Me 41
Me 41
Me 41
DEC2018 SAR half a billion contract for the expansion of Sanitary Wastewater Treatment
Plant in Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Page 9
Editorial Board
Basheer Al-Tarouty
Steven Carl Smith
Gerardo Dumo (Ardee) Flores
Ansary Domado, Design and Photography
Abdulrahman Al-Sehli, Photography
what we have achieved over the past year We need to also make sure that we have
has been outstanding. Marafiq is successful accountabilities, by setting the right KPIs,
because of your dedication to performance the right targets and assign the right
and devotion to up hold our organization’s responsibilities to the right people. We
core values. believe that this behavior of accountability
is not only related to situations when things
We are an excellent utility company are done right, but it also applies to when
that delivers quality water and power things are done wrong. It is easy to point a
continuously to our customers. That is not finger to others when faults happen, we are
enough; we need to look at our behavior in not here to try to capture people’s mistakes
how we will sustain a successful company - we are trying to learn from each other,
Abdullah K. Al-Buainain and how we will sustain a happy culture and trying to learn from our mistakes. We
President and CEO within the organization. Marafiq has six must show that we are caring towards our
core values that are essentially our compass fellow staff members and that we are taking
that points north: customer focus, people the responsibility seriously that has been
oriented, social responsibility, teamwork, assigned to us.
transparency and accountability.
Transparency is an important core value
Our customers are the key element of our when dealing with each other. A behavior
organization; we need to continue to deliver of transparency is necessary in building
world-class quality services that meets trust and long lasting relationships. It also
their expectations. At the same time, we promotes ethical behavior, as we need
need to listen to our customers and involve to make sure that there is clarity in our
them through constructive dialogue, which approach, in our procedures for people to
will build customer satisfaction. Both our do their work right, clear instructions for
industry customers and our national citizen people to follow, clear guidelines of what
customers are equally important to us; we to do or what not to do. As leaders, we
will continue to strive in building long-term also need to make sure that we are making
Our Success
successful relationships. decisions that are visible to the organization.
Abdallah bin Ibrahim Al-Saadan as the
New Chairman of the Board
His Excellency Abdallah I. Al-Saadan to Yanbu Industrial city to serve Committee, The Strategy Council,
was appointed as the President of The as the President & CEO of Saudi The Management Committee,
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu Aramco Mobil Refinery Company Corporate Center Committee,
by a royal order issued on 1 June 2018. (SAMREF). Since 2005 to 2018, His Management Development &
Excellency Al-Saadan developed his Organization Committee, and
His Excellency Al-Saadan started his career from Manager of the Business Conflict of Interest & Business
career almost 30 years ago at Saudi Analysis Department to the Senior Ethics Committee.
Aramco. During his early years at Vice President of Finance, Strategy
Aramco, His Excellency Al-Saadan and Development for Saudi Aramco. His Excellency has a Master of
worked as a process engineer for various Science Degree in Chemical
technical and operational organizations His Excellency Al-Saadan is Engineering from the University
including Process & Control Systems currently the chairman of Ma’aden of Loisiana at Lafayette (United
Department, Abqaiq Plants, Northern & Board Audit Committee, and States of America), and an MBA
Southern Areas Producing, and Riyadh also serves as a Board Member from Massachusetts Institute of
Refinery. His Excellency Al-Saadan in Ma’aden, Marafiq and also Technology’s Sloan School of
then assumed various supervisory a member in The Advisory Management (United States of
positions in the Process & Control Committee in Industrial America), as well as a Bachelor
Systems Department, Facilities Planning Management College at (KFUPM). Degree of Science in Chemical
Department and Uthmaniyah Gas Plant In addition, Abdallah has served as Engineering from the King
(East of Saudi Arabia). Subsequently, a member on a number of boards Fahd University of Petroleum
His Excellency Al-Saadan served as in Saudi Aramco, which includes and Minerals.
the Manager of the Pipeline Projects Yanbu Sinopec Refining Co.
Department, Manager of the Inspection (YASREF), Saudi Aramco Products Marafiq employees warmly
Department and Manager of Facilities Trading Co., Johns Hopkins Aramco welcomes His Excellency as the
Planning Department, then he moved Healthcare, The Services Review new Chairman of the Board.
Mr. Al Ayed is the Chief Executive Officer of TAQNIQ, which Engineer Mustafa bin Mohammed Almahdi, CEO of the Royal
is a Public Investment Fund company created to accelerate Commission in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, has over 30 years working
the Kingdom’s journey towards a knowledge-based economy experience in Saudi Aramco in the field of oil and gas industry
through transferring technology and utilizing output of and refinery, which includes numerous leadership and senior
Saudi Research and Development centers. Mr. Al Ayed has managerial positions. Among these positions are in the fields of
previous experience at Saudi Industrial Development Fund strategic and business plan development and implementation
and participated as a member of the board of directors for through operational plans for the corporate and private
various industrial and investment forms in the Kingdom, sectors, transformation and performance measurement and
some of these include: the Economic Offset Programs, improvement systems for different sectors and as technology
the Higher Preparatory Committee for the Military Local entrepreneur for industrial applications.
Industrialization, the National Industrial Cluster Development
Program, the Saudi Egyptian Industrial Investment Company,
Marafiq, the Arabian Industrial Fibers Company and Al-
Watania for Industries.
