Jacob and Esau Questions

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Jacob and Esau Power Point Ques3ons

1. Who are the twins of Rebekah and Isaac?

2. What does “Esau” mean?

3. What does “Jacob” mean?

4. What was the birthright?

5. What was the blessing?

6. Who helps Jacob with the decep3on of his father?

7. How does Esau respond to Jacob stealing the family blessing?

8. To whom does Jacob flee?

9. Who is Rachel?

10.How was Jacob tricked at the first wedding?

11.How many years does Jacob have to work to marry Rachel?

12.Name the 4 wives of Jacob?

13.How long does the angel wrestle with Jacob?

14.How does the angel injure Jacob?

15.How does the angel bless him?

16.How is Jacob re-named?

17.Who could the angel be?

18.What does “Israel” mean?

19.What is Penuel?

20.Why are Levi, Dinah and Joseph not part of the 12 tribes?

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