Teacher Certification in Indonesia A Con PDF

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Working Paper

in Economics and
Development Studies
Department of Economics
Padjadjaran University

No. 201107

Teacher Certification in Indonesia:

A Confusion of Means and Ends

Mohamad Fahmi,
Achmad Maulana, and
Arief Anshory Yusuf

Center for Economics and Development

Studies (CEDS)
Padjadjaran University

July, 2011

Center for Economics and Development Studies,

Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University
Jalan Cimandiri no. 6, Bandung, Indonesia.
Phone/Fax: +62-22-4204510
For more titles on this series, visit:
Teacher Certification in Indonesia:
A Confusion of Means and Ends1
Mohamad Fahmi, Achmad Maulana, and Arief Anshory Yusuf

Center for Economics and Development Studies (CEDS)

Padjadjaran University

October, 2011

In 2006, Indonesia started implementing a nation-wide program of teacher certification
with the aim to certify as many as 2.3 million teachers by 2015 with the budgetary cost
of as much as US$5,600 million. Using data from a teacher survey we applied two
different impact evaluation techniques namely Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and
Difference-in-Difference (DD) to evaluate the impact of certification. These techniques
can be used to estimate the difference in student’s performance (in this case national
exam score) attributed to the certification. Both methods suggest that teacher
certification has no impact on student’s achievement. The certification program may
have improved teacher’s living standard as remuneration increase is an elemental part
of it, yet its formally-stated goal to improve the quality of education as should be
indicated in better students’ performance may not have been achieved. This program,
being the largest in the nation’s history, may have confused means and ends. We
propose some policy recommendations. Two of them are: first, the government should
implement a reward and punishment scheme to motivate teachers to continuously
perform well; second, the government should introduced a teacher performance
indicator are as close as possible to student’s performance as key evaluation criteria
and the reward-punishment scheme must be based on these criteria.

Keywords: teacher certification, propensity score matching, impact evaluation,


Teachers have an important role in pupil academic achievement. Studies in different
countries find that qualified teachers are a major determinant of student achievement
(Darling-Hammond, 2000, OECD, 2001). OECD study (2001), for example, concluded
that the ability of education and training systems to respond to growing expectation
from the society for a better education for their people depends on whether teachers
have the ability to deliver the educational content in ways that meet this growing
expectation. It is quite common to find that the focus of educational policy makers is to
increase teachers’ quality. This will ensure that teachers’ qualification is adequate while

1This study is part of a Global Development Network (GDN) and Center for Economics and Development
Studies (CEDS) project on Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Sector Accountability. Usual
disclaimer applies.
at the same time improving the teachers’ salaries and working conditions. This in turn
will attract best people into the profession. Teacher certification is an attempt to reach
these ends.

Many studies have tried to shed light on the issue whether certification program affects
student achievement (Hanushek et. al. 1999; Goldhaber and Brewer 2000; Harris and
Sass 2007; Darling-Hammond 2001; Jepsen and Rivkin 2002). The general findings of
those literatures, however, are mixed. Moreover, studies that attempt to look at the
impact of teacher certification in developing countries on student’s performance hardly
exist in the literature.

In Indonesia, a nation-wide program of teacher certification was started in 2006 with a

target of certifying around 2.3 million elementary and secondary teachers in 2015. With
this large-scaled certification program, all teachers in Indonesia will eventually be
certified by2015. The budgetary cost of this program is estimated to be about US$460
million. To the best of our knowledge, with this program’s magnitude, this could be the
biggest teacher certification program in the developing world, if not in the world.

The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the teacher certification program
on students’ achievement. To this end, we carried out a survey of both certified and non-
certified elementary school teachers, recorded the national-standard exam score of
their pupils, as well as the teacher’s relevant characteristics. Considering that the
teacher’s likelihood of being certified is endogenously determined by their
characteristics, such as their qualification. Which will make a simple mean comparison
of student’s exam score biased, therefore we employed the propensity matching score
to minimize such bias. We also used the Difference-in-Difference method, another
alternative of impact evaluation technique commonly used in the literature. Using both
methods, we found no evidence that the teacher certification has an impact on student’s
performance, as measured by national standard students exam score.

The certification, as formally stated in the law that governs it, has the objective to
increase the quality of education. One elemental part of the program is improving the
remuneration of certified teachers as an incentive. However, as our finding suggests no
impact of the certification on student’s performance, it may confirm some concerns that
the certification’s objective is not oriented to teacher’s performance, but more to their
living standard, as reflected by their student’s achievement that does not make any
progress. This large-scaled and expensive certification program may have confused
ends and means.

