2018 Annual
2018 Annual
2018 Annual
Having the drive and dedication to exceed
goals and expectations.
Caring for our stakeholders’ social,
economic and environmental development.
Metrobank’s code of conduct is anchored upon 5 core values: Passion for
Results, Integrity, Teamwork, Commitment to Customer
Service, and Heart for Community. In the words of our President “These 5
core values that form the acronym PITCH are what define us as Metrobankers.”
VISION MISSION* Probably the best expression of PITCH is the I Am A Metrobanker Pledge. At
the start of each working day, Metrobankers recite this commitment with remarkable
To be the country’s premiere financial zeal for these are not merely words for us. As how our President succinctly puts it, “It
conglomerate, empowering our individual is not enough that we know and understand what PITCH is. It is only thru living these values
and business clients to realize their goals every day that we become worthy of the trust given to us, the good hands of Metrobank.”
and reach their full potential. By creating and
customizing financial solutions in response As you go through the pages of this report, you will bear witness to the 2018
to our stakeholders’ needs, continuously Metrobank story, and at the same time you will see how we utilized our values as a
expanding our scope of reach, and leading in tool in intricately crafting this narrative.
community service, we live up to our “You’re
in Good Hands” promise that embodies who I AM PASSIONATE FOR RESULTS. I act everyday to exceed
we are and what we do. We are Metrobank. expectations and make meaningful impact.
*The Vision Mission Statement (VMS) 2018 is a year full of firsts for the bank, given the numerous deals and awards we
was approved by the Board in December 2016 had, and most notably, our outstanding year-ender performance. These feats are
acknowledged in the Chairman’s Message & President’s Report.
This is who we are. And this is how we live up to the promise of being
the good hands of Metrobank.
analytics can lead to efficiency;
improve cross selling, targeted
marketing, and dynamic
experience. Financial disruptors
will remain a threat. The
added complication is to make
digital experience safe and
transparent, while treating
customer information with
utmost privacy. By embracing
this new world order, we keep
our hopes to stay in the game
and remain relevant to our
customers. These are some of
our considerations as we create
and reshape our digitalization
Let me now take this
AS AN ANCHOR ON WHAT’S Dear fellow shareholders, evolving customer needs and To make the future possible
opportunity to thank all our
employees for your hard
IMPORTANT IN KEEPING 2018 was a year characterized
advancements in technology
that will impact us and our
today, the journey starts with
work and contributions in
our people. To continuously
the past year. I am proud
OUR CUSTOMERS HAPPY by many uncertainties, from
geopolitical events, financial
customers like never before.
Likewise, investors worry about
reinvigorate their spirit, we
of all Metrobankers who
launched an internal campaign
worked together effectively by
AND OUR EMPLOYEES stress in the developed and the impact of rising rates to highlighting the importance of
combining individual strengths
emerging economies, and the economy, which in turn our core values: Passion for
ENGAGED, TO ENSURE market volatilities. In the past will affect lending activities, and results, Integrity, Teamwork,
to reach common goals. The
drive and passion to achieve
two decades, quantitative easing draw the spotlight on asset Commitment to customer
THE SUSTAINABILITY OF and lower interest rates around quality. service, and Heart for the
targets without compromising
integrity and quality is a
the globe allowed economies community or PITCH as we
OUR BUSINESS , AND TO to grow aggressively, which in Despite all that, we also simply call it.
hallmark of this institution.
turn allowed our business to recognize that 2019 presents
CONTRIBUTE TO NATION- thrive. But in 2018, the world a lot of growth opportunities. These principles, applied in
To our Board of Directors,
thank you for your guidance and
economy turned the corner, We can expect positive everyday activities, serve as an
BUILDING. with most countries moving to stimulus from robust consumer anchor on what’s important in
insights, and to the management
team, for your unceasing
a tighter monetary policy and spending, stronger government keeping our customers happy
raising interest rates. Seismic expenditures on infrastructure dedication.
- Arthur Ty and our employees engaged, to
shifts that paved the way for the projects, and steady private ensure the sustainability of our
new normal. sector investments to expand Finally, my sincerest gratitude
business, and to contribute to
and invest for the long-term. to our loyal customers,
nation-building. The effects can
Even then, the Philippine partners, and investors – your
be wide-ranging and compelling.
economy grew by 6.2 %, still unwavering support inspires us
among the fastest-growing in
The Metrobank Group We also recognize the need
to strive and make the future
possible today.
Asia. Against this backdrop, continues to hold a to drive business through
Metrobank stayed resilient, digital innovation. The pace of
reporting strong earnings leading position in this digital change is so rapid that
growth for the year driven growing economy. banks have come to realize
mainly by our core business. So how do we move forward how investments in digital
and take advantage of this technologies can be a key
Looking ahead, we can expect potential? differentiator for customer
a continuation of these ARTHUR TY
experience. In addition, over
unexpected risks and volatilities, Chairman
time the use of data-driven
The Philippines continued on October, the highest in over For 2018, Metrobank’s loan DELIVERING SUSTAINABLE
its growth momentum in a year 10 years, prompting the BSP portfolio grew at a modest
marked by many challenges. to raise policy rates five times pace of 10%, while deposits RETURNS TO OUR
The Philippine economy grew by 175 basis points to arrest inched up 2% year-on-year.
6.2% in 2018 on the back of second-round effects. Low-cost deposits continued SHAREHOLDERS.
resilient consumer spending, to comprise the majority
solid government spending, Against this backdrop, the of the deposit base at 62%.
and robust investment growth, Philippine banking industry Combined with margin - Fabian S. Dee
making the country still one of continued to thrive, as demand expansion, this led to a 12%
Southeast Asia’s fastest growing for loans expanded double-digit growth in net interest income
economies. while deposits likewise grew, to P68.8 billion, which now
albeit at a slower pace. accounts for 74% of the bank’s
Across the globe, significant total revenues. For the full year,
risk events like concerns over net interest margin expanded
a slowing global economy, US
Your bank sustained to 3.82%, still the highest among
Fed rate hikes, and geopolitical its growth story in peer banks.
tensions hounded the
investment climate and markets 2018, highlighting our On the other hand, non-interest
swung unpredictably. Emerging resilience in a very income grew to P23.8 billion
market currencies depreciated with the strong performance
against the US dollar as challenging environment. in service charges, fees and
investors moved their funds commissions. Fee-related
back to developed economies Net income grew by a robust revenues were boosted by
amidst the volatilities. 21% year-on-year to P22.0 steady customer-driven flows
billion, the fastest growth and trade-related commissions.
Meanwhile, the Bangko Sentral posted among the top players In addition, net trading and FX
ng Pilipinas (BSP) raised interest in the industry. This was driven gains contributed P2.8 billion
rates to temper growing by healthy growth in loans while other income was at P7.0
inflation concerns and stem complemented by margin billion including share in net
the depreciation of the local expansion, higher fee-based income of affiliates and joint
currency against the greenback. income, and manageable venture.
Inflation peaked at 6.7% in expense growth.
AXA Philippines (AXA), the enterprises (SMEs) in the rural Looking back, your bank
Operating expenses, excluding Metrobank’s P60 billion stock group’s insurance arm, has areas where business growth continued to grow at a time
taxes and licenses, increased rights offering in April and established close to a hundred and returns can be more of volatility both globally and
dedication of our
investment spending should FABIAN S. DEE
and digital transformation. operating efficiencies while investment banking community. keep domestic economic President
delivering on its commitment FMIC led and participated growth above the 6% level. The
Asset quality metrics remained to provide simple and reliable in various debt and equity government’s infrastructure
us to achieve our
is expected to be higher
By all accounts, it was a Metrobank Card Corporation Southeast Asia. compared to last year amid the
milestone year for your bank. (MCC) kept its leadership in sustained easing in inflation.
Total resources reached a new the credit card market, ranking ORIX METRO’s total new
commitments to our
all-time high of P2.2 trillion, second in terms of receivables bookings amounted to P34.9 We see competition in the
while total equity at P283.0 and third in total number billion in 2018. Net income was banking industry to persist as
billion. Capital ratios were of cards-in-force, based on reported at P1.3 billion, while lenders compete for deposits
comfortably above regulatory data from the Credit Card return on equity hit 17.5%. and alternative funding sources.
requirements, with total capital Association of the Philippines The Company ended the year Lending activities will likely not
adequacy ratio at 17.0% and (CCAP). MCC reported strong with 103 branches, about 90% grow as fast as in previous years,
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio at growth in 2018, with return on of which are located outside with banks’ loan-to-deposit
14.6%. equity at 34.9%. Total assets Metro Manila. ORIX METRO ratios hovering above 80%.
expanded by 10.4% to P82 intends to widen its footprint Signals of a reduction in reserve
billion. In September 2018, in the countryside, catering requirement, however, can help
MCC became a wholly-owned to small and medium-sized unlock liquidity and pump prime
subsidiary of Metrobank. the domestic economy.
6 7
Metrobank’s push for a success-driven future brought us historic milestones in 2018.
Our various fund raising activities this year will sustain the continuing expansion
of our loan portfolio, support the bank’s capital expenditures programs, and provide
capital to take advantage of any growth opportunities.
We successfully completed the biggest capital raising exercise in our bank’s history with the P60 billion
rights issuance in April 2018. The stock rights offer received strong support from a broad spectrum of
investors showing a vote of confidence on the bank’s overall strategy and prospects.
8 9
We help foster financial to fund its infrastructure cards in force. In September will help provide additional these partnerships, we fortified equity financing requirements.
