Jeppiaar Engineering College: Cs6703 - Grid and Cloud Computing

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To build Jeppiaar Engineering College as an institution of academic excellence in technology

and management education, leading to become a world class university.


● To excel in teaching and learning, research and innovation by promoting the principles of
scientific analysis and creative thinking
● To participate in the production, development and dissemination of knowledge and interact
with national and international communities
● To equip students with values, ethics and life skills needed to enrich their lives and enable
them to contribute for the progress of society
● To prepare students for higher studies and lifelong learning, enrich them with the practical
skills necessary to excel as future professionals and entrepreneurs for the benefit of Nation’s


1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader
in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and

write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage
in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


To educate and nurture the upcoming professionals through excellence in scientific and
knowledge based education to yield globally competitive and self-disciplined computer


• To create computer professionals, capable of doing research, build innovative ideas and
creative solutions for betterment of industries.
• To stimulate and build academic team to cater the ever increasing demand of student
community, train them to take uphill challenges through interactions with globally renowned
• To attain ethical and value added personality that would revamp students life to participate in
technology transfer.
• To ignite registrants towards the aptitude of learning every dynamic progress through higher
level studies, provide a platform for employment and self-employment to succeed and
support the nation.


PEO1 - Develop Computer Engineers to understand collaborative projects by strengthening

problem solving skills, Core computing skills, which offer opportunities for long term interaction
with academic and industry.
PEO2 - Establish design, research, product execution and services in the field of Computer
Science and Engineering through strong technical, communication and entrepreneurial skills
PEO3 - Support Society by engaging to scrutinize issues of national relevance as well as of
global concern.
PEO4 - Contribute to life-long learning through the successful completion of advanced degrees,
continuing education, certifications and/or other professional developments.


PSO1-An ability to understand the basic concepts in computer science and engineering and to
apply them in various areas like Fundamentals of programming, Data structures ,computer
architecture, Theory of computing ,Database management system, computer networks, operating
system, ,Software engineering etc in the design and implementation of complex system.
PSO2 - Ability to execute computer science and engineering problem using modern hardware
and software tools along with analytical skills to arrive cost effective and appropriate solution.

PSO3 - An understanding social awareness and environmental wisdom along with ethical
responsibility to have a successful carrier to sustain passion as an entrepreneur. Familiarity and
practical proficiency with a broad area of programming concepts and provide new ideas and
innovations towards research.


BTL6: Creating
BTL 5: Evaluating
BTL 4: Analyzing
BTL 3: Applying
BTL 2: Understanding
BTL 1: Remembering


The student should be made to:
• Understand how Grid computing helps in solving large scale scientific problems.
• Gain knowledge on the concept of virtualization that is fundamental to cloud computing.
• Learn how to program the grid and the cloud.
• Understand the security issues in the grid and the cloud environment.


Evolution of Distributed computing: Scalable computing over the Internet – Technologies for
network based systems – clusters of cooperative computers - Grid computing Infrastructures –
cloud computing - service oriented architecture – Introduction to Grid Architecture and standards
– Elements of Grid – Overview of Grid Architecture.


Introduction to Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) – Motivation – Functionality
Requirements –Practical & Detailed view of OGSA/OGSI – Data intensive grid service models –
OGSA services.


Cloud deployment models: public, private, hybrid, community – Categories of cloud computing:
Everything as a service: Infrastructure, platform, software - Pros and Cons of cloud computing –
Implementation levels of virtualization – virtualization structure – virtualization of CPU,
Memory and I/O devices – virtual clusters and Resource Management – Virtualization for data
center automation.


Open source grid middleware packages – Globus Toolkit (GT4) Architecture , Configuration –
Usage of Globus – Main components and Programming model - Introduction to Hadoop
Framework - Mapreduce, Input splitting, map and reduce functions, specifying input and output
parameters, configuring and running a job – Design of Hadoop file system, HDFS concepts,
command line and java interface, dataflow of File read & File write.


Trust models for Grid security environment – Authentication and Authorization methods – Grid
security infrastructure – Cloud Infrastructure security: network, host and application level –
aspects of data security, provider data and its security, Identity and access management
architecture, IAM practices in the cloud, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS availability in the cloud, Key privacy
issues in the cloud.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
• Apply grid computing techniques to solve large scale scientific problems.
• Apply the concept of virtualization.
• Use the grid and cloud tool kits.


• Apply the security models in the grid and the cloud environment.


• Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing:
Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”, First Edition, Morgan Kaufman
Publisher, an Imprint of Elsevier, 2012.


1. Jason Venner, “Pro Hadoop- Build Scalable, Distributed Applications in the Cloud”, A
Press, 2009
2. Tom White, “Hadoop The Definitive Guide”, First Edition. O’Reilly, 2009
3. Bart Jacob (Editor), “Introduction to Grid Computing”, IBM Red Books, Vervante, 2005
4. Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, “The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure”,
2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann
5. Frederic Magoules and Jie Pan, “Introduction to Grid Computing” CRC Press, 2009
6. Daniel Minoli, “A Networking Approach to Grid Computing”, John Wiley Publication,
7. Barry Wilkinson, “Grid Computing: Techniques and Applications”, Chapman and Hall,
CRC, Taylor and Francis Group, 2010


C403.1 Understand the traditional computing architecture and Recent Technologies

C403.2 Elaborate the open standard services for Grid Architecture.
C403.3 Apply the concept of virtualization.

C403.4 Utilize the Grid and Cloud Tool Kit to program on it.
C403.5 Apply the security model in Grid and Cloud Environment


Evolution of Distributed computing: Scalable computing over the Internet – Technologies for
network based systems – clusters of cooperative computers - Grid computing Infrastructures –
cloud computing - service oriented architecture – Introduction to Grid Architecture and standards
– Elements of Grid – Overview of Grid Architecture


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
Bring out the difference between private cloud and public cloud.
Public Cloud Private Cloud
Multiple Clients Single Clients
Hosted at providers location Hosted at providers /
1 organization location BTL 2
Shared infrastructure Private Infrastructure C403.1
Access over Internet Access over Internet / Private
Low cost High cost
Less Secure More Secure
Why is Cloud computing important? (ND2016)

There are many implications of cloud technology, for both

developers and end users.
For developers, cloud computing provides
● Increased amounts of storage
● Increased processing power
● Enables new ways to access information, process and
analyze data
2 ● Connect people and resources from any location anywhere C403.1 BTL 1
in the world.
For users,
● Documents hosted in the cloud always exist, no matter
what happens to the user’s machine.
● Users from around the world can collaborate on the
same documents, applications, and projects, in real
Cloud computing does all this at lower costs, because the cloud enables
more efficient sharing of resources than does traditional network
What is Grid Computing?
3 Grid computing is the concept of distributed computing technologies for C403.1 BTL 1
computing resource sharing among participants in a virtualized collection
of organization.
What is QOS?
• Grid computing system is the ability to provide the quality of
4 BTL 1
service requirements necessary for the end-user community.
• QOS provided by the grid like performance, availability,
management aspects, business value and flexibility in pricing.
What are the derivatives of grid computing? C403.1
There are 8 derivatives of grid computing. They are as follows:
a) Compute grid
b) Data grid
c) Science grid
5 BTL 1
d) Access grid
e) Knowledge grid
f) Cluster grid
g) Terra grid
h) Commodity grid
What are the features of data grids?
• The ability to integrate multiple distributed, heterogeneous and
independently managed data sources.
6 • The ability to provide data catching and/or replication mechanisms C403.1 BTL 1
to minimize network traffic.
• The ability to provide necessary data discovery mechanisms, which
allow the user to find data based on characteristics of the data

What are the features of computational grids?

7 • The ability to allow for independent management of computing C403.1 BTL 1
• Failure detection and failover mechanisms

What is virtual organization?

8 C403.1 BTL 1
Virtual organization is nothing but coordinating resource sharing and
problem sharing and dynamic multi institution organization.

What is business on demand?

• Business On Demand is not just about utility computing as it has
a much broader set of ideas about the transformation of business
practices, process transformation, and technology C403.1 BTL 1
• The essential characteristics of on-demand businesses are
responsiveness to the dynamics of business, adapting to variable
cost structures, focusing on core business competency, and
resiliency for consistent availability.
What are the facilities provided by virtual organization?
10 • The formation of virtual task forces, or groups, to solve specific C403.1 BTL 1
problems associated with the virtual organization.

• The dynamic provisioning and management capabilities of the

resource required meeting the SLA’s.
What is the definition of grid computing concept given by Foster?
A computational grid is a combination of hardware and software
11 C403.1 BTL 1
infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and
inexpensive access to high end-user computational capabilities.
What are the business benefits in grid computing?
• Acceleration of implementation time frames in order to intersect
with the anticipated business end results.
12 • Robust and infinitely flexible and resilient operational C403.1 BTL 1
• Avoiding common pitfalls of over provisioning and incurring
excess costs
What are the examples of major business areas in grid computing?
• Life sciences for analyzing and decoding strings of
biological and chemical information.
13 • Financial services for running long, complex financial models and C403.1 BTL 1
arriving at more accurate decisions.
• Higher education for enabling advanced, data and computation
intensive research
What are the grid computing applications?
• Application partitioning that involves breaking the problem into
discrete pieces.
14 • Discovery and scheduling of tasks and workflow. C403.1 BTL 1
• Data communications distributing the problem data where and
when it is required.

What is meant by scheduler?

Schedulers are types of applications responsible for the management of
jobs, such as allocating resources needed for any specific job, partitioning
15 C403.1 BTL 1
of jobs to schedule parallel execution of tasks, data management, event
correlation, and service-level management capabilities.

What is meant by resource broker?

Resource broker provides pairing services between the service requester
16 and the service provider. This pairing enables the selection of best C403.1 BTL 1
available resources from the service provider for the execution of a specific
What is load balancing?
Load balancing is concerned with the integrating the system in order to
17 avoid processing delays and over-commitment of resources. It involves C403.1 BTL 1
partitioning of jobs, identifying the resources and queuing the jobs.

What are grid portals? Give example.