The paper is organized into six sections. A summary of the motivations is highlighted in
the introduction section. In Section 2, we describe in greater length the teacher
certification program in Indonesia. Section 3 summarizes previous literature on the
effectiveness of teacher certification. The methodology of the study including the data
collection and analytical method will be discussed in Section 4. Section 5 discusses the
findings, followed by concluding remarks in Section 6.

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Teacher certification program in Indonesia was mandated by the Law Number 14, year
2005 on Teachers and Lecturers (or the so called “Teachers Law”). The law is an effort
by Indonesian government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. On the
other hand, there has been a changing concern from accessibility to quality issue in the
educational sector in developing countries. The objective of the Teacher Law is to create
good quality national teachers as they should have good competencies in pedagogy,
teaching professionalism, personal character and social issues.

The teacher certification program is not the first attempt to improve quality of teachers
and the overall quality of education sector (MONE, 2009). During the period 1951-1960,
Indonesian government had attempted to eliminate the high illiteracy rate by
implementing some crash teacher training programs. After 1960, the teacher training
school was transformed to Sekolah Pendidikan Guru (SPG or School of Teacher
Education). The main objective of SPG is to prepare primary school teachers as huge
number of junior secondary school graduates enrolled to SPG and create a surplus in
primary school teachers. Yet, beginning from 1989, teacher recruitment became less
selective as there was an excessive shortage of primary and secondary school teachers.
Under the Education Law of 1989, the basic level of teacher education was increased
from secondary education to higher education level. In 1950, the government
established teacher training institutions (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan or
LPTK) to improve teacher qualification to higher education level. Now, LPTK has been
transformed to university (for example: Yogyakarta State University in Yogyakarta and
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung).

Learning from the past experiences, Indonesian government designs a teacher

certification program to improve all aspects of teacher quality including competency,
academic qualification, certification, welfare, and status and reward systems for
teachers. The government believes that this program is the most comprehensive
strategy for teacher quality improvement (MONE, 2009).

2.1. Teacher Certification Process Mandated by the Teacher Law2

Teacher certification program, mandated by the Teacher Law, is one of the programs
that the government of Indonesia (GOI) has implemented to reform national education
system. With it, GOI expects to boost teacher competencies, pedagogy, personality,
social and professionalism.

Basically, there are two types of teachers in Indonesia: in-service and pre-service
teachers. The process for the former to get the certificate is relatively more convoluted
than the latter. In this section we will only describe the process for the in-service
teachers, since the government stated in 2005 that all in-service teachers should have
teacher certificate within 10 years period.

2The main reference for this section is UU. No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lectures, PP No.74/2008 on Teachers, and

Kepmendiknas No. 16/2007 on Standard of Academic Qualification and Teacher Competence.

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A teacher in Indonesia is classified as in-service if they meet one of the following criteria
(i). S1 or D-IV graduate; (ii). Having teaching experience;; (iii). Having accumulated
professional credits equivalent to grade IV-a; and, (IV) Acting as a supervisor (pengawas
satuan pendidikan) in the current application. These in-service teachers need to write a
portfolio which later must be submitted to Dinas Pendidikan (local technical agency)
who will submit the dossier to LPTK. In LPTK, two evaluators are selected to review the
teacher’s portfolio. If the evaluators agree that the minimum standard has been met,
then the LPTK grants the teacher the certificate. On the other hand, if they think the
teacher has met the minimum standard but has some documents to complete then LPTK
will ask the teacher to complete all the requirements. If the teacher has not met the
minimum standard then LPTK offers two options either (1) teacher can enroll in
Portfolio and Education training for Educational profession (PLPG) or (2) they have to
revise their portfolio to be submitted later for next evaluation. After submitting the
revised version, if the evaluators from LPTK still think the teacher’s achievement is
below the standard then the teacher has to enroll in the PLPG program.

Upon the completion of the PLPG program, teachers will be evaluated by means of the
competence test. If they pass the test then they will be certified. If they fail, then they
are allowed to sit for the re-take competence test. Once they pass, they will get certified.
However, if they do not pass the test, they will be transferred to the local education
technical office for further training.

In practice, however, the procedure of teacher certification has been far from perfect.
According to Hastuti et. al. (2009), who gathered teacher certification data from six
regencies/municipalities (kabupaten/kota) in Indonesia, the implementation of
teacher certification had several weaknesses. Horizontal coordination between
institutions, varying degree of socialization of the program, informational discrepancies
are some of the weaknesses that they had identified.

