing ‘Note’ as follows proved by the vaters (East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative) November 2024” (for informational purposes only, the General Plan Figure jereby deleted is also shown below with a black °X" overlayed thereupon): en (rok Dbetathaceen lraatettanse (Vat ithe Durem Wcicnix sone Tivtenie B eS The ‘Development Capacity’ section of Chapter 2 is amended to modify the last sentence appearing immediately prior to existing Table LU-3, as follows: “Table LU-3 summarizes the General Plan's development capacity within the Unincorporated county areas prior to the enactment of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative” ‘The following text is hereby added immediately following existing Table LU-3: he New Community authorizes creation of anew community, which ig gslimated To be constructed over many decades. The New Community is designated aS a Special Purpose Area — SP Speciic Projecl Area in the General Plan, for which the type, Tocation, and density of development in these areas Is [Bresoribed in a specific plan ‘The following sentences are hereby added immediately following the last sentence of the existing Chapter 2 section titled "Municipal Service Areas": New Community is a new community located within the unincorporated County, ‘rea east of Travis Securly Zone, norin of Highway 12, and west of Rio Vista Parkland, The New Community is required to provide all municipal services, is ‘ot required to obtain municipal services from any existing service proviger, and isnot subject to the MSA provisions of the General Plan.” Existing Table LU-4 is hereby amended by adding the following text to the title: “General Plan 2030 Land Use Designations in Unincorporated County and Unincorporated Municipal Service Areas prior to the East Solano Homes, Jobs. and Clean Energy Initiative.” The following sentences are hereby added immediately following existing Table LU-4: "Following enactment of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative, approximately _78:50017-500_acres of land previously under “Agricultural Designations” and “Special Purpose Area” have been re-designated Jo "New Community.” Addfionally, 712 acres of land previously designates unger ‘Agricullural Designalions” have been re-designated to “Rio Vista Parkland.” Table LU-5 is hereby amended as follows: is added to the list of *Natural Resources Designations” immediately following the “M Marsh” row, thereby creating a new row labeled "RV-PL Rio Vista Parkland,” with the follwing description added at the intersection of the existing “Description” column and the new “RV-PL Rio Vista Parkland” row: Provides for open space, public parks, and recreation as well as compatible Uses between the New Community and the City of Rio Vista, “New Community’ is added to the list of Special Purpose Areas - SP Specific Project Area immediately following the UPA Urban Project Area’ row, thereby creating a new row labeled "New Community,” with the follwing description added at the intersection of the existing “Description” column and the new "New Community” row: Now Community allows for the creation of a new community with residential ‘commercial, industrial, agncultural, renewable eneray solar generation and Storage uses, other institulional, park, medical uses, and_uses simiar to these uses. Specific plan required. Delete the words “FRA—travis_Reserve—Aroa” from the list of Overlays immediately following “VFS Vacaville-Fairfeld-Solano Greenbelt Overlay" in the “Designation and Density or Intensity" column and replace with "TSZ Travis, Security Zone (formerly known as “TRA Travis Reserve Area').” The description 4 of the "TSZ Travis Security Zone", as set forth at the intersection of the existing “Description” column and the updated “TSZ Travis Security Zone" row, is hereby amended as follows: Protects the land within the overlay to continue to support the Travis Air Force Base. Land may be used for continued agriculture, grazing, Solar farms (Evsngprovided that the solar technology is acceplable to Travis Air Force Base), and non-avian habitat uses until a mullary or airport use is proposed. No residential uses will be permitted, Provides for future expansion of Travis Air Force Base and support facilities for the base. If the status of the base changes, the construction of nonmiltary airport and support uses may be permitted. All references to the Travis Reserve Area (TRA) shal hereafter refer to the Travis Security Zone (1SZ} Table LU-6 is hereby amended by adding the following text to the ttle: “Specific