Clean Air Schools Pack - Web Version 2018

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Welcome to your
Clean Air Schools Pack “ As a school we feel that it is
extremely important that children
gain an understanding about the
environment in which they live.

Friends of the Earth provided us with

Hello! a series of practical and enjoyable
lessons that helped the children to
Firstly, a huge thank you for signing up for this Clean Air Schools Pack. We want understand the causes of air pollution,
to help educate a generation of young people about the significant threat air effects pollution could have on their
pollution poses to our health and our environment, and to empower them to be health and how they could help to
part of the solution. reduce air pollution and persuade
others to do the same.
We’ve had the privilege to work with 950 schools since the launch of this project, The children thoroughly enjoyed the
supported many to monitor their air quality and be part of the movement for lessons in which they were encouraged
action. We’re grateful to the National Education Union – NUT section for their to act as scientists investigating a
support in promoting this resource to their members. problem. They learnt about NO2 and
also helped to set up air monitoring
Here’s what you’ll find in this Clean Air Schools pack: tubes around the school to measure
NO2 in our area.”
• 3 exciting lesson plans on air pollution, health impacts and campaigning.
Melanie Moore, Assistant Head
• Colourful posters on plants that reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases –
English Martyrs Catholic Primary
and stickers for your pupils. School, Tower Hamlets, London
• A fun and active school assembly on air pollution to download.

The lesson plans and materials have been developed for upper Key Stage 2 pupils,
in collaboration with teachers, and are brought to life with a fun and engaging
story. In addition, we’ve made an effort to relate all lessons to the English KS2
curriculum. Please do adapt them to the needs of your class.

We hope you find this Clean Air Schools Pack a useful resource. We’re especially
keen for feedback on your experience with it. What worked well? What could be
improved? Would your school like to take more action with us to clean up the UK’s
air? Do send your comments to [email protected].

We hope your lessons are enjoyable!

In unity,
Muna Suleiman

Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales.
Our registered office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road, London SW9 0HP. To view our Privacy
Policy please visit: Our paper is totally recycled, and our
printers hold EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September 2018.

Important – read before using this Pack


Friends of the Earth is committed to protecting children, young people and

vulnerable adults from harm and abuse. We recognise the legal responsibilities
and the duty of care that we have towards children, young people and vulnerable
adults in particular. We aim to be a respected, trusted organisation where
everyone involved in our work feels safe to participate in any of our activities.

Before undertaking any work with schools – be sure to obtain express written
permission from the head teacher or staff member nominated by the head for
safeguarding. Any work with children should be directed by schools or other
children’s services.

This includes, but is not limited to, seeking permission to put up air quality
monitoring tubes on school premises.

In addition, if you are a Friends of the Earth local group member, please refer
to the safeguarding guidance issued to local groups and notify your Group
Coordinator about the schools you have obtained permission from.

If you have any questions about the Clean Air Schools Pack and safeguarding,
please email: [email protected]

About Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth has worked for over 40 years to improve the wellbeing of
people and the planet. We’re famous for winning the first climate change law, for
putting recycling bins on doorsteps, and championing green energy.

Clean Air Schools

Clean Air Schools is an initiative of Friends of the Earth’s wider Clean Air
campaign which is aiming to clean up the air we breathe.

With thanks to the many supportive colleagues at both Friends of the Earth and
Muslim Aid who helped create these resources; English Martyrs Catholic Primary
School in Tower Hamlets, London who kindly trialled the materials; Loop Labs
who created the teaching content; MADE in Europe for their advice; and the
London National Union of Teachers Climate Change Network for their support.

Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales. Our registered
office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road, London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled,
and our printers hold EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September 2018.

Air pollution: Introductory briefing for teachers

Why teach about air pollution?

Air pollution is a killer. Outdoor air pollution is responsible for 36,000 premature
deaths a year in the UK, (more than alcohol or obesity), according to a 2016
report by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and the Royal College of
Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). The report also says that high levels
of air pollution have been “linked to cancer, asthma, stroke and heart disease,
diabetes, obesity, and changes linked to dementia”.

The government says that emissions from road transport are the biggest
problem, and diesel is the worst of all. Even the newest diesel cars emit more
than five times as much nitrogen oxides (NOx) as the newest petrol cars,
according to the think tank Policy Exchange.

How does air pollution impact children?

