De Curriculum
De Curriculum
De Curriculum
Digital Electronics
0 0|3
Version 1.0
Co-requisites Computer System Architecture
Course Objectives
1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of digital terminology, digital components, and
2. To prepare students to perform the analysis and design of various digital electronic
3. To give the students a perspective todesign combinational and sequential circuits.
Course Outcomes
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
Course Content
8 Hours
Unit 1: Fundamentals of Digital Systems and logic families
Digital signals, digital circuits, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and Exclusive-OR
operations, Boolean algebra, examples of 1C gates, number systems-binary, signed
binary, octal hexadecimal number, binary arithmetic, one's and two's complements
arithmetic, codes, eror detecting and corecting codes, characteristics of digital 1Cs,
digital logic families, TTL, Schottky TTL and CMOS logic, interfacing CMOS and
TTL, Tri-state logic.
Unit 2: Combinational Digital Circuits 10 Hours
Standard representation for logic functions, K-map representation, and simplification of
logic functions using K-map,minimization of logical functions. Don't care conditions,
Multiplexer, De-Multiplexer/Decoders, Adders, Subtractors, BCD arithmetic, carry
look ahead adder, serial adder, ALU, elementary ALU design, popular MSI chips, digital
comparator, parity checker/generator, code converters, priority encoders,
decoders/drivers for display devices,Q-M method of function realization.
Unit 3: Sequential circuits and systems 10 Hours
A 1-bit memory, the circuit properties of Bistable latch, the clocked SR flip flop, J- K-T
And D-Types flip flops, applications of flip flops, shift registers, applications of shift
registers, serial to parallel converter, parallel to serial converter, ring counter,
sequence generator, ripple (Asynchronous) counters, synchronous counters, counters
design using flip flops, special counter IC's, asynchronous sequential counters,
applications of counters.
nUnit 4: A/D and D/A Converters 10Hours
Suggested Books:
2 2 2 2 PO1 between
2 2 2 2 PO2
PO3 the
1 1 1 1 PO4
(PSOs)Course 50% Internal
PO12 30%
3=strong ESE
PSO3 and