• Reflect on what you have learned about the basic objects in quantum mechanics:
wavefunctions & operators.
• Establish the basic picture about the math structure of quantum mechanics
(NOTE: these are not mathematically rigorous)
• Be familiarized with the general description of a quantum state: the density matrix.
Get some taste of quantum entropy and quantum entanglement if time permits.
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 1.
P.A.M. Dirac, The Principle of Quantum Mechanics, Sections I.5-6, Chapter III.
J. von Neumann, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Chapters I,II.
A. The Wavefunction
• Be careful when you parametrize the coordinate space. You might need to absorb the
Jacobian into the wavefunction (depending on the definition of dV ), and/or introduce
artificial “boundary conditions”.
• Most wavefunctions we will deal with are continuous, and (piecewise) smooth.
• Example:
V is the unit sphere S 2 parametrized by polar and
azimuth angles x = (θ, ϕ) ∈ [0, π] × [0, 2π], dV = sin θ dθdϕ,
legitimate ψ(θ, ϕ) are normalizable complex functions
R 2π R π
( ϕ=0 θ=0 |ψ(θ, ϕ)|2 sin θ dθdϕ < ∞)
with the “boundary condition” ψ(θ, 0) = ψ(θ, 2π), ∀θ
and ψ(0, ϕ) = ψ(0, 0), ψ(π, ϕ) = ψ(π, 0), ∀ϕ.
A basis of such wavefunctions are spherical harmonics Yℓm (θ, φ).
• The Hilbert space H(V ) defined on a coordinate space V is the complex linear space
formed by normalizable wavefunctions defined on V .
– The states ψi are linearly dependent if and only if the matrix (ψi , ψj ) is singular,
or equivalently det[(ψi , ψj )] = 0.
• Example:
direct sum: vs. tensor product:
one particle in two potential wells two inequivalent particles in two wells
need to know if it is in left or right need to know both left & right particles’ state
H1 ⊕ H2 H1 ⊗ H 2
• ‘bras’ hψ|: linear functional defined on the Hilbert space: H 7→ ❈, φ 7→ (ψ, φ).
– Short-hand notation: hψ|φi ≡ (ψ, φ) = ψ ∗ φ dV .
• Short-hand notation: |ψ1 i + |ψ2 i with ψ1 ∈ H1 , ψ2 ∈ H2 means the direct sum state
ψ 1 ⊕ ψ 2 ∈ H1 ⊕ H 2 .
• Short-hand notation: |ψ1 i|ψ2 i with ψ1 ∈ H1 , ψ2 ∈ H2 means the tensor product state
ψ 1 ⊗ ψ 2 ∈ H1 ⊗ H 2 .
• Other labels like quantum numbers or just an index, are often used in ‘bras’ & ‘kets’:
e.g. |L = 2, Lz = 0i, |0i.
– For infinite dimensional Hilbert space, completeness is usually very hard to prove.
• Resolution of identity: ✶ = i |ei ihei |, the sum is over a complete orthonormal basis.
• Linear operators: linear mappings between two (often the same) Hilbert spaces:
Ô|ψi ∈ H2 for |ψi ∈ H1 , and Ô|λ1 ψ1 + λ2 ψ2 i = λ1 Ô|ψ1 i + λ2 Ô|ψ2 i.
– (Ô† )† = Ô.
“Proof”: for any ψ & φ, by definitions of inner product and hermitian conjugate,
(ψ, ((Ô† )† )φ) = (((Ô† )† )φ, ψ)∗ = (φ, (Ô† )ψ)∗ = ((Ô† )ψ, φ) = (ψ, Ôφ). Then
((Ô† )† ) and Ô must be the same.
• Matrix representation: under a complete orthonormal basis |ni, the operator Ô has
‘matrix elements’ Omn ≡ hm|Ô|ni. (O† )mn = (Onm )∗ .
• Trace: TrÔ = n hn|Ô|ni, summing over a complete orthonormal basis.
The result of trace is independent of the choice of basis.
Cyclic property: Tr(ÂB̂) = Tr(B̂ Â), for ‘finite’ operators Â, B̂ (e.g. finite dimensional)
• Eigenvalue λ and eigenstate |Ô = λi of operator Ô: defined by Ô|Ô = λi = λ|Ô = λi.
– Any operator can be written as Ô = n |ñi ρn hn|, where n labels the singular
value ρn ≥ 0, and the two sets of orthonormal basis |ni & |ñi are eigenstates of
Ô† Ô & ÔÔ† respectively.
• Commutator & anti-commutator of  & B̂: [Â, B̂] ≡ ÂB̂ − B̂ Â, {Â, B̂} ≡ ÂB̂ + B̂ Â.
• Elementary functions of operators may be defined by their power series expansion, e.g.
exp(Â) = ∞ n
n=0 (Â) /n! (let’s not worry about convergence).
– Note: Â · f (B̂) · Â−1 = f (Â · B̂ · Â−1 ) for such functions f that can be defined as
power series, because  · (B̂)n · Â−1 = ( · B̂ · Â−1 )n .
• Jacobi identity: [Â, [B̂, Ĉ]] + [B̂, [Ĉ, Â]] + [Ĉ, [Â, B̂]] = 0. Or [LÂ , LB̂ ]Ĉ = L[Â,B̂] Ĉ.
• ‘Leibniz’s rule’:
[Â, B̂1 B̂2 · · · B̂n ] = [Â, B̂1 ]B̂2 · · · B̂n + B̂1 [Â, B̂2 ] · · · B̂n + · · · + B̂1 B̂2 · · · [Â, B̂n ]. Or
LÂ (B̂1 B̂2 · · · B̂n ) = (LÂ B̂1 )B̂2 · · · B̂n + B̂1 (LÂ B̂2 ) · · · B̂n + · · · + B̂1 B̂2 · · · (LÂ B̂n ).
– A heuristic “proof”:
define fˆ(t) = et B̂e−t , then fˆ(0) = B̂.
Take derivative with respect to t, note that ddt et = Âet = et Â,
then d fˆ(t) = Â · fˆ(t) − fˆ(t) · Â = [Â, fˆ(t)] = L fˆ(t).
dt Â
The formal solution of this ordinary differential equation is then fˆ(t) = etLÂ fˆ(0),
so e B̂e− = fˆ(1) = exp(L )B̂. Â
• Direct sum & tensor product of operators are defined similarly to wavefunctions:
for operator  defined on H1 , and B̂ defined on H2 ,  ⊗ B̂ is an operator defined on
H1 ⊗ H2 , such that (Â ⊗ B̂)|ψ ⊗ φi = (Â|ψi) ⊗ (B̂|φi), for states ψ ∈ H1 and φ ∈ H2 .
– Tr1⊗2 (Â ⊗ B̂) = Tr1 (Â) · Tr2 (B̂), where the three different traces are taken in
Hilbert spaces H1 ⊗ H2 , H1 , H2 , respectively.
C. Back to Wavefunction
– Worry #2: What are the eigenstate wavefunctions of x̂? Are they normalizable?
• Despite the above worries, denote the eigenstates of x̂ by |xi, i.e. x̂|xi = x|xi.
• The momentum operator p̂: φ(x) 7→ −✐h̄ ∂∂x φ(x). It is not-so-obviously Hermitian.
A. Density Matrix
– ρ= i λi |ei ihei |, with some orthonormal basis ei , and λi > 0, i λi = 1.
b at finite temperature T :
• The density matrix of Hamiltonian H
b B T )/Z = P exp(−Ei /kB T ) |Ei ihEi |,
ρ = exp(−H/k Ei Z
• von Neumann entropy of a density matrix ρ̂: S ≡ −Tr(ρ̂ ln ρ̂) = − i λi ln λi .
– Meaning of partial trace: for any ψ1,2 ∈ Ha , hψ1 |ρ̂a |ψ2 i = i hψ1 ⊗ φi |ρ̂|ψ2 ⊗ φi i,
and the sum is over a complete orthonormal basis φi of Hb . The matrix elements
of ρ̂a under a orthonormal basis Ha can be computed by this relation.
A. Measurement
• Measurement can be done for a Hermitian operator  on pure or mixed states ρ̂.
– If all eigenvalues λ′ of  are known, then P̂λ can be formally obtained by the
Â−λ′ ✶
“Lagrange interpolating polynomial”, P̂λ = λ′ , λ′ 6=λ λ−λ′ .
• An example:
– DefinePauli
1 0 0 1 0 −✐ 1 0
σ 0 = , σ 1 = , σ 2 = , σ 3 = .
0 1 1 0 ✐ 0 0 −1
– Consider a state described by the density matrix ρ̂, represented in some basis as
1 0 0 ✐
0 1 − ✐ 0
ρ̂ = 14 = 4 [✶ − σ1 ⊗ σ2 ]. Exercise: is this a pure state?
✐ 1 0
−✐ 0 0 1
– ⋆ Exercise: compute entropies S[ρ̂], S[ρ̂+1 ] and S[ρ̂−1 ], check if any informa-
tion can be gained by this measurement, namely whether S[ρ̂] > (1/2)S[ρ̂+1 ] +
(1/2)S[ρ̂−1 ] ?
• For Hermitian  & B̂, (hÂ2 i − hÂi2 )(hB̂ 2 i − hB̂i2 ) ≥ 14 |h[Â, B̂]i|2 . − W. Heisenberg
h·i is the expectation value under a quantum state ρ̂.
– Proof:
Define the inner product of two operators Â, B̂ as (Â, B̂) = h† B̂i = Tr(† B̂ ρ̂).
Exercise: check that this indeed satisfies the “axioms” of inner product.
Define two new operators Â′ = Â − hÂi, B̂ ′ = B̂ − hB̂i. For Hermitian Â, B̂,
|h[Â, B̂]i|2 = 14 |h[Â′ , B̂ ′ ]i|2 = 21 (Â′ , B̂ ′ )(B̂ ′ , Â′ ) − 14 (Â′ , B̂ ′ )2 − 41 (B̂ ′ , Â′ )2
= [Im(Â′ , B̂ ′ )]2 ≤ |(Â′ , B̂ ′ )|2 ≤ (Â′ , Â′ )(B̂ ′ , B̂ ′ ) = (hÂ2 i − |hÂi|2 )(hB̂ 2 i − |hB̂i|2 ).
The last inequality used here is Cauchy-Schwarz.
• Familiar case: Â = x̂, B̂ = p̂. hx̂2 − x̄2 ihp̂2 − p̄2 i ≥ h̄2 /4.
• ⋆ In infinite dimensional Hilbert space, there can be cases with B̂ Â = ✶ while ÂB̂ 6= ✶,
B̂ shall not be called Â−1 .
– Example:
Assume |0i, |1i, . . . are complete orthonormal basis.
Define  = ∞ n=0 |n + 1ihn| = |1ih0| + |2ih1| + . . . .
P P∞
Consider B̂ = ∞ n=0 |nihn + 1|, then B̂ · Â = n=0 |nihn| = ✶.
However  · B̂ = n=0 |n + 1ihn + 1| = ✶ − |n = 0ihn = 0| 6= ✶.
– Example:
sin(x3 )
φ(x) = x
, defined on real axis of x.
Check that φ is normalizable while both x̂ φ and p̂ φ are not.
– Proof: see e.g., M.A. Nielsen, I.L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum
Information, section 11.3.5.
– Proof: see H. Araki, E. H. Lieb, Commun. Math. Phys. 18, 160 (1970).
• ⋆ Reciprocity: define reduced density matrices ρ̂a = Trb (ρ̂) & ρ̂b = Tra (ρ̂) on subspace
Ha & Hb respectively, where ρ = |ψihψ| is a pure state on Ha ⊗ Hb . Then Sb =
Trb (−ρ̂b ln ρ̂b ) = Sa = Tra (−ρ̂a ln ρ̂a ).
– Proof:
This a simple consequence of the Schmidt decomposition of a pure state.
|ψi = i λi |ei i⊗|ẽi i, with orthonormal basis ei for Ha and ẽi for Hb , and real pos-
itive singular values λi . Then the reduced density matrix on Ha is i λ2i |ei ihei |,
and on Hb is i λ2i |ẽi ihẽi |. So Sa = − i λ2i ln(λ2i ) = Sb .
• Get a clear picture of the many-body Hilbert space of fermions and bosons:
(Anti-)Symmetrized tensor product space.
– NOTE: the above picture is rather inconvenient, and will not be used in practice.
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 6.
P.A.M. Dirac, The Principle of Quantum Mechanics, Chapter IX.
L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz, Quantum Mechanics: Non-relativistic Theory, Chapter IX.
A. Altland, B.D. Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory, Chapter 2.
• Transposition (i, j): exchange i and j while keeping the others fixed.
– The wavefunction may get complex phase, the density matrix should be the same.
• Fock space: the Hilbert space of identical particles with indefinite particle number, is
the direct sum of 0-particle & 1-particle & . . . Hilbert spaces. F = H0 ⊕ H1 ⊕ . . . .
• 0-particle Hilbert space H0 : Hilbert space containing only the “vacuum” state.
• n(≥ 2)-particle Hilbert space Hn : a subspace of the tensor product (H1 )⊗n
= H1 ⊗ H1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ H1 , with (anti-)symmetrization between the factor H1 s.
• Bosons: ψ(x1 , · · · , xn ) = √1n! σ∈Sn hx1 |ψσ(1) i · · · hxn |ψσ(n) i
= √1n! σ∈Sn ψσ(1) (x1 ) · · · ψσ(n) (xn ) = √1n! perm[ψj (xi )].
– Permanent of a square matrix Aij : perm[A] ≡ σ∈Sn i Ai,σ(i) .
– hφ1 , . . . , φn |ψ1 , . . . , ψn i = perm[hφi |ψj i] = σ∈Sn i hφi |ψσ(i) i. Exercise.
• Fermions: ψ(x1 , · · · , xn ) = √1n! σ∈Sn (−1)σ hx1 |ψσ(1) i · · · hxn |ψσ(n) i
= √1n! σ∈Sn (−1)σ ψσ(1) (x1 ) · · · ψσ(n) (xn ) = √1n! det[ψj (xi )].
This is the Slater determinant.
– Determinant of a square matrix Aij : det[A] ≡ σ∈Sn (−1)σ i Ai,σ(i) .
– hφ1 , . . . , φn |ψ1 , . . . , ψn i = det[hφi |ψj i] = σ∈Sn (−1)σ i hφi |ψσ(i) i. Exercise.
• Suppose H1 has complete orthonormal basis |ei i. For simplicity, assume a m(finite)-
dimensional H1 (i = 1, . . . , m). The goal is to construct a basis for Hn .