It has long been known that asthma symptoms can be worsened by air pollution.
Recent academic research supports the view that childhood exposure to air
pollution can lead to the development of asthma. Diesel exhaust in particular,
as well as outdoor air pollution in general, has been classed as cancer-causing in
humans by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Pollution can damage children’s lung development, and research by King’s

College London’s Dr Ian Mudway suggests that children growing up in highly
polluted areas are at risk of developing a smaller lung capacity.

Although air pollution is an important health issue for people of all ages, research
shows that children and older people are most vulnerable.

Research from Imperial College London has also shown that black and ethnic
minority communities suffer disproportionately from high levels of pollution.
The same is true for the most deprived in our society as they tend to live near
main roads where air pollution is worst. In London, the Greater London Authority
found that four-fifths of schools in areas breaching EU limits for nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) are in deprived areas. Air pollution is a problem for people across the
country, with 37 of 43 of the UK’s Air Quality Zones failing to meet legal limits.

How do we solve it?

Tackling UK air pollution will require a range of concerted, joined up action at

local, city mayoral, national and EU levels. But one thing is clear: diesel fuel must
be phased out from road transport by 2025 at the latest. And while this is an
essential step it’s not entirely sufficient – as well as cleaner vehicles we also
need fewer of them, not least because pollution is caused by brake and tyre
wear as well as exhaust fumes.

As teachers, you have a critical role in educating a generation about air pollution,
raising awareness in the school community and supporting real action to reduce
air pollution emissions.

Some forms of air pollution Oxygen

 Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) – Oxygen

can irritate the lining of the
lungs and is worse close to
road traffic.

 Particulate matter (PM) Human hair

– tiny solid particles or 75 microns diameter
liquid droplets in the air,
the smallest of which can Dust microns
pass into the bloodstream
and are very hazardous to

PM10 microns

 Ozone (O3) – A gas formed
when other pollutants – Oxygen
like nitrogen oxides – react
in the atmosphere. Fumes
from diesel vehicles are a
major source of NO2 and
For more detailed information on air pollution visit our website

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this lesson, pupils should:

UNDERSTANDING • Understand that air can be dirty,

AIR QUALITY even if this cannot be seen. Know

some of the key terms associated
with air pollution.

• Be aware of some methods which

can be used to measure air quality.

Curriculum links

Science: Upper KS2 Working Scientifically: using simple models to describe

scientific ideas; identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or
refute ideas or arguments.

Design and Technology: KS2 Design: generate, develop, model and communicate
their ideas through discussion and annotated sketches.


Explain to the pupils that you have received a mysterious letter (letter 1). Invite
one of them to read it aloud to the rest of the class. Discuss the Professor’s
mission, the ‘sensitive issue’ and the riddle he has posed – how is a human
similar to a car? Take pupils’ ideas, and help them draw parallels between our
bodies needing food which gives us energy, but which when digested produces
waste (including gas), and cars using petrol or diesel for energy and giving off
waste products from their exhaust pipes.


Although the letter mentions equipment that the Professor will send, do not
show pupils the diffusion tubes at this point – wait until after the design task.
The ‘P.S.’ activity (designing a better diet for the Professor) is an optional extra
task linked to the topic of healthy eating, and doesn’t need to be completed.

Whole class teaching

Concept cartoon – Invisible Dirt

Read letter 2 and look at the cartoon. Ask the pupils which scientist they think
is right (discuss this in pairs). Do they know for sure, or are they guessing? Let
pupils share what they know about air pollution, what it is and how it’s caused.
Remind them that scientists rely on data (information) – sometimes this is data
they collect, sometimes it comes from a secondary source – and that they’ll
need to back up their opinions with facts if they want to convince the Professor.

Independent task 1
Give pupils the fact sheet on the Great Smog and ask them to work in pairs to
use it to form their opinion about which scientist is right. Ask several pairs to
report back and justify their answer with information from the text. (You may
like to extend this activity by asking pupils to write a letter to the Professor
explaining their decision, or simply have a class discussion.)


Ensure that pupils understand that, while there are many types of pollutants
which affect air quality, the two which cause the most concern are particulate
matter (small particles which are too small to see) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2 – a
toxic gas which is invisible and odourless). Ask pupils how clean they think the air
around us is now, compared to the time of the Great Smog.

Recent research suggests between 8,000 and 12,000 people died because of
the Great Smog in London. Pupils may be surprised to learn that approximately
36,000 early deaths each year in the UK are linked to the long-term effects of
today’s air pollution.

