M Dunning Evaluation Instrument Gimkit

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Digital Tool Evalua�on Instrument

0: Does not demonstrate 1: Criterion is minimally present 2: Criterion is present 3: Criterion is highly present
0-14 points: Poor 15-28 points: Fair 29-35 points: Good 36-42 points: Excellent
Background Informa�on
Applica�on Name: Gimkit
Cost: $59.88 per year (Gimkit Pro) School/District plans also available □ free version available? □ in app
Pla�orm: □ mobile □ desktop Updated in the last 6 months? □ yes □ no
Ad free? □ yes □ no Log In Type: □ teacher □ student □ class □ none
Suitable for Grade Level(s): 3-12 Content Area(s) Supported: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies
Design Features & Func�onality
This tool is user friendly with clear, simple direc�ons. Students can use
Ease of Use 0 1 2 3
this tool independently.
This tool provides mul�ple forms of media representa�ons (audio,
Flexibility 0 1 2 3
video, graphics) and the ability to change the order of lessons/ac�vi�es.
Customiza�on This tool allows for se�ngs and/or content to be customized. 0 1 2 3
Technical Support This tool includes help or tutorials to demonstrate. 0 1 2 3
This tool is engaging to use and keeps students mo�vated without too
Engaging 0 1 2 3
many distrac�ons.
Connec�on to Curriculum
Standards Based This tool has a direct connec�on to grade-level content standards. 0 1 2 3
Higher Order Thinking This tool supports cri�cal thinking and problem solving. 0 1 2 3
This tool includes opportuni�es for assessment of students’ progress
Assessment 0 1 2 3
which can be viewed by teachers.
Instruc�onal Features
Collabora�on This tool promotes collabora�on and idea sharing. 0 1 2 3
This tool provides useful feedback to students about their
Feedback 0 1 2 3
performance/progress or allows the teacher to provide feedback.
Learning This tool tracks student usage and progress and provides teachers with
0 1 2 3
Analy�cs/Reports user friendly analy�cs and reports.
Language Support This tool provides dual (or mul�) language support. 0 1 2 3
Differen�ated This tool allows for differen�ated instruc�on based on students’ needs.
0 1 2 3
Instruc�on (check one: □ automa�cally based on screener □ teacher set)
This tool provides assis�ve technology op�ons (read aloud, speech to
Assis�ve Technology 0 1 2 3
text, change font size, contrast, etc.)
Students would be very engaged to play the different games. Students receive
immediate feedback with the correct answer a�er each ques�on. Teachers can view the
number of correct/incorrect responses for each ques�on and view individual student’s
The direc�ons on the games do not seem very clear. Students may waste �me playing
the game components vs �me spent answering ques�ons. Read aloud op�ons are
available, but the teacher needs to record the audio for each ques�on. The answer
order varies, so there is not a way to record audio for the answer choices.
Addi�onal Comments

Total Points: __24__/42 Overall Ra�ng (circle): Poor Fair Good Excellent

Direc�ons for Use:

Evaluate your digital tool by circling the appropriate ra�ng for each of the listed criteria. Use the scale 0: Does not
demonstrate; 1: Criterion is minimally present; 2: Criterion is present; 3: Criterion is highly present. A�er each criterion
has been scored, tally the total number of points. The digital tool can then be given an overall ra�ng based on the scale
0-14 points: Poor; 15-28 points: Fair; 29-35 points: Good; 36-42 points: Excellent. There is also a place to record
comments about your overall impressions of the strengths and weaknesses of the tool as well as any other comments.


Anstey, L. & Watson, G. (2018, September 10). A rubric for evaluating e-learning tools in higher education. Educause

Review. htps://er.educause.edu/ar�cles/2018/9/a-rubric-for-evalua�ng-e-learning-tools-in-higher-educa�on

Vincent, T. (2012, March 4). Ways to evaluate educational apps. Learning in hand with Tony Vincent.


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