• Bosons: basis are |ei1 , ei2 , · · · , ein i, for all 1 ≤ i1 ≤i2 ≤· · · ≤in ≤ m.
• Fermions: basis are |ei1 , ei2 , · · · , ein i, for all 1 ≤ i1 <i2 <· · · <in ≤ m.
• The goal is to define linear operators which creates(destroys) a particle of the 1-body
state ψ, in the Fock space.
• Annihilation operator: (“try to remove a 1-body state from each factor respectively”)
ψ̂ : Hn → Hn−1 , |ψ1 , · · · , ψn i 7→ ni=1 (±1)i−1 hψ|ψi i |ψ1 , · · · , ψi−1 , ψi+1 , · · · , ψn i,
where +1 is for bosons and −1 is for fermions.
• Occupation basis |n1 , · · · , nm i = (n1 !)−1/2 · · · (nm !)−1/2 (ê†1 )n1 · · · (ê†m )nm |0i.
– For coordinate eigenstates |xi, denote corresponding operators by ψ(x)d and ψd † (x):
d ψd
Bosons: [ψ(x), d ψd
† (x′ )] = δ(x − x′ ). Fermions: {ψ(x), † (x′ )} = δ(x − x′ ).
NOTE: these are not related to some state ψ, symbols like φ may also be used.
d & ψd
– (Anti-)Commutation relations of momentum eigenstate operators ψ(p) † (p)
are similar.
• Basis change: ψ̂ † = i hei |ψi ê†i , sum is over a complete orthonormal basis.
In particular ψ̂ † = ψ(x)ψd † (x) dx, where ψ(x) = hx|ψi is the wavefunction.
– If ei and e′i are two sets of complete orthonormal 1-body basis, then
ê′ i = j he′i |ej iêj , or column vector eˆ′ = U · ê,
where Uij = he′i |ej i is a unitary matrix.
• The goal: use the creation & annihilation operators to simplify the presentations of
operators for identical particles in Fock space.
• The rule of thumb: to get a many-body term (defined on the Fock space),
replace the 1-body wavefunctions ψ(x) [ ψ ∗ (x) ] in the expectation value formula for a
product states by operator ψ̂(x) [ ψd
† (x) ], remove the summations over particle indices.
P R 2 2
• Example: 1-body kinetic energy term: i ψi∗ (x)(− h̄2m∂x )ψi (x) dx.
R d dx = R ψd
Corresponding many-body term is ψd d dp
2 2 2
† (x)(− h̄ ∂x )ψ(x) † (p)( p )ψ(p)
2m 2m
• Example: 1-body potential term: V (x) ψi∗ (x)ψi (x) dx. i
Corresponding many-body term is V (x) ψd d dx.
† (x)ψ(x)
R d d
• Example: total particle number operator: N̂ = ψ † (x)ψ(x) dx.
It is difficult to write down the corresponding ‘first quantized’ form.
• Generic 2-body term Ô(x, x′ ): x and x′ are the two particles’ coordinates.
– Note the “normal ordering”: put all creation operators in front of annihilation
operators, be careful about the exchange sign in case of fermions.
= (1/2) i6=j V (xi , xj ) ψ̂ † (xi )ψ̂ † (xj )|xi &xj removedi
= (1/2) i6=j V (xi , xj ) |x1 , · · · , xn i.
The above result shows that the action of V̂ on many-body wavefunction
ψ(x1 , · · · , xn ) is the same as the ‘first quantized’ description.
Exercise: check the case of fermions, be careful about fermion exchange signs.
where n̂i = b̂†i b̂i is the occupation number operator, h.c. means the Hermitian conjugate
of the previous term. [b̂i , b̂†j ] = δij and all other commutators between them vanish.
– On each site i of a lattice, there is one single-boson mode φi (x), and all φi form a
complete orthonormal basis of 1-body Hilbert space. b̂†i & b̂i are the corresponding
creation/annihilation operators.
– The Hamiltonian consists of a kinetic energy term and an interaction term. The
kinetic energy term makes a particle to ‘hop’ from site i to one of its neighbors
j, with a matrix element −t. The interaction term creates repulsion energy U
between each pair of particles on the same site.
– Example: consider only two sites i & j, use the occupation number basis, the
action of Ĥ on |ni = 3, nj = 1i is Ĥ |ni = 3, nj = 1i =
√ √ √
−t 3 2 |ni = 2, nj = 2i − t 4 |ni = 4, nj = 0i + 3 U |ni = 3, nj = 1i.
• |ψ1 , · · · , ψn i = i=1 ψ̂i† |0i.
Norm of this state is given by the Gram determinant det[hψi |ψj i].
Namely the unique ground state of this Hamiltonian is this fermion product state.
• Particle-hole transformation of all fermion modes: formally ĉi ↔ ĉ†i for all i.
Exercise: what is the corresponding unitary transformation?
what is the new ‘vacuum’ ?
• By particle-hole transformation,
the fermion product state ĉ†1 · · · ĉ†n |0i can be viewed
c† , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ‘hole’ annihilation operators
′ i
as the ‘vacuum’ of ĉ i =
c , n < i, ‘particle’ annihilation operators.
– This state is not an eigenstate of fermion number operator ĉ†1 ĉ1 + ĉ†2 ĉ2 .
– A ‘parent’ Hamiltonian is Ĥ = γ̂1† γ̂1 + γ̂2† γ̂2 . Exercise: rewrite this in terms of ĉs.
• (Not required) Generic fermion pairing state |{fij }i ∝ exp( 12 i,j fij ĉ†i ĉ†j )|0i,
where ĉi are some orthonormal basis, fij = −fji are complex numbers.
– By a orthogonal transformation ĉ†i → Oij ĉ′ j , where O is an orthogonal matrix,
the antisymmetric
f matrix can
be brought into a standard form
0 λ1 0 0 ···
−λ 0 0 0 · · ·
OT · f · O
0 0 λ2 · · ·
0 0 −λ 2 0 · · ·
. . . . ..
. . . . .
. . . .
† † † † ˆ′ † ˆ′ † ˆ′ † ˆ′ †
the state becomes ∝ exp(λ1 ĉ′ 1 ĉ′ 2 + λ2 ĉ′ 3 ĉ′ 4 + . . . )|0i = eλ1 c 1 c 2 eλ2 c 3 c 4 . . . |0i.
Bogoliubov transformations can then be defined on ĉ′ 2i−1 & ĉ′ 2i .
2 /2 †
• The coherent state from a single boson mode b̂ is |zi = e−|z| ezb̂ |0i,
where z ∈ ❈ is a complex number.
Exercise: check the normalization of |zi.
– Expectation value of ‘normal ordered’ polynomials of b̂† and b̂ (all b̂† s appear in
front of b̂s) in state |zi can be obtained by simply replacing b̂† by z ∗ and b̂ by z.
Example: hz|(b̂† b̂)2 |zi = hz|(b̂† b̂† b̂ b̂ + b̂† b̂)|zi = z ∗ z ∗ zz + z ∗ z = |z|4 + |z|2 .
• Consider two orthonormal boson modes b̂1 & b̂2 , the boson pairing state is
|λi = (1 − |λ|2 )1/2 exp(λ b̂†1 b̂†2 ) |0i, where λ ∈ ❈ is a complex number, and |λ| < 1.
Exercise: check the normalization of |λi.
– This state is not an eigenstate of boson number b̂†1 b̂1 + b̂†2 b̂2 .
– A ‘parent’ Hamiltonian is Ĥ = γ̂1† γ̂1 + γ̂2† γ̂2 . Exercise: rewrite this in terms of b̂s.
• All these special states are “free particle” states, they can be defined as the ‘vacuum’
of a complete set of single-particle “annihilation” operators.
Free particle state complete set of “annihilation” operators
– NOTE: this is true only for such ‘free particle’ states |0i.
– NOTE: the matrix h0|Âi Âj |0i may not be symmetric or anti-symmetric. But the
above definition for Hafnian/Pfaffian still works for the Wick expansion.
– Example: hÂ1 Â2 Â3 Â4 i = hÂ1 Â2 ihÂ3 Â4 i + hÂ1 Â4 ihÂ2 Â3 i ± hÂ1 Â3 ihÂ2 Â4 i,
the ± sign is for boson or fermion cases respectively.
• Get a clear understanding about the Schrödinger { ✐h̄ dt |ψ, ti = ĤS (t)|ψ, ti }
and the Heisenberg { h̄ ddt ÔH (t) = ✐ [ĤH (t), ÔH (t)] }
pictures about time evolution.
• Optional references:
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 2.
P.A.M. Dirac, The Principle of Quantum Mechanics, Chapter V.
R.P. Feynman, A.R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integral, Chapter 2.
A. Altland, B.D. Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory, Chapter 3.
M.E. Peskin, D.V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Section 9.1
– The time evolution is usually ‘continuous’, and reversible, Û † (t, t0 ) = [Û (t, t0 )]−1 .
– Ĥ(t) = ✐h̄ dt
Û (t, t0 ) · Û † (t, t0 ), independent of the choice of t0 :
✐ dt
Û (t, t′0 ) · Û † (t, t′0 ) = ✐ ddt Û (t, t0 )Û (t0 , t′0 ) · [Û (t, t0 )Û (t0 , t′0 )]†
= ✐ dtd
Û (t, t0 )Û (t0 , t′0 ) · Û † (t0 , t′0 )Û † (t, t0 ) = ✐ ddt Û (t, t0 ) · Û † (t, t0 ).
– Ĥ is Hermitian:
Ĥ † = −✐h̄Û (t, t0 ) dt
Û † (t, t0 ) = −✐h̄{ ddt [Û (t, t0 ) · Û † (t, t0 )] − d
Û (t, t0 ) · Û † (t, t0 )}
= −✐h̄{ ddt (✶) − d
Û (t, t0 ) · Û † (t, t0 )} = ✐h̄ ddt Û (t, t0 ) · Û † (t, t0 ) = Ĥ
– In general, Û (t, t0 ) = T (exp[− h̄✐ Ĥ(t′ )dt′ ]), where T means time-ordering.
t′ =t0
Â(t)B̂(t′ ), t > t′ ,
∗ Time-ordering for bosonic  & B̂, T [Â(t)B̂(t )] =
B̂(t′ )Â(t), t′ > t.
• The Heisenberg equation of motion: h̄ dt ÔH (t) = ✐ [ĤH (t), ÔH (t)].
NOTE: the Hamiltonian ĤH (t) here is also in the Heisenberg picture, ĤH (t) =
✐h̄ Û † (t) dt
Û (t) = Û † (t)ĤS (t)Û (t).
– Proof: use h̄ ddt Û (t) = −✐Û (t) · ✐h̄Û † (t) ddt Û (t) = −✐Û (t) · ĤH (t), and
h̄ dt Û † (t) = h̄ ddt Û † (t) · Û (t)Û † (t) = −h̄Û † (t) ddt Û (t) · Û † (t) = ✐ĤH (t) · Û † (t).
d d d
Then h̄ dt ÔH (t) = h̄ dt Û † (t) · ÔS · Û (t) + Û † (t) · ÔS · h̄ dt Û (t)
= ✐ĤH (t) · Û † (t) · ÔS · Û (t) − ✐Û † (t) · ÔS · Û (t) · ĤH (t) = ✐ [ĤH (t), ÔH (t)].
– If ĤS (t) is independent of time, then Ĥ commutes with Û (t), and ĤH = ĤS .
D. Some Applications
• Consider time-independent Ĥ = 2m
+ V (x̂).
– The Schrödinger picture: continuity equation, dt
[ρ(x, t)] + ∇ · J (x, t) = 0,
where the probability density ρ(x, t) = ψ ∗ (x, t)ψ(x, t) = hx|ρ̂(t)|xi,
probability current J (x, t) = Re[ψ ∗ (x, t) −✐m
ψ(x, t)].
p̂ 2 2
• 1D harmonic oscillator: time-independent Ĥ = 2m + mω 2
x̂2 = h̄ω(↠â + 1/2),
q q
p mω † h̄ † mωh̄
where â = 2h̄
(x̂ + mω
), [â, â ] = 1. x̂ = 2mω
(â + â ), p̂ = − ✐ 2
(â − ↠).
Normalized ground state |0i ( â|0i = 0 ), and excited states |ni ≡ √1 (↠)n |0i, energy
eigenvalues En = h̄ω · (n + 21 ).
– Equation of motion: d
â(t) = h̄✐ [Ĥ, â(t)] = −✐ω â(t). Then
â(t) = e−✐ωt â(0), ↠(t) = e✐ωt ↠(0).
– The coherent state satisfies the minimal uncertainty relation for x̂ and p̂:
h̄ h̄mω h̄2
hx̂2 i − (hx̂i)2 = 2mω
, hp̂2 i − (hp̂i)2 = 2
, so h(∆x̂)2 i h(∆p̂)2 i = 4
= 41 |h[x̂, p̂]i|2 .
Exercise: check the proof of uncertainty relation to see why.
1 2 1
• Landau level: time-independent Ĥ = 2m
P̂ = 2m
[p̂ − qA(r)]2 ,
charge-q particle in xy-plane under uniform magnetic field B = Bez along z (B > 0),
r = (x, y), p̂ = −✐( ∂∂x , ∂∂y ), A is vector potential with ∇×A = B or ∂ ∂
A − ∂y
∂x y
Ax = B.
– Equation of motion: d
r̂ = h̄✐ [Ĥ, r̂] = 1
P̂ ,
q q
P̂ = h̄✐ [Ĥ, P̂ ] = 2m
(P̂ × B − B × P̂ ), for uniform B, d
P̂ = m
P̂ × B.
d 2d
Combine these, m dt 2 r̂(t) = dt r̂(t) × qB, Lorentz force & cyclotron motion.
– Define b̂ = 2h̄qB (P̂x + ✐P̂y ), then [b̂, b̂† ] = 1, and Ĥ = h̄ωc (b̂† b̂ + 1/2).
ωc = qB/m is the cyclotron frequency, energy levels are En = h̄ωc · (n + 1/2) for
non-negative integer n. Exercise: check these statements.
ez P̂y P̂x
– Guiding center coordinates: R̂ = (X̂, Ŷ ) = r̂ − qB
× P̂ = (x̂ + qB
, ŷ − qB
R̂ is conserved: h̄ ddt R̂(t) = ✐[Ĥ, R̂] = 0.
NOTE: [X̂, Ŷ ] = − qB 6= 0, indicates degeneracy of Landau level.
