PH Disclosure and Content Checklist Primary PDF
PH Disclosure and Content Checklist Primary PDF
PH Disclosure and Content Checklist Primary PDF
PFRS disclosure
and content
The Disclosure and Content Checklist have been prepared for use as checklists for public and non-public
companies. The disclosure requirements are mainly based on Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS), Philippine
Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS), SIC/IFRIC interpretations approved and issued by the Financial Reporting
Standards Council (FRSC) of the Philippines, as well as the disclosure requirements of the Securities Regulation
Code (SRC) Revised Rules 68 and 68.1 and other relevant SEC Circulars which are effective for financial statements
beginning on or after January 1, 2005. They cover not only disclosure requirements but also the accounting
treatment for certain transactions. The optional disclosures are underscored.
The Primary Checklist is designed as general-purpose checklists and need to be supplemented by the appropriate
specialized industry disclosure and content guides for non-life insurance companies, banks, and construction
contractors where accounting pronouncements have been issued locally. These are not a substitute for professional
judgment as to the essential question of fair presentation. The Supplementary Checklist addresses the disclosure
and content requirements for specific financial statement items and the accounting treatment of certain
transactions. The references in the Checklists are not a complete itemized list of all disclosures and content
requirements but are more in the nature of a general guide to broad areas. When the conditions described are
present, a thorough reading of the indicated reference is necessary.
Firm policy requires completion of the full disclosure and content checklists for all financial statements. Non-
compliance requires an explanation to the Accounting Consulting Service Partner.
These checklists do not cover disclosures required by the rules of applicable local regulatory agencies such as the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas for banks and other financial institutions, the SEC for finance and pre-need companies,
the Philippine Stock Exchange for stock brokers, the Insurance Commission for insurance companies, among
For entities covered by "PFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities" (PFRS for SMEs) which is effective January 1,
2010 (may be early adopted beginning January 1, 2009), a separate PFRS for SMEs Disclosure and Content
Checklist must be used.
Full Disclosure Primary Checklist
The Full Disclosure and Content Checklist – Primary is presented in a format designed to facilitate the collection
and review of disclosures for each component of general purpose financial statements. Where appropriate, all
disclosures have been grouped by subject. Additional notes and explanations in the checklist are shown in italics.
Underlined provisions represent optional disclosures (dv).
a.) The engagement team shall accomplish the checklist in full. In cases where a certain item in the checklist is not
applicable to the reporting entity, an option is given to the engagement team to determine whether the specific
section is applicable or not to the entity by selecting the box located at the right corner of the checklist as follows:
For "A" answer, the database will automatically provide the corresponding checklist.
Note : This option is on a selected basis only, not all sections in the checklist have this option.
b.) In the fourth column box (headed ‘Y-NO-NA-NM’), one of the following should be marked for each
applicable disclosure item:
* In case of a NO answer, the engagement team shall provide explanation/justification for not meeting the
disclosure requirements and how it will be addressed.
c) The fifth column box on each line ([ ]) can be used to insert a reference to the relevant part of the financial
statements and/or can be used for additional comments.
Ref Components YES No NA NM Remarks
SRC Rule 1 The Statement of Management's
68 & 68.1 Responsibility should be signed by the (1)
Chairman of the Board, (2)
CEO/President, (3) CFO/Treasurer, OR
(4) Resident Agent.
NOTE: The Statement of Management’s
Responsibility should be strictly signed by the
persons required by SRC Rule 68 & 68.1. The
same persons occupying the positions
disclosed in the Statement of Management’s
Responsibility should be consistent with the
company’s General Information Sheet
submitted to the SEC. The Statement of
Management's Responsibility should contain
reference to the comparative periods being
presented in the financial statements
submitted to the SEC.
SRC Rule The following should be clearly indicated on
68 and the Independent Auditor's Report:
i Date of Independent Auditor's report
ii The Independent Auditor's signature
iii The financial statements covered by the
iv The certifying accountant's license, Tax
Identification and PTR numbers, and the
registration/accreditation number with
iv Complete mailing address of the client and
the auditor
v In the case of an auditing firm, the
SRC Rule 1 The report should state that the
68 and examination was made in accordance with
68.1 Philippine Standards on Auditing.
SRC Rule 2 If the auditor has scope limitation,
68 and designate any auditing procedure deemed
68.1 necessary under the circumstances of the
particular case.
5 Opinion to be Expressed
SRC Rule 1 The External Auditor has rendered an
68 and opinion on the following issues:
a financial statements covered by the
report, and
b the accounting policies and practices
are reflected therein
SRC Rule 2 The opinion is clear whether it is:
68 and
a Unqualified
b Qualified
c Disclaimer
d Adverse
2) Note: SRC Rule 68.1, section 2 entitled
STATEMENTS" states the following
6 Exceptions
SRC Rule 1 Any matter to which the independent CPA
68 and takes exception shall be clearly identified,
68.1 the exception thereto specifically and
clearly stated and to the extent practicable,
the effect of each such exception on the
related financial statements given.
SRC Rule 2 In cases when financial statements filed
68 and with the Commission pursuant to its rules
68.1 and regulations are prepared in accordance
with accounting principles for which there
is no substantial authoritative support,
such financial statements will be presumed
to be misleading or inaccurate despite
disclosures contained in the report of the
accountant or in footnotes to the financial
statements provided the matters involved
are material.
