Introduction Appendices
Introduction Appendices
Introduction Appendices
Furthermore, purchasing or buying has been playing a big role and part in
people’s lives. There are several ways individuals can engage in the buying
Over the past decades, social media have played an indispensable role
product easily. Social media has changed the modern world. (Ospina, 2019).
and more. Given the pervasive nature of social media and the extensive reach
connected world.
(Chand, 2019). Buying decisions are influenced by various factors that can be
These factors play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and the
know how to effectively manage their buying decision through social media
satisfy their desires or desires, not needs (Barysevich, 2020). The shopping
shopping do not have planning at first, they will tend to have impulsive buying
in an emotional state and self-control. The findings showed that these self-
Several researches around the world got to involve these two topics;
they lack to include these two topics in just one study. This literature gap
a. Age
b. Gender
terms of:
a. Frequency
b. Level of Engagement
how do that levels affect the buying behavior of students. This study limited
convenient time.
Schools. This research study would benefit the school as it would give
the institution ideas on how do their students work with different social media
Online Sellers. This study would benefit online sellers. If there has been
this would help online sellers by selling or advertising their products on social
how advertising may influence their choices and behaviors. It could help them
This research could help students make informed decisions about their online
in the field of social media advertising and its effects. It could inspire further
Theoretical Framework
This study was anchored on the theory of Joey George, which is the
This theory investigated the relationships among beliefs about Internet privacy
and trustworthiness, along with beliefs about perceived behavioral control and
behavior of consumers because the higher a product is priced, the fewer units
are sold. By contrast, products selling at prices lower than the market rate are
assumed to sell at a higher volume (Aslam & Zulfiqar, 2020). Several studies
have shown that pricing is more critical and relevant to consumer buying
this model into the framework will allow the researcher to assess how the
decisions (Lavidge and Steiner, 2016). Along with the influence of online
could stand with their planned behavior along with their current internet and
Conceptual Framework
platforms and how this work is a question that consumers try to find an
answer to. People seek out social media to satisfy their specific needs. It was
found that millennials are considered to be the generation that spends most of
their time online and 47% of their purchases are influenced by the social
media advertising (Gerald, 2019), similarly the study found that the most of
the people doing the online purchases are millennials (Roesler, 2019). In
2015, Kumar and Raju published their research paper on “The Role of
Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the terms used in this study, the conceptual
Operationally, the term refers to how much time ABM students spend
interacting on social media platforms and how often they see advertisements.
Twitter, etc.
promotions that students encounter when using social media platforms like
Dictionary, 2023).
advertisements and its effects on the students’ buying decisions. The review
further provided insights that are relevant to support the objectives of the
Factors that are beyond the control of users having direct or indirect
effects on their way of life often affect their purchasing decisions (Yakup &
persuades the behavior, beliefs and the way they learn by communicating or
product. Customers are more inclined to buy from website with user-verified
Online reviews are valuable tools for maintaining good and positive customer
feedback. It also helps the customers to identify if the products have low
quality or will attain their satisfaction. A study sought to determine the impact
et al., 2023).
Based on the study conducted in Caraga, Philippines, the most factor that
influenced the students regarding their buying behavior is the personal factor.
It is the highest influencing factor of their buying behavior, which means that
Over the last decade or so, the use of social media websites like
with one another and by well-known firms to promote their goods. Social
media websites have allowed for the virtualization of real-world social activity.
2020). Social media have mostly affected on people when they are seeking
information. It does not affect directly; however, social media plays a huge
analysis of the study, customers are actively using social media platforms to
and more enjoyable. Those who thought the material on social media was of
higher quality and quantity than expected were happier overall. Overall, the
The study of Jayendira P. Sankar (2019), states that social media has an
buying behavior towards choosing certain product, age group influence their
decision making. It’s serves as the best tool for advertisement in reaching
advertising affects consumers' online behavior (Iqbal, A., Hussain, T., &
Aslam, R., 2020). The findings of a study in Pakistan showed that social
purchasing behavior, especially for young university students who are more
likely to use social media and the internet. The study's findings about the link
for young people to explore information about goods and services on social
media frequently because doing so not only broadens their knowledge of the
products but also affects their decision to buy them (Hussain, 2021).
carried out using online platforms. Businesses are changing as a result of the
pandemic, the new media era, and both, and the rise in internet advertising is
assisting them in surviving and adapting. This study examines the effects of
would tell the reader on purchasing trends and whether commercials affect
findings, the majority of respondents believe that online advertising can have
both positive and negative effects, and that it works best when the advertised
al., 2015).