18 C403.1 BTL 1
Grid portals are similar to web portals, in the sense they provide uniform

access to grid resources.
Eg: Grid portals provide capabilities for the GC resource authentication,
remote resource access, scheduling capabilities and monitoring status
What is grid infrastructure?
Grid infrastructure forms the core foundation for successful grid
19 applications. This infrastructure is a complex combination of number of C403.1 BTL 1
capabilities and resources identified for the specific problem and
environment being addressed.
Give the example of software application ASP.
20 • Weather Predication C403.1 BTL 1
• Math Modeling Application
Give the examples of Hardware service provider.
• Computer Cluster
• Computer System
21 C403.1 BTL 1
• Linux on Demand
• Network Bandwidth
• Blades
List out any three Grid Applications.
• Schedulers
22 C403.1 BTL 1
• Resource Broker
• Load Balancing
Define Cloud computing with example.
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly C403.1 BTL 1
provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction. For example, Google hosts a cloud that consists of
both smallish PCs and larger servers. Google’s cloud is a private one (that
is, Google owns it) that is publicly accessible (by Google’s users).
What are the properties of Cloud Computing?
There are six key properties of cloud computing:
Cloud computing is
• User-centric
24 • Task-centric C403.1 BTL 1
• Powerful
• Accessible
• Intelligent
• Programmable
What is the working principle of Cloud Computing?
• The cloud is a collection of computers and servers that are publicly
25 accessible via the Internet.This hardware is typically owned and C403.1 BTL 1
operated by a third party on a consolidated basis in one or more
data center locations. The machines can run any combination of

operating systems.
Draw the architecture of Cloud

26 C403.1 BTL 6

Define Cloud services with example.

Any web-based application or service offered via cloud computing is
27 called a cloud service. Cloud services can include anything from calendar C403.1 BTL 1
and contact applications to word processing and presentations
What are the advantages of cloud services?
• If the user’s PC crashes host application and document both remain
unaffected in the cloud.
• An individual user can access applications and documents from any
28 location on any PC. C403.1 BTL 1
• Because documents are hosted in the cloud, multiple users can
collaborate on the same document in real time, using any available
Internet connection.
• Documents are not machine-centric
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing?
• Lower-Cost Computers for Users
• Improved Performance
• Lower IT Infrastructure Costs
• Fewer Maintenance Issues
29 • Lower Software Costs C403.1 BTL 1
• Instant Software Updates
• Increased Computing Power
• Unlimited Storage Capacity
• Increased Data Safety
• Improved Compatibility Between Operating Systems
• Improved Document Format Compatibility
• Easier Group Collaboration


• Universal Access to Documents

• Latest Version Availability
• Removes the Tether to Specific Devices Disadvantages
• Requires a Constant Internet Connection
• Doesn’t Work Well with Low-Speed Connections
• Can Be Slow
• Features Might Be Limited
• Stored Data Might Not Be Secure
• If the Cloud Loses Your Data, You’re Screwed
Who get benefits from Cloud Computing?
• Collaborators
• Road Warriors
30 C403.1 BTL 1
• Cost-Conscious Users
• Cost-Conscious IT Departments
• Users with Increasing Needs
Who shouldn’t be using Cloud Computing?
• The Internet-Impaired
31 • Offline Workers C403.1 BTL 1
• The Security Conscious
• Anyone Married to Existing Applications
List the advantages and disadvantages of cloud service deployment.
• Economy of scale
• Offer better, cheaper, and more reliable applications
• Utilization of the full resources
• Less up-front investment
32 • Rapid provisioning C403.1 BTL 1
• Automatic
• Scaling
• Security
• Need Redundancy Tool
• No physical backup

What are the types of Cloud service development?

• Software as a Service
33 • Platform as a Service C403.1 BTL 1
• Web Services
• On-Demand Computing
List the companies who offer cloud service development?
34 • Amazon C403.1 BTL 1
• Google App Engine

What are the features of robust Cloud development? Who it offers?
• Dynamic web serving
• Full support for all common web technologies
35 • Persistent storage with queries, sorting, and transactions C403.1 BTL 1
• Automatic scaling and load balancing
• APIs for authenticating users and sending email using Google
What are the other Cloud service development tools.
• 3tera
• 10gen
• Cohesive Flexible Technologies
36 • Joyent C403.1 BTL 1
• Mosso
• Nirvanix
• Skytap
• StrikeIron
Define the term web service with example.
A web service is an application that operates over a network typically,
over the Internet. Most typically, a web service is an API that can be
accessed over the Internet. The service is then executed on a remote
37 C403.1 BTL 1
system that hosts the requested services. A good example of web services
are the “mashups” created by users of the Google Maps API. With these
custom apps, the data that feeds the map is provided by the developer,
where the engine that creates the map itself is provided by Google.
What are the issues in web based applications?
• Technical issues
• Business model issues
38 • Internet issues C403.1 BTL 1
• Security issues
• Compatibility issues
• Social issues
Tabulate the difference between high performance computing and
high throughput computing (Apr/May 2017)
• High-Performance Computing
HPC systems emphasize the raw speed performance. The speed of HPC systems has C403.1
39 increased from Gflops in the early 1990s to now Pflops in 2010. This improvement was BTL 2
driven mainly by the demands from scientific, engineering, and manufacturing
communities. For example, the Top 500 most powerful computer systems in the world are
measured by floating-point speed in Linpack benchmark results. However, the number of
supercomputer users is limited to less than 10% of all computer users. Today, the majority
of computer users are using desktop computers or large servers when they conduct

Internet searches and market-driven computing tasks.

• High-Throughput Computing
The development of market-oriented high-end computing systems is undergoing a
strategic change from an HPC paradigm to an HTC paradigm. This HTC paradigm pays
more attention to high-flux computing. The main application for high-flux computing is in
Internet searches and web services by millions or more users simultaneously. The
performance goal thus shifts to measure high throughput or the number of tasks completed
per unit of time. HTC technology needs to not only improve in terms of batch processing
speed, but also address the acute problems of cost, energy savings, security, and reliability
at many data and enterprise computing centers.

Give basic operations of VM (Apr/May 2017)

• First, the VMs can be multiplexed between hardware machines
• Second, a VM can be suspended and stored in stable storage C403.1
40 BTL 2
• Third, a suspended VM can be resumed or provisioned to a new
hardware platform
• Finally, a VM can be migrated from one hardware platform to
“Grid inherits the features of P2P and cluster computing systems”. Is C403.1
41 the statement true? Validate your answer (Nov/Dec 2017) BTL 5

Differentiate grid and cloud computing (Nov/Dec 2017)

Basis for Cloud computing Grid computing
Application business and web- Collaborative
focus based purposes.
Architecture Client-server Distributed
used computing
Management Centralized Decentralized
Business model Pay per use No defined business
Accessibility of High because it is Low because of C403.1
42 BTL 2
services real-time scheduled services.
Programming Eucalyptus, Open Different
models Nebula, Open middlewares are
stack etc, for Iaas available such as
but no Globus gLite,
middleware Unicore, etc.
Resource usage Centralized Collaborative manner
patterns manner
Flexibility High Low

Interoperability Vendor lock-in Easily deals with

and integration interoperability


are some issues between providers.

“Networks are backbones of grid computing” – Justify your answer
43 (Apr/May 2018) C403.1 BTL 5
A grid computing interconnects various pieces of network, providing a path for
the exchange of information between different nodes.

Differentiate GRIS and GIIS with an illustration (Apr/May 2018)

Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS)
• Associated with each resource.
• Answers queries from client/user about the particular resource.
• Accesses an “information provider” deployed on that resource for C403.1
44 requested information. BTL 2
Grid Index Information Service (GIIS)
• A directory service that collects (‘pulls”) information for GRIS’s.
• A “caching” service.
• Provides indexing and searching functions.


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
Illustrate the architecture of Virtual Machine and brief out the
operations.(16) (ND2016)
1 Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed C403.1 BTL 2
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 149-152
Explain in detail about distributed computing. (16)
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed C403.1
2 BTL 2
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 04-10
Discuss about virtualization (16)
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed C403.1
3 BTL 6
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 22-24
Explain in detail about clusters of cloud computing. (8) (ND2016)
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed C403.1
4 BTL 2
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 28-29
Discuss short notes on Service Oriented Architecture. (8) (ND2016)
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed C403.1
5 BTL 6
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 56-59
Explain briefly about grid infrastructure. (16)
6 Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed BTL 2
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,

Page No: 29-31
What are the data and functional requirements of grid computing? (16)
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed C403.1
7 BTL 1
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 17-20
Explain the architecture of Cloud computing in detail.
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed C403.1
8 BTL 2
and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 34-36
Explain the Cloud service development.
9 Refer: Bart Jacob (Editor), “Introduction to Grid Computing”, IBM Red BTL 2
Books, Vervante, 2005, Page No: 45-50
Brief the interaction between GPU and CPU in performing parallel
execution of operations (Apr/May 2017) C403.1 BTL 2
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and
Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Illustrate with the neat sketch, the grid computing infrastructure (Apr/May
C403.1 BTL 2
11 Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and
Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,
Page No: 29-31
i) Describe the infrastructure requirements for grid computing (ND2017)
ii) What are the issues in Cluster design? How can they be resolved?
C403.1 BTL 1
12 Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and
Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”, Pg
no:29-31, 69-71
i) Describe layered grid architecture. How does it map onto internet
protocol architecture? (ND2017)
ii) Describe the architecture of clusters with suitable illustrations C403.1 BTL 2
Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and
Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”, Pg
no: 36-44, 75-86
Explain in detail the layered architecture of grid environment and
functionalities of grid server (Apr/May 2018)
C403.1 BTL 2
14 Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and
Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”, Pg
no: 36-44
Discuss the evolution path of cloud computing. Also, express the
difference between grid and distributed computing (Apr/May 2018)
C403.1 BTL 6
15 Refer: Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox and Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and
Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds and the Future of Internet”,Pg

Introduction to Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) – Motivation – Functionality
Requirements –Practical & Detailed view of OGSA/OGSI – Data intensive grid service models –
OGSA services.