Exercise: e✐X̂ commutes with Ĥ, but changes eigenvalue of Ŷ by −1/qB.
• The adiabatic theorem: roughly speaking, if a system starts at (one of) the instanta-
neous ground state(s), and the Hamiltonian changes slowly with time, then the system
will remain to be (one of) the instantaneous ground state(s) at later times.
R∞ 2 /2a √
• One dimensional case: −∞
e−x dx = 2π a.
R 2
x2 e−x /2a dx
– hx2 i = R 2
e−x /2a dx
= a.
R 2n −x2 /2a
x e dx
– hx2n i = R 2
e−x /2a dx
= an · (2n − 1)!!, satisfies the ‘Wick expansion’ [(2n − 1)!! =
(2n − 1)(2n − 3) · · · (1) ways of pairing up xs].
R∞ 2 √ 2
– −∞ e−x /2a+yx dx = 2π a · eay /2 .
exp(− x·A2 ) dm x = (2π)m/2 det A, where
• Higher dimensional Gaussian integral:
x = (xi ) is m-component real vector, A = (Aij ) is m × m real symmetric positive-
definite matrix, the integral is over all components of x from −∞ to +∞.
xi xj exp(−x·A−1 ·x/2) dm x
– hxi xj i = R = Aij .
exp(−x·A−1 ·x/2) dm x
∗ z/a
e−z d2 z = πa,
• Complex Gaussian integral:
where d2 z = dRez dImz, and the integral is over Rez and Imz from −∞ to +∞.
R ∗
z z ∗ e−z z/a d2 z
– hz z ∗ i = R ∗
e−z z/a d2 z
= a.
– hz n (z ∗ )m i = 0 if n 6= m. Consider z → e✐θ z.
B. Propagator
– For Ĥ = 2m
dp − h̄✐ p2
1 h̄✐ p (x′ −x) ′ 2
K(x′ , t; x, t0 ) = (t−t0 ) m
exp[ ✐m (x −x)
e 2m
e = 2πh̄(t−t0 )✐ 2h̄(t−t0 )
Exercise: draw qualitatively the shape of real/imaginary part of K.
• Trace of time-evolution operator G(t, t0 ) = Tr[Û (t, t0 )] = K(x, t; x, t0 ) dx.
For time-independent Ĥ with eigenvalues Ei , G(t) = i exp[−✐E t/h̄], for t > 0,
similar to finite temperature partition function (with β replaced by ✐t/h̄).
• The propagator and G(t) are “causal functions”: nonzero only for later (t > 0) times.
• Example: G(t > 0) = e−✐Et , then G̃(ω) = ω−E
− ✐ π δ(ω − E).
The imaginary part (poles) can be used to identify the energy spectrum.
• The Lagrangian for dynamical system is L(q, q̇) = T − V (kinetic − potential energy),
which is a function of generalized coordinate q and generalized velocity q̇ = dt
• Dynamics follows the principle of least action: classical trajectory ‘minimizes’ the
action, S = L(q, q̇) dt, among all trajectories with the same boundary condition.
d ∂L ∂L
• Euler-Lagrange equation: dt ∂ q̇
− ∂q
= 0, from δS = 0.
• The Hamiltonian is H(p, q) = pq̇ −L(q, q̇), the Legendre transformation of Lagrangian,
where the generalized momentum p = ∂ q̇
, and q̇ should be solved in terms of p and q.
∂A ∂B ∂A ∂B
• Poisson bracket: {A, B} = ∂q ∂p
− ∂p ∂q
Corresponds to quantum commutator − h̄✐ [Â, B̂] of corresponding observables.
• Equation of motion: dt
A(p, q) = −{H, A}.
Corresponds to the Heisenberg equation of motion, d
Â(t) = h̄✐ [Ĥ, Â].
R tf
• Hamilton’s principal function: S(qf , tf ; qi , ti ) = ti
L(q, q̇) dt, with q(ti ) = qi & q(tf ) =
∂S ∂S
qf , integrated over a classical trajectory. ∂qf
= p(t = tf ), ∂tf
= −H(t = tf ).
∂S ∂S
• Hamilton-Jacobi equation: ∂tf
+ H( ∂q f
, qf ) = 0.
• The goal: try to describe the quantum dynamics from a ‘classical’ point of view,
as particle moving in coordinate space (or coordinate-momentum phase space).
Then quantum interference between paths must be considered.
D[x(τ )]: functional integral over all path x(τ ) with x(0) = x and x(t) = x′ .
The measure of paths is very difficult to define.
– D[p(τ )]: integral over all path in momentum space, with proper measure.
Path of p has no boundary condition.
p̂2 ✐
• An example: time-independent Ĥ = 2m
+V (x). Propagator K(x′ , x, t) = hx′ |e− h̄ tĤ |xi.
– Divide this propagation over time t into N steps, each of time ǫ = t/N ,
K(x′ , x, t) = hx′ |(e− h̄ ǫĤ )N |xi, insert N − 1 resolution of identities. K(x′ , x, t) =
✐ ✐ ✐
dxN −1 · · · dx2 dx1 hx′ |e− h̄ ǫĤ |xN −1 i · · · hx2 |e− h̄ ǫĤ |x1 ihx1 |e− h̄ ǫĤ |xi.
✐ ✐ p̂2 ✐
– Approximation (Trotter-Suzuki): e− h̄ ǫĤ = e− h̄ ǫ 2m e− h̄ ǫV (x) + O(ǫ2 ).
✐ ✐ p̂
2 ✐ p m ✐ ǫ [ m ( xi+1 −xi )2 −V (x )]
hxi+1 |e− h̄ ǫĤ |xi i ≈ hxi+1 |e− h̄ ǫ 2m |xi i e− h̄ ǫV (xi ) = 2πh̄ǫ ✐
e h̄ 2 ǫ i
N PN −1
– K(x′ , x, t) ≈ m
) 2 exp( h̄✐ ǫ [ m2 ( xi+1ǫ−xi )2 − V (xi )]),
dxN −1 · · · dx1 ( 2πh̄ǫ ✐ i=0
m N
∗ NOTE: there is an ugly normalization factor ( 2πh̄ǫ ✐
) 2 hidden in D[x(τ )].
• The example again: Ĥ = 2m
+ V (x) = T (p̂) + V (x).
✐ ✐
K(x′ , x, t) = hx′ |e− h̄ tĤ |xi = hx′ |(e− h̄ ǫĤ )N |xi.
✐ ✐ ✐
– Trotter-Suzuki: e− h̄ ǫĤ = e− h̄ ǫT (p̂) e− h̄ ǫV (x) + O(ǫ2 ).
– If the Hamiltonian contains terms like p̂x̂ or x̂p̂, special care is needed.
See e.g. Peskin&Schroeder, Section 9.1.
• The example: Ĥ = 2m
+ V (x).
• Consider K(x′ , x, t + ǫ), add one last step (xN +1 = x′ ) to the path integral.
K(x′ , x, t + ǫ) = dxN hx′ |e− h̄ ǫĤ |xN i K(xN , x, t)
R p m ✐ ǫ [ m ( x′ −xN )2 −V (x )]
≈ dxN 2πh̄ǫ ✐
e h̄ 2 ǫ N
K(xN , x, t).
e✐k f (x) dx with large k, most contribution comes from xs where f is ‘stationary’
• For
[f ′ (xs ) = 0], where the integrand has no rapid oscillation. Expand f around xs ,
f (x) ≈ f (xs ) + 21 f ′′ (xs ) (x − xs )2 , do the Gaussian integral, sum over all stationary xs ,
P q ✐
dx ≈ xs k f2π
R ✐k f (x) ✐k f (xs )
e ′′ (x ) e
– (Not required) van Vleck formula: (see e.g. Prof. Littlejohn’s lecture notes #9)
✐ 2
( ∂ S )1/2 exp[ h̄✐ S(x′ , x, t)],
P 1
K(x′ , x, t) = D[x] e h̄ S ≈
2πh̄✐ ∂x′ ∂x
the sum is over all classical trajectories from x to x′ in time t.
After the periodic evolution, what is the phase acquired by the ground state?
• The phase factor is hE0 (0)|Û (T )|E0 (0)i, where U (T ) = T (exp[− h̄✐ t′ =0
Ĥ(t′ )dt′ ]).
– Note that |E0 (t)i is not a “trajectory” of time evolution, t here is just a parameter
of these states. Û (t)|E0 (0)i is not exactly |E0 (t)i, but by the adiabatic theorem
they will only differ by a complex phase.
• The second factor is hE0 (0)|E0 (tN −1 )i · · · hE0 (tn )|E0 (tn−1 i · · · hE0 (t1 )|E0 (0)i.
IF |E0 (0)i = |E0 (tN = T )i, this is N
n=1 hE0 (tn )|E0 (tn−1 )i
≈ n=1 [1 − ǫhE0 (tn )| ( ∂∂tn |E0 (tn )i)] ≈ exp[ N
n=1 ǫ ✐ At (t n )] ≈ exp[ ✐ 0
At (τ )dτ ],
where At (t) = ✐hE0 (t)| ( ∂∂t |E0 (t)i).
• The Berry’s phase: At (t)dt, where t parametrizes a periodic evolution |ψ(t)i,
the Berry connection (with respect to t) is At = ✐hψ(t)|( ∂t |ψ(t)i).
• NOTE: The Berry’s phase does not depend on the speed of evolution,
it only depends on the closed path (geometry) in Hilbert space.
– The Schrödinger equation is [ −h̄
2m r
∂ 2 + V (r)]ψ = ✐h̄∂t ψ.
• Adding a global phase factor ψ → e✐θ ψ with real θ independent of r and t will not
change the above results.
• To make the theory formally “gauge invariant” under arbitrary ψ → e✐θ ψ, we need to
absorb the ∂t θ and ∂r θ terms into the transformation of a “gauge field”.
• For particle with electric charge q, the above “gauge field” is the electromagnetic 4-
potential, (a0 , a) = h̄q (−φ, A), (under SI units), where φ is the electrostatic potential
(electric field E = −∇φ − ∂t A), A is the vector potential (magnetic field B = ∇ × A).
The gauge transformation of wavefunction is related to the gauge transformation of
electromagnetic 4-potential.
• Optional references:
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 4.
L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifschitz, Quantum Mechanics: Non-relativistic Theory, Chapter
Reference for space group:
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A, Springer, 2005.
A. Defining a Group
– Free group: ∼ all sequences of generators (& their inverses), group multiplication
is just concatenation of sequences. It is usually non-Abelian.
• order of an element |g|: minimal integer n s.t. g n = 1 (or ∞ if n does not exist).
• left(right) coset gH(Hg): set of elements of the form gh (hg) for all h in subgroup H.
• direct product of groups G × H: the set of (g, h) with g ∈ G & h ∈ H, and (g, h) ◦
(g ′ , h′ ) = (gg ′ , hh′ ), usually the element (g, h) is denoted just as gh.
C. Examples of Groups
– “special” verions: SL(n, ❘), SL(n, ❈), SO(n), SU(n). Determinants are unity.
All of these are Lie groups.
– group U(1) :
– group U(1) × U(1) : {(e✐θ , e✐φ )} with real θ, φ mod 2π, is a torus.
u v
– group SU(2) : { }, u, v ∈ ❈, is 3-sphere S 3 ,
∗ ∗
−v u
(Reu)2 + (Imu)2 + (Rev)2 + (Imv)2 = 1.
• Lie algebra LG: roughly speaking, the linear space tangent to Lie group manifold G at
identity 1, spanned by ‘derivatives’ of Lie group elements, −✐ ∂(real
g| .
parameter) g=1
– Example: SU(2) group {exp(✐θn · σ)} with real θ and unit vector n, the Lie alge-
bra su(2) is the linear space spanned by σ1,2,3 : suppose θn depends on parameter
t, and θn|t=0 = 0 [so exp(✐θn · σ)|t=0 = ✶2×2 ], then “−✐ ∂∂(real parameter) g|g=1 ”
= [ dt (θn)]t=0 · σ, which can be any real-coefficient linear combinations of σ1,2,3 .
∗ X = −✐ g −1 dt
∗ E.g. U(1) × U(1) element (e✐θ , e2✐θ ) = exp[✐ 5θ ( √15 , √25 )], where ( √15 , √25 ) is
a basis vector in the Abelian Lie algebra u(1) × u(1) ∼ ❘2 .
∗ There are disconnected Lie groups, e.g., orthogonal group O(n). The two
kinds of orthogonal matrices with det O = ±1 are disconnected.
– if all R(g) are unitary, this is a unitary representation. NOTE: we will only deal
with unitary representations here.
• Adjoint representation of Lie groups: the representation space is the Lie algebra LG,
the representation R(g) satisfies g · x · g −1 = x ◦ R(g), for g ∈ G and x ∈ LG.
• Reducible representations:
a representation that all R(g) can be simultaneously block-diagonalized,
namely a subspace of representation space V is invariant under action of G.
B. Orthogonality Theorem
• Orthogonality theorem:
for two “inequivalent” unitary irreps. g∈G R(g)∗ij R′ (g)i′ j ′ = 0;
P |G|
for the same unitary irrep. g∈G R(g)∗ij R(g)i′ j ′ = dimR δii′ δjj ′ .
– χR⊕R′ (g) = χR (g) + χR′ (g), χR⊗R′ (g) = χR (g) · χR′ (g).
– Example: SU(2),
fundamental representation R(g) = exp(✐ 2θ n · σ), χS= 1 (g) = 2 cos 2θ ;
• Orthogonality of characters:
for two inequivalent unitary irreps. g∈G χR (g)∗ χR′ (g) = 0;
for two equivalent unitary irreps. g∈G χR (g)∗ χR (g) = |G|.
– Example: SU(2) group, g = a0 σ0 − ✐ 3i=1 ai σi (fundamental rep.),
pP Q R
dµ(g) ∝ δ( a2i − 1) 4i=0 dai , volume of group is dµ(g) = 2π 2 .
For the examples on previous page, χS= 1 (g) = 2a0 , χS=1 (g) = 4a20 − 1.
then |χS= 1 (g)| d µ(g) = |χS=1 (g)| dµ(g) = 2π 2 ,
2 2
and χS= 1 (g)∗ χS=1 (g) dµ(g) = 0.
