1) The document provides an overview of Miss Hutchinson's reception class activities for the week, focusing on different areas of learning.
2) Activities include reading the story of Handa's Surprise, fruit tasting, balancing bean bags, independent iPad time, and making a class graph of favorite fruits.
3) The document also lists learning goals for areas like listening, healthy eating, writing names, ordering items by weight, and using simple tools.
1) The document provides an overview of Miss Hutchinson's reception class activities for the week, focusing on different areas of learning.
2) Activities include reading the story of Handa's Surprise, fruit tasting, balancing bean bags, independent iPad time, and making a class graph of favorite fruits.
3) The document also lists learning goals for areas like listening, healthy eating, writing names, ordering items by weight, and using simple tools.
1) The document provides an overview of Miss Hutchinson's reception class activities for the week, focusing on different areas of learning.
2) Activities include reading the story of Handa's Surprise, fruit tasting, balancing bean bags, independent iPad time, and making a class graph of favorite fruits.
3) The document also lists learning goals for areas like listening, healthy eating, writing names, ordering items by weight, and using simple tools.
1) The document provides an overview of Miss Hutchinson's reception class activities for the week, focusing on different areas of learning.
2) Activities include reading the story of Handa's Surprise, fruit tasting, balancing bean bags, independent iPad time, and making a class graph of favorite fruits.
3) The document also lists learning goals for areas like listening, healthy eating, writing names, ordering items by weight, and using simple tools.
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Miss Hutchinson-Reception Class
2 Week Working towards: Working towards Working towards: Working Working towards Working towards ELG: Working towards 1 ELG: Listen to ELG: Children know Write simple towards ELG: ELG: Children use and explore a variety ELG: They show stories, accurately the importance of a sentences which can Children use know about of materials, tools and anticipating key healthy diet. sensitivity to oth- be read by everyday similarities and techniques, experimenting WC 22.02.16 events and respond ers’ needs and feel- themselves and language to talk differences in with colour and design. to what they hear Steps to achieve ings, and form pos- others. about size, relation to places with relevant this: 40-60m Eats itive relationships Steps to achieve weight and to Steps to achieve this: Steps to achieve Topic- comments a healthy range of this: 40-60m Writes compare Uses simple tools and Steps to achieve this: Look closely Stories Steps to achieve foodstuffs and own name and other quantities. techniques competently. this: 40-60m Ex- at similarities, from this: 40-60m understands need things such as labels ------------------------- plains own know- Steps to differences Around Maintains attention, for variety in food --------------------- Collect some fruit and the concentrates and sits ---------------------- ledge and under- Continue with daily achieve this: vegetables in a basket -------------------- World- quietly during Mon-PE –Warm up phonics and guided 40-60m Orders and draw them. What standing. Find out about the appropriate activity Play Fruit Salad. reading. two items by colours / textures will you animals that 1.Handa’ ------------------- Followed by bean If you were going weight. need to show? appear in the s Introduce the story bag balancing. (Can to collect some After tasting the ----------------- story. Where do Surprise of Handa’s Surprise. you balance the gifts for a friend, fruit, ask chn to Weigh and Fruit Printing/painting they live? What Look at the title and ‘basket’ like draw their favourite compare the what would you give do they like to pictures with a variety of cover. Predict what Handa?) one. Label the different fruits them? Why? eat? fruits. Also, the surprise might picture or write a from the story. refer be. Then, read the Fruit tasting, with sentence, using a The story is based What surprises Can you put them Weaving pictures. Encour- to blurb on the back fruits from HS. En- describing word. (Use in south-west outdoor have people organ- in order from Kenya. Can you age children to do this in- cover. Does this give courage the class to list) and ised for you? Can lightest to find this on a dependently. any more clues about taste/feel them. Phonics you think of a nice heaviest? map? Can you find the surprise? Can they use a word Can they remember plans. surprise that you out more about Music-Listen to African which animal took Make a class to describe each could arrange for the country? How music-Create a dance. The story is full of each piece of fruit? graph of one? Make a class somebody else? is it similar / Resources African questions. Look at the Complete matching favourite fruits- list of vocabulary to different to instruments. use of question activity. What is the describe the fruit. In small groups play where you live? marks. What animals favourite type Weekly Enhancements- Discuss healthy Handa’s board Share Non-Fiction are featured in the of fruit in the Look at real Add a variety of Fruit and eating. game. Encourage stories on Africa. class? story? pictures of vegetables to the role (Also see Acker turn taking. Recap the Africa/animals/ play area, with a basket. Backa Boo -games (Literacy Trust) differences between Which one is the How many are there safari etc. Encourage children to re- from around the fiction/non-fiction. least favourite? altogether? tell the story. world book.) Miss Hutchinson-Reception Class Independent activity- iPads.
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