Engineer Mosaed Al Ohali has held various top executive Mr. de Rivaz is a successful and accomplished Executive,
jobs including, SABIC Group CFO, Executive Vice President, highly respected and influential CEO in the UK energy
Polymers, Executive Vice President, Manufacturing, and industry for 16 years, an industrialist at the core of EDF group
the Chief Operating Officer of the SABIC Europe group. transformations for 40 years, with extensive international
Engineer Ohali established SABIC Specialty Products SBU experience particularly in China. Mr de Rivaz was previously
as Vice-President, Specialty Products and before that; he had the Chief Executive Officer of EDF Energy and a member
the Profit and Loss responsibilities for the Fertilizers SBU as of the Executive Committee for the EDF Group, he also has
Vice President Fertilizers. Engineer Ohali is the Chairman of experience at the London Electricity Group, British Energy.
the Board of Directors of several of SABIC and non-SABIC Mr. de Rivaz has also led the engagement with the UK
affiliates and members of several government forums and non- Government, politicians, industry organisations, regulators,
profit associations. Engineer Al-Ohali graduated from King local authorities, academics and many stakeholders to create
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, where he gained a the political, financial and regulatory conditions of the revival
Master's degree in chemical engineering. of nuclear industry in the UK.
Nabil A. Al-Nuaim is the Executive Director of Community Engineer Abdulrahman Ahmed Shamsaddin is the Vice President
Services at Saudi Aramco. Prior to this Mr. Al-Nuaim had of Internal Audit in SABIC. Engineer Shamsaddin has served
been responsible for executing joint ventures, mergers and several operational, management and global roles covering
acquisitions, divestitures, as well as third party and other Process Safety Management, Reliability, Engineering/Project
transactions as Head of Transaction Development Organisation Management, Maintenance and Operations functions in refinery
at Saudi Aramco. Mr. Al-Nuaim has over 26 years’ experience and petrochemical plants. Engineer Shamsaddin also covered
in oil & gas, renewable energy, power industries and the responsibility of the company Enterprise Risk Management
investment management, both in Saudi Arabia and abroad. General Manager that encompassed Risk Management, Internal
Mr. Al-Nuaim holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Controls, Business Continuity Management, Global Insurance and
Engineering and a Master of Science Degree in Electrical Credit Management. Engineer Shamsaddin also was a member
Engineering from Texas A&M. Mr. Al-Nuaim also obtained a of SABIC Risk Management of the Executive Committee and
MBA Degree from MIT Sloan Business School. the secretary of SABIC Board Risk & Compliance Committee.
Engineer Shamsaddin has a B.Sc. Degree in Applied Mechanical
Engineering (Hons) from King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Minerals and holds a Master Degree in Business Administration-
MBA (Hons) from American University of London.
Engineer Mohammed Berki Al-Zuabi has more than 24 years Mr. Mohammed Eid Al Khater is the Chairman of the
of experience in the Electrical Power Systems and Oil & Gas Petrochemical Conversion Company, which is a state-of-the-
Industries business with the initial 15 years focusing on high art Greenfield industrial park for plastic manufacturing. Mr.
Voltage Electrical systems; Operation, maintenance and Al khater is also the Chairman of the Al Khater Group of
engineering. Engineer Al-Zuabi has successfully completed a Companies, which is involved in diverse business activities
master degree in Sustainable Electrical Energy from Georgia such as property, industry, trade, hospitality and construction
Institute of Technology (GIT), a Master degree in Construction sector. Mr. Al Khater is also a board member for the Jubail
Engineering and Management from King Fahad University and Charity, Jubail Club and Jubail Equestrian (Horses).
Minerals and a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from
King Fahad University and Minerals.
contract for the expansion of its Sanitary
Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jubail
On October 31, 2018 Marafiq 200,000 m3/day, which will enhance Deep Raj Saxena, CEO
President and CEO Abdullah Al- Marafiq’s sustainable ambitions for of VA TECH WABAG
Buainain proudly signs a SAR half a the future. GmbH in Consortium
billion contract that pledges Marafiq’s with VA Tech WABAG Ltd.
ambitious plans to expand its Sanitary The Sanitary Wastewater Treatment emphasized that, “we are
Wastewater Treatment Plant in Plant (SWTP-9) expansion is to extremely honored to have
Jubail. During the signing ceremony, be designed and built to treat been awarded the contract
Abdullah Al-Buainain said, “Marafiq incoming sanitary wastewater to expand SWTP-9 Stage
is confident in providing world-class from Jubail and its Industrial City. 6 under the leadership of
utility facilities to the new-wave of The SWTP-9 Stage 6 expansion Marafiq.” He further said,
growth for the Saudi Vision 2030 will comprise of a ‘stand-alone’ “We are confident that we
industrial ventures”. The total capacity treatment works, designed and will be capable to execute
of the Sanitary Wastewater Treatment constructed for sanitary wastewater the project and meet
Plant (SWTP-9) expansion will be treatment. Marafiq’s expectations.”
(L-R) Saeed Zarib Al-Qahtani (Procurement and Contract Manager), Khalid Al-Marri
(Procurement and Contract Specialist), Abdullah Al-Buainain (President and CEO), Ali Jasem
Al-Saeed (Procurement and Contract Supervisor), Fahad Al-Shammari (GM Supply Chain)
"Sense of Security"
As part of the close cooperation between
Marafiq and the Facilities Security Force
(FSF) in Yanbu, and their joint responsibility
towards the security of the Kingdom, and to
further promote the sense of security among
the company employees, the Industrial Security
Department held an awareness lecture under
the title of “the Sense of Security” on October
30, 2018. The presentation was delivered
by First Lieutenant, Engineer Mohammed
ibn Abd Al-Ilah Abu Al-Nasr along with a
team from the FSF, helped promote the sense
of security. Manager of Industrial Security
Department, Fouad Abduljaleel Jambi
expressed his gratitude and appreciation for
FSF’s cooperation.