– S3 group: three classes, identity {()}, transpositions {(12), (13), (23)}, cyclic per-
mutations {(123), (132)}, three irreps. |S3 | = 6 = 12 + 12 + 22 :
trivial irrep.: {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; alternating irrep.: {1, −1, −1, −1, 1, 1};
√ √ √ √
2dim’l irrep.: {σ0 , σ3 , −σ3 +2 3σ1
, −σ3 −2 3σ1
, −σ0 +2✐ 3σ2
, −σ0 −2✐ 3σ2
Example: D4 group: conjugacy classes {1}, {C4 , C43 }, {C42 }, {σ, C42 σ}, {C4 σ, C43 σ},
generators C4 : (x, y) → (−y, x), and σ : (x, y) → (x, −y)
• Projection operator:
given a possibly reducible representation R of group G, and the characters of one irrep.
χR′ , it is possible to build an irrep. R′ within the representation space of R.
– If R contains irrep. R′ , then |ẽi i will span a finite dimensional space (not all |ẽi i
are zero), then the group G is represented on this subspace as (several copies of)
the irrep. R′ .
– |ψi = ψ(x)|xi dx → |gψi = ψ(x)|gxi dx = ψ(g −1 x)|xi J −1 dx, so the
wavefunction (gψ)(x) = J −1 ψ(g −1 x), where J = | det ∂xi
| is the Jacobian.
P ′ ′ ′ ′
P ′ ′ ′ ′
hei |g ej i = i′ ,j ′ hei |ei′ ihei′ |g ej ′ ihg ej ′ |g ej i = i′ ,j ′ hei |ei′ ihei′ |g ej ′ ihej ′ |ej i for uni-
tary symmetry g.
• Implicit assumption: the vacuum is invariant under symmetry. Be careful about this!
• Symmetry operation ĝ defined on single particle Hilbert space induces symmetry op-
eration on Fock space, as the tensor product ĝ ⊗ ĝ ⊗ · · · ⊗ ĝ restricted in the the
(anit-)symmetrized many-body Hilbert space. E.g.: Homework #2, Problem 2.
cj † = eˆi † gij .
cj = gij∗ eˆi , ge
– For complete orthonormal 1-particle basis ei : ge
Treating eˆi (eˆi † ) as a column(row) vector ê(ê† ), this can be written as vector-
e† = ê† · g.
e = g † · ê, gc
matrix products, gc
– The argument for this relation: |0i is invarient, |gej i = |ei i gij , the corresponding
cj † = eˆi † gij .
creation operators must be ge
• The operator of total particle number (both bosons and fermions) ê† · ê = i eˆi
eˆi is
invariant under symmetry transformation.
• For fermions, the total product i eˆi † is invariant (up to a phase) under symmetry
ci † = det(ĝ) i eˆi † .
transformation, i ge
• Similar to the Heisenberg picture of time evolution, we can transfer the symmetry
operation on states to operations on operators: Ô → c
− gO.
• Convention #1: like the Heisenberg picture of time evolution, let the symmetry acts
only on the operator, with matrix element being the same as that of transforming only
states, hgψ|Ô|gφi = hψ|gO|φi, c = ĝ −1 Ôĝ.
then gO
• Convention #2: demand the matrix element to be invariant under symmetry opera-
tion, hgψ|gO|gφi c = ĝ Ôĝ −1 . This is more commonly used.
= hψ|Ô|φi, then gO
• A set of linear operators Ôi can also form a linear representation R(g) of the group,
di = P O
gO cj R(g)ji .
• In quantum mechanics,
generators of continuous unitary symmetry corresponds to conserved observables.
– Operators invariant under a continuous symmetry should commute with the sym-
metry generators (carry vanishing quantum number).
– Example: Ĥ = ~ω (b̂† b̂ + 1/2), and [Ĥ, b̂] = −~ω b̂, so the ‘energy’ (Ĥ quantum
number) of b̂ is (−~ω).
• A symmetry g satisfies [Ĥ, ĝ] = 0, therefore g does not change energy eigenvalue.
Degenerate energy eigenstates form a representation space of the symmetry group.
Representation of g is block diagonalized in energy eigenbasis.
• Usually label the degenerate levels by the representation of symmetry they belong to.
E.g. with spatial translation, label the states by momentum |pi;
with spatial rotation, label the states by angular momentum |L, Lz i, etc.
F. Examples: Translation
– Bloch’s theorem: for system with the above translation symmetry, [Ĥ, T̂ ] = 0,
The m-th energy eigenstate of irrep T̂ = e−✐ap/~ is a superposition of |p + nG~i,
|Em , pi =
n umn |p + nG~i, with n ∈ ❩
and G = 2π a
(the reciprocal lattice
P x
vector). The wavefunction is thus hx|Em , pi = n umn e2π✐n a e✐xp/~ = um (x) e✐xp/~ ,
the “Bloch function” um (x) = n umn e2π✐n (x/a) is periodic, um (x + a) = um (x).
• Character table of Oh :
E 8C3 6C2′ 6C4 3C2 I 6S4 8S6 3σh 6σd basis of rep.
A1g 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, r2 s-orbital
A2g 1 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 1 1 −1
Eg 2 −1 0 0 2 2 0 −1 2 0 (3z 2 − r2 , 3(x2 − y 2 )) some d-orbitals
T1g 3 0 −1 1 −1 3 1 0 −1 −1
T2g 3 0 1 −1 −1 3 −1 0 −1 1 (yz, zx, xy) some d-orbitals
A1u 1 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
A2u 1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 −1 1 xyz one f-orbital
Eu 2 −1 0 0 2 −2 0 1 −2 0
T1u 3 0 −1 1 −1 −3 −1 0 1 1 (x, y, z), (x, y, z)r2 p-orbitals,
(x3 , y 3 , z 3 ) some f-orbitals
T2u 3 0 1 −1 −1 −3 1 0 1 −1 (x(y 2 − z 2 ), y(z 2 − x2 ), z(x2 − y 2 )) some f-orbitals
• In general we want to consider the matrix element (fk )ij = hφi |fˆk |ψj i,
where i(j) indicates that φi (ψj ) is one of the degenerate energy levels of irrep. Rφ (Rψ ),
and k means that fˆk belongs to a set of operators forming irrep. Rf ,
then these matrix elements shall form a tensor product representation Rf ⊗ Rφ∗ ⊗ Rψ .
• Selection rule: the matrix element (fk )ij = hφi |fˆk |ψj i will vanish
if the tensor representation Rf ⊗ Rφ∗ ⊗ Rψ , after decomposed into direct sum of irreps.,
does not contain trivial representation.
– Special case: if Rf is the trivial irrep. (there is only one fˆ, and it is invariant
under the group actions), and if Rφ and Rψ are both irrep., then
(i) hφi |fˆ|ψj i will vanish if Rφ and Rψ are “inequivalent” irrep.;
(ii) if Rφ = Rψ (exactly same matrices), then hφi |fˆ|ψj i = δij · dimR
i′ hφi′ |f |ψi′ i.
– States & operators are classified into “parity odd” (usually subscript u ) and “par-
ity even” (usually subscript g ) classes.
– The matrix element is nonzero only for hψg |Ôg |ψg′ i, hψg |Ôu |ψu i, hψu |Ôg |ψu′ i,
ˆ g i = +|ψg i, I|ψ
hψu |Ôu |ψg i. Here I|ψ ˆ u i = −|ψu i, IˆÔg Iˆ† = +Ôg , IˆÔu Iˆ† = −Ôu ,
– If the system have C4v symmetry (2D D4 symmetry, character table on page 7),
the initial state is of trivial representation A1 (e.g. s-orbital), E in,out are along x, y
directions respectively, then the final state must have the symmetry of function
xy, or B2 representation (e.g. dxy orbital).
• In many cases you know the symmetry of your system, but don’t know the exact
Hamiltonian. The goal is to write down a Hamiltonian consistent with the symmetry.
– The general rule: find out representation ĝ of all symmetry generators, and de-
mand that ĝ −1 Ĥ ĝ = Ĥ.
– C4v symmetry generated by C4 : (x, y) → (−y, x), and σv : (x, y) → (x, −y),
consider the case
ψ̂ =(creation operators
p , py orbitals),
0 1 1 0
then R(C4 ) = = ✐σy , R(σv ) = = σz ,
−1 0 0 −1
so σy H(kx , ky )σy = H(−ky , kx ), σz H(kx , ky )σz = H(kx , −ky ),
let 2 × 2 matrix H(k) = 3i=0 hi (k)σi , the real functions hi (k) must satisfy
h0 (kx , ky ) = h0 (−ky , kx ) = h0 (kx , −ky ) ∼ A1 irrep.,
h1 (kx , ky ) = −h1 (−ky , kx ) = −h1 (kx , −ky ) ∼ B2 irrep.,
h2 (kx , ky ) = h2 (−ky , kx ) = −h2 (kx , −ky ) ∼ A2 irrep.,
h3 (kx , ky ) = −h3 (−ky , kx ) = h3 (kx , −ky ) ∼ B1 irrep.,
this constrains the form of H matrix up to O(k 2 ) around k = (0, 0) as
H(kx , ky ) = (c0 + c1 k2 )σ0 + c2 · kx ky · σx + c3 · (kx2 − ky2 ) · σz , with real constant cs.
• Given a Hamiltonian, first analyze its symmetry, then divide the Hilbert space into
smaller subspaces of different irreps of symmetry group.
P c
g χ∗R (g)gb†i R = A1 R = A2 R = B1 R = B2 R = E
i=1 2(b̂†1 + b̂†2 + b̂†3 + b̂†4 ) 0 2(b̂†1 − b̂†2 + b̂†3 − b̂†4 ) 0 2(b̂†1 − b̂†3 )
i=2 2(b̂†2 + b̂†3 + b̂†4 + b̂†1 ) 0 2(b̂†2 − b̂†3 + b̂†4 − b̂†1 ) 0 2(b̂†2 − b̂†4 )
i=3 2(b̂†3 + b̂†4 + b̂†1 + b̂†2 ) 0 2(b̂†3 − b̂†4 + b̂†1 − b̂†2 ) 0 2(b̂†3 − b̂†1 )
i=4 2(b̂†4 + b̂†1 + b̂†2 + b̂†3 ) 0 2(b̂†4 − b̂†1 + b̂†2 − b̂†3 ) 0 2(b̂†4 − b̂†2 )
– Two boson states: symmetrized tensor product (use symbol ⊙) representations,
these states are classified into irreps as
A1 : A1 ⊙ A1 : √12 (Ac1 † )2 |0i; B1 ⊙ B1 : √1 (B cx † )2 + (E
c1 † )2 |0i; E ⊙ E: 1 [(E cy † )2 ]|0i,
2 2
† † † †
(2) c c 1 c 2
B1 : A1 ⊙ B1 : A1 B1 |0i; E ⊙ E: [(Ex ) − (Ey ) ]|0i, c 2
† † † †
B2 : E ⊙ E: 1 c c c c
(Ex Ey + Ey Ex )|0i = E cx † E
cy † |0i,
E (2) : A1 ⊙ E: (A cx † |0i, A
c1 † E cy † |0i); B1 ⊙ E: (B
c1 † E c1 † E cy † |0i).
c1 † E
cx † |0i, −B
– Note that E ⊗E = A1 ⊕A2 ⊕B1 ⊕B2 , however the A2 irrep here is anti-symmetric
with respect to the two factors and does not appear in boson system.
c1 † A c1 † B
c1 + 2t B c1 + U
– Hamiltonian is Ĥ = −2t A 2 i n̂i (n̂i − 1).
– The matrix elements between A1 states are
(2) (2) P 1 † 2
Ĥ|A1 : A1 ⊙ A1 i = −4t|A1 : A1 ⊙ A1 i + U i 4 2 (b̂i ) |0i
(2) (2) (2) 2 (2)
= −4t|A1 : A1 ⊙A1 i+U ( 41 |A1 : A1 ⊙A1 i+ 41 |A1 : B1 ⊙B1 i+ 4
|A1 : E ⊙Ei);
(2) (2) P
Ĥ|A1 : B1 ⊙ B1 i = +4t|A1 : B1 ⊙ B1 i + U i 4√1 2 (b̂†i )2 |0i
(2) (2) (2) 2 (2)
= +4t|A1 : B1 ⊙B1 i+U ( 41 |A1 : A1 ⊙A1 i+ 41 |A1 : B1 ⊙B1 i+ 4
|A1 : E ⊙Ei);
(2) P
Ĥ|A1 : E ⊙ Ei = U i 14 (b̂†i )2 |0i
√ √
2 (2) 2 (2) (2)
= U( 4
|A1 : A1 ⊙ A1 i + 4
|A1 i + 12 |A1 : E ⊙ Ei).
: B1 ⊙ B1
U U 2U
−4t + 4 4
(2) U U 2U .
So the Hamiltonian in the A1 subspace is 4t +
√4 √
4 4
2U 2U U
4 4 2
– The matrix elements between B1 states are
(2) P
Ĥ|B1 : A1 ⊙ B1 i = U i 14 (−1)i−1 (b̂†i )2 |0i
(2) (2)
= U ( 21 |B1 : A1 ⊙ B1 i + 21 |B1 : E ⊙ Ei);
(2) P
Ĥ|B1 : E ⊙ Ei = U i 14 (−1)i−1 (b̂†i )2 |0i
(2) (2)
= U ( 21 |B1 : A1 ⊙ B1 i + 21 |B1 : E ⊙ Ei).
(2) 2 2
So the Hamiltonian in the B1 subspace is .
2 2
– The matrix elements between B2 states are
Ĥ|B2 : E ⊙ Ei = 0.
• Get some understanding of the SO(3) and SU(2) group, their representations, and
their relations.
• Be familiarized with orbital angular momentum and spin, and basic calculations in-
volving them.
• Optional references:
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 4.
Landau & Lifschitz, Quantum Mechanics: Non-relativistic Theory, Chapter IV & VIII.
A. Auerbach, Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism, Chapter 7.
• NOTE: Einstein convention for implicit summation over repeated indices is frequently
– improper rotation (rotary reflection): those with det( R ) = −1.
Improper rotations are a proper rotation followed by inversion.
– Any SO(3) rotation is a rotation of some angle θ around some axis n (3D unit
→ ←
→ ←→
vector), denoted by R n (θ) hereafter. [ R n (θ)]−1 = R n (−θ).
←→ ←→
– R n (θ) = R −n (−θ), two-fold redundancy for representing SO(3) by n and θ.
←→ ← → ←
→ ←
– R′ • R n (θ)• R′ −1 = R ← → (θ): R′−1 followed by rotation around n axis of angle
R′ •n
θ then followed by R′ , is equivalent to a rotation around R′ • n axis of angle θ.