Independent task 2

1. Ask pupils to consider how we might measure levels of air pollution (as per
the ‘P.S.’ in the letter) and have them work in pairs or small groups to come
up with an invention which will measure air pollution – whether particulate
levels, NO2 levels, or both.
2. Ask them to draw an annotated diagram to explain their design. Encourage
them to think creatively about this, and explain that they don’t need to limit
their thinking to devices they already know about – this is their chance to
become inventors!
3. Let each pair in turn share their idea with the rest of the class, and invite
comments about these. Look for similarities between pupils’ ideas, and also
ideas which are similar to technologies that already exist, and are used to
measure air quality, e.g. hand-held monitors which use a light beam to detect
the presence of particulates, ozone patches which contain chemicals that
change colour if ozone is present and diffusion tubes that capture nitrogen
4. Lichen – some species only survive where nitrogen dioxide levels are high;
some the opposite. (Once this activity has taken place, diffusion tubes can
be shown to pupils – see separate notes about these.)

Extended plenary

Play a game of Clean Air Bingo. Pupils should make their own bingo sheets
by folding a sheet of paper into a 4x4 grid and writing one term (from the list
provided) in each square. Give them the opportunity to ask the meaning of any
terms they are not familiar with before the game begins. The teacher then reads
a definition from the list, and pupils cross out the words on their sheet – first to
make a row of 4 (across, down, or diagonal) wins.

Notes on air monitoring tubes

The air monitoring tubes come with full instructions for their correct use. Please
do follow them otherwise the results may be invalid.

Have you thought about asking the pupils where to put them up? Could the
pupils help put them up? Where are they worried about pollution? Where do
they think there might be loads of pollution? The school playground? Outside
the school gates? At a nearby bus stop? It may be good to contrast.

Consider placing the tubes at face height and in places they won’t be damaged
or stolen, e.g. on the inside of school railings near a main road.


Dear Citizens, the

I am writing to seek your help with an urgent matter. For some
time now, I have had a team of scientists working for me, on a
problem which is of serious importance in your local area.

For reasons I won’t bore you with, I suddenly find myself with no staff. To be quite
honest, I’m glad to be rid of most of them as their work was not very good. But
regardless of that, the fact remains that I still have work to do, and no-one to help

It has been brought to my attention that you may be able to help me. Personally,
I am not convinced. It is bad enough to expect ordinary citizens to do the work of
scientists. But children working as scientists? Is that really a good idea?

I am, however, desperate. Since I have been assured that yours are the sorts of
scientific minds I need, I have arranged for some equipment to be delivered to you
shortly. I do hope I have not been misinformed.

Meanwhile, I need your help with a slightly delicate matter, to do with my diet. Here
is what I ate yesterday:

• Breakfast: scrambled eggs (6) on toast.

• Mid-morning snack: 3 pickled eggs.
• Lunch: egg fried rice with a side dish of egg salad.
• Dinner: cheese omelette (made with 4 eggs).
• Dessert: 1 Cadbury Creme egg.

What can I say? I like eggs. The problem is, they make me... well, digesting all of
those eggs makes a lot of gas, and that gas has to go somewhere. I am sure you can
imagine the rest. Let’s just say my office doesn’t smell too good most of the time.
Which brings me to the problem I’d like your help with...

But before I tell you about that, I have a riddle for you:

How is a car like a human body?

Read my next letter once you have worked out the answer. If you’re smart enough to
work it out, perhaps you’ll be smart enough to solve my problem.

Yours sincerely, and with great eggs-pectations,

The Professor
P.S. Perhaps if you have enough time, you could also find out how
healthy it is for me to be eating so many eggs. I’ve been eating nothing
but eggs for so long now, I’ve almost forgotten what else I like to eat.
Could you suggest a healthy meal plan for the week?



Dear Citizen Scientists,

Did you solve my riddle? Egg-cellent! Yes, just like human bodies need
food for energy, cars need fuel to keep them going. And just like humans,
once they’ve converted all of that fuel, there is some waste to get rid of.
That’s why cars have exhaust pipes.

Have you ever noticed the nasty stuff which comes out of cars? After all,
you’re exactly the right height to spot it. It looks a bit like smoke, especially
if the car isn’t working well or is getting a bit old.

So sometimes we can smell that the air isn’t clean, and sometimes we can
see that it isn’t clean. Which brings me to my problem. INVISIBLE DIRT.
Does it exist?