S. Course
Question Taxonomy
What is QOS?
Grid computing system is the ability to provide the quality of service
1 requirements necessary for the end-user community. QOS provided by the C403.2 BTL 1
grid like performance, availability, management aspects, business value
and flexibility in pricing.
What are the derivatives of grid computing?
There are 8 derivatives of grid computing. They are as follows:
• Compute grid
• Data grid
• Science grid C403.2
2 BTL 1
• Access grid
• Knowledge grid
• Cluster grid
• Terra grid
• Commodity grid
What are the features of data grids?
• The ability to integrate multiple distributed, heterogeneous and
independently managed data sources.
3 • The ability to provide data catching and/or replication mechanisms BTL 1
to minimize network traffic.
• The ability to provide necessary data discovery mechanisms, which
allow the user to find data based on characteristics of the data.
What are the features of computational grids?
• The ability to allow for independent management of computing C403.2
4 BTL 1
• Failure detection and failover mechanisms
List the requirements of resource sharing in a grid. (ND 2016)
Grid computing is the concept of distributed computing technologies for
computing resource sharing among participants in a virtualized collection
of organization. Through resource sharing and cooperation among C403.2
5 BTL 1
participating organizations Computational grid or data grid provide
• Computing utility
• Data services
• Information services.
What are the security concerns associated with grid? (ND 2016) C403.2
6 BTL 1
The major security problems with grid computing include:


• Impact on Local Host: Grid computing involves running an alien

code in the host system. This external code can hamper jobs
running locally, and compromise local data security.
• Vulnerable Hosts: Clients using the grid remain in danger from the
local hosts. The major vulnerabilities include the local hosts
shutting down resulting in denial of service, viruses, or other
malware in the local host affecting the entire process, and local
hosts compromising client data integrity and confidentiality.
• Interception: One major security risk with grid computing is an
attacker intercepting the resources and data in the grid. The attack
can take various forms such as a distributed denial-of-service
(DDOS) attack and the like.
What is virtual organization?
7 Virtual organization is nothing but coordinating resource sharing and BTL 1
problem sharing and dynamic multi institution organization.
What is business on demand?
Business on Demand is not just about utility computing as it has a much
broader set of ideas about the transformation of business practices, process
8 transformation, and technology implementations. The essential BTL 1
characteristics of on-demand businesses are responsiveness to the
dynamics of business, adapting to variable cost structures, focusing on core
business competency, and resiliency for consistent availability.
What are the grid computing applications?
• Application partitioning that involves breaking the problem into
discrete pieces. C403.2
9 BTL 1
• Discovery and scheduling of tasks and workflow.
• Data communications distributing the problem data where and
when it is required.
What is meant by scheduler?
Schedulers are types of applications responsible for the management of
10 jobs, such as allocating resources needed for any specific job, partitioning BTL 1
of jobs to schedule parallel execution of tasks, data management, event
correlation, and service-level management capabilities.
Give the example of software application ASP.
11 • Weather Predication BTL 1
• Math Modeling Application
What are the three Grid Applications.
• Schedulers C403.2
12 BTL 1
• Resource Broker
• Load Balancing
What are the collective services available in grid computing?
• Discovery services
13 • Co allocation, scheduling, and brokering services BTL 1
• Monitoring and diagnostic services
• Data replication services


• Grid-enabled programming systems

• Software discovery services
What are the basic principles of autonomous computing?
• Self-configuring (able to adapt to the changes in the system)
14 • Self-optimizing (able to improve performance) C403.2 BTL 1
• Self-healing (able to recover from mistakes)
• Self-protecting (able to anticipate and cure intrusions)

Name the classification of GC organization based on their Functional

• Organizations developing grid standards and best practices
15 • Organizations developing GC toolkits, frameworks and middleware BTL 1
• Organizations building and using grid based solutions to solve their
computing, data and network requirements.
• Organizations working to adopt grid concepts into commercial
What are the basic goals of GGF?
• Create an open process for the development of the grid agreements
and specifications.
• Create grid specifications, architecture documents and best practice
• Manage and version controls the documents and specifications.
16 • Handle intellectual property policies. C403.2
• Provide a forum for information exchange and collaboration.
• Improve collaboration among the people involved in
the grid research, grid deployment and grid users.
• Create best practice guidelines from the experience of the
technologies associated with GC.
• Educate on advances in the grid technologies and share
experiences among the people of interest.
What are the major works of GGF?
• Application and programming environments
• Data
• Architecture C403.2
17 BTL 1
• Information system and performance
• Peer to peer: desktop grids
• Scheduling and resource management
• Security
What are the high level services including in existing globus tool kit?
• GRAM (Globus Resource Allocation Manager) C403.2
18 BTL 1
• GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure)
• Information services.

Mention the important characteristic of legion system
• Everything is an object C403.2
19 BTL 1
• Classes manage their own instance, users can provide their own
What are the core objects defined by legion system?
Host objects: Abstractions of processing resources which may represent
a single processor or multi host and processors.
20 Value objects: Provide persistent storage for scalable persistence of the BTL 1
Binding objects: Maps the object ID’s to the physical addresses
Implementation objects: Allow objects to run as processes.
Name the components available in Nimrod architecture?
Nimrod-G clients: This can provide tools for creating parameter sweep
applications, steering and control monitors, and customized end-user
applications and GUI’s. C403.2
21 BTL 1
Nimrod-G resource broker: it consists of a Task Farming Engine (TFE),
a scheduler that performs resource discovery, trading and scheduling
features, a dispatcher and actuator, and agents for managing the jobs on the
What are the scheduling algorithms used in Nimrod G?
• Cost optimization- uses the cheapest resource.
• Time optimization- results in parallel execution of the job.
• Cost-time optimization-similar to cost optimization but if there are C403.2
22 multiple jobs with the same cost, then the time factor is taken into BTL 1
• Conservative time strategy- similar to time optimization, but
guarantees that each unprocessed job has a minimum budget per
What are the major objectives of Euro grid project?
• To establish a European GRID network of leading high
performance computing centers from different European
• To operate and support the EUROGRID software
infrastructure. C403.2
23 BTL 1
• To develop important GRID software components and to
integrate them into EUROGRID
• To demonstrate distributed simulated codes from different
application areas
• To contribute to the international GRID development and
work with the leading international GRID projects.
What is the application specific work packages identified for the
Euro grid?
24 • Bio-Grid BTL 1
• Metro Grid
• Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Grid


• High performance center (HPC) research Grid.

Define dynamic accounting system.
• DAS provides the following enhanced categories of accounting
functionality to the IPG community:
• Allows a grid user to request access to a local resource via the
presentation of grid credentials C403.2
25 BTL 1
• Determines and grants the appropriate authorizations for a
user to access a local resource without requiring a
preexisting account on the resource to govern local
• Provides resource pricing information on the grid.
Mention the characteristic of connectivity layer?
• Single sign-on
• Delegation C403.2
26 BTL 1
• Integration with local resource specific security solutions
• User- based trust relationships
• Data security
What are the two primary classes of resource layer protocols?
The resource protocols are the key to operations and integrity of any
single resource. These protocols are as follows: C403.2
27 BTL 1
• Information protocols
• Management protocols
What are the collective services available in grid computing?
• Discovery services
• Co allocation, scheduling, and brokering services
28 • Monitoring and diagnostic services BTL 1
• Data replication services
• Grid-enabled programming systems
• Software discovery services
What are the basic principles of autonomous computing?
• Self-configuring (able to adapt to the changes in the system)
29 • Self-optimizing (able to improve performance) BTL 1
• Self-healing (able to recover from mistakes)
• Self-protecting (able to anticipate and cure intrusions)
What are the four essential characteristics of on demand business?
• Responsive: Business On Demand has to be responsive to
dynamic, unpredictable changes in demand, supply, pricing, labor,
and competition.
• Variable: Business on Demand has to be flexible in adapting to C403.2
30 BTL 1
variable cost structure and processes associated with productivity,
capital, and finance.
• Focused: Business On Demand has to focus on their core
competency, its differentiating tasks and assets along with closer
integration with its partners.


• Resilient: A Business On Demand company has to be capable of

managing changes and competitive threats with consistent
availability and security.
What are the essential capabilities provided by on demand business?
• Integrate
31 • Virtualization BTL 1
• Automation
• Open standards
What are the two most important technologies for building semantic
webs? C403.2
32 BTL 1
• Resource Description Framework(RDF)
Define Peer to Peer computing?
• Peer to Peer computing is a relatively new computing discipline
in the realm of distributed computing.
• P2P system defines collaboration among a larger number of C403.2
33 BTL 1
individuals and/or organizations, with a limited set of security
requirements and a less complex resource-sharing topology.
• Both P2P and distributed computing are focused on resource
Write the combination of Globus GT3 toolkit?
• GT3 core C403.2
34 BTL 1
• Base services
• User- defined services
What is a GT3 core?
• It provides a framework to host the high-level services. C403.2
35 BTL 1
• The core consists of OGSI reference implementation, security
infrastructure, and System level services.
What do you understand by the term ‘data intensive’? (Apr/May
Data intensive refers to using a lot of data. Data-intensive computing is a class of
parallel computing applications which use a data parallel approach to process
large volumes of data typically terabytes or petabytes in size and typically C403.2
36 BTL 1
referred to as big data. Computing applications which devote most of their
execution time to computational requirements are deemed compute-intensive,
whereas computing applications which require large volumes of data and devote
most of their processing time to I/O and manipulation of data are deemed data-
Define OGSA (Apr/May 2017)
Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a set of standards defining the way in
which information is shared among diverse components of large, heterogeneous C403.2
37 BTL 1
grid systems. In this context, a grid system is a scalable wide area network
(WAN) that supports resource sharing and distribution. OGSA is a trademark of
the Open Grid Forum.

Compare GSH with GSR (Nov/Dec 2017)
• GSH: Grid Service Handle (URI)
- Unique
38 - Shows the location of the service BTL 2
• GSR: Grid Service Reference
- Describes how to communicate with the service
- As Web Service use SOAP, our GSR is a WSDL file

What is the purpose of Grid service description (Nov/Dec 2017)

A grid service description describes how a client interacts with service
instances.This description is independent of any particular instance. Within C403.2
39 BTL 1
a WSDL document, the grid service description is embodied in the most
derived portType of the instance, along with its associated portTypes,
bindings, messages, and types definitions.
Justify that web and web architecture are SOA based (Apr/May 2018)
The technology of Web Services is the most likely connection technology of
service-oriented architectures. The following figure illustrates a basic service-
oriented architecture. It shows a service consumer at the right sending a service
request message to a service provider at the left. The service provider returns a
response message to the service consumer. The request and subsequent response
connections are defined in some way that is understandable to both the service C403.2
40 BTL 1
consumer and service provider. A service provider can also be a service

List the services provided by grid infrastructure (Apr/May 2018)

• Common Management Model (CMM)
41 • Service domains BTL 1
• Distributed data access and replication.
• Policy, security
• Provisioning and resource management.