←→ P
– [ R n (θ)]i,j = ni nj + cos θ · (δi,j − ni nj ) − sin θ · c ǫijk nk , here i, j, k = x, y, z.
– U(2) group: no unity determinant condition. Any U(2) matrix Ũ is of the form
of Ũ = e✐θ U with U ∈ SU(2), with θ = Arg(det Ũ )/2.
u v
• Parametrizing SU(2) group: U = , with |u|2 + |v|2 = 1,
∗ ∗
−v u
the two complex number u, v give a faithful(1-to-1) parametrization of SU(2).
– exp(−✐ 2θ n • σ) is represented by (cos 2θ , sin 2θ · n), for unit vector n and real θ.
This is the proper(up to constant factor) volume element of SU(2) group space.
– use 4D polar coordinates, (ai ) = r · (cos 2θ , sin 2θ (sin ϑ cos φ, sin ϑ sin φ, cos ϑ)),
this measure is δ(r − 1) · | ∂(a∂(r,θ,ϑ,φ)
0 ,a1 ,a2 ,a3 )
| · drdθdϑdφ = 21 sin2 2θ sin ϑ dθdϑdφ.
Integral over group space is over θ ∈ [0, 2π), ϑ ∈ [0, π], φ ∈ [0, 2π). This can be
written as 1
sin2 2θ dθ · d2 n, where d2 n means the surface area element on the unit
sphere S 2 of rotation axis n with |n| = 1 in 3D space.
• The Lie algebras of SU(2) and SO(3) are essentially the same, su(2) = so(3).
– Both su(2) and so(3) are three dimensional, with three basis(generators) Jx,y,z .
• Group elements are exp(−✐θJ • n), with real θ and real unit vector n.
←→ ←→
– For SO(3), θ has period 2π (e−✐2π J •n = 1 ).
– For SU(2), θ has period 4π. Roughly means SU(2) is twice as large as SO(3)
(note the 2-to-1 mapping between them).
– SO(3) & SU(2) matrices are fundamental representations of the SO(3) & SU(2)
group respectively. SO(3) matrices are adjoint representation of both groups.
– NOTE: exp(−✐θ′ J • n′ ) exp(−✐θJ • n) exp(✐θ′ J • n′ ) = exp(−✐θJ • R n′ (θ′ ) • n),
←→ ′ ′
where R n′ (θ′ ) is SO(3) rotation matrix (adjoint representation of e−✐θ J·n ).
• SU(2)
act on
a 2-dim’l complex linear
space as
z z1 uz1 + vz2 z′
1 −U
→U · = ≡ 1
z2 z2 −v ∗ z1 + u∗ z2 z2′
• View this space as the 1-boson states (z1 b̂†↑ + z2 b̂†↓ )|0i = (b̂†↑ |0i, b̂†↓ |0i) · ,
where b̂↑,↓ are two orthonormal boson modes. The transformation of (z1 , z2 ) can be
→ (b̂†↑ , b̂†↓ ) · U .
also viewed as a unitary transformation on the basis, (b̂†↑ , b̂†↓ ) −
U P (j)
• U induces a unitary transformation on the basis |j, mi −
→ m′ |j, m′ i Dm′ m (U ).
The D matrix can be solved by considering
P j+m j−m q (2j)! U P ′ j+m ′ j−m
m z1 z2 (j+m)!(j−m)!
→ m (z1 )
|j, mi − (z2 ) (j+m)!(j−m)!
|j, mi, and
P j+m j−m q (2j)! U P ′ ′
m z1 z2 (j+m)!(j−m)!
→ m,m′ z1j+m z2j−m (j+m(2j)!
|j, mi − ′ )!(j−m′ )! Dmm′ (U ) |j, mi.
• Dmm′ (U ) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 2j in terms of u, v, u∗ , v ∗ .
For integer j, U and −U produce the same D matrix, this is then an irreducible unitary
representation of SO(3).
(ℓ) 4π
• Relation to spherical harmonics: D0m (e✐φJz e✐θJy ) = Y m (θ, φ),
2ℓ+1 ℓ
for integer ℓ.
R (j ′ ) (j)
• Orthogonality theorem: [Dµ′ µ (U )]∗ · Dm′ m (U ) dµ(U ) = |SU(2)| δ ′ δ ′ ′δ ,
2j+1 j j µ m µm
dµ(U ) is the Haar measure, |SU(2)| = dµ(U ) is the volume of SU(2) group space.
P2j sin[(j+ 21 )θ]
• Character of j-representation: χj (e−✐θn•J ) = χj (e−✐θJz ) = µ=0 e
= sin 21 θ
θ θ θ
– Proof: U = e−✐ 2 σz induces z1 → e−✐ 2 z1 and z2 → e✐ 2 z2 . Then
P q
′ j+m ′ j−m (2j)!
m 1 ) (z 2 ) (j+m)!(j−m)!
|j, mi
P −✐ θ [(j+m)−(j−m)] j+m j−m q (2j)!
= me 2 z1 z2 (j+m)!(j−m)!
|j, mi.
Therefore Dm′ m = δm′ m e−✐mθ is a diagonal matrix, and its character is
P −✐mθ P2j ✐(j−µ)θ e✐jθ −e✐(−j−1)θ 1 1
e✐(j+ 2 )θ −e✐(−j− 2 )θ sin[(j+ 1 )θ]
m e = µ=0 e = 1−e−✐θ
= e✐θ/2 −e−✐θ/2
= sin 1 2θ .
R 2π 2 θ
– Exercise: check orthogonality relation 0 χj ′ (θ)∗ χj (θ) sin 2 dθ = πδj ′ j .
• The action of spatial rotation R n (θ) on a wavefunction of 3D coordinates ψ(r), by
←→ ←→
our convention of symmetry action, is (Rn (θ)ψ)(r) = ψ( R n (θ)−1 • r) = ψ(e✐θ J ·n • r).
Here J are the fundamental representation matrices of SO(3).
• Take d
✐ dθat θ = 0, this produces the action of symmetry generator nd · J on ψ, nd
·J :
←→ ∂ ∂ ∂
ψ 7→ −((n · J ) • r) · ∂r ψ = −na (−✐ǫabc )rc ∂r b
ψ = n · (−✐r × ∂r )ψ.
b = −✐r × ∂ = r̂ × p̂/~.
Therefore J ∂r
This is the orbital angular momentum (divided by ~) and usually denoted as L.
• L̂x,y,z are hermitian. L̂ ≡ L̂2x + L̂2y + L̂2z is hermitian and positive semi-definite.
b ×L
• Exercise: check L b = ✐L,
b [L
ba , r̂b ] = ✐ǫabc r̂c , [L b 2, L
ba , p̂b ] = ✐ǫabc p̂c , [L bx,y,z ] = 0.
– [L̂z , L̂+ ] = +L̂+ , [L̂z , L̂− ] = −L̂− , namely L̂± changes L̂z eigenvalues by ±1.
B. Spin-1/2
• “Real” spin - the intrinsic angular momentum - of a particle (e.g. spin-1/2 moment of
electron) is usually the combined effect of relativity and quantum mechanics. However
there are many pseudo-spin-1/2 systems, which are just two-state systems.
Exercise: check that n defined above is a real unit vector, check that (n· Ŝ)|ni = 21 |ni.
– For n = (sin θ cos φ, sin θ sin φ, cos θ), the spinor wavefunction is usually chosen
as (z1 [n], z2 [n])T = (e−✐φ/2 cos 2θ , e✐φ/2 sin 2θ )T .
– Note that under φ → φ + 2π this spinor wavefunction (zs) changes sign (!)
– Resolution of identity: |nihn| sin θdθdφ
ˆ . |ni form overcomplete basis.
– ⋆ Path integral of spin system can be defined in terms of classical vector n using
these basis. However Berry phase must be included: e.g. Auerbach, Chapter 10.
θ ′
−✐ n ·σ
• Rotation in spin-1/2 space is implemented by SU(2) matrix e 2 :
z1 [n]
θ ′
spinor e−✐ 2 n ·σ · corresponds to moment along ←
R n′ (θ) • n direction.
z2 [n]
– Resolution of identity: |niS hn|S (2S+1)4π
sin θdθdφ
= ✶.
• Label the angular momentum j irrep by j. Then the tensor product representation
j1 ⊗ j2 = |j1 − j2 | ⊕ (|j1 − j2 | + 1) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (j1 + j2 ). - Clebsch-Gordon.
This is just the multiplication table of irreps for SU(2)[SO(3)].
block is the angular momentum operator for J between |J1 − J2 | and J1 + J2 . The
unitary transformation is given by the . . .
J 1 J2 J
• Clebsch-Gordon coefficient: hJ1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 |J, mi (also denoted by Cm 1 m2 m
expansion coefficient of total angular momentum J and Jˆz = m basis state |J, mi on
tensor product basis |J1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 i ≡ |J1 , m1 i ⊗ |J2 , m2 i, .
– Definition: |J, mi = m1 ,m2 |J1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 ihJ1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 |J, mi.
P ′ ′
m1 ,m2 hJ , m |J1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 ihJ1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 |J, mi = δJ ′ J δm′ m .
– Decomposition of the tensor product representation, Dm′ ,m (U )
P (j ) (j )
= m′ ,m′ ,m1 ,m2 hJ, m′ |J1 , m′1 ; J2 , m′2 i·Dm1′ ,m1 (U )·Dm2′ ,m2 (U )·hJ1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 |J, mi.
1 2 1 2
P (J) (J ) (J )
– Then by orthogonality theorem, |SU (2)| U ∈SU (2) [Dm′ ,m (U )]∗ Dm′1,m1 (U )Dm′2,m2 (U )
1 2
= 2J+1
hJ1 , m′1 ; J2 , m′2 |J, m′ ihJ, m|J1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 i.
– Recursion relation: apply J∓ = J1,∓ + J2,∓ on |J, m ± 1i, use the above definition
of C-G coefficient, we have, hJ1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 |J, mi
q q
(J1 −m1 )(J1 +m1 +1) (J2 −m2 )(J2 +m2 +1)
= (J−m)(J+m+1)
hJ1 , m1 + 1; J2 , m2 |J, m + 1i + (J−m)(J+m+1)
hJ1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 + 1|J, m + 1i
q q
(J1 −m1 +1)(J1 +m1 ) (J2 −m2 +1)(J2 +m2 )
= (J−m+1)(J+m)
hJ1 , m1 − 1; J2 , m2 |J, m − 1i + (J−m+1)(J+m)
hJ1 , m1 ; J2 , m2 − 1|J, m − 1i
– Consider m = J + 1 (so |J, mi = 0) for the above relation after the last “=”.
We have, hJ1hJ
,m1 −1;J2 ,J−m1 +1|J,Ji
1 ,m1 ;J2 ,J−m1 |J,Ji
= − (J2 −(J−m1 )+1)(J2 +(J−m1 ))
(J1 −m1 +1)(J1 +m1 )
D. Wigner-Eckart Theorem
• If (2k + 1) operators T̂q (q = −k, −k + 1, · · · , k) transform under rotation as the
|J = k, Jz = qi angular momentum basis states, namely under SU(2) rotation U ,
(k) U (k) P (k) (k)
T̂q − → Û T̂q Û † = q′ T̂q′ Dq′ q (U ),
then the matrix element of T̂q between angular momentum j ′ & j states is
hj ′ , m′ |T̂q |j, mi = hj ′ , m′ |j, m; k, qihj ′ ||T̂ (k) ||ji,
hj ′ ||T̂ (k) ||ji is “reduced matrix element” and does not depend on m′ , q, m,
dependence on m′ , q, m are all in the Clebsch-Gordon coefficient hj ′ , m′ |j, m; k, qi.
P ˆ ˆ (k) (k)
– a=x,y,z [Ja , [Ja , T̂q ]] = k(k +1)T̂q . This can be used to determine the “angular
• Special case: T̂a transform like a vector, [Jˆa , T̂b ] = ✐ǫabc T̂c , (a, b, c = x, y, z).
b b
Projection theorem: hj, m′ |T̂a |j, mi = hj,n|J·T |j,ni hj, m′ |Jˆa |j, mi. (a = x, y, z)
b ·T
– hj, n|J b |j, ni is independent of n. So T
b is proportional to J
b in J = j space.
E. Examples:
• Landé g-factor:
consider a particle with orbital angular momentum L and spin S,
the coupling to Zeeman magnetic field B is H b + gS S),
b = −B · µB (gL L b
where µB = is a constant derived from particle charge e and mass m.
c = (gL L
– Define M b + gS S).
b Exercise: check [Jba , M
cb ] = ✐ǫabc M b 2, M
cc , and [J c ] = 0.
bM c |J,mi
– According to the projection theorem, M c = hJ,m|J· b.
b 2 + gS S
b 2 + (gL + gS )L b 2 + gS S b 2 + (gL + gS ) Jb −Lb −Sb
2 2 2
Use Jb ·M
c = gL L b ·S
b = gL L
gL −gS b 2 b 2 gL +gS b 2
= (L − S ) +
J , 2
(gL −gS )[L(L+1)−S(S+1)]+(gL +gS )J(J+1)
then we have gJ = 2J(J+1)
– For electron, gL = 1, gS ≈ 2, µB = 2me
is the Bohr magneton.
– Consider Jbz , hJ, m′ |Jbz |J, mi = δm′ m m, the above relation shows that Tb |J, mi =
cm |J, −mi, where cm is a phase factor.
– Tb Tb |J, mi = Tb c (−1)J−m |J, −mi = c∗ c (−1)J−m (−1)J+m |J, mi = (−1)2J |J, mi.
For half-odd-integer J states, Tb 2 = −✶.
We need (U b )∗ (U
bT )ij (J b )iℓ . However U
b † )kℓ = −(J bT would depend on basis choice (!).
jk T
bT = ✐σ y .
– For spin-1/2, the common convention is U
– However if “real” basis are used, e.g., for L = 1, use p-orbital basis, |px i =
|py i = |L=1,m=−1i+|L=1,m=1i
, √
− 2✐
, |pz i = |L = 1, m = 0i, the
b are all purely imaginary. Time-reversal is just complex
matrix elements of L
conjugation on matrix elements, without further unitary transformation.
– In fact, the inner product (|Ei, T |Ei) vanishes. By the definition of anti-unitary
operator, (|Ei, T |Ei) = (T |Ei, T T |Ei)∗ = (T |Ei, −|Ei)∗ = −(|Ei, T |Ei).
– For system with odd number of electrons and time-reversal symmetry, the energy
levels must be doubly degenerate. Because odd number of spin-1/2 can only
produce half-odd-integer total spin.