In 2018, Metrobank bourse also marked inclusion among Filipinos projects and public spending. 2018, Metrobank Card revenues and access to new our relationships with corporate This allows the bank to
achieved a first for the first corporate bond through the various deposit Metrobank participated in Corporation (MCC) became customers in the consumer clients and the enterprises that participate in the promotion of
and investment products we the government’s maiden a wholly-owned subsidiary segment. Our cards bring benefit from their support. sustainable business practices
Philippine lenders as listing under PDEx’ new offer such as these LTNCDs issuance of Panda bonds, the of Metrobank with the full increased spending power and the broadening of economic
we issued and listed the trading system provided and bonds. While these renminbi-denominated debt acquisition of the remaining and worldwide purchasing Notable large corporate deals inclusivity.
products are open to both sold in China by a foreign issuer. 20% stake from its previous convenience for our users. We include the P11 billion bilateral
first ever bank-issued by Bloomberg, the institutional and retail investors, Metrobank was the lone major partner. seek to provide the best cards term loan facility for the Metrobank also extended a
bonds under a newly Bloomberg FIQ Trading these product offerings gave Philippine lender to support the and payment solutions that suit Philippines’ oldest conglomerate. P2.5 billion, five-year term
access to a broader spectrum government’s historic issuance. This development supports our customers’ lifestyle. The facility will be used for loan to the local arm of a
implemented set of System. of investors, providing various Metrobank’s growth strategy to the conglomerate’s diversified multinational company for its
guidelines by the Bangko investment options especially Defying Limits maximize operational efficiencies Partnering for Progress interests in power, infrastructure expansion initiatives. It was a
To diversify its funding sources, to the retail segment and in the between the Parent Bank and networks and services, water, follow-on transaction from five
Sentral ng Pilipinas. The the bank also issued one of the process help them achieve their Our credit card business has MCC, opening opportunities to Metrobank financed the industrial technologies, education, years ago when Metrobank
biggest long-term negotiable financial aspirations. remained one of the leading collaborate and improve synergy expansion plans of major healthcare and international extended a loan facility to fund
P10 billion fixed rate Peso- certificates of deposits payment solutions in the while remaining fully committed Philippine companies, which operations. Metrobank has the construction of one of the
denominated bonds listed (LTNCD), raising P8.68 billion Beyond the bank’s fundraising Philippines, the second biggest to deliver superior products and in turn sponsor projects that consistently partnered with the country’s biggest manufacturing
and drew over 6,000 retail activities, we supported player in terms of receivables services to its customers. help fuel the growth of the company and its subsidiaries for plants in Batangas.
on the Philippine Dealing investors in a widely participated the Philippine government and third in total number of Metrobank’s full ownership broader economy. Through their capital expenditure and
& Exchange Corp. (PDEx) and successful exercise.
10 11
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FILIPINOS credibility, it opens avenues for our electronic channels,
Metrobank is a reliable for these SMEs to reach such as ATMs and Cash Accept
partner in promoting investors and access capital, and Machines (CAM). Likewise, we
eventually contribute to overall have invested in our internet
nation-building, fully economic growth. and mobile banking platforms,
committed to invest in a constantly looking to innovate
To provide better banking our systems and provide
progressive and inclusive experience to our customers, customers with various channel
future for Filipinos. we have taken several steps options to suit their needs.
in improving our different The Bank is now 100% EMV-
We take pride in our touchpoints. compliant for its issued cards
initiatives to support the and ATMs, reducing potential
capital requirements of new At our branches, bank forms risk incidents for account
and promising businesses. have been automated for faster compromise or fraud among
Throughout the year, we opening of additional accounts cardholders.
conduct awareness campaigns by existing customers. Branch
such as Kapihan sessions, to processes are continuously All these efforts work towards
reach out to the SME market reviewed and streamlined the continuing drive to
and provide financial advice to to reduce queuing time and understand customer needs,
both existing and new-to-bank improve customer experience. provide the appropriate solutions
customers. As we help them The same continuous to address them, and help clients
build their credit history and enhancements are being done drive their business forward.
14 15
CUSTOMER Voice of the Customer
the community, constantly
reinforcing a customer-centric
The Bank undertakes Voice
of the Customer initiatives Various initiatives were taken by
to continuously listen to its the Bank to constantly remind
customers to improve over-all our employees of the values of
customer experience in our the Bank, represented by the
channels and products. acronym PICTH, that every
• Net Promoter Score (NPS) employee should live by.
is an annual study done to
gauge customers’ overall Passion for Results
In Metrobank, customer maintenance of the Bank’s Effective Recourse / Despite the increase in the commitment and loyalty to Integrity,
protection and overall sound Customer Protection Handling of Customer number of complaints received, our brand Teamwork
experience is a collective Risk Management System which Concerns the Bank has managed to • Customer Satisfaction Commitment to Customer
and shared responsibility is integrated into the overall improve its performance in (CSAT) is a monthly Service
of everyone, from the framework of its entire product A critical component of the 2018 vs. 2017 in terms of survey to get immediate Heart for Community
Bank’s Board of Directors, and service life cycle, which Bank’s Customer Protection investigating and providing customer feedback at
to Management, and to includes oversight function in Program is providing its resolution to the complaints specific touchpoints, such as The PITCH values were deeply
all employees. It is part of the execution of CX projects. customers accessible and within the Bank’s committed branches and our Contact embedded into Metrobank
Metrobank’s culture and is being hassle free channels with turnaround time Center. This enables the Academy’s training programs
reinforced by the Customer The Service Excellence which they could communicate Bank to immediately address such as new employees’
Protection Training Program. Group works with business their inquiries, concerns and Better Customer pain points raised by our orientation, officer development
and operational units to feedback. These are in the Experience (CX) at customers. programs and leadership and
Key entities have been achieve excellent customer form of 24/7 Contact Center Touchpoints • Mystery Shopping is a bi- management courses through
identified who will be ultimately experience through Voice which handles calls and e-mails, annual survey to check on reflection and case studies.
responsible for the overall of the Customer Program, Social Media (Facebook), Several initiatives were the consistency of service
strategy and oversight of process efficiency initiatives, MetrobankDirect Online and taken to provide better delivery at the branches. The value on Commitment
the Bank’s desired customer performance monitoring on Mobile Banking. banking experience of our to Customer Service is
experience. customers through its different The Bank is continuously upheld in the various training
Furthermore, the Bank has touchpoints. looking for opportunities to activities of Metrobank
implemented the Customer immediately draw-out feedback Academy. An initiative to drive
Board of Directors (BOD) Incident Management Policy At the branches, automation
Machines (CAMs). More so, mainly through the Bank’s from customers in all customer this and be able to deliver
Executive Committee (ExCom) and System, which standardized of forms has allowed for faster touchpoints. exceptional service is using
the handling of customer opening of additional accounts the Bank is now able to resolve social media account which
President the complaints related to their provides customers with tips on the acronym HEART which
complaints to ensure that by existing customers. Processes Sustaining and guides Metrobankers what to
these are addressed within a at the branch are continuously transactions faster. how to protect their accounts
and personal information Reinforcing our say in their everyday service
set turnaround time through being streamlined to be able Customer Service interactions or complaints
Enterprise Services Sector (ESS) The Bank is now 100% EMV which causes unauthorized
centralized logging and to lessen waiting time of the Culture handling situations with
Customer Experience Committe monitoring. With this, the customers at the branch and compliant in both its issued transactions.
cards and ATMs. This means clients. In 2018, HEART was
(CXCom) Bank is able to gain valuable accommodate more customers
Service Excellence Group that the risk of our customers Further, the Bank implemented Metrobank remains dedicated incorporated in the You’re in
customer insights, identify trends with better quality time from to fulfilling its vision to be the Good Hands Customer Service
and address recurring incidents, our Branch Customer Service being compromised using their additional measures to ensure
Metrobank debit card for ATM compliance with the Data best bank for all stakeholders program for newly hired
The Board of Directors key customer metrics, effective improve its products and Reps and Officers. – from its customers to employees and officer-trainees.
(BOD), through the Executive organization structure and skills services for better customer withdrawals and card-present Privacy Act.
Committee (ExCom), provides development. experience. For e-channels, solutions were purchases will be significantly
the effective oversight of the taken to reduce the number reduced.
Bank’s Financial Customer The Bank’s Customer In 2018, total complaints of complaints experienced HEART EVERYDAY SERVICE INTERACTIONS COMPLAINTS HANDLING
Protection program and Protection Program follows increased by 19% which is by our customers specifically Consumer Protection
implementation in accordance the set standards which are in line with the increase in at ATMs and Cash Accept H Heartfelt Greeting Heartfelt Greeting
to BSP Circular 857. reflected in its core principles transaction volumes. With the constant increase of
E Empathize Empathize
– inherent into the Metrobank e-fraud customer concerns – be
The Senior Management, corporate culture, enhancing it through online purchases or A Act Apologize
2018 2017 2016 transactions via ATM, online and
together with the Customer further its defined governance R Relationship Building Relationship Building
Experience Committee framework while addressing Total Complaints 89,849 75,348 69,229 mobile banking, the Bank has
(CXCom) are responsible conflicts that are inimical to the been continuously implementing T Thank the Customer Thank the Customer
Complaints to Transaction Ratio 0.035% 0.034% 0.034% financial education campaigns
for the development and interests of its customers.
16 17
We continuously attract good talent and motivate employees to do their best.
Metrobank’s success hinges on committed, highly-motivated, and productive
employees. Through our talent management and development and employee
engagement programs, we keep our workforce constantly involved and on board in
our commitment to deliver the best service to our customers.
We not only care about the work that we do, but more importantly,
we care about the people we work with.
Working in a culture of collaboration and mutual respect is the key to having an
effective workforce. The success of the bank is mostly made possible by the hard work
and dedication of our people.
