Pyomo VSjump
Pyomo VSjump
Pyomo VSjump
2, 283–304 283
© 2021 Vilnius University
Abstract. In this work, we perform an extensive theoretical and experimental analysis of the charac-
teristics of five of the most prominent algebraic modelling languages (AMPL, AIMMS, GAMS, JuMP,
and Pyomo) and modelling systems supporting them. In our theoretical comparison, we evaluate
how the reviewed modern algebraic modelling languages match the current requirements. In the
experimental analysis, we use a purpose-built test model library to perform extensive benchmarks.
We provide insights on which algebraic modelling languages performed the best and the features
that we deem essential in the current mathematical optimization landscape. Finally, we highlight
possible future research directions for this work.
Key words: algebraic modelling languages, optimization, AMPL, AIMMS, GAMS, JuMP, Pyomo.
1. Introduction
Many real-world problems are routinely solved using modern optimization tools (e.g. Ab-
hishek et al., 2010; Fragniere and Gondzio, 2002; Groër et al., 2011; Paulavičius and
Žilinskas, 2014; Paulavičius et al., 2020a, 2020b; Pistikopoulos et al., 2015). Internally,
these tools use the combination of a mathematical model with an appropriate solution
algorithm (e.g. Cosma et al., 2020; Fernández et al., 2020; Gómez et al., 2019; Lee et
al., 2019; Paulavičius and Žilinskas, 2014; Paulavičius et al., 2014; Paulavičius and Ad-
jiman, 2020; Stripinis et al., 2019, 2021) to solve the problem at hand. Thus, the way
mathematical models are formulated is critical to the impact of optimization in real life.
Mathematical modelling is the process of translating real-world business problems
into mathematical formulations whose theoretical and numerical analysis can provide in-
sight, answers, and guidance beneficial for the originating application (Kallrath, 2004), in-
cluding the current Covid-19 pandemic (Rothberg, 2020). Algebraic modelling languages
(AMLs) are declarative optimization modelling languages, which bridge the gap between
∗ Corresponding author.
284 V. Jusevičius et al.
model formulation and the proper solution technique (Fragniere and Gondzio, 2002). They
enable the formulation of a mathematical model as a human-readable set of equations
while not requiring to specify how the described model should be solved or what specific
solver should be used.
Models written in an AML are known for the high degree of similarity to the math-
ematical formulation. This aspect distinguishes AMLs from other types of modelling
languages, like object-oriented (e.g. OptimJ), solver specific (e.g. LINGO), or general-
purpose (e.g. TOMLAB) modelling languages. Such an algebraic design approach allows
practitioners without specific programming or modelling knowledge to be efficient in de-
scribing the problems to be solved. It is also important to note that AML is then responsi-
ble for creating a problem instance that a solution algorithm can tackle (Kallrath, 2004).
Since many AMLs are integral parts of a specific modelling system, it is essential to iso-
late a modelling language’s responsibilities from the overall system. In general, AMLs
are sophisticated software packages that provide a crucial link between an optimization
model’s mathematical concept and the complex algorithmic routines that compute opti-
mal solutions. Typically, AML software automatically reads a model and data, generates
an instance, and conveys it to a solver in the required form (Fourer, 2013).
From the late 1970s, many AMLs were created (e.g., GAMS, McCarl et al., 2016,
AMPL, Fourer, 2003) and are still actively developed and used today. Lately, new open-
source competitors to the traditional AMLs started to emerge (e.g., Pyomo, Hart et al.,
2017, 2011, JuMP, Dunning et al., 2017; Lubin and Dunning, 2015). Therefore, we feel
that a review and comparison of the traditional and emerging AMLs are needed to examine
how the current landscape of AMLs looks.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review the essen-
tial characteristics of AMLs and motivate our selection of AMLs for the current review.
In Section 3, we investigate how the requirements for a modern AML are met within each
of the chosen languages. In Section 4, we examine the characteristics of AMLs using an
extensive benchmark. In Section 5, we investigate the presolve impact on solving. Finally,
we conclude the paper in Section 6.
The first algebraic modelling languages, developed in the late 1970s, were game-changers.