• Understand the generic and formal approach to perturbative expansion for time-
independent perturbations.
– Definitions: |ψ(t)iI = e✐Ĥ0 t/~ |ψ(t)iS , ÔI (t) = e✐Ĥ0 t/~ ÔS e−✐Ĥ0 t/~ .
Relation to Schrödinger picture: hψ(t)|S ÔS |φ(t)iS = hψ(t)|I ÔI (t)|φ(t)iI .
– Time evolution: ✐~ dt
|ψ(t)iI = V̂I (t)|ψ(t)iI .
Rt ′ ′
|ψ(t)iI = ÛI (t)|ψ(t = 0)iI = ÛI (t)|ψ(t = 0)iS , formally ÛI (t) = T e− ~ 0 V̂I (t ) dt ,
Dyson series: ÛI (t) = ✶ + −~✐ t1 =0 V̂I (t1 ) dt1 +( −~✐ )2 t1 =0 t21=0 V̂I (t1 )V̂I (t2 ) dt1 dt2 +
Rt Rt Rt
– Note the similarity and difference to the Heisenberg picture (lecture notes #3).
• Optional references:
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 5.
Landau & Lifschitz, Quantum Mechanics: Non-relativistic Theory, Chapter VI.
• Given a Hamiltonian Ĥ0 with nondegenerate energy eigenvalues En and correspond-
ing normalized eigenstates |ψn i (n = 0, 1, · · · ), compute the energy eigenvalues and
eigenstates of Ĥ = Ĥ0 + λV̂ , in terms of series of the “small parameter” λ.
– In the |ni basis, Ĥ0 is a diagonal matrix (H0 )mn = En δmn with nondegenerate
(0) (0)
diagonal entries. V̂ is a generic matrix with matrix element Vmn = hψm |V̂ |ψn i.
– Diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of V̂ play different roles: diagonal Vnn
shifts energy of n-th level without changing eigenstate; off-diagonal Vmn mixes
n-th and m-th eigenstates and shifts their energies.
E0 V12
– “Level repulsion”: eigenvalues of ∗ is E0 +E1 ± ( E0 −E 1 2
) + |V12 |2 , the
V12 E1 2 2
difference is (E0 − E1 )2 + 4|V12 |2 ≥ |E1 − E0 |, adding off-diagonal perturbation
tends to increase level distance.
• Consider the stationary state Schrödinger equation: (Ĥ0 + λV̂ )|ψn i = En |ψn i.
Use |ψn i = P̂n |ψn i + Q̂n |ψn i, assume Q̂n |ψn i is
a small perturbation to be solved. Rearrange terms,
(En − Ĥ0 )Q̂n |ψn i = (En − En )P̂ |ψn i + λV̂ |ψn i (∗).
Apply Q̂n on both sides of (∗), Q̂n (En − Ĥ0 )Q̂n · Q̂n |ψn i = 0 + λQ̂n V̂ |ψn i.
• The non-trivial eigenvalues of Q̂n (En − Ĥ0 )Q̂n are En − Em with m 6= n, assume all
these eigenvalues are nonzero, then this operator has an “inverse” Ĝn = Q̂n E Q̂n .
n −Ĥ0
defined on the space orthogonal to |ψn i, Ĝn · Q̂n (En − Ĥ0 )Q̂n = Q̂n . Note that
Ĝn Q̂n = Q̂n Ĝn = Ĝn , and Ĝn P̂n = P̂n Ĝn = 0.
• We can now “solve” the perturbation as Q̂n |ψn i = Ĝn Q̂n λV̂ |ψn i = Ĝn λV̂ |ψn i. Then
|ψn i = P̂n |ψn i + Ĝn λV̂ |ψn i, or (✶ − Ĝn λV̂ )|ψn i = P̂n |ψn i, or formally
|ψn i = (✶ − Ĝn λV̂ )−1 P̂n |ψn i = ∞ k
k=0 (Ĝn λV̂ ) P̂n |ψn i [1].
• Take inner product with P̂n |ψn i on both sides of (∗), we can “solve” the energy shift,
(En − En )hψn |P̂n |ψn i = hψn |P̂n λV̂ |ψn i = ∞ k
k=0 hψn |P̂n λV̂ (Ĝn λV̂ ) P̂n |ψn i [2].
(0) (0)
• P̂n |ψn i ∝ |ψn i, usually just choose P̂n |ψn i = |ψn i. Then hψn |ψn i ≥ hψn |P̂n |ψn i = 1.
(0) (0) (0)
• Example: 3-level problem, under the basis of (|ψ1 i, |ψ2 i, ψ3 i), Ĥ0 is diagonal.
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Summary:
|ψn i = (✶ − λĜn V̂ )−1 P̂n |ψn i = ∞ k k
k=0 λ (Ĝn V̂ ) P̂n |ψn i [1],
(En −En )hψn |P̂n |ψn i = ∞ k 1
k=0 hψn |P̂n λV̂ (Ĝn λV̂ ) P̂n |ψn i [2], where Ĝn = Q̂n E n −Ĥ0
Q̂n .
• Note that [1] and [2] do not really solve |ψn i and En in terms of known quantities.
Because Ĝn contains the unknown En .
• 1st-order perturbation: approximate |ψn i = P̂n |ψn i + O(λ) = |ψn i + O(λ). Then
(0) (0) (0)
En − En = λhψn |V̂ |ψn i + O(λ2 ) = λVnn + O(λ2 ).
(0) (0)
• 2nd-order perturbation: |ψn i = |ψn i + λĜn V̂ |ψn i + O(λ2 )
(0) (0) (0) (0)
= |ψn i + λQ̂n (0)1 Q̂n V̂ |ψn i + O(λ2 ) = |ψn i + λ m6=n (0)Vmn (0) |ψm i + O(λ2 ).
En −Ĥ0 En −Em
En − En = λVnn + λ2 m6=n V(0) nm Vmn 3
(0) + O(λ ).
En −Em
Note that off-diagonal Vnm always lowers ground state energy (level repulsion).
• For higher order perturbation, more accurate En should be used in Ĝn . For ex-
(0) (0) (0)
ample, the 3rd-order energy shift is En − En = λVnn + hψn |λV̂ Ĝn λV̂ |ψn i +
• Wavefunction re-normalization: hψn |ψn i = Zn
, Zn ≤ 1 is the weight of unperturbed
state |ψn i in |ψn i. Perturbative expansion is good when Zn is close to unity.
Zn is related to Zn = (0) En .
P∞ P∞ k+k′ (0) ′ (0)
– ‘Proof’: Z1n = hψn |ψn i = k=0 k′ =0 λ hψn |(V̂ Ĝn )k (Ĝn V̂ )k |ψn i = 1 +
P∞ P∞ k+k′ (0) ′ (0) (0)
k=1 k′ =1 λ hψn |(V̂ Ĝn )k (Ĝn V̂ )k |ψn i. Note that Ĝn |ψn i = 0, so the
k = 0, k ′ 6= 0 or k ′ = 0, k 6= 0 terms do not contribute.
∂ (0) (0)
Take on both sides of [2] (fix Em for m 6= n, |ψm i, V̂ ), note that ∂ (0) Ĝn =
∂En ∂En
∂ 1
P (0) (0) −1 ∂ 2 ∂
(0) (Q̂n Q̂ ) = m6=n |ψm ihψm | (0) En = −(Ĝn ) (0) En , then
En −Ĥ0 n (0)
∂En (En −Em )2 ∂EnP ∂En
∂ (0) ∂ (0) ∞ k ∂ k (0)
(0) E n − 1 = λhψ n | V̂ (0) |ψ n i = λhψ n | V̂ k=1 λ (0) ( Ĝ n V̂ ) |ψn i
∂En ∂En ∂En
(0) (0)
= − ∂ (0) En · hψn |V̂ ∞
P k+1
Pk−1 k′ k−k′
∂En k=1 λ k′ =0 (Ĝn V̂ ) Ĝn (Ĝn V̂ ) |ψn i. Therefore
Pk−1 (0) (0)
( ∂ (0) En )−1 = 1 + ∞ k k′ k−k′
∂En k=2 λ k′ =1 hψn |(V̂ Ĝn ) (Ĝn V̂ ) |ψn i = hψn |ψn i.
p̂2 2 (0)
• Ĥ0 = 2m
+ mω
x̂2 = ~ω(b̂† b̂ + 12 ), with non-degenerate energy levels En = (n + 21 )~ω,
(0) (0) (0)
and unperturbed eigenstates |ψn i = √1n! (b̂† )n |ψ0 i, and b̂|ψ0 i = 0,
~ †
~ √ √
• Perturbation λV̂ = λx̂ = λ 2mω (b̂ + b̂ ), Vnm = 2mω ( mδn+1,m + nδn,m+1 ).
p̂2 mω 2 2
• This happens to be the exact result. Ĥ0 + λV̂ = 2m
+ 2
x̂ + λx̂
p̂2 mω 2 λ 2 λ2 λ2
= 2m
+ 2
(x̂ + mω 2
) − 2mω 2
= ~ω(b̂′† b̂′ + 12 ) − 2mω 2
, with b̂′ = b̂ + √ λ
2~mω 3
of Ĥ0 + λV̂ must be even function of λ. Therefore all odd-order perturbations vanish.
• Exercise: compute the 4th order correction and check that it vanishes.
(0) (0)
• If energy level En has g-fold degenerate orthonormal eigenstates |ψnα i, α = 1, · · · , g,
define P̂n = α |ψnα ihψnα | and Q̂n = ✶ − P̂n . The expansion is the same, except...
P (0) (0)
P (0)
• P̂n |ψn i = α cα |ψnα i is a linear combination with unknown coefficients cα to be solved.
• Take inner product with |ψnα i on both sides of (∗), we have the “secular equation”,
(0) (0) (0)
(En − En ) · (cα ) = β hψnα |V̂ ∞ k+1
(Ĝn V̂ )k |ψnβ i · (cβ ) [2′ ].
k=0 λ
P (0)
• 1st-order perturbation: |ψn i = α cα |ψnα i + O(λ), the secular equation is
(En − En ) · cα = β λVnα,nβ · cβ + O(λ2 ), diagonalize the g × g matrix
(0) (0)
Vnα,nβ = hψnα |V̂ |ψnβ i to get the energy shift and cα .
P (0) P λVm,nα (0) 2
• 2nd-order perturbation: |ψn i = α cα (|ψnα i + m6=n E (0) −E (0) |ψm i) + O(λ ), the
n m
(0) P P λ2 Vnα,m Vm,nβ 3
secular equation is (En − En )cα = β (λVnα,nβ + m6=n E (0) −E (0) ) · cβ + O(λ ).
n m
• For two sites i = 1, 2, on each site we have spin-1/2 electron modes ĉis , s =↑, ↓. The
unperturbed Hamiltonian is onsite Coulomb repulsion (Hubbard interaction), Ĥ0 =
U (n̂1↑ n̂1↓ + n̂2↑ n̂2↓ ). Consider electron number i,s n̂is = i,s ĉ†is ĉis = 2 subspace.
vanishes. We have to solve the 2nd-order secular equation. For the ground states
(0) P P hψ(0) |V̂ |ψ1γ
(0) (0) (0)
ihψ1γ |V̂ |ψ0β i
subspace, (E0 − E0 )cα = β γ 0α (0) (0) · cβ . The 4 × 4 matrix is
E0 −E1
0 0 0 0
2t2 0 1 −1 0 † †
√1 (ĉ ĉ − ĉ†1↓ ĉ†2↑ )|0i, with
−U 0 −1 1 0
. The lowest energy state is spin singlet 2 1↑ 2↓
0 0 0 0
energy − 4tU , the remaining three spin triplet states have zero energy.
• This energy difference between spin singlet and triplets is effectively captured by
Heisenberg exchange, 4tU (Ŝ 1 · Ŝ 2 − 41 ), where Ŝ i = 12 s,s′ ĉ†is (σ)ss′ ĉis′ .
Hilbert space by Ŝz eigenvalues and irreps of the Z2 group, and solve the perturbation
theory in each subspace.
Ŝz Iˆ states Ĥ0 V̂
1 −1 ĉ†1↑ ĉ†2↑ |0i (0) (0)
−1 −1 ĉ†1↓ ĉ†2↓ |0i (0) (0)
† †
√1 (ĉ ĉ
2 1↑ 2↓
− ĉ†1↓ ĉ†2↑ )|0i 0 0 0 −2t
0 1
† †
√1 (ĉ ĉ
2 1↑ 1↓
+ ĉ†2↑ ĉ†2↓ )|0i 0 U −2t 0
† †
√1 (ĉ ĉ
2 1↑ 2↓
+ ĉ†1↓ ĉ†2↑ )|0i 0 0 0 0
0 −1
† †
√1 (ĉ ĉ
2 1↑ 1↓
− ĉ†2↑ ĉ†2↓ )|0i 0 U 0 0
2 2 3 3 4 4
• Ĥ (1) = Ĥ0 + Eλ0 −E
σz − 43 (Eλ0 −E
λ V
0 1
5 2
2 σx − (E −E )3 σz + O(λ ), eigenvalues up to O(λ ) are
λ2 V 2 λ2 V 2
E0 + E0 −E1
and E1 − E0 −E1
3 Ŝ 3 Ŝ
• This procedure can be continued: define Ĥ (2) = e✐λ 1
Ĥ (1) e−✐λ 1
, and choose Ŝ1 to
cancel the off-diagonal terms in Ĥ (1) of order λ3 , Ĥ (2) is then diagonal up to O(λ4 ),
the diagonal entries give approximate eigenvalues up to O(λ4 ), and the new basis
(2) (2) 3 Ŝ (0) (0)
(|ψ0 i, |ψ1 i) = e✐λ 1
e✐λŜ0 (|ψ0 i, |ψ1 i) are the approximate eigenstates up to O(λ3 ).
• Note: Because Ĥ (1) contains off-diagonal terms of only order λ3 and higher, the differ-
ence between Ĥ (2) diagonal terms and Ĥ (1) diagonal terms will be at least of order λ6 ,
coming from [✐λ3 Ŝ1 , (order λ3 off-diagonal terms of Ĥ (1) )] and 2
[✐λ3 Ŝ1 , [✐λ3 Ŝ1 , Ĥ0 ]].
Therefore the diagonal term of Ĥ (1) is already accurate up to order λ4 .
• Given Ĥ = Ĥ0 + λV̂ , Ĥ0 has known energy levels En (may be degenerate). Try to use
a sequence of unitary transformations to remove “off-diagonal terms”.