These outstanding Metrobankers serve as our inspiration as we live on the tradition of excellence in which our institution is founded.
In photo are the Winners of the Asian Local Currency Bond Benchmark Review - Best Individual category: Kael Pasimio (center), Gab Liboro
(right), and Beatrice Yatco (left).
18 19
We have strengthened the embed the Metrobank pledge 2019 to 2021. The negotiations or appointment to the role Retirement and and retirement. The plan was of all employees across ten (10)
development of Metrobank’s
and gather constructive of fidelity to our core values: were carried out in the true is approved by Manpower Succession Policy approved by the Bureau of Standards of Conduct.
future leaders through a feedback based on Passion for Results, Integrity, spirit of fairness and partnership Committee (MANCOM), The process of identification Internal Revenue on March It will be disseminated to all
Recruitment Transformation Teamwork, Commitment to between management and Nominations Committee and developing leaders has 2014. employees in January 2018.
Lab to obtain the best talents at new employees’ early Customer Service, and Heart Union leadership. (NomCom) and the Board. been institutionalized to The compulsory retirement of The employees are required to
every level of the organization. impressions. for Community (PITCH). These objectively assess employee’s Bank employees occurs at the submit an acknowledgement
This is a team-driven initiative values are the cornerstone of Senior Management Performance potential to assume higher age of 55 years old or 30 years receipt that they have read,
to improve recruitment Employee Engagement who we are as a team and as Selection Assessment responsibilities, especially to of service, whichever comes first. understood and will comply
operational process for better We believe that keeping our an institution. By living these The Bank has job descriptions Management ensure succession planning. This with the Code.
quality of hires and faster employees motivated and values, we define the formula for the key positions, and The Bank’s Performance is contained in the November Code of Business Further, the Code of Conduct
turnaround time. engaged will inspire them to do of the bank’s and employees’ assesses the qualifications of any Assessment and Management 2017 Board approved HR Conduct and Ethics is discussed with the new
well at all times, and to stand by success. candidate for the role. System (PAMS) measures policy on Ascend – Leadership The revised Code of Conduct employees of the bank
our brand promise of keeping the employee’s performance Development Program. was approved by the Board during their New Employee’s
We have also launched those we serve in good hands. We successfully completed Each candidate undergoes a contribution based on clearly The Bank provides a Retirement on November 22, 2017 and Orientation (every 1st and 16th
a refreshed employee This employee journey starts our Collective Bargaining series of interviews by the defined targets, goals and Plan for its employees and is set to take effect by January of the month). There are regular
with embedding our core Agreement between the Bank Line Head, HRMG, President, standards. employees’ beneficiaries in 1, 2018. The revised Code of advisories about the Code and
onboarding program with values in everything we do. We and the Employees’ Union for Chairman and the appropriate case of the employee’s death, Conduct is anchored on the standards of right behavior that
a facility to encourage had a bankwide campaign to the period covering the years board committee(s). Any hiring permanent total disability Bank’s Core Values. Further, it are shared during training and
defines the expected behavior on various units’ meetings.
We live in changing times. As technology continues to evolve and empower consumers, brands, and enterprises,
it also motivates habits, behaviors, and methods to change. Metrobank recognizes the imminence of change,
hence the need to adapt and grow. We want to take advantage of this tipping point and capitalize on technology
as a critical component in our collective efforts to achieve our overall mission.
Currently, 95% of the entire Metrobank population has already signed-up for Workplace. Workplace is a
communication platform to engage employees and drive culture. It enables seamless top-down communication
and knowledge-sharing and promotes openness, feedback and diversity to empower us to better engage
Metrobankers and drive culture change.
20 21
Gender Distribution
Total 479 5503 6869 12851 100.00%
22 23
Heart for Community is one For over 16 years, our Purple
of Metrobank’s core values and Hearts Club (PHC) has
corporate social responsibility encouraged volunteerism
(CSR) is integral to what we do. among our employees. PHC
Our CSR arm, the Metrobank has 61 chapters nationwide
Foundation, continues to make with over 8,200 employee-
strides in our advocacy for volunteers across units and
environmental sustainability, branches throughout the
empowerment through country.
education, promotion of good
health, and recognition of PHC’s flagship program, You’re
outstanding Filipino citizens in in Green Hands, focuses on
the community. environmental issues and
activities that include tree
In 2018, Metrobank planting, seedling preparations
strengthened its CSR and coastal clean-ups. In
commitment anchored on 2018, Metrobank partnered
our core value of Heart for with environmental group,
Community. It is a continuing Haribon Foundation, for coastal
program that engages clean-ups at the Las Piñas-
Metrobank employees to help Parañaque Critical Habitat and
make lives better through an Ecotourism Area. Metrobank
embedded culture of giving also supported the Buhay
back to society. Punlaan Tree Nursery Program
for tree nursery maintenance
and seedling care at Lumban,
24 25
Metrobank’s Adopt-A-School Bags-of-Blessing is our
Program continued last year as nationwide gift-giving project
These individuals
well as Kwentong Bata Beyond initiated by the late Metrobank exemplify the core values
Storytelling. The latter is our Group Chairman Dr. George
flagship literacy program that S.K. Ty and his family during of the institution: Passion
encourages values formation Chinese New Year. This is an for Results, Integrity,
and reading and writing eagerly participated program by
skills development through Purple Hearts Club volunteers Teamwork, Commitment
storytelling for pre-school across Metrobank. to Customer Service, and
Metrobank Foundation’s annual the Heart for Community.
Our bloodletting activity, search for Outstanding Filipinos Their lives are inspiring
Dugong Metrobank, continued that recognizes exemplary
to draw volunteers and guests teachers, soldiers and police lessons for those of us
to donate blood to those in officers continues to be one of
need. We collaborated with the company’s most successful
who share in the mission
hospitals and institutions such programs. The awardees were to committedly serve
as Manila Doctors Hospital and recognized during Metrobank’s
the Philippine National Red 56th anniversary celebration our country and fellow
Cross in these activities. in the presence of clients, Filipinos.
stakeholders, employees and
social development partners.
26 27
INTEGRITY Metrobank recognizes structures and processes that
would ensure that our business
The Corporate Governance
Manual serves as the guidebook
strong corporate is conducted ethically and in the implementation of the
comply with applicable laws corporate governance rules
governance as key element and regulations. Our staunch and regulations. It is periodically
in sustaining long-term commitment to safeguard updated for relevance and
the long-term best interests alignment with new regulatory
growth and success of of our shareholders and all issuances and best industry
the organization. The other stakeholders translates practices. The Board of
into a corporate culture that Directors, Management,
Bank upholds the highest embraces good governance Officers and Staff of the Bank
standards of corporate practices and fiduciary duties fully commit themselves to
manifested from the Bank’s the principles and practices
governance principles that Board of Directors, Senior contained in the Manual and
underpin the mechanism Management and all Employees. acknowledge that the same will
guide them in the development
in ensuring optimization of Corporate Governance and achievement of the Bank’s
performance, sustainable Manual and Codes of corporate goals.
value creation and The Bank ensures that its
protection of interests of all Metrobank has a strong Directors and Employees
corporate governance embrace the Code of Conduct
our stakeholders. framework that is embodied which sets forth the standards
in the Corporate Governance for professional and ethical
The Bank’s corporate
Manual which sets out the behaviors expected of them
governance is anchored on the
roles and responsibilities within when dealing internally and
pillars of integrity, accountability,
the Bank and the practices externally. The Bank’s Codes of
fairness and transparency
and procedures that we adopt Conduct are anchored on its
observed across all our
to ensure we govern our
operations and dealings which
organization to the highest
provides the strong foundation
standards of good governance
to achieve our goals.
We support adoption of
For over five decades, we remain to be your most trusted bank. And we will continue
to be in the years to come.
Everything that we do is anchored upon the highest level of professionalism and ethics.
Our adherence to strong moral principles will continue to make us worthy of your trust.
28 29
core values otherwise known managements’ performance strategic directions of the Bank. The independent directors are that dissenting views can be includes Bank’s By-laws, Articles money laundering, sustainability Board Meetings
as the PITCH which stands against set targets and ensures The Nominations Committee independent of management expressed and discussed within of Incorporation, Corporate reporting and other relevant
for Passion for results, Integrity, appropriate controls and assesses the qualifications of and major shareholders. They the decision-making process. On Governance Manual, Code of changes/developments. The Board meets regularly to
Teamwork, Commitment to systems of checks and balances the nominees guided by our have not engaged and do not the other hand, the President Conduct and Ethics, general discuss performance of the
customer service, & Heart for are in place and operating By-laws, Corporate Governance engage in any transaction with exercises direct and active responsibility and specific duties Retirement & Succession Bank, strategies and other
the community and adhere effectively. The Board sets the Manual and relevant regulations the institution or with any of its management of the business and responsibilities of the Board matters requiring board
only to the highest standards tone of good governance from of BSP and SEC and ensures the related companies or with any and operations of the Bank, and of a director. Directors are To promote dynamism, attention, decisions and
of fairness, accountability and the top as well as corporate optimal mix of skills and talent of its substantial shareholders, conducting the same according required to certify under oath leadership continuity and approvals. The organizational
transparency. values, codes of conduct and and balanced memberships of whether by themselves or to the orders, resolutions and that they have received copies relevance, it is always important meeting of the Board is
other ethical standards of the Board. When identifying or with other persons or through instructions of the Board and and fully understand and accept to have an effective succession held immediately after the
The Corporate Governance appropriate behavior for itself, screening potential candidates, a firm of which they are according to his own discretion the general responsibility and planning. As a general rule, Annual Stockholder’s Meeting.