Project Areas prior to the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy ‘The following text is hereby added immediately following Table LU-6: “Following enactment of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiatve, the New Community has been added as a Speciic Project Area, consisting of ‘approximately 48780077,500 acres with an anticipated development capacity of £40,000 to 160,000 dwelling units, 100,000 to 400,000 residents, and 25,000,000 {0 80,000,000 square feet of nonresidential development, The New Community Shall_not_be allowed to_continue_residential_development beyond 50,000 residents unless and until the New Community Ras supported the creation of a Sufficient number of “good paving focal jobs,” as described in the Solano Jobs Guarantee defined in the voter-approved East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Inifative.” Land Use Goal LU.G-2 is hereby amended by adding the following sentence immediately after the first sentence of the existing Land Use Goal LU.G-2 as, follows: “Interpret_and_apply the General Plan to implement voter-approved, initiative measures, including but not limited to supporting the-construction of Dew infrastructure, community development_and job creation approved by te voters in the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Eneray Iniliative to create the New Community, Land Use Policy LU.P-2 is hereby amended by revising the first sentence of existing Land Use Policy LU.P-2 as follows: "A cornerstone principle of this General Plan is the direction of new urban development and growth toward existing cities and to the voter-approved New Community, Feward-munieipal Land Use Policy LU.P.3 is hereby amended by adding the following two new sentences immediately after the last sentence of the second paragraph of Land Use Policy LU.P-8: “Voter approval of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Eneray Iniiative complies with and implements the planning principles of the Orderly Growth Iniliative by obtaining voter approval for the establishment of a ‘new community, requiring such community fo be walkable and sustainable, ina Tocation that preserves the distinel identity of cilies surrounded by aaricufural and_opan space, and requiring municipal services to _be provided without imposing financial costs on taxpayers outside of the New Communily or new municipal service mandaies on existing cities or municipal service providers. Land Use Policy LU.P-31 is hereby amended by adding the following sentence immediately following the last sentence of the existing Land Use Policy LU.P-31. “The New Community is detecrinedintended to be compatible with the Travis Ait Forca Base Land Use Compatibility Plan because the New Community is not located_in any portion of the “Travis “Security Zone,” and because the Is vyoler-approved East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Eneray Initiative imposes additonal land use and development restictions within the New Community, ‘Sonsisioniio comply wih the Travis Air Force Base Land Use Compatibilty Plan in effect_as_of January 15, 2024, However, nothing in_LU,P-31_shall_bs ‘construed: (a) to In any way modify or limit the authority of the applicable Airport Tang Use Commission fo make consistency determinations regarding the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan_in_effect_at_ine_time_of_such consistency determination pursuant to Public Uililies Code section 27676, or tovamend such Airport Land Use Compatibilty Plan, of (B) to in any way modify or limit the iscretion of the County Board of Supervisors to make decisions regarding any adverse_consistency determination pursuant to Public Uliiies Code section 21676 ‘The list of "Natural Resource Designations” as set forth in Table LU-7 is hereby amended by adding “Rio Vista Parkland” as a new “Natural Resource Designation” immediately 9 ting “Marsh” designation, thereby creating a new row labeled “Rio Vista Parkland,” and the “New District’ column of such table is hereby amended by adding fo such column's ist of zoning districts immediately folowing the existing "CR" zoning district designation, thereby creating a new column labeled "RB-GB — Rio Vista Parkland,” and an "X" is hereby added at the intersection of the new "Rio Vista Parkland’ row and the new “RV-PL - Rio Vista Parkland” column of such table. ‘The existing Figure SS-1, Special Study Area Locations, of Chapter 1 is hereby amended by deleting in its entirety the current Figure SS-1 and replacing it with new Figure SS-1 as set forth immediately below (for informational purposes only, the General Plan Figure SS-1 hereby deleted is also shown below with a black "x" overlayed thereupon): ‘+ The following new Special Study Area subsection text and accompanying new Figure SS-7 are hereby added immediately following the last sentence of Chapter 2: Now Community ‘The New Community was approved by the voters in the East Solano Homes, ‘Jobs, and Clean Energy initiative, to re-designate non-prime aaricultural land for new community development with a vote of the people consistent wih the Orderly Growth Inilative, The East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Glean Energy Initiative authorized the construction of a new community 20 Goals and Policies Goal 5S.G-5 Create a compact, walkable, sustainable, and environmentally ‘esilent_ community with homes in_safe, walkable neighborhoods, where forsale and for-rent homes at different price pomnls are integrated in the ‘Same_neighborhoods, with good paying local jobs for Solano County fesidents, with schools, workplaces, shops, restaurants, and parks, and build ‘and operate new infrastructure and public services fo serve the community at ‘no cost to Solano County taxpayers ving outside the New Community 5S.P-33 Achieve walkabilty, by ensuring that all rasidents ara located within walking distance of schools, shops, parks_and transi $S.P-34 Integrate parks and recreation areas across _all_parts of the ‘community, SS,P-35 Provide a mix of housing types that accommodates people of every income level, every Ife stago, and every household size SS.P-36_Offer a full menu of transportation options that make it easy and ‘snloyable fo get around by walking, biking, transit, or driving, ‘$S.P-37_Establsh local shopping streets that provide a wide range of {groceries and other everyday retail goods, services, and amenities within ‘every neighborhood SS.P-38 Provide space for major employers. engaged in_ manufacturing, production, technology, indusinal, research, and other uses (including clinics ‘and hospitals '$S.P-39 Enable and support small businesses across all sectors, ideally where business owners end emplovees can lve in the community (such as {rough providing live-work housing types} SS.P-40 Offer education and training facilities, including daycare, pre-schools, K-72 schools, and vosational training. SS.P-41_Establish quality public services and institutions, including fire and jaw enforcement facilities, brary and communty faciiies, and places of worship, all interwoven into neighbornoods. ‘SS.P-42_Integrate sustainable infrastructure that greatly reduces operational ‘greenhouse gas emissions. relies on renewable energy, maximizes the reuse ‘of water, and enables reduction of waste, Implementation Programs Regulations: '§S.-19 Adopt a specific plan to implement these policies for the New ‘Communi. The boundaries of the New Community shall not be expanded beyond those identified in the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy initiative without prior approval of the voters. The specific plan should speci + The area covered by the plan. For the avoidance of doubt, the following ‘parools identified by Assessor Parcel Numbers are within the general depicted boundary of the New Community but are excluded from the New Community Specific Plan Zoning District and their zoning shal remain 2 unchanged by the Initiative: 042-110-250, 0042-110-270, 0048.010-180, (9048-020-140, 0048-070-180. In addition, for the avoidance of doubt, the following parcels identified by Assessor Parcel Numbers are proximate to the inner or outer Boundary of the New Community bul are excluded {rom the New Community Spacific Plan Zoning District, and their general plan designation _and_zoning_shall_remain unchanged by _the_Iniiative 50, 0042-100-360, 10042-100-380, (0042-100-380,0042-100-400,_0042-110-150, _0042-110-200, ‘0042-110-360, 042-170-310, 0042-170-320,0048-010-340, (0048-020-150, 048-090-330. + Techniques to ensure development is consistent with the Goal_and Policies, including development standards, + Development standards to create walkabilty within the New Community, land that incentivize vansit for commuters coming to jobs in the New ‘Community or deparing for jobs outside the New Community + An infrastructure plan for_all_water_systems (water, recycled water Stormwater, wastewater), transportation, telecommunicalions, energy, and Sold waste, + A public finance plan to ensure that infrastructure and public services including_schools, parks, law_enforcement, fire, \brary, and_other ‘municipal services) are funded af no cost to taxpayers living outside the New Community, Related Policies: $S. ‘SS.P-39, SS.P-40, SSP-41, SSP-42, Agency/Department: Department of Resource Management Funding Source: Specific Plan Applicant Funding, Physical Improvements. and Capital Projects Time Frame: initiate jenvironmental_impact report CEIR"and, idevelopment_agreement (1D, reparation and approval process in January 2025, with targot completion date for cerffication of the EIR and approval of DA in the frst quarter of 2026 $S.