Mohammed Al-Barqi
recognized for his swift action
The Manager of Industrial
Security Department in
Yanbu, Fouad Abduljaleel
Jambi, recognized Mohammed
Abudllah Al-Barqi, employee
of the Power Production
Department, for his initiative
to extinguish a fire that caught
frame at the Steam Turbine
Generation Unit 4 (boilers area).
The recognition was attended
by the Manager of Power
Generation Department in
Yanbu 1, Engineer Mohammed
Othman Feda, and the acting
Chief of Fire Department, Hasan
Yahia Al-Shehri, who expressed
their thanks and appreciation
for Mr. Al-Barqi for swiftly
controlling the fire.
Over the past 6 years, Marafiq has made
strides in all business areas to better serve
its customers and stakeholders towards
realization of the corporate vision and goals.
Progress made in areas of Environment Health
and Safety (EHS) can undoubtly be identified
as the one which makes Marafiq distinguished
among its competitors.
An insight on how the
accidents happen Rizwan Ahmed
Sr. Engineer Safety, ISD
Accidents are preventable and an accident can relatively less number of accidents. permit the occurrence of unsafe
be preventable if we understand the underlying acts of persons provide a guide
causes of accidents in order to prevent future As we go up the triangle, the width to the selection of appropriate
accidents. shrinks so as the number of accidents of corrective measures.
the particular type. The triangle tells a
An accident can occur by any unplanned and very important point that for every severe Human error is often identified
uncontrolled event caused by human, situational injury or fatality, there are many less as one of the major causes of
or environmental factors or any combination of serious / minor or near-miss incidents the accidents. Data reveals three
these factors which interrupts the work process, caused by the unsafe acts and conditions. situations for human errors that
and which has a potential to result in minor or A further analysis also shows that: may arise due to:
major injury, illness, damage or undesired event. − It is invariably a matter of chance that • Overload - mismatch between
whether a given event results in an load and capacity of person at the
For every severe injury or fatality, there are injury, damage or a near-miss, i.e. near- time of action
many less serious or near-miss incidents misses could so easily become more • Incorrect response by the person
serious incidents. to the situation - insufficient
There is no shortage of data on incidents such as training, fatigue, anxiety or other
accidents and near misses. Some researchers have − Near-miss / less serious incident data reasons can be responsible for
studied the figures in detail and demonstrated can therefore be a useful predictor of this
that in any organization, there appears to be accident potential. • Improper activity - non-
a relationship between the numbers of major − All events are due to failure control – so compliance to the procedures
accidents and those with less serious outcome. we can learn from even minor incidents and standard practices, disregard
The relationship between the different types of − Effective controls to prevent the unsafe to the safety controls and pre-
accidents can be depicted in the accident triangle. acts / conditions and near-misses may cautions
lead to prevent the incidents that may
To understand the behavior of different types cause serious injuries or even fatalities. Studies show that some of the
of accidents, it is imperative to note that in the basic reasons for employees to
triangle, the width of the triangle base represents An accident can occur by the unsafe act choose to perform the job unsafely
the number of accidents of a particular type of a person or by existence of an unsafe include – priority for other tasks
which means that the lower base represents more condition e.g. mechanical or physical which result in disregard to the
number of accidents while the top represents hazard. The motives or reasons that procedure and safety requirements,
pressure for meeting production
deadlines, overconfidence and
peer influences. In addition, there
are three main components in an
accident situation which are men,
machinery and environment.
Changes in any of the above three
components or their relationships
can alter the probability of
occurrences of an accident.
Marafiq Projects –
Third Party Projects
Who we are • We support RC and Marafiq for preliminary definition of the project, project
payment agreement on assets capitalized scope, front end design & data gathering as
We “Third Party Projects Department” and future assets. per Marafiq requirements on utilities and
are the key focal point in Marafiq inclusion of 3rd Party Projects into Marafiq
home for the assets created by 3rd Mission project portfolio for monitoring.
party funded projects (RC & Investors) 2. Execution and Monitoring Phase
in Jubail, Ras Al-Khair and Yanbu Third Party Projects Department is We serve to 3rd party projects to execute
Industrial cities. Below are some of the the company's department leader for projects with monitoring and approving
key functions: managing, coordinating, controlling design changes and ITP plans as per Marafiq
• We involve all Marafiq stakeholders and facilitating handover of all assets requirements on utilities.
as required during different stages utilities projects built by 3rd Party (RC 3. Testing and Commissioning phase:
of project lifecycle (Initiation & & Investors) based on commitments We assist 3rd party projects: to initiate, involve
Engineering stage to Closeout & Asset for customer's high value satisfaction and conclude with agreed involvement of
Capitalization). for quality, schedule, costs, safety and Marafiq stakeholders ending in RFI/IAI
• We provide necessary requirements uncompromising integrity aligning with (Initial Acceptance Inspection) for Marafiq
for Marafiq utilities (like selection company mission. utilities.
of materials, detailed drawings, re- 4. Closing Phase:
confirmation of tie-in points, standard Vision We help 3rd Party Projects: after complying
ITP’s) to be built by 3rd party. to IAI comments and acceptance, warranty
• We had developed guidelines with To exceed customer's expectations in (RC have their own procedure to administrate
RC for process of completion of their project delivery and asset capitilization and for customers: we assist for warranty
projects on schedule and utility assets through a high value, quality and services administration). Assets (Potable Water
capitalization. for delivering utilities assets to company. System, Industrial Waste Water System,
• We conduct regular meeting to discuss Sanitary Waste Water System, Sea Water
issues/obstacles with 3rd party for Roles and responsibility: Cooling System and Electrical System) are
their project progress as schedule. hand over to Marafiq through ROAT/RTC.