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
Explain about Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). (TB Pg.422-425)
• Infrastructure services
1 C403.2 BTL 1
• Execution Management services
• Data services

• Resource Management services

• Security services
• Self-management services
• Information services
Explain about the Motivation in OGSA. (Ref Book6 – Pg.109-113)
• Data management
• Dispatch management
• Information services
• Scheduling
2 C403.2 BTL 1
• Security
• Work unit management
• Increased effective computing capacity
• Interoperability of resources
• Speed of application development
Explain about the functionality requirements in OGSA. (Ref Book6 –
● Basic Functionality Requirements
3 ● Security Requirements C403.2 BTL 1
● Resource Management Requirements
● System Properties Requirements
● Other Functionality Requirements
Write about the detailed view of OGSA. (Ref Book6 – Pg.139-151) (ND
● Setting the Context
4 ● The Grid Service C403.2 BTL 1
● WSDL Extensions and Conventions
● Service Data
● Core Grid Service Properties
Write in detail about OGSA Services. (Ref Book6 – Pg.164-173)/ (TB –Pg.
● Infrastructure services
● Execution Management services
5 ● Data services C403.2 BTL 1
● Resource Management services
● Security services
● Self-management services
● Information services
Explain in detail about data intensive grid service models with suitable
6 C403.2 BTL 1
diagrams. (TB –Pg. 425-427) (ND2016)
Write a detailed notes on OGSA security models (Apr/May 2017) (TB –
7 C403.2 BTL 1
Pg. 422-424)
8 Explain how migrations of grid services are handled? (TB –Pg. 283) C403.2 BTL 1
"Data produced by a large Hadron Collider may exceed several petabyts".
9 What type of grid service model(s) will you suggest for such an C403.2 BTL 1
application? Illustrate with diagrams. (Nov/Dec 2017) (Apr/May 2017)

(TB –Pg. 425-426)
What is OGSA? Explain open grid service architecture in detail with the
10 C403.2 BTL 1
functionalities of the components. (Nov/Dec 2017) (TB –Pg. 283-286)
Explain in detail the OGSA security architecture and security services.
11 C403.2 BTL 1
(Apr/May 2018) (TB –Pg. 283-286)
What is the purpose of OGSI? Describe the ports and interfaces defined in
12 OGSI along with its inheritance hierarchy (Apr/May 2018) (TB – Pg no: C403.2 BTL 1

Cloud deployment models: public, private, hybrid, community – Categories of cloud computing:
Everything as a service: Infrastructure, platform, software - Pros and Cons of cloud computing –
Implementation levels of virtualization – virtualization structure – virtualization of CPU,
Memory and I/O devices – virtual clusters and Resource Management – Virtualization for data
center automation.


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
No. Outcome
What is meant by Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
A service-level agreement (SLA) is a part of a standardized service
1 contract where a service is formally defined. Particular aspects of the C403.3 BTL 1
service includes scope, quality, responsibilities which are agreed between
the service provider and the service user.
Define Public Cloud.
A public cloud is built over the Internet, which can be accessed by any user
2 who has paid for the service. Public clouds are owned by service providers. C403.3 BTL 1
They are accessed by subscription. Eg. Google App Engine GAE, Amazon
Web Services AWS, Microsoft Azure, IBM Blue Cloud etc.
Define Private Cloud.
The private cloud is built within the domain of an intranet owned by a
3 C403.3 BTL 1
single organization. Therefore, they are client owned and managed. Their
access is limited to the owning clients and their partners.
Define Hybrid Cloud. (ND 2016)
Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment which uses a mix of on-
premises, private cloud and third-party, public cloud services with
orchestration between the two platforms. For example, an enterprise can
4 C403.3 BTL 1
deploy an on-premises private cloud to host sensitive or critical workloads,
but use a third-party public cloud provider, such as Google Computer
Engine, to host less-critical resources, such as test and development
List the design objectives of cloud computing?
• Shifting Computing from Desktops to Datacenters
• Service Provisioning and Cloud Economics
5 • Scalability in Performance C403.3 BTL 1
• Data Privacy Protection
• High Quality of Cloud Services
• New Standards and Interfaces
Compare traditional IT cost model and Cloud computing cost model.
In traditional IT computing, user must acquire their own computer and
6 peripheral equipment as capital expenses. In addition, they have to face C403.3 BTL 1
operational expenditure in operating and maintaining the computer
systems, including the human and service costs. The operational costs may

increases sharply with larger number of users. Therefore, the total cost
escalates quickly with massive number of users. On the other hand, Cloud
computing applies a pay-per-use business model. User jobs are outsourced
to the datacenters. To use cloud, there is no out-front costs in acquiring
heavy machines. Only variable costs are experienced by cloud users.
Overall, cloud computing will reduce the computing costs significantly for
both small users and large enterprises.

List the different types of cloud service models?

• Infrastructure as a Service IaaS
7 C403.3 BTL 1
• Platform as a Service PaaS
• Software (application) as services SaaS
Write short notes on Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas)?
IaaS model allows users to rent processing, storage, networks, and other
resources. The user can deploy and run the guest OS and applications. The
user does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has
control over OS, storage, deployed applications, and possibly select
8 C403.3 BTL 1
networking components. This IaaS model encompasses the storage as a
service, computation resource as a service, and communication resource as
a service. Example for this kind of service is: Amazon-S3 for storage,
Amazon-EC2 for computation resources, and Amazon-SQS for
communication resources.
Write short notes on Platform as a Service (PaaS)?
Platform as a service (PaaS) is a category of cloud computing services that
provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage
9 applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the C403.3 BTL 1
infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app.
The PaaS model provides the user to deploy user-built applications on top
of the cloud infrastructure, that are built using the programming languages
and software tools supported by the provider (e.g., Java, python, .Net).
Write short notes on Software as a Service (SaaS)?
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software delivery method that provides
access to software and its functions remotely as a Web-based service. SaaS
model provides the software applications as a service. As a result, on the
10 customer side, there is no upfront investment in servers or software C403.3 BTL 1
licensing. On the provider side, costs are rather low, compared with
conventional hosting of user applications. The customer data is stored in
the cloud that is either vendor proprietary or a publically hosted cloud
supporting the PaaS and IaaS.
List some of the advantages of cloud computing?
• Cost Efficient
• Unlimited Storage
11 • Backup and Recovery C403.3 BTL 1
• Automatic Software Integration
• Easy Access to Information
• Quick Deployment
List some of the disadvantages of cloud computing?
• Technical Issues - technology is always prone to outages and other
technical issues.
• Security - need to make absolutely sure that you choose the most
reliable service provider, who will keep your information totally
12 secure C403.3 BTL 1
• Prone to Attack - Storing information in the cloud could make
your company vulnerable to external hack attacks and threats.
• Limited Control - customer can only control and manage the
applications, data and services operated on top of that, not the
backend infrastructure itself
Define Virtual Machine / Role of VM (ND 2016)
A virtual machine is a software computer that, like a physical computer,
runs an operating system and applications. The virtual machine is
13 comprised of a set of specification and configuration files and is backed by C403.3 BTL 1
the physical resources of a host. The purpose of a VM is to enhance
resource sharing by many users and improve computer performance in
terms of resource utilization and application flexibility.
Define Virtualization.
Virtualization is a computer architecture technology by which multiple
virtual machines (VMs) are multiplexed in the same hardware machine.
The idea is to separate the hardware from the software to yield better
14 C403.3 BTL 1
system efficiency. For example, computer users gained access to much
enlarged memory space when the concept of virtual memory was
introduced. Similarly, virtualization techniques can be applied to enhance
the use of compute engines, networks, and storage.
List down the various levels of virtualization?
15 C403.3 BTL 1
• Application level


• Library (user-level API) level

• Operating system level
• Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) level
• Instruction set architecture (ISA) level
List the requirements for VMM?
• VMM should provide an environment for programs which is
essentially identical to the original machine.
16 C403.3 BTL 1
• Programs run in this environment should show, at worst, only
minor decreases in speed.
• VMM should be in complete control of the system resources
Define OS-Level Virtualization?
Operating-system-level virtualization is a server virtualization method in
which the kernel of an operating system allows the existence of multiple
isolated user-space instances, instead of just one. Operating system
17 virtualization inserts a virtualization layer inside an operating system to C403.3 BTL 1
partition a machine’s physical resources. It enables multiple isolated VMs
within a single operating system kernel. This kind of VM is often called a
virtual execution environment (VE), Virtual Private System (VPS), or
simply container.
List the advantages of OS Extensions?
• VMs at the operating system level have minimal startup/shutdown
18 costs, low resource requirements, and high scalability C403.3 BTL 1
• For an OS-level VM, it is possible for a VM and its host
environment to synchronize state changes when necessary.
Write down the disadvantages of OS Extensions?
The main disadvantage of OS extensions is that all the VMs at operating
system level on a single container must have the same kind of guest
19 C403.3 BTL 1
operating system. That is, although different OS-level VMs may have
different operating system distributions, they must pertain to the same
operating system family.
What is paravirtualization or OS Assisted Virtualization?
Paravirtualization is virtualization in which the guest operating system (the
one being virtualized) is aware that it is a guest and accordingly has drivers
that, instead of issuing hardware commands, simply issue commands
directly to the host operating system. This also includes memory and
20 C403.3 BTL 1
thread management as well, which usually require unavailable privileged
instructions in the processor. Para-virtualization attempts to reduce the
virtualization overhead, and thus improve performance by modifying only
the guest OS kernel. Eg. KVM (Kernel-Based VM) - Linux para-
virtualization system
What is full virtualization?
Full Virtualization is virtualization in which the guest operating system is
unaware that it is in a virtualized environment, and therefore hardware is
21 C403.3 BTL 1
virtualized by the host operating system so that the guest can issue
commands to what it thinks is actual hardware, but really are just simulated
hardware devices created by the host. With full virtualization, noncritical
instructions run on the hardware directly while critical instructions are
discovered and replaced with traps into the VMM to be emulated by
software. Both the hypervisor and VMM approaches are considered full
What is Host-Based Virtualization?
In Host-Based Virtualization a virtualization layer installed on the top of
the host OS. This host OS is still responsible for managing the hardware. C403.3
22 BTL 1
The guest OSes are installed and run on top of the virtualization layer.
Dedicated applications may run on the VMs. Certainly, some other
applications can also run with the host OS directly.
What are the advantages of Host-Based Virtualization?
• The user can install this VM architecture without modifying the
host OS. The virtualizing software can rely on the host OS to
23 provide device drivers and other low-level services. This will BTL 1
simplify the VM design and ease its deployment.
• The host-based approach appeals to many host machine
What is Hardware Assisted Virtualization?
Hardware Assisted Virtualization is a type of Full Virtualization where
the microprocessor architecture has special instructions to aid the
virtualization of hardware. These instructions might allow a virtual context
to be setup so that the guest can execute privileged instructions directly on C403.3
24 BTL 1
the processor without affecting the host. Such a feature set is often called
a Hypervisor. In this way, the VMM and guest OS run in different modes
and all sensitive instructions of the guest OS and its applications are
trapped in the VMM. To save processor states, mode switching is
completed by hardware.
What is Hybrid Virtualization?
Hybrid Virtualization is a combination of Para Virtualization and Full
25 Virtualization where parts of the guest operating system use para BTL 1
virtualization for certain hardware drivers, and the host uses full
virtualization for other features.
Define CPU Virtualization.
CPU virtualization involves a single CPU acting as if it were two separate
CPUs. In effect, this is like running two separate computers on a single
physical machine. Perhaps the most common reason for doing this is to run
26 two different operating systems on one machine. The aim of CPU BTL 1
virtualization is to make a CPU run in the same way that two separate
CPUs would run. A CPU architecture is virtualizable if it supports the
ability to run the VM’s privileged and unprivileged instructions in the
CPU’s user mode while the VMM runs in supervisor mode.
What is meant by memory virtualization?
Virtual memory virtualization involves sharing the physical system
27 memory in RAM and dynamically allocating it to the physical memory of BTL 1
the VMs. That means a two-stage mapping process should be maintained
by the guest OS and the VMM, respectively: virtual memory to physical