SRC Rule 3 In cases where there is a difference of
68 and opinion between the Commission and the
68.1 corporation as to the proper principles of
accounting to be followed, disclosure will
be accepted in lieu of correction of the
financial statements themselves only if the
points involved are such that there is
substantial authoritative support for the
practices followed by the corporation and
the position of the Commission has not
previously been expressed in rules,
regulations or other official
pronouncements of the Commission.
the auditors:
(i) Any material findings involving fraud
or error;
(ii) Losses or potential losses the aggregate
of which amounts to at least 10% of
consolidated total assets;
(iii) Any finding that the consolidated
assets, on a going concern basis, are no
longer adequate to cover total claims of
(iv) Material internal control weaknesses
which may lead to financial reporting
SEC 2 Communicate to the Audit Committee or its
Memo equivalent or those charged with corporate
Circular governance prior to the filing of the audit
13 Series report the following:
of 2006
(i) Critical accounting policies and
(ii) Alternative accounting treatments;
(iii) Other material written
communications (reports on internal
controls, Schedule of Unadjusted
Differences, engagement letter,
independence letter)
omitted if:
Uncertainties about going concern
3 Uncertainties about going concern
PAS 1.25 An entity shall prepare financial statements on a
going concern basis unless management either
intends to liquidate the entity or to cease trading,
or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
PAS 1.25 When management is aware, in making its
assessment, of material uncertainties related to
events or conditions that may cast significant
doubt upon the entity's ability to continue as a
going concern, the entity shall:
PAS 1.25 (a) Disclose material uncertainties
relating to events or conditions,
4 Comparative information
4 Comparative information
PAS 1.38 i Disclose comparative information of the
previous period for all amounts reported
in the current period’s financial
statements unless a PAS/PFRS permits
or requires otherwise
PAS 1.38 ii Include comparative information in
narrative and descriptive format when it
is relevant to an understanding of the
current period's financial statements
PAS 1.39 iii In disclosing comparative information,
an entity shall present, as a minimum,
two statements of financial position, two
of each of the other statements, and
related notes.
PAS 1.39 iv When accounting policy was applied
retrospectively or there was a
retrospective restatement of items or
there was a reclassification of items in the
financial statements, as a minimum, the
statement of financial position shall be
presented (i.e., three statements of
financial position, two of each of the
other statements, and related notes) at:
PAS (a) the end of the current period,
PAS (b) the end of the previous period (which
1.39(b) is the same as the beginning of the
current period), and
PAS (c) the beginning of the earliest
1.39(c) comparative period.
PAS 1.41 v Disclose the nature, amount of, and
reason for, any changes in the
presentation and reclassification of items
in the financial statements and reclassify
the comparative amounts.
PAS 1.42 vi When it is impracticable to reclassify
comparative amounts, disclose the reason
for not reclassifying and the nature of the
5 Consistency
5 Consistency
PAS 1.45 (a) Retain from one period to the next the
presentation and classification of items in
the financial statements. Note that this is
required unless:
i it is apparent, following a significant
change in the nature of the entity's
operations or a review of its financial
statements, that another presentation
or classification would be more
appropriate (see criteria for selection
and application of accounting policies
in PAS 8); or
ii a change in presentation is required
by a Standard or an Interpretation.
PAS 1.46 (b) Reclassify comparative information in
accordance with PAS 1.41 and 1.42, when
an entity changes presentation of its
financial statements due to significant
acquisition or disposal, for example, to
provide information that is reliable and
more relevant.
6 Reporting period
6 Reporting period
PAS 1.36 Present a complete set of financial
statements (including comparative
information) at least annually.
PAS 1.36 Disclose the following information in
addition to the period covered by the
financial statements when an entity's end of
reporting period changes and annual
financial statements are presented for a
period longer or shorter than one year:
PAS (a) Reason for using a longer or shorter
1.36(a) period other than one year; and
PAS (b) The fact that comparative amounts
1.36(b) presented in the financial statements are
not comparable.
7 Date of authorization
7 Date of authorization
PAS 10.17 (a) Include in the notes to the financial
statements the following disclosures:
i the date when the financial
statements were authorized for issue;
2 Specific policies
2 Specific policies
PAS 1.119 Disclose particular accounting policies,
including choices made by management
between different policies they allow for the
PAS 1.119 (a) Consolidation principles, including
accounting for subsidiaries and
PAS (b) The method of accounting for
27.42(c) subsidiaries and associates in the parent’s
separate financial statements if the
parent’s separate financial statements are
presented and parent elects not to
prepare consolidated financial statements
in accordance with PAS 27.10.
PFRS 3.4 (c) Accounting for Business combinations
PAS 31.57 (d) Joint ventures, including the method the
venturer uses to recognize its interest in
jointly controlled entities
PAS 1.120 (e) Foreign currency transactions and
translation including determination of
functional currency.
PAS 16.73 (f) Property, plant and equipment -- for each
class, disclose
PAS i. measurement basis (e.g., cost less
16.73(a) accumulated depreciation and
impairment losses, or revaluation
less subsequent depreciation)
PAS ii. depreciation method (e.g., straight-
16.73(b) line)
PAS 16.73 iii. the useful lives or the depreciation
(c) rate used; and
PAS 40.75 (g) Investment property:
PAS i. whether the entity applies the fair
40.75(a) value model or the cost model;
PAS ii. if it applies the fair value model,
40.75(b) whether, and in what circumstances,
property interests held under
operating leases are classified and
accounted for as investment property;
PAS iii. when classification is difficult, the
40.75(c) criteria used to distinguish
investment property from:
(1) owner-occupied property (PPE);
(2) property held for sale in the
ordinary course of business
PAS iv. the methods and significant
reasonably estimable, a
statement to that effect.
SRC Rule (g) For reporting companies under the
68 (2.a) SRC: Disclose in its notes to financial
statements the adoption made of the list
SRC Rule of PFRSs which are not yet effective, but
68.1 which the company has decided to adopt
(Annex earlier, including:
i a brief description of the PFRS; and
ii a presentation of the reconciliation
between the effective standard and
the PFRS adopted in advance.
5 Correction of errors
5a Accounting treatment
PAS 8.42 (a) An entity should correct material prior
period errors retroactively in the first set
of financial statements authorized for
issue after their discovery by:
i restating the comparative amounts for
the prior period(s) presented in which
the error occurred; or
ii if the error occurred before the
earliest prior period presented,
restating the opening balances of
assets, liabilities and equity for the
earliest prior period presented.