Increased remuneration for certified teachers is an important element in the program.

This, particularly, has been warmly welcome by many elements of Indonesian society as
being a teacher has been commonly considered analogous to low-paid profession.
However, actually there are four types of payment in teacher certification program: (1)
remuneration or cost of professional allowances; (2) cost of pre-certification; (3) cost of
certification process; and, (4) cost of upgrading after certification. The largest cost will
be the professional allowance or about 91 percent of total certification related cost. The
detail cost structures are provided in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.

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Table 1. Sharing the Costs Associated with Certification
Costs associated with Certification Who bears the cost?
Government Teachers
- Professional allowance Yes No
Certification Process
- Portfolio review Yes No
- Remedial training for teachers who fail the certification process Yes No
- Re-undertaking the certification process for teachers who fail Yes No
- Pre-certification induction for new teachers Yes Yes
(one semester for ECD, and primary; two semesters for JSS, SSS) Yes Yes
- Administrative costs of running certification Yes No
- Upgrading through distance learning Yes Yes
- Upgrading through university courses Yes Yes
- Recognition of Prior learning (process) Yes No
- Upgrading through KKG-MGMP (Kelompok Kerja Guru - Musyawarah Yes Yes
Guru Mata Pelajaran) (some Upgrading credits to be available)
- Opportunity cost for undergoing the Upgrading process No Yes

Table 2. Estimated cost of the Teacher Certification Process by Year

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Quota of teachers (000) 20.0 180.5 200,0 346.5 396.5 396.5 396.5 258.9 111.5
Cost (billion of Rp in 2006 40.0 360.9 400.0 693.0 793.0 793.0 793.0 516.1 223.0
Cost (millions of US$) 4 36 40 69 79 79 79 52 22

Table 3. Comparison of Costs Associated with Certification

Item 2007 2008 2009 2010
Professional allowance (remuneration) 158,742 3,608,100 8,649,720 16,134,120
Assessment & certification 360,900 400,000 693,000 793,008
In-service upgrading 1,323,300 1,466,667 2,541,000 2,907,696
Total real cost (2006 prices) 1,842,942 5,474,767 11,883,720 19,834,824
Professional allowance as % of total 9% 66% 73% 81%
Certification as % of total 20% 7% 6% 4%
Upgrade as % of total 72% 27% 21% 15%


The general findings of previous literatures on the impact of teacher certification on
student’s performance are mixed. A study on matched panels of students and teachers
in the US found that significant relationship between teacher salaries and pupil
achievements hold only for experienced teachers but not for the new hires (Hanushek
et. al. (1999)). Moreover, the certification test initiated to ensure high quality teaching is
not significant in explaining student achievement.

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Nevertheless, there is a significant impact of teacher certification on Mathematics and
Reading scores, eventhough the positive and statistically significant effect of the
certification status hold only for student achievement in Mathematics subject
(Goldhaber and Brewer 2000).

Another study by Darling-Hammond et.al. (2001), evaluates whether certified teachers

are more effective than those who have not met the requirements for certification. In
addition, they also evaluate whether Teach for America (TFA) candidates are as
effective as experienced certified teachers. Reviewing 4th and 5th grade student
achievements scores on six different reading and mathematics tests over 1995 to 2002;
they conclude that certified teachers produce significantly stronger student
achievement gains than uncertified teachers. The same findings were also found when
the certified teacher is compared with TFA recruits and teachers with non-education
diploma. Even after controlling for teaching experience, degrees and student
characteristics, uncertified TFA recruits are still less effective than certified teachers.
These finding is congruent with Darling-Hammond (2000) study, which concludes that
teachers preparation and certifications have the strongest correlation with student
achievement in reading and mathematics (Darling-Hammond, 2000).

However, one must be careful on the size of the effect of teacher certification. According
to Jepsen and Rivkin (2002), teacher certification only account for small effect on
student achievement with the model that has taken into account nonlinearity in return
to experience. In this case, they used multi-period data that combines student
demographic and test performance, and class size as well as teacher certification

4.1 Estimating the Impact of Teacher Certification
4.1.1 Propensity Score Matching

A simple measure of estimating the impact of teacher certification on student’s

achievement, such as the exam score, is by comparing the mean of the exam score of
students taught by two different groups of randomly selected teachers: the certified and
non-certified teachers. However, this ‘naive’ comparison will be biased when we know
that the likelihood of one teacher to belong to the certified group is not a random
process. Table 4 will help illustrate the problem.