and Compensation Committee the senior management and the Committee may consult partners or a company of wherever the same is not specific duties. The certification starting election of the Board Board-level committees are
and the Human Resources other employees. whatever resources it deems which they are directors or expressly limited by such orders, is also submitted to BSP in 2018, no Director may reconstituted during the
Management Group ensure appropriate, including but substantial shareholders, other resolutions and instructions. He together with a certification stand for re-election following organizational meeting. Regular
observance and adherence of The board members have not limited to, referrals from than transactions which are communicates and implements that he or she has all the the calendar year in which Board meetings are held every
the Directors and all employees an independent access to existing directors and officers, conducted at arm’s-length and the vision, mission, values and prescribed qualifications and that Director turned 75 second Wednesday of each
to the Codes. Breaches management and the corporate recommendations from a third- could not materially interfere overall strategy of the Bank none of the disqualifications years of age. However, on month. Special meetings may
are subject to appropriate secretary, as well as unfettered party search firm or suggestions with or influence the exercise and promotes any organization after their election. the recommendation of the be called at any time by the
disciplinary actions in access to information and from stockholders. They may of their judgment. change in relation to the Nominations Committee, Chairman, or, in his absence, by
accordance with the principles records of the Company to also make use of external same. He exercises general On a continuing basis, the the Board may waive this the Vice Chairman, or pursuant
of due process. To strengthen fulfill their responsibilities. databases of the Institute of The names of the directors superintendence and direction Bank provides suitable funding requirement as to any Director to the written request of any
the implementation of good Corporate Directors or other serving as at 31 December over the other officers and the and appropriate training and if it deems a waiver to the four directors.
governance and development Board Composition professional search firms. Only 2018 and their biographical employees of the Bank and to development of the Directors, best interest of the Company.
of culture within the Group, nominees whose names appear details are set out on pages see to it that their respective including the Corporate In addition, certain persons, In 2018, the Board had 16
training of employees regularly The Bank’s Board is composed in the Final List of Candidates 52-53. duties are properly performed. Secretary, to enable them such as Filipino citizens with meetings with the incumbent
include among others, topics on of twelve directors, ten of shall be eligible for election as to properly discharge their recognized stature, influence directors attending more than
compliance, good governance whom are non-executive director. The Chairman of the Directors’ Orientation & duties and better serve our and reputation in the banking 93% of all meetings.
and ethics. The Board-approved directors of which five are Board and the President Continuing Education stakeholders. In maintaining and business community and
Corporate Governance Manual independent directors. Directors are expected to their professional proficiency, whose business practices Independent and non-executive
and Codes of Conduct are Diversity in the Board is a key devote sufficient time to The roles of the Chairman of The Board of Directors as the directors are encouraged to stand as testimonies to good directors likewise meet once a
available in the Bank’s intranet consideration. The members diligently and efficiently perform the Board and the President a group and as individual continuously enhance their skills, corporate governance, are year with the external auditor
and posted in the Bank’s are experts in their field and their duties and responsibilities. are separate and held by two directors should have sufficient knowledge and understanding exempted from complying with and heads of internal audit,
website for public access. bring with them diversity in As a rule, the non-executive different people to foster an knowledge relevant to the of the activities that the Bank is the requirement. compliance and risk without
age, ethnic background, skills directors of the Board may appropriate balance of power, Bank’s affairs to provide engaged in or intends to pursue any senior executive present. In
Board of Directors and experience. All directors concurrently serve as directors increased accountability and effective governance and as well as the developments in Succession or filling up 2018, such meeting was held on
were selected based on their to a maximum of five publicly better capacity for independent oversight. the banking industry including vacancies in the Board is February 19, 2018.
Metrobank is headed by a qualifications such as integrity, listed companies, making sure decision-making by the Board. regulatory changes through addressed in the Bank’s By-laws.
competent Board that has probity, physical & mental however that the shareholders’ Each has clearly defined All first-time directors are continuing education. Any vacancies occurring in The Office of the Corporate
collective responsibilities for fitness, competence, relevant legal right to vote and be voted responsibilities in the Bank’s By- required to attend a special the Board may be filled by the Secretary which plays a
leadership and control of education, financial literacy and directors remains inviolable. laws and CG Manual. seminar on corporate In 2018, the Bank arranged vote of at least a majority of significant role in supporting
the Bank’s affairs ensuring its training, diligence, knowledge governance for board of a special training/seminar the remaining directors, if still the Board in discharging
long-term sustainability and and experience. Conversely, the independent The Chairman of the Board directors and undergo the conducted by Institute of constituting a quorum. Any its responsibilities prepares
success. The Board leads the directors, as a rule, may serve provides leadership in the orientation program after Corporate Directors (ICD) vacancy that occurs by reason the agenda and sends out
process of developing and Any stockholder may submit for a maximum cumulative Board. He ensures effective they are selected and before attended by all directors and of removal by stockholders, notices and materials at least
reviewing the Bank’s strategies nominations for directorial term of nine years. After which, functioning of the Board, their first Board meeting. senior management of the expiration of term or increase five business days before the
annually. It oversees the overall positions to the Nominations the independent director including maintaining a The orientation program for Bank to apprise them on the in the number of directors shall meeting dates. It also prepares
governance framework, Committee per the Bank’s shall be perpetually barred relationship of trust with first-time directors shall be significant developments in be filled by the stockholders and distributes the minutes of
approves and oversees effective By-laws. . The Committee from re-election as such, but Board members. In addition, for at least eight hours. Each corporate governance including in a regular or special meeting the previous meeting and keeps
implementation of business screens the nominations based may continue to qualify for the Chairman ensures a sound new director is furnished subject matters on cyber called for the purpose. full minutes of all Board and
and risk strategic directions to on its screening policies and nomination and election as a decision making process and with a Director’s pack which security, data privacy, anti- stockholder meetings.
achieve objectives, monitors parameters, including among regular director. encourages and promotes
others, alignment with the critical discussions and ensure
30 31
F. Del 130 0.00% 14/15
(CC) (VC)
4/5 6/6
policy and in monitoring its implementation by Management. Nominations Committee
3/3 13/15
Rosario, Jr.
Edgar O.
100 0.00% 15/15 7/7
15/16 11/11
Chairman Jesli A. Lapus, Independent Director
Chua 15/15
Executive Committee Regular Members Robin A. King, Independent Director
Director Solomon S.
100 42,089 0.00% 15/15 4/4
(NED) Cua (1)
Advisers James Go, Senior Adviser Edgar O. Chua, Independent Director
NED-Non-Executive Director 1-Elected Director in April 2018
ED-Executive Director 2-Effective April 2018 Mary V. Ty, Assistant to the Group Chairman
CC-Committe Chairman 3-Elected in October 2018 The Committee shall review and evaluate the qualifications of
VC-Committe Vice Chairman Chairman Arthur Ty, Chairman all persons nominated to the Board as well as those nominated
to other positions requiring appointment by the Board.
Vice Chairman Francisco C. Sebastian,Vice Chairman
Anti-Money Laundering Committee Audit Committee Regular Members Fabian S. Dee, President
Overseas Banking Committee
Chairman Edmund A. Go, Director Adviser Cornelio C. Gison, Adviser Vicente R. Cuna, Jr., Director
Chairman Francisco C. Sebastian,Vice Chairman
Regular Members Arthur Ty, Chairman Chairman Edgar O. Chua, Independent Director Mary Mylene A. Caparas, Head, Institutional
Banking Sector Regular Members Francisco F. Del Rosario, Independent Director
Vicente R. Cuna, Jr, Director Vice Chairman Francisco F. Del Rosario, Independent Director Corazon B. Nepomuceno, Chief Credit Officer,
Alfred Ty, Director
Rex C. Drilon II, Independent Director Regular Member Robin A. King, Independent Director Head, Credit Group
Alternate member Solomon S. Cua, Director
Edgar O. Chua, Independent Director Chief Audit Executive Leo R. Fragante, Head, Internal Audit Group Noel Peter Z.Yuseco, Deputy Head,
in the absence of
Credit Group Fabian S. Dee, President
Credit Group Head
As an extension of the Board, the Audit Committee assists
A Board level Committee tasked to assist the Board in fulfilling The Overseas Banking Committee shall assist the Board
the Board in fulfilling its statutory and fiduciary responsibilities, The EXCOM shall primarily review and approve credit
its oversight responsibility over the Bank’s AML Compliance in its oversight functions over the operations and financial
enhancing shareholder value, and protecting shareholders’ proposals and credit policies within its authority and limits as
Management to make sure that the Bank complies with the performance of the overseas branches and subsidiaries, their
interest through effective oversight of internal and external audit well as provide recommendations or conditions to lending. The
provisions of the AMLA, as amended, its Revised Implementing compliance with the rules and regulations of their respective
functions, transparency and proper reporting, compliance with EXCOM may also act on other matters as delegated by the
Rules and Regulations (RIRR), and BSP regulations. host countries and their adherence to the parent Bank’s
laws, rules and regulations and code of conduct, and adequate stockholders, and the Board of Directors within its competence business and corporate governance policies as prescribed by the
and effective internal controls. and in accordance with the By-Laws of the Bank. BSP and SEC.