memory and physical memory to machine memory.
What is meant by I/O Virtualization?
I/O virtualization involves managing the routing of I/O requests between
virtual devices and the shared physical hardware. I/O virtualization C403.3
28 BTL 1
technology allows a single physical adapter to be visualized as multiple
virtual network interface cards (vNICs) and virtual host bus adapters
Explain full device emulation method of I/O Virtualization?

29 BTL 2

All the functions of a device or bus infrastructure, such as

device enumeration, identification, interrupts, and DMA, are replicated
in software. This software is located in the VMM and acts as a virtual
device. The I/O access requests of the guest OS are trapped in the
VMM which interacts with the I/O devices.
Explain Para-virtualization method of I/O Virtualization?
The para-virtualization method of I/O virtualization is typically used in
Xen. It is also known as the split driver model consisting of a frontend
driver and a backend driver. The frontend driver is running in Domain U
30 and the backend driver is running in Domain 0. They interact with each BTL 2
other via a block of shared memory. The frontend driver manages the I/O
requests of the guest OSes and the backend driver is responsible for
managing the real I/O devices and multiplexing the I/O data of different
Explain Direct I/O method of I/O Virtualization?
31 Direct I/O virtualization lets the VM access devices directly. It can achieve BTL 2
close-to-native performance without high CPU costs.
Explain self-virtualized I/O (SV-IO)?
The key idea of SV-IO is to harness the rich resources of a multicore
processor. All tasks associated with virtualizing an I/O device are
32 encapsulated in SV-IO. It provides virtual devices and an associated access C403.3 BTL 2
API to VMs and a management API to the VMM. SV-IO defines one
virtual interface (VIF) for every kind of virtualized I/O device, such as
virtual network interfaces, virtual block devices (disk), virtual camera

devices, and others. The guest OS interacts with the VIFs via VIF device
drivers. Each VIF consists of two message queues. One is for outgoing
messages to the devices and the other is for incoming messages from the
devices. In addition, each VIF has a unique ID for identifying it in SV-IO
Define Virtual Hierarchy?
A virtual hierarchy is a cache hierarchy that can adapt to fit the workload
or mix of workloads. The hierarchy’s first level locates data blocks close to
the cores needing them for faster access, establishes a shared-cache
33 C403.3 BTL 1
domain, and establishes a point of coherence for faster communication.
When a miss leaves a tile, it first attempts to locate the block (or sharers)
within the first level. The first level can also provide isolation between
independent workloads. A miss at the L1 cache can invoke the L2 access.
Write short notes on virtual clusters?
Virtual clusters are built with virtual machines (VMs) installed at
34 distributed servers from one or more physical clusters. The VMs in a C403.3 BTL 1
virtual cluster are interconnected logically by a virtual network across
several physical networks.
List the steps to deploy a group of VMs onto a target cluster?
• Prepare the disk image.
35 • Configure the VMs . C403.3 BTL 1
• Choose destination nodes.
• Execute the VM deployment command on every host.
Define Data Center Automation?
Data-center automation means that huge volumes of hardware, software,
and database resources in these data centers can be allocated dynamically
36 C403.3 BTL 1
to millions of Internet users simultaneously, with guaranteed QoS and cost-
effectiveness. This automation process is triggered by the growth of
virtualization products and cloud computing services.
List the benefits of server virtualization?
• Consolidation enhances hardware utilization.
• This approach enables more agile provisioning and deployment of
37 C403.3 BTL 1
• The total cost of ownership is reduced
• This approach improves availability and business continuity.
Write short notes on Virtualization-based intrusion detection?
Virtualization-based intrusion detection can isolate guest VMs on the same
hardware platform. Even some VMs can be invaded successfully; they
38 never influence other VMs, which is similar to the way in which a NIDS C403.3 BTL 1
operates. Furthermore, a VMM monitors and audits access requests for
hardware and system software. This can avoid fake actions and possess the
merit of a HIDS.
Mention the characteristic features of the cloud (Apr/May 2017)
39 C403.3 BTL 1
Summarize the difference between PaaS and SaaS (Apr/May 2017)
40 C403.3 BTL 1
41 List the requirements of VMM (Nov/Dec 2017) C403.3 BTL 1

Distinguish between physical and virtual clusters (Nov/Dec 2017)

42 C403.3 BTL 1
How does performance enhances by virtualizing the data center?
43 (Apr/May 2018) C403.3 BTL 1

“Although virtualization is widely accepted today, it does have its

44 limits.” Comment on the statement. (Apr/May 2018) C403.3 BTL 1


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
No. Outcome
List the Cloud deployment models and give a detail note about them.
(T1: pgs 192-196) (ND2016)
1 • Public C403.3 BTL 1
• Private
• Hybrid
Explain in detail about different type of service models in cloud
computing? (T1: pgs 200-205) (ND2016)
• IaaS
2 C403.3 BTL 2
• PaaS
• SaaS

3 Explain in detail about various levels of virtualization? (T1: pgs 130-133) C403.3 BTL 2
Explain in detail about binary translation with Full Virtualization? (T1: pgs
4 C403.3 BTL 2
Explain in detail about Para-virtualization with compiler support? (T1: pgs
5 C403.3 BTL 2
6 Explain in detail about CPU Virtualization? (T1: pgs 147-148) C403.3 BTL 2
Explain in detail about Virtual Cluster and Resource management? (T1:
7 C403.3 BTL 2
pgs 155-169)
Explain in detail about virtualization for Data-Center Automation? (T1:
8 C403.3 BTL 2
pgs 169-177)
Discuss how virtualization is implemented in different layers (Apr/May
9 C403.3 BTL 2
2017) (T1: pgs 130-133)
What do you mean by data center automation using virtualization
10 C403.3 BTL 1
(Apr/May 2017) (TB – Pg no: 169 -178)
Describe service and deployment models of cloud computing environment
11 with illustrations. How do they fit in NIST cloud architecture (Nov/Dec C403.3 BTL 2
2017) (TB – Pg no:192)
12 What is virtualization? Describe para and full virtualization. Compare and C403.3 BTL 2

contrast them (Nov/Dec 2017) (TB – Pg no: 141 – 144)
With architecture, elaborate the various deployment models and reference
13 C403.3 BTL 2
models of cloud computing (Apr/May 2018) (TB – Pg no:192)
“Virtualization is the wave of the future”. Justify. Explicate the process of
14 CPU, memory and I/O device virtualization in data center. (Apr/May 2018) C403.3 BTL 2
(TB – Pg no:140)

Open source grid middleware packages – Globus Toolkit (GT4) Architecture , Configuration –
Usage of Globus – Main components and Programming model - Introduction to Hadoop
Framework - Mapreduce, Input splitting, map and reduce functions, specifying input and output
parameters, configuring and running a job – Design of Hadoop file system, HDFS concepts,
command line and java interface, dataflow of File read & File write.