Table 4. Potential Bias in Simple Mean Comparison

Before certification After certification
(ex-ante) (ex-post)
Certified teachers A C
Non-certified teachers B D

Suppose we randomly survey certified teachers and non-certified teachers after the
certification (ex-post). We then calculate the mean of their student’s score, C for the

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certified teachers, and D for the non-certified teachers. We then conclude that the
impact of the certification is simply the difference between the two, namely, C – D.

However, it is not difficult to see that better estimate of the impact of certification is in
fact C – A, where A is the mean of the student’s score of certified teachers before they
are certified (ex-ante). C – D and C – A will be different when the student’s exam score
of the certified and non-certified teachers are already significantly different even before
certification takes place. In fact, the process of the certification in Indonesia will be in
such a way that teachers with better qualification, hence better student’s exam score, is
more likely to be certified. C – D then is not only capturing the impact of certification,
but capturing other characteristics or qualification unrelated to the certification. In
many cases, however, researchers find the ex-ante situation, in this case A and B, is
unobservable, whereas C – A is actually a counter-factual measure.

Being aware of this problem, Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) introduce the Propensity
Score Matching (PSM) method to tackle the problem. In this case, each teacher in the
sample, belonging to both certified and non-certified groups, will be assigned a score (it
is called propensity score) that measures the likelihood or probability of being certified.
There can be cases that some teachers have similar likelihood of being certified even
though they belong to different groups, i.e., certified and non-certified groups. By
comparing the student’s exam score of only a subset of teachers in both certified and
non-certified groups that have similar likelihood of being certified, we can eliminate
other factors, such as qualification and other characteristics that may explain their
difference in the exam score, other than certification. The way how to find this subset of
teachers is called matching. This is how the name of Propensity Score Matching is

The likelihood of being certificated is estimated using a logistic regression, where the
probability is a function of teacher’s characteristics including qualification. We use the
principle of parsimony with regard to the evaluation criteria formally adopted in the
teacher certification process to consider variables to be included in the model. More
formally the model can be written as follows:


 is whether teacher i is certified, 1 if certified and 0 otherwise.


 is the years of education of teacher i.

 is the years of teaching experience of teacher i.
 is others individual characteristics of teacher i that may constitute the portfolio

 is school characteristics where teacher i works that may affect the likelihood of
evaluated for the certification process.

G(Z) is a logistic function of 

⁄%1  exp Z
teacher i being certified.

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After we estimated the parameter of the logit model, we then utilize the model to
calculate teacher’s propensity scores as the predicted probability estimated with the
model. By doing this, regardless their program status, each teacher will be assigned an
estimated predicted probability to receives teacher certification. This predicted
probability is called propensity score. By finding teachers from both certified and non-
certified groups that have similar score or similar predicted probability of being
certified and comparing their student’s exam score, we can conclude that such
difference in the scores, if any, is only attributed to the certification, not other factors or
characteristics. We apply the matching by pairing the propensity score between the
certified and non-certified groups using various matching algorithms.

4.1.2 Difference-in-Difference

As the alternative to the PSM method, we used another method to estimate the impact
of program or intervention, i.e., the Difference-in-Difference method. Figure 1 below
may illustrate how this method works in estimating the impact of the teacher
certification program.

Figure 1. Illustration of Difference-in-Difference Method

certified in 2009
exam score

not certified

impact =
difference in
observed difference
difference after
before certification

2008 2009 2010 time

From a teacher survey data conducted in 2010 we managed to collect the information of
the 2008 student’s exam score and the 2010 student’s exam score. We could also
identify who among the teachers surveyed were certified in 2009. As illustrated in
Figure 1, we can see that the student’s exam score of both certified and non-certified
teachers has improved. However, the rate of the improvement is higher for the teachers
who were certified in 2009. The difference in the rate of improvement can be
interpreted as the impact of the certification in 2009. This impact is called Difference-in-
Difference. It should be noted that the Difference-in-Difference method as illustrated
above will truly reflect the impact of the certification relying on the assumption that had
the teachers who were certified in 2009 not been certified, the rate of the improvement
in their exam score would have been the same as those who were never certified.

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Technically speaking, the Difference-in-Difference of the teacher certification program
will be estimated using the following equation:

()        )  *  · )  ,)

() is the student’s exam score of teacher i in period t (2008 and 2010)

 is whether teacher i was certified in 2009 (1 if certified and 0 otherwise)

) is the time period, 1 if 2010 and 0 if 2008.
,) is the error term.