Social media has developed into such a convenient platform that it has an
social media users show a preference for making purchases through their
known for spending most of their time online, have 47% of their purchasing
spend a lot of time on various social media platforms, that they are exposed to
a variety of social media advertisements for product and service offers, which
they have purchased. Due to the fact that ratings and reviews provide
via social media advertising. Consumers are more confident and experience
These literatures were significantly helpful which in return helped broaden the
knowledge and understanding of the variables contained in the study; and are
related to the one that was conducted. The related literature contained various
researches that have the same processes, variables, and methods that the
was utilized in this study. These studies served as a helpful guide and strong
support for the interpretation of the results, as well as for the significance of
the conduct of the study. Most of the studies included the online product
different themes, according to the objectives of the study. That way, grouping
various studies that are related to the study conducted was easier and more
convenient. Each study was discussed and their results were included to
attain how the level of exposure of students affects their buying decisions.
numerous past studies that are still relevant and related to the current
situation. Nevertheless, the studies that were mentioned above have different
approaches, methods, variables, and setting where the study was conducted,
which led them to their results. Hence, this is the gap between the research
conducted and the related literature, which the study can test in a different
This chapter presents and discusses the research design, locale of the
Research Design
the association between two or more variables (Curtis, 2016). Herewith are
buying decisions.
The respondents of the study included the one hundred ninety-nine (199)
Out of 445 students under the ABM strand, 50 students in each of the 4
12 ABM, the study has 396 total population not including the section of the
student researchers for the first semester of the school year 2023 -2024 from
Grade 11 and Grade 12 ABM strand of Negros Occidental High School, the
researchers utilized the Taro Yamane formula to get a sample size of 199
from the population and was used as the respondents of the study.
n= 2
1+ N e
that will be given to one hundred ninety-nine (199) Grade 11 and Grade 12
ABM students who will be randomly selected from each grade level. The
Part III contains items with regards to the students' buying decisions in
For their responses to each of the items, the respondents were given five
(5) options to choose from. Each option has a numerical weight to facilitate
5 Always
4 Often
3 Sometimes
2 Rarely
1 Never
validation by the panel of jurors who are experts in their field. An instrument
has content validity if the content and format of the variable intended to
whether the items on the instrument adequately covers the entire content that
Using the scale developed by Carter Good and Douglas Scates, the jury of
could measure what they supposed to measure and the jurors made
The content and face validity of the instrument was rated by the jury using
5 Outstanding
4 Very Satisfactory
3 Satisfactory
2 Fair
1 Poor
The mean ratings of the jurors were computed and interpreted using the
validity index. This indicates that the questionnaire adeptly evaluates the
decisions among ABM Students within the Senior High School curriculum at
reliability test. Reliability is the accuracy of the instrument. In other words, the
used in the same situation on repeated occasions (Heale & Twycross, 2015).
They were not part of the respondents. The researchers conducted a small
much like those in ABM strand of Negros Occidental High School. The
research used the Cronbach alpha method in order to establish the reliability
of the instrument.
reliable and it is the most commonly used test to determine the internal
that have more than two responses can be used in this test.
and the average inter-correlation among the items (Jim Frost, 2023). Below,
for conceptual purposes is the formula for the standardized Cronbach's Alpha:
k ∑ σi
⌈ 1− 2 ⌉
k −1 σx
the researchers applied the Cronbach's alpha formula to assess the reliability
A permission letter for validity test was given to the 4 respective jurors to
the sample participants which includes the ABM students, a consent prior to
pilot testing that was conducted. Instructions were explained and researcher-
Data Treatment
According to Subong, in his book, Statistics for Research, the mean is the
Ethical Considerations
considered in all research methods in all stages of the research design and is
necessary for every research project, as participants have legal and moral
rights. This research implemented a number of key phrases that protected the
provided was not used against them. Delicate information was not shared with
regarding the study (Barrow, Brannan, & Khandhar, 2022). The researchers
the purpose and nature of the study, along with its risks and benefits known to
respondents throughout the study. All the information gathered throughout the
study was only between the researchers and the respondents. Respondent
responses. After utilizing all information gathered from the respondents, the
not coerced into taking part in the study. Respondents had the right to decide
16 63 0.32 31.66%
17 84 0.42 42.21%
18 45 0.23 22.61%
19 7 0.04 3.52%
old are 22.61% of the total population which is 45 out of 199 respondents. For
the age of 19 years old, it portrays 3.52% which is 7 respondents. This shows
corresponding percentages.
respondents. For female, it shows that 161 respondents are female and its
Mean SD Interpretation
frequency that they see social media advertisements. The statistics shows
that the respondents’ frequency has a mean of 4.42 with a standard deviation
of 0.54 which is interpreted as very high exposure. This indicates that ABM
their purchase behaviors. The fact that students avoid socializing in social
media rather focusing on advertisements that they see on their social media
Mean SD Interpretation
exposure to social media advertisements. This implies that ABM students are
search for information of products, share their reviews and engage with visual
advertisements has now become a part of consumer’s daily life. The study
revealed that consumers are attracted to products through the social media
described a very high and a high exposure and the total interpretation shows
a high exposure. This means that ABM students are highly exposed to social
media advertisements.