• Here “off-diagonal terms” means terms connecting eigenstates of Ĥ0 with different
energy. Therefore the procedure only block-diagonalizes the Hamiltonian. Terms
(diagonal and off-diagonal) connecting eigenstates of Ĥ0 with the same energy, namely
the matrix in the secular equation of degenerate perturbation theory, will be produced.
• Define the projection operators P̂n projecting onto En eigenstate space. Then
✶ = n P̂n . Define V̂nm = P̂n V̂ P̂m (related to matrix element Vnm by V̂nm =
(0) (0) P
Vnm |ψn ihψm |), then V̂ = n,m V̂nm . Note that [Ĥ0 , V̂nm ] = (En − Em )V̂nm .
• Consider Ĥ (1) = e✐λŜ0 Ĥe−✐λŜ0 , we want to cancel V̂nm terms with n 6= m in Ĥ (1) , then
we need [✐Ŝ0 , Ĥ0 ] + n6=m V̂nm = 0. The solution is ✐Ŝ0 = n6=m EnV̂−E
P P nm
• This abstract procedure can be carried out to arbitrary order of λ (by computers).
, we demand that [✐λ2 Ŝ2 , Ĥ0 ] cancels the order
2 Ŝ 2 Ŝ
For next order, Ĥ (2) = e✐λ 2
Ĥ (1) e−✐λ 2
λ2 off-diagonal terms of Ĥ (1) . Note that [Ĥ0 , V̂n′ m V̂mn ] = (En′ − En )V̂n′ m V̂mn . Then
✐Ŝ2 = n′ 6=m,m6=n,n′ 6=n 2(E ′1−En ) ( V̂En′′m−E
V̂mn V̂ V̂
− Enm′ m−Emn 1 V̂mn V̂nn −V̂mm V̂mn
m n
)+ m6=n Em −E n Em −En
. But
n n
the generated corrections to diagonal terms will be O(λ4 ). So diagonal terms in Ĥ (1)
is already accurate up to O(λ3 ).
• The perturbation is d-p hybridization, V̂ = tdp (dˆ†1 ĉ − dˆ†2 ĉ + h.c.). NOTE the signs.
Define V̂+ = tdp (dˆ†1 ĉ−dˆ†2 ĉ) and V̂− = (V̂+ )† . Then [Ĥ0 , V̂± ] = ±(ǫd −ǫp )V̂± , V̂ = V̂+ +V̂− .
Note V̂ has no diagonal component (always change eigenvalues of Ĥ0 ).
• [V̂+ , V̂− ] = t2dp 2i,j=1 (−1)i+j [dˆ†i ĉ, ĉ† dˆj ] = t2dp 2i,j=1 (−1)i+j (dˆ†i dˆj − δij c† c)
P ˆ† ˆ
= t2 (dp i d d − 2ĉ† ĉ) − t2 (dˆ† dˆ + h.c.).
i i dp 1 2
tdp 2
• The 2nd-order perturbation generates effective d-d hopping − ǫd −ǫ p
(dˆ†1 dˆ2 + h.c.).
• Consider the Hubbard model, Ĥ0 = U (n̂1↑ n̂1↓ + n̂2↑ n̂2↓ ), V̂ = −t s=↑,↓ (ĉ†1s ĉ2s + h.c.).
V̂0 = −t s=↑,↓ ((1 − n̂1,−s )ĉ†1s ĉ2s (1 − n̂2,−s ) + n̂1,−s ĉ†1s ĉ2s n̂2,−s + h.c.),
then [Ĥ0 , V̂m ] = mU V̂m , and V̂ = m V̂m .
Note that by definition V̂m changes the number of “double-occupancy” by m.
• We want [✐Ŝ0 , Ĥ0 ] + V̂+1 + V̂−1 = 0, then ✐Ŝ0 = U
(V̂+1 − V̂−1 ). Ĥ (1) = e✐Ŝ0 Ĥe−✐Ŝ0 ≈
Ĥ0 + V̂0 + 12 [✐Ŝ0 , V̂+1 + V̂−1 ] + [✐Ŝ0 , V̂0 ]
• The diagonal terms (those commute with Ĥ0 ) are Ĥ0 + V̂0 + U1 [V̂+1 , V̂−1 ].
• Consider the action of these terms on the H0 ground states (single-occupancy states,
with n̂1 = n̂1↑ + n̂1↓ = 1 and n̂2 = n̂2↑ + n̂2↓ = 1), then only − U1 V̂−1 V̂+1 is
effective, because V̂−1 acting on single-occupancy states will vanish (V̂−1 will de-
crease the number of double-occupancy by 1). V̂+1 can move an electron from
site i to site j, create a double-occupancy on site j, then V̂−1 must move an elec-
tron from site j back to site i, to remove this double-occupancy. The effect of
2 P 2 P
this term is then − tU s,s′ ,i6=j (ĉ†is ĉjs )(ĉ†js′ ĉis′ ) = tU [ s,s′ ,i6=j ĉ†is ĉ†js′ ĉjs ĉis′ − s,i6=j n̂is ]
2 P 2
= tU [ i6=j (2Ŝ i · Ŝ j + 21 ) − 2] = 4tU (Ŝ 1 · Ŝ 2 − 14 ).
P † † 1
• Exercise: check the spin exchange s,s′ ĉis ĉjs′ ĉjs ĉis′ = 2Ŝ i · Ŝ j + 2 , in the single-
• Given the Schrödinger picture time-dependent Hamiltonian ĤS (t) = Ĥ0 + V̂S (t), where
Ĥ0 is independent of time t, The time evolution is ✐~ ddt |ψ(t)iS = [Ĥ0 + V̂S (t)]|ψ(t)iS .
The goal is to “eliminate” Ĥ0 from this equation.
– “Proof”: ✐~ ddt |ψ(t)iI = (✐~ ddt e✐Ĥ0 t/~ )|ψ(t)iS + e✐Ĥ0 t/~ · ✐~ dt
= e✐Ĥ0 t/~ (−Ĥ0 )|ψ(t)iS + e✐Ĥ0 t/~ [Ĥ0 + V̂S (t)]|ψ(t)iS = e✐Ĥ0 t/~ V̂S (t)|ψ(t)iS
= e✐Ĥ0 t/~ V̂S (t)e−✐Ĥ0 t/~ · e✐Ĥ0 t/~ |ψ(t)iS = V̂I (t)|ψ(t)iI .
• Define the unitary time evolution operator in the interaction picture ÛI (t), |ψ(t)iI =
ÛI (t)|ψ(t = 0)iI = ÛI (t)|ψ(t = 0)iS . Then ✐~ ddt = V̂I (t)ÛI (t). The formal solution is
the time-ordered exponential ÛI (t) = T exp[− ~✐ 0 V̂I (t′ ) dt′ ], or ...
• Relation to Schrödinger picture time evolution operator: ÛI (t) = e✐Ĥ0 t/~ ÛS (t).
• Transition probability:
Let |ii and |f i be normalized eigenstates of Ĥ0 , Ĥ0 |ii = Ei |ii, Ĥ0 |f i = Ef |f i.
Start at state |ii at t = 0, evolve over time t, the probability of final state |f i is
✐ ✐
P (i → f, t) = |hf |US (t)|ii|2 = |hf |e− ~ Ĥ0 t ÛI (t)|ii|2 = |hf |e− ~ Ef t ÛI (t)|ii|2
= |hf |ÛI (t)|ii|2
4 sin2 ( ∆E t)
• Transition rate: P (i → f, t)/t = t·(∆E)2
|Vf i |2 , where ∆E = Ef − Ei .
Take t → +∞ limit, use lima→+∞ sinax(ax)
2 = πδ(x), then we have
• Exercise: keep up to 2nd order terms in Dyson series, redo the calculation.
the density of state, ρ′ (E) = f ′ , f ′ 6=i δ(E − Ef ′ ). Here f ′ may be a continuous label,
then f ′ is an integral. The Fermi golden rule means that the decay rate of the initial
2π ′
state is (to lowest order of perturbation), ~
ρ (Ei ) · (average of |Vf i |2 for Ef = Ei ).
• Exercise: keep up to 2nd order terms in Dyson series, redo the calculation.
• Detailed balance (see Sakurai, section 5.7): note that Γ(i → f ) equals to Γ(f → i).
Roughly speaking, absorption(of energy ~ω) rate = emission rate.
• Ĥ = Ĥ0 + V̂ .
(0) (0) (0) (0)
Denote normalized eigenstates of Ĥ0 as |ψn i, Ĥ0 |ψn i = En |ψn i, and
normalized eigenstates of Ĥ as |ψn i, Ĥ|ψn i = En |ψn i.
(0) (0)
For simplicity denote hψn |V̂ |ψm i as Vnm .
• En − En = Vnn + m6=n V(0) nm Vmn
(0) ,
En −Em
Zn = 1 − m6=n V(0)nm Vmn
(0) 2 .
(En −Em )
Consistent with time-independent perturbation theory.
– Scattering cross section, σ: total scattered particle current under unit incoming
particle current density.
– Differential scattering cross section, dΩ
: scattered particle current dσ into the
solid angle element dΩ, divided by dΩ, under unit incoming current density.
– Optical theorem: σ = k
Im[f (k, k)].
Total cross section is related to the forward scattering amplitude.
• Optional references:
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 7.
Landau & Lifschitz, Quantum Mechanics: Non-relativistic Theory, Chapter XVII.
• We will consider non-relativistic particles only. Ĥ0 = − 2m ∇2 .
• Differential cross section: dΩ
dσ is the particle current being scattered into the solid angle element dΩ, under unit
incoming particle current density.
• Cross section: σ = dΩ
Total scattered particle current, under unit incoming particle current density.
• Incoming plane wave |ki is not normalizable. Probability is not easily defined. To
overcome this, one can use free wave packet instead of plane wave. See e.g. Sakurai,
Chapter 7.
• Lippmann-Schwinger equation: |ψi = |ki + E−Ĥ0 +✐ǫ
V̂ |ψi, where ǫ → 0+.
integration over p can be done. Use polar coordinates and define the +z direction
✐p·(r−r ′ ) R∞ Rπ R 2π ✐p|r−r ′ | cos θ
along r − r ′ . We have d3 p ke2 −p2 +✐ǫ = 0 p2 dp 0 sin θ dθ 0 dφ e k2 −p2 +✐ǫ =
′ ′ ′
R∞ 2 R1 e✐p|r−r | cos θ
R∞ 2 2π (e✐p|r−r | −e−✐p|r−r | )
p dp −1
d(cos θ) 2π 2 2
k −p +✐ǫ
= 0
p dp ✐p|r−r | ′ 2 2
k −p +✐ǫ
R∞ ✐p|r−r ′ | ✐z|r−r ′ | 2
2π e 2π e 2π ✐k|r−r ′ |
pdp ✐|r−r ′ | k 2 −p2 +✐ǫ = 2π ✐ Resz=+√k2 +✐ǫ (z · ✐|r−r ′ | · k 2 +✐ǫ−z 2 ) = − |r−r ′| e .
1 2m e✐k|r−r |
e✐k·r d3 r ′ · V (r ′ )ψ(r ′ ).
• ψ(r) = (2π)3/2
− ~2 4π|r−r ′ |
• Further approximation: |r| ≫ |r ′ |, the position where we measure the scattered wave is
very far(compared to the range of V̂ ) from the scattering potential, |r −r ′ | ≈ |r|− r·r |r|
✐kr R ′ ′
ψ(r) ≈ (2π)13/2 e✐k·r − 2m e
~2 4πr
d3 r ′ e−✐k ·r V (r ′ )ψ(r ′ ), where k′ = |k| |r|
. This is usually
written as
• ψ(r) ≈ 1
e✐k·r + f (k′ , k) e r , where k′ = |k| |r|
. This looks like superposition of
incoming plane wave and outgoing spherical wave (with angle dependent amplitude).
3/2 R 3 ′ −✐k′ ·r′
f (k′ , k) = − (2π)
~ 2 dr e V (r ′ )ψ(r ′ ), has the unit of length.
• The outgoing particle current in solid angle element dΩ along k′ direction at distance
✐kr ✐kr
r is Re{[ (2π)13/2 f (k′ , k) e r ]∗ (−✐ m~ ∂r
)[ (2π)13/2 f (k′ , k) e r ]} · r2 dΩ = ~k 1
m (2π)3
|f (k′ , k)|2 dΩ.
The incoming particle current density is Re[( (2π)13/2 e✐k·r )∗ (−✐ m~ ∇)( (2π)13/2 e✐k·r )] =
~k 1
m (2π)3
. The differential cross section is the ratio of the two,
• dσ
= |f (k′ , k)|2
• Not very rigorous derivation (see e.g. Prof. Murayama’s notes for rigorous one):
Consider a sphere of radius r, the total outgoing particle current should be zero,
)ψ(r)] = 0, where ψ = (2π)13/2 e✐k·r + f (k′ , k) e r .
R 2
r dΩ Re[ψ ∗ (r)(−✐ m~ ∂r
Rπ R 2π
Use polar coordinates and define +z direction along k, 0 = r2 0 sin θdθ 0 dφ
~ 1
m (2π)3
{k cos θ + k |f (θ,φ)|
+ Re[ k cos
θ ∗
f (θ, φ)e✐k(cos θ−1)r + ( kr + −✐
)f (θ, φ)e−✐k(cos θ−1)r ]},
Rπ R 2π Rπ R 2π
so σ = 0 sin θdθ 0 dφ |f (θ, φ)|2 = −r· 0 sin θdθ 0 dφ Re[cos θ·f ∗ (θ, φ)e✐k(cos θ−1)r +
(1 + kr
)f (θ, φ)e−✐k(cos θ−1)r ].
Consider the case kr ≫ 1 and average over r, the contribution to the integral comes
mainly from θ ≈ 0 region, and φ dependence of f is small there. Define x = 1 −
R2 −2✐kr
cos θ, σ ≈ −r · 0 dx 2π Re[f ∗ (0, 0)e−✐krx + f (0, 0)e✐krx ] = −r · 2π Re[f ∗ (0, 0) e −✐kr−1 +
2✐kr −1
f (0, 0) e ✐kr
], ignore the fast oscillating factor e±2✐kr (for averaging over r), we have
• Optical theorem: σ = k
Im[f (k, k)].
Total cross section is related to the forward scattering amplitude.
