The Implementation of School-Based Management For School Effectiveness
The Implementation of School-Based Management For School Effectiveness
The Implementation of School-Based Management For School Effectiveness
a Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Universitas PGRI Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia
School-based Management (SBM) has been implemented in Indonesia since 2000, but after 16 years of implementation
there are still many schools that have not succeeded in implementing it. This article aims to measure the impact of SBM
implementation on school effectiveness. The objectives are to find out: (a) the impact of SBM implementation to the
effectiveness of school management, and (b) the impact of SBM imlementation to the effectiveness of the learning process.
The research was conducted descriptively in seven districts namely Semarang, Batang, Pekalongan, Purbalingga,
Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, and Sragen in Central Java Province from 2012-2016. Selection of samples of districts was done
purposively. The results show that the implementation of SBM has a positive impact on the effectiveness of school
management and the effectiveness of the learning process. Based on the results of the study it is suggested that good and
successful practices in SBM implementation can be disseminated to other schools and to other districts.
Keywords: school-based management, effectiveness of school management, effectiveness of learning process, and
school effectiveness
Central Java Province which partnered with 7 continuous treament during the program. Treatment
(seven) selected districts namely Semarang, Batang, was on the form of training and coaching by trained
Pekalongan, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, facilitators. Meanwhile, the comparison schools did
and Sragen since 2012-2017. This program was a not get treatment directly, but get the impact or
technical assistance in the form of training and imitate from partner schools.
community empowerment in managing quality basic
Similar programs in some places have mixed
results, some have improved school management In Indonesia, the implementation of SBM was
and learning processes [1]. But there are those who expected to be able to improve the school's
have not succeeded in improving the quality of effectiveness which is none other than the increased
education [2]. Form of participation was still in the quality of schools. School effectiveness is a quality
form of physical, not yet to the thinking as in school that can be reviewed from the aspect of the
decision making [3]. Decentralization of education quality of school management and apsek the quality
in Indonesia using the SBM model was predicted to of the learning process. Therefore the results and
manage autonomous education programs and discussion in this article are focused on those two
educational financial accountability [4].
Many challenges are faced in the implementation
of SBM starting from the pessimism of education 3.1 Does SBM have a positive impact
stakeholders on the impact on improving the quality on the effectiveness of school
of education to the coherence of cooperation with management?
the local government. Research on the
implementation of SBM in Ngada Flores [5] found School management indicators in this study are
several problems such as lack of professionalism demonstrated by the principal's leadership in
development of principals, lack of facilities, lack of initiating educational leadership, developing school
knowledge about SBM, and lack of funding. activities and budgets, community participation in
improving the learning process, and initiating of
Therefore this study intends to answer two main
principals to develop a reading culture in schools.
questions: (a) does the implementation of SBM have
The following is a measurement of the progress
an impact on the effectiveness of school of school management in partner schools.
management, and (b) does the implementation of
SBM have an impact on the effectiveness of the
learning process?
The research was conducted in seven districts in
Central Java Province namely Semarang, Batang,
Pekalongan, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo,
and Sragen. The selection of districts was done
purposively based on USAID PRIORITAS program.
Evaluation were made four times at the beginning of Figure 1. School Management Performance at Partner
the program (2012), the end of year 2 (2013), the School
end of year 4 (2015), and the 5th year (2016). The
evaluation team consisted of teachers, principals, The effect of SBM implementation on the
school supervisors, staff of the education office, improvement of school management based on the
students of university, and lecturers. Data collection base line result compare to the final measurement of
was done with interview, observation, and the program was 0.78 which means the effect is very
documentation. Data analysis with percentage and strong. Meanwhile, the level of determination
Pearson correlation. Results were compared between reached 60%. This means that the improvement of
partner schools and comparison schools for school management was influenced by the SBM
elementary and junior high schools of SMP-MTs. program in the form of training and mentoring at the
The number of schools studied was 64 schools school level, while 40% is influenced by other
consisting of partner schools and comparison factors.
schools. Partner schools are schools that receive Extraordinary and highly conducive progress
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118
over the last four years was the principal's initiative experience, and resources [6].
to develop a reading culture in schools, whose scores The lack of clarity in SBM implementation
reach 100%. This is because along with the policy will be an obstacle in the implementation.
government program that campaigns reading culture This has been experienced by Indonesia during the
as one of the realization of character education. implementation of SBM in the early stages. Unclear
Measurements were also made to the comparison government regulations or ministerial regulations
schools, the schools did not get treated like partner because they are not accompanied by clear technical
schools but were impacted by imitating and getting guidelines was a constraint on the implementation of
transmitted from partner schools. The results of SBM at the time [5].
measurements at comparative schools are The positive impact of SBM implementation
inconsistent from year to year, as shown in Figure 2. on the quality of education was also found in other
Here are the measurements of the progress of studies [7]. Schools that have implemented SBM
school management in comparison schools. have been able to make correct decisions on
allocating the use of educational resources, appoint
non-civilian teachers, create a learning environment
that supports the learning process, and increase
teacher attendance in the classroom. Finally, SBM
implementation can improve student learning
outcomes [8].
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118
Figure 3. Outcomes of the Learning Process at Partner comparison schools can be seen in the following
School figure.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 118
11% of comparison schools made school plans and implementation of SBM then the government needs
activities in a transparent and participatory way. to invest the budget seriously.
In order for schools to become more transparent Secondly, we also need to learn from the
there must always be pressure from various parties. weakness of SBM implementation from Iran one of
As reported in one of the following research results. them was related to school financing policy. The
“We find that the pressure of some groups of stakeholders central government was expected to make school
improves the quality of transparency of the reports. Our finance policies, while local governments and
results show that transparency is affected by ownership, schools allocate resources that are in the region and
along with size and global region [10]. at school level [12].
In the aspect of the process of learning, the Third, one of the weaknesses of SBM
lowest progress was obtained in the 4th indicator of implementation in Indonesia was the lack of trust
"early grades reading materials are regularly used" between the government and local governments to
(TL-4). In partner schools progress has reached schools. So one of the suggestions given in
68%, but in comparison schools only reached 25%. Indonesia is that there must be trust in the school
The low increase in this indicator was related to the other than empowering stakholder in school [13].
availability of funds. Based on principals and Fourth, therefore, there needs to be a clear policy
teachers' remarks that school finance is currently related to the strengthening of school citizens. It is
only obtained from BOS (School Operational necessary to clarify what matters are the school
Assistance). Allocation of funds from BOS has been autonomy and the desired level of school
determined by the central government. The purchase accountability. It is also necessary to have a support
of books outside the textbook is very limited in system supplied in the principal's selection [14].
The first indicator is "teachers demonstrate good 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
practices in teaching and assessment" (TL-1) and the
second is "teachers of all subjects support the Our thanks go to the USAID PRIORITAS Team of
development and reinforcement of students reading Central Java Province who has facilitated the
skills" (TL-2) in partner schools an equal increase of collection of data in this study. USAID PRIORITAS
79%. This is very logical because the main focus of was a program of educational empowerment in
this program was the improvement of teacher Indonesia resulted from the cooperation between the
competence in teaching. Each partner school was Government of Indonesia and the US Government
trained for a minimum of 5 days with assistance at implemented in 2012-2017.
least 20 times.
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