Jay With Answers 1 Summary
Jay With Answers 1 Summary
Jay With Answers 1 Summary
1. How are Massive Online Courses (MOOCs) delivered to 8. On principles of teaching-and-learning, what do
learners kinds (students, interims, those changing Cognitive theorists see as the way to develop learners?
careers, etc. )? A. Learning by modelling of skills
A. Through communications B. Learning by thinking❤
B. Through the internet❤ C. Learning by perceiving the environment
C. Through classroom instruction D. Learning by imitation of ideas
D. Through timid training
9. In the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, science is
2. On cognitive principles in test construction, what formally taught from _______.
ability is required to correctly answer Filling the Blanks A. Grade 4 to Grade 12 B. Grade 1 to Grade 10
questions? C. K to Grade 12 D.Grade 3 to grade 12❤
A. Analytical thinking
B. Creative imagination 10. You want to know who a good teacher is. In the
C. Application process Philippines which would you consult?
D. Memory recall❤ A. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers❤
B. Professional Philippine Teacher Standards
3. Regardless of the transition period, how many credit C. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
units for CPD required of professional teachers every D. Professional Code of Ethics
three years for renewal of license?
A. 10 credit units 11. If I apply Vygotsky's theory of learning, which will I
B. 15 credit units❤ do?
C. 45 credit units A. Allow the child to choose his learning activity.
D. 30 credit units B. Establish classroom discipline from the very start.
C. Assist the child where he needs assistance until he can
4. What can be the instructional value of a web be on his own.❤
application that promotes fun and excitement to early D. Follow a logical arrangement of topics.
learners like one designed along an amusement park
ride? 12. Due to the advent of COVID 19, which initiative is
A. It is high order learning required for curriculum change?
B. It is good for all grade levels A. Curriculum implementation
C. It gives sophistication in design B. Curriculum evaluation
D. It is motivating❤ C. Curriculum design
D. Curriculum modification❤
5. What kind of problems do action research address?
A. Potential problems on school finance 13. In a lesson, when do teachers make ideas universally
B. Cognitive problems on pedagogy applicable to other ideas or situations?
C. Practical and resolvable problems❤ A. Summarization
D. Speculative problems on teaching B. Generalization
C. Comparison❤
6. On classroom activities, the following are appropriate D. Abstraction
for learners that have good spatial skills, but NOT to
include ___________. 14. What is the philosophical basis for education in recent
A. Community projects❤ years of General Education subjects in career studies in
B. Concepts maps the College level?
C. Visual presentation A. Utilitarianism
D. Preparing graphs B. Traditionalism
C. Essentialism❤
7. What is being asked of students in a task to determine D. Perennialism
elements and explain them in relation to other parts or
the whole? 15. As a teacher, how will you best understand the need
A. Analysis❤ to nourish the child along the axiom "Man does not live
B. Assessing by bread alone?"
C. Recall A. Need to enforce discipline
D. Understanding B. Need to teach human values❤
C. Need to follow the syllabi
D. Need to teach the 3rs
16. What is demonstrated by DepEd’s emphasis on 23. What is Teacher Ryan doing when he probes students
learning and assessment for percentage contribution to by asking a sequence of questions on a subject matter to
the grade of students in Grades 1-to-10? arrive at a satisfactory answer?
A. More importance for performance tasks❤ A. Clarifying B. Conversing
B. More stress on student discipline C. Analyzing D. Prompting❤
C. More value for written work
D. More stress on leadership 24. Experts refer to these helpful abilities to self-
expression by learners but NOT to include _______.
17. What approach to motivating students is used by A. imagining B. speculating
making encouraging remarks, such as "I know you can do C. building❤ D. developing insights
it; keep trying: that’s the boy/girl?
A. Assertive approach 25. Which of the following demonstrates that a teacher is
B. Success approach❤ competent in content knowledge and pedagogy?
C. Behavioral modification approach A. Research- based teaching❤
D. Acceptance approach B. Teacher- centered teaching
C. Concept- based teaching
18. Among thinking skills, Complex-Cognitive means D. Rote and drill- teaching
ability ___.
