Waste London
Waste London
Waste London
Chapter 7:
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 253
65 per cent of and rising. reduce poverty. Roles and legal duties
The Mayor is required under the GLA
London’s municipal Through increasingly clever design of
goods and services we are beginning to
The Mayor will take a circular approach to
London’s use of resources that designs
Act to produce a municipal waste
management strategy. However, the
waste will treat our waste as the valuable resource
it is. In order to maximise this we need to
out waste, keeps materials in use at their
highest value for as long as possible and
Mayor is not a waste authority and it
is ultimately the waste collection and
be recycled. reduce waste in the first place and then
reuse or recycle as much as possible.
minimises environmental impact. The
actions required to deliver this are:
disposal authorities, businesses and
the commercial waste industry that will
What’s left over can then be used to implement the waste policies in this
generate low carbon energy, minimising • firstly, significantly cutting waste and strategy in collaboration with the Mayor.
the amount going to landfill. encouraging reuse to minimise the The Mayor’s role is a combination of
use of virgin resources. Efforts will be exercising regulatory functions (ensuring
focused on reducing food waste and local authority waste plans, services,
single use packaging as they offer the strategies and contracts are in general
biggest opportunity for change conformity with his waste policies and
proposals) and non-regulatory functions
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 255
(funding, research, technical assistance, Taking this approach places no additional The London Waste and Recycling Board
providing guidance, campaigns and legal requirement on London’s waste BOX 28: DE FINITIONS OF (LWARB) is also a key delivery partner
facilitating and supporting good authorities, who must continue to act in TE RMS U SE D IN THIS C HAPTE R for his policies. It brings together the
practice). There are 33 waste collection general conformity within the municipal Mayor, boroughs, and other stakeholders
authorities (boroughs and City of waste management provisions of this • “waste” refers to any substance involved in managing London’s waste
London), 12 authorities that are “unitary” strategy, including binding targets for or object which the holder with the objective of promoting
waste authorities (combined collection municipal waste in their discards, intends to discard or is and encouraging less waste and its
and disposal), four statutory waste possession or control. required to discard sustainable management 89 and it must
disposal authorities and one voluntary • “municipal waste” household act in accordance with the Mayor’s
waste partnership. 88 The waste collection Municipal waste targets set in this waste policies. The Mayor through his
waste or business waste that is
authorities and the waste disposal strategy are non-binding in so far as they appointed representatives on LWARB
similar in composition irrespective
authorities are referred to as ‘waste relate to Commercial Waste Contractors oversees a £20.4m fund from 2017-2020
of who collects or disposes of it
authorities’ in this strategy. (CWCs). The Mayor expects CWCs to to deliver against its objectives of
have regard to those municipal waste • “Local Authority Collected reducing waste and increasing reuse
In 2011 Defra changed the definition targets and they will be achieved through Waste (LACW)” refers to all waste and recycling (see Box 29).
of municipal waste to align with the EU additional activity and services by in the possession or control of
definition, which defines municipal waste waste authorities, the commercial waste waste authorities. This includes
much more broadly to be household industry and other relevant organisations waste collected from households
waste or waste similar in composition working in partnership with the Mayor. and businesses
to household waste. Applying this
To avoid confusion this strategy uses • “waste authority (ies)” means
definition brings an additional 3.3 million
the terms set out in Box 28. a Waste Collection Authority
tonnes of waste into scope, regardless of
and a Waste Disposal Authority.
who collects it. This change was
It includes London’s 33 waste
made to make sure that the UK is
collection authorities (all 32
correctly reporting its performance
boroughs and the City of London),
for meeting its landfill diversion
those 12 authorities that are
targets under the European Landfill
“unitary” waste authorities
Directive. Commercially collected waste
(combined collection and
is covered in this strategy because of
disposal) and the 4 statutory
its importance to London’s environment
waste disposal authorities
• “Commercially Collected Waste”
refers to municipal waste in the
possession or control of a body
or organisation that is not a waste
South London Waste Partnership comprising Merton, Sutton, Kingston upon Thames and Croydon.
