Uranium Deposits

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Uranium deposits

Uranium mineralisation
• Cuney (2009) describes a number of different settings in which
uranium mineralisation will form.
• Unconformity type *pp 210
• IOCG deposits *pp 157 ¾ of worlds Uranium resources
• Sandstone hosted deposits *pp 210
• Quartz pebble conglomerates *pp 195, 257
• Hydrothermal veins
• Intrusives *pp 41
• Calcretes *pp 236
• Metamorphic deposits
• Black shales *pp 282
• Coal and lignites
*Robb page numbers

Significant U concentrations arise through mobility under oxidising conditions (hydrothermal), insolubility in reducing
environments (Archean placer), and its highly incompatible nature in melts (intrusive).
Intrusive uranium deposits: Leucogranites or Alaskites

Rössing U-Mine, Namibia

Alaskite, Rössing U-Mine, Namibia

Rössing U-Mine is a low grade U

deposit hosted in leucogranite rocks
associated with the ~500 Ma Damara

Average grade: 310 ppm

U Clarke value: 2.7 ppm

Requires a low degree of partial

melting (< 5%) or a significantly
enriched protolith (i.e., >10 ppm U)
Alaskite, Rössing U-Mine, Namibia

Uraninite (UO2) in Alaskite



-2 mm-
Hydrothermal uranium deposits: Sandstone-hosted and
roll-front types

• Uranium present in the environment as

uranous (U4+) and uranyl (U6+) ions.
• Uranyl ions soluble under oxidising
conditions as oxide, carbonate,
phosphate or fluoride complexes
(depending on pH, ambient chemistry).
• Uranyl complex predominantly
destabilised by lowering the Eh of the
system, to precipitate insoluble uranous
minerals (e.g., uraninite, pitchblende).
Hydrothermal uranium deposits: Sandstone-hosted and
roll-front types

• Tabular sandstone hosted deposits (U, V ores):

• Ore bodies are generally stacked
• Strong association between U and V.
• Form at the interface between two discrete meteoric fluids (saline stagnant
brine and an overlying U-bearing meteoric fluid).
• Fluid temperatures < 40°C, mixing occurs within a few hundred metres of
• U, V from solubilisation of tuffaceous rocks, or from breakdown of Fe-Ti
Hydrothermal uranium deposits: Sandstone-hosted and
roll-front types

• Tabular sandstone hosted deposits (U, V ores):

• Fluid mixing and diagenesis give rise to the formation
of V-rich clays (V(OH)3 polyhedral), reduces OH
activity and thus pH. Decreased pH leads to super-
saturation of CaCO3 and dolomitisation as a cement.
• Initial pH decrease (e.g., during V-rich clay formation),
leads to adsorption of U to quartz surface. Further
reduction in the presence of organic matter, results in
reaction between uraneous ion and silica to produce
coffinite (U-silicate)
• Organic matter is both a reductant, and provides
nutrients for sulphate reducing bacteria which
produce H2S to act as a reducing agent.
Hydrothermal uranium deposits: Roll-front types
• Roll-front deposits:
• Meteoric waters transporting uranyl-carbonate complexes flows along a
sandstone aquifer until it meets a reducing front where precipitation occurs.
• Absolute position of the redox front (or ‘roll-front’) migrates downwards into
the aquifer with time (i.e., as the reducing capacity of the up-acquifer portion
is exhausted). Position “freezes in” once paleohydrological regime changes
and fluid flow ceases.
Surficial uranium deposits: calcrete hosted
• Calcrete forms in the near-surface in arid environments where high
evaporation rates occur (i.e., highly calcified soil).
• Channelized flow focusses uranyl-bearing ground water flow, which
ultimately precipitates as carnotite (K2(UO2)2(V2O8)-3H2O
• Carnotite comprises U6+, thus no need to invoke reduction reactions.
Evaporation forces precipitation of carbonate, destabilising uranyl-
carbonate complex to precipitate carnotite.

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