Flygt Mixers

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Flygt top-entry agitators

Convenient and efficient


Top energy-efficient

Comprehensive mixing

Xylem’s wide array of

reliable, trouble-free
mixing equipment
Rising to the mixing challenge Top-entry agitation n Flygt top-entry
All mixing applications require vary- When deep tank mixing is essential agitators
ing degrees of both small-scale tur- for wastewater treatment processes, n Flygt low-speed
bulence and bulk flow. With a good Flygt top-entry agitators deliver out- mixers
bulk flow, the contents of the entire standing cost-effective performance n Flygt compact mixers
tank are put into motion so that all for applications that involve all types n Flygt jet mixers
parts are involved in the mixing. The of fluids, including high DS fibrous n Flygt hydroejectors
strength of the bulk flow is, in turn, sludge.
dependent on the total amount of in-
stalled thrust and layout. Engineered for energy efficiency, hy-
gienic handling and ease of instal-
lation and service, these agitators
Unparalleled expertise, broad mixing combine dry-installed drives with
solutions submersible shaft and impellers for:
Xylem pioneered the use of thrust as
n Digester mixing
the main performance parameter for
n Denitrification processes
mixing. And every day, we put more
n Sludge storage mixing
than 50 years of R&D expertise and
practical experience to work to deter-
Advantages of Flygt
mine the right technology, mixer size
top-entry agitators
and installation for your requirements.
n Maximum uptime
Our comprehensive portfolio of n Strong bulk flow and
mixers and agitators cover virtually high mixing efficiency
every requirement. Hundreds of thou- n High energy efficiency
sands of Flygt mixers and agitators n Easy to service
are in service worldwide, delivering n Highly versatile for all
efficient mixing performance. fluid types
n Hygienic handling


Higher process reliability,

greater flexibility
Ensuring successful mixing depends on the reli-
ability and flexibility of the right mixing technolo-
gy. With Flygt top-entry agitators from Xylem, you
can effectively fine-tune your anaerobic, anoxic
and digester processes regardless of tank depth,
volume, shape or size.

Sturdy construction
Every component of Flygt top-entry mixers is en-
gineered to withstand tens of thousands of hours Robust cast-iron bearing All wetted parts made of
of continuous operation. Parallel shaft geared housing high-alloy steel

motors combined with rigid drive shaft and spe-

cially designed impellers contribute to long-lasting

Outstanding impeller design

Whether you choose our standard three-blade hy-
drofoil impellers or our proven non-clogging Flygt
banana blade impellers, you get exceptional thrust
and high bulk flow along with excellent energy ef-
ficiency. Our signature yellow impeller blades with
its backswept design, offers the advantage of self-
cleaning properties to ensure clog-free operation,
even in the presence of fibrous materials.

Impeller designs for optimum performance in

Design flexibility for any requirement different fluids and/or tank types.

Our top-entry agitator portfolio comprises three

reliable Flygt models that can be tailored to your
process needs. Simply tell us about your agitation
requirements. Then let us recommend the configu-
ration that is right for you by specifying the impeller
type, number, size, shaft and position.

Built to fit: Configure your Flygt top-entry agitators with a single

impeller or multiple impellers up to 4 meters in diameter.


Flygt 4850 3
For a wide variety of mixing scenarios

1 Detachable coupl­ings
with carrier pins 1
Easily withstand tor-
sional forces.

2 Parallel shaft 5 Compact high-alloy
geared motor shaft
Ensures continuous Provides rigidity
duty and long and load-bearing
lifespan. capabilities.
3 Robust bearing 6 Flygt banana blade
housing impellers
Protects bearings Provide sustained
to ensure smooth mixing efficiency
operation. even in the presence
of fibrous mate-
4 Spherical roller rial. Permanently at- 6
bearings tached to the shaft in
Provide up to fixed positions.
100,000 hours of ser-
vice life.

Optional three-blade Bottom support

hyd­rofoil impeller bearing

Adjustable positioning opti- This accessory securely af-

mizes bulk flow and prevents fixes the shaft to the basin
formation of surface scum. floor, eliminating agitator
Available in high-alloy steel and bridge vibration to pro-
for high temperatures with vide ultimate stability.
up to 2.5-m diameters. Locks
to shaft by means of a ta-
pered clamp.


Flygt 4860/4870
For easy-to-service digester mixing 3

1 Wear-proof water lock

Prevents leakage of
potentially harmful 1
gases and agitator
breakdown through 5
the use of an explo-
sion-proof gear motor
and level sensor
system. No wear parts.

