GSR364 (Das)
GSR364 (Das)
GSR364 (Das)
;rtf?n"ft, Z;rqq\,2017
{T'$r.ft. 304.- .,cft, riFierr'r * o-t"&e 3g9 } q-i;tr6 drir c(f, qrftd .nr-q*q *ril otr n,r frfinq
E"rnr littrr+ ftq-a giq1, {r{a 's' qs) rrdf flirrc, zot o fr s-"T erfft .} ft-.irq srf,e}*.icr
+-.i r,c, ft.t *i srte}fi.rr,rr t
cE+ ftillr t qr-"+'t m.r cr'r
F* .il.
fttqro, B'c fttqro, n6mm fifir+ Tor,t, ar.n- filn-a-.T riarorr, 11rp flq;4-.1 rr6rfit*rnc,r, fl1,na g1qn ftiqn.r{r t
f+cm qren afr)+.rrt * q<] fi # A *A 6r f)ft{ffi +_,rf X ffu
ft-qq mrt t:-
1. {fihr;nr dk wtv.-1t) Eq ffi nr rifl*n nrrr (rrr. ftqri( riTrdq, ar.rr ftrrr<a rarfttqrr+q, ftrrc
grw ftten<-+ ii frEsm, sc ftaqro, qar+fi fieem ai-r-aqra g,rilr Brtffi qff fr{q, 2017 * |
2. qr{ Ar{r-n ftqq qt + scn-"a Brfi-* * +.iw 1t I c ftftffic r<t rr crl ait t
3. Tc{qr, afi6,<ur mn trr tfr6 q w( qrR.- rE fi drqr, affffrr oqr i-il{ tEtr q rar i afii, qt q<
Mi * wrra wffi + rtirr (2) * r;irr (4) t ftftffie t t
4. Tff fr raft, arg*wr {ffi qrR.-',rfi ft q-aft, qr5-firn, 3'-fu da s-{fr dtifft q-"q ilif a 6i.ft fr
fdfff 3t-t{-fi + Ri-}r (5) + Eiar (13) it ftfrtrs ? t
(s) frrqi N qft fr Gs-dr cfr qr rff fiBd A, E=qrd fudr t; qi" tr-*z ft tG-<r ft t, qr
(rc) Frni qqt cft rn q-fr * ftE-( IE,t gq ftffi qft t A={rE ftqr *; qr trqra ft dE-{r ft t
Fgft * ftc qra q-fr ?x{ri
str T( q( I
6. Rrftq 5,G ff {rfr.-s-€T 66 trfru urE;rr ft lrq t lrffi< t, e--.r-sE Brr+ ftI qI
fr; iqr 6-{.T1 3rr+e{.F qr
+:rrq t, l.€ fuq-d-.a +r? a'rn frq Fil-fi nar sn{rrr } q-rrcct +-,r*, rq Mt + ftfr dr Rift +,i qr c-{,i h
qffit ft srdfr, qr?st arrr f,rYfrlq 6?- (hft r
7. qqft.- srr Mt ft dr{ ern, tfr 3rreruir, 3{rg-{ftq-t f. *r erq 1Mi q-{ trqra a-fr grfoTr, fuq-fiI +,-ft-q
s-r-firr 6RT {q ri?iu i[ q-c-q-Fc-{ qr qnt ftq qq qr?sii h a1lrrr a-5qB( wffi, a.i{fud wrqrffif, eroq m
Tril, rf,dT-{ frffi eir er.q ftq}q s-fli * qREql } Rt sq;iu +rm 3rtF*fl t t
qii fit;tF[ q'i[ Et*IT qrffF,.{ur tffiq* q{FTqr{r frt trff frq
qri srn arREfr
3lir{rt T<
fit Tfi frq uni Er+ fit rfi ftq qri {rn cRffwrftq-{8, cR TfifiTaft, f,fifritficr
h frq qtftd qffi h ftq REd ang
e(fu{T sNA ffi ara cr rfrft3fr cr
{tfudr<rqrffi 4k {tfrd rffi frr( qrtm era df(Rft{rerffi
qRFfrfis$rterq ar<r rft qri Erft ftRffi A
fiftqrrff rfrtrrdr
(7) (8) (e) (10)
eqi-tJtf,rr oq i-S tilrr SrffiR-otrqra qorh (i) {rgnd cftsm c'rmft am; ei-{
nrffi h ftq Ei s{r (ii) A'ftq cftqm c{ cftffi,
1Fm* eiaft ereqe;,rft-+ {fi-{r
5-{ffimft<t qqra {di } 6r
(11) (12) (1 3)
fufr: frqi +tr{ frffi, s61-11 ii 16r++ q€ h'ffi{ ffi (frft t yRffis (q.s+
fttqr+, ftqrt g-<err ft ffi n sq qq r{ ft-gft frnfrkil Elt - d'ft'{r fr
r"'r+rR-+ ty
* qum cts aS fi ffia t-qr ft tt (srd qer + +Iffqit ft