The estimated parameter * is the estimated impact of the certification, or the


4.2 Data Collection

To estimate the impact of teacher certification we conducted a teacher survey with the
aim to collect information that includes teacher characteristics, professional affiliation,
innovation in teaching, and most importantly their students average national exam
scores on two subjects: Indonesian Language (Bahasa) and Mathematics. We conducted
a survey to two groups of teachers: teachers who have been certified and those who
have not yet been certified.

Given cost consideration, we conducted the teacher surveys in two regencies of Greater
Bandung comprising Bandung Municipality, Cimahi Municipality, Bandung Regency, and
West Bandung Regency. In designing the sampling, first we collected the teacher
individual data from education agency of local government. We gathered a complete list
of teachers who have been already certified and those who have not. The list was then
used to randomly select teachers from both groups. Out of four regencies in Greater
Bandung areas, only two handed the teacher list to our team. Therefore, we decided to
limit our samples to two regencies; City of Cimahi and West Bandung Regency. Since
City of Cimahi consists only of four districts, we decided to census all the schools in
Cimahi. In the case of West Bandung Regency we selected five rural districts as urban
areas have been represented by Cimahi Municipality

We purposively choose teachers from both certified and non-certified groups based on
the following conditions: (1) the teachers must teach final year student in 2009 or
earlier so that we can collect their national exam score; (2) they have to be the class
primary teacher not a sport or art teacher which mean they are responsible to teach
Math and Language, the subject we will use to see student’s performance. It should be
noted that for the certified group, we only include teachers whose application for the
certificate had been approved prior to 2010 to make sure that the time is adequate to
see the impact, if any.

For the student’s performance we use the nationally-standard exam score averaged
over students whom the teacher is responsible to teach. For elementary school, the
subject is Indonesian Language (Bahasa) and Mathematics. These exams are
standardized nationally so we could use it as means of comparison between teachers in
different groups and areas.

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The survey took three weeks, from the first to the third week of July 2010. In total, we
have 202 teachers as the treatment group and 97 teachers as the control. The
questionnaires contained questions about teachers’ individual characteristics, the
detailed cost for applying the teacher certification if they are already certified, teaching
activities, their participation in training and organization outside schools, list of awards,
and their current school characteristics.

Table 5. Summary Statistics of Teachers in the Sample

Variables Obs. mean s.d. Min. Max.

Already certified in 2009 290 0.321 0.468 0 1
Education and experience
Years of education 294 15.480 1.021 12 18
Teaching experience (years) 294 24.014 6.681 2 37
Teachers portfolio
Training experience (dummy)
on school management 294 0.323 0.468 0 1
on teaching 294 0.867 0.340 0 1
on specific subjects 294 0.820 0.385 0 1
Active in social organizations (dummy) 294 0.493 0.501 0 1
Ever received awards in teaching (dummy) 294 0.180 0.385 0 1
Other characteristics
Gender (female = 1, 0 otherwise) 294 0.571 0.496 0 1
School size (number of classrooms) 294 9.500 7.614 2 46
School area (urban=1, 0=rural) 294 0.531 0.500 0 1
Source: Teacher survey


Results from Propensity Score Matching
Table 6 shows the result of the logistic model estimation. As a reminder, the dependent
variable of this model is the probability of teachers already certified in 2009. The result
suggests that length of education and teaching experience are the strongest predictors
of certification. Every additional one year of education increases the probability of
teacher being certified by 0.167, whereas every additional one year of teaching
experience increases the probability of being certified by 0.038. The effects are strongly
significant at 1% level. The effect of education is a lot stronger than that of experience
(more than 4 times).

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Another significant variable is school size. This may reflect other variables reflecting
school quality that has an impact on teachers being certified. Bigger school is normally
better than smaller school as it reflects the school’s ability to attract students.

Another interesting finding is that teachers’ portfolios other than education and
experience are not good predictors of certification. These portfolios are formally factors
to be considered in the certification process. Variables, such as training experience,
activity in social or professional organization and awards in teaching are not
statistically significant. This is in strong contrast with years of education and teaching
experience in which their influence on the probability of certification are quite large and
strongly significant.