Let me explain. Not all of my old scientists were rubbish. Some of them
were quite brilliant. I heard two of them talking last week, but I couldn’t
see their faces, so I couldn’t work out if they were the clever scientists or
the rubbish ones.

Anyway, I’m enclosing a cartoon I drew of them. Have a look and see what
you think. Who do you think I should believe, and why?

Yours sincerely,

The Professor
P.S. If it turns out that there ARE things which make the air dirty, but
which we can’t see, how on earth are we going to observe or measure
them? Please send me your thoughts.


What makes the air dirty?

There are many activities in our day-to-day lives which contribute to air pollution.
Air pollution can be caused when we burn fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, petrol or
diesel. We use these energy supplies for all sorts of things, from cooking and washing, to
lighting and heating our homes and schools, and travelling by car.
The most concerning pollutants in the air are nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter
(PM), or particulates. Other pollutants can include ozone (O3) and sulphur dioxide (SO2).
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2): Breathing this in can irritate and damage the lining of the lungs. You
can’t see or smell NO2 in the air, except in very warm weather when it sometimes combines
with other chemicals in the air and makes the sky look hazy and brown.
Particulate matter (PM): Particulates are tiny particles of dust, soot or liquid which are
too small to see. When you breathe these in they can sometimes go deep into your lungs
and the smallest can even pass into the bloodstream.

Air pollution and cars

One of the biggest causes of air pollution today is transport, especially cars. Today there
are about 25 million cars on the road, and most of these use petrol or diesel as fuel.
These cause gases and particles to be ejected from the exhaust, which contribute to air
pollution. This pollution can be particularly dangerous for children.

Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales.
Our registered office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road, London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled, and our
printers hold EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September 2018.
Air pollution in the past –
the Great Smog in London
Even before there were so many cars on the roads, London suffered from
the effects of air pollution. After the Industrial Revolution in the 18th
century, factories sprang up, producing pollution in the form of smoke.

When smoke and fog mixed together, they made ‘smog’, which made the
air hard to breathe, and also made it difficult to see. Smog was very bad
in 1952, a period of time which became known as the Great Smog. During
the Great Smog in London, around 8,000 to 12,000 people died from
causes related to the levels of pollution in the air.

How does air pollution affect your health?

Air pollution can contribute to breathing problems, the development of
asthma, and lung and heart diseases. The risks are greater for children, as
your bodies are less resilient and still developing. Because of your height, you
are also closer to the exhaust fumes from cars. Studies have also shown that
living in very polluted areas can stop your lungs developing properly, which
could cause health problems later in life.

Things you should know!

According to Asthma UK:

• Children and young adults with asthma are more at risk from the
effects of pollution because they have faster breathing rates and
their lungs are still developing.
• Children living in areas with high pollution are more likely to have
reduced lung function than adults.
• Long-term exposure to high concentrations of air pollution may
cause asthma in children.
• Breathing in outdoor air pollution and diesel exhaust is linked to
causing lung cancer.
• Exposure to air pollution contributes to around 36,000 premature
deaths every year in the UK.

Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales.
Our registered office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road, London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled,
and our printers hold EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September 2018.

How to play

Decide who is going to be the caller. Everyone else (the

players) will need to make a bingo card by drawing a grid
CLEAN AIR which is 4 squares by 4 squares, and write one of the terms
in the list below in each square.
BINGO The caller should read one of the definitions – next to the
words – and then put a tick next to it so that they know
it has been called. Players cross the matching term off
on their bingo sheet. Keep playing until one player has
crossed off four squares in a straight line (across, down, or
diagonally) – they are the winner! They should read back the
words they have crossed off, so the caller can check they
had the right definitions.


happened in 1952 a harmful pollutant a condition which
a fossil fuel which,
and caused the early of air. affects some people,
when burned,
deaths of around making it harder for
causes air pollution.
8,000 to 12,000 them to breathe.


helps your body fight there are about 25 a part of your body tiny particles of dust,
off infections, and million of these on which helps you to soot, and liquid in the
can be affected by air the roads in Britain. breathe. air, which are too small
pollution. to see


particulates and another name for a measure of how the part of a car
nitrogen oxides are the air around you. clean or dirty the air in which ejects dirty
both examples of a particular area is. waste.


damages trees and how air which a fossil fuel which what we all do
plants; nitrogen oxides contains pollutants is heavily polluting every few seconds.
contribute to it. could be described. when burned.


What happens when we breathe in dirty air?