-20 Approve formation of a Community Faclities District_and other financing programs, to implement the public finance plan included in the ‘Specific Plan Related Policies: $$.P-33, SS.P-34, $S.P-35, SS.P-36, $S.P-37, $S,P.38, ‘SS.P-39, SS.P-40, SSP-41, SSP-42, ‘Agency/Department: Department of Resource Management Funding Source: Specific Plan Applicant Time Fram: iate EIR" and EDA" preparation and approval process in January 2025, with {farget completion ate for cerification of the EIR and approval of DA in the first quarier of 2026 SS.-21 To the fullest extent permitted by law, upon application to_and ‘approval by the Board of Supervisors, execute a development agreement fo {aciltate the specrfc plan on terms substantially consistent with Section 4 of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Inilaive. The Board may modify the development agreement objectives specified in Section 4 of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy inillave as necessary [0 2 further the purposes of the East Solano Homes, Jobs. and Clean Energy Inative, 85 specified in Section 1 thereof, provided however that, to the maximum extent permitted by the law, the Board shall neither reduce nor increase the aggregate financial _obligalions of any applicant _for_such ‘evelopment agreement described in Section 4 of the East Solana Hames, ‘Jobs, ang Clean Energy Inilative. nor reduce such applicant's obligations under any Voter Guarantee described in such initiative, in both cases without rior approval of the voters of Solano County. The ten (10) Voter Guarantees are: Solano Jobs Guarantee ‘Solano Homes for All Solano Scholarships Green Solano Water Guarantee Transportation Guaranteo ‘Smart Growth Guarantee Solano Taxpayer Guarantee ‘The provisions of Part B of Section 1 and the provisions of Section 4 of the East Solano Homes, Jobs. and Clean Eneray Initiative detaling these Voter ‘Guarantees are hereby incorporated by reference, 5S.P-39, SSP-40, SSP-AT, SSP-40, Agency/Department: Deparment af Resource Management Funding Source: Specific Plan Applicant Time Frame: Initiate “EIR and DA") preparation and approval process in January 2025, with {arget completion dale for certification of the EIR and approval of DA in the first quarter of 2026, General Plan Chapter 3: ‘+ Figure AG-1 is hereby amended by adding the following text to the ttle: “Solano County General Plan Figure AG-1 Important Farmland prior to the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative,” ‘+ Figure AG-4 is hereby amended by adding the following text to the tle: “Solano County General Plan Figure AG-4 Agricultural Regions prior to the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Eneray Initiative.” ‘+ The paragraph immediately following Figure AG-4 is hereby amended as follows: “The following section contains descriptions of 10 proposed agricultural regions and policies that are unique to an individual region or group of regions. The ‘minimum lot sizes and general uses presented in Table AG-3 should be used in conjunction with the agricultural land use description from the Land Use chapter to define the General Plan land use description for agricultural lands in the county's 10 agricultural ragions. Following the enactment of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative, none of the following 10 proposed agricultural regions apply fo the New Community or to the Rio Vista Parkland. 