32 33
Board Performance framework to provide ensure that same are reported not less favorable to the non-public information about The Bank’s Whistle Blowing
Evaluation and Self- reasonable assurance that the to appropriate levels of Bank than those offered to any of the companies within Policy aims to guide officers
Assessment Bank and its directors, officers management and to the Board others and subject to the the Metrobank Group or any and staff as well as other
and employees comply with of Directors through the Bank’s policy on related party partner shall be made on a stakeholders on reporting
The Board conducts an annual all banking and corporate laws, Corporate Governance and transactions. Transactions with reasonable need-to-know complaints related to fraud,
Related Party Transactions Committee evaluation process through the regulations, rules and standards. Compensation Committee. related parties are reviewed basis and in furtherance of a malpractice, conflict of interest
Corporate Governance and by either the Related Party legitimate business purpose. or violation of internal/
Chairman Rex C. Drilon II, Independent Director
Compensation Committee to The Compliance Division Compliance Division continues Transactions Management regulatory policies, procedures
Vice Chairman Robin A. King, Independent Director assess the effectiveness of the serves as the core-force of to actively seek ways to Committee, a management- The policy prohibits trading and controls. The policy also
Board, Chairman of the Board, information for regulatory boost compliance and adopt level committee composed of during black-out periods by provides for the protection
Member Edgar O. Chua, Independent Director
President, Committees and issuances and interpretation best practices in corporate senior officers or the Related covered persons i.e. all directors of the reporting employee.
A Board level Committee tasked to ensure that Bank’s each Director’s performance of rules and regulations governance. It also maintains Party Transactions Committee, and employees within the Under the policy, the Bank
transactions with related parties are reviewed to assess risks and contributions. The Board and provides oversight a dynamic interaction with a Board-level committee Metrobank Group including shall maintain the identity of
and subjected to appropriate restrictions to ensure that such has adopted an internal self- and guidance for a strong regulators to ensure a balance composed of independent their immediate family members the reporting employee as
are conducted at arm’s length terms and that the resources of rating system and procedures compliance culture as it between having the right directors, depending on the residing with them in the same confidential and retaliation
the Bank are not misappropriated or misapplied. to determine and measure works closely with business compliance culture and a risk- materiality threshold set by household and corporations, against any reporting employee
compliance vis-à-vis good and support units to identify, averse environment that will the Bank. Material related other entities and funds subject shall not be allowed. Complains
corporate governance assess, monitor and manage support business growth. party transactions require to their influence or control. It /concerns may be filed through
Risk Oversight Committee principles and practices as possible regulatory compliance prior written approval of requires the reporting insiders the Bank’s website or send
prescribed in the Code of risks which may impact the Fair Business the members of the Board, to confirm their respective via email at whistleblowing@
Chairman Robin A. King, Independent Director
Corporate Governance: (i) Bank’s operations and franchise Transactions & with the exclusion of the beneficial ownership of metrobank.com.ph or text
Vice Chairman Edmund A. Go, Director each Director self-rates and value. The Compliance Managing Conflicts of director concerned in case the listed shares of stock in their hotline +639427471359.
collectively rates the Board, the Division is tasked to promote Interest transaction involves him or his respective companies, if any, and
Member Jesli A. Lapus, Independent Director effective implementation of related interests. Related party report any changes thereto on Dividend Policy
Chairman of the Board and the
Maritess B. Antonio, Head, Risk President; (ii) the Corporate the compliance system and The Bank champions the fair transactions are discussed in the the next trading day from the
Chief Risk Officer
Management Group Governance and Compensation address breaches that may treatment and protection Audited Financial Statements, date of the change pursuant to The Bank’s dividend policy is an
Committee (CGCC), Audit, Risk arise. It ensures that possible of all our stakeholders, particularly under Notes to the the requirements of the SEC integral component of its capital
The Risk Oversight Committee, as the extension of the Board, Management and other Board compliance issues and key particularly our customers, Financial Statements No. 31 and the PSE. management policy rather
is responsible for the development and oversight of the risk committees conduct self-rating. compliance risks are proactively resource providers, creditors on related Party Transactions. than a stand-alone process. Its
management program for the Bank and its Trust Banking Group. identified, measured, and and the community in which All acts of the Board, including Whistle Blowing Policy fundamental and overriding
The results of the annual self- assessed and that advice and we operate and believe that material related party policy is sustainability.
assessment are validated and support to Management in fair, professional and objective transactions, are confirmed by Metrobank is committed to
Trust Committee
summarized, discussed by the managing regulatory and dealings forge enduring the majority vote of the Bank’s maintaining the highest possible Dividends are declared and
Adviser Dr. Placido L. Mapa, Jr. Senior Adviser CGCC and reported to the compliance risk are provided. relationships. The members of stockholders during the annual standards of ethics, honesty, paid out of unrestricted
Board. It also conducts compliance the Board conduct fair business stockholders’ meeting. accountability and adhering retained earnings of the Bank
Chairman Jesli A. Lapus, Independent Director
awareness trainings for all transactions with the Bank and to the principles of good at such intervals as the Board
Vice Chairman Rex C. Drilon II, Independent Director Based on the results of the employees on a regular basis ensure that personal interest Insider Trading Policy governance. All employees of Directors may determine
annual evaluation, for the and issues advisories where does not bias Board decisions. are encouraged to play their and in accordance with the
Regular Members Fabian S. Dee, President appropriate. Directors, officers and all Metrobank as a publicly traded part in improving the overall provisions of law and the
year 2018, the Bank has fully
Edmund A. Go, Director complied with the material employees avoid situations that company is governed by effectiveness and success of regulations of the BSP and the
requirements of the Code of The Compliance Division would give rise to a conflict of securities laws and regulations. the Bank and in strengthening SEC. Historically, the Bank has
Leandro Antonio G. Santillan, Head Trust Banking
Corporate Governance. is headed by the Chief interest including participation The Bank strictly enforces and the Bank’s system of integrity declared annual cash dividends
Compliance Officer (CCO) in any corrupt practices or monitors compliance with its by creating an atmosphere equal to P1.00 per common
The Trust Committee shall act within the sphere of its authority, Compliance System who reports functionally to bribery of any kind. Insider Trading Policy to uphold of openness and trust and share, equivalent to 5% of par
including but not limited to, the confirmation of acceptance Corporate Governance and applicable laws and ensure by providing an avenue for value. The payment of dividends
and closing of trust and fiduciary accounts, the review of The Bank, through Compliance Compensation Committee. All related party transactions shareholders protection and employees to raise concerns in the future will depend on
assets placed under the Bank’s custody, the investment, and Division implements an The CCO provides effective are conducted at arm’s length that individuals do not benefit and receive feedback on any the Bank’s earnings, cash flow,
reinvestment and disposition of trust funds and the review enterprise-wide compliance and proactive upstream and basis. If transactions with the from knowledge which is action taken. financial condition, regulatory
and approval of transactions between trust and/or fiduciary program which forms an downstream communication Bank cannot be avoided, it is not generally available to the requirements for capital and
accounts. integral part of the Bank’s within the Bank to address done in the regular course market. The policy requires other factors. The Board of
culture and risk governance compliance matters and of business and upon terms that the disclosure of material Directors may, at any time,
34 35
modify the Bank’s dividend competition through Customers & Creditors The Board makes available to Supplier & Contract Selection were the basis of choosing Metrobank has comprehensive Metrobank is committed
payout ratio depending on the participation in annual the stockholders accurate and relevant health interventions community and social to sound environmental
results of operations and future compensation and benefit The Bank remains anchored timely information to enable the The Bank also ensures for the workforce. Lectures responsibility programs stewardship. It consistently
projects and plans of the Bank. surveys to ensure its on its very purpose of latter make a sound judgment that it maintains policies on bank security are likewise conducted by the Metrobank strives to look for areas to
competitiveness vis-à-vis ensuring customer success, by on all matters brought to their for supplier and contract conducted to equip personnel Foundation, its corporate social improve its operations towards
Cash dividends are subject to industry and other market safeguarding its customers’ and attention for consideration selection. The policy on vendor in handling situations that responsibility arm and the the conservation of energy,
approval by at least a majority considerations. creditors’ welfare, fulfilling their or approval. All material management and outsourcing may compromise the security employees through the Purple water and resources. Various
of the Board of Directors. On needs and by helping them information about the Bank is of banking support and of persons, property and Hearts Club. policies on optimizing the use
the other hand, stock dividend Pay for Performance. achieve their goals. As contained disclosed in a timely manner to marketing activities provides information. The Bank also of paper, power shutdown of
requires prior clearance from in the Bank’s Code of Conduct the SEC and PSE. guidelines on accreditation ensures a drug-and alcohol-free The success of the Club was office equipment to minimize
the BSP, the SEC and the PSE. The Bank aims to achieve a for Employees, failure to attend of service providers as well work environment at all times. rooted in the heart for service resource usage and to save
performance-driven work promptly to client requests is The Board is transparent and as monitoring and reviewing shown by the Bank’s employee- on electricity costs, use of
Compensation Policy culture by providing meaningful an example of non-acceptable fair in the conduct of the annual their performance. The Bank’s The Bank also ensures that all volunteers. Employees vehicles for carpool and
rewards for performance. behavior under the standard of stockholders’ meetings of the Vendor Management Policy employees perform their work participated in an array of regular maintenance and
The Bank adopts a Annual performance scorecards conduct. Bank. The Bank encourages provides guidelines in the consistently to high standards CSR programs that focused servicing of vehicles to reduce
compensation policy that are structured to support the stockholders to personally purchase or acquisition of and achieve their full potential. on education, environmental transportation cost and carbon
is aligned with the Bank’s business strategies and provide The Bank has also developed attend such meetings. If they products or services from It recognizes that training and stewardship, and health. PHC emissions are in place.