PAS 8.43 (b) Correct a prior period error by
retroactive restatement except to the
extent that it is impracticable to
determine either the period-specific
effects or the cumulative effect of the
PAS 8.44 i when it is impracticable to determine
the period-specific effects of an error
on comparative information for one
or more periods presented, the entity
should restate the opening balances
of assets, liabilities and equity for the
earliest period for which retroactive
restatement is practicable (which may
be the current period)
PAS 8.45 ii when it is impracticable to determine
the cumulative effect, at the
beginning of the current period, of an
error on all prior periods, the entity
should restate the comparative
information to correct the error
prospectively from the earliest date
5b Disclosures
PAS 8.49 An entity should disclose the
(a) the nature of the prior period
(b) the amount of the correction for
each prior period presented, to
the extent practicable:
i for each financial statement
line item affected; and
ii if PAS 33 applies to the entity,
for basic and diluted earnings
per share;
(c) the amount of the correction at
the beginning of the earliest prior
period presented; and
(d) if retroactive restatement is
impracticable for a particular
prior period, the circumstances
that led to the existence of that
condition and a description of
how and from when the error has
been corrected.
PAS 8.49 Note: These disclosures need not be
repeated in the financial statements
of subsequent periods.
6 Discontinued operations
6 Discontinued operations
PFRS 5.33 a Disclose the following for all
periods presented:
PAS i a single amount in the income
12.81(h) statement of comprehensive
income comprising the total
i.1 the post-tax profit or loss
of discontinued
operations; and
i.2 the post-tax gain or loss
recognized on the
measurement to fair value
less costs to sell or on the
disposal of assets or
disposal group(s) constituting
the discontinued
ii an analysis of the single
amount in (i) above into:
2 Post-employment benefits
i Defined contribution plans
PAS 19.46- 2a Defined Contribution Plans
PAS 19.46; (a) The amount recognized as an expense for
1.102 defined contribution plans
PAS (b) Contributions to defined contribution
24.16(b); plans for key management personnel
PAS 19.47
ii Defined benefit plans
wholly unfunded;
ii the present value (before
deducting the fair value of plan
assets) at the end of the
reporting period of defined
benefit obligations that are
wholly or partly funded;
iii the fair value of any plan
assets at the end of the
reporting period;
iv the net actuarial gains or losses
not yet recognized in the
statement of financial position
(see paragraph 92 of PAS 19);;
v the past service cost not yet
recognized in the statement of
financial position (see
paragraph 96 of PAS 19);
vi any amount not recognized as
an asset, because of the limit in
paragraph 58(b) of PAS 19;
vii the fair value at the end of the
reporting period of any right to
reimbursement recognized as
an asset and a brief description
of the link between the
reimbursement right and the
related obligation; and
viii the other amounts recognized
in the statement of financial
For the offsetting rules of an
asset relating to one plan
against a liability relating to
another plan, refer to
paragraph 116 of PAS 19.
PAS 1.61 (c) Where the amounts recognized in
the statement of financial position
combine current and non-current
amounts, disclose the amount of
the non-current portion (where
this can be determined – refer to
paragraph 118 of PAS 19) that is
expected to be recovered or settled
after more than 12 months.
PAS (d) Disclose the amounts included in
19.120(k) the fair value of plan assets for:
i each category of the reporting
entity’s own financial
instruments; and
ii any property occupied by, or
4 Termination benefits
4 Termination benefits
PAS 19.141 (a) Disclose contingent liabilities arising from
termination benefits (for example, due to
the uncertainty over the number of
5 Transitional provisions
5 Transitional provisions
PAS (a) On first-time adoption of PAS 19, an
19.155 (b) entity should determine the transitional
(ii) liability in accordance with paragraph 154
of PAS 19. If the transitional liability is
more than the amount that would have
been recognized at the same date under
the entity's previous accounting policy,
and the difference is recognized on a
straight-line basis over up to five years,
the entity should disclose at each end of
the reporting period:
(a) the amount of difference that remains
unrecognized; and
(b) the amount recognized in the current
Preface to (b) As allowed by the ASC but only for PFRS
PAS 19 purposes, for post-employment benefit
plans, including pension plans and other
long-term employee benefits, under PFRS
1, and with the adoption of the alternative
treatment, the transitional liability may be
recognized on a straight-line basis of up to
5 years from January 1, 2005. Therefore,
if five years is chosen, only 1/5 of the total
transitional liability under PAS 19 will be
recorded as a liability and an expense as of
December 31, 2005. Disclose if such
option was taken, including the
amortization period chosen, the total
transitional liability, periodic amortization
and remaining unrecorded liability.
A02b Assets
1 Current and non-current assets distinction
1 Current and non-current assets
PAS 1.66 (a) An asset should be classified as current
asset when it:
PAS i Is expected to be realized in, or is
1.66(a) intended for sale or consumption in,
the entity's normal operating cycle; or
4 Inventories
PAS 4 Inventories
PAS (a) The accounting policies adopted in
2.36(a) measuring inventories, including the cost
formula used.
PAS (b) Disclose the carrying amount of
2.36(b) inventories in total.
Inventories,sub-classified by main
categories appropriate to the entity.
PAS For example:
1.78(c); - merchandise;
PAS 2.37 - production supplies;
- raw materials;
- work in progress; and
- finished goods.
PAS (c) The carrying amount of inventories
2.36(c) carried at fair value less costs to
Note: Disclosure of the provision
for obsolete or slow-moving
inventories does not alter the need
to disclose inventories at net
realizable value.
PAS 16.78
NOTE: In accordance with PAS 36, an
entity discloses information on
impaired property, plant and
equipment in addition to the
information required by paragraph
vii depreciation;
viii the net exchange differences
arising on the translation of the
financial statements from the
functional currency into a
different presentation currency,
including the translation of a
foreign operation into the
presentation currency of the
reporting entity; and
PAS 1.41 ix transfers between class of PPE
(e.g. from PPE under
construction to land and
buildings); and
x other movements.