A. to maintain distinctions 26. How is research important to instruction and school
B. to break down varied information management?
C. to integrate varied Information❤ A. It seeks to solve instructional and school problems❤
D. to identify and place ideas into categories B. It seeks to make students loyal to the school
C. It aims at increasing the work of teachers
19. Which item page in newspapers demonstrates critical D It aims at strengthening authority of principals
thinking worthwhile for use in instruction on current
issues and events? 27. When a student gathers data or information and
A. News page B. Entertainment page arrives at a conclusion, what process of research is
C. Opinion page❤ D. Society page followed?
A. Deduction B. Induction❤
20. 80 proficiency? C. Experiment D. Implication
A. Satisfactory❤ B. Very Satisfactory
C. Outstanding D. Advanced 28. Along Erikson’s psychosocial theory, what is displayed
by the child trying out new ways of doing things?
19. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools that A. Self-reliance B. Initiative❤
seek to promote democratic opportunities for all and C. Autonomy D. Independence
humanistic education through lifelong learning?
A. Classical education B. Progressivism❤ 29. Along Erikson's psychosocial theory, what is displayed
C. Perrennialism D. Positivism by the child in saying "I do things without worrying about
20. What is asked by the teacher in making students do a A. Discipline B. Endurance
deduction or inference on the lesson presented to the C. Obedience D. Autonomy❤
A. Summary B. Assumption 30. How is reflection recorded in action research?
C. Conclusion❤ D. Hypothesis A. Through a report journal❤
B. Through a syllabus
21. What is the aim in interpreting grades against C. Through the curriculum
standards? D. Through a lesson plan
A. Understanding of performance❤
B. Rating of performance 31. In Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory of development
C. Assessment of behavior the following contribute to the learners' social
D. Ranking of students in a class environment with ___ opening the door for learners to
acquire knowledge.
22.What question is asked for reflecting on issues or A. activities
problems in a lesson? B. language❤
A. What B. Why❤ C. lessons
C. Where D. When D. classroom
33.Which is the best class performance on a 100 item 43.How is periodic reporting of student grades useful?
A.Mean is 80 and SD is 2 A. As an obligation
B.Mean is 80 and SD is. 10 B. As a Feedback❤
C.Mean is 90 and SD is 2❤ C. As support to parents
D.Mean is 2 and SD is 90 D. As a way to please parents
34.What is the equivalent the education as "learning in 44. What activity of human intelligence attaches value or
anyplace, anytime and anywhere? quantitative description to measuring results of learning
A.Research based instruction and school activities?
B.constructive education
C.Flexible Learning❤ A. analysis
B.critical thinking
35.What is the proper characterization for the power c.assessment❤
point presentation to deliver a lesson? D.Understand
A.Machinery B.Culture
C.Technology❤ D.Academics 45.Daisy score is within X +1 ?
37.What are characteristics of a good management plan? 46.Which portfolio to show improvement in learning as
A.its approved by students transforming of students?
B.clear and simple❤
C.it comes from the principal A.Assessment
D.its prepared by students B.Process
C.Showcase ❤
38.Given the oldest historical understanding of a teacher, D.Development
which of the following is closest to the idea of the first
teacher who were parents or elders transmitting norms 47.Among the curricula which operates the classroom
or crafts and beliefs to the young ? which curriculum is actually applied in the teaching
A.Coach B.school teacher learning process?
C.Master D.Guardian❤
39.On periods of development what features B.Written
characterizes the child in early childhood? C.Taught ❤
A.High level of cognition D.Recommended
B.Readiness for schooling❤
C. Independence 48.Among cognitive difficiences what is known as
D.Maturity difficulty in fucosing or keeping attention in learning?