Simulation 1 – Outdoors

This activity involves pupils in a physical simulation of particulates impacting our

lungs when we breathe in polluted air. You will need to be in a large open space,
such as a playground or a hall.

1. Mark an area with chalk or cones which is approximately 2m x 2m square.

This represents the lungs.

2. Choose six pupils and have them stand in a circle, a metre or so away from
each other, a few metres away from the lung area. This represents the rest
of the body.

3. Divide the rest of the class into two groups – oxygen molecules and

4. Pupils may need a reminder of what “particulates” means before doing this

5. Demonstrate the following activity by doing it first yourself. To simulate

breathing clean air, have each oxygen molecule in turn run through the ‘lung’
area, weave their way around the ‘body’, passing in front and behind of each
classmate in turn, run back through the lung area and return to the start area
to tag the next runner. Time how long it takes the entire team to complete
this route once.

6. To simulate breathing polluted air, pair each oxygen molecule up with a

particulate of air pollution. The pairs should run together to the lung area,
where the particulate should stay, while the oxygen molecule completes the
route and returns to the start area alone, to tag the next pair. As the activity
progresses, and more ‘particulates’ are left in the lung area, it will become
more affected, and harder for the oxygen to pass through, resulting in a
slower time.

After running the simulation:

Ask pupils how accurate they think it is, and how it could be improved.

Get pupils to write about what they did, or draw a labelled diagram showing
parts of the simulation and what they represent. Alternatively, you could take
photographs of the activity and have them write captions for these.

Simulation 2 - Indoors

1. Discuss the effect that damage to our lungs can have on our ability to
breathe. If any pupils in the class have asthma, encourage them to share
their experience of what it’s like, and how they manage their condition.

2. Explain to pupils that you’re going to let them experience what it feels like to
try and breathe with reduced lung capacity.

3. Before they start, remind them that they should stop the activity
immediately if breathing becomes very difficult, or if they feel dizzy.

4. Give each pupil a straw, and ask them to put the straw in their mouth and
breathe through their mouth only. (They may find it easier to do this if they
hold their nose.) Time them for an appropriate time, and then stop. Have
pupils write or talk about how it felt.

5. Ask them to bite down on the end of the straw to flatten it, and then repeat
the activity, this time breathing for less time. This will be more difficult, so
remind them again that they should stop if they feel dizzy or uncomfortable.

Plenary/Summary activity

Ask pupils to write a letter to the Professor, in response to his question (‘So what
if the air is dirty?’) explaining what they have learned about the effects of air
pollution on the body. (See Starter activity/hook)



Dear Citizen Scientists,

I am enclosing a note that was left behind by my scientists, shortly before

they disappeared. Please examine it carefully as perhaps it will give you
some clue as to why they left.

Personally, ITEACHER
feel that their demands are more than a little unreasonable.
Moving to an entirely new location? That seems most unnecessary. After
all, even if what they say is true about the local air quality (and I’m not
convinced that it is)... so what if the air outside their offices is dirty? Surely
some tiny little pollutants can’t be causing them too much harm.

I am, as I’m sure you can understand, far too busy and important to
deal with such trivial matters. However, if you do feel that they could
have genuine cause for complaint, I might be willing to consider their

Perhaps you could let me know your thoughts?

Yours in haste,

The Professor


Right, Professor Egghead...

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We are going on STRIKE until you can sort out
a few things.

Let’s start with our building. Why are you making us work in a place
where the air quality is at its worst? (And no, we don’t just mean
your office. Outside it’s pretty bad too.)

We want you to move us to an area where the air is cleaner.

Moving takes ages though, so can you also tell us some ways we can
improve the air quality around us?

Tell us when you have some answers. We heard you have found
some replacement scientists. Maybe they can help...

From the Scientists


vehicles are
often the
most polluting
vehicles on
the roads

You can
see air

Walking on the
inside of the
pavement and
away from the
road can help you
breathe in fewer
car fumes

You can
smell air

The surface
area for gases
to diffuse
through in
human lungs
is roughly the
same size as a
tennis court

It’s always
better to be
inside a car
to protect
you from air
TRUE: 1, 3, 5
FALSE: 2, 4, 6
2: Lots of pollution is invisible.
3: Lots of it is odourless.
6: Often, walking, cycling or scooting,
especially in backstreets and less
busy roads, can lessen exposure. In
contrast, cars can trap pollution inside.
Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales. Our registered office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham
Road, London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled, and our printers hold ISO14001 which means they care about the environment. August 2018.