PAS 16.76 (c) The nature and effect of a change in
an accounting estimate that has an
effect in the current period or is
expected to have an effect in
subsequent periods in accordance
with PAS 8. For property, plant and
equipment, such disclosure may arise
from changes in estimates with
respect to:
i residual values;
ii the estimated costs of dismantling,
removing or restoring items of
property, plant and equipment;
iii useful lives; and
iv depreciation methods.
(d) For PPE stated at revalued amounts:
SEC i basis used to revalue assets;
PAS i effective date of revaluation;
PAS ii whether an independent
16.77(b) valuer was involved;
PAS iii the methods and significant
16.77(c) assumptions applied in estimating the
items' fair values;
PAS iv the extent to which the items'
16.77(d) fair values were determined
directly by reference to
observable prices in active
7 Investment property
PAS 7 Investment property
PAS (a) For investment properties, disclose the
40.75(a), following information:
(b) and (c)
i whether it applies the fair value model or
the cost model.
ii if it applies the fair value model,
whether, and in what circumstances,
property interests held under operating
leases are classified and accounted for as
investment property.
iii when classification is difficult (see
paragraph 14 of PAS 40), the criteria it
uses to distinguish investment property
from owner-occupied property and from
property held for sale in the ordinary
course of business.
PAS (b) Disclose the methods and significant
40.75(d) assumptions applied in determining the fair
value of investment property, including a
statement whether the determination of fair
value was supported by market evidence or
was more heavily based on other factors
(which the entity should disclose) because of
the nature of the property and lack of
comparable market data.
PAS (c) Whether the entity applies the fair value
40.76; model or cost model, provide a
40.79(d) reconciliation of the carrying amount of
9 Joint ventures
9 Joint ventures
PAS 31.56 (a) Disclose a listing and description of
interests in significant joint ventures and
the proportion of ownership interest held
in jointly controlled entities using the
line-by-line reporting format for
proportionate consolidation, or the equity
PAS 31.56 (b) Disclose the aggregate amount of each of
the following items related to the entity’s
interests in jointly controlled entities.
i current assets;
ii long-term assets;
iii current liabilities;
iv long-term liabilities;
v income (e.g., total of revenue and
other operating income); and
vi expenses (e.g., total of operating
expenses, and net interest expense).
PAS 31.54 (c) Disclose separately from other contingent
10 Intangible assets
PAS 10 Intangible assets
PAS (a) Initial Recognition and
38.18-24 Measurement - Recognize initially, at
cost, if, and only if:
i the asset meets the definition of an
intangible asset (particularly, there
should be an identifiable asset that is
controlled and clearly distinguishable
from an entity’s goodwill)
ii it is probable that the future
economic benefits that are
attributable to the asset will flow to
the entity; and
iii the cost of the asset can be measured
reliably. This requirement applies
Impairment losses reversed in
income or loss during the period
in accordance with PAS 36 (if
(vi) Amortization recognized during
the period;
(vii) Net exchange differences arising
on the translation of the financial
statements into the presentation
currency, and on the translation
of a foreign operation into the
presentation currency of the
entity; and
(viii) Other changes in the carrying
amount during the period.
PAS 2 A class of intangible assets is a grouping of
38.119 assets of a similar nature and used in an
entity’s operations. Examples of separate
classes may include:
(a) Brand names;
(b) Mastheads and publishing titles;
(c) Computer software;
(d) Licenses and franchises;
(e) Copyrights, patents and other industrial
property rights, service and operating
(f) Recipes, formulae, models, designs and
prototypes; and
(g) Intangible assets under development.
The classes mentioned above are
disaggregated (aggregated) into smaller
(larger) classes if this results in more relevant
information for the users of the financial
PAS 3 An entity discloses information on
38.120; impaired intangible assets under PAS 36 in
36.126-133 addition to the information required by
paragraph 118(e)(iii) to (v) of PAS 38.
PAS 4 An entity discloses the nature and effect of
38.121; a change in an accounting estimate that has
8.32-40 a material effect in the current period or
that is expected to have a material effect in
subsequent periods. Such disclosure may
arise from changes in:
(a) The assessment of an intangible asset's
useful life;
(b) The amortization method; or
(c) Residual values.
PAS 5 Disclose also:
respective amounts.
11 Contingent assets
11 Contingent assets
PAS 37. (a) Contingent assets are not recognized but
21, 31, 34 disclosure is required when an inflow of
economic benefits is probable.
PAS 37.89 (b) Disclose for contingent assets, where an
inflow of economic benefits is probable:
i a brief description of the nature of the
contingent assets at the end of the
reporting period; and
ii where practicable, disclose also an
estimate of their financial effect,
measured using the principles set out
for provisions in paragraphs 36-52 of
PAS 37; and
PAS 37.90 Note: It is important that disclosures
for contingent assets avoid giving
misleading indications of the
likelihood of income arising.
PAS 37.91 iii where this information is not disclosed
because it is not practicable to do so,
disclose that fact.
PAS 37.92 (c) In extremely rare cases, disclosure of some
or all of the information required by
paragraphs 84-89 of PAS 37 can be
expected to prejudice seriously the
position of the entity in a dispute with
other parties on the subject matter of the
provision, contingent liability or
contingent asset. In such cases, an entity
need not disclose the information, but
should disclose the general nature of the
dispute, together with the fact that, and
reason why, the information has not been
12 Other assets
12 Other assets
PAS 11.44 (a) Costs incurred and recognized profits
less recognized losses to date on long-
term construction contracts in
progress at the end of the reporting
68.1 separately any item which is in excess
(Annex of five per cent (5%) of total assets.
13 Impairment of assets
13 Impairment of assets
PAS 17.32, The disclosure requirements of PAS 36 apply
57 to owned assets and to the amounts of leased
assets held under finance leases in the
lessee's accounts.