40.Which of the following is the routine class procedure A.Perception grasp disorder
in a class? B.Language Communication disorder
A.Roll call ❤ B.Roll play C.Experiments C.Attention Deficit Disorder❤
D.Memory Breath disorder
41.What characteristics shows a teacher has emphaty
towards learners?
A.Caring ❤ B.loyalty C.discipline D.strenght
General Education
42.What assessment a total view of a students? 45 items Drill
August 01, 2022 (Monday)
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1. A sea is a great body of salty water smaller than an A. panghinaharap B. pang nag-daan
ocean, more or less landlocked, Which is a large C. pangkasalukuyan D. perpektibo✅✅
part of the ocean or sea partly enclosed land?
11. What are the prime factors of 56?
A. lake B. gulf✅✅
C. canal D. straight A. 7, 8 B. 7, 4, 2 C. 7, 2, 2, 2✅✅ D. 14, 2, 2
2. If two angles have their respective legs parallel, they 12. Father of Modern Psychology is ___________.
are equal or _____. A. Watson B. Skinner
A. adjacent B. supplementary✅✅ C. Wundt✅✅ D. Thorndike
C. vertical D. complementary
13. The interconnectedness of social and environmental
3. The vermiform appendix is part of the large intestine injustices between rich and poor nations is
but has no digestive function, thus, it is __. demonstrated by ________________.
A. embryonic structure B. analogous organ A. rich nation’s toxic waste disposal to poor countries
C. heterogeneous organ D. vestigial structure✅✅ ✅✅
B. desertification of verdant regions
4. Which of the following is a product of 13 and an C. temperature warning and rise of sea levels
integers? D. extinction of endemic flora and fauna
A. 1326✅✅ B. 1323 C. 131 D. 134 14. Order to determine the cause of an infectious
disease, micro organisms are allowed to multiply in a
5. The newspaper of the reform movement against medium under controlled laboratory conditions using a
Spanish colonial rule was ______. diagnostic test called _________.
✅ 6. Non-datable evidence left by Rizal of this faith in God 15. An organism has a natural environment where it lives
despite his being estranged from this religion. and thrives. This is called ________.
20. A key player in the EDSA people power Revolution 28. Social ideology that does Not allow private capitalism
and Father of local government code is _____. is _______.
A. magma B. mitochondria A. 3 x 7x 13 B. 3 x 3 x 6 x 9
C. bioluminescence D. plasma✅✅ C. 2 x 3 x 13✅✅ D. 3 x 3 7 x 7
22. Moral and Ethical standards are prescribed by the 30. What are the small hair-like structures that serve a
______. sensory function eukaryotic cells?
A. 40, 41, 42✅✅ B. 39, 40, 41 ✅ 32. Organism which feeds on another organism is called
C. 42, 44, 46 D. 41, 43, 45 ______.
3. Vygotsky's term for the appropriate assistance given by 9. The process of democratic consultation shall be
the teacher to assist the learner accomplish a task. observed in the decision making process at appropriate
a. assistance levels. This principle of shared governance is provided in
b. guidance Republic Act No._______.
c. scaffolding✅
d. peer tutoring A. 7836
B. 9155✅
4. In Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development, it is C.8980
the stage wherein thinking becomes more logical. A child D. 7610
can now solve abstract problems and can hypothesize.
A. Concrete operational stage 10. "Inaawitan ako ng mga alon sa dalampasigan." Ito ay
B. Sensorimotor stage halimbawa ng_______.
C. Preoperational stage A. Paglilipat wika
D. Formal Operational stage✅ B. Pagtutulad
C. Pagwawangis
5. Transition age from childhood to adulthood. D. Personipikasyon✅
A. adolescence✅
B. Middle and late childhood 11. He was helpless as a child. Classify this statement.
C. infancy A. Simile ✅
D. early childhood B. Idioms
C. Synonym
6. This theory looks at a child's development within the D. Metaphor
context of the system of relationships that form his or her
environment. Basta simile gani naa jud nay "like" or "as"
A. Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory✅
B. Socio-cultural theory 12. A major advantage of an essay type of test is its ease
C. Social Cognitive Theory in measuring the student's abilities to _____.
D. Epigenetic Principle A. Present a wide range of information
B. Suggest innovations in solving a problem
C. Organize and synthesize own knowledge✅
7. A student observed that her teacher is wearing big D. Include plain guesses in a nice way
earrings, three bracelets and two rings. Immediately, she
told her classmates, " I think she is very rich." This 13. Choose the color of the stars with the highest
statement is an example of a/an________. temperature.