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
No. Outcome
What are the functionalities of grid middleware?
Grid middleware is a specific software product, which enables the sharing
of heterogeneous resources, and Virtual Organizations. It is installed and
integrated into the existing infrastructure of the involved company or
1 companies, and provides a special layer placed among the heterogeneous C403.4 BTL 1
infrastructure and the specific user applications. Middleware glues the
allocated resources with specific user applications. Major grid middlewares
are Globus Toolkit, gLite, UNICORE, BONIC, CGSP, Condor-G and Sun
Grid Engine etc.
Define Utility Computing?
Utility computing is referred to as the provision of grid computing and
2 applications as service either as an open grid utility or as a hosting solution C403.4 BTL 1
for one organization or a VO(Virtual Organization). Major players in the
utility computing market are Sun Microsystems, IBM, and HP.
Write short notes on GT4?
The Globus Toolkit was initially motivated by a desire to remove obstacles
that prevent seamless collaboration, and thus sharing of resources and
3 C403.4 BTL 1
services, in scientific and engineering applications. The toolkit addresses
common problems and issues related to grid resource discovery,
management, communication, security, fault detection, and portability.
List the functional modules in Globus GT4 library? / Services offered
in GT4. (ND2016)
• GRAM (Global Resource Allocation Manager) – Grid resource
access and management.
• Nexus – used for unicast and multicast communication
• GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) – Used for Authentication and
4 C403.4 BTL 1
• MDS (Monitory and Discovery Service) – Distributed acces to
structure and state information.
• HBM (Heart Beat Monitor) – monitor heart beat of system
• GASS (Global Access of Secondary Storage) – Grid access of data
in remote secondary storage.
• GridFTP (Grid File Transfer) – used for inter-node fast file
Define GridFTP?
• GridFTP is a high-performance, secure, reliable data transfer
protocol optimized for high-bandwidth wide-area networks.
5 • The GridFTP protocol is based on FTP, the highly-popular Internet C403.4 BTL 1
file transfer protocol.
• GridFTP adds additional features such as parallel data transfer,
third party data transfer and striped data transfer.
List the functional layers of GSI?
• Authorization
• Authentications
6 C403.4 BTL 1
• Delegation
• Message Protection
• Message Format
Explain the different types of GT4 Data management?
• Globus Toolkit 4 Data Management tools within the toolkit fall into
either of two categories data replication and data movement
7 C403.4 BTL 1
• Data Replication consists of Replica Location Service (RLS)
• Data Movement consists of GridFTP and Reliable File Transfer
Explain data replication in GT4?
Replica Location Service provides the capability to track and maintain
multiple locations of data across the grid. It is a distributed registry system
that allows users and applications to register the locations of data.

8 C403.4 BTL 1

Write short notes RFT?

Reliable File Transfer (RFT) - A Web Services Resource Framework that
9 C403.4 BTL 1
schedules file transfers based on a set of criteria of when specific resources
and bandwidth is available
List the security issues of Globus Toolkit?
• Has to cross administrative domains.
• Need agreed mechanisms and standards.
10 C403.4 BTL 1
• Focus on Internet security mechanisms, modified to handle the
special needs of Grid computing.
• Distributed resources must be protected from unauthorized access
Write short notes on distributed file system?
11 When a dataset outgrows the storage capacity of a single physical machine, C403.4 BTL 1
it becomes necessary to partition it across a number of separate machines.
File systems that manage the storage across a network of machines are
called distributed file systems
Write short notes on HDFS?
HDFS is a file system that is designed for use for MapReduce jobs that
read input in large chunks of input, process it, and write potentially large
12 C403.4 BTL 1
chunks of output. HDFS does not handle random access particularly well.
For reliability, file data is simply mirrored to multiple storage nodes. This
is referred to as replication in the Hadoop community.
What are the advantages of using Hadoop? (ND 2016)
• Scalable
• Flexible
13 C403.4 BTL 1
• Fast
• Resilient to Failure
• Independent
List the areas where HDFS is not fit for use?
• Low-latency data access - Applications that require low-latency
access to data, in the tens of milliseconds range, will not work well
with HDFS.
14 C403.4 BTL 1
• Lots of small files - the limit to the number of files in a filesystem
is governed by the amount of memory on the namenode
• Multiple writers, arbitrary file modifications - no support for
multiple writers, or for modifications at arbitrary offsets in the file.
Why Is a Block in HDFS So Large?
HDFS blocks are large compared to disk blocks, and the reason is to
minimize the cost of seeks. By making a block large enough, the time to
15 C403.4 BTL 1
transfer the data from the disk can be made to be significantly larger than
the time to seek to the start of the block. Thus the time to transfer a large
file made of multiple blocks operates at the disk transfer rate.
What is the role of namenode in HDFS?
The namenode (the master) manages the filesystem namespace. It
16 maintains the filesystem tree and the metadata for all the files and C403.4 BTL 1
directories in the tree. This information is stored persistently on the local
disk in the form of two files: the namespace image and the edit log.
What is the role of datanode in HDFS?
Datanodes (workers) are the workhorses of the filesystem. They store and
17 retrieve blocks when they are told to (by clients or the namenode), and they C403.4 BTL 1
report back to the namenode periodically with lists of blocks that they are
Write down the instructions for setting up Hadoop in pseudo-
distributed mode?
•, set to hdfs://localhost/, which is used to set a
default filesystem for Hadoop. Filesystems are specified by a URI,
18 C403.4 BTL 1
and here we have used an hdfs URI to configure Hadoop to use
HDFS by default. The HDFS daemons will use this property to
determine the host and port for the HDFS namenode.
• dfs.replication, to 1 so that HDFS doesn’t replicate filesystem
blocks by the default factor of three. When running with a single
datanode, HDFS can’t replicate blocks to three datanodes, so it
would perpetually warn about blocks being under-replicated. This
setting solves that problem.
Explain how data can be read from Hadoop URL using java?
Files can be read from a Hadoop filesystem by using a object
to open a stream to read the data from. The general idiom is:
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = new URL("hdfs://host/path").openStream();
19 // process in C403.4 BTL 1
} finally {
Java recognize Hadoop’s hdfs URL by calling the
setURLStreamHandlerFactory method on URL with an instance of
Explain how data can be written in Hadoop file system?
The FileSystem class has a number of methods for creating a file. The
simplest is the method that takes a Path object for the file to be created and
returns an output stream to write to:
20 C403.4 BTL 1
public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f) throws IOException
As an alternative to creating a new file, you can append to an existing file
using the append() method :
public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f) throws IOException
Explain how an application can be notified after a data being written
to datanode?
package org.apache.hadoop.util;
21 C403.4 BTL 1
public interface Progressable {
public void progress();
How to create a File System directory using java?
FileSystem provides a method to create a directory:
public boolean mkdirs(Path f) throws IOException
22 C403.4 BTL 1
This method creates all of the necessary parent directories if they don’t
already exist. It returns true if the directory (and allparent directories) was
(were) successfully created
Explain how file or directory location can be retrieved in File System?
The FileStatus class encapsulates filesystem metadata for files and
directories, including file length, block size, replication, modification time,
ownership, and permission information. The method getFileStatus() on
23 FileSystem provides a way of getting a FileStatus object for a single file C403.4 BTL 1
or directory. If no file or directory exists, a FileNotFoundException is
thrown. To find the existence of a file or directory, the exists() method on
FileSystem is used:
public boolean exists(Path f) throws IOException

Write the syntax for deleting a file or directory in FileSystem?
Use the delete() method on FileSystem to permanently remove files or
24 public boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive) throws IOException C403.4 BTL 1
If f is a file or an empty directory, then the value of recursive is ignored. A
nonempty directory is only deleted, along with its contents, if recursive is
true (otherwise an IOException is thrown).
Explain how a data can be made persistence and visible to all readers?
HDFS provides a method for forcing all buffers to be synchronized to the
datanodes via the sync() method on FSDataOutputStream. After a
successful return from sync(), HDFS guarantees that the data written up to
that point in the file is persisted and visible to all new readers.
25 Path p = new Path("p"); C403.4 BTL 1
FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(p);
assertThat(fs.getFileStatus(p).getLen(), is(((long) "content".length())));
Write short notes on MapReduce?
MapReduce model was introduced by Google as a method of solving a
class of petascale problems with large clusters of inexpensive machines.
The model is based on two distinct steps for an application:
26 C403.4 BTL 1
• Map: An initial ingestion and transformation step, in which
individual input records can be processed in parallel.
• Reduce: An aggregation or summarization step, in which all
associated records must be processed together by a single entity.
Write short notes on Hadoop?
Hadoop is the Apache Software Foundation top-level project that holds the
various Hadoop subprojects that graduated from the Apache Incubator. The
27 Hadoop project provides and supports the development of open source C403.4 BTL 1
software that supplies a framework for the development of highly scalable
distributed computing applications. The Hadoop framework handles the
processing details, leaving developers free to focus on application logic.
Explain Input Splitting in Mapreduce?
For the framework to be able to distribute pieces of the job to multiple
28 machines, it needs to fragment the input into individual pieces, which can C403.4 BTL 1
in turn be provided as input to the individual distributed tasks. Each
fragment of input is called an input split.
Write short notes on IdentityMapper?
It is used in jobs that only need to reduce the input, and not transform the
raw input.
public class IdentityMapper<K, V>extends MapReduceBase implements
29 C403.4 BTL 1
Mapper<K, V, K, V> {
public void map(K key, V val,
OutputCollector<K, V> output, Reporter reporter)throws IOException {
output.collect(key, val);

The line output.collect(key, val), which passes a key/value pair back to the
framework for further processing.
Write short notes on IdentityReducer?
The Hadoop framework calls the reduce function one time for each unique
key. The framework provides the key and the set of values that share that
key. IdentityReducer produces one output record for every value.
public class IdentityReducer<K, V>extends MapReduceBase implements
Reducer<K, V, K, V> {
30 public void reduce(K key, Iterator<V> values, C403.4 BTL 1
OutputCollector<K, V> output, Reporter reporter)
throws IOException {
while (values.hasNext()) {
The line output.collect() writes all keys and values directly to output
List the available input formats in Hadoop framework?
• KeyValueTextInputFormat: Key/value pairs, one per line.
• TextInputFormant: The key is the line number, and the value is
the line.
• NLineInputFormat: Similar to KeyValueTextInputFormat, but the
31 splits are based on N lines of input rather than Y bytes of input. C403.4 BTL 1
• MultiFileInputFormat: An abstract class that lets the user
implement an input format that aggregates multiple files into one
• SequenceFIleInputFormat: The input file is a Hadoop sequence
file, containing serialized key/value pairs.
Explain how to configuration the output of a MapReduce job?
32 C403.4 BTL 1
The conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class) and
conf.setOutputValueClass(Text.class) settings inform the framework of the
types of the key/value pairs to expect for the reduce phase.
What are the information required to configure the reduce phase?
• The number of reduce tasks; if zero, no reduce phase is run
• The class supplying the reduce method
33 • The input key and value types for the reduce task; by default, the C403.4 BTL 1
same as the reduce output
• The output key and value types for the reduce task
• The output file type for the reduce task output
How to run a job in MapReduce?
logger .info("Launching the job.");
34 C403.4 BTL 1
final RunningJob job = JobClient.runJob(conf);"The job has completed.");
The method runJob() submits the configuration information to the
framework and waits for the framework to finish running the job. The
response is provided in the job object
Write the significant of GRAM (Apr/May 2017)

The Globus Toolkit includes a set of service components collectively

referred to as the Globus Resource Allocation Manager (GRAM). GRAM
simplifies the use of remote systems by providing a single standard
interface for requesting and using remote system resources for the
execution of "jobs". The most common use (and the best supported use) of
35 C403.4 BTL 1
GRAM is remote job submission and control. This is typically used to
support distributed computing applications. For most Grid-based projects,
we recommend using GRAM as a project-wide standard for remote job
submission and resource management. GRAM is designed to provide a
single common protocol and API for requesting and using remote system
resources, by providing a uniform, flexible interface to, local job
scheduling systems.
Name the different modules in hadoop framework (Apr/May 2017)
The Apache Hadoop Module:
Hadoop Common: this includes the common utilities that support the
other Hadoop modules
HDFS: the Hadoop Distributed File System provides unrestricted, high-
36 speed access to the application data. C403.4 BTL 1
Hadoop YARN: this technology accomplishes scheduling of job and
efficient management of the cluster resource.
MapReduce: highly efficient methodology for parallel processing of huge
volumes of data.