• Born approximation: |ψi = |ki + E−Ĥ0 +✐ǫ
V̂ |ki
3/2 ′ ✐k·r ′
• f (k′ , k) = − (2π) 2m ′ e 2m ′
d3 r ′ e−✐k ·r V (r ′ ) (2π) d3 r ′ V (r ′ ) e−✐q·r ,
4π ~2 3/2 = − 4π~2
• Consider the case of central potential V (r) = V (r), then f (k′ , k) is only function of
the angle θ between k′ and k, define the k direction as +z direction,
ψ(r) ∼ e✐kz + f (θ) e r .
• For large r, e✐kz ∼ 2✐kr l=0 (2l + 1)(e✐kr − (−1)l e−✐kr )Pl (cos θ),
• Expand f (θ) into Legendre polynomials, f (θ) = l=0 (2l + 1)fl Pl (cos θ).
dΩ |f |2 = 4π 2
• σ= l (2l + 1)|fl | ,
Rπ 2
where we have used 0
sin θdθ Pl′ (cos θ)Pl (cos θ) = δ′ .
2l+1 l l
4π 4π
• By optical theorem, σ = k
Im[f (0)] = k l (2l + 1)Im(fl ),
where we have used Pl (1) = 1.
+ 1)Pl (cos θ)[e2✐δl e✐kr − (−1)l e−✐kr ].
• ψ(r) ∼ 2✐kr l (2l
+ 1) sin2 δl .
σ= k2 l (2l
Yl (θ, φ)Rl (r), where Yl (θ) = 2l+1
0 0
• Expand ψ(r) = l 4π
Pl (cos θ),
h 2
then the radial wavefunction satisfies − 1r ddr2 r + l(l+1)
r 2 + 2m
~ 2 V (r) Rl (r) = k 2 Rl (r),
1 1
and Rl (r) ∼ 2✐kr
√ [e2✐δl e✐kr − (−1)l e−✐kr ] as r → ∞.
• To solve δl , solve the radial wavefunction Rl (r) first, expand its asymptotic (r → ∞)
form by spherical Bessel functions jl (kr) and nl (kr), Rl (r) ∼ jl (kr) cos δl +nl (kr) sin δl .
– Asymptotic behavior:
ρ → 0, jl (ρ) ∼ (2l+1)!!
, nl (ρ) ∼ − (2l−1)!!
ρ → ∞, jl (ρ) ∼ sin(ρ−lπ/2)
, nl (ρ) ∼ − cos(ρ−lπ/2)
• Ŝ is the unitary time evolution operator in interaction picture, under the limit that
the initial time ti → −∞ and the final time tf → +∞, Ŝ ∼ limti →−∞,tf →+∞ ÛI (tf , ti ).
= k,k′ −~✐ |kihk|V̂ |k′ ihk′ |( ✐(Ek −E1 ′ )/~+ǫ − ✐(Ek −E1 ′ )/~−ǫ )
k k
P −✐ ′ ′ 2ǫ
= k,k′ ~ |kihk|V̂ |k ihk | (Ek −E ′ )2 /~2 +ǫ2
∼ k,k′ −~✐ |kihk|V̂ |k′ ihk′ | · 2πδ( k ~ k ) = − k,k′ |kihk|V̂ |k′ ihk′ | · 2π ✐δ(Ek − Ek′ ),
P E −E ′ P
note that formally limǫ→+0 x2 +ǫ2
= 2πδ(x).
R∞ R t1
• The 2nd order term in Dyson series is ( −~✐ )2 −∞ dt1 −∞ dt2 V̂I (t1 )V̂I (t2 )
∞ t
= ( −~✐ )2 −∞ dt1 −∞ dt2 k1 ,k2 ,k3 |k1 ie✐Ek1 t1 /~ hk1 |V̂ |k2 ie−ǫ|t1 | e−✐Ek2 t1 /~
R R 1
= ( −~✐ )2 k1 ,k2 ,k3 |k1 ihk1 |V̂ |k2 ihk2 |V̂ |k3 ihk3 |
1 1 1
× [ ✐(Ek (
−Ek3 )/~+ǫ ✐(Ek1 −Ek3 )/~+ǫ
− ✐(Ek −Ek2 )/~−ǫ
2 1
1 1 1
− ✐(Ek
−Ek3 )/~−ǫ ✐(Ek1 −Ek3 )/~−ǫ
− ✐(Ek −Ek2 )/~−ǫ
2 1
Consider limǫ→+0 x+1✐ǫ = −✐πδ(x)+P( x1 ) where P means Cauchy principal value, above
result is − k1 ,k2 ,k3 |k1 ihk1 |V̂ |k2 i Ek −E1 k +✐ǫ hk2 |V̂ |k3 ihk3 | × 2π ✐δ(Ek1 − Ek3 )
1 2
= − k1 ,k3 |k1 ihk1 |V̂ E −1Ĥ +✐ǫ V̂ |k3 ihk3 | × 2π ✐δ(Ek1 − Ek3 )
k1 0
k′ [hk|k ihk |(Ŝ − ✶)|ki + hk|(Ŝ − ✶)|k ihk |ki + |hk |(Ŝ − ✶)|ki| ] = 0, or
P ′ ′ † ′ ′ ′ 2
• For central potential problem, the S-matrix is block-diagonal in the basis of angular
momentum ℓ free spherical waves, the matrix element of Ŝ between inward spherical
wave and outward spherical wave is exp(2✐δℓ ) where δℓ is the phase shift.
See e.g. Prof. Murayama’s lecture notes for more details.
ZZ ′ e2
• V (r) = V (r) = r
, Z and Z ′ are charges (in unit of elementary charge e) of
the point-like scatterer and the incoming particle respectively, Gauss unit is used (to
change to SI unit, replace e2 by e2 /4πǫ0 ).
• Differential cross section: dΩ
= |f (θ)|2 = [ 2m
(ZZ ′ e2 )]2 ( 4k2 sin2 (θ/2)+µ 2
2) .
d(cos θ)[ 2m 1
(ZZ ′ e2 )]2 ( 2k2 (1−cos )2
• Total cross section: σ = sin θdθ dφ dΩ = 2π ~2 θ)+µ2
= [ 2m
(ZZ ′ e2 )]2 4k2 µ4π2 +µ4
• Form factor:
if the scatterer’s charge has a distribution ρ(r ′ ) [Z =
R 3 ′
d r ρ(r ′ )], V (r) =
R 3 Z ′ e2
d r |r−r′ | ρ(r ′ ). This is a convolution of Coulomb potential with ρ(r ′ ), under Born
approximation, the scattering amplitude is the Fourier transform of V , so is the prod-
uct of Fourier transforms of Coulomb potential and ρ,
′ 2
f (θ) = − 2m Z e
d3 r ′ ρ(r ′ ) exp(−✐q · r ′ ) = fpoint scatterer (θ) · F (q),
~2 q 2
By measuring differential cross section and comparing with that of point scatterer,
one can measure |F (q)|2 and obtain information about the charge distribution ρ.
• For small momentum k ≪ 1/a, scattering happens mainly in the s-wave channel
(l = 0). The radial Schrödinger equation is [− ddr2 + 2m
V (r)](r R0 (r)) = k 2 (r R0 (r)).
• Repulsive case: V0 > 0, define K = 2mV ~2
– r R(r) =
A sin(ka + δ0 ), r > a.
The phase shift δ0 = arc tan[ √K 2k+k2 tan( K 2 + k 2 a)] − ka.
dδ0 tan(Ka)
The scattering length a0 = − limk→0 dk
= a [1 − Ka
For small Ka ≪ 1, this is negative.
state r R(r) =
A exp(−κr), r > a.
• In summary,
the scattering length is positive(usually negative) for repulsive(attractive) potential;
scattering length can diverge if a bound state energy approaches zero;
poles of S-matrix (with complex k) indicate bound states.
σa 0
Sa = ~2 under Dirac’s convention.
0 σa
– Zeeman coupling term − mq S · B with g = 2.
– Spin-orbit coupling: under potential V (x), the low energy effective Hamiltonian
include − 2mq2 c2 Ŝ · (E × p̂), where E = − ∂∂r V .
– Zitterbewegung: Dirac particle cannot be “at rest” in the classical sense. Even
with p = 0 and without external potential, it seems to be oscillating, x(t) =
2t 2
x(0) + ~
(α sin 2mc
+ ✐αβ cos 2mc
• Optional references:
M.E. Peskin, D.V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Chapter 3.
J.J. Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Chapter 3.
P.A.M. Dirac, The Principle of Quantum Mechanics, Chapter XI.
• Use metric ηµν = diag(1, −1, −1, −1) where diag means diagonal matrix. Λ·η ·ΛT = η.
• Classical mechanics and electromagnetism can be cast into Lorentz covariant form.
Maxwell’s equations: ǫµνρ ∂µ Fνρ = 0, ∂ µ Fµν = µ0 jν where µ0 is vacuum permeability.
Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ = −Fνµ is electromagnetic field tensor. F0a = Ea /c for a = 1, 2, 3
and E is electric field; Fab = −ǫabc Bc for a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 and B is magnetic field.
• A moving particle in electric field will experience an effective magnetic field, the mag-
netic moment of the particle will precess (Thomas precession).
• The plane wave states are ψ ∼ e✐(p·x−E·t)/~ , suggesting p → −✐~∇ and E → ✐~ dt .
• For non-relativistic particle, dispersion relation is E = 2m
, suggesting non-relativistic
Schrödinger equation ✐~ dt ψ = − 2m ∇2 ψ.
• Dirac equation: ✐~ dt ψ = (cα · p̂ + mc2 β)ψ.
– momentum p̂ = −✐~∇.
– helicity J · |p|
= S · |p|
, projection of (spin) angular momentum onto direction of
momentum. Helicity can be ± ~2 .
• Weyl equation: when mass m = 0, the Dirac equation can be block-diagonalized into
two 2 × 2 equations ✐~ ddt ψ = ±(cσ · p̂)ψ. ± signs correspond to right(left)-handed
Weyl fermions.
• Zitterbewegung:
consider the Heisenberg picture equation of motion, d
x = ~✐ [Ĥ, x] = cα, so the veloc-
ity operator has eigenvalue ±c and different components of velocity do not commute!
Consider the case that p = 0, further use of Heisenberg equations of motion produces
d 2d 2 4 2t 2
( dt ) dt x = − 4m~2c d
x. solution is x(t) = x(0) + ~
(α sin 2mc
+ ✐αβ cos 2mc
Dirac particle “at rest” seems to be oscillating very rapidly.
q q
E+mc2 E+mc2
χ (p) χ− (p)
q 2mc2 + q 2mc2
E= p2 c2 + m2 c4 are u+ (p) = and u− (p) = ,
E−mc2 E−mc2
χ+ (p) − 2mc2
χ− (p)
the subscript ± of u indicate helicity states.
• Consider the case that |p| ≪ mc. Separate the “diagonal” and “off-diagonal” parts of
Hamiltonian, Ĥ = Ĥ0 + Ĥ1 where Ĥ0 = mc2 β + qV and Ĥ1 = cα · (−✐~∇ − qA).
• Ĥ1 anti-commutes with β. Choose ✐Ŝ = βα · (p̂ − qA)/2mc = β Ĥ1 /2mc2 , so that
[✐Ŝ, mc2 β] = −Ĥ1 , note that [✐Ŝ, Ĥ1 ] = mc2
(Ĥ1 )2 , [✐Ŝ, [✐Ŝ, Ĥ1 ]] = − m21c4 (Ĥ1 )3 , . . . ;
Ĥ ′ = mc2 β + (qV + 2mc2
[Ĥ1 , qV ] − (2mc1 2 )2 [Ĥ1 , [Ĥ1 , qV ]] + . . . )
+( 2mc 2
2 (Ĥ1 ) −
3m2 c4
(Ĥ1 )3 + 8mβ2 c4 (Ĥ1 )3 + . . . )
β ∂ ✐~ ∂
+(✐~ 2mc 2 ∂t Ĥ1 − 8m2 c4 [Ĥ1 , ∂t Ĥ1 ] + ...)
• The diagonal terms up to m2
are (no need for further unitary transformation)
(Ĥ1)2 1 ✐~
β (mc2 + 2mc2
)+qV − 8m2 c4
[Ĥ1 , [Ĥ1 , q V ]] − 8m2 c4
[Ĥ1 , ∂∂t Ĥ1 ].
(Ĥ1 )2
• 2mc2
= 1
αi (p̂i − qAi ) · αj (p̂j − qAj ) = 1
(δij + ✐ 2Ŝ~k ǫijk )(p̂i − qAi )(p̂j − qAj )
1 1
= 2m
[(p̂ − qA)2 − 2Ŝk ǫijk · q ∂i Aj ] = 2m
[(p̂ − qA)2 − 2q Ŝ · B],
this gives the non-relativistic kinetic energy and the Zeeman term with Landé g-factor
g = 2.
• For the last two terms, [Ĥ1 , q V ] = −✐~qcα · (∇V ), [Ĥ1 , ∂∂t Ĥ1 ] = [Ĥ1 , −qcα · ∂
[Ĥ1 , [Ĥ1 , q V ]] = [Ĥ1 , −✐~qcα · (∇V )], so − 8m12 c4 [Ĥ1 , [Ĥ1 , q V ]] − 8m2 c4
[Ĥ1 , ∂∂t Ĥ1 ]
= − 8m✐2 c4 [Ĥ1 , ✐~qcα · (−∇V − ∂
A)] = − 8m✐2 c4 [Ĥ1 , ✐~qcα · E]
✐~c q2
= − 8m 2 c4 [αi (p̂i − qAi ), αj Ej ]
= − 8m✐~q2 c2 ((δij + ✐ 2Ŝ~k ǫijk )(p̂i − qAi )Ej − (δij − ✐ 2Ŝ~k ǫijk )Ej (p̂i − qAi ))
~ q
= − 8m 2 c2 (∇ · E) +
ǫ Ŝ E (p̂ − qAi ) − 4m✐~q2 c2 (Ŝk ǫijk ∂i Ej )
2m2 c2 ijk k j i
~ q
= − 8m 2 c2 (∇ · E) −
2m2 c2
Ŝ · (E × P̂ ) − 4m✐~q2 c2 Ŝ · (∇ × E).
The 1st term is the Darwin term. The 2nd term is the spin-orbit coupling. The last
term vanishes for static electromagnetic field.
• For static central potential V (r) = V (r), E = −∇V = − rr ∂∂r V (r), the spin-orbit
coupling becomes − 2mq2 c2 Ŝ · (E × P̂ ) = q 1 dV
2m2 c2 r dr
Ŝ · (r × P̂ ) = q 1 dV
2m2 c2 r dr
Ŝ · L̂.