• We assist 3rd party for interface with Our roles and responsibility allocated
Marafiq utilities and completion of during the process from design stage to We are happy to serve your queries, Please feel
their activity as scheduled on time. completion and final turn over to Marafiq. free to contact us on the below address:
• We exhilarate full support for transfer It covers the following phases:
of assets created by 3rd Party for Third Party Projects Department Team
Marafiq Utilities as agreed. 1. Initiation and Engineering Phase: 3rd-Party_Project_Department-Team@
We support 3rd party projects: for
Based on the strategic direction and priorities of the same time, sustainability needs to be integrated into the rest of the
any company, it will be decided how and where business (Projects, HR, HCDD, Supply Chain, Assets Planning, etc.).
sustainability fits into the overall corporate structure. A summary of the main roles and responsibilities required for best-
Actually, there is no cookie-cutter structure of practice sustainability governance structure is shown in the table below.
sustainability to be applied; every company shall
adapt its level of sustainability integration into the Role/ Group Seniority Responsibilities
business. Supervisory CEO Accountability
/ Executive and top-
Sustainability governance structure helps the Committee management • Review business, technical and
company to implement sustainability strategy across performance of the organization
the business, communicate sustainability efforts
regularly throughout the organization, driving • Communicate status of issues to
sustainability effectively into operations, manage
goal-setting process, KPIs & footprints calculating, Management Senior Strategic oversight and direction
reporting, strengthen relations with stakeholders and
(GMs and • Provide strategic oversight and direction
ensure overall accountability. Managers) to the sustainability team
Hamad Al Suhaim I am delighted to join Marafiq and provide our existing customers with the
MaSa Executive General Manager to lead MaSa, one of the first Joint- best services, and aim to increase our
MaSa O&M Venture water companies created in customers’ base by enlarging our scope
Saudi Arabia. It is an incredible honor and extend our services towards bigger
for me to serve this great company, and communities and industries.
to continue serving our domestic and
industrial customers in Jubail, Yanbu The health, safety and wellbeing of our
and Ras Al Khair. employees, contractors and visitors will
always remain a top priority in MaSa.
"We will continue MaSa’s mission is to implement the We will remain committed to prevent
to contribute to best international practices in the injuries and illnesses and eliminate
water business, guaranty business accidents in the workplace.
the Kingdom’s sustainability, and support national
2030 vision economy. To ensure that we achieve this We will ensure that the work activities
mission, our focus in the next year will are performed efficiently and in safe
by supporting be on following: manner, and continue to provide the
the national appropriate control measures, such
• Reducing the operational risk and as PPE and appropriate tools and
economy through minimizing operational disruptions equipment, to safeguard work activities.
Saudization • Treat and supply potable and seawater In addition, we will maintain a constant
cooling water, and collect and treat safety awareness to achieve our goals
and improving wastewater efficiently and effectively and drive a positive safety culture
local workforce whilst managing the regulatory through communication with all
compliance requirements employees at all times.
competencies • Cost optimization and waste reduction
whilst ensuring With the year 2019 already upon us,
Additionally, we will continue to I would like to thank you all for your
that our contribute to the Kingdom’s 2030 vision hard work and achievements in 2018
environment is by supporting the national economy and remind you of the new challenges
through Saudization and improving and opportunities awaiting us in 2019,
preserved for local workforce competencies whilst which requires your continuous hard
future generations" ensuring that our environment is work and commitment to achieve.
preserved for future generations.
Furthermore, we will continue to
Abdulhakeem Ahmed Al-Senan Many companies consider benchmarking There are many benefits when
Manager, Human Capital as a tool to identify the “how and what” performing benchmarking:
Development Department of measuring their performance against • Measure and compare
different companies. It is actually utilized organizational processes with
to compare those companies with each other competitors.
other according to a common standard. • Learn from industries and
The aim of course, is to gain knowledge competitors
and to advance the company in becoming • Search for performance gaps
a pacesetter in the industries. • Look for opportunities to enhance
and grow
The purpose of benchmarking is to allow
different participating companies to Benchmarking is an investment
finally to implement.
"We encourage If you have not yet viewed our social media
our employees accounts, simply search for "Marafiq Official"
and customers to
comment, like or
share our posts"
Mubashir Bashir | Information Security Specialist
Social engineering is a psychological attack buildings. Then he got himself a fake ID. He
where an attacker tricks you into doing sent invitations to the top five iron salvage
something you should not do. The concept of companies in Paris advising them that they
social engineering is not new; it has existed for had been given the honor of bidding on an
thousands of years. Think of scammers or con important government project. They were
artists, it is the very same idea. What makes invited to a meeting at the Crillon Hotel,
today’s technology so much more effective for which had a reputation as a place where
cyber attackers is you cannot physically see them; diplomatic and political deals were done. It
they can easily pretend to be anything or anyone all looked very official.
they want and target millions of people around
the world, including you. In addition, social On the appointed day, the five company
engineering attacks can bypass many security representatives arrived. Victor gave a
technologies. The simplest way to understand convincing presentation, reiterating the
how these attacks work and protect yourself from well-publicized condition of the tower
them is to look at two real-world examples. and the problem of maintenance and
upkeep costs. Because of this, he said, the
A common example is an email attack called government had no choice but to dismantle
CEO Fraud, which most often happens at work. and sell the tower. However, it was a
This is when a cyber-attacker researches your potentially controversial action and required
organization online and identifies the name the utmost discretion. All parties agreed to
of your boss or coworker. The attacker then keep the government’s secret.
