Mia RPG 03 2000
Mia RPG 03 2000
Mia RPG 03 2000
The requirements of an audit of bodies incorporated under the Companies Act, 1965 (hereby
referred to as the Act) are set out in Part (VI) of the Act and the power and duties of auditors
as to reports on accounts are set out in Section 174 of the Act.
Section 174(l) of the Act requires the auditors to report to the members on the accounts
required to be laid before the company in general meeting. The contents of the auditor’s
report are set out in Section 174(2) of the Act.
Foreign Companies
Foreign companies although not incorporated under the Act are Ref: Section 336A,
required to keep accounting and other records in Malaysia that are Companies Act, 1965
sufficient to explain the transactions and financial position of the
foreign company that relate to its operations in Malaysia. The
records must be audited by a person approved under Section 8 of
the Act.
Reporting Framework
The Act defines ‘accounts’ as consisting of profit and loss account, Ref: Section 4,
balance sheet and includes notes or statements required by the Act Companies Act, 1965
(other than auditor's reports or directors' reports) and attached or
intended to be read with profit and loss accounts or balance sheets.
These are the same components defined as the term ‘accounts’ in Ref: MASB 1,
the Act. Although the definition in the Act does not include ‘Cash Paragraph 90
Flow Statement’ as a statement required by the Act, the Ninth MASB 5 - Cash Flow
Schedule of the Act requires that a ‘Statement of Changes in Statement
Financial Position’ be annexed to every profit and loss account and
balance sheet.
The basic principles and procedures set out shall apply and be
adapted where necessary to cases where an auditor expresses
opinion on certain elements of a set of financial statements
prepared for purposes other than the annual requirements.
Registers refer to those required to be kept under the Act and Ref: Section 11,
exclude other records and journals, which are commonly referred Companies Act, 1965
to as registers.
Whilst Section 174(2) of the Act sets down the requirements for
the contents of the auditor's report, it does not set out the
prescribed form.
(iv) Scope
(v) Reporting
All reports must be dated and should not be earlier than the Ref: AI 560 -
date the financial statements are approved by the Board of Subsequent Events
Directors and the relevant statutory declarations as required AI 580 - Management
by the Act. Representations
Audit Opinion
Accounting Requirement
The Companies Act, 1965, amended by the Companies Ref: Section 166A -
(Amendment) Act, 1998 includes a provision to require a company Compliance with
to apply approved accounting standards in the preparation of Approved Accounting
accounts. It also provides that where any conflict or inconsistency Standards
arises between the provisions of an applicable approved
accounting standard and a provision in the Ninth Schedule in their
respective applications to the accounts or consolidated accounts of
a company, the provision of the applicable approved accounting
standards shall prevail.
There are, however, occasions where compliance with an Ref: Section 166A(4),
The Act requires the profit and loss account and balance sheet to Ref: Section 169(1),
be audited before they are laid before the company at its annual (3), (4), Companies
general meeting. Act, 1965
Reporting Responsibilities
standard: -
(b) whether the accounting and other records and the registers
required by this Act to be kept by the company and, if it is a
holding company, by the subsidiaries other than those of
which he has not acted as auditor have been, in his opinion,
properly kept in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
to be reported accordingly.
(b) the circumstances are such that in his opinion the matter
has not been or will not be adequately dealt with by
comment in his report on the accounts or consolidated
accounts or by bringing the matter to the notice of the
directors of the company or, if the company is a subsidiary,
of the directors of its holding company,
On the other hand, MASB defines a group as a parent and all its Ref: MASB 11 -
subsidiaries. It also states that a parent is an enterprise that has one Consolidated
or more subsidiaries. Consolidated financial statements are Financial Statement
financial statements of a group presented as that of a single and Investment in
enterprise. Subsidiaries
Subsidiaries for which the auditor of the holding company has not
acted as auditor, would include those audited by a firm whose
constituent partners are different from those of the firm auditing
the holding company and audit firms which are not registered in
Malaysia pursuant to the Act and the Accountants Act, 1967.
(d) whether as at the date to which the profit and loss account
has been made up, the company appeared to have been able
to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due.
Section 336 of the Act states that the provisions of the Act apply to
foreign companies operations in Malaysia. The auditor shall be
required to report on these operations pursuant to Section 174 of
the Act.
When the accounts or Directors' Report of a financial institution Ref: Section 169(19),
incorporate modifications and exceptions as determined by the Companies Act, 1965
Bank Negara in accordance with the Act, is necessary for the
auditor to state this fact in his report.
The form of the accounts and the auditor's report is set out in GP8
issued by the Bank Negara Malaysia.
The auditor's report to members on the accounts of insurance Ref: Section 2(1) of
companies should comply with the requirements of the Act. In Part I
addition, the auditor is required to report in accordance with the
provision to the Fourth Schedule of the Insurance Act, 1996 on the
accounts lodged with the Director-General of Insurance.
The form of the accounts and the auditor's report is set out in GP
I5 issued by the Bank Negara Malaysia.