Construction Template WHS Management Plan 2022
Construction Template WHS Management Plan 2022
Construction Template WHS Management Plan 2022
<Insert name of business>.....................................................................................................................1
Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management Plan...............................................................................1
<Insert name of project>.......................................................................................................................1
Contents 1
1 Project information.........................................................................................................3
1.1 Management and review.............................................................................3
1.2 Principal contractor details..........................................................................3
1.3 Details of persons at workplace with WHS responsibilities.........................3
1.4 Other contact details....................................................................................4
1.5 Scope of work..............................................................................................4
2 Roles and responsibilities.............................................................................................5
2.1 Principal contractor......................................................................................5
2.2 Contractors..................................................................................................5
2.3 Workers.......................................................................................................6
2.4 People with specific WHS roles and responsibilities...................................6
3 General WHS information..............................................................................................7
3.1 Legislation....................................................................................................7
3.2 Codes of practice.........................................................................................7
3.3 WHS policy..................................................................................................8
3.4 Other policies...............................................................................................8
3.5 Insurances...................................................................................................8
4 Risk management...........................................................................................................9
4.1 Identifying hazards and managing risks......................................................9
4.2 Hierarchy of control.....................................................................................9
5 High risk construction work........................................................................................10
5.1 High risk construction work activities.........................................................10
5.2 Licences for high risk work........................................................................10
5.3 Asbestos....................................................................................................10
6 Emergency and incident response.............................................................................11
6.1 Emergency preparedness.........................................................................11
Emergency procedure................................................................................11
Emergency meeting point...........................................................................11
Emergency contact list for the site..............................................................11
6.2 Incident procedure.....................................................................................11
6.3 Notifiable incidents....................................................................................12
6.4 First aid......................................................................................................12
1 Project information
2.2 Contractors
Contractors who are engaged for this project are responsible for:
fulfilling the duties of PCBU for their own operations
identifying all high risk construction work associated with their activities and ensuring safe
work method statements are developed and implemented
complying with the duties of a worker (see section 2.3)
following all safety policies and procedures and site rules
complying with this Plan
complying with any direction given to them by the principal contactor
undertaking site-specific induction before starting work and signing off that they have
completed this induction
ensuring the workers they engage also undertake the site specific induction.
ensuring they have the correct tools and equipment and these are in a serviceable condition
for the task
2.3 Workers
All workers on this project (including those employed by contractors) are responsible for:
taking reasonable care of their own health and safety
taking reasonable care that their conduct does not adversely affect others
complying with instruction so far as they are reasonably able
cooperating with reasonable notified policies or procedures
3.1 Legislation
Relevant legislation Tick if applicable
Work Health and Safety Act 2012
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012
Confined spaces
Construction work
Demolition work
Excavation work
Managing the risks of respirable crystalline silica from engineered stone in the
Managing the work environment and facilities
Welding processes
3.5 Insurances
Insurance type Company Policy number Expiry date
4 Risk management
5.3 Asbestos
The principal contractor will ensure:
all workers understand our procedures for asbestos and follow the correct removal
all workers are trained and use the appropriate personal protective equipment
only licenced asbestos removalists are used to remove asbestos where the quantity to be
removed exceeds the 10 square metre limit or is friable
the correct signage and controls are in place before any removal of asbestos commences
the asbestos is wrapped and disposed of correctly.