They allowed separating the model formulation from the implementation details (Kallrath,
2004) while keeping the notation close to the problem’s mathematical formulation (Frag-
niere and Gondzio, 2002). Since the data appears to be more volatile than the problem
structure, most modelling language designers insist on the data and model structure being
separated (Hürlimann, 1999). Therefore, the central idea in modern AMLs is the differen-
tiation between abstract models and concrete problem instances (Hart et al., 2011). A spe-
cific model instance is generated from an abstract model using data. This way, the model
and data together specify a particular instance of an optimization problem for which a so-
lution can be sought. This is realized by replicating every entity of an abstract model over
Experimental Analysis of Algebraic Modelling Languages for Mathematical Optimization 285
the different elements of the data set. Such a feature often is referred to as a set-indexing
ability of the AML (Fragniere and Gondzio, 2002).
Essential characteristics of a modern AML could be defined in the following way
(Kallrath, 2004):
Besides, the support for mathematical expressions and operations needed for describing
non-linear models is often considered an important feature of an AML (Kallrath, 2004).
Moreover, it is worth observing that most interpreters included in today’s AMLs are based
on automatic differentiation (Fragniere and Gondzio, 2002), a process in which the model-
ing language can compute the derivatives of problems from the model description without
the assistance of the user (Kallrath, 2004). This motivates us to include automatic differ-
entiation as an additional, important feature of a modern AML.
The algebraic expressions are useful in describing individual models and describing
manipulations on models and transformations of data. Thus, almost as soon as AML be-
came available, users started finding ways to adapt model notations to implement sophis-
ticated solution strategies and iterative schemes. These efforts stimulated the evolution
within AMLs of scripting features, including statements for looping, testing, and assign-
ment (Fourer, 2013). Therefore, scripting capabilities are an integral part of AMLs.
For this review, we have chosen five AMLs: AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS, JuMP, and Pyomo.
The selection was based on the following criteria:
• AMLs which won 2012 INFORMS Impact Prize award2 dedicated to the origina-
tors of the five most important algebraic modelling languages: AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS,
• the popularity of AMLs based on NEOS Server model input statistics for the year 2020;3
• open-source options that are attractive for the academic society or in situations where
budgets are tight.
We have chosen to include GAMS and AMPL based on NEOS Server popularity, re-
spectively, with 49% and 47% share of jobs executed via the NEOS platform in 2020.
AIMMS was added as an example of AML with a graphical application development en-
vironment. JuMP and Pyomo were included as the most prominent open-source AMLs.
We have decided to exclude MPL since it has not been updated for the last five years. We
have also excluded LINGO as a solver specific modelling language.
1 Specifying the problem’s properties: space, set of constraints and optimality requirements.
3 NEOS Server. Solver Access Statistics:
286 V. Jusevičius et al.
In the following section, we investigate how each of the chosen languages meets the re-
quirements for a modern AML defined in the previous section. The websites of the AMLs
and vendor documentation are used for this comparison. Any support of the identified fea-
tures and capabilities are validated against the documentation the suppliers of the AMLs
provide. Besides, an in-depth survey concluded by Robert Fourer in Linear Programming
Software Survey (Fourer, 2017) is also used as a reference. Later on, a more practical
comparison of AML characteristics is conducted to identify the potential ease of use of
AML in daily work.
We start by analysing how selected AMLs satisfy the three essential characteristics defined
in the previous Section 2. In all reviewed AMLs, optimization problems are represented in
a declarative way. Furthermore, since all of them are part of a specific modelling system,
a clear separation between problem definition and the solution process in the context of
the modelling system exists. The separation between the problem structure and its data
is supported in all reviewed languages. It should be noted that GAMS, JuMP, and Pyomo
also allow initiating data structures during their declaration, while AIMMS and AMPL only
support it as a separate step in the model instance building process. However, while it
might be convenient for building a simple model, we do not consider the lack of direct
data structure initiation as an advantage since, in real-world cases, it is rarely needed.
Therefore, we can conclude that all reviewed languages fulfill the essential characteristics
of modern AMLs.
Next, in Table 1, we provide an overview of the key features each AML supports.
For creating such a summary, we used the information provided by the AML vendors
on their websites. All reviewed AMLs allow modelling problems in a solver independent
manner. Additionally, AIMMS, JuMP, and Pyomo provide a more powerful way to define
advanced algorithms using R, Julia, or Python programming languages. The ease of data
input for the model differs among AMLs. While all of them support input from a flat file,
some more advanced scenarios such as reading data from relational databases are more
straightforward in AIMMS, JuMP, or Pyomo. AMPL and GAMS require a complicated
setup instead (e.g. using ODBC drivers) to access the database. Wherein JuMP or Pyomo,
a standard Julia or Python driver could be used to get data from relational and any other
type of database supported by Python or Julia. Manipulation (e.g. transformation) of data
is only supported by AIMMS, JuMP, and Pyomo.