l. BreqeT/q<q, rjq iir-f, i-{r
urqf{r- 3IsqeT' S{ffi q-r qfu+rrt ff
(i) ftqrt Uten fqarqt - qi<fto; 2. qft-a, a-rqz D-qr+a riTr;rq- ffi+r.trqqriqA-fii-{r
3nfrrr t q-{qqi qi<;n qqqq"F
(ii) frqrc $rrrlq-r+r 3{"Aqur sFsIeTUr- qhft+;
{<q; *t
*t 3. qaftiqr+, q-nrr frmaq-
(iii) g-<rrr siia-{ TEnftr ffieil
frqur : q-il Et 6fts qMi 4 *i;qtr t Frdt
3rq-ft 3rfrs/qrr{r A-{r {ft sr ft t, ffi *
ftq G-srr. fu{r qr rA t, +A u-{+ s}s qfum
* ddq q G-{rt fr+r qrrfn r{g l-{ a-q s{fr
sslaRT ft r{ erf+qrcrfiri-fl 3{tkd et-€{
qr qwilr t-{r} t qr} i
qttrs t qr ES t, flfr
t fr ft 6q fr, 6q n A 3i-r s-di 3rri tft
sftE qfut {trd ffiti tft 3t-t6 rn craiTT
t-dr q-6fr O Xft +-< ft t, Brrt-ft s-g-fi ffi t
ffi + ftc arq-ft qkften ft q-dt
fdfttFfi CH+ 3iaria er"TnrR-n {G-<r ft t):
ilrftq qr6rqTrrq Hrorti zn riq rr"q Hiqr
ftq qrqf,rfiH 3t-{titrrt *rneit q
qk6 i-r-r + sc-fiqt qr qd-qaqi-ft qr wtfi
qrsqnftdrsn+{t 3rfM,-
(6) (i) fr 19 ts-t cr Grrm ii ft-qft-a elrarr
I wrger.r<spqftqd;+r
t^ mA+ ao srs. qr Grrrrr ii +4-{ tftn n
I 1iil
i mr- t 1 T'rTu c-r FrcFfi + qatcI 3rt xofr { crq
1588 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : NOVEMBER 4, 2017/KARTIKA 13, 1939 [PARr U-SEC. 3(i)]
qf fiffiilt-{rfft;*r
(ra; ftHt crq ffidFc-d ftlr6 3r€ilrq qt{
er{s{zr t:-
frffi Tlreklrsnr
(i) furG-srqq t ffif
frft q1frFd qks n-€( +
(ii) *
mrrt Affilr ur ffim qT"**
+fti-.( qr qrrrFrd ert]q qr ftqr{
+srrrr{ qr
E+-{r + u-5r*;t g<hx, ftqrt dr+{r
yunMi qr Rqrfi qriqq qr sIft riqri rn
F6a ur srfr-{ur lr s-g'{rft-ft qr frqm{ q-rfl
+ Br+qur, gret l"ir< currft + rrqtqq( 3i-{
qiec +. ffi i'+r sS r,r r{ra1
cfrru+.t5<ffis t ftq lurra +q * mrffi$t
(i) +fr{ +DR t R{ 11 + {q-Sdq q* qr q-< c{
*r* u.56ffi<it *<
(ii) ttr, arg i-{r ft nt i-dr t ctq qS
ft ff A, fr qr Ef fi B{-dfs + ftil{
q-f-6 n-{r
lqT ft-{d fr+ 4rA t qr ftwf ;t ermftfta di
Er& tmnG-q+qrq Bltfff, q-€frr d-( u1rrefr
q< fr F-qr< fr{r qrtrn N qfut ft
cftftgft ft*rt ss mfte a-+ ft{r whn
C*d u-Q qsa {df 1 ftft ftqr qrm t
(frE-{ l-{t + {ds t qitrqffitr ft .{rg rs
kq t: fr!6 e-d{i + tt furrrft{ 3rftrFrft; fr
''irnft fi dT?fr qft c H, cfrffim/qipaa qr
| ffis + ftT ft-{rr frq
qrt h .rrt Tft Fjirr
qft rrn, ,ftRg-.n *fr ffi aF-r ftgft h
ftq E-{R ftq qrt h qrt q-S attt
ftFqlr 2: rirr6{ fr 6r{-lt 3rfffi t ft-{ a
urqvr ftt f; ur ftQt+ wt 1 1 if qiq s{
q-< q-r
cre)H'rr I
(rj"iflg-{) - r<EII
frqur: q-A B 6fts arRFqi + ,iAu t I
I tl'-
+tn" qr rrs{r q"-firfr qr ciq
"--*" 'i'q
I Erxr m AqffiT r{T rnanrqrFr
r seqnrir qr qfu+ ima. 6 srmqr qT
| ***ran-t qr qifrf,tr+ q1 q;ateffi
qC ailarrrtl,-
| {tr6-{t fi
I 1+l fr {" *t qr ftarrq t ffr+ft-{
| ,r* * q{eT TE trrrvr ftq ft; m
t^ Fdit fl-gr qr Ganrl t a-il{ tB4{