Table 6. Logistic Model of Certification

Coef- standard Marginal standard

Variables ficient error effects error
Education and experience
Years of education 0.975 0.222*** 0.167 0.034***
Teaching experience (years) 0.220 0.043*** 0.038 0.006***
Teachers portfolio
Training experience (dummy)
on school management 0.256 0.316 0.045 0.057
on teaching 0.377 0.458 0.060 0.067
on specific subjects 0.028 0.404 0.005 0.069
Active in social organizations (dummy) 0.043 0.306 0.007 0.053
Ever received awards in teaching (dummy) 0.561 0.369 0.106 0.075
Other characteristics
Gender (female = 1, 0 otherwise) 0.017 0.319 0.003 0.055
School size (number of classrooms) 0.037 0.020* 0.006 0.003*
School area (urban=1, 0=rural) -0.331 0.343 -0.057 0.059
Constant -22.395 3.966
Likelihood ratio 77.79***
Log likelihood -143.05
Pseudo R2 0.2138
Number of observation 290
Note: ***) is significant at 1%, **) is significant at 5%, *) is significant at 10%

Table 7 lists our estimate of the impact of teacher certification using the Propensity
Matching Score method. We report the results using various different matching
algorithms in order to check for robustness.

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Simple mean comparison (or unmatched comparison) suggests that the difference in
the student’s exam score between certified and non-certified teachers is negligible.
Therefore, if the student’s national exam score represents the teacher quality, it may
imply that being certified does not necessarily mean they belong to teachers with better
qualification. If there is such difference, they are not statistically significant. This is in
contrast with all the procedure of the certification which clearly state that qualifications
are important consideration in the decision to certify teachers.

As can be seen from Table 7, there seems to be only a slight or negligible difference in
the exam score between certified and non-certified teachers. Without the matching, the
exam score, for both Indonesian Language (Bahasa) and Mathematics, is slightly higher,
yet statistically insignificant, for certified teachers. However, as expected, the matching
eliminates those differences. Although, small in magnitude, the propensity matching
score may work in removing the bias due to endogeneity in certification.

The results suggest that no-impact of certification is quite robust to various different
matching algorithm. All matching algorithm produces very low t-statistics, suggesting
no-difference attributed to the certification. Moreover, with the exception of the radius
matching, all 4 matching algorithm attenuated the difference in the exam score between
certified teachers and the non-certified.

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Table 7. The Matched and Unmatched Difference in The Student Exam Score in
2010 by Various Matching Algorithm
Math Sample Treated Controls Difference S.E. T-stat
Nearest-neighbor Unmatched 7.438 7.386 0.052 0.137 0.380
ATT 7.449 7.571 -0.122 0.222 -0.550
Caliper Unmatched 7.438 7.386 0.052 0.137 0.380
ATT 7.454 7.623 -0.169 0.233 -0.720
Kernel Unmatched 7.438 7.386 0.052 0.137 0.380
ATT 7.449 7.446 0.003 0.169 0.020
Radius Unmatched 7.438 7.386 0.052 0.137 0.380
ATT 7.449 7.386 0.063 0.136 0.460
Ties Unmatched 7.438 7.386 0.052 0.137 0.380
ATT 7.449 7.565 -0.116 0.222 -0.520
Bahasa Sample Treated Controls Difference S.E. T-stat
Nearest-neighbor Unmatched 6.917 6.854 0.063 0.078 0.810
ATT 6.918 6.938 -0.020 0.137 -0.140
Caliper Unmatched 6.917 6.854 0.063 0.078 0.810
ATT 6.931 6.951 -0.019 0.142 -0.140
Kernel Unmatched 6.917 6.854 0.063 0.078 0.810
ATT 6.918 6.916 0.003 0.095 0.030
Radius Unmatched 6.917 6.854 0.063 0.078 0.810
ATT 6.918 6.854 0.064 0.074 0.860
Ties Unmatched 6.917 6.854 0.063 0.078 0.810
ATT 6.918 6.933 -0.015 0.137 -0.110
Math & Bahasa Sample Treated Controls Difference S.E. T-stat
Nearest-neighbor Unmatched 7.177 7.127 0.050 0.100 0.510
ATT 7.184 7.254 -0.071 0.161 -0.440
Caliper Unmatched 7.177 7.127 0.050 0.100 0.510
ATT 7.193 7.287 -0.094 0.168 -0.560
Kernel Unmatched 7.177 7.127 0.050 0.100 0.510
ATT 7.184 7.184 -0.001 0.123 0.000
Radius Unmatched 7.177 7.127 0.050 0.100 0.510
ATT 7.184 7.127 0.057 0.099 0.570
Ties Unmatched 7.177 7.127 0.050 0.100 0.510
ATT 7.184 7.249 -0.065 0.160 -0.410