Learning Outcomes

COMMUNICATING By the end of the lesson pupils will be

able to:
Identify the main causes of air
pollution in their local area.

POLLUTION Suggest practical steps for reducing

the effects of air pollution.

Communicate key information

about air pollution in a concise and
persuasive way.

Curriculum Objectives


Key Stage 2 – select, use and combine a variety of software to design and create
a range of programs and content that accomplish given goals.


 Lower KS2:

• Plan their writing by discussing and recording ideas.

• Evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’
writing and suggesting improvements.

 Upper KS2

• Plan their writing by identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing,
and selecting the appropriate form.

• Draft and write by selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary,

understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning.

• Evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’

• Propose changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to enhance

effects and clarify meaning.

Introduction/Hook – Brainstorming Task

Remind pupils that the aim of brainstorming is to generate as many ideas as

possible, without worrying too much at this stage about the quality.

Have them work in groups to brainstorm for 2–3 minutes on each of three topics:

 Causes of air pollution.

 Problems caused by air pollution.

 What can be done to reduce air pollution.

Ask groups to share their top two or three answers and collate these. Make links
between the causes of air pollution and what can be done to reduce it, as well as
the problems air pollution can cause, and how the effects can be reduced.

Messages and audiences

Share the Professor’s third letter with pupils, and discuss the task the Professor
has set. Use the headings ‘Who’, ‘What’ and ‘How’ to generate a list of key
messages and audiences around air pollution.

Depending on the age and ability of your pupils you could simply give them the
three headings to work with, or you may like to use the ‘key messages’ hand-
out to support them. Give them the ‘Who’ list, for instance, and ask them to
think about what sorts of messages they should focus on for these audiences,
and how best to communicate with them. Or cut up and shuffle the elements
of the table, and see if pupils can sort and match them. Can they think of other
audiences, messages, or methods of communication to add to the list?

After they have come up with a list of key messages, ask pupils to rank them
in order of importance. Challenge them to come up with a phrase or sentence
to capture each message in exactly seven words. It might be useful to remind
pupils to think about how they want people to feel.

Communication Tools

The rest of the session should be used for pupils to design and create their
campaign tools. Below are some suggested activities; depending on the
resources and time you have available, you could allow pupils to choose from a
selection of these.

Vote to decide which one the whole class will work on. Or have different groups
focused on different activities.

Persuasive letter writing (see template letter)

There are many opportunities here to link with persuasive writing in literacy. For
example, pupils could write a letter to:
• The Mayor, Prime Minister, or local Member of Parliament, asking what action
they are taking on dirty diesel.
• The local council, about traffic pollution hot-spots in the local area.
• Car manufacturers asking why they aren’t making more electric cars.
• Their head teacher, asking for more plants around the school, changes to
parking / drop-off arrangements, support for a ‘walk to school’ campaign.
• Their parents, asking them to consider driving less.
• Local businesses, asking for their help – e.g. to help plant shrubs and hedges.

Poster Campaign

Create a poster or series of posters to convey key air quality messages, and
recommend appropriate locations to display them, e.g.:

 A poster warning of the dangers of idling engines, to display in the school car
park or office.

 A poster asking ‘Do you really need to drive?’ to put near the front door at
home, to remind parents to think twice about making short car journeys.

 A ‘We’re a Clean Air School’ banner to be put up at the school gates.

Internet Meme

Use digital tools (photo editing software, apps such as PicCollage or websites
such as to create an internet ‘meme’ which
could be shared via email or social media. This is essentially an image (often a
photo) with a small amount of text, which is designed to be published and shared
via social media. This could be a good opportunity to reinforce key e-safety
messages with pupils – how will they share their meme safely? How quickly and
widely can they get it to spread?

Jingle all the way

Write, perform and record a short song, rap or radio jingle to convey a key
message about air pollution in an entertaining way. Encourage the use of repeated
choruses or catchy rhymes and rhythms to make these easy to remember. You
could also try changing the words of a popular or well-known song.

Bumper Stickers

Create a set of bumper stickers, using catchy slogans and simple symbols or
images, conveying key messages about air pollution.


Give pupils an opportunity to share their finished products with each other and
give feedback. Is the core message clear? Does the chosen communication
method suit the intended audience and how will the audience feel? Where
possible, produce and distribute the communication tools, and reflect on how
successful they have been.