2 + Agricultural Land Use Policy AG.P-28 is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph immediately following the last sentence of the existing Agricultural Land Use Policy AG.P-28; "Ongoing and innovative agricultural uses are alowed within the New Community, both on an interim basis prior to the execution of any development agreement and as community construction occurs over a period of decades, and as an ongoing permissible use in portions of the New Commun, Innovative _agricullural land_management_uses include agrisolar (where, for example, sheep and goats can graze, andlor crops are cullivated, beneath and between _utlity-scale solar panels, with associated solar eneray storage and Iransmission faciliies), as well as other Solar and renewable energy generation and storage uses (except wind), Sustanable water management of stormwater and seasonal use of playfields and other open space to suppor! groundwater echarge and other water management practices are also allowed and support Sustainable agricultural and community water supplies and use.” ‘+ Agricultural Land Use Policy AG.P-34 is hereby amended as follows: “Lands within the Agriculture designations may be redesignated to (1) Park & Recreation only for public recreation and public open space uses and only if the uses permitted by the new designation will not interfere with or be in conflict with agricultural operations_or (2) Rio Vista Parkland for uses consistent with its intended purpose of providing an open space buffer and recreational amenities,” General Plan Chapter 4: ‘+ Figure RS-1, Priority Habitat Areas, of Chapter 4 is hereby amended by deleting the current Figure RS-1 and replacing it with new Figure RS+1 as set forth immediately below (for informational purposes only, the General Plan Figure RS-21 hereby deleted is also shown below with a black "X’ overlayed thereupon): 4 26 aonb Shenae Tecate oi tage Dietioaaie Minette tao Figure RS-2, Resource Conservation Overlay, of Chapter 4 is hereby amended by deleting the current Figure RS-2 and replacing it wth new Figure RS-2 as set forth immediately below (for informational purposes only, the General Plan Figure $SRS-42 hereby deleted is also shown below with a black "X" overlayed thereupon) a” ce 29 Senn Ct Gn Ban Fie Resor Cosenaton ay ‘+ Resource Policy RS.P-33 is hereby amended as follows: “The County shall preserve, for future use, areas outside of the New Community with important mineral ‘resources by preventing residential, commercial, and industrial development that would be incompatible with mining practices to the extent feasible ‘+ Resource Implementation RS.-16 is hereby amended as follows: "Designate land uses in mineral areas outside of the New Community appropriately to fensure compatibility between mineral extraction and surrounding uses. + Resource Policy RS.P-37 is hereby amended as follows: “Policy RS.P-37: Protect the visual character of designated scenic roadways unless roadway modifications are appropriate for safety improvements, or for expansion to serve ‘axisting and anticipated transporlalion uses, ‘+ Resource Implementation RS,|-21 is hereby amended as follows: ‘Preserve the visual character of scenic roadways as shown in Figure RS-5 outside of the Now Community through design review, designating alternate routes for faster traffic, Fegulating atf-site advertising, limiting grading in the view corridor through the grading ordinance, limiting travel speeds, and providing pullover areas with trash and recycling receptacles. General Plan Chapter 6: ‘+ The paragraph describing the "Lambie Road Area” set forth in the Chapter 6 subsection titled “Opportunity Sites" is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as shown immediately below: Lambie Road Area ‘The New Community includes most of the Lambie Road Area Opportunity Site The voter-approved East Solano Homes, Jops,_and Clean Energy infiallve approved the New Community a5. ew. communi {that would create substantial tax revenues, new homes, taining facies and ‘Schools, and good paying _local_jobs_in_development, production, manufacturing, logistics, research, and other employment uses in_a wide range of enterprises such as advanced manufacturing, defense, aerospace, technology, energy, healthcare, agriculture, and other innovative sectors, Most of the Lambie Road Opportunity Site within the New Community is ‘designated for_Indusirial_and Technology uses im the New Community Specific Plan approved by the voters in the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and ‘lean Eneray Inilatve, Infrastructure and municipal services for the porton ‘of Lambie Road Opportunity Site in the New Community would be proviged 235 part of the Specific Plan, which would faciltate the long-delayed creation ‘of job-creating employment opportunities in this portion of the Opportunity ‘Sife_at_no cost to taxpayers ving outside the New Community, The femainder of the Lambie Road Area remains designated as a Special Project ‘Area, requiring the preparation of a separate specific plan describing a ‘Somprehensive approach to development, envronmental, and infrastructure 20

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