EE100 Waiting Shed Des 13 Dec 2023-1

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AR141-1P_Architectural Design 1 2nd Quarter AY 2023-2024

School of AR-ID-BE Mapua University

EE-100 A Waiting Shed

Objectives Special Attention should be observed based on the following considerations:

 Concept of “design”
 Definition of architecture
 Application of architectural design
 Graphic and visual techniques
 Creativity in defining aesthetics and functional character
Introduction Due to the fact that an umbrella is not enough to protect us from the
discomfort of standing underneath the glare of the sun while commuting can
be a challenge for anyone having to brave the scorching heat or bad
weather, the function of waiting sheds become popular. Waiting sheds are
roofed-in structure built principally for the comfort of waiting passengers or
Various waiting sheds have been built alongside roads for bus stops or
waiting line for passengers in different terminals. Even villages have their
own waiting shed erected outside the gates.
In other countries, and even in our own experience, waiting sheds are
cramped not just with passengers or commuters but with vendors selling
various goods. Waiting sheds are also venues for advertisement.
Entrepreneurs use different strategies for posting and endorsing their own
products here. Even politicians have unique ways of promoting themselves
during campaign periods with the presence of waiting sheds.
Problem Statement The expansion programs of Mapua University, both in the academic degree
offerings and campus development, are in line with the vision of the
management to provide quality education and functional facilities/ amenities.
A proposed 20-hectare new campus development of Mapua University is
envisioned to be a sustainable community in the heart of the historic
province of Cavite. This campus expansion is a complex development
comprising of state-of-the art academic buildings, student and staff housing,
IT hub, green plazas and solar-powered bus transit system. Aside from
architecture and engineering, new course offerings are also set in place,
such as aeronautics, medicine, dentistry and zoology.
The solar-powered bus transit system, as the basic transportation mode
within the campus, requires WAITING SHEDS at strategic bus stops. The
following are the MINIMUM design criteria:
- the “character” must reflect the Vision of Mapua University, as being one
of the best universities of the world
- the structure must be iconic, reflecting the final product of “architecture”
- aside from aesthetics, the “design” must be functional enough to cater the
various “uses” of a waiting shed
- the waiting shed must accommodate at least 12 persons at a time
- the waiting shed must serve the campus community 24/7
Problem Context The proposed waiting shed will be located in 6 main bus stops inside the 20-
hectare Mapua University campus in Cavite. An open space dedicated for a
waiting shed is strategically included in the bus drop-off points. A 1.50-
meter-wide sidewalk is adjacent to the proposed site of the waiting shed.
The sizing of the waiting shed will depend on the analysis of the student-
designer in relation to the function, activities, amenities, users, among others
AR141-1P_Architectural Design 1 2nd Quarter AY 2023-2024
School of AR-ID-BE Mapua University

parameters, for a logically planned waiting shed.

Final Presentation Problem Diagnosis (Analysis)
Design Criteria (Parameters in providing the solution to the problem)
Space and Form Concept Development [Sketches of the evolution of the
shape (2-dimensional image) and form (3-dimensional image), include
Final Drawings (Floor Plan & Perspectives)
Specification Free hand drawing/ sketching with mixed-media rendering
Due Wednesday, 13 December 2023
Performance Criteria Problem analysis 20%
Aesthetics & functional qualities 20%
Iconic/ Architectural symbol 20%
Building character 20%
Presentation Technique 20%
TOTAL 100%

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