Note: ATT stands for Average Treatment Effect of the Treated. It is the estimated difference due to treatment, in this
case, due to certification. Source: Author’s calculation

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Results from Difference-in-Difference
The estimated model to calculate the impact of certification using the Difference-in-
Difference method is shown in Table 8 below:

Table 8. Difference-in-Difference Estimates

Math Bahasa Math & Bahasa
Constant 6.516*** 6.828*** 6.672***
(0.115) (0.077) (0.089)
Certified in 2009 (1 if yes, 0 otherwise) 0.088 -0.072 0.008
(0.336) (0.225) (0.261)
Period (1 if 2010, 0 if 2008) 0.871*** 0.027 0.456***
(0.146) (0.098) (0.114)
Certified × Period -0.063 0.117 0.020
(0.428) (0.286) (0.333)
Note: ***) is significant at 1%, **) is significant at 5%, *) is significant at 10%
Number in parentheses is standard error.

From Table 8, we can see that for the non-certified teacher, their student’s score in Math
and Bahasa in 2008 is around 6.672 in average. Between the periods of 2008 to 2010
there was an increase of 0.871 point in the student’s Math score and it is statistically
significant at 1% level. The 0.027 increase in Bahasa score, however, is not statistically
significant. We can also see from the coefficient of the certification, that there is no
significant difference in the student’s exam score of certified and not-certified teachers.

The impact of the certification can be found from the interaction variables (Certified ×
Period). From the estimated coefficient of this variable, we can conclude, for example,
that the certification in 2009 has increased the student’s score of Bahasa by 0.117 point.
However, this is not statistically significant. In fact, the coefficients of the interaction
variables in all three models are not statistically significant. We cannot conclude that
the impact of the certification is statistically different from zero.Hence, our Difference-
in-Difference method found similar conclusion as the PSM method that the teacher
certification has no impact on student’s performance as measured by the nationally-
standard score of Math and Bahasa exams.

There are some possible explanations on why the teacher certification does not have the
expected impact on student’s performance. In general, it can be divided into two factors.
First is the weakness in its design, and second is its obstacle in its implementation. On
the design issue, if the certification needs to have impact on such objective indicator as
national exam score, then this needs to be explicitly reflected in the incentive system.
This does not happen to be the case. Student’s performance, as measured by their
national exam score is not part of the parameter to be evaluated regularly.

One may argue that certification may have impact on teacher’s performance and
eventually student’s performance because certified teachers are given more financial

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incentives. More financial incentive means more financial security and teachers do not
need to find extra teaching jobs, so that they canmore focus on their main teaching jobs.
However, this is not generally true. Hastuti et. al. (2009), for example, in their study on
impact of certification program in Indonesia, found that most of the respondents they
interviewed in their studies believed that teacher certification program will not increase
the teachers’ quality, even though they were aware that the additional income for
certified teachers may increase teachers’ welfare and at the end, teachers could more
focus on their task and have more preparation to increase their teaching technique.
They believe that the important factor of teacher performance is more of the integrity,
such as the commitment to do their best.

On the issue of implementation, Hastuti et. al. (2009) found at least two factors that
contribute to the ineffectiveness of teacher certification program. First, the concerns
that the selection is not designed to identify best teachers. In three provinces of their
study--Jambi, West Jawa, and West Kalimantan—Hastuti et. al. (2009) find there is an
indication of manipulation in teacher selection process. Second, the respondents knew
that many of their colleagues had manipulated their portfolio documents. They believe
that portfolio method in certification process is an incorrect method to determine a
good teacher as it creates incentives for teacher to cheat. Furthermore, Hastuti et. al.
(2009) argue that teacher certification process by portfolio method does not have any
clear paradigm and will not increase the teachers’ quality as it only assesses documents
not the real performance of the teachers. They believe that intensive training and
education program could be a better method to increase teacher ability than portfolio
method. In short, the certification, due to its drawback in its implementation, did not
really manage to pick ‘oranges’ from ‘lemons’.

Overall, this study provides a finding of a quantitative analysis which suggests that
teacher certification in Indonesia may have no impact on student’s performance. The
recent teacher certification program in Indonesia may well be useful in improving the
living standard of teachers, but whether or not it can translate into teacher’s
performance and in turns the student’s performance remains questionable.