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 257
More information can be found at www.lwarb.gov.uk.
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 259
In performing their waste functions, The Mayor expects waste authorities to ensure a consistent reduce,
waste authorities need to show how they to do the following in order to show reuse, recycle message is
are acting in general conformity with they are acting in general conformity delivered across London
the municipal waste provisions of this with this strategy’s municipal waste
strategy. General conformity only applies management policies and proposals. • demonstrate how they will,
to local authority collected waste (LACW) They should: or have put in place positive
activities and cannot bring excessive changes to improve recycling
additional costs to waste authorities. • produce a waste management performance identified through
The Mayor has the power to direct a strategy or plan setting out how Resource London’s borough
waste authority where he considers their waste activities will: support programme
their waste activities to be detrimental
to implementing the municipal waste º º help move waste up the • publicly notify its intention to tender
provisions in this strategy. His power of waste hierarchy a waste contract at the same time
direction does not apply to businesses as notifying the Mayor. This would
or private waste companies. º º provide local economic, social be a chance for waste authorities
and environmental benefits from considering new services to
The Mayor expects waste authorities improved waste management consider joint procurement options.
to help successfully implement his These can provide better value for
municipal waste management policies º º make a meaningful contribution money on ‘like for like’ services
and proposals. These expectations are to meeting the Mayor’s targets and achieve service harmonisation
set out in Box 30 below. This will ensure across borough boundaries
that a consistent approach is taken to • offer the Mayor’s minimum
applying general conformity. level of household recycling • procure waste and recycling
service provision services that maximise local
economic, environmental and social
• make best use of local waste sites benefits through demonstrating
identified in local waste plans how they will deliver the Mayor’s
Responsible Procurement Policy
• support the phase out of fossil fuel
waste transport and boost uptake • carry out any other relevant activity
of low or zero emission alternatives supporting the Mayor’s policies
and targets
• use Recycle for London messaging
in local awareness raising activities
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 261
Non-municipal waste
The Mayor has no responsibility or
LONDON’S ENVIRONMENT NOW London produces around 1.5 – 1.75m
tonnes of food waste with a value of
“A round 7m
powers in this strategy to directly control
the management of industrial waste and
The key evidence to support the Mayor’s
ambitions for London’s waste by 2050 is
£2.55bn a year. 90 This is likely to be a
conservative figure given the extensive
tonnes of waste
construction, demolition and excavation
waste where it is not in the possession or
summarised below. You can find out more
about the evidence behind the policies
and diverse food sector employing more
than half a million Londoners and turning
is produced each
control of a waste authority. The Mayor,
can however, use convening, leadership
and proposals in Appendix 2. over £20bn each year. 91 Most of this food
waste goes to landfill or incineration
year from our
and advocacy to drive improvements.
This non-municipal waste is
Total amount of municipal waste
produced in London
producing around 250,000 tonnes of
CO 2e emissions, although some of this
homes, public
predominantly managed by commercial
waste contractors (CWCs). These waste
London’s municipal waste stream is
made up of a variety of materials. The
is offset through capturing heat and
producing electricity. 92 Around a third
buildings and
streams are already highly regulated,
increasingly managed onsite and in some
main components of municipal waste
in London are food and green garden
of food bought is thrown away, most of
which is still edible. WRAP (Waste and
cases require specialised management waste (22 per cent) and common dry Resources Action Programme) estimates
and disposal (for example asbestos and recyclables paper, card, plastics, glass food waste costs households around £50
chemical waste). However, given their and metals (60 per cent). The remaining per month.
