Functional Analysis Seminar 2010 03 29 PDF
Functional Analysis Seminar 2010 03 29 PDF
Functional Analysis Seminar 2010 03 29 PDF
[email protected]
Berlin, den 7. Juni 2010
Functional Analysis
The elementary theory of Linear Algebra describes the structure of finite-
dimensional vector spaces and linear maps on those spaces. While a number
of theorems hold true for infinite-dimensional vector spaces, those theorems
are usually not very useful.
For example, every vector space has a basis and such algebraic bases are
extensively used in finite-dimensional vector spaces. However, most naturally
occurring vector spaces are infinite-dimensional and there are only uncount-
able bases. Those are extremely difficult to find and even if one could describe
such a large basis, it would not be very useful.
To work around those problems without giving up to much of the algebraic
theory and intuition some additional, topological structure is introduced on
the vector space.
Hilbert spaces
In the entire script all vector spaces will be assumed as complex vector spaces.
Definition. A normed vector space (V, k.k) is a vector space with a map k.k : V
R such that
(1) x V : kxk = 0 x = 0,
The map k.k is called norm. If a normed vector space is complete, meaning that
all Cauchy sequences converge, it is called a Banach space.
Sesqui means one and a half. The scalar product is sesquilinear in the
sense that it is linear in the second argument and antilinear in the first (meaning
that hx, yi = hx, yi).
Remark. Note first, that there are Banach spaces, which are not Hilbert spaces.
In fact, a Banach space is a Hilbert space, if and only if if satisfies the paral-
lelogram equation kx + yk2 + kx yk2 = 2(kxk2 + kyk2 ). The parallelogram
equation follows easily from the definition of the scalar product, while con-
versely the parallelogram equation allows one to define a compatible scalar
product via polarisation.
Since the L2 -space is a Hilbert space, it appears more often in mathematics than
the other Lp -spaces. In fact, the L2 -space is the only Hilbert spaces in this class.
In physical literature Hilbert bases are usually called complete orthonormal basis.
Hilbert spaces correspond roughly to the coordinate or phase spaces of classical
mechanics. In order to construct an entire physical system, one needs some
concept of function or observable.
Remark. At this point one should wonder why one uses normed spaces, but
defines operators merely in algebraic terms. For linear maps between normed
spaces the concept of continuity is well-defined. This point is rarely made in
linear algebra courses, since A is assumed to be finite-dimensional and, in this
case, all linear maps are continuous with respect to all norms one could define
on A or B.
However, if A is infinite-dimensional, then linear maps into any normed
space B are in general not continuous.
In physics books another notation for vectors and operators is used.
Definition. Physicists like to use the notation h|i B h, i for the scalar
product. Since the scalar product is denoted by brackets, physicists call |i B
H a ket and h| B h, .i H0 a bra. Correspondingly, |ih| B(H ) is
defined via H 3 |i 7 |ih|i H.
While this seems like an unnecessary complication, the notation yields a
simplification if one writes |ii B |i i B i for some Hilbert basis {i }iN .
In particular, one has x H : x = i=1 |iihi|xi and thus id = i=1 |iihi|,
Unbounded operators
The Hilbert space most frequently used in physics is the space L2 (R3 ) of
square-integrable functions and very important operators are
(1) the position operators: 7 x 7 xi (x)
(2) the momentum operators: 7 xi
P 2
(3) the Laplace operator: 7 B .
xi 2
The Spectrum
Definition. For a densely defined, unbounded operator T, the resolvent set is
defined as
n o
(T ) B C | ( T )1 exists and is bounded
The spectrum is a closed subset of C. Typically (but not always), the point
spectrum consists of isolated points, the continuous spectrum is a union of
intervals and the residual spectrum is empty. Also, there usually is a Hilbert
basis, which consists of eigenvectors.
If T is bound, then , (T ) { C | || kTk}. But if T is unbounded,
then = (T ) or (T ) = C are possible. In particular, one needs to restrict the
set of unbounded operators under consideration.
Adjoint Operators
Definition. An unbounded operator T is symmetric, if and only if x, y
dom T : hTx, yi = hx, Tyi.
Remark. For symmetric T the point spectrum (i. e. the set of eigenvalues)
consists of real numbers. One might be tempted to conclude that (T ) R.
Indeed, in the physical literature this conclusion is regularly used. For instance,
many physics books assume that the spectrum consists only of eigenvalues
and is therefore real. However, this is false:
Consider the momentum operator
d 2
i : L (R) C 2
0 (R) L (R)
where C 0
(R) is the set of smooth functions R C with compact support.