operating and risk culture, competitive rewards. Thus, its Customer Protection Policy cannot attend, they are apprised vendors and mitigates risks development is fundamental also collaborated with partners
long-term strategic and financial the Bank grants annual merit Manual that enumerates the ahead of time of their right to of dealing with unqualified to the improvement of the across several industries to The Metrobank Purple
interest and labor laws and increase and performance basic principles and ethical appoint a proxy. Subject to the vendors. It shall also ensure that Bank’s operational performance introduce employees to new Hearts Club (PHC) has
regulations, promotes good bonus (non-guaranteed) business practices that govern requirements of the By-Laws, the Bank’s vendor management and the achievement of the opportunities for volunteerism “You’re In Green Hands”
performance and competitive based on the Bank’s overall the conduct of the Bank in the exercise of the right shall guidelines are compliant with Bank’s strategy and goals. The that benefit and support other (YIGH), an environmental
with industry standards, with performance, Group and dealing with its customers, not be unduly restricted and BSP regulations. The Bank Metrobank Academy provides marginalized sectors of society. stewardship program which
a goal to attract, motivate and individual performance, and setting out the standards any doubt about the validity of also practices the policy of all officers with a wide range centers on combating various
retain the best people. market conditions. of consumer protection in a proxy should be resolved in canvassing and bidding services of suitable programs to assist Details of the various programs environmental issues faced by
the areas of disclosure and the stockholder’s favor. as a basis for the evaluation and in their continuing professional and activities of Metrobank the country through restoration
Directors’ Compensation Package Fair Compensation. transparency, protection of approval of the bid process. development, so that the Foundation and PHC may be activities such as tree planting,
client information, fair treatment, Every stockholder entitled to organization will have the read on page 25. mangrove planting, seashore,
The members of the Board The Bank ensures that its effective recourse and financial vote on a particular question Health, Safety and Welfare of right quality of people for the and coastal clean-up drives.
of Directors receive a fixed compensation package for education. It provides assurance or matter involved shall be Employees business to grow and achieve Environment Protection
remuneration package based non-officers or rank and file that consumer protection entitled to one (1) vote for its goals. The Bank strives to Risk Management
on experience, professional employees is in accordance with practices are embedded in each share of stock in his name. The Bank acknowledges that it empower Metrobankers with As part of Metrobank’s core
background, level of the labor law requirements. the Bank’s business operations Cumulative voting is allowed has a responsibility to ensure the right skills, knowledge, work value of being a responsible The Risk Management Group
responsibilities and attendance They receive salaries linked which address and prevent provided that the total votes the safety and security of its ethics and expertise that are corporate citizen, it believes (RSK) is an independent unit
in Board and committee to both performance and the identified risks to the Bank and cast by a stockholder shall not employees and clients. The Bank relevant to the stakeholders. that sustainable development is of the Bank that identifies,
meetings. Bank’s contractual obligation associated risk of financial harm exceed the number of shares actively promotes a safe and a fundamental aspect of sound analyzes, measures, and
under a collective bargaining or loss to its customers. registered in his name as of healthy work environment that Economic & social development business management and monitors identified material
Executive and Employee agreement which include the record date multiplied by is conducive to the well-being recognizes that this must rank risks in close coordination
Compensation loyalty bonuses for long-term Stockholders’ Rights and the number of directors to be and professional development The Bank believes that it is among the top priorities of its with other business units. It
employees. Protection of Minority elected. Matters submitted to of its employees. The Bank also responsible also for the state lending portfolio. exercises oversight on the risk
The Bank pays salaries Stockholders’ Interests stockholders for the ratification believes that providing them and welfare of the larger society management units of various
commensurate to the Interest of Stakeholders shall be decided by the required with a secure and safe work to which it belongs. As an Metrobank is focused on subsidiaries and affiliates with
individual’s qualifications & The Board respects the rights vote of stockholders present environment greatly enhances institution with a heart, the Bank developing a loan portfolio that the goal of ensuring compliance
experience, nature of the Metrobank has a responsibility of the stockholders as provided in person or by proxy. All business and work productivity. gives back to the communities directly protects and promotes with relevant regulations,
job, position, and level of to all its stakeholders and for in the Corporation Code. shareholders shall have the In particular, the Bank ensures we serve, committed to making environmental and social care, and the implementation of a
responsibility with reference to addresses their needs. The It promotes the rights of opportunity to obtain effective a drug-and alcohol-free work meaningful contributions and likewise instilling in the consistent risk management
an approved salary scale. Bank has policies that safeguard the stockholders, removes redress for violation of their environment at all times. to the economic and social borrowers, the awareness that framework across the
the interests of customers & impediments to the exercise rights. development of our nation. It social and environmental care Metrobank group.
The Bank’s compensation creditors, suppliers, employees, of those rights and provides an Among the programs instituted measures its performance not are inextricable to economic
package is reviewed regularly shareholders and the adequate avenue for them to was the wellness check of only with financial returns but growth in order to achieve
and benchmarked against environment. seek timely redress for breach employees, results of which also with its social objectives. sustainable development.
of their rights.
36 37
Strategic Level
Metrics and risk assessment Material Risks practices of all credit-originating current and prospective interest
Portfolio & Transaction Level tools, both adopted from and relationship management gapping of the Bank’s balance
regulation and best practice As a Domestic Systemically units, as well as other units sheet. The appetite for this risk
and internal to the Bank Important Bank (DSIB), involved in the credit cycle. is low; as such, the Bank follows
are then used to measure Metrobank faces a broad a set of policies on managing
The Risk Management Process identified risks. The use of range of risks reflecting such Credit Concentration Risk its assets and liabilities so as
Risk & Risk these tools complements the status. These risks include to ensure that exposure to
Strategic Risk Appetite
Opportunities Assessment & Consistent with the foregoing, conduct of business as they those resulting from its lending It is the current and prospective fluctuations in interest rates are
Direction Definition Identification Evaluation the Bank’s risk management help prevent risks from being activity, treasury operations, negative impact to earnings kept within acceptable limits.
process focuses on the interplay realized into serious issues, as and extensive client-facing and capital arising from
among business, concomitant well as cue the possibility of network, including its branches. over-exposure to specific Liquidity Risk
risks, and required capital any instance that capital may The Bank recognizes that it industries and/or borrowers /
with the goal of sustaining the be called to absorb losses. is not possible or necessarily counterparties. The Bank has It is the risk to earnings or
NO YES Risk Control & franchise through the rise and desirable to eliminate some a moderate appetite for this capital arising from the Bank’s
Viable? ebb of the business cycle. It Notwithstanding a defined of the risks inherent in its risk, recognizing that specific inability to meet its obligations
provides the engine for the risk management function, the activities. Acceptance of growth areas may need credit when they become due. The
determination of the Bank’s Bank recognizes that the core some risk, therefore, is often support more than others, Bank considers liquidity risk as
strategic goals, its material risks, banking activity of managing necessary to foster growth and that lending to highly the most important considering
and its appetite for said risks. risks is not the sole province and efficiencies within business integrated customers often lead that liquidity is the lifeline of any
Risk exposure identification, of RSK. It is rather a function practices. At all times, however, to pockets of concentration. bank. As such, the appetite for
Risk measurement, management, and that cuts across the entire the Bank ensures that any The Bank manages this risk via liquidity risk is low. The Bank’s
Risk Review monitoring provide the support organization as manifested in risk-taking activity is aligned adherence to processes relating strategy for managing this risk
on which business budgets are the Bank’s three (3) lines of with its corporate objectives to industry and counterparty is generally via limiting the
afforded the chance of being defense. Such set-up is central and capabilities, and that an assessments, observance of maturity mismatch between
achieved and for which capital to risk management, as it effective risk management regulatory ceilings, and setting assets and liabilities, improving
adequacy to support the effort expresses everyone’s role in process is in place. of internal limits. the stickiness of its deposit
RSK reports directly to the 2. As the business is continuously assured. ensuring that risk exposures and liabilities profile, and by
Board of Directors through landscape evolves, the are managed and within The following are some of the Market Risk holding sufficient liquid assets
the Risk Oversight Committee, Bank’s risk management the Bank’s risk appetite. The material risks the Bank faces of appropriate quality and
which is composed primarily of practices must likewise first line of defense consists and the strategies for managing It is the risk resulting from marketability.
independent members of the remain appropriate
Board of Directors of the risk taking and risk the same: adverse movements in the
Board. The Committee’s active and practicable, but (BOD) owning units since they are in general level of or volatility Operational Risk
role in overseeing the Bank’s always in consonance the position to immediately Credit Risk of market rates or prices
risk infrastructure, operating with standards set by its identify, respond, manage, and or commodity/equity prices It is the risk arising from the
policies, and exposures ensures regulators; monitor risks. Second would It is the risk that the borrower, possibly affecting the Bank’s potential that inadequate
a good balance between risk 3. The Bank must ensure Risk Oversight be independent units, like RSK, issuer or counterparty in a financial condition. The Bank’s information system, operations
appetite and prudence. that it has the right risk Committee (ROC) that provide oversight and transaction may default and appetite for this risk is low, or transactional problems
governance structure in the tools, systems and advice cause potential loss to the Bank. and manages this risk via a (related to service or product
Risk Management Principles order to minimize the necessary to support the first It arises from lending, trade process of identifying, analyzing, delivery), breaches in internal
chances of risks becoming line in identifying, managing finance, treasury, derivatives measuring and controlling controls, fraud or unforeseen
Ultimately this philosophy real losses while exploiting and monitoring risks. The third and other similar activities. The relevant market risk factors, and catastrophes will result in
of balancing risk and reward the gains that may Subs Risk Committees line of defense is provided by Bank’s appetite for this risk establishing appropriate limits unexpected loss. The Bank’s
translates to the following risk accrue from business the internal audit function. This is moderate, reflective of its for the various products and appetite for operational risk
management principles: opportunities; and Risk Management function provides a level of core business and the social exposures. is low, and is managed via a
4. Risk management is Group (RSK) independent assurance that the responsibility that comes with framework involving various
1. Because risk is native to everyone’s concern – risk management and internal being one of the financial Interest Rate Risk in the Banking tools that promote a strong
the banking business, the from the Board who sets control framework is working system’s largest lenders. Book (IRRBB) control environment, escalation,
Bank manages risks that the overall tone, to the as designed. monitoring and reporting of risk
correspond to its goals officers and staff who Risk Management As a matter of general strategy, It is the current and prospective events, and adequate mitigation
and objectives as an execute the Bank’s risk Coordinating Council the Bank manages this risk negative impact to earnings and of assessed risks.