I liiy fe
1i1 6r- tO + q<r + ia+qr{ c r{Tr{il
I 3lrerr cr srT rtr ffi s cqrfr Tfl Tuir q
(u)Fra* vrt
(i) ffi TIrRRrrrE fuuE-fl?rq + ffi6
(ii) frft Bt-$fud qkfi +-42-{ } sq-*q qr
rrrq.rft EfflT qr iiffihr
qr 3rtttfisr
Plrm R-€re-q
qT qr qrqcfd itr{iiq qr
ftqr< Sffir 3raqur h u-gw+ it cq-{hc,
frqrc dTfir runFrfi qr R-qrfl qr sIft
dqii qr ft6 ur BrFmsr qr s€qrftft qr
ft{ra-{ qrm * 3{Aqur, $err sdu-{ cunfr
+ trqFffi{ *r qiBd r.qr ffi it qn
af'+r er{qq1
fr ffi ft fteft qft n t, vftft9ft q-t
ffi * ftq G-{rt ftq qri h cra n-fr
attr cft r+n, xRR=grn qft ffi am
ffi + ftq ft-{R ftq qri * qra rft
frqur yftffi, Fq+ Bia-,td q-n$,rfufi
{iG-{r ft a a B{-{E ftrq* Biili-d il-fiq
6q5rr h-sft m Rffi q--q {rra-< t qq
ffi ft A-dtrtc-fn enft( ffi 3f,;rl 6I-s(
Erfl TE qftffi (Est sir,td
q-emrft+ {G-{r fr {1 ft u-+f} t,
rmurrurrqr qrr 4f t 3Tff6 nfr Afil
frqur 3: eftffi lqeh eimia q-et-+,rft+
dG-{r fi tl ar.:r ffi h ftq 3r|fd-dq
6ng-ft-rn qri<q crg dG ft 3iftq drftq
dt so q{ fr Brff{,
G.S.R.364.-lu exercise of the powers conf'erred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and in
supersession of the Civil Aviation Depaftnrent, (Direcbrate of Air Saf'ety, Group'A'Posts) Recrr.ritment Rules,20l0,
except as respects things done or omitted to be done befbre such supersession, the President hereby makes the fbllowing
rules, regulating the method of recruitment to the posts of Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director and Air Saf'ety
Oftrcer intheDirectorateof AirSafety,DirectorateGeneral ofCivil Aviation,MinistryofCivil Aviation,namely:-
L Short title and commencement. - (i) These rules may be called the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Directot'ate
Ceneral of Civil Aviation, Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director and Air Saf'ety Officer in Air Sat'ety Directorate,
Recruitment Rules 201 7.
(ii) They shall come into force on t[]e date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Application.-These rules shall apply to the posts specified in column (l) o1'the Schedule annexed to these
3. Number of posts, classification and level in pay matrix etc., The nunrber of the posts, their classification
and level in pay matrix attached thereto shall be as specified in columns (2) to (4) of the SchedLrle annexed to these rules.
5. Disqualification. - No Pelson -
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person.
Provided that the Central Covernment nay,if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law
applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds. tor so doing, exempt any
person from the operation of this rule.
