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Dates: 30/10-3/11 Class: K 1 Topic: “Be our guest” Teacher: Agostina N.

Mancuso- Camila Moreno

Timetable M T W TH F

13.00 a 13:20 Green Classroom Green Classroom Green Classroom Green Classroom Green Classroom
 Rutine (Hello song-
 Rutine (Hello song-  Rutine (Hello song-  Rutine (Hello song-  Rutine (Hello song-
weather/feelings- weather/feelings-brain weather/feelings- weather/feelings- weather/feelings-brain
brain gym).
brain gym). gym). brain gym). gym).

13:20 a 14:00 Green Classroom Green Classroom Green Classroom Green Classroom Green Classroom
 Watch the video “Food  Read the book “Growing  Classify the food for  Read the book Apple  Play a memory game.
story´s” Steve and vegetable soup”. their color. trouble.  Make our fruits skewers.
Maggie// Can you give  Classify the food in fruits  Math game: each kid  Apple picking: the
me something good to and vegetables. choose a number students have to make
eat?. card. Then they go with dough the apple
 Learn about fruits and shopping and select that indicates the
vegetables. Explore the appropriate number on the basket.
different pictures. number of vegetables
to match the number
on the card. Other
day, they make the
same with fruits.

Dates: 30/10-3/11 Class: K 2 Topic: “Be our guest” Teacher: Agostina N. Mancuso- Viviana Nievas

Timetable M T W TH F

12.30 a 13.30 Nap time: Yellow Classroom

13.45 a 14.00 Red classroom Red classroom Red classroom Red classroom Red classroom
Play Time Play Time Play Time Play Time Play Time

14.00 a 14.15 Red classroom Red classroom Red classroom Red classroom Red classroom
 Rutine (Hello song-  Rutine (Hello song-  Rutine (Hello song-  Rutine (Hello song-  Rutine (Hello song-
weather/feelings-brain weather/feelings-brain weather/feelings-brain weather/feelings-brain weather/feelings-brain
gym). gym). gym). gym). gym).

14.15 a 14.40 Red classroom Yellow Classroom Blue Classroom Yellow Classroom Red classroom
WORKSHOP  Classify the food for their  Read the book Apple
 Watch the video “Food CENTERS Final task color. trouble.
story´s” Steve and  C1: Read the book  Math game: each kid  Apple picking: the
Maggie// Can you give “Growing vegetable choose a number card. students have to
me something good to soup”. Then they go shopping make with dough the
eat?. and select the appropriate apple that indicates
 Learn about fruits and number of vegetables to the number on the
vegetables. Explore  C2: Classify the food in match the number on the basket.
different pictures. fruits and vegetables. card. Other day, they make
the same with fruits.

14.40 a 15.00 Park – Washing Hands

15.00 a 15.30 Tea Time

15. 30 a 15.45 Time to clean up and dance songs related to the topic

15.45 a 16.00

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