impact on other objectives for London’s 18 per cent is made up of smaller
environment, the Mayor considers it quantities of materials including textiles, Use of single use packaging materials
important to set out in this strategy the waste electricals (WEEE) wood, furniture including coffee cups and plastic bottles
expectations for these waste streams. In and household cleaning chemicals. is growing and putting increasing
addition, the London Plan details policies pressure on local waste management
supporting effective management of Around 7m tonnes of waste is produced services. WRAP’s plastic market situation
these other waste streams as they each year from our homes, public report 2016 93 estimated the UK produces
are generally considered a waste buildings and businesses. Food waste around 2.2m tonnes of plastic packaging
planning issue. and plastic packaging including single with only around half (or 900,000 tonnes)
use coffee cups and plastic bottles recycled. In the UK, around 825,000
combined account for around tonnes of plastic bottles are produced
30 per cent of this. a year. This leads to around 125,000
tonnes produced in London.
Taking national food waste data published by WRAP Estimate of food surplus and waste arisings in the UK, January 2017 and applying a
London equivalent estimate based on London making up around 15 per cent of the UK population.
Mayor of London (2016), Capital of Food: Ten Years of London Leadership. Accessed from: www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/capital_of_
Emission factors taken from Appendix 1 EPS report. Assumes 50 per cent food waste sent to landfill, 50 per cent sent to incineration.
WRAP (2016), Plastics Market Situation Report. Accessed from: www.wrap.org.uk/sites/files/wrap/Plastics_Market_Situation_Report.pdf
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 263
Based on plastic bottles and food waste collectively making up around 30 per cent of London’s municipal waste or 2.1m tonnes. Assumes
an average disposal cost of £100 per tonne.
Credit: Resource London & London Borough of Waltham Forest 95
Taken from GLA modelling
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 265
Between 2003 and 2010, London’s Anaerobic digestion waste facilities will need to operate
household waste recycling rate increased Reducing the amount of edible food we in combined heat and power mode
from eight to 30 per cent but in recent discard is an environmental, social and meeting the carbon intensity floor
years this has stalled at 32 per cent economic priority. However there will (see Objective 7.3)
(see Figure 40) and remains below the always be unavoidable food waste in
national average (44 per cent). the form of scraps, vegetable peelings Landfill
and bones which should be sent for London’s local authority collected waste
composting or energy recovery. Such to landfill has reduced significantly over
Figure 40: Regional household dry recycling and composting rates 2015/2016 food waste 96 can be used to generate the past ten years from 65 per cent to 20
Fig 9: Regional household dry recycling and composting rates 2015/16 100 per cent renewable energy using per cent. This improvement was largely
anaerobic digestion. This would save due to the EU Landfill Directive which has
around 175,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions restricted the amount of biodegradable
and save £120m in disposal costs.97 waste member states can send to
landfill. Landfills accepting London’s
40% Incineration waste, most of which are located outside
Incineration of London’s local authority London, are expected to reach capacity
30% collected waste has doubled from by 2026. The Mayor wants London to
900,000 tonnes in 2011 to 1.8m be a zero waste city – one that makes
tonnes in 2016, producing around best use of all its waste where market
560,000 tonnes of CO 2e emissions. opportunities exist to recover value from
This is mainly due to changes in waste it. This means ensuring London sends
0% disposal contracts that have led to no biodegradable or recyclable waste to
more waste being diverted from landfill landfill by 2026.
Household green recycling/ reuse Household dry recycling/ reuse cent. Modelling suggests London will top down prioritising those activities
have sufficient incineration capacity further up the hierarchy according
to manage London’s non-recyclable to what is best for the environment
Source: Defra (2017), Local authority collected waste generation from April 2000 to March 2016
Source: Defra (2017), Local authority collected waste generation from April 2000 to March 2016 (England and regions) and local authority data April 2015municipal
to March 2016.waste once the new Edmonton (Figure 41).
(England and regions) and local authority data April 2015 to March 2016.
Available at: www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/env18-local-authority-collected-waste-annual-results-tables
and Beddington Lane facilities are
operational. All London’s incinerators Applying the waste hierarchy from the
are expected to be ready for heat off top down generally achieves the greatest
take by 2025. Any new energy from cost saving and CO 2e saving benefits.
Based on food waste making up around 18 per cent or1.2m tonnes of London’s municipal waste. Applies -0.14 tonne CO 2 avoided/per tonne
food waste to anaerobic digestion emission factor
Assuming average incineration and landfill cost of £100 per tonne
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 267
Reducing, reusing, and recycling waste waste management. Materials sent for
and then generating energy from the recycling have a market value which
waste remaining is a direct way to save boroughs can share in depending on
E emissions from landfill. It also avoids their waste arrangements and contracts
indirect emissions that would otherwise with external service providers. Reducing
have occurred in manufacturing from waste and moving to a higher re-use and
virgin materials or generating energy recycling based approach should bring
using fossil fuels (such as coal or savings to local authorities.
gas). Considering direct and indirect
emissions helps us to determine the The policies and proposals in this
overall lifecycle CO 2e performance of chapter follow the waste hierarchy.
Stages Includes
Source: European Commission (2008), Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (Waste Framework Directive).
Source: European Commission (2008), Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (Waste Framework Directive).
Available at: ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/framework/
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 269
Cut food waste by 20% Using fewer and cleaner lorries to transport waste, for
per person by 2025 example by consolidating commercial recycling contracts,
will reduce congestion and improve air quality
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 271
Objectives, policies
and proposals
use of resources in
The Mayor adopts a ‘circular approach’ to
the use of resources in London, ensuring
London, ensuring
that materials stay in use as long as
possible, reducing the amount
that materials
of virgin materials required and
maximising recycling. The Mayor wants
stay in use as
to prevent materials from becoming
waste in the first place by promoting
long as possible,
more sustainable, circular business
models that design out waste and
reducing the
ensures materials can be easily
reused and recycled.
• investigating the feasibility of a • working with the supply chain from benefit from circular economy business a circular economy growth capital fund
deposit return scheme for water manufacturers to retailers and waste models in five mains areas: products as and accelerator to provide support for
bottles through the government’s litter authorities to trial and roll out coffee a service, sharing economy, prolonging those companies who will be growing
strategy working group cup recycling bins across London. product life, renewable inputs and the circular economy in London and
recovering value at end of life. delivering the co-benefits of greenhouse
• working with stakeholders including Proposal 7.1.1c The Mayor, will support gas emission reductions and increased
environment groups, Transport for campaigns, initiatives and business The Mayor, through LWARB, will invest resilience for the city.
London and LWARB to improve models to reuse materials funds into developing businesses
access to tap water through that embrace the circular approach to The Mayor will work with organisations
The Mayor will work with LWARB, Ellen
community water refill schemes resource use especially businesses including the Restart Project, Globechain
MacArthur Foundation and other
building on existing schemes with reuse, repair and remanufacturing and Warpit to boost materials repair
partners to develop a circular business
projects and those using low carbon and help divert unwanted items to
• working with the GLA group to reduce programme to increase reuse of
technologies. LWARB will also invest in useful purposes.
plastic bottle sales and improve access materials. This will support entrepreneurs
to tap water on all our premises and businesses to adopt, scale up and
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 277
overall 65 per cent Suppliers to the GLA group will be 7,000 Not recycled
Not recycled
municipal waste
required to take measures to reduce the Recycled
Not recycled Household
waste produced in the services that they 6,000 Recycled
weight) by 2030
waste authorities to show leadership Not recycled
to reduce waste and increase resource 4,000
municipal (63%)
in London.”
efficiency locally through their own recycled
In line with market, reprocessors and recycling industry standards.
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 279
Figure 42 shows how London can move for collection. Introducing separate
from 52 per cent municipal waste food waste collections in particular has
recycling rate today to 65 per cent been proven to boost recycling rates
by 2030. This rate will be achieved by and reduce contamination with dry
increasing recycling from non household recycling materials. This also reduces the
waste sources, including businesses, amount of food people waste, as people
schools and government organisations, become more aware of how much they
from around 63 per cent today to 84 per are throwing away. An intense focus on
cent by 2030. Implementing the best set recycling from flats is also needed.
of household waste recycling services
identified in WRAP modelling would Implementing the best set of household
contribute a ten per cent increase. Waste recycling interventions is estimated
authorities are encouraged to boost to cost waste authorities an extra
their non-household waste recycling £107m-£319m. This can be offset by
collection services in order to meet income from business waste recycling
the Mayor’s 50% LACW target by 2025 services, reduced disposal costs
(Policy 7.2.1). and developing more shared revenue
contracts. The South London Partnership
Achieving the 65 per cent overall has seen savings of over £200m from
municipal waste recycling target requires bringing together their contracts in a
more consistent services to be offered more efficient and cost effective way. It
across London. For households these means that the same services are now
include, separate food waste collections, offered to all who live in the partnership’s
collecting the same core set of dry four boroughs of Sutton, Merton,
recycling materials and measures to Kingston-upon-Thames and Croydon.
reduce the residual waste presented
In line with market, reprocessors and recycling industry standards
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 283
Proposal 7.2.1b The Mayor will support to business. LBWR has been capitalised There have been recent pilot studies with Defra and waste companies to
efforts to increase recycling rates in through a loan from LWARB and all its in London in Bond Street BID and New improve commercial waste data ensuring
flats profits are passed on to the participating York on consolidating waste services. all waste operators in London are using
London boroughs. LBWR is currently These look at introducing a single Electronic Duty of Care to record what
The Mayor will encourage Resource
operating in one borough and a further waste contractor to run collections happens to the waste they produce and
London to provide more support and
three boroughs are in the process of to businesses in a designated area. handle. This improved data will allow
funding to those waste authorities who
agreeing partnership arrangements The pilots were successful in helping opportunities for consolidated services
are working towards achieving higher
with it. A number of other boroughs to reduce the number of collection to be identified more easily.
recycling performance in flats. Through
have expressed interest in exploring vehicles and improve local air quality.
LWARB the Mayor will seek additional Proposal 7.2.2b The Mayor will support
opportunities to work with the Bond Street saw a 94 per cent drop in
funding to tackle recycling performance waste authorities to reduce littering
business and these will be pursued waste vehicle movements. As a result,
in flats. and fly tipping by working with
in the coming year. TfL has developed a free toolkit helping
neighbouring businesses to consolidate government on the implementation
Proposal 7.2.1c The Mayor, through
Policy 7.2.2 Increase recycling rates their waste collection services to save of its Litter Strategy for England
LWARB’s London Business Waste
for commercially collected waste and money and reduce vehicle movements.
Recycling (LBWR) service, will support Local authorities are responsible
reduce litter and fly tipping New York City are now taking this
waste authorities to boost commercial for litter and enforcing and prosecuting
one step further and looking into
reuse and recycling performance. The Mayor will work with LWARB, the small scale illegal dumping of waste
establishing a commercial waste zone
waste sector generally and other (fly tipping). The Environment Agency is
To meet the Mayor’s 50 per cent LACW system across the city, where waste
stakeholders to improve recycling responsible for prosecuting large scale
recycling target, waste authorities collection companies bid to be part of
services to businesses provided by offences. Fly tipping in London is a big
should identify opportunities to improve a geographical framework to provide
commercial waste contractors. This will problem due to the cost of clearance and
their own commercial waste recycling waste and recycling services to business
be necessary to achieve the Mayor’s its negative effect on the streetscape.
services. Boroughs are expected to in the city. They want to find out if there
overall 65 per cent municipal waste
offer businesses the same household is enough inefficiency in how waste is
recycling target by 2030 and will also The Mayor will work with government
minimum level of service where feasible. collected and whether collection zones
provide local air quality and street scene and the Chartered Institute of Waste
Support is currently available through can reduce these by creating benefits
benefits by reducing the number Management (CIWM) to promote duty of
LWARB’s London Business Waste and like better recycling rates, working
of waste vehicles on the road. care to waste authorities and businesses.
Recycling (LBWR) service to boost conditions and wages.
The Mayor will use CIWM Right Waste,
commercial recycling services. Proposal 7.2.2a The Mayor will support Right Place campaign to build on any
The Mayor will work with TfL and
efforts to consolidate commercially knowledge gaps and help reduce fly
London Business Waste and Recycling Business Improvement Districts
collected waste services to improve tipping and litter in London and will
is a new start up company owned by (BIDs) to promote the waste contract
recycling performance, reduce also seek a seat on the government’s
LWARB which provides commercial consolidation toolkit and look at the
congestion, improve the public realm Litter Strategy Working Group to ensure
waste marketing and customer facing feasibility of a commercial waste
and improve air quality London’s needs are taken into account.
services on behalf of London boroughs framework in London. He will also work
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 285
its waste is
transport network by 2050. The Proposal 7.3.1b The Mayor will work
Waste authority waste fleets are
Mayor wants to make sure that waste with stakeholders to encourage
expected to comply with the Ultra Low
important if
authorities are contributing all they a reduction in municipal waste
Emission Zone (ULEZ) vehicle exhaust
possibly can to these ambitions transported by road and will increase
emission standards and to work towards
London is to
through decarbonising and cleaning its transportation by rail
the Mayor’s overall ambition that:
up their fleets. and river
become a zero There is also an opportunity to reduce
• all new cars and vans (less than 3.5
tonnes) being zero emission capable
The Mayor will work with waste
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions authorities, TfL, National Rail, the Port of
carbon city with from waste management activities. In
from 2025
London and other relevant stakeholders
2010 the GLA developed a pioneering to increase the transportation of
a zero emission emissions performance standard (EPS)
• all heavy vehicles (greater than
3.5 tonnes) being fossil fuel-free
municipal waste by rail and river. This will
to assess the GHG emissions associated not only reduce congestion on the roads
transport network with the collection, treatment, energy
from 2030
but will also deliver air quality and carbon
generation, and final disposal of emission benefits.
by 2050.” London’s local authority collected waste.
• zero emission fleets by 2050
Policy 7.3.2 Reduce the climate change
Fossil-fuel free can include the use of
While the Mayor has a weight based impact of waste activities
100 per cent renewable fuels derived
target of 65 per cent of municipal waste
from sources such as food waste and Proposal 7.3.2a Waste authorities in
being recycled overall by 2030, he is also
waste oils. delivering their waste management
retaining a carbon based EPS approach
functions are expected to demonstrate
that will sit alongside this target. Sending
Working with waste authorities, TfL, how they can meet the GHG Emissions
waste to landfill or incineration generates
and the waste industry the Mayor will Performance Standard (EPS)
GHG emissions whereas recycling
increase the use of renewable fuels
materials avoids GHG emissions that The Mayor will set a revised EPS for
from waste derived sources including
would have otherwise occurred in the London’s LACW for waste authorities
biodiesel, hydro-treated vegetable oil
manufacturing of virgin materials. to work towards achieving. Waste
and bio-methane, as a transition fuel,
A carbon based approach promotes authorities should aim to achieve both
in municipal waste fleets.
recycling particularly of high carbon
and high value materials such as plastic,
metals and textiles.
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 287
the Mayor’s LACW recycling targets In performing their waste functions the
and EPS targets although the Mayor’s Mayor expects waste authorities to set
LACW targets will take priority. Achieving out how their waste activities achieve
high recycling rates generally offers the following EPS targets:
the greatest opportunity for reducing
CO 2 e emissions and meeting the EPS. • 0.069 tonnes CO 2e per tonne of waste
The Mayor will develop guidance on managed by 2020/21
achieving the weight based recycling
targets and meeting the EPS. The Mayor • 0.084 tonnes CO 2e per tonne of waste
has developed an online ready reckoner managed by 2024/25
tool to support boroughs model their
waste options against the EPS. This can • 0.167 tonnes CO 2e per tonne of waste
be found at www.london.gov.uk/what-we- managed by 2030/31
waste-policy. Meeting the EPS is best The Mayor will monitor and report
achieved by: annually on London’s performance
against the EPS and work with the
• reducing waste and increasing reuse Environment Agency to ensure that
there are no adverse impacts on the
• maximising recycling rates, targeting environment including air quality.
materials with high embodied carbon
(plastics, metals, and textiles) Proposal 7.3.2b Waste authorities must
demonstrate how solutions generating
• generating low carbon energy from energy from waste meet the carbon
organic waste (eg anaerobic digestion intensity floor (CIF), or put in place
of food waste) demonstrable steps to meet it in the
• using waste derived fuels (as a
In addition to developing the EPS, a
transition fuel) and other low CO 2
minimum carbon emissions performance
transport options
standard was set. Known as the ‘carbon
intensity floor’ or CIF, this was developed
• making sure only truly residual waste
to help decarbonise London’s energy
is going for energy generation
supply by encouraging clean, efficient Credit: WRAP
• avoiding landfill
LO N D O N E N V I R O N M E N T S T R AT E G Y 289
around £100 million. 99 Landfills accepting The GLA has developed a GIS map of
London’s waste are expected to close London’s waste facilities https://maps. Q
by 2026 and no new capacity planned. london.gov.uk/webmaps/waste/. The
To deal with this London needs to firstly London waste map, updated on an annual CONSULTATION QUESTIONS: WASTE
reduce waste produced and secondly basis, is publicly available to help London 4. What needs to happen to tackle poor
1. Do you agree that the Mayor’s
ensure it has access to sufficient waste authorities, its two Mayoral recycling performance in flats?
policies and proposals will effectively
capacity to recover value from more Development Corporations and waste
help Londoners and businesses to
of its waste and remove any reliance facility operators to identity and access 5. What are the most effective
recycle more?
on landfill. local waste facilities and find suitable measures to reduce single-use
sites for new facilities. 2. Do you support the Mayor’s ambition packaging in London such as water
The Mayor, through the new London Plan, bottles and coffee cups?
to ensure food waste and the six
will set policies for the identification and Proposal 7.4.1b The Mayor will support
main recyclable materials (glass,
safeguarding of waste sites in London the development of new waste 6. Please provide any further
cans, paper, card, plastic bottles
to enable 100 per cent of London’s infrastructure supporting circular comments on the policies
and mixed plastics) are collected
municipal waste to be managed within economy outcomes reuse, repair and and programmes mentioned in
consistently across London?
London by 2026. remanufacture this chapter.
Through LWARB the Mayor will 3. Do you think the Mayor should set
Policy 7.4.1 Supporting the use of local
encourage investment into new waste borough specific household waste
waste sites and promoting a circular
facilities where they are needed. The recycling targets?
approach to waste management
Mayor wants to see London’s waste sites london.gov.uk/environment-strategy
Proposal 7.4.1a Waste authorities in optimised to support circular economy
developing their waste contracts and activities like reuse and repair providing
services will need to identify how environmental and social benefits by
to maximise the use of local waste creating new jobs and apprenticeships.
facilities and identified sites for waste This will be supported by LWARB’s
Advance London work programme which
The Mayor expects waste authorities
will enable and provide support and
to consider the use of local waste sites
funding to businesses that use circular
where they deliver clear local benefits
economy business models.
helping to keep the value of London’s
waste in London.
Based on landfill costs of £102 per tonne including landfill tax of £84.40 per tonne. Source WRAP gatefees report 2016