Emergency procedure
In the event of a fire or similar emergency evacuation:
stop work immediately and vacate the workplace
help anyone in the workplace who may not be familiar with the evacuation procedures
call emergency services on 000, or on 112 from a mobile phone. Other emergency numbers
are on display in the site office (if applicable)
notify the principal contractor
assemble in the nominated assembly points until you receive further instructions from the
principal contractor or emergency services personnel
Operating hours:
Police Station: 131 444
Local Council:
Electrical Emergency:
Gas Emergency:
Water Emergency:
Professional Association:
Principal contractor:
Contact details:
Site supervisor:
Contact details:
8.1 Consultation
We will consult with all workers and contractors on WHS issues for this project:
at toolbox meetings where anyone can raise issues for discussion
informally during the planning of activities or the development of Safe Work Method
when changes to workplace arrangements could affect the health and safety of workers
during investigations into any incident to establish details of the incident or to formulate
corrective action to prevent the incident re-occurring
We will consult with contractors and suppliers on WHS issues associated with any products or
services provided for the contract:
during the negotiation phase before agreeing on the work requirements
before starting any contractor operations
when any changes to workplace arrangements occur that could affect the health and safety
of the contractors or affect their work procedures
8.2 Communication
We will ensure our workers and contractors are aware of WHS requirements by providing them with
this Plan before starting work on the project. Contractors are expected to make their workers aware
of all WHS requirements.
We will communicate relevant WHS information to everyone involved in this project by:
toolbox meetings
incident reports and outcomes
sharing safety alerts and guidance material about industry-specific hazards/incidents
Demolition work
We <EXPECT/DO NOT EXPECR> to undertake demolition work for this project. We will submit a
demolition work notification form to WorkSafe Tasmania on <DD/MM/YYYY> to meet our
requirement to advise WorkSafe at least five days before the project starts.
We will comply with AS3012—2019 Electrical installations – construction and demolition sites as
Power supplied to the site will only come from:
an electricity distributer’s main
an existing switchboard permanently installed at the premises
a compliant low voltage generator
a compliant inverter.
Switchboards and distribution boards will:
be of robust construction and materials capable of withstanding damage from the weather
and other environmental and site influences (IP23 minimum rating)
be securely attached to a post, pole, wall or other structure unless it is of a stable
freestanding design able to withstand external forces likely to be present
incorporate suitable support and protection for flexible cords and cables and prevent
mechanical strain to the cable connections inside the board
be individually distinguished by numbers, letters or a combination of both (where multiple
boards are present).
All live parts will be effectively protected at all times.
Flexible cords used on construction sites will be rated heavy duty.
To avoid confusion with individual earthing conductors, green sheathed flexible power cords will not
be used on site.
We will maintain an in-service inspection and test regime for all portable electrical leads, tools and
earth leakage devices. After the equipment has been inspected and tested, it must be fitted with a
durable, non-reusable, non-metallic tag. The tag must include the name of the person or company
who performed the test and the test and re-test date.
We will keep records of all inspections, tests, repairs and faults related to all electrical equipment in
a testing and tagging register. New electrical equipment will be recorded in the register and
subjected to the in-service testing regime within the first 3 months of service.
We will ensure our cords do not exceed the maximum length as stated below:
Rated current Conductor size Maximum length in metres
1.5mm 35
10amp 2.5mm 60
4.0mm 100
1.5m 25
15/16 amp 2.5m 40
4.0mm 65
2.5mm 30
20 amp 4.0m 50
6.0mm 75
Excavation work/trenching
A Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) will be prepared for:
work trenches 1.5 metres or more deep, or dug by powered mobile equipment
any work close to underground pressurised gas distribution mains or piping (chemical, fuel
or refrigerant lines) and energised electrical installations.
Any person undertaking excavation work must:
find out about any underground services that may be affected by their works, before starting
See Safety in Construction: Your guide to managing safety in housing and construction at
Falling objects
Where practical, we will reduce the risks associated with objects falling onto someone by:
providing a safe barrier
providing a safe means of raising and lowering objects
creating an exclusion zone that people are prohibited form entering
scheduling work tasks so workers are not working beneath other work
ensuring thorough housekeeping on high levels of the construction.
If this isn’t reasonably practical, then we will reduce the risk of an object falling on someone by
adequately providing a safe system of work by:
preventing an object from falling freely (most preferred option)
providing a system to arrest the fall of a falling object (least preferred option).
If it’s not reasonably practicable to provide this, we will provide a work positioning system: any plant
or structure, other than temporary work platform, that enables a person to be positioned and safely
If it’s not reasonably practicable to provide any of these, we will consider the lowest order of control,
providing a fall arrest safety system (a fall arrest harness and lanyards). In this case, we will:
establish an emergency procedure that has been tested to ensure it is effective
provide training/instruction to the workers who will be using the fall arrest safety system or
carrying out the emergency procedures.
