1 Notes B.Ed. KU
1 Notes B.Ed. KU
1 Notes B.Ed. KU
B.Ed. Notes
General Topic: Education
Education is a process in which and by which the knowledge, character and behavior of the human
beings are shaped and molded. It is an essential human virtue. Man has become „man‟ through
education. It is as old as the human race. It is a never ending process of inner growth and development
and its period stretches from birth to death. Education is a very important for the progress of an
individual and society. It is through education that man develops his thinking, reasoning, creativity,
skills, values, attitudes, intelligence etc. In fact man‟s entire life is an education.
It throws light on the principles and practice of teaching. It means educating the child or
provides training facilities to the child for his/her all round development.
The term „Educare‟ or „Educere‟ mainly indicates development of the latent/underlying faculties of
the child. But child does not know these possibilities. It is the educator or the teacher who can know
these hidden instincts and take appropriate methods to develop those powers.
Education is something, which makes man self-reliant and self-less. – Rigveda
Education is that whose end product is salvation. – Upnishads
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela
Education is the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man - Swami Vivekananda
Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. – Plato
Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. -- Aristotle
Education is complete living. -– Herbert Spencer
2. Bi-Polar Process
John Adams has considered education as a bi-polar process. According to him, “Education is a
bi-polar process in which one personality acts upon another in order to modify the
development of the other.” It includes two fundamental poles known as teacher and the pupil
and their interaction is education.
3. Tri-Polar Process
According to John Dewey, Education is a tri-polar process. It involves interaction between, the
teacher (educator), the pupil (educand) and the social environment (social forces). The teacher
tries to develop the personality of the pupil in the light of the needs of the society.
4. A multipolar process
Now-a-days it has been realized that education is not to be monopolized by school or by
teacher as disseminator of learning. Rather so many informal and non-formal agencies provides
education to the learners such as newspaper, T.V, Radio, Club, Internet, Family etc. Hence it is a
multipolar process.
5. Continuous Process
In a narrow sense education is limited only to the student‟s life. But in reality it stays with him
from birth till death. A child starts learning from birth and keeps on learning throughout his
6. Dynamic Process
Education is not a static but a dynamic process which develops the child according to changing
situations and times. It always stimulates the individual towards progress. It reconstructs the
society according to the changing needs of the time and place of the society.
7. Deliberate process
The process of education is not only conscious but also deliberate. The educator is fully aware
of the fact that his aim is to develop the personality of the child along definite lines through the
modification of his behavior.
8. Sociological process
According to the sociological perspective the educator must interpret and develop the
capacities of the child in a social setting. A child is a social being and as such must be educated
in such a way that he becomes a useful member of the society.
9. rocess of Individual Adjustment
Man is a social being. If he is not able to adjust himself in different aspects of life his personality
can‟t remain balanced. Through the medium of education he learns to adjust himself with the
friends, class fellows, parents, relations, neighbours and teachers etc.
(c) It discovers, establishes, and formulates generalizations, about its methodology, learning,
memory, attention, interest, motivation, curriculum, construction, methods of teaching and
3. Formal education is pre- Non-formal education is pre- Informal education is received
planned. Its time schedule is planned like formal education. from any person at any time.
fixed. It is based upon part-time & There are no fixed timings.
own-time table.
4.Formal education is Non-formal education is also Informal education can be
imparted by trained & given by trained & certified received from any person.
certified teachers/educators. teachers/educators but mostly
through correspondence.
6. Both the educator and the It is partly conscious. Neither the educator nor the
educand are conscious educand is conscious about
about the process. the process.
7. It is an organized effort It is arranged by some There is no organizing body
by the state or voluntary organized body. behind it.
organizations etc.
8. It is imposed by the giver It is a process of sharing, It is not imposed but is
on the receiver with limited exploring, analyzing & judging incidental.
interaction between the two. together with participation of
the learner.
9. It has fixed point of entry It has flexible points of entry There is no question of entry
and exit. and exit. Re-entry and re-exit and exit in informal education
throughout the life. system.
10. Examinations are held Certificates and degrees are There are no examinations.
and certificates or degrees awarded on the basis of Informal education is life-
are awarded to students. . evaluation. Exams are easy long process and never
than formal education system. completed.
(v) Education and Indoctrination
The difference between education and indoctrination is that education opens the mind,
while indoctrination closes it. Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive
strategies or a professional methodology. It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the
indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned.
Indoctrination implies forcibly or coercively causing people to act and think on the basis of a certain
Whereas education involves the seeking of facts, and learning about what is the truth, and what is not.
It is development of one‟s own beliefs based on the facts that are discovered throughout the process.
„Education‟ is derived from the Latin words: „Educare‟, „Educere‟ and „Educatum‟.
Education is a never ending process of inner growth and development and its period stretches
from birth to death.
Education is something, which makes man self-reliant and self-less. – Rigveda
Three types of Education are: Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Education.
Formal education is confined to four walls of schools, colleges, universities etc.
Non-Formal education is provided in home, school, social, cultural, religious and business
institutions. Generally takes place outside the four-walls of formal institutions.
Informal education can be received at any place and any time by the individual.
Synonymous/Identical terms/ different approaches of education are: Instruction, Training,
Schooling, Literacy, Teaching and Indoctrination.
Education includes all kinds of instruction and broader term than instruction.
Schooling is wider term than instruction as it includes academic activities and programmes. But
education is still wider term than schooling.
The difference between education and indoctrination is that education opens the mind,
while indoctrination closes it.
Scopes of Education are: Educational philosophy, Educational psychology, History of Education
Educational Sociology, Educational guidance, Philosophy of education, teaching methods,
Educational problems etc.