PAS (a) Disclose the following for each class of
36.126 assets:
i the amount of impairment losses
recognized in income or loss during
the period and the line item(s) of the
income statement in which those
impairment losses are included.
ii the amount of reversals of
impairment losses recognized in
income or loss during the period and
the line item(s) of the income
statement in which those impairment
losses are reversed.
iii the amount of impairment losses on
revalued assets recognized directly in
other comprehensive income during
the period.
iv the amount of reversals of
impairment losses on revalued assets
recognized directly in other
comprehensive income during the
PAS (b) If an impairment loss for an individual
36.130 asset (or cash-generating unit)
recognized or reversed during the period
is material to the financial statements of
the reporting entity as a whole, disclose:
i the events and circumstances that led
to the recognition or reversal of the
impairment loss;
ii the amount of the impairment loss
recognized or reversed;
iii for an individual asset:
(1) the nature of the asset; and
(2) the segment information in
accordance with PFRS 8, the
reportable segment to which the
asset belongs (based on primary
iv for a cash-generating unit:
(1) a description of the cash
generating unit (such as whether
it is a product line, a plant, a
business operation, a
geographical area, a reportable
segment or as defined in PAS 14);
Ao2c Liabilities
1 Current and non-current liabilities distinction
1 Current and non-current liabilities
PAS 1.69 (a) A liability should be classified as a
current liability when it:
PAS i Is expected to be settled in the
1.69(a) normal course of the entity's
operating cycle;
PAS ii Is held primarily for the purpose of
1.69(b) being traded;
PAS iii Due to be settled within twelve
1.69(c) months after the reporting period.
3 Leases
3 Leases
PAS 17 Note: This section of the checklist applies
to Lessees. For Lessors, please refer
to Supplementary Checklist entitled
"Accounting by a Lessor".
SEC From the Standpoint of a Lessee -
Checklist Finance leases:
4 Income Taxes
4 Income taxes
PAS (a) Current income tax assets/liabilities
1.54(n) should be presented separately in the
statement of financial position. (See f
PAS (b) Deferred tax assets/liabilities should be
1.54(o) presented separately in the statement of
financial position. (See f below)
PAS 1.56 (c) If a distinction between current and non-
current assets and liabilities is made on the
face of the statement of financial position,
deferred tax assets (liabilities) should be
classified as non-current assets (liabilities).
PAS 1.61 (d) Where any of the above items combine
current and non-current amounts, disclose
the amount of the non-current portion,
which is expected to be recovered or settled
after more than 12 month.
SEC (e) Deferred tax assets and tax liabilities
checklist relating to different jurisdiction should be
presented separately.
PAS 12.71 (f) Offsetting rules of current tax assets and
& 74 liabilities are covered by PAS 12.71 and for
the offsetting rules of deferred tax assets
and liabilities by PAS 12.74.
is (are) computed; or
(ii)a numerical reconciliation between the
average effective tax rate and the
applicable tax rate, disclosing also the
basis on which the applicable tax rate is
PAS (n) Disclose an explanation of changes in the
12.81(d) applicable tax rate(s) compared to the
previous accounting period.
PAS 12.88 (o) Disclose any tax-related contingent
liabilities and contingent assets in
accordance with PAS 37, Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
PAS 12.88 (p) Disclose any significant effect of those
changes on its current and deferred tax
assets and liabilities where changes in tax
rates or tax laws are enacted or announced
after the reporting period.
2 Dividends
2 Dividends
PAS 1.107 (a) An entity should disclose, either in the
statement of changes in equity or in the
notes, the amount of dividends recognized
as distributions to owners during the
period, and the related amount per share.
PAS 10.12 (b) If an entity declares dividends to holders of
equity instruments (as defined in PAS 32
Financial Instruments: Disclosure and
Presentation) after the end of the reporting
period, the entity should not recognize
those dividends as a liability at the end of
the reporting period.
PAS 10.13 Note: If dividends are declared (i.e. the
dividends are appropriately authorized
and no longer at the discretion of the
entity) after the end of the reporting
period but before the financial statements
are authorized for issue, the dividends are
not recognized as a liability at the end of
the reporting period because they do not
meet the criteria of a present obligation in
PAS 37. Such dividends are disclosed in
the notes in accordance with PAS 1
Presentation of Financial Statements.
IFRIC For distribution of non-cash assets to owners,
17.16 disclose the following information, if
(a) the carrying amount of the dividend
payable at the beginning and end of the
period; and
(b) the increase or decrease in the carrying
amount recognized in the period in
accordance with paragraph 13 as result of
a change in the fair value of the assets to
be distributed.
IFRIC If, after the end of a reporting period but
17.17 before the financial statements are authorized
for issue, an entity declares a dividend to
distribute a non-cash asset, it shall disclose:
(a) the nature of the asset to be distributed;
(b) the carrying amount of the asset to be
distributed as of the end of the reporting
period; and
(c) whether fair values are determined, in
whole or in part, directly by reference to
published price quotations in an active
market or are estimated using a valuation
technique and the method used to
determine fair value and, when a valuation
technique is used, the assumptions
applied [PFRS 7 paragraph 27(a) and (b)].
3 Treasury shares
3 Treasury shares
PAS 32.33 (a) If an entity reacquires its own equity
instruments, those instruments (‘treasury
shares’) should be deducted from equity.
(i) No gain or loss should be recognized
in profit or loss on the purchase, sale,
issue or cancellation of an entity’s
own equity instruments.
(ii) Such treasury shares may be acquired
and held by the entity or by other
members of the consolidated group.
(iii) Consideration paid or received
should be recognized directly in
PAS 32.34 (b) The amount of treasury shares held is
disclosed separately either on the face of
the statement of financial position or in
the notes, in accordance with PAS 1
Presentation of Financial Statement.
PAS 32.34 (c) An entity provides disclosure in
accordance with PAS 24 Related Party
Disclosures if the entity reacquires its
own equity instruments from related
PAS 32 - Note: An entity’s own equity instruments
AG36 are not recognized as a financial asset
regardless of the reason for which they
are reacquired. Paragraph 33
requires an entity that reacquires its
own equity instruments to deduct those
equity instruments from equity.