We will ensure that we will comply with all of the requirements of the WHS Regulations relating to
plant, including maintaining plant in a safe condition in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. We will also take all reasonable steps to ensure:
plant is used only for the purpose it was designed
all health and safety features and warning devices are used
appropriate information, training and instruction is provided to workers
guarding is securely fixed and is not allowed to be removed while plant is in operation
maintenance, inspections and testing are carried out by a competent person
no one other than the operator rides on the plant unless they are provided with a level of
protection that is equivalent to that provided to the operator
We will ensure that if the height of the scaffold is 4 metres or more, it:
is installed and inspected by a competent person with a high risk work licence
is not used unless that competent person has provided written confirmation that the scaffold
has been correctly constructed.
We will ensure that the scaffold and its supporting structure are inspected by a competent person:
before the scaffold is re-used after an incident occurs that could affect its stability
before the scaffold is re-used after repairs
at least every 30 days.
If an inspection finds a scaffold or its supporting structure creates a risk to health or safety, we will
must work with the supplier to ensure that:
any necessary repairs, alterations and additions are made or carried out
the scaffold is inspected again by a competent person before use of it resumes.
We will prevent any unauthorised access to the scaffold while it is incomplete or unattended by:
installing locked gates
using danger tags or other warning signs
We will manage the risks associated with bullying by:
identifying its presence or potential
putting control measures in place to prevent or manage it
putting planning, resources and systems in place: for example, policies, procedures,
consultation and training
Ladder safety
We will manage the risks associated with ladders by:
using ladders according to the manufacturer’s instructions
using ladders only as a way of getting to and from a location/workspace
allowing only one person at a time on a ladder
requiring all work from a ladder to be done while facing the ladder
not allowing ladders to be set up on scaffolds or elevated work platforms to gain extra height
restricting the use of ladders as a work platform where possible: instead, use alternatives
such as elevated work platforms, scaffolding and scissor lifts, and mobile work platforms
securing the ladder at the top and/or base
having another worker ‘foot’ the ladder to help ensure its stability when another worker is
climbing on it
Manual tasks
We will manage the risks associated with manual handling by:
using a checklist to identify and assess hazardous manual tasks
requiring workers to follow safe lifting/manual handling techniques and practices such as
buddy lifting systems; and incorporating this requirement into our site rules
providing mechanical lifting aids where applicable
providing workers with appropriate training, information and supervision
checking for hazards that could cause someone to slip, trip or fall by doing a visual check
ensuring workers keep the site tidy as part of the written site rules
Sun safety
We will manage the risks associated with working in the sun by requiring workers to:
wear adequate clothing (for example hats) and other protection methods (such as
sunscreen) to protect themselves from the effects of UV ray exposure
take adequate rest breaks out of direct sunlight and consume enough water to avoid heat
stress-related illnesses
Traffic management
We will manage the risks associated with general vehicles (cars and trucks) moving on or around
your worksite and on nearby public roads.
Traffic controls will be installed/managed according to AS1742.3—2019 Manual of uniform traffic
control devices – Traffic control for works on roads.
We will ensure workers involved in traffic control understand the requirements of this standard; and
be appropriately trained and hold relevant qualifications.
Anyone undertaking traffic management activities will have satisfactorily completed the training package unit ‘Implement Traffic Management Plan’ or equivalent.
In addition to the above qualification, if manual traffic control is required, it will be performed
by those who have also satisfactorily completed the training package
‘Control Traffic with a Stop/Slow Bat’ or equivalent.
As a minimum, traffic management plans will be drawn up and certified by a person who has
satisfactorily completed the appropriate training in developing guidance plans. The two
training packages listed above are not considered sufficient training for drawing up and
certifying traffic management plans.
We will ensure traffic control arrangements are as simple and predictable as possible, that devices
are correctly installed, and that the measures applied match the road environment and work
activities being carried out.