When it comes to solver support, AMPL is the one supporting the most. However, it
should be noticed that the categorization of solvers by supported problem types is different
among vendors. Thus, in this comparison, we have reflected the information available
from vendors harmonizing it across all of them. Solvers supported by JuMP and Pyomo
require additional explanation. First, both AMLs support solvers compatible with AMPL
(via AmplNLWriter package or ASL interface). Therefore, any solver that is equipped with
Experimental Analysis of Algebraic Modelling Languages for Mathematical Optimization 287
Table 1
Overview of AMLs features.
an AMPL interface can be used by JuMP or Pyomo. This could allow us to state that JuMP
and Pyomo support all AMPL solvers. However, we have excluded solvers supported via
the AMPL interface. It might be needed for some commercial solvers to request a particular
version from the solver’s vendor that comes with the AMPL interface. Second, since both
AMLs are open-source, multiple third-party packages add support for specific solvers for
each of AMLs. In Section 1, we counted only the solvers mentioned on the official JuMP
and Pyomo websites.
Presolving capabilities are only available in AIMMS and AMPL. JuMP and Pyomo
have programming interfaces for creating custom presolvers, however, none of them are
provided out of the box. Only AIMMS provides a visualization of the solver results out of
the box. Using Python or Julia libraries, it is possible to visualize the results produced by
Pyomo and JuMP. However, it requires custom development, and none of the standard
JuMP or Pyomo libraries are supporting that.
It is important to conclude that JuMP and Pyomo are open-source AMLs built on top
of general-purpose programming languages, making them fundamentally different from
the competitors. This allows researchers familiar with Julia or Python to learn, improve,
and use JuMP or Pyomo much more comfortably. At the same time, it is practically im-
possible to introduce improvements to commercial counterparts.
For the first practical comparison of the selected AMLs, a classical Dantzig Transportation
Problem was chosen (Dantzig, 1963). In this problem, we are given the factories’ supplies
and the markets’ demands for a single commodity. We have also given the unit costs of
288 V. Jusevičius et al.
Table 2
Comparison of transportation problem models.
shipping the product from factories to the markets. The goal is to find the least costly
shipping schedule that meets the requirements at markets and supplies at factories.
The transportation problem formulated as a model in all five considered AML is com-
pared based on the following criteria:
• model size in bytes;
• model size in the number of code lines;
• model size in the number of language primitives used;
• model instance creation time.
Since the transportation problem is a linear programming (LP) type of problem, we
have chosen to measure the model instance creation time as the time needed to export
a concrete model instance to MPS4 format supported by most LP solvers. The following
sources provided sample implementations of the transportation problem for the AMLs
under consideration:
• AIMMS Wikipedia page;5
• AMPL model in GNU Linear Programming Kit;6
• GAMS Model Library;7
• JuMP Examples;8
• Pyomo Gallery.9
Transportation problem models in all five AMLs are given in Appendix B, Listings 3–6.
It should be noted that the textual representation of an AIMMS model presents the model
as a tree of attributed identifier nodes. It reflects how the model is given to the modeller
in the AIMMS IDE and is typically generated by the AIMMS IDE. Moreover, it is worth
noting that for the sake of simplicity, the problem model samples are concrete models, i.e.
data of the model instance is described alongside the model structure.
A comparison of the sample Transportation Problem model’s characteristics in all re-
viewed AMLs is given in Table 2. The simplification of the model implementations pro-
vided in the literature sources is made in the following way:
• all optional comments, explanatory texts, and documentation are removed;
Experimental Analysis of Algebraic Modelling Languages for Mathematical Optimization 289
Table 3
Characteristics of the created transportation model instances.
Table 4
Total time of consecutive transportation model instance creation runs.
performance confirms the Dunning et al. (2017) statement that JuMP has a noticeable
start-up cost10 of a few seconds even for the smallest instances. In our case, only the
initialization of the JuMP package took around 7 seconds. We also observed a significant
speed-up in multiple consecutive model instances creation, which also confirms (Dunning
et al., 2017) results. When a family of models is solved multiple times within a single
session, this compilation cost is only paid for the first time that an instance is solved.