prepares an email pretending to be from that
person and sends the email to you. The email After treating them to lunch, Victor put the ask for a bribe, he was convinced that all was
urgently asks you to take an action, such as five candidates in a limousine and took them legit. Mr. Poisson (whose name means “fish”
conducting a wire transfer or emailing sensitive to the tower for a look. A crew of workmen in French) took the bait – he paid the asking
employee information. happened to be there measuring and price plus the bribe.
assessing the tower for paint and repairs. But
Another well-known example is about Eiffel that posed no problem for Victor who told As soon as Victor got his suitcase full of
tower, which was sold by a con artist known as his bamboozled band the crew was there money, he was on a train to Vienna. There he
Victor Lustig. to make preparation to dismantle the 7,000 watched the newspapers every day expecting
tons of iron. He flashed his fake ID at the to see his name and his masterful scam on
It was 1925 and Victor Lustig was sitting in his entrance and took his group directly in to the front page. He waited and waited, but
Paris hotel room reading a newspaper article inspect the merchandise. He told the men there was nothing.
about the Eiffel Tower. That gigantic structure time was of the essence and he would expect
had been built for the 1889 Paris World’s Fair their bids the next day. When poor Mr. Poisson had gone to the Post,
and was meant to be dismantled in 1909. But Telegraph and Telephone headquarters with
because of its height, it was used as a radio tower In Victor’s years of scamming people, he had his bill of sale to ask when the tower would
and came in very handy for listening in on the learned to read them pretty well and he had be dismantled, they laughed him out of the
Germans during the First World War. Now, identified his victim almost immediately. office. He was so embarrassed about being
however, it was rusting and in need of expensive He chose André Poisson. Mr. Poisson was duped and so afraid of ruining his reputation
repairs and maintenance. The article said the unsure of himself but anxious to make in the city, that he didn’t mention it to anyone
State was having difficulty finding the money for his mark in Paris industry. When Mr. else – not even the police.
its upkeep, and the journalist ended by asking Poisson came in for his second meeting, he When Victor realized what had happened, he
whether it might not be better to just sell it. confessed that his wife had some doubts and headed back to Paris to resell that tower by
he wasn’t sure if he should go ahead with applying same process. But this time victim
Victor’s eyes lit up. That was it! He would sell the the bid. reported and he got arrested.
Eiffel Tower! Never mind that it didn’t belong to
him – that was just a minor detail. He had been Victor decided to put Mr. Poisson at ease Keep in mind, social engineering attacks like
looking for his next project and this was perfect. by taking him into his confidence. He these are not limited to phone calls or email;
confessed that he was just an underpaid they can happen in any form, including text
However, that game was starting to bore government employee. He entertained messages on your phone, over social media,
him. He was looking for something new and important clients in luxury, but in fact, he or even in person. The key is to know what to
exciting – and selling the Eiffel Tower was just needed a bit of extra cash and if Mr. Poisson look out for--you are your own best defense.
the ticket. He went right to work. He got some could add just a bit of extra padding, Victor
stationery printed that appeared to be from the could guarantee him the contract. Since Mr.
Department of Post, Telegraph and Telephone, Poisson knew that government officials were Source: SANS, wikipedia
the government department in charge of public corrupt and that a con man would never
Employee engagement is an the need to have a hope, the need • Increase organizational performance
ever-growing topic, and an issue to feel a sense of worth, the need • Disengaged employees disrupt creativity
leader’s face on a daily basis. to feel competent and the need for and collaboration
In a Gallup report recently, an professional growth. Leaders who • Increase employer branding
estimated 85% of employees can build trust through integrity and • Attracting talent would become easier
across multiple sectors and results, who can mentor and coach
regions around the world share others, who can develop people, Finally, improving employee engagement
they do not feel engaged on the who can clarify the meaning of the won’t happen overnight and will look
job. Engagement at work fades work people do and build a positive different for every business. Continually
and flows for several reasons, influence are the one who helps in measuring employee sentiment will help
but the harsh reality is that these creating sustained engaged culture. you better understand what areas to take
statistics have a direct impact action on and how to make the biggest
on the bottom line of many Apart from human intervention, impact. Leaders at all levels should
companies. Research shows that any progressive organization have the unique ability understand the
employees who are less engaged would require to lean heavily on sentiment and aspirations of employees
are less productive each day, technological intervention as well to and balance it with strategic corporate
leading to reduced profitability motivate and engage employees. Like goals. When employees are authentically
for businesses. any other progressive organizations, engaged, it leads to productivity,
technology has come leaps and profitability and, more importantly, a
Engaging an employee does not bounds over the last few years team of workers pursuing the company’s
cost you much but disengaged for Marafiq, making it easier for vision and goals with vigor and
employee can cost company businesses to operate efficiently over enthusiasm every single day.
substantially. Engaging an time. In the domain of HR, new
employee is not always about technology solutions are creating
“engagement initiatives” aimed work environments that are not
at providing external motivation only beneficial to HR and company
at the cost of financial expenses. leadership but employees as well.