2 Parallel shaft 6 Leveling flange 5

geared motor Makes it easy to adjust
Ensures continuous shaft to true vertical
duty and long lifespan. position.
3 Robust bearing 7 High-strength, vari-
housing able-length shaft
Protects bearings Reinforced with plunge
to ensure smooth and carrier pins. Pro-
operation. longs service lifetime 7
and minimizes the risk
4 Long-life roller of breakdown.
Provide long service life. 8 Flygt three-blade
hydrofoil impellers
5 Couplings with For low power con-
carrier pins sumption and high
Easily withstand torsion- flow rate. Delivered as
al forces. Stress reliev- loose blades for easy
ers mitigate shearing assembly.
forces on the shaft hub
and minimize the risk of
blade damage.

Leveling flange with Rotating shaft

gas seal stabilizer

This accessory aligns motor This accessory prevents shaft

housing with shaft to runout by securely affixing
eliminate the risk of increased the shaft end to the digester
shaft load and gas leakage. bottom with a tight swivel
Horizontal position can easily coupling assembly.
be adjusted by a single

Technical data

Peak performance
starts on top
Facts and figures

Model SY4850 SY4860 SY4870

Main application Denitrification Municipal digesters Municipal digesters
Installed electric power
· 50 Hz, kW 2.2–7.5 1.5–4.0 5.5–15
· 60 Hz, kW 2.6–9.0 1.8–4.8 6.6–18
Impeller speed
· 50 Hz, rpm 18–44 10–24 12–23
· 60 Hz, rpm 22–59 12–29 14–28
Impeller diameters
· Flygt banana, m (in) 2.5 (98) – –
· 3-blade steel, m (in) 1.5 (59) – 2.5 (98) 1.5 (59) – 2.5 (98) 2.0 (79) – 4.0 (157)
Max thrust, N 6,000 6,000 13,500
Working volumes ox/anox basin Up to 2,000 m³ Up to 5,000 m³
Approved for use in hazar­ – Yes Yes
dous environments
Accessories Bottom support Shaft stabilizer Shaft stabilizer
Leveling flange Leveling flange
Max. temperature 50°/80°C 80°C 80°C

Thrust ranges


0 5,000 10,000 15,000
Thrust (N)

Empower system performance

With Flygt monitoring and control smooth startups and stops. The VFD
products from Xylem, you can control senses demand for increased power
and optimize mixer performance. This and reverses the drive for impel-
helps reduce stress on equipment, ler cleaning. Built-in communica-
prolong service lifetime and enable tion interfaces for PLC and SCADA
early detection of any maintenance systems.

Variable frequency drive

To regulate the speed of Flygt top-
entry agitators, there’s Flygt PS 200,
a variable frequency drive unit for

SUpport & Service

A perfect blend of support

and service

Boost efficiency with

monitoring and control

We supply everything
from controllers, sensors
and start equipment A deep understanding of fluid han- Global service network
to SCADA software for
dling and vast experience in mixing Should any problem occur with your
complete fluid handling
supervision. technologies make Xylem a reliable Flygt agitators and mixers, profes-
partner for your wastewater sional assistance and original spare
process requirements. parts are always within easy reach
through Xylem’s extensive service
Systems engineering expertise network in 140 countries.
Dimensioning and layout are critical
factors in maximizing performance.
Using our expertise and intelligent
tools, we analyze your requirements
to identify the right mixer or agitation
system to optimize your processes.

Support along the way

Our recommendations result from the
use of specially developed and vali-
dated Computational Fluid Dynamics
software programs, based on care-
Enjoy the benefits of a
fully selected, relevant models. Our
premium brand
own testing facilities as well as field
Genuine spare parts are testing and measurement of actual
vital to ensure long and performance onsite provide Xylem
trouble-free operation. engineers with keen insight into what
We guarantee the avail-
works. Using this knowledge and ex-
ability of spare parts for
10 years after we stop pertise, we help you maintain your
production of a model. mixing installation in top operating

Xylem |'zīl m| e
1) The tissue in plants that brings water upward from the roots;
2) a leading global water technology company.

FB009-1101 • Flygt Top-Entry Agitators Brochure • 04/2012 • US

We’re 12,000 people unified in a common purpose: creating innovative solutions to
meet our world’s water needs. Developing new technologies that will improve the way
water is used, conserved, and re-used in the future is central to our work. We move, treat,
analyze, and return water to the environment, and we help people use water efficiently, in
their homes, buildings, factories and farms. In more than 150 countries, we have strong,
long-standing relationships with customers who know us for our powerful combination
of leading product brands and applications expertise, backed by a legacy of innovation.

For more information on how Xylem can help you, go to

Xylem, Inc.
14125 South Bridge Circle
Charlotte, NC 28273
Tel 704.409.9700
Fax 704.295.9080
Flygt is a trademark of Xylem Inc. or one of its subsidiaries.
© 2012 Xylem, Inc. FEB 2012

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