All examined AMLs support all types of traditional optimization problems; however, it is
unclear how efficiently each AML can handle large model loading and what optimizations
are applied during model instance creation. It would also be of great value to analyse how
each of the modelling languages performs within an area of the specific type of optimiza-
tion problems (e.g. linear, quadratic, nonlinear, mixed-integer). To give such a comparison
and thoroughly examine characteristics of AMLs, a more extensive benchmark involving
much larger optimization problem models is needed. Therefore, a large and extensive li-
brary of sample optimization problems for the analysed AMLs has to be used.
We have chosen the GAMS Model Library11 as a reference for creating such a sample
optimization problem suite against which future research will be done. Automated shell
script was created to build such a library. It can be found in the
tools directory of our GitHub repository (Jusevičius and Paulavičius, 2019). A detailed
explanation of how the test library creation tool works and the issues identified in the
GAMS Library are provided in Appendix A. As a result of the transformation, we com-
piled a library consisting of 296 sample problems in AMPL, GAMS, JuMP, and Pyomo
scalar model formats.
The generated library was used to determine the amount of time each modelling sys-
tem requires to create a model instance of a particular problem. We wrote load-
10 Start-up cost consists of the precompilation and caching time required to prepare JuMP environment.
Experimental Analysis of Algebraic Modelling Languages for Mathematical Optimization 291 shell script available in the tools directory of our GitHub reposi-
tory (Jusevičius and Paulavičius, 2019), which loads each model into the particular mod-
elling system and then exports it to the format understandable by the solvers. We have
chosen the .nl (Gay, 2005) format as the target format acceptable by the solvers, as .nl
supports a wide range of optimization problem types. The benchmark measures the time
the modelling system takes to perform both model instance creation and export operations.
We have chosen to exclude sample problems with conversion errors from the bench-
mark (more information about them in Appendix A). Only the models that were success-
fully processed by all modelling systems were compared. This reduced the scope of our
benchmark to 268 models.
Benchmark methodology, hardware, and software specifications can be found in our
GitHub repository (Jusevičius and Paulavičius, 2019). Detailed results are available in the
model-loading-times.xlsx workbook in the benchmark section of our GitHub
repository (Jusevičius and Paulavičius, 2019). We have provided a summary of the aver-
age model instance creation time split by the problem type in Fig. 1. We can see the trend
exhibited in the transportation problem model benchmark persists. AMPL is still a definite
top performer, while JuMP and Pyomo perform the worst. There are no significant vari-
ations between different optimization problem types except for JuMP, where the model
instance creation time tends to vary significantly while working with different types of
problems. Moreover, as confidence intervals show, the variation between different mod-
els of the same type is also more significant once using JuMP We tend to believe this
is caused by Julia’s dynamic nature and the mix of run time compilation and caching of
similar JuMP models.
We have observed that the average difference between AMPL and other contenders
increases when the models become larger. Comparing instance creation times of large
292 V. Jusevičius et al.
models (models having more than 500 equations, 8 such models in the testing library)
reveals 11 times the difference between AMPL and GAMS, 38 times the difference between
AMPL and Pyomo, and close to 100 times the difference between AMPL and JuMP. The
difference between GAMS and Pyomo stayed roughly the same – around 3.5 times. The
summary of the large model instance creation time can be seen in Fig. 2.
Thus, we can conclude that out of the reviewed AMLs, AMPL is a clear top-performing
AML when it comes to the model instance creation time.
A similar time benchmark of the model instance creation has already been con-
ducted (Dunning et al., 2017), where a smaller set of large models is used. While some of
the trends exhibited in our benchmark persist (AMPL is the fastest, GAMS comes second),
JuMP performance in our and Dunning et al. (2017) benchmarks differs significantly. This
leads us to compare the benchmark methodology and results by conducting the benchmark
described by Dunning et al. (2017).
First of all, our and their time benchmark methodologies differ. In comparison, we
are trying to be solver independent and instruct AML to export the generated model in-
stance to NL file, Dunning et al. (2017) attempt to solve the model using Gurobi solver
and measure the time until Gurobi reports model characteristics. We believe that while
our approach can be impacted by the system’s input/output performance, using a specific
solver heavily depends on how the solver interface is implemented for a particular AML.
In the following, we have conducted two benchmarks – one as described in the original
article and the second one using our method of exporting to a NL file. Results of the
benchmarks can be seen in Tables 5, 6.
Experimental Analysis of Algebraic Modelling Languages for Mathematical Optimization 293
Table 5
JuMP benchmark using Dunning et al. (2017) method (in milliseconds).