The biggest leadership challenges "Appreciating the
is to create an environment that Need for Employee Engagement:
taps into intrinsic motivation of
importance of
people. An ecosystem of human • Retain productive and talented engaged culture as
engagement is created when employees a strategic goal, we
leaders at all levels understand • Reduce attrition rate at Marafiq listed it
the basic drivers of human • Replacing an employee can cost as one of our Key
engagement – the need for trust, company more Focus Areas"
Enhancement Plan
Ahmed Khleawi Al-Khleawi
Manager, Human Capital Development
As part of building a strong national Individual Development Plan (IDP) in Even though PDP has been a success
workforce to drive Marafiq’s vision order to transfer experience, skills, and story in Marafiq, we are committed to
forward. The Human Capital competencies from experienced Marafiq continually improving the program
Development Department continues employees to our new graduates. and in January 2018 HCD conducted a
to successfully promote the PDP Feedback Survey with PDP’s their
Professional Development Program Through challenging assignments, training, supervisors and managers. The response
(PDP) to recruit and develop new mentoring and career development, Marafiq rate was very high and the feedback
Saudi employees who have recently aims to build tomorrow's leaders from provided was used to identify a number
graduated with a university degree. today's PDP participants. of areas for improvement. In addition to
the PDP Feedback Survey, the company’s
The philosophy of this program is that The program provides an effective talent President & CEO also met with PDP’s in
leadership occurs at all levels and that pipeline of fresh Saudi graduates to meet Yanbu and Jubail to discuss the program.
the optimal learning occurs through the future leadership requirements of Based on all of the feedback received from
on-the-job coaching and development our company. both the survey and CEO meetings, HCD
supported by experienced staff in the developed the 5-point PDP Enhancement
same department as the PDP’s Marafiq’s PDP has been running for over Plan which is planned for completion by
target position. 10 years now and has enabled 137 young the end of 2019 (as seen below).
Saudi graduates to become employees.
Within the Marafiq Family, we see Many ex-PDP’s are still working for Marafiq The company’s Executive Management
the PDP’s as our younger brothers and most of us know at least one ex-PDP. Team (EMT) is actively monitoring
who want to work with us and learn Some ex-PDP’s have now reached junior progress of the PDP Enhancement Plan
how to make a contribution to the management level and their achievements and has appointed the GM, Technical Asset
future success of our company. PDP’s provide an excellent example of how Management (TAM) to be the company’s
represent the next generation of successful the program has been. PDP Sponsor at executive level.
Marafiq and this is why the program The Human Capital Development (HCD) In response to the feedback received
is such an important part of our talent department works closely with HR & in the PDP survey and CEO meetings
management strategy. Benefits to manage the PDP process, in plus a period of consultation with all
consultation with Department Managers departments, HCD has now updated the
Each PDP receives a series of and with the leadership support of the PDP Management Procedure (MHRP-1-
training courses and on-the-job work company’s Executive Management HD-032) which includes a number of
assignments as part of a structured Team (EMT). key changes.
In addition to all of the on-the-job training experienced colleague who is willing their development program and joins
provided by their host department, PDP’s to. their host department a full-time
will now receive Mentoring support from employee, part of the Marafiq family.
experienced Department Managers, However, the success of our PDP’s
Section Heads, Superintendents who depends on the level of support We should all be proud of our PDP’s
have volunteered to become Mentors and provided from our experienced as they show a strong commitment
received special training. Each PDP will employees, PDP Supervisors and to Marafiq, working hard to learn
receive a monthly Mentoring meeting Managers – the commitment of new skills and gain valuable
aimed at supporting their long-term career these key stakeholders is the critical experience so they can make a
development and well-being by sharing success factor for ensuring that positive contribution to the future of
with them the wisdom from an older, more every PDP successfully completed our company.
(Improve Communication)
Samawi Al-Shammary
Manager Asset Strategy, Planning And Standards
Clear Expectations
It helps to establish clear expectations for employees as it will convey
how their performance will impact the company and give them an
indication of what they need to do to achieve positive feedback.
Strong Relationships
It builds strong relationships and removes communication barriers.
Trust and loyalty are key factors in any relationship and both are
boosted by communication that is focused on meeting individual
needs, conveying important information and providing feedback -
positive and constructive.
Strong Teamwork
It will lead to strong teamwork and the ability for employees at all
levels of the organization to work together to achieve company goals
and many more.
Strategic Thinking:
Marketing of Marafiq’s Utilities
Services in Competitive Business
Dr. Zulfiqar Bashir
Lead Specialist, Opportunity Evaluation
Business Development Department
Utility companies - water, power, gas - have driven organizations, recombining capabilities,
relished mainly captive customers’ base for developing value networks,
several years. Today, the utility companies are
facing new challenges in the competitive business Customer value creation by promoting and deals
environment, such as; potential deregulation, initiatives in developing marketing strategies
smart meters, and stringent environmental through customer segment analysis, and risk and
regulations. Even more, water and wastewater growth assessment,
utilities are following gas and electric utilities
into the era of investor ownership, developing Value building growth through group and
unregulated subsidiaries, in a number of cases corporate strategies; identifying strategic
privatizing completely. Under these circumstance, direction, developing and implementing a
it is imperative for Marafiq to develop and offer successful acquisition plan.
utilities services, and use market forces to maintain
and increase its market share through focusing in For this the strategic role should focus on;
new ways on customer needs and preferences by;
customer-centric and using marketing as a tool to
demonstrate its commitment to customers. The
mission should be to market and deliver reliable,
cost-based utilities services. It would improve
company’s market share in power, water, and gas
sector and ultimately achieve financial growth by
adopting following strategies;
b) Client Retention
d) Management and Research
Present new utilities services and enhance existing
relationships, Identify and analyze marketing alternatives,
identify trends, make projections and draw
Work with technical staff and other internal sound conclusions and/or cost effective
colleagues to meet customer needs, recommendations.
Arrange and participate in internal and external Track and record activity on accounts and help to
client debriefs. close deals to meet these targets.
Identify opportunities for campaigns, services, and Being reliable market player that provide fast and
distribution channels that will lead to an increase dependable operating reserves (ancillary services)
in sales of excess power and water. and capacity to meet imbalance and congestion
issues, and to balance intermittent generation.
“Quality is free. The un-quality things are achieving staff optimization in line with the kingdoms
2030 vision.
what cost money” said by Philip Crosby.