However, when an entity holds its own
4 Puttable instruments
Puttable instruments
PAS Disclose the amount reclassified into and out of
32.80A; each category (financial liabilities or equity),
1.8A and the timing and reason for that
reclassification if there is a reclassification of
(a) a puttable financial instrument classified as
an equity instrument, or
(b) an instrument that imposes on the entity
an obligation to deliver to another party a
pro rata share of the net assets of the entity
only on liquidation and is classified as an
equity instrument
PAS For puttable financial instruments classified as
32.136A equity instruments, disclose the following:
(a) summary quantitative data about the
amount classified as equity;
(b) its objectives, policies and processes for
managing its obligation to repurchase or
redeem the instruments when required to
do so by the instrument holders, including
any changes from the previous period;
(c) the expected cash outflow on redemption
or repurchase of that class of financial
instruments; and
(d) information about how the expected cash
outflow on redemption or repurchase was
PAS Disclose the following, if not disclosed
32.138A elsewhere in information published with the
financial statements:
(a) the domicile and legal form of the entity,
its country of incorporation and the
address of its registered office (or principal
place of business, if different from the
registered office);
(b) a description of the nature of the entity's
operations and its principal activities
(c) the name of the parent and the ultimate
parent of the group; and
(d) if it is a limited life entity, information
regarding the length of its life
Other disclosures
5 Retained earnings
4 Retained earnings
Corp. (a) For stock corporations whose retained
Code Sec. earnings are in excess of 100% of their
43; paid-in share capital, include in notes
PAS justification for non-declaration of
1.79(v); dividends, which must be substantiated
PAS 1.122; by board resolutions, dealings with
PAS 1.125; investors, contracts, etc, such as the
PAS 1.7; following:
PAS 1.106;
13 of 2009
(i) When justified by definite corporate
expansion projects or programs
approved by the board of directors; or
(ii) When the corporation is prohibited
under any loan agreement with any
financial institution or creditor,
whether local or foreign, from declaring
dividends without its/his consent, and
such consent has not yet been secured;
(iii) When it can be clearly shown that such
retention is necessary under special
circumstances obtaining in the
corporation, such as when there is need
for special reserve for probable
SEC (b) Disclose the amount of undistributed
Opinion earnings of investee accounted for by the
dated Apr equity method included in the retained
23, 1995 earnings to properly explain the
increases in the balance of the retained
earnings which may be looked upon as an
undue accumulation of profits.
Note: The title of the statement should
continue to refer to equity even if the
amount is negative, that is, a deficit. In
this context, the term equity is
considered to be sufficiently broad as to
cover situations where there is a deficit
on the shareholder's funds. However,
individual line items within the
statement should refer to shareholders'
deficit if the amount is negative.
Similarly, if the entity records a net
loss, the title "Income Statement"
should still be used, but individual line
A02f Commitments
1 Commitments
1 Commitments
(a) Disclose the amount of contractual
commitments for the acquisition of:
PAS i property, plant and equipment; and
PAS 38. ii intangible assets.
PAS (b) Disclose contractual obligations:
i to purchase, construct or develop
investment property; or
ii for repairs, maintenance or
enhancements of investment property.
A03b Revenue
2 Revenue
PAS Disclose amount of each significant category
1.82(a); of revenue including:
SRC Rule (a) Primary business of the company;
PAS (b) Sale of goods and rendering of services;
& b.ii)
PAS (c) Construction contract revenue including
11.39(a-c) methods used to determine the contract
revenue recognized in the period and the
SRC Rule v Amount of exchange differences
68.1 included recognized in the net
(Annex income profit or loss for the period
68.1- except those arising on financial
L.5(B)); instruments measured at fair value
PAS through profit or loss in accordance
21.52(a) with PAS 39.
PAS 21.32 vi Impact of change in classification of
a significant foreign operation on net
profit or loss
SRC Rule vii Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS),
68.1 in case of mutual funds/investment
(Annex companies
PAS 1.87 (c) An entity should not present any items
of income or expense as extraordinary
items, in the statement of comprehensive
income or separate income statement (if
presented), or in the notes.
PAS (d) Impairment losses - For each class of
36.126(a) assets, the financial statement should
& (b) disclose the following amounts in income
or loss during the period, and the line
item(s) of the income statement in which
these amounts are included:
i impairment losses recognized
ii reversals of impairment losses
SRC Rule (e) Other Expenses - State separately the
68.1 expenditures with material amount or that
(Annex which constitutes 10% or more of the
68.1-L.4 revenue of the registrant.
SIC (f) Disclose the accounting treatment applied
27.10(b) to any fee received in an arrangement that
has the legal form of a lease but that in
substance does not involve a lease under
PAS 17, the amount recognized as income
in the period, and the line item of the
income statement in which it is included
(Refer to Section A2 Statement of
Financial Position and Related Notes
in the A2c Section of Liabilities -
PAS (g) Disclose the amount of foreign exchange
21.52(a) differences recognized in income or loss
except for those arising on financial
instruments measured at fair value through
profit or loss in accordance with PAS 39.
79(b) following:
PAS (1) revaluation reserve for property,
16.77(f) plant and equipment;
PAS (2) revaluation reserve for
38.124(b) intangible assets;
PFRS 7.20 (3) revaluation reserve for
available-for-sale financial
PFRS 7.23 (4) hedging reserve for cash flow
PAS (5) foreign exchange translation
21.52(b) reserve;
PAS (6) aggregate current or deferred
12.81(a) tax relating to items charged or
credited to equity. It is useful to
disclose the analysis by
category of temporary
PFRS 2.50 (7) equity-settled share-based
payment transactions;
PAS 1.108 iv accumulated income or loss
(retained earnings or deficit) and
the accumulated balance of each
class of other comprehensive
PAS 32.28 (3) Equity conversion element of convertible
PAS (4) Disclose, either in the statement of
1.79(b); financial position or the statement of
16.77(f); changes in equity, or in the notes, a
38.124(b) description of the nature and purpose or
each reserve within the equity, including
restrictions on the distribution of the
revaluation reserves.