ongoing business; management strategy. (RMCC) through a system of policies, capital arising from movements
metrics, and authorities that or shifts in interest rates. The
govern the processes and risk becomes inherent in the
38 39
Technology Risk (ML/TF) Risk, the Bank has zero Chief Audit Executive reports acquired economically, used The Group commits to development programs; elevate comprehensive internal
tolerance for the same, and functionally to the Board of efficiently, and adequately continually embark with effectiveness thru enhanced controls and audit. These
It is the current and prospective is managed separately by the Directors through the Audit protected; Bank’s programs, a purposeful competency work programs and end-to- practices, together with effective
negative impact to earnings Bank’s Anti-Money Laundering Committee and administratively plans, and objectives are development plan as it is end process audits on critical communication and training
arising from failure of the Bank’s Division (AMLD) reporting to the Office of the President. achieved; quality and continuous paramount that the capabilities areas of Bank operations; roll and risk-based compliance
IT systems, including information directly to the Board’s AML All internal audit activities improvement are fostered and skills of the Internal Audit forward assurance capabilities testing, promote a robust,
and cyber security. The Bank’s Committee. remain free of influence by any in the organization’s control team evolve with business and to the first and second lines of dynamically-responsive, and
appetite for IT risk is low, and its element in the organization and process; and, significant technology developments, as defense; optimize the use of appropriate compliance system
strategy in managing this risk is Strategic Risk internal auditors have no direct operational risks/ issues are well as changing practices. electronic data to fully integrate and culture of compliance
embodied in a comprehensive responsibility or involvement addressed properly. data analytics in internal audit towards a sound and stable
information technology It is the current and over any Bank operating The accomplishment of activities, realize efficiencies financial franchise. With the
management policy that prospective negative impact to activities. 2018 Risk-Based Internal through increase in centralized Bank’s robust and sound risk
encompasses IT risk assessment, earnings arising from adverse
Over the years, the Audit Plan, which includes validation procedures; and management practices and
vulnerability testing, monitoring, business decisions, improper The Internal Audit Group internal audit function has fundamental audit activities provide deeper insights strong commitment to good
controls, and mitigation. implementation of decisions, scope of work ensures and initiatives such as to the Management and corporate governance practices
and/or lack of responsiveness that risks are appropriately become more relevant assurance activities; consulting/ Board of Directors through and principles of safe and sound
Reputation Risk to industry changes. The Bank’s identified and managed and and firm in adding value advisory works; fact-finding/ forward-looking analyses. IAG banking practices, regulatory
strategy in managing this risk interaction with the various case analysis; special reviews further commits to undergo and money laundering and
It is the current and prospective is to embed the same in the governance groups occurs, as to the Bank, as internal of information technology transformational initiatives in terrorist financing risks are
negative impact to earnings various business functions as needed, through validation on auditing is performed operations; embedding of data the coming years to deliver effectively managed.
and capital arising from espoused in its strategic and whether significant financial, analytics thru investment in impactful assurance and
negative public opinion. As a business planning processes. managerial, and operating by professional auditors technology, training of staff, consulting services which shall
bank essentially survives on its information is accurate, reliable, evaluation of data sources, intensify and proliferate good
reputation, the Bank has very INTERNAL AUDIT and timely; operations and
with deep appreciation of and collaboration of audit corporate governance practices
low appetite for reputation risk system functionalities are in the importance of strong teams; enhanced account within the organization.
and always aims to proactively Internal Audit Group is compliance with Bank’s code confirmation procedures;
build on its good name. The established by the Board of of conduct, policies, standards,
governance and with fraud risk assessment and ANTI-MONEY
Bank holds that reputation Directors, and its responsibilities procedures, and applicable in-depth understanding awareness programs; and, LAUNDERING
risk is a consequence of other are defined by the Audit laws and regulations, including group supervision activities on
risks. Its management therefore Committee as part of its adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank products/ internal audit units of covered The Bank’s AML compliance
is tied closely to the manner oversight function. The Audit of controls associated with services, systems, and Metrobank Subsidiaries, among program, which is designed to
by which it manages its other Committee and Management money laundering and terrorist others, allowed IAG to provide identify and mitigate business
risks. By ensuring effective take all the necessary measures financing; resources are processes. the stakeholders with objective and regulatory risks, is being
identification, assessment, to provide the appropriate assurance and insight on the implemented through sound
control, monitoring, and resources and staffing, including effectiveness and efficiency risk management practices
reporting of the other material free access to all functions, Audit Committee of risk management, internal and adherence to applicable
risks, reputation risk is likewise records/documents, information, control, and governance rules and regulations on the
Adviser Atty. Cornelio C. Sison, Board Adviser
effectively managed. properties and personnel, processes of the Bank. Through prevention of money laundering
that would enable Internal Chairman Edgar O. Chua, Independent Director this valuable insights, positive and terrorist financing.
Compliance and Regulatory Audit Group to fully carry out Francisco F. Del Rosario Jr., Independent
changes and certain innovations
Risk its functions and achieve its Vice Chairman
Director within the organization were The sound risk management
objectives while adhering to prompted which aids in the practices of the Bank are
It is the current and prospective the principles required by the Member Robin A. King, Independent Director overall achievement of the well established to ensure
negative impact to earnings and International Standards for the Chief Audit Executive Leo R. Fragante, Head, Internal Audit Group Bank’s strategic objectives. adequate and active board
capital arising from failure to Professional Practice of Internal and senior management
comply with all applicable laws, Auditing (Standards) and Code As an extension of the Board, the Audit Committee assists To keep up with the increasing oversight, acceptable policies
regulations, and standards of of Ethics. the Board in fulfilling its statutory and fiduciary responsibilities, business challenges and and procedures embodied in a
good governance and practice. enhancing shareholder value, and protecting shareholders’ interest growing array of risks, IAG money laundering and terrorist
The appetite for this risk is low, The Internal Audit Group through effective oversight of internal and external audit functions, will strive to be dynamically financing prevention compliance
and is managed via the conduct maintains its independence and transparency and proper reporting, compliance with laws, rules responsive to emerging program, appropriate
of a defined Compliance objectivity in performing and and regulations and code of conduct, and adequate and effective issues; fortify its workforce monitoring and management
program. Specific to Money delivering audit works, as the internal controls. by investing in competency information system and
Laundering & Terrorist Financing Internal Audit Group Head/
40 41
Throughout the year, the Audit
Committee (Committee)
Chairman had private meetings
with the Chief Audit Executive
and fraud management,
among others. Assessed and
the annual internal audit plan;
regularly received reports,
provided full support and to set clear directions and monitored Management’s discussed significant matters,
assistance to the Board guidance in carrying out certain degree of responsiveness including status of resolving
of Directors in fulfilling mandates/directives. Highlights to audit observations and control issues/observations,
its statutory and fiduciary of the Committee’s activities recommendations on process and implementation of
responsibilities, enhancing were as follows: improvements and control recommendations to improve
shareholders’ value, and enhancements. Engaged and internal controls; monitored
protecting their interest through Financial Reporting liaised proactively with the progress/completion of audit
effective implementation of its Reviewed and reported to the Board in overseeing effective plan; reviewed audit results
primary responsibilities stated Board of Directors the interim implementation of internal including the Bangko Sentral ng
in the Board-approved Audit and annual financial statements control and risk management Pilipinas report of examination;
Committee Charter, which and disclosures; valuation functions, and conveying and, reviewed and approved
cover overseeing of internal techniques; major estimates and culture of honesty and integrity all non-audit services of the
and external audit functions, assumptions used; significant throughout the organization. external auditor (i.e., issuance Ty Family/
including internal audit activities
provided to subsidiaries/
adjustments, material errors
and fraud; and action plans of Regulatory Requirements
of comfort letter for the rights
offer of Metrobank common 36.4% MBT
14.7% Free Float
associates and outsourced the Management on reported Monitored compliance by the shares, validation of votes cast
internal audit activities; ensuring observations. Coordinated with Bank with new and existing laws, at the annual stockholders’
transparency and proper the Controller and both with regulations and promulgated meeting, issuance of quarterly
reporting with emphasis internal and external auditors in policies of the Bangko Sentral reports on the application
on the reports’ integrity, ensuring Bank’s compliance with ng Pilipinas and other regulatory of proceeds from the 2018 *
timeliness and compliance new financial reporting and agencies, including but not stock rights offer, vulnerability
with standards; monitoring accounting standards, tax, legal limited to money laundering assessment and penetration
compliance with Bank policies, and regulatory requirements; and terrorist financing, financial testing of publicly accessible
and applicable laws, governing proper treatment of unusual/ consumer protection, related servers, network, devices
rules and regulations and code complex transactions where party transactions, information and services engagement) to
of conduct; and, evaluating significant judgment was security and business continuity ensure no conflict or threat to
adequacy, effectiveness and exercised; and, employee management. Reviewed and independence.