Another remarkable example is developing Projects
Industries, services, production lines, & operations could Execution Strategy aiming towards accomplishing
have many different shapes of hidden costs. Poor quality is projects successfully on time within the allocated budget
responsible for frighteningly huge losses of money resulting at the highest quality levels.
from process deficiency, poor performance, delays, or defects.
The concept of quality has been recognized over the years The question is,
to revolve around the inspection of produced items to
remove defected ones. ‘Reactive approach’. However, market
Whose responsibility is it to implement TQM?
competition, product improvement, & customer satisfaction
Well, T stands for total. Meaning, in order for TQM
derived the industries to develop a broader concept of quality.
concept to succeed, everybody in the organization has
What is a concept with a proactive approach aiming for
to be involved starting from the operator level up to the
continuous improvement and is so comprehensive to focus
CEO. That is the key of TQM success.
on all potentially deficient points at different levels.
Continuous improvement, one of TQM elements, requires
analyzing & examining the process, then identifying
That is, Total Quality Management (TQM). improvement actions or ideas. This is best done by
employees who are directly in touch with the work
One great example of TQM application within Marafiq which process, who will consequently benefit the most from this
clearly sets an exceptional model of strategic planning is
improvement. Improvement ideas are priceless. The
organizational restructuring. This does not only reflect the
management’s advanced maturity level, it also works towards
best idea generator is you. YES, you.
Ahmed Nadeem
Superintendent, Maintenance Sea Water Cooling Department
A Nonconventional Concept of
Modern Engineering
Ghazi Ozair
Specialist, Demand Forecast & Supply Plan Department
[1] The New Engineering by Eugene F. Adiutori, Edn.
2017, Ventuno Press, 1094 Sixth Lane N., Naples, FL
34102, USA, ISBN 978-0-9626220-4-5.
Smart Manufacturing as the Some of the questions from to experiment and see what data is
intelligent, real-time orchestration and manufacturers and discussions around useful before deciding on the long-term
optimization of business, physical and the smart connected factory include: plan. Is there a business case for an
digital processes within factories and IoT platform in the plant? How does
across the entire value chain. Resources Is there a business case for adding it integrate into existing systems. It’s
and processes are automated, integrated, sensors and IoT clear that software must evolve to meet
monitored and continuously evaluated (IoT means it enable data transfer new needs. However, there is debate
based on all available information as between software, and provide about the specific architectures digital
close to real-time as possible. The time access capabilities. ... IoT software factories need.
is now for manufacturers to move into a consultancies support the development
digitally connected future. “This should of data analytics, visualization Smart manufacturing involves new
not be viewed as a daunting solutions, and platforms, as well as ways of working across the supply
Task but rather as a natural move of integration into embedded systems) chain to connect suppliers, distributors,
the cheese, “In fact, evolution is already older equipment in the plant? outsource partners and others as a
happening as companies strive to keep seamless operation. It also requires
up with the fast pace of technology Companies are finding that with better data continuity through the
innovation and re-envision the future.” prices coming down, they can begin to product and production asset lifecycle—
experiment and see what data is useful from concept, to manufacturing, to use
Smart manufacturing certainly before deciding on the long-term plan. in the field, to repair or refurbishment,
includes the smart, connected digital It’s clear that software must evolve to to the recycling of materials.
factory. Plant floor software such as meet new needs. However, there is
manufacturing execution systems debate about the specific architectures New analytics systems can utilize the
(MES) or manufacturing operations digital factories need. massive amounts of data now industries
management (MOM)—including are creating to improve the plant, supply
WIP, track and trace, scheduling, Is there a business case for adding chain, product design and how we
maintenance, quality, and more—must sensors and IoT to older equipment in run the business. Many manufacturers
evolve to support the digital factory the plant? have already found ways to accelerate
as well. improvement using forward-looking
Companies are finding that with analytics approaches.
prices coming down, they can begin
National Day
of Junk Food
Walid Saleh Al-Fashkhi
Sr. Specialist, IT Quality Assurance Information Technology
Actually, it is a dedicated annual nutrients, even though they can the whole family get to work on that.
day for people who already stopped be very sufficient, the person feel 2. If you eat healthy food at home, you won't
eating junk foods to eat them freely weakened. feel so bad when you eat infrequently fast-
without feeling guilty. As a fact, junk food meal or candy bar.
food refers to a formal term of food The second result of junk food habit 3. Identify those times of the day when you're
that has little nutritional value and is poor concentration and this affect most ready to a junk-food attack. Then,
often high in fat, sugar or calories in a medium term period. Actually, prepare ahead of time by having healthy and
with little of protein, vitamins or over sustained periods of junk food tasty alternatives.
minerals. The most attractive feature eating, brain cells will have lack of 4. Finally, avoid situations that may encourage
of it is its taste. In addition to that, vital oxygen, nutrients and proteins a junk food attack, like sitting in front of the
it is easy to carry, purchase and temporarily. That is way a person television all the evening.
consume. Generally, a junk food has who has a junk meal rich in oil, feel
a very attractive appearance, flavor Drowsy and Fail to Concentrate. In conclusion, fast food which the most
and texture. These could be happen common example of junk food is increasing
by adding food additives and colors The last, fat accumulation requires world wide. However, fast food chains have
to them. The common examples of the heart apply a continuous extra come under criticism over concerns of health
junk foods are beef burger, french effort to pump the blood through and cultural degradation. As it shifts people
fries, softdrinks, candy, and cinema the body. Eventually, at the end eating patterns away from traditional foods.