Table 6
JuMP benchmark using export to NL method (in milliseconds).
Before running the benchmarks, we had to rewrite some parts of the sample lqcp and
facility JuMP models since syntax changes were introduced between JuMP v0.12
(used by Dunning et al. (2017)) and JuMP v0.21.5 (used by us, the latest version at the
time of writing). Our benchmark was also conducted using newer versions of other AMLs–
AMPL Version 20190207, GAMS v.32, Pyomo 5.7 (Python 3.8.3), Gurobi 9.0.
Additionally, we wanted to test JuMP’s new abstraction layer’s performance for
working with solvers called MathOptInterface.jl (MOI). Therefore, we have tried both
CachingOptimizer and DIRECT modes. As seen in Table 5, the DIRECT mode
performed much better than the CachingOptimizer mode for both lqcp and fa-
cility models. An average difference in the instance creation time is close to two times,
which leads us to suggest modellers evaluate MOI type choice based on specific use cases
Overall, both benchmarks confirmed our observation that JuMP suffers from the long
warm-up time required to pre-compile JuMP libraries. Results were also consistent with
the patterns exhibited during the full gamslib benchmark performed earlier. We could
not reproduce the JuMP performance metrics reported by Dunning et al. (2017), where
JuMP always outperforms Pyomo. Using the original benchmark method, JuMP outper-
formed Pyomo only once the model size increased. However, while using our export to
NL file method, JuMP, on the contrary, started to fall behind Pyomo once model size
The reported differences between our and the original benchmark (Dunning et al.,
2017) might be caused by multiple factors such as different JuMP versions used, improved
294 V. Jusevičius et al.
Table 7
AMPL model presolving.
Type # models # infeasible Presolved (%) Constraints reduced (%) Variables reduced (%)
CNS 4 0 100.00% 14.63% 31.39%
DNLP 5 0 20.00% 0.00% 7.41%
LP 57 0 36.84% 17.81% 9.66%
MCP 19 0 89.47% 47.00% 8.56%
MINLP 21 1 61.90% 16.32% 9.30%
MIP 61 0 60.66% 19.06% 11.50%
MIQCP 5 2 60.00% 0.00% 2.38%
MPEC 1 0 100.00% 50.00% 0.00%
NLP 101 2 47.52% 9.71% 11.55%
QCP 10 0 60.00% 7.10% 2.55%
RMIQCP 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total 286 5 52.80% 18.42% 10.73%
5. Presolving Benchmark
We can conclude that AMPL presolver is an efficient way to simplify larger problems,
leading to improved solution finding performance once invoking a solver with an already
reduced problem model instance. Moreover, determining not feasible models can help
modellers debug the problem definition process and find errors in the model definition.
This allows us to argue that presolving is an important capability of any modern AML.
Table 8
Summary of AMPL presolve impact on solving.
Table 9
AMPL presolve impact with Gurobi presolve on.
Table 10
AMPL presolve impact with Gurobi presolve off.
During this benchmark, 6 models failed to be solved due to solver limitations. Two
models were deemed to be not feasible, and two were solved during the AMPL pre-
solve phase. Solvers were capable of solving 41 models during the solver’s presolve
phase. Moreover, for six models, the mismatching objective was found with AMPL pre-
solve turned on and off. Overall, AMPL presolve positively impacted 26.43% of the cases
iteration-wise and 47.86% time-wise. However, it hurt 20.71% of cases iteration-wise and
23.57% time-wise.
As mentioned earlier, both BARON and Gurobi solvers have their presolve mech-
anisms. An additional benchmark was made to test the impact of AMPL presolve with
disabled solvers presolving. Since only Gurobi allows the user to disable presolve func-
tionality, a subset of models previously solved with Gurobi was chosen. Detailed bench-
mark results can be seen in our GitHub repository’s (Jusevičius and Paulavičius, 2019) file
ampl-solving-times.xlsx sheet Benchmark 2. The summary of the bench-
mark is provided in Tables 9, 10. Gurobi could not solve two MIP problems (clad and
mws) in a reasonable time once Gurobi’s presolve functionality was turned off. Those
models were excluded from the benchmark.
As seen once comparing these results in Tables 9 and 10, the AMPL presolve had a
greater positive effect both iteration-wise (+25.5%) and time-wise (+10.2%) once Gurobi
presolve was turned off. AMPL presolve also had a less neutral impact once the solver
presolving was off, thus leading to the conclusion that during the first benchmark, some
models were simplified to very similar ones before actually solving them.