A. Observation A. Red
B. Conclusion B. Yellow
C. Inference✅ C. Orange
D. Generalization D. Blue-White✅
"Inference" is a conclusion or opinion that is formed Color Blue star is the hottest, Red is the coolest
because of known facts or evidence
14. In which layer of the atmosphere does weather
8. In the accreditation program being required by the occur?
CHED in assessing the quality of instruction in universities
and colleges, which among the set of criteria that must A. Stratosphere
be included in determining the set levels? B. Troposphere✅
C. Mesosphere
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19. The term "Operant Conditioning" originated from 24. A gumble machine has 18 pieces remaining ( 6 blue, 5
him. He believed that one should focus on the external , yellow, 7 red). The probability of getting a blue gumball is
observable causes of behavior ( rather than try to unpack __.
the internal thoughts and motivations).
A. 2
A. Ivan Pavlov B. 0
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28. Watson Applied classical conditioning in his Using Divergent Questions students will use HOTS
experiments and the results showed that behavior is ( higher order thinking skills)
learned through stimulus-response associations
specifically the development of emotional responses to
certain stimuli. This help us in _____.
A. Understanding fears, phobias and love✅ 33. Lesson objectives must be aligned with the aims of
B. Interpreting reflexes as emotions education as embodied in the Philippine Constitution and
C. Connecting observable behavior to stimulus should be stated in the course syllabus. What is a reason
D. Understanding the role of overt behavior for this?
A. Acceptance or preference
B. Selective attention or willingness to receive
C. Sequence or feelings of satisfaction
D. Conceptualization of a value system✅
B. Electrical ->chemical -> light To find the GCF , look fir the greatest number that can
C. Chemical - >electrical -> light✅ divide both the 72 and 18.
D. Electrical->light-> chemical
6. What are the prime factors of 52?
Sa flashlight battery man jud ang source sa energy... ang A. 11x 2x 3
battery chemical energy na cya tapos electrical then last B. 13x 2x 2
ang light which is the product C. 23 x 2
D. 2x2x2x2
2. Convert 55 % to decimal.
A. 11x 2x 3 = 66 which is not 52
A. 0.55✅ B. 13x 2x 2 = 52, so B is the answer✅
B. 0.005 C. 23 x 2= 46which is not 52
C. .50 D. 2x2x2x2 = 18 which is not 52
D. 0.0005
2 conditions must be met:
✅to convert a percent to decimal, just remove the percent 1. When u multiply the numbers, it should be equal to 52
symbol and move the decimal point two places to the left 2. All numbers multiplied resulting to 52 must be prime
3. Why do seasons occur on earth?
7. ____ is the basic unit of matter as to: ____ is the basic
A. The sun rotates on its axis unit of life.
B. Earth revolves on its axis
C. Earth's axis is tilted✅ A. Proton, cell
D. Earth rotates on its axis B. Atom, cell✅
C. Cell, atom
As the earth spins on its axis, producing night and day, it D. Neutron,Deoxyrebonucleic acid
also moves about the sun in an elliptical (elongated circle)
orbit that requires about 365 1/4 days to complete. The 8. He is the father of taxonomy.
earth's spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane.