Indonesia had just recently started a large-scaled teacher certification program with the
target that all teachers will be certified by the year 2015. With around 2.3 million
teachers involved as well as its associated high cost, this program is by far among the
most ambitious government-supported certification program in developing countries.
Nonetheless, there has never been any rigorous attempt to evaluate its impact on
teacher’s performance, especially their students’ achievement. This paper intends to fill
this gap. We conducted survey of teachers in greater Bandung area. This survey
collected information on teachers’ certification status, their individual characteristics
and their pupils’ achievement.

Considering that the teacher’s likelihood of being certified is endogenously determined

by the teacher’s characteristics, such as their qualification which will make a simple
mean comparison of student’s exam score biased, we employed the propensity
matching score to minimize such bias. We also use the Difference-in-Difference method

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as alternative evaluation technique to check for the robustness of the analysis. The
result supports some concerns that the teacher certification has no impact on student’s

The certification, as formally stated in the law that governs it, has the objective to
increase the quality of education. One elemental part of the program is improving the
remuneration of certified teachers as an incentive. In fact, the largest cost will be the
professional allowance or about 91 percent of total certification related cost. However,
as our finding suggests no impact of the certification on student’s performance, it may
support some concerns that the certification’s objective is not oriented to teacher’s
performance but only to their living standard as reflected by their student’s

The main problem with the current design of the teacher certification is that it has very
limited characteristics of a performance-based incentive system. As it uses a portfolio
assessment, some teachers can be certified and pay rise earlier but eventually (in the
next two or three years) they will get certified. It is very hard to expect improvement in
performance when you know that eventually everyone will get reward disregarding of
your improvement.

Second, after some teachers are certified and get pay rise, there is hardly any system of
penalties in place that may credibly threaten them of losing the pay rise when their
performance is not better than the uncertified teachers. When we expect that the
teacher certification should improve teacher’s performance, such as reflected by their
student’s achievement, then the improvement in the system needs to work around these
issues. Otherwise, there is no need to mention that this certification is aimed to improve
teacher’s performance. Its sole objective is just to increase teacher’s welfare. But again,
it can be such a waste of resource, given the nature and the size of the initiative.

Therefore, we need to create a better solution on how to improve this teacher

certification program. Such improvement in the system can be developed by experts in
greater detail but in any case, they need to have characteristics, at the fullest extent, of a
performance-based system. Some elements of those characteristics, but not limited to,
among others are: (a) it should reward better teachers (as reflected by student’s
performance, as final goal, or other efforts as intermediary goals) and penalize less-
performing teachers using the same criteria; (b) it should reward teachers when their
performance improved over time and penalize them when they perform consistently
worse than before; (c) the emphasis of the performance-based system should be stated
very explicitly and clearly in the rule of the game; and, (d) it should be credible.

The example of practical version of the amendment to the system can be as follows: (a)
Stating and emphasizing very explicitly that the increase in remuneration can be
cancelled when teachers do not perform a minimum standard of services and
performance and show this as a credible rule. Minimum standard of services can be a
minimum time to spend at school. This will regulate teacher’s other side-jobs, such as
teaching in other schools so they can concentrate more on preparing classes or even
concentrate on giving more attention to the least performing students; (b) Using
indicators that are as close as possible to student’s performance as key evaluation
criteria and the additional incentive system must be based on these criteria. For

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example, teacher who can improve their student’s national exam score will be rewarded
financially as well as non-financially (awards is among the example). It should be noted
that there is no need to just use solely national exam score, as it can only apply to
certain subjects, for example, but also use other innovative evaluation indicators that
can be tailored according to different needs; (c) Complementing the fixed amount
remuneration (as already reflected in the current system) with variable financial
incentives, based on performance. Other than national exam score, nationally
standardized student’s evaluation of teachers can also be attempted. This can monitor
teacher’s performance at least overtime. When they get consistently poorer and poorer
evaluation from students over time then the teacher’s should get warning and
penalized. Another example of alternative basis for additional compensation is
additional roles and responsibilities to be taken by teachers that are aimed to improve
student’s performance; and, (d) Eliminating some requirements of portfolio on
professional development that are loosely associated with student’s performance.

There could be longer list of rooms for improvement when all stakeholders and experts
can think again and improve the certification programs. There could be even more
options when we learn more about what other countries are doing in their attempt to
improve the quality of education process and at the same time improving the living
conditions of teachers. The problem with the current certification program in Indonesia
is that despite its relevant and much needed role to improve teacher’s welfare, its
impact on the quality of education process is unclear. This is an urgent call for revisions
in its design and better governance in its implementation.

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