PAS (5) For each class of assets, disclose the
36.126(c) amount of impairment losses on revalued
& (d) assets and the amount of reversals of
impairment losses, recognized directly in
equity during the period.
PAS 1. (6) Disclose in the notes the amount of
137(a) dividends proposed or declared before the
financial statements were authorized for
issue but not recognised as a distribution to
owners during the period, and the related
amount per share;
PAS (7) Disclose in the notes the amount of any
1.137(b) cumulative preference dividends not
IFRIC (8) The change in the revaluation surplus
1.6(d) arising from a change in the existing
decommissioning, restoration and similar
Other detailed disclosure requirements are
included in Disclosure Checklist A2 –
Statement of Financial Position (and
Related Notes).
(3) Items of income or expense
associated with investing or
financing cash flows
PAS 7.21 (c) Present major classes of gross cash
receipts and gross cash payments from
investing and financing activities (except
those cash flows that are properly
reported on a net basis)
PAS 7.22 (d) Cash flows from the following operating,
investing or financing activities may be
reported on a net basis:
PAS i Cash receipts and payments on behalf
7.22(a) of customers when the cash flows
and 7.23 reflect the activities of the customer
rather than the entity such as:
(1) Acceptance and repayment of
demand deposits of a bank
(2) Funds held for customers by an
investment entity
(3) Rents collected on behalf of, and
paid over to, the owners of
PAS ii Cash receipts and payments for items
7.22(b) with quick turnover, large amounts
and 7.23 and short-maturities such as:
(1) Principal amounts relating to
credit card customers
(2) Purchase and sale of investments
(3) Other short-term borrowings, e.g.
those with maturities of three
months or less
PAS 7.28 (e) Disclose separately from cash flows from
operating, investing and financing
activities, the effect of exchange rate
changes on cash and cash equivalents held
or due in foreign currency. This amount
includes the differences, if any had those
cash flows been reported at end of period
exchange rates.
PAS 7.35 (f) Disclose separately cash flows from taxes
on income in operating activities, unless
they can be identified specifically with
financing or investing activities.
PAS 7.31 (g) Disclose separately cash flows from
interest and dividends received.
PAS 7.31 (h) Disclose separately cash flows from
interest and dividends paid.
PAS 7.31 Note: Each cash flows from interest and
dividends received and paid should be
classified in a consistent manner from
SECTION VIII - FIRST-TIME ADOPTION OF PFRS 1 (To be used only for NPAE or a pre-
need/insurance company adopting PFRS for the first time
A06a General disclosures
1 General Disclosures
Note: While PFRS is used in these
checklists, financial reporting
framework other than PFRS may also
be used, provided the coverage of the
term used is described in the notes to
financial statements.
PFRS 1.21 (a) To comply with PAS 1 (revised), an
entity's first PFRS financial statements
should include at least three statements
of financial position, two statements of
comprehensive income, two separate
income statements (if presented), two
statements of cash flows and two
statements of changes in equity and
related notes, including comparative
SRC Rule Note: For non-public companies, at least
68, two-year comparative statement for
Section balance sheet, income statement, cash flow
5.c statement and statement of changes in
A07c Financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
A07c Financial assets or financial liabilities at
fair value through profit or loss
PFRS 7.9 If a loan or receivable (or group of loans or
receivables) is designated as at fair value
through profit or loss, disclose:
(a) the maximum exposure to credit risk (see
PFRS7p36(a)) of the loan or receivable (or
group of
loans or receivables) at the reporting date;
(b) the amount by which any related credit
derivatives or
similar instruments mitigate that maximum
exposure to credit risk;
(c) the amount of change, during the period
and cumulatively, in the fair value of the
loan or receivable (or group of loans or
receivables) that is attributable to changes
in the credit risk of the financial asset
determined either:
(i) as the amount of change in its fair value
that is not attributable to changes in
market conditions that give rise to market
risk; or
(ii) using an alternative method that the entity
believes more faithfully represents the
amount of change in its fair value that is
attributable to changes in the credit risk of
the asset.Changes in market conditions
that give rise to market risk include
changes in an observed (benchmark)
interest rate, commodity price, foreign
exchange rate or index of prices or rates;
(d) the amount of the change in the fair value
of any related credit derivatives or similar
instruments that has occurred during the
period and cumulatively since the loan or
receivable was designated.
PFRS 7.10 If the entity has designated a financial liability
AppxB4 as at fair value through profit or loss in
accordance with paragraph 9 of PAS 39,
(a) the amount of change, during the period
and cumulatively, in the fair value of the
financial liability that is attributable to
changes in the credit risk of that liability
determined either:
(i) as the amount of change in its fair value
A07d Reclassification
A07d Reclassification
PFRS7p12 If the entity has reclassified a financial asset as
one measured:
(a) at cost or amortized cost, rather than at
fair value; or
(b) at fair value, rather than at cost or
amortized cost, disclose the amount
reclassified into and out of each category
and the reason for that reclassification
(see PAS39p51-54).
PFRS7p12 If the entity has reclassified a financial asset
A out of the fair value through profit or loss
A07e Derecognition
A07e Derecognition
PFRS 7.13 If financial assets have been transferred in
such a way that part or all of the financial
assets do not qualify for derecognition (see
39p15-37), disclose for each class of such
financial assets:
(a) the nature of the assets;
(b)the nature of the risks and rewards of
ownership to which the entity remains
(c) when the entity continues to recognize all of
A07f Collateral
A07f Collateral
PFRS 7.14 Disclose:
(a) the carrying amount of financial assets that
the entity has pledged as collateral for
liabilities or contingent liabilities, including
amounts that have been reclassified in
accordance with PAS39p37(a); and
(b) the terms and conditions relating to its
PFRS 7.15 When the entity holds collateral (of financial or
non-financial assets) and is permitted to
sell or repledge the collateral in the absence
of default by the owner of the collateral,
(a) the fair value of the collateral held;
(b) the fair value of any such collateral sold or
repledged, and whether the entity has an
obligation to return it; and
(c) the terms and conditions associated with
its use of the collateral.