“HDFS is fault tolerant. Is it true? Justify your answer. (Nov/Dec

HDFS is highly fault tolerant. It handles faults by the process of replica creation.
37 The replica of users data is created on different machines in the HDFS cluster. So C403.4 BTL 1
whenever if any machine in the cluster goes down, then data can be accessed from
other machine in which same copy of data was created. HDFS also maintains the
replication factor by creating replica of data on other available machines in the
cluster if suddenly one machine fails.
What is the purpose of heart beat in hadoop (Nov/Dec 2017)
In Hadoop, Namenode and Datanode are two physically separated
machines, therefore Heartbeat is the signal that is sent by the datanode to
the namenode after the regular interval to time to indicate its presence, i.e.
to indicate that it is alive.
38 • In case Namenode does not receive the heartbeat from a Datanode C403.4 BTL 1
in a certain amount of time(within 10 mins), Namenode then
considers that datanode as a dead machine.
• Datanode along with heartbeat also sends the block report to
Namenode, block report typically contains the list of all the blocks
on a datanode.
How does divide and conquer strategy relates to map reduce
paradigm? (Apr/May 2018)
In MapReduce, you divide the work up serially, execute work packets in
parallel, and tag the results to indicate which results go with which other
results. The merging is then serial for all the results with the same tag, but
can be executed in parallel for results that have different tags. In more
previous systems, the merge step became a bottleneck for all but the most
truly trivial tasks. With MapReduce it can still be if the nature of the tasks
39 requires that all merging be done serially. If, however, the task allows C403.4 BTL 1
some degree of parallel merging of results, then MapReduce gives a simple
way to take advantage of that possibility. Most other systems do one of two
things: either execute all the merging serially just because it might be
necessary for some tasks, or else statically define the parallel merging for a
particular task. MapReduce gives you enough data at the merging step to
automatically schedule as much in parallel as possible, while still ensuring
(assuming you haven't made mistakes in the mapping step) that coherency
is maintained.
Brief out the main components of Globus toolkit (Apr/May 2018)
• Common runtime components
• Security
40 • Data management C403.4 BTL 1
• Information services
• Execution management


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
1 Explain in detail about Globus Toolkit GT4? (T1: Pgs 446-450) (ND2016) C403.4 BTL 1
2 Give a detailed note on Hadoop Framework. (Ref. Notes) (ND2016) C403.4 BTL 1
3 Explain in detail about parts of Hadoop MapReduce job? (R1: Pgs 27-31) C403.4 BTL 1
4 Explain in detail about map and reduce functions? (R1: Pgs 31-35) C403.4 BTL 1
5 How to configure and run a job in Hadoop MapReduce? (R1: Pgs 36-55) C403.4 BTL 1
Explain in detail about command line interface and java interface in
6 C403.4 BTL 1
HDFS? (R2: Pgs 45-46,51-62)
7 Explain the anatomy of File Read and File Write? (R2: Pgs 62-69) C403.4 BTL 1
Discuss Map reduce with suitable diagrams (Apr/May 2017) (R1: Pgs 31-
8 C403.4 BTL 1
9 Elaborate HDFS concepts with suitable illustrations (Apr/May 2017) C403.4 BTL 1
Illustrate data flow in HDFS with file read/write operations with suitable
10 C403.4 BTL 1
diagrams (Nov/Dec 2017)
What is GT4? Describe in detail the components of GT4 with a suitable
11 C403.4 BTL 1
diagram (Nov/Dec 2017) (T1: Pgs 446-450)
12 List the characteristics of globus toolkit. With neat sketch describe the C403.4 BTL 1
architecture of globus GT4 and the services offered (Apr/May 2018) (T1:
Pgs 446-450)
With an illustration, Emphasize the significance of map reduce paradigm
in Hadoop framework. List out the assumptions and goal sets in HDFS
13 C403.4 BTL 1
architecture for processing the data based on divide and conquer strategy
(Apr/May 2018) (R1: Pgs 31-35)

Trust models for Grid security environment – Authentication and Authorization methods – Grid
security infrastructure – Cloud Infrastructure security: network, host and application level –
aspects of data security, provider data and its security, Identity and access management
architecture, IAM practices in the cloud, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS availability in the cloud, Key privacy
issues in the cloud.


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
No. Outcome
Discuss on the application and use of identity and access management.
Identity management, also known as identity and access
management (IAM) is, in computer security,
1 the security and business discipline that "enables the right individuals to C403.5 BTL 6
access the right resources at the right times and for the right reasons". It
addresses the need to ensure appropriate access to resources across
increasingly heterogeneous technology environments and to meet
increasingly rigorous compliance requirements.

Define Transport Layer Security (TLS). (ND2016)

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that provides privacy
and data integrity between two communicating applications. It's the most C403.5 BTL 1
widely deployed security protocol used today, and is used for Web
browsers and other applications that require data to be securely exchanged
over a network, such as file transfers, VPN connections, instant
messaging and voice over IP.
Define the goals of security
• Confidentiality: Data is only available to those who are authorized
3 C403.5 BTL 1
• Integrity: Data is not changed except by controlled processes
• Availability: Data is available when required.
Define data integrity
Data integrity requires that no unauthorized users can change or modify the
data concerned. For example, you want to broadcast a message to the
4 public, which is definitely not confidential to anyone. You have to ensure C403.5 BTL 1
the data integrity of your message from modification by unauthorized
people. In this instance, you may have to stamp or add your signature to
certify the message.
Mention the additional concerns that required in terms of availability
The term “availability” addresses the degree to which a system, sub-system
or equipment is operable and in a usable state. Additional concerns deal
5 C403.5 BTL 1
more with people and their actions:
Authentication: Ensuring that users are who they say they are;
Authorization: Making a decision about who may access data or a service;

Assurance: Being confident that the security system functions correctly
Non-repudiation: Ensuring that a user cannot deny an action;
Auditability: Tracking what a user did to data or a service.
Define ACL
Access Control Lists (ACL) associated with files or directories. ACLs are
6 files listing individuals authorized to login to an account (e.g. the UNIX C403.5 BTL 1
.rhosts file), configuration files naming authorized users of a node and
sometimes files read over the network.
Define delegation
Delegation is a means by which a user or process authorized to perform an
7 C403.5 BTL 1
operation can grant the authority to perform that operation to another
process. Delegation can be used to implement distributed authorization
List out the use of Assurance mechanism
Assurance mechanisms allow the requester of a service to decide whether a
8 candidate service provider meets the requesters’ requirements for security, C403.5 BTL 1
trustworthiness, reliability or other characteristics. Assurance mechanisms
can be implemented through certificates
Define Nonrepudiation and Audiability
Nonrepudiation means that it can be verified that the sender and the
recipient were, in fact, the parties who claimed to send or receive the
9 message, respectively. Auditability is about keeping track of what is C403.5 BTL 1
happening on a system. The idea is that if there is an intrusion, then the
system operator can find out exactly what has been done and in whose

Define trust, reliability, privacy

Trust: People can justifiably rely on computer-based systems to perform
critical functions securely, and on systems to process, store and
10 communicate sensitive information securely; C403.5 BTL 1
• Reliability: The system does what you want, when you want it to;
• Privacy: Within certain limits, no one should know who you are or
what you do.
List out the common goals that achieved using Cryptography
• Message confidentiality: Only an authorized recipient is able to
extract the contents of a message from its encrypted form;
• Message integrity: The recipient should be able to determine if the
11 message has been altered during transmission; C403.5 BTL 1
• Sender authentication: The recipient can identify the sender, and
verify that the purported sender did send the message;
• Sender non-repudiation: The sender cannot deny sending the
Define the use of Symmetric cryptosystems
Using symmetric (conventional) cryptosystems, data is transformed
12 (encrypted) using an encrypted key and scrambled in such a way that it can C403.5 BTL 1
only be unscrambled (decrypted) by a symmetric transformation using the
same encryption key.

Define Data Encryption Standard and its two components
Data Encryption Standard (DES) DES consists of two components – an
algorithm and a key. The DES algorithm involves a number of iterations of
13 a simple transformation which uses both transposition and substitution C403.5 BTL 1
techniques applied alternately. DES is a so-called private-key cipher; here
data is encrypted and decrypted with the same key. Both sender and
receiver must keep the key a secret from others.
What are the challenges of grid sites
• The first challenge is integration with existing systems and
14 • The second challenge is interoperability with different hosting C403.5 BTL 1
• The third challenge is to construct trust relationships among
interacting hosting environments.
Define Reputation-Based Trust Model
In a reputation-based model, jobs are sent to a resource site only when the
15 site is trustworthy to meet users’ demands. The site trustworthiness is C403.5 BTL 1
usually calculated from the following information: the defense capability,
direct reputation, and recommendation trust.
Define direct reputation
Direct reputation is based on experiences of prior jobs previously
submitted to the site. The reputation is measured by many factors such as
16 prior job execution success rate, cumulative site utilization, job turnaround C403.5 BTL 1
time, job slowdown ratio, and so on. A positive experience associated with
a site will improve its reputation. On the contrary, a negative experience
with a site will decrease its reputation.
What are the major authentication methods in the grid?
The major authentication methods in the grid include passwords, PKI, and
17 Kerberos. The password is the simplest method to identify users, but the C403.5 BTL 1
most vulnerable one to use. The PKI is the most popular method supported
by GSI.
List the types of authority in grid
The authority can be classified into three categories: attribute authorities,
policy authorities, and identity authorities. Attribute authorities issue
18 C403.5 BTL 1
attribute assertions; policy authorities issue authorization policies; identity
authorities issue certificates. The authorization server makes the final
authorization decision.
Define grid security infrastructure
The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI), formerly called the Globus
Security Infrastructure, is a specification for secret, tamper-proof,
19 C403.5 BTL 1
delegatable communication between software in a grid computing
environment. Secure, authenticatable communication is enabled using
asymmetric encryption.
What are the functions present in GSI
20 GSI may be thought of as being composed of four distinct functions: C403.5 BTL 1
message protection, authentication, delegation, and authorization.

