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IOSH OSH Educational Programmes:

Strength and Strategies

Alan Stevens
Head of Global Engagement and Partnerships
What is IOSH?
Professional body
A not for profit organisation
holding a Royal Charter that
exists for the public good

Thought leader Membership organisation

Underpinned by research, expertise Supporting a global
and understanding around network of 47,500+ members
occupational safety and health in 130 countries

helping organisations around
the world to excel in safety
and health
IOSH – what we stand for

Our vision Our strategy

A safe and healthy world of work

Six Priorities
Health and safety statistics
Key figures for Great Britain (2017/18)

• 1.4 million working people suffering from a work-related illness

• 2,595 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2016)

• 144 workers killed at work

• 555,000 injuries occurred at work according to the Labour Force Survey

• 71,062 injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR

• 30.7 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace

• £15 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working
conditions (2016/17)
Data Source: Health and Safety Executive
Health and Safety in the UK
Health and Safety in the UK
Health and Safety in the UK
Fatal injuries in Great Britain

Data Source: RIDDOR, Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

Fatal injuries in Great Britain

Data Source: RIDDOR, Reporting of Injuries Diseases

and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
Fatal injuries in Great Britain

Source: RIDDOR, Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

Non-fatal injuries at work - GB
Work-related Ill health & occ. diseases
Work-related Ill health & occ.

Data Source:Estimates of work-related ill health are based on self-reports from

the Labour Force Survey (LFS)
Real-world challenges
How are organisations responding?
UN Sustainable Development Goals
17 goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals
165 Targets
UN Sustainable Development Goals
41 directly related to Occupational Safety & Health
The healthy profit
Our call to action to business

- Report highlights the investments

being made by forward-thinking

- An IOSH-commissioned survey
found barriers exist for many

- Investment in the safety and

health of a workforce should be a
core strategic aim

- Transparency and openness in

reporting on OSH performance
Training and skills courses
Competence, confidence and productivity
Good sense for good businesses

- Managers equipped with the

competence and confidence to be
more effective
- A healthier and more productive
- Improved, organisation-wide health
awareness culture
- Enhanced reputation with supply
chain, customers and other
IOSH courses

• Support the role of Safety and Health Professionals

• Are based on an international standard
• Focus on ‘general principles’ applicable to all countries
• Enable customers to add in organisational, cultural and
legislative specific content
• Focus on the positive affects of Safety and Health and not
just the ‘worst case scenario’
• Focus on making business better and all individuals more
IOSH solutions
IOSH Leading Safely
Purpose – to support leaders to:

 Develop a strategic understanding of the value

of safety and health
 Understand good practice from leading global
 Understand where to position their
organisation’s safety performance against other
organisations and plan for implementation
 Understand their operational responsibilities and
the opportunities of good performance, as well
as the consequences of poor performance.

Models of Safety

IOSH solutions

IOSH Managing Safely

To support managers and supervisors:

 Describe the key reasons to manage safety and

health in the workplace
 Define key terms relating to safety and health
 Identify how the law can impact safety and
health in the workplace
 Describe how to access, reduce and control risk
in the workplace
 Identify workplace hazards and risks, their
impact and how to manage them
 Identify how to evaluate and respond to incident
 List benefits and characteristics of an effective
health and safety management system
 Describe principles that underpin good safety
and health

Fire Safety for Managers

• Designed for managers and supervisors in any
sector and in any organisation worldwide
• Provides the knowledge and tools required to
tackle fire safety issues

For safer and healthier working environments


IOSH Safety and Health for Business

Level 3 Certificate Qualification

• A recognised qualification
• Strong business focus
• Vocational style learning and
assessment methods
- Business Case Writing
- Research Project
- Presentation
• Inclusion of both technical
knowledge and soft skills
essential to business
• Route to IOSH membership

For safer and healthier working environments


IOSH solutions

IOSH Working Safely

Purpose – to support all workers to:

 Describe the key reasons to manage safety

and health in the work place
 Define key terms in safety and health
 Identify why it is important to work safely
 Identify everyone’s responsibilities in relation to
safety, health and wellbeing in the workplace
 Identify workplace hazards and risks, their
impact and how to control them
 Identify ways safety, health and wellbeing is
managed and improved within the workplace

Fire Safety Awareness

Everyone at work has a duty to prevent fires. A fire safety culture is based
on a shared set of positive attitudes, knowledge, perceptions and beliefs
about fire prevention and fire protection.
• Sits within the ‘Core Skills’ category,
alongside Working Safely, and is designed
for both a UK, and an international

For safer and healthier working environments


Key features of IOSH courses

• Use in-company risk assessment
• Flexibility to add in content to meet
client needs.
• Global case studies to tailor the
• Bank of current videos to choose from.
• Draw on IOSH campaigns, including
statistics and best practice advice.
• More support information for Trainers.
• Supports the implementation of 45001.
Thank you

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