ii Other disclosures
ii a.) Accounting policies
ii (a) Accounting policies
PFRS Disclose in the summary of significant
7.21; accounting policies the measurement basis (or
1.117 bases) used in preparing the financial statements
and relevant to an understanding of the financial
PFRS7 (iii) how the entity has satisfied the conditions
AppxB5 in PAS39p9, PAS39p11A or PAS39p12 for
such designation. For instruments designated
in accordance with PAS39p9(b)(i) of the
definition of a financial asset or financial
liability at fair value through profit or loss,
include a narrative description of the
circumstances underlying the measurement or
recognition inconsistency that would
otherwise arise. For instruments designated in
accordance with PAS39p9(b)(ii) of the
definition of a financial asset or financial
liability at fair value through profit or loss,
include a narrative description of how
designation at fair value through profit or loss
is consistent with the entity’s documented risk
management or investment strategy;
of financial position.
PFRS Disclose:
(a) the methods and, when a valuation
technique is used, the assumptions
applied in determining fair values of each
class of financial asset or financial
liability. For example, if applicable,
disclose information about the
assumptions relating to prepayment
rates, rates of estimated credit losses, and
interest rates or discount rates;
(b) whether fair values are determined, in
whole or in part, directly by reference to
published price quotations in an active
market or are estimated using a valuation
technique (see PAS39AG71-AG79);
(c) whether the fair values recognized or
disclosed in the financial statements are
determined in whole or in part using a
valuation technique based on
assumptions that are not supported by
prices from observable current market
transactions in the same instrument (ie,
without modification or repackaging) and
not based on available observable market
data. For fair values that are recognized
in the financial statements, if changing
one or more of those assumptions to
reasonably possible alternative
assumptions would change the fair value
significantly, state this fact and disclose
the effect of those changes. For this
purpose, judge the significance with
respect to profit or loss, and total assets
or total liabilities, or, when changes in
fair value are recognized in equity, total
equity; and
(d) if (c) applies, the total amount of the
change in fair value estimated using such
a valuation technique that was recognized
in profit or loss during the period.
PFRS Disclose for each class of financial
7.27 instruments the methods and, when a
valuation technique is used, the assumptions
applied in determining fair values of each
class of financial assets or financial liabilities.
For example, if applicable, an entity discloses
information about the assumptions relating
of PFRS 7.
PFRS (b) any significant transfers between Level 1
7.27B(b) and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy
and the reasons for those transfers.
Transfers into each level shall be
disclosed and discussed separately from
transfers out of each level. For this
purpose, significance shall be judged with
respect to profit or loss, and total assets
or total liabilities.
PFRS (c) for fair value measurements in Level 3 of
7.27B(c) the fair value hierarchy, a reconciliation
from the beginning balances to the
ending balances, disclosing separately
changes during the period attributable to
the following:
(i) total gains or losses for the period
recognized in profit or loss, and a
description of where they are
presented in the statement of
comprehensive income or the
separate income statement (if
(ii) total gains or losses recognized in
other comprehensive income;
(iii) purchases, sales, issues and
settlements (each type of movement
disclosed separately); and
(iv) transfers into or out of Level 3 (eg
transfers attributable to changes in
the observability of market data) and
the reasons for those transfers. For
significant transfers, transfers into
Level 3 shall be disclosed and
discussed separately from transfers
out of Level 3.
PFRS (d) the amount of total gains or losses for the
7.27B(d) period in (c)(i) above included in profit or
loss that are attributable to gains or losses
relating to those assets and liabilities held
at the end of the reporting period and a
description of where those gains or losses
are presented in the statement of
comprehensive income or the separate
income statement (if presented).
PFRS (e) for fair value measurements in Level 3, if
7.27B(e) changing one or more of the inputs to
i Credit risks
i (a) Credit risk
PFRS Disclose by class of financial instrument:
7.36 (a) the amount that best represents the
AppdxB9 entity’s maximum exposure to credit risk
-10 at the reporting date without taking
account of any collateral held or other
credit enhancements (for example,
netting agreements that do not qualify for
offset in accordance with PAS 32);
(b) in respect of the amount disclosed in (a),
a description of collateral held as security
and other credit enhancements;
(c) information about the credit quality of
financial assets that are neither past due
nor impaired; and
(d) the carrying amount of financial assets
that would otherwise be past due or
impaired whose terms have been
ii Market risk
ii a.) Sensitivity analysis
ii Sensitivity analysis
PFRS Unless an entity complies with PFRS7p41,
7.40 disclose:
AppdxB17 (a) a sensitivity analysis for each type of
- market risk to which the entity is exposed
B28 at the reporting date, showing how profit
or loss and equity would have been
affected by changes in the relevant risk
variable that were reasonably possible at
that date;
(b) the methods and assumptions used in
preparing the sensitivity analysis; and
(c) changes from the previous period in the
methods and assumptions used, and the
reasons for such changes.
PFRS 7.41 If the entity prepares a sensitivity analysis,
AppdxB17 such as value at risk, that reflects
-28 interdependencies between risk variables (for
example, interest rates and exchange rates)
and uses it to manage financial risks, it may
use that sensitivity analysis in place of the
analysis specified in PFRS7p40. Also
(a) an explanation of the method used in
preparing such a sensitivity analysis, and
of the main parameters and assumptions
underlying the data provided; and
(b) an explanation of the objective of the
method used and of limitations that may
result in the information not fully
reflecting the fair value of the assets and
liabilities involved.
PFRS 7.43 Apply PFRS 7 for annual periods beginning
on or after 1 January 2007. Earlier
application is encouraged. If an entity applies
this PFRS for an earlier period, disclose that
A07n Reclassification
PFRS7p12 1. If the entity has reclassified a financial
asset (in accordance with paragraphs PAS
(iii) reason why, the information has not
been disclosed.the general nature of the