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The Hobgoblin

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Name Look

Names: Atsuwen, Chengkatsu, Etsuku, Fuyukiku, Isahye, Kakukino, Kouki, Makinotso, Commanding Eyes, Dangerous Eyes or Cunning Eyes
Minaryou, Nakachao, Ramikato, Rukao, Shiuhaka, Tennaka, Wukong, Yasusaki Untamed Hair, Cropped Hair, Topknot or Bald
Clans: Deathshield, Dragonfang, Faestalker, Firewinner, Giantblade, Moonslayer, Darkened Leather, Exotic Garbs, or Soldier’s Regalia
Mountaindreamer, Nightkiller, Riverseer, Stonevictor, Tigerblood, Wolfruler Athletic Body, Powerful Frame or Easily Overlooked

Assign these scores to your stats: 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma



Damage d
d10 Armor HP
Your Max HP is

Alignment Starting Moves

Choose an alignment: You start with these moves:

⃞ Lawful Commanding Presence

Keep your word when it is inconvenient or costly. You may command those who are smaller or have lower social status than you to do
whatever you like. When you wish to bully or threaten someone into obeying your
⃞ Neutral commands, ROLL +CHA. 7-9: They may choose to attack you or flee, but otherwise they
Successfully fulfill your end of acontract. will obey your command. 10+: They will obey your command out of fear of reprisal,
though they may feel bitter about it later.
⃞ Evil
Humilate someone and force them to submit to your will. Contract
When others want you to complete a goal, they need to be very specific about the
Sub-Race parameters of your agreement. The goal can be to kill a monster, apprehend a fugitive,
protect a location or person, obtain and deliver an item, guide someone safely to
Choose which sub-race of goblins you belong to:
another location or just about any other concrete goal. If you agree, you have formed a
contract with the person. From then on, whenever you make a move towards complet-
⃞Crimson ing your contract, you take a +1 forward. However, any time you make a move to
You are one of the most athletic races of all. Whenever you
directly ignore or defy your contract, you take a -1. You may only have one contract at
defy danger by running, jumping, climbing or swimming, you
a time until it is either completed or it cannot be completed no matter the personal
take a +1 forward.
cost or sacrifice. If you fail to complete a contract, you lose 1 XP.
You have been brought up with the tales and stories of epic
Lightfooted Soldier
battles and how they were won. When you spout lore about You ignore the clumsy tag on armor. Moreover, you can move stealthily even when you
wars and battle tactics, you take a +1 are wearing chainmail or scalemail armor.

⃞Slate Sacrifice
You are particularly good at seeing weakness and exploiting it. When you defend a member of your party, you take a +1 and receive +1 armor against
When you discern realities to find the weakness in an enemy, any attack you redirect to yourself.
structure, object, formation or patrol, you take a +1 forward.

Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one:

I have been hired to protect _______________.

_______________ and I have worked same for the same boss.

_______________ needs more discipline and I will instill it.

I have heard about _______________’s great fighting abilities

and wish to see them for myself.

The Hobgoblin Level

Your Load is 11+STR. You start with military rations (rations, 5 uses, 1 You carry one keepsake from your past. Choose One:
weight), scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight), a Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight) ⃞ A badge of honor for your past ventures.
and adventuring gear (1 weight, 5 uses). ⃞ Scars from a dangerous fight that seemed impossible to win.
Choose Your Weapon: ⃞ A contract of official employment from the local artistocracy.
⃞ A Keen Hobgoblin Broadsword (Close, +1 Damage, Precise, 1 weight)
⃞ A Sturdy Longspear (Close, +1 Damage, Reach 1 weight)
⃞ A Flesh-Tearing Flail (Close, +1 Damage, Messy, 1 weight)

Advanced Moves
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves: When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or from the
level 2-5 moves:
⃞ Challenge
Call out a challenge to an enemy. The enemy and yourself enter a duel. ⃞ Advanced Formation
You take a +2 forward against this enemy. However, you take a -2 on all Requires Formation
strikes against other enemies until your opponent has been slain or flees. At the start of any battle, choose a number of allies equal to 1+CHA. You and
those allies all have +1 armor so long as you have more than 0 hit points.
⃞ Duty Before Pain
The first time during a battle that are reduced to 0 hit points, but you still have ⃞ Advanced Military Training
a conscious ally, roll a d8+CON. You immediately gain that many hit points. Requires Military Training
You may take an advanced move for levels 6-10 from the Fighter, Paladin
⃞ Formation or Ranger class except for a move that would allow you to take one from
At the start of any battle, choose one allied creature. You and that ally another class.
both gain +1 armor until the end of this battle so long as you both have
more than 0 hit points. ⃞ Call the Shot
Tell one of your companions to Volley or Hack and Slash. If the ally
⃞ Interrogate complies, your ally takes a forward equal to your CHA. However, you draw
You can are skilled at getting information from people, though doing so a lot of attention.
often means revealing aspects of yourself. When someone cannot
physically remove themselves from your presence, ask your question and ⃞ Death Strike
Roll + CHA. Requires Reliable Blade
7-9: You may ask any question and the target will answer truthfully. Whenever you roll a natural 9 or 10 on your damage die, you may roll an
However, the target may ask you one question back. If you do not answer additional damage die and add the damage of the second to the first. In
truthfully, you cannot use this move again against the target. addition, your attack becomes messy.
10+: Same as 7-9, but your answer does not need to be truthful.
⃞ Hobgoblin Warlord
⃞ Military Training Hobgoblins you encounter admire and respect you as a true testament to
You may take an advanced move for levels 2-5 from the Fighter, Paladin the strength of their people. In addition, your Hobgoblin hirelings have
or Ranger class except for a move that would allow you to take one from +1 loyalty and one free point in the Protector skill.
another class.
⃞ Maim
⃞ Reliable Blade When you roll a 12+ on Hack & Slash, you may literally disarm an
Whenever you roll a natural 1-3 on your damage die, you may roll an opponent. You can alternatively remove their leg or tail if you prefer.
additional damage die and add the damage of the second to the first.
⃞ On Your Feet!
⃞ Sacrifice Requires Duty Before Pain
When you choose to defend a member of your party, you take a +1 on The first time during a battle when an ally takes their last breath and
your roll. In addition, you have a +1 armor against any attack you redirect stabilizes while you are still conscious, they immediately gain 1d8 hit
towards yourself. points.

⃞ The Usual Places ⃞ Show of No Mercy

When you enter into a town or settlement and you wish to find someone When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, make an example of the slain
Roll+CHA. enemy. Nearby enemies becomes frightened of you.
7-9: You find out which stores, taverns, inns or other locations the person
you are looking for is most likely to frequent. ⃞ Shrug It Off
10+: Same as 7-9, but you also find out when they will most likely be there. You may ignore the effects of one debility during battle.

⃞ Weapon Specialization
Choose a single type of weapon (sword, spear, flail, etc.) whenever you
deal damage with this kind of weapon, you deal an additional +2 piercing.

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