This increase in their knowledge about the product and also influences their
purchasing decision.
students ages from 16 to 19 years old are highly exposed to social media
their purchase behaviors. The fact that students avoid socializing in social
media rather focusing on advertisements that they see on their social media
Engagement (Age)
high exposure.
search for information of products, share their reviews and engage with visual
advertisements has now become a part of consumer’s daily life. The study
revealed that consumers are attracted to products through the social media
16 years old has a mean of 3.99 with a standard deviation of 0.41 and is
mean of exposure among respondents ages 18 years old is 3.99 together with
advertisements is high.
This increase in their knowledge about the product and also influences their
purchasing decision.
buying decisions when they are grouped according to their respective ages.
Results show that 16-year-old students have a high level of buying decisions
as for the mean of 3.98 and a standard deviation of 0.67. Students ages 17
and 18 years old both have a mean buying decisions of 3.90 which is
old have the highest mean of 4.24 with a standard deviation of 0.50. It implies
decisions. Moreover, consumers ages 26-35 are the most affected age group
due to having a source of income and they’re more willing to spend more time
on social media.
advertisements, categorized by gender. The findings show that both male and
with a standard deviation of 0.56. This indicates a very high exposure to social
media advertisements as the mean for female respondents is 4.44 and 0.54
with a standard deviation of 0.54. This implies that the respondents when
their purchase behaviors. The fact that students avoid socializing in social
media rather focusing on advertisements that they see on their social media
Engagement (Gender)
Table 17 reveals that male and female students have high level of
an overall mean exposure of 3.54 and a standard deviation of 0.71 among the
tend to allot more time to engage with social media advertisement than men.
This increase in their knowledge about the product and also influences their
purchasing decisions.
decisions based on their gender. Male students showed a high level of buying
3.98 and a standard deviation of 0.72. Based on the findings, the overall
of 0.72. The results indicate that the respondents' buying decisions are high,
which is less than the level of significance of 0.05. This means that the
rejected. This result implies that there is a significant relationship between the
buying behaviors.
Summary of Findings
The study’s demographic profile results revealed that 31.66% of the students
with 63 students that have participated are aging 16 years old; 42.21% 17-
old with 45 students; and 19-year-old students has 3.52% participation, with 7
have 19.10% participation with 38 students and 161 female students which is
In this study, it was found out that the most highly exposed to social
old, followed by 19-year-old students, then by students ages 17 years old and
the least highly exposed are the students who ages 16 years old. In terms of
level of engagement, students ages 19 years old are the most highly exposed
3.63, then by students ages 17 years old and the least are the students in 18
years of age. Overall, the study reveals high exposure to social media
gather means of 3.98, 3.90, 3.90, and 4.24 for ages 16,17,18, and 19 years
old respectively. It was revealed that the students’ overall mean level of
found out that female students have higher buying decision prior to
decisions of students.
The more that the students see social media advertisements, the more
that it affects their buying decisions. As well as, if the students are more
engaged in liking, sharing, and wanted to learn more about the social media
and discovered that students’ buying decisions are greatly affected the more
they are getting exposed to social media advertisements. It is found that these
students are highly exposed to social media advertisements and this is what
made their buying decisions highly affected. It also reflects the increasing
about the advertisements in order for them to avoid the effects of it on their
buying decisions. Also, it could help them cope with different challenges and
conduct a discussion on how the students could avoid being too much
remind their children about the proper buying decisions that are not affected
depth comparative analysis on how are the ages of the students affect their
buying decisions whether or not they are highly exposed to social media
advertisements and discover other factors that affect their exposure to social
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Appendix A
(Survey Questionnaire)
Appendix B
Appendix C
Criteria for Validation
Jury 1 Jury 2 Jury 3 n Interpretation
1. The instrument is
short enough that the
4 5 5 4.67 Outstanding
respondents will be
able to answer within
the allocated time.
2. The instrument is
interesting and has
appeal such the 4 5 5 4.67 Outstanding
respondents will be
induced to respond to it
and accomplish it fully.
3. The instrument can
obtain some depth to
5 5 5 5 Outstanding
the answer and guess
4. The questions and
alternative responses
are neither too 4 5 5 4.67 Outstanding
suggestive nor too not
5. The instrument can
elicit responses, which 5 4 4 4.33 Outstanding
are definite and not
6. The questions are
stated in a way that
respondents can 5 5 5 5 Outstanding
understand them
8. The instrument is
neither too narrow nor 5 5 4 4.67 Outstanding
limited in its content.
9. The answer to the
problems when taken
as a whole could
answer the basic 5 5 5 5 Outstanding
purpose of which the
instrument is designed
and considered valid.
10. The questions are
relevant to the present 5 5 5 5 Outstanding
TOTAL 4.73 Outstanding
Appendix C.1
(Validation: Jury 1)
Appendix C.2
(Validation: Jury 2)
Appendix C. 2
(Validation: Juri 3)