Answer: C
A. Education Answer: B
Answer: C Answer: B
Answer: B A. power
Answer: C A. Ignorance
A. Placement D. Praise
B. Summative Answer: D
C. Continuous
Click here to know the latest Exam 24. Which one of the following is
Pattern and Syllabus of Kendriya not taken into consideration while
Vidyalaya (KVS) PGT/ TGT/ PRT/ preparing the blue-print for a test?
Librarian 2018 Exam
A. Topic
21. Which is different from the
other three with respect to fine B. Instructional objectives
motor Movement?
C. From of questions
A. Dot Joining
D. Teaching time
B. Dictation
Answer: D
C. Handwriting
25. The field of study concerned
D. Separation of fruits and vegetables with the construction of thought
processes, including
Answer: D remembering, problem solving,
and decision-making is called:
22. At the pre-primary stage
reading aloud while writing is A. Pedagogy
given importance. This is based on
which theory of learning? B. Education
C. Insight Answer: D
A. Weaker D. Observation
B. Stronger Answer: D
A. Pleasure
B. Sorrow Answer: D
Answer: D A. Slow
Answer: D A. 5
B.3 Answer: D
B. Miss Answer: C
A. Analysis Answer: B
D. Information A. variance
B. imagination Answer: C
Answer: D A. society
A. practice D. Principal
B. experience Answer: A
Answer: D A. theory
C. discipline
D. rules
Answer: B