popcorns. of this continuous operation will Therefore, people concerns for diet, weight
lead to heart fatigue. Anyhow, control and general health are growing. Even
Is it harmful to our bodies? junk food is convenient, marketed some government agencies are recommending
aggressively, cheap to buy and hard that people to eat more healthy and natural
Yes, in this article, three effects to resist. Consequently, people get snacks such as fruit, vegetables and nuts while
which are lack of energy, poor to junk food addiction. avoiding high-calorie, low-nutrient junk food.
concentration and heart diseases Accordingly, here some useful tips At last, if someone has promised his wife or his
will be addressed. As far as lack of to avoid them: family to go over to arestaurant, please don’t
energy, it is well known as a short- forget its bad effects and remember there is
term effect resulting from eating 1. Eliminate any temptation at home always a National Day of junk food.
junk food. Because junk food don't by clear out all the junk food
provide the body with essential from your cupboards. Also, let
Wood and wood Agricultural crops Food waste in Animal manure and
processing wastes and waste materials garbage human sewage
A Walk Down
Memory Lane!
Sasindran Ayadakandiyil Kacheri
Lead Engineer, Mechanical Technical Services – Yanbu
I happen to be amongst 40 odd professionals Finally the test was scheduled for one Here, for sake of information, it needs
(mostly engineers) Marafiq recruited in early mid-morning. Under Mr Mandili’s watch to be mentioned that the capability of
2003 immediately after its formation. We and support of operation staff, I took the unit can have restrictions coming
were part of Engineering Dept. (now TSD) charge of the test logistics and kept separate from either steam –water circuit (like
where Sultan Ruhaili (now VP-Projects) was consoles for all potential ‘trouble spots’ in a Feed water control valve becoming
the Manager and Mohammad Mandili (now capability test (drum level, vibration etc). fully open), Air and flue gas side (any
General Manager-Yanbu-II) my immediate Field crew was assigned for local readings. fans reaching limits) or from fuel side.
superior. It so happened that after a couple The test started with taking reading for the Restrictions can also come from limits
of months, one fine morning Mr Mandili rated capacity ie: 127.5 MW. We increased from vibrations and drum level.)
informed me that, as part of evaluation of the the load steadily by 0.5 MW and once
assets got transferred from Royal Commission stabilized took readings of both UCS and We thus completed the test and
(RC) intends to know the peak capacity of local gauges for each step. The readings ran returned. Later that day we came to
the Steam Power units 1- 3 (unit#4 was then across the entire steam turbine cycle heat know our Manager was watching the
undergoing pre-commissioning) and then and mass balance parameters –from turbine progress of the test in between thru the
queried me whether I could undertake the inlet to boiler outlet thru condenser and the console provided in the Engineering
task of carrying out a Capability Test. array of heaters as well as fuel and air-flue (now TSD) office.
gas systems. Also for each set, we also took
To me the query elicited mixed response - aggregate power consumption of the unit Then followed two weeks of extensive
between getting an exciting opportunity to auxiliaries (pumps, fans, etc). analytical work (calculations) for
do something which, till that time I had not generating Heat and Mass Balance
undertaken and, for the same reason, whether It so happened that once we reached about Diagram (HMBD) simulating all
I might do some goof up and invite ’trouble’! 129.5 MW it was already afternoon and relevant parameters based on the
But on second thought I realized – having operations did not allow us to increase readings. Here it needs specific
already logged 15 years in consultancy by then the load further apprehending loss of mention that generating HMBD is
- I had enough knowledge on steam-water unit during the peak hour of demand (~3 an excruciating process as it needs
cycle performance. Once I gave go ahead PM). So Mr Mandili and me were forced recurring iterations since many
to Mr Mandili, I requested a couple of days to suspend further test for the day. We parameters do not have direct readings
to prepare test formats (about 150 readings returned next day early morning and and needs to be obtained by ‘working
across both UCS and Local). He agreed carried on from where we paused earlier. around’ the related parameters. (devoid
and went about scheduling the test. On my Once the load reached 130 MW, it showed of any software that time, I had to do it
part, I started digging into past records and feed water control valve was seen FULL all manually).
test reports. OPEN which indicated no further load
increase feasible. Now when I recently returned to
Marafiq (after 13 years) perhaps the
first major news I heard was the units
1-3 are getting scrapped. My heart
almost missed a beat since those were
the units I was closely involved those
two years (2003-2005) and many
nostalgic moments still cross my mind.
By the way, many of those with whom
I had regular interactions during those
formative days of Marafiq are now seen
holding executive positions. Another
testimony to the cliché ‘Time flies fast’.
Time flies fast
What caused Galileo’s apple to fall to To prevent hazards from To prevent falls
the ground would, for certain, may falling objects: from height:
cause a hammer someone is using
in a high place to fall on his peer’s head 1-Safety helmets and safety footwear 1-It is a requirement that
or foot. must be worn. full body harness must
2-Tools and equipment at height be worn and connected
In a worse scenario, the person working must be secure at all time. at all time when working
at height way fall himself to the ground. 3-Tools and equipment must not at height.
Those examples and others are evidence be thrown to the worker working 2-Full body harness
of the scientific principle of gravity. aloft. A suitable tools must be used should be checked before
for this purpose like rope. climbing to ensure they
In brief, two key gravitational hazards 4-Care should be taken not to drop are in good working
we face are: any equipment from height. condition.
1-Being struck by falling objects
2-Falling from a height
Interview with
Al Khaldi
Domestic Water Treatment Site (TP9) Operator
Tournament Highlights:
• Opening Ceremony in Jubail on October
September 16, 2018
• One of the greatest games was when the
Management Team led by the President
and CEO played against the Sports
Activities Committee
• During the final match, employees
children played.
• Prizes were awarded during each game