Writing to your local council and MP

are key ways to get your voice heard

WRITE TO YOUR on an issue. It’s also a great exercise

to help the children develop their
LOCAL COUNCIL knowledge of air pollution, whilst
strengthening their persuasive writing
OR MP skills.

To get you started we have included

a template letter for you to follow in
your Clean Air Schools Pack. Simply
photo copy enough sheets for the
Using the template letter: class, and refer to the tips on how to
use the template letter. As always, if
At the start of the letter we’ve left space to write the name of your local you want to get in touch to ask any
decision maker. Not sure who they are? Helpful sites such as: www.writetothem. further questions, you can reach us at:
com can provide you with names, all you need to do is enter your postcode. To [email protected].
help guide pupils we’ve included three questions for them to answer.

1. Do you see a lot of cars outside your school when going to and from
school? Do they often have their engines running?
• As you may know, schools can experience high levels of idling cars when
parents drop off and pick up pupils.
• Ask the pupils if they’ve witnessed this, answers can be a simple as yes
or no.
• Encourage the students to draw images of what the idling cars outside the
school look like.

2. How does breathing dirty air make you feel?

• Remind pupils about the health effects of air pollution, and ask if they’ve
ever experienced them.
• Ask them if air pollution induces any symptoms such as coughing.
• Do they suffer from asthma, or know a classmate or friend that does? Does
air pollution make it worse for them?

3. What could happen to make the air cleaner for you?

• Here we turn to solutions that deal with air pollution. Remind the pupils that
this is their opportunity to ask their local politician for the changes they
would like to see in their area.

Solutions you could suggest include:

• More walk-to-school days.
• No cars around the school entrance, fewer cars around the school will help
clean up the air around the school.
• Prevent drivers from leaving their engines running unnecessarily.
• More plants in and around the school that help purify the air.
• Ask the decision maker to get rid of the bad fuel that causes most of the
damage (diesel).

Collate, write a cover letter and send

• End the letter with the schools contact details – you might also want to
provide the school’s email address, too.
• Gather the letters to send to your local politician. You can find the right
address online, either on the council’s page or if you’re sending it to your
MP the details are on
• Please let us know if you sent letters to any politician (and if they replied)
as it’ll help us strengthen the campaigning we’re doing in your area. Email
[email protected]

Truth or Lie?

Diesel vehicles You can always see Walking on the
are often the most air pollution inside of the
polluting vehicles on pavement and away
the roads. from the road can
help you breathe in
fewer car fumes

You can always The surface area It’s always better
smell air pollution. for gases to diffuse to be inside a car to
through in human protect you from air
lungs is roughly pollution
the same size as a
tennis court

Concept cartoon


Dear Citizen Scientists,

When I received your package of letters I must admit my first inclination

was to throw them in the bin. I am, as you know, very busy and important,
and my time is far too precious to waste on children.

However, curiosity got the better of me and I read a few of them.

My word!
You have made some powerful arguments. I have to admit I am impressed.

I am also more than a little alarmed. If air pollution really can cause so
many problems, we need to do something about it! And we can’t do it
alone – it’s time to get the message out to a wider audience. As one last
favour, perhaps you could have a think about the best way to do this.

Why the last favour, you might ask? Well, I am pleased to tell you that
because of your hard work I am taking my scientists’ demands seriously
and they’ve agreed to come back to work for me.

Why should we have to move office to escape the air pollution though?
We have to clean up the air so everyone can breathe! Together we’re going
to do something about it! We’re all writing to our Member of Parliament
to tell them to get polluting vehicles off the road. I’m also feeling quite
inspired! I’ve even got rid of my car! I’m going to cycle, walk and get the
bus or train as much as I can too.

I may not need you any more, but it sounds like there is plenty of work still
to be done if we are going to sort out this air pollution business. So what
are you waiting for?

Yours with thanks,

The Professor



PARENTS Air pollution can impact your Posters, radio jingles, memes,
child’s health communications from school e.g.
letters, newsletters, websites

CAR Lots of air pollution is caused Letters and social media

MANUFACTURERS by dirty diesel cars – so move to

POLITICIANS Get the most polluting vehicles Letters, protests, social media,
off the roads, like diesel; and local newspapers
help make sure there’s clean air

DRIVERS Only drive when it’s essential; try Bumper stickers, radio jingles,
walking shorter journeys and use reminder posters for homes,
public transport; switch off your memes, social media
engine when outside the school

SCHOOLS More pupils should walk to school; Posters, leaflets, badges, letters
stop drivers leaving their engine to parents, school website, social
on outside the school gates media


My name is ______________________ I am year _____ from _________________________ School.

I am writing to help you understand how air pollution from cars makes me feel. I want to ask you to help
clean up the air I breathe.

Do you see a lot of cars outside your school when going to and from school? Do they often have their
engines running?

How does breathing dirty air make you feel?

What could happen to make the air cleaner for you?

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Please help reduce air pollution to protect the health of

Yours sincerely,

Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales. Our registered office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road,
London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled, and our printers hold EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September 2018.
Winning the battle Transport causes
against dirty air will be 26% of the UK’s
a huge step forward in greenhouse gas
sorting climate emissions.

Walk, train
cycle, scoot, take the bus or
to help save the planet!
Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales. Our registered office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road,
London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled, and our printers hold EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September2018.
We are monitoring air
quality around We have a ‘switch it off’
the school anti-idling policy

We teach about air

pollution and why
reducing it is
important for
our health

We are planting green

screens to help filter
out air pollution

We encourage
walking, cycling and
scooting to school to We have written to our
reduce car use MP to take action to
phase out diesel

is a Clean Air School

Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales. Our registered office is: 1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road,
London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled, and our printers hold EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September2018.
INDOOR PLANTS Rubber plant
(Ficus sp)
Mother-in-law’s tongue
(Snake plant)
(Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii')


The rubber plant is bred for toughness and is the
plant to choose if the room doesn’t have a lot of Great for filtering out formaldehyde. Bright light with
natural light. Its architectural form makes it a some sun is preferable, though it can withstand dark
designer’s favourite and its simple, large leaves Aloe
areas. It needs humidity so is good for bathrooms.
look good in most places. Good at removing (Aloe vera)
Everyone can grow an aloe vera, just place it in a sunny spot and
formaldehyde. Peace Lily watch it thrive. It will help to filter out toxins such as formaldehyde
(Spathiphyllum sp.) and benzene.
Chinese Evergreen
(Aglaonema modestum) Strong dark green leaves and tall
(Rhododendron simsii)
When it comes to outdoor air pollution, elegant white flowers. Easy to
Another good plant to keep formaldehyde at bay is azalea. It has
care for and good for air moisture,
emissions from road transport are the Very easy to care for and only
needs low light. It emits more toxin removal and insect
beautiful blooms that do best in cooler areas.

biggest problem, and diesel the worst of all. oxygen than most other plants. resistance. Chrysanthemum
(Chrysantheium morifolium)
But poor air quality indoors can also affect The flowers from this plant help reduce harmful poisons like
our health. Here are some plants that can benzene. This plant likes direct sun and a draught, so place near a
sunny, open window.
help clean the air in our homes and
Spider Plant
workplaces and filter out some pollution. (Chlorophytum comosum)
English Ivy This resilient plant is a good remover of benzene, formaldehyde,
(Hedera helix) carbon monoxide and xylene. Safe for pets.

To be effective you should have at least two to three plants per 100
A great air scrubber and humidifier.
sq ft. Plants should ideally be situated within your personal breathing
Very easy to care for, just water zone, so put them near where you sit and next to the computer or
regularly. You can use ivy in hanging bed.
baskets, as ground cover for indoor
planting beds or it can be trained to ! Be aware that some houseplants can be toxic to pets.
stand upright around a frame. Keep its
growth in check, though!

Dracaena (Dragon Tree) Bamboo Palm Boston Fern

(Dracaena sp.) (Chamaedorea seifrizii) (Nephrolepis exaltata
Very easy to look after. Has a
Will tolerate dimly-lit areas and
consistently high rating for the
fairly cool temperatures. Dracaena Prefers indirect light or darker rooms.
removal of trichloroethylene,
glauca 'Janet Craig' is a popular Keep this plant in the bathroom, or
benzene, and formaldehyde.
variety, and is one of the best spray it daily, and it will thank you by
Needs plenty of water in summer
at removing chemical toxins. If well getting rid of formaldehyde in the air.
and must be kept moist in winter.
looked after, it will live for decades. Safe for pets.
Wash the leaves periodically to
prevent spider mites.
Safe for pets.
Friends of the Earth Limited; Company number 1012357. Registered in England and Wales. Our registered office is:
1st Floor, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Road, London SW9 0HP. Our paper is totally recycled, and our printers hold
EMAS certification which means they care about the environment. September 2018.

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