By partial integration this operator is symmetric with respect to the L2 -scalar
product. But the choice of domain implies that i dt is never surjective,
d 2 d
i dt C0 (R) C0 (R) , L (R). Therefore, (i dt ) = C.
Definition. For every bound operator T B(H ) there exists one and only one
bound operator T? B(H ) with
x, y H : hTx, yi = hx, T? yi .
Note that the dense domain is crucial at this point. For otherwise y would not
be uniquely determined.
Remark. For unbounded operators the nice formulae of the previous lemma
are generally not true: Even if S and T are densely defined, the sum S + T is
only defined on dom S dom T, which can be {0}. Thus, in general S + T does
not have a well-defined adjoint. Similarly, it is possible that dom T = {0}.
The concept of self-adjointness is more restrictive and one can prove the
following lemma.
Remark. Why can physicist (usually) ignore the difference between symmet-
ric and self-adjoint operators? It was shown before that the spectrum of the
symmetric momentum operator i dt is the entire complex plane C. However,
the momentum operator is essentially self-adjoint and one may implicitely use
the closure of the momentum operator. This operator then has real spectrum,
as it is required by the axioms of quantum mechanics.
where the i are the eigenvalues of T and the Ei the corresponding orthogonal
projections on the eigenspaces. An orthogonal projection is an idempotent
map, E2i = Ei , with ker Ei im Ei .
The aim of this section is to find a similar decomposition for unbounded
operators on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. This can be done indirectly
via the functional calculus, which is of great interest in itself. Again, Linear
Algebra tells us, that for finite-dimensional vector spaces and a polynomial f
one has
f (T ) = f ( i ) Ei .
B((T )) 3 f 7 f (T ) B(H )
defined by:
(3) It is continuous.
(4) fn B((T )), supk fn k < , fn (t) f (t) implies h fn (T )x, yi h f (T )x, yi.
With this functional calculus one can define the necessary generalisation
of the orthogonal projections Ei to the infinite-dimensional case.
Definition. One can define the integral over bounded measurable functions
B(R) with respect to a projection-valued measure E in the usual way via
step-functions and a completeness argument:
Let f = i Ai be step-function with Ai . Define
f dE B i EAi .
One can show that k R f dEk k f k , where k.k is the norm on B(R). This
estimate implies that for any approximating
R sequence of step-functions fn
f B(R) the sequence of integrals R fn dE is a Cauchy sequence. Since H is a
Banach space, B(H ) is a Banach space as well, whichR means that this Cauchy
sequence converges to some bounded operator R f dE B(H ).
This implies that there is a well-defined, involutive algebra homomorphism
B(R) 3 f 7 f dE B(H ) .
Note that if E Ris the spectral measure of some bounded operator T B(H ),
then the integral R f dE depends only on the values of f on (T ).
Theorem (Spectral Theorem for self-adjoint, bounded operators).
Let T B(H ) be a self-adjoint, bounded operator and f B(R). If E is the
spectral measure of T, then
T= dE and f (T ) = f () dE ,
where R dE is a simpler notation for R ( 7 ) dE and where f (T ) is
defined by the measurable functional calculus.
Operator Semigroups
Quantum mechanical systems are described by operator equations, usually
partial differential equations. In particular, some results on the existence of
solutions for such equations are important.
The equation
has a unique solution u(t) = etA u0 . The aim of this section is to give meaning
to this solution, if A is some operator.
(1) T0 = id,
Remark. The second axiom implies that all operators Tt commute. Also, the
maps [0, ) X 3 (t, x) 7 Tt x X and u : R+ 3 t 7 Tt u0 X for some u0 X
are continuous.
Th x x
Ax B lim on the domain
h0 h
dom A B {x H | This limes exists.}
u0 = Au with u(0) = u0
A corollary of this theorem is, for instance, that two C0 -semigroups with the
same infinitesimal generator are equal. Another related theorem is regularly
used in quantum mechanics:
Theorem (Stone).
A C0 -semigroup of unitary operators (meaning Tt = Tt1 for all t R+ ) is
equal to {eitA } for some self-adjoint operator A.
How does one use those theorems in quantum mechanics? Normally, one
is given some (essentially) self-adjoint, differential operator A (such as the
Laplace operator) and seeks a solution to the equation
iu0 = Au .
Such a solution is the map t 7 eitA u0 , where the C0 -semigroup eitA is defined
via the functional calculus.
A very important fact for the physical interpretation is the preservation
of the norm, for all t R one has ku(t)k = ku0 k, since the C0 -semigroup eitA
consists of unitary operators.
[Wer07] Dirk Werner. Funktionalanalysis. Springer, Berlin; 6. Auflage, Septem-
ber 2007.