As we can see from the benchmarks, presolving done by AML has inconclusive effects
on the actual problem solving both iterations and time-wise. However, a positive impact
Experimental Analysis of Algebraic Modelling Languages for Mathematical Optimization 297
is always more significant than the negative one, and it especially becomes evident once
the solver does not have or use its problem presolving mechanisms. This allows us to con-
clude that the presolving capability of AML is an important feature of a modern algebraic
modelling language. We can also advise choosing AML having presolving capabilities in
cases the solver used to solve the problem does not have its presolving mechanism.
From the research, we can conclude that AMPL allows us to formulate an optimization
problem in the shortest and potentially easiest way while also providing the best perfor-
mance in model instance loading times. It also leverages the power of model presolving,
which helps the modellers in both problem definition and efficient solution finding pro-
cesses. GAMS is a powerful runner-up providing very similar to AMPL problem formulation
capabilities although running behind in the model instance creation time. AIMMS can be
considered as being in the class of its own as it has taken a purely graphical user interface
based approach. Since we could not examine the performance characteristics of AIMMS
due to a lack of academic license, the performance aspect remains unclear. Open-source
alternatives JuMP and Pyomo are on par with commercial competitors in the problem
definition process. However, the performance of model instance creation is a bit behind
compared to its competitors. JuMP suffers from noticeable environment start-up costs,
while Pyomo performance tends to downgrade once the model’s size increases.
We plan to continue our research in this area by including performance comparison
on automatic differentiation, adding even more large problems to our test library, and
exploring the potential of parallel model instance creation support by AMLs.
298 V. Jusevičius et al.
extracted and noted. Sample problems are also grouped based on optimization problem
The script has two execution modes – one for converting a single model and another
for converting all GAMS Library models. An example of the transportation problem from
GAMS Model Library16 converted to GAMS scalar format is shown in Listing 1.
At the time of writing, there were 423 models in the GAMS Model Library. Out
of them, we eliminated 66 models using GAMS proprietary modeling techniques (e.g.
MPSGE, BCH Facility), 20 using general-purpose programming language features
(e.g. cycles), four models tightly coupled to CPLEX and DECIS solvers. It is important to
note that 35 models failed to be loaded by a fully licensed GAMS Convert tool due to
execution or compilation errors. This meaning, some models in the GAMS Library are not
compatible with the GAMS modelling system itself. While performing the model instance
creation benchmark, we have identified that 12 AMPL, 11 JuMP, and 29 Pyomo models
generated by the GAMS Convert tool had errors in them. Most of the Pyomo errors
were caused by an incorrect GAMS Convert tool behaviour where the definition of the
Suffix primitive uses AMPL but not Pyomo semantics. Similar issues were observed
in some of the JuMP models. An example of what GAMS Convert generates and the
correct Pyomo syntax can be seen in Listing 2.
Experimental Analysis of Algebraic Modelling Languages for Mathematical Optimization 299
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304 V. Jusevičius et al.
V. Jusevičius received the master’s degree in software engineering from Vilnius Univer-
sity, Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2011. In 2017 he started PhD studies in computer science at
Vilnius University, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies. His thesis title “Re-
search and Development of an Open Source System for Algebraic Modeling Languages”.
He is working as a partnership associate professor in Vilnius University, Institute of Com-
puter Science, and as a Chief Software Architect for Danske Bank A/S.
R. Oberdieck obtained his bachelor and MSc degrees from ETH Zurich in Switzerland
(2009–1013), before pursuing a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College Lon-
don, UK, which he completed in 2017. After using his knowledge in mathematical mod-
elling and optimization in the space of renewable energies at the world leader in offshore
wind energy, Ørsted A/S, he is now helping companies around the world to unlock busi-
ness value through mathematical optimization as a Technical Account Manager for Gurobi
Optimization, LLC.
R. Paulavičius received the PhD degree in computer science from Vytautas Magnus Uni-
versity, Kaunas, Lithuania, in 2010. He was a postdoctoral researcher with Vilnius Univer-
sity, Vilnius, Lithuania, and a research associate with Imperial College London, London,
UK. He is currently a professor and the Head of the Blockchain Technologies Group, In-
stitute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, Vilnius University. His research interests
include optimization, distributed ledger technologies, parallel and distributed computing,
machine learning, and the development and application of various operation research tech-