efficiency of internal control pension funding requirement evaluated the effectiveness
framework. or appropriate recognition of of the regulatory compliance Based on the Committee’s Investment Banking Credit Cards Savings Bank Leasing
corresponding liability in the framework and governance accomplishments,
The Committee is composed
of three (3) qualified non-
books. policies and practices of the
Bank to ensure that these
representation letter from the
Bank Management, unqualified
99.2% 100.0% 82.7% 59.9%
executive members, who Internal Control and Risk are consistently applied and opinion from the external
are all independent directors Management observed throughout the auditor on the financial
appointed by the Board of Evaluated adequacy and institution. statements, and the Chief Audit
Directors. These directors effectiveness of the Bank’s Executive’s overall satisfactory
also hold membership internal control and risk Oversight of the External assessment on the general
positions in other Board- management systems, processes, and Internal Audit Function adequacy and effectiveness of
level Committees, through and procedures through IA Ensured the external and the Bank’s internal control, risk Effective Ownership
which, they are apprised of reports on assurance and internal auditor’s objectivity management, and governance
significant developments and consultative engagement and independence; approved processes, we conclude that
are able to provide advice on activities, which cover review the reappointment of the business risks are managed in Bancassurance
risk taking and management of controls of pertinent external auditor, terms of audit accordance with the policies
activities. In 2018, the Audit
Committee held twelve (12)
areas of operations such as
credit/lending operations,
engagement and audit fees;
evaluated audit scope, plan and
set by the Board of Directors
and in compliance with relevant
regular meetings and three (3) marketing/sales function, performance; reviewed and regulatory requirements.
special meetings with internal information systems, IT approved the Management
and external auditors; and the governance, cybersecurity, Representation letter; approved
* Listed on PSE
JV between AXA, Metrobank Group Note: There are no shareholder agreements, voting trust agreements, confidentiality agreements or any
and GT Capital (25.3% owned) such other agreements that may impact the control, ownership and strategic direction of the company.
42 43
The Metrobank Group shares with all its
clients a single vision and foresight.
You design your dreams.
We build the road for your journey.
Metrobank Card Corporation Metrobank Card expanded MCC re-launched the • VMware virtualization
(MCC) remained a strong partnerships with Metrobank World Mastercard, and cloud solutions - Best
player based on the latest Alphanetworld Corporation, its most premium credit card, Technology Implementation
data from the Credit Card Pisopay.com, AXA Philippines, at an intimate and exclusive - Back End
Association of the Philippines and Rusty Lopez to launch four ball at the Grand Hyatt Manila, • Highly Commended citation
(CCAP). As of end-December White Label Prepaid Cards: Bonifacio Global City on for the Most Innovative ORIX METRO Leasing and As of 30 September 2018,
2018, MCC ranked: NWorld Cash Card Reloadable October 11, 2018. Digital Solution category Finance Corporation was
amounted to PHP 34.917 ORIX METRO’s total fleet
• 2nd in terms of Receivables. Prepaid Visa, Pisopay.com • Highly Commended citation confronted with a host of billion compared to PHP under FSOL and fleet
• 3rd in terms of Total Prepaid Visa, AXA Prepaid Visa, Awards for the Best Card Offering challenges that impacted management is composed of
Number of Cards-in-Force. Rusty Lopez Rewards Prepaid for South East Asia its financial performance in
30.718 billion recorded in 7,694 cars, pick-ups, vans and
• 3rd in terms of Merchant Visa. Metrobank Card was awarded 2018. Against this challenging FY 2017. light trucks.
Acquiring Billings. the Gold Apple Award for Metrobank Card was awarded backdrop, the company ended
MCC partnered with China’s Credit Card Promotion of the Philippines Best Employer fiscal year with PHP 1.300 The company’s portfolio quality ORIX METRO continues to
top digital payment providers, the Year at the Robinsons Brand Awards 2018 under the billion in net income after tax, remains healthy despite the seek avenues of growth as the
Alipay and WeChat Pay, Supermarket Trade Partners Banking Sector category by the an increase of 5.87% from last increase of its past due ratio company expands its branch
Effective September enabling local merchants using Night 2017 last March 7, 2018 Employer Branding Institute and year’s PHP 1.228 billion. to 1.90% compared to 1.59% network, particularly in the
4, 2018, MCC became MCC’s payment platform to at Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria. World HRD Congress. in FY 2017. It maintained countryside. This expansion,
accept mobile payments from The company, owned by its strict credit underwriting which has been on-going for
a 100% wholly-owned thousands of visiting Chinese MCC won four major awards MCC surpassed Asia’s standards Metrobank (40%), ORIX process and prudent the past few years, will continue
subsidiary of Metrobank, consumers in the country, via and two high commendations on customer satisfaction Corporation of Japan (40%) portfolio management even as the company further
MCC’s point-of-sale terminals from the recently concluded for Financial Institutions. and First Metro Investment as the company aggressively strengthens its coverage of
after the bank acquired with dynamic Quick Response Cards and Electronic Payments MCC recently conducted a Corporation (20%), achieved a expanded its lending activities the small and medium-sized
the full 40% stake of its Codes. International Asia Awards Customer Satisfaction Survey return on average equity (ROE) in the countryside. In terms of enterprises (SMEs) in the
(CEPI) 2018. The CEPI Asia together with Kantar TNS of 17.52% this year versus an network, ORIX METRO ended rural areas. ORIX METRO
previous joint venture Metrobank Card launched Awards Gala Dinner was held Philippines, the country’s largest average ROE of 20% for the FY 2018 with 103 branches also continually upgrades its
PISO Trip exclusive for Victory at Hilton Singapore on the 6th customized and leading market past years. Return on average compared to 98 last year. technology infrastructure and
partner. Liner Premiere Prepaid of September 2018. research agency to local and assets declined from 3.16% last improves processes in order to
VISA Cardholders. This was • Yazz Prepaid Visa - Best multinational brands. Based year to 2.72 percent this year. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, better serve its clients.
MCC became a licensed
a seat sale offer by MCC in Prepaid Card Product for on the concluded survey, ORIX Rental Corporation
General Insurance Agency on
partnership with Victory Liner, Asia Pacific MCC surpassed the customer (ORC) which is engaged in
June 1, 2018. This enabled MCC
and the first-ever P1 seat sale • The Winzone - Best Brand satisfaction standard in Asia
ORIX METRO’s total group long-term full service operating
to further grow the insurance
business and increase MCC’s
for land travel in the country. Engagement Programme and in Southeast Asia for the resources grew from PHP lease (FSOL) of cars and light
• Lead Generation Program Finance and Banking Sector. trucks, registered an income of
commercial scope. Its complete
In 2018, MCC improved the - Best Digital Marketing The average performance and
43.968 billion last year to PHP 1.898 billion in FY 2018
corporate name is now
Metrobank Card Corporation
digitalization of its promotions Campaign preference benchmark score PHP 51.747 billion this fiscal compared to PHP 1.723 billion
with its partner merchants: for Asia is at 79, while Southeast in FY 2017.
(A Finance Company and
Winzone, Strike to Millions and Asia is at 78. Metrobank Card’s
year. Total new bookings
General Insurance Agency).
McDonald’s. average score is at 94.
First Metro successfully Company in the Philippine underwriter. In mergers and of awards from The Asset
AXA Philippines closed 2018 The year also marked the the message ‘For all that you completed 13 capital markets Dealing Exchange enrolment acquisitions, First Metro served Benchmark Research (ABR)
with a total premium income of opening of the AXA Academy, value, choose AXA’ permeated deals in 2018, which included system. The transaction was as buy-side financial advisor of Hong Kong. In ABR’s 2018
P29.7 billion and with around its newest state-of-the-art traditional as well as online the following names: Megawide awarded Best Benchmark Bond of Metrobank’s acquisition of Asian Local Currency Bond
1.5 million customers protected facility that seeks to raise spaces nationwide. GMR Construction JV, Inc., Deal by regional investment up to 40% stake in Metrobank Benchmark Review, First
under various individual and the training of insurance SM Prime Holdings, Inc., San magazine Alpha Southeast Asia. Card Corporation, the country’s Metro ranked first as Top
group life insurance products, professionals to an unmatched AXA’s online insight community Miguel Corporation, The More than the many “firsts” leading provider of credit cards. Arranger, Investors’ Choice for
as well as general insurance level of excellence in the MyAXA Café won silver at the Philippine Stock Exchange, and the recognition from an Government Primary Issues and
products through its non-life industry. Housed at the Bank of prestigious Efma-Accenture Inc., Metropolitan Bank & Trust international publication, the First Metro received the Deal 4th as Top Bank in Government
subsidiary Charter Ping An. The Makati Building on Ayala Avenue Innovation in Insurance Awards, Company, Bounty Fresh Group, proceeds of the issuance will be of the Year award for the 20th Bonds. For corporate issuances,
year also marked the first time in Makati City, the AXA an awards program that NLEX Corporation, Toyota used for lending to individuals Tranche issuance of Retail the investment house ranked
that Charter Ping An, started Academy serves as the main aims to recognize the most Financial Services Philippines with limited banking access, Treasury Bonds (RTB) at 2nd as Top Bank in Corporate
operating under the AXA training hub for AXA agents innovative projects, initiatives Corporation, Ayala land Inc., thereby promoting financial the 2018 Investment House Bonds and 4th as Top Arranger,
Philippines brand name. and employees. and ideas in insurance around ORIX Metro Leasing and inclusion and helping alleviate Association of the Philippines Investors’ Choice for Corporate
the world. This same year, Finance Corporation, Petron poverty in the country. (IHAP) Awards. First Metro Primary Issues.
AXA further expanded its AXA continued to widen its AXA Philippines president and Corporation, AEON Credit was one of the joint issue
Service (Philippines), Inc., and First Metro was awarded the managers of the Bureau of the
footprint in the country product portfolio with the CEO Rahul Hora was named
Philippine Savings Bank. Philippines’ Best Equity House Treasury’s biggest RