Iosh - SDG
Iosh - SDG
Iosh - SDG
Alan Stevens
Head of Global Engagement and Partnerships
What is IOSH?
Professional body
A not for profit organisation
holding a Royal Charter that
exists for the public good
helping organisations around
the world to excel in safety
and health
IOSH – what we stand for
Six Priorities
Health and safety statistics
Key figures for Great Britain (2017/18)
• 30.7 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace
• £15 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working
conditions (2016/17)
Data Source: Health and Safety Executive
Health and Safety in the UK
Health and Safety in the UK
Health and Safety in the UK
Fatal injuries in Great Britain
- An IOSH-commissioned survey
found barriers exist for many
Models of Safety
IOSH solutions
• A recognised qualification
• Strong business focus
• Vocational style learning and
assessment methods
- Business Case Writing
- Research Project
- Presentation
• Inclusion of both technical
knowledge and soft skills
essential to business
• Route to IOSH membership
IOSH solutions