This is what causes the seasons A. Linnaeus✅
B. Darwin
4. What is the greatest common factor of 12 and 16? C. Galilei
D. Aristotle
A. 1
B. 3 9. Which is the correct sequence of mitosis?
C. 4✅
D. 2
A. Telophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Prophase
12 = 2x6, 3x4, 12x1 --->factors of 12 B. Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Prophase
C. Anaphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase
16= 2x8, 4x4, 16x1 D. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase✅
--->factors of 16
Mnemonics: PMAT
The common factors are 4, 1, 2. BUT the greatest is 4. So
the gcf is 4. 10. The propulsion of jets and rockets is based on
Newton's Law of ______.
A. Acceleration
B. Interaction✅
C. Inertia
D. Gravitation
5. What is the GCF of 72 and 18? 1st law : Law of Inertia
2nd Law: law of acceleration
A. 18✅ 3rd Law: Action and Reaction ( Interaction) to every
B. 3 action there is always an opposed equal reaction
C. 9
D. 6 11. Why are shadows formed?
A. Sand A. Pagwawangis✅
B. Water✅ B. Pagtutulad
C. Soil C. Personipikasyon
D. Wood D. Onamatopeya
13. Sound travels fastest in ____. 19. palasak na ang desenyong iyan
A. Gas a. pambihira
B. Liquid b.pangkaraniwan✅✅✅
C. Solid✅ c.magastos
D. Plasma d . wala sa moda
BUT if the question is: 20. Ibigay ang pokus ng pandiwa ng sumusunod na
pangungusap. " Bumili ang bunso ng laruan."
Light travels fastest in ___.
Answer: Gas A. Pokus sa aktor✅ ( tagaganap )
B. Pokus sa sanhi
14. Which law states that heat flows from bodies at high C. Pokus sa layon
temperature to one at low temperature? D. Pokus sa benepaktibo
Basta naa gani " BY" will have ang gamiton when it
Paradox is the representation of true but seemingly comes to tenses
contradictory ideas.
28. One-half of the information ___ relevant.
Another example:
On his fourth birtrhday, he will be 16 years old A. is✅
B. are
24. Everyone ____ required to speak his mind. C. were
D. has
A. is ✅
B. are With fractions, percentages, and the quantifiers all, all of,
C. have a lot of, verb agreement depends on the noun coming
D. has after these phrases.
(-One words: anyone, everyone, someone, no one, one ) 29. Mathilda lives ____ prk 2A, Marilog , Davao City,
always use singular Philippines.
When each, every, either, neither, someone, somebody, on --- use to designate name of streets, avenues, etc.
nobody, anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, no one
are used as antecedents, the pronouns referring to them in----use for the names of land areas ( towns, countries,
are singular WHEN the ANTECEDENT is either musculine states, and continents)
or feminine, the pronoun must be MUSCULINE.
30. Which of the following is an example of adverb of
26. He _ still __ on from a relationship. manner?
present progressive tense denotes an action which is A. My room is upstairs ( adverb of place)
going on at the time of speaking. B. See you later ( adverb of time)
C. The people are slowly responding to the call for
27. I ___ finished all this work by tomorrow. change✅
D. I rarely do exercise ( adverb of frequency because of
A. will have the word " rarely")
B. can
C. have been Adverb of manner tells us how something is done.
D. had been
A. Proximodistal pattern
B. Cephalocaudal pattern✅
C. Human Development
D. Maturation
1. DEV'T IS LIFELONG. ( does not end in adulthood) 6. This refers to the two opposing emotional forces in Erik
2. DEV'T IS MULTIDIMENSIONAL Erikson's psychosocial crisis.
3. DEV'T IS PLASTIC. ( possible through life span)
4. DEV'T IS CONTEXTUAL( individuals aree changing A. Maladaptation
beings in changing world B. Contrary Disposition
REGULATION D. Malignancy
B. Early Childhood
In this stage, success of a child leads to AUTONOMY, C. Middle and Late childhood
failure leads to SHAME and DOUBT D. Infancy
9. In this stage of psychosocial crisis , child begins to 13. In this stage, he/ she seeks emotional independence
asssert control and power over their environment by of parents and other adults.