6. Power to relax .- Where the Central Goverrrment is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do. it
may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission.
relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.
7. Saving. - Nothing in these rules shall af'tect reservations. relaxation of age limit and other concessions required
to be provided fbr the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Other Backward Classes. the Ex-Serviceman and
other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government fionr tinre to tinic in
this regarcl.
Name of post Number of post Classification Level in the pay Whether Age-limit for
matrix Selection posl or direct recruits
Educational and other Whether age and Period of probation, if Method of recruitment, whether by
qualifications required for educational any direct recluitment or by promotion
direct recruits qualifications or by deputation/absorption and
prescribed for direct percentage of the vacancies to be
recruits will apply in the filled by various rnethods
case of promotees
(7) (8) (e) (t0)
Not applicable. Nu applicable. Two yeals fbr re- (i) Sixty-seven peI-cent by
employed armed tbrces promotion; and
personnel. (ii) thirty-three per-cent by
deputation (including short ternl
contract) failing which by Re-
employment of Arnred Forces
I l) (t2) (13)
Promotion: Group'A' Departmental Promotion Consultation with Union
Committee consisting of :- Public Service Commission is
Deputy Director of Air Safety in Level- 12, in (i) Chairman / Member. Union Public necessary while appointing an
pay matrix with five years' service in the Service Commission - Chairman: officer on deputation
grade. (including short term
(ii) Secretary. Ministry ol Civil contract)/Re-employment tbr
Training: Aviation - Member: Armed Forces Personnel.
Not applicable. Not applicable. Two years for re-employed (i) Eighty per-cent. by Promotion; and
armed forces personnel. (ii) twenty per-cent. by Deputation
(including short term contract) failing
which by re-employmenl of Armed
Forces Personnel.
(l I (t2) (13)
Promotion: Assistant Director of Air saf'ety Group 'A' DePartmental Consultation with Union Public
in Level-ll in Pay Matrix with five years' Promotion Committee: Service Commission is necessarY
service in the grade afiel appointment (i) Chairman / Member, Union Public while appointing an ofTicer on
thereto on a regular basis. ServiceCommission -Chairman; deputation (including short term
Training: - (ii) Secretary, MinistrY of Civil contract)/re-emPloYment tbr
(i) Air Sat'ety Retiesher - in house; Aviation - Member; Armed Forces Personnel.
(ii) Aircraft AccidenVincident (iii) Director General of Civil
rnvestigation training - in house; Aviation - Member.
(iiil Safety Management SYstem.
Note : Where juniors who have completed
their qualifying or eligibility service are
being considered for promotion. their seniors
would also be considered provided they are
not short of the requisite qualifying or
eligibility service by more than half of sLrch
qualifying or eligibility service or two years,
whichever is less, and have successfully
conrpleted their probation period ibr
promotion to the next higher grade along
with their juniors who have already
or eligibility
conrpleted such qualifying
(r l) (12) ( t3)
Semi-Covernment or Statutory or
Autonomous Organisations:
(a)(i) holding analogous posts on regular
basis in the Parent Cadre/Department; or
4. Air Safety 43* General Central Level- 1[. Not applicable. Not exceeding 35 years.
Officer. Service, Croup 'A' Note l: Relaxable for
(20 l 7).
Gazetted, non-
Covernment servants uP to
xSubject to Ministerial. five years in accordance
variation with the instructions or
dependent on orders issued by the Central
the work load. Government.
tq-q ll-qrs 3(i)l grtd 6T It{tl-it : :Frq{ 4, zotzmrid-+ 13, 1939 I 599
Degree in Aeronautical Engineering Not applicable. One year for direct Direct recruitment.
from a recognised University. recruits.
Note: Vacancies caused by the
Note: Qualifications are relaxable at incurnbent being away on deputation
the discretion of the Union Public or long illness or study leave or under
Service Commission fbr the reason other circumstances fbr deputation of
to be recorded in writing in case of one year or more may be filled on
candidates otherwise well qualifi ed. deputation basis fronr the officers of
the Central Government-
Not applicable Group 'A' Departmental Confirnration Consultation with the Union
Conrrnittce crxrsisting of :- Public .service Commission is
necessary while making direct
(i) Director General of (livil Aviation * recruitment.
Joint Director General of Civil Aviation
(Administration) - Member;
(iii) Joint Dircctor General ol Civil Aviation
(conccrncrl) - Mcmber:
(iv) Deprrty Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation
- Membcr.