List the protection mechanisms in GSI
GSI allows three additional protection mechanisms. The first is integrity
protection, by which a receiver can verify that messages were not altered in
21 C403.5 BTL 1
transit from the sender. The second is encryption, by which messages can
be protected to provide confidentiality. The third is replay prevention, by
which a receiver can verify that it has not.
What is the primary information of GSI
GSI authentication, a certificate includes four primary pieces of
• A subject name, which identifies the person or object that the
22 certificate represents; C403.5 BTL 1
• The public key belonging to the subject;
• The identity of a CA that has signed the certificate to certify that
the public key and the identity both belong to the subject;
• The digital signature of the named CA.
Define blue pill
The blue pill is malware that executes as a hypervisor to gain control of
23 computer resources. The hypervisor installs without requiring a restart and C403.5 BTL 1
the computer functions normally, without degradation of speed or services,
which makes detection difficult.
What are the host security threats in public IaaS
• Stealing keys used to access and manage hosts (e.g., SSH private
• Attacking unpatched, vulnerable services listening on standard
ports (e.g., FTP, SSH)
24 C403.5 BTL 1
• Hijacking accounts that are not properly secured (i.e., no passwords
for standard accounts)
• Attacking systems that are not properly secured by host firewalls
• Deploying Trojans embedded in the software component in the VM
or within the VM image (the OS) itself
List the Public Cloud Security Limitations
There are limitations to the public cloud when it comes to support for
custom security features. Security requirements such as an application
firewall, SSL accelerator, cryptography, or rights management using a
25 C403.5 BTL 1
device that supports PKCS 12 are not supported in a public SaaS, PaaS, or
IaaS cloud. Any mitigation controls that require deploymentof an appliance
or locally attached peripheral devices in the public IaaS/PaaS cloud are not
Define Data lineage
Data lineage is defined as a data life cycle that includes the data's origins
26 and where it moves over time. It describes what happens to data as it goes C403.5 BTL 1
through diverse processes. It helps provide visibility into the analytics
pipeline and simplifies tracing errors back to their sources.
Define Data remanence
27 C403.5 BTL 1
Data remanence is the residual representation of data that has been in some

way nominally erased or removed.
What are the IAM processes operational activities.
• Provisioning
• Credential and attribute management
28 C403.5 BTL 1
• Entitlement management
• Compliance management
• Identity federation management
What are the functions of Cloud identity administrative
Cloud identity administrative functions should focus on life cycle
management of user identities in the cloud—provisioning, deprovisioning,
29 identity federation, SSO, password or credentials management, profile C403.5 BTL 1
management, and administrative management. Organizations that are not
capable of supporting federation should explore cloud-based identity
management services.
List the factors to manage the IaaS virtual infrastructure in the cloud
• Availability of a CSP network, host, storage, and support
application infrastructure.
• Availability of your virtual servers and the attached storage
(persistent and ephemeral) for compute services
30 C403.5 BTL 1
• Availability of virtual storage that your users and virtual server
depend on for storage Service
• Availability of your network connectivity to the Internet or virtual
network connectivity to IaaS services.
• Availability of network services
What is meant by the terms data-in-transit
It is the process of the transfer of the data between all of the versions of the
31 C403.5 BTL 1
original file, especially when data may be in transit on the Internet. It is
data that is exiting the network via email, web, or other Internet protocols.
List the IAM process business category
• User management
• Authentication management
32 • Authorization management C403.5 BTL 1
• Access management
• Data management and provisioning
• Monitoring and auditing
What are the key components of IAM automation process?
• User Management, New Users
33 • User Management, User Modifications C403.5 BTL 1
• Authentication Management
• Authorization Management
List out the key policy issues
Data security involves encrypting the data as well as ensuring that
34 appropriate policies are enforced for data sharing. In addition, resource C403.5 BTL 1
allocation and memory management algorithm s have to be secure. Finally,
data mining techniques may be applicable for malware detection in the
clouds – an approach which is usually adopted in intrusion detection
systems (IDSs)
List out the six specific areas of the cloud computing environment
There are six specific areas of the cloud computing environment where
equipment and software require substantial security attention These six
35 areas are: (1) security of data at rest, (2) security of data in transit, (3) C403.5 BTL 1
authentication of users/applications/ processes, (4) robust separation n
between data belonging to different customers, (5 ) cloud legal and
regulatory issues, and (6) incident response
Mention the issues in security of cloud computing
• The types of attackers and their capability of attacking the cloud.
36 • The security risks associated with the cloud, and where relevant C403.5 BTL 1
considerations of attacks and countermeasures.
• Emerging cloud security risks
Define Network Level Security.
All data on the network need to be secured. Strong network traffic
encryption techniques such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and the
Transport Layer Security (TLS) can be used to prevent leakage of sensitive
37 information. Several key security elements such as data security, data C403.5 BTL 1
integrity, authentication and authorization, data confidentiality, web
application security, virtualization vulnerability, availability, backup, and
data breaches should be carefully considered to keep the cloud up and
running continuously.

Define Application level security

Studies indicate that most websites are secured at the network level while C403.5 BTL 1
there may be security loopholes at the application level which may allow
information access to unauthorized users. Software and hardware resources
can be used to provide security to applications.

Define Data Security

Majority of cloud service providers store customers’ data on large data
39 C403.5 BTL 1
centres. Although cloud service providers say that data stored is secure and
safe in the cloud, customers’ data may be damaged during transition
operations from or to the cloud storage provider.
List out the various advantages in Cloud computing architecture
Cloud computing architectures to its users numerous advantages that can
be briefly summarized to:
• Reduced cost since services are provided on demand with pay-as-
40 C403.5 BTL 1
• billing system
• Highly abstracted resources
• Instant scalability and exibility
• Instantaneous provisioning
● Shared resources, such as hardware, database, etc.

● Programmatic management through API of Web services
● Increased mobility - information is accessed from any location
Mention the foundational infrastructure requirements for cloud
computing security
The foundational infrastructure for a cloud must be inherently secure
whether it is a private or public cloud or whether the service is SAAS,
41 PAAS or IAAS. It will require C403.5 BTL 1
• Inherent component-level security
• Stronger interface security
• Resource lifecycle management

Mention the importance of transport level security. (Nov/Dec 2016)

Transport level security is based on Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport
Layer Security (TLS) that runs beneath HTTP. SSL and TLS provide security
features including authentication, data protection, and cryptographic token
support for secure HTTP connections. To run with HTTPS, the service endpoint
42 C403.5 BTL 1
address must be in the form https://. The integrity and confidentiality of transport
data, including SOAP messages and HTTP basic authentication, is confirmed
when you use SSL and TLS. Web services applications can also use Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS) approved ciphers for more secure TLS
Discuss on application and use of identity and access management.
(Nov/Dec 2016)
Identity management, also known as identity and access management
(IAM) is, in computer security, the security and business discipline that
43 C403.5 BTL 1
"enables the right individuals to access the right resources at the right times
and for the right reasons". It addresses the need to ensure appropriate
access to resources across increasingly heterogeneous technology
environments and to meet increasingly rigorous compliance requirements.
What are the various challenges in building trust environment?
(Apr/May 2017)
• The first challenge is integration with existing systems and
44 C403.5 BTL 1
• The second challenge is interoperability with different “hosting
• The third challenge is to construct trust relationships among interacting
hosting environments.
Write a brief note on security requirements of a grid. (Apr/May 2017)
◼ To protect application and data from the owner/administrator of
the system
◼ To protect local programs and data on the system on which another
45 C403.5 BTL 1
remote user’s process may also be getting executed
◼ Data, Code and resources accepted after proper authentication
◼ Integrity of data and code is required to be verified.

46 List any four host security threads in public IaaS (ND2017) C403.5 BTL 1


• Man in the middle attack

• flooding attack
• Data leakages
Identify the trust model based on site’s trust worthiness (ND2017)
• A Generalized Trust Model
47 • Reputation-Based Trust Model C403.5 BTL 1
• A Fuzzy-Trust Model


S. Course
Question Taxonomy
Explain in detail about Trust models for Grid security environment. (TB –
1 C403.5 BTL 1
Pg no: 461 – 463) (ND2016)
Briefly write a note on Authentication and Authorization methods Refer
2 C403.5 BTL 1
Draw the neat architecture of Grid security infrastructure (TB – Pg no:
3 C403.5 BTL 6
466 – 470) (ND2016)
Explain the different level of Cloud Infrastructure security: network, host
4 C403.5 BTL 1
and application level Refer Notes
Briefly discuss on Identity and access management architecture with neat
5 architecture C403.5 BTL 6
SaaS, PaaS, IaaS availability in the cloud, Refer Notes
Illustrate the Key privacy issues in the cloud computing environment.
6 C403.5 BTL 2
Refer Notes
Explain trust model for grid security environment (Nov/Dec 2016) (TB –
7 C403.5 BTL 1
Pg no: 461 – 463)
8 Write in detail about cloud security infrastructures (Nov/Dec 2016) C403.5 BTL 2
Write a detailed note on identity and access management architecture
9 C403.5 BTL 2
(Apr/May 2017) Refer Notes
Explain grid security infrastructure (Apr/May 2017) (TB – Pg no: 466 –
10 C403.5 BTL 1
What is the purpose of GSI? Describe the functionality of various layers in
11 C403.5 BTL 1
GSI. (ND2017) (TB – Pg no: 466 – 470)
What is the purpose of IAM? Describe its functional architecture with an
12 C403.5 BTL 1
illustration. (ND2017) Refer Notes


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