planning activities, accomplishing tasks, and facing
challenges. A. Infancy
B. Middle and late childhood
A. Trust and Mistrust C. Adolescence
B. Initiative vs Guilt✅ D. Late Adulthood
C.Identity vs Role Confusion
D. Generativity vs Stagnation A. Infancy ( suggests extreme helplessness, shortest of all
developmental period)
-Occurs duringPreschool years. B. Middle and late childhood (achieving personal
-success at this stage leads to sense of purpose and if independence)
initiative is dismissed children develop a sense of guilt C. Adolescence✅
D. Late Adulthood ( adjustment to decreasing health)
Virtue- courage
Maladaptation-- ruthlessness 14.
Malignancy- inhibition
A. Integrity vs despair
B. Generativity vs stagnation✅
C. Intimacy vs isolation
D. Iindustry vs inferiority
Virtue- caring
Maladaptation- overextension
Malignancy- rejectivity
A. Industry vs inferiority✅
B. Identity vs role confusion
C. Intimacy vs isolation
D. Integrity vs despair
12. " The preschooler years" and years before formal A. El filibustirismo
education. B. Noli me tangere ✅
C. Penafrancia
A. Babyhood D. One who is against the government
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4. A Translation of Rizal's farewell poem written by 11. The ninth Child of Francisco and Teodora who was an
Andres Bonifacio. epileptic and died a spinster.
5. RIZAL STARTED HIS FORMAL SCHOOLING IN : 12. The famous Rizal monument in Luneta was not the
work of a Filipino but a swiss sculptor named:
C. CAVITE B. Leonor rivera
D. MANILA C. Christina cruZ
D. Richard Kissling ✅
B. Submersed
7. Who is the God father of Jose Rizal? C. Subversive✅
D. Divergent
B. GOMBURZA 14. Date last issue of La Solidaridad.
D. VALENTIN VENTURA A. Feb. 15, 1880
B. Feb 15, 1890
C. Feb. 15, 1889 it was first published in Barcelona, Spain
D. NOV. 15, 1895✅ last issue
8. Philippine president who made dec. 30 as a day of 15. THE MOTHER OF RIZAL WAS Imprisoned for how
National Mourning in Rizal honor. many years due to alleged poisoning of her cousin in law?
A. Filipinos
B. Friars
C. Religion
D. Maria Clara ✅
A. Maria clara
B. Isagani ✅
C. Pepe
D. Paciano
A. Law of Pragnanz C. 4✅
B. Law of Closure D. 3
C. Law of Similarity
D. Law of Proximity✅ 14. This stage of cognitive development focus on the
prominence of the senses and muscle movement.
11. We tend to ignore gaps and complete contour lines.
This law states that in our perception there is a tendency A. Sensorimotor
to complete unfinished objects. B. Concrete operational
C. Formal operational
A. Law of Pragnanz D. Preoperational
B. Field Theory
C. Law of Closure✅
D. Perceptual Process A. Sensorimotor✅
Accomodation- process of creating new schema Basta SOCIO CULTURAL THEORY- Lev Vygotsky
Equilibration- achieving proper balance between Scaffolding - Vygotsky's term for the appropriate
assimilation and accommodation assistance
18. He/she is the proponent of socio cultural theory. ZPD( Zone of Proximal Development)
MKO ( More knowledgeable other)
A. Lev Vygotsky Potential level- level that the learner achieves with the
B. Kurt Lewin assistance of teacher or more advanced peer.
C. Hilda Taba
D. John Dewey Actual Level- level that the learner achieves alone
28. Who was the commander of the ship Victoria that led
the 17 other remaining Spaniards under Magellan’s
expedition to complete the first circumnavigation of the
A. Antonio Pigafetta
B. Sebastian Elcano✅
C. Andres de Urdaneta
D. Pedro Chirino
Answer: B
the Victoria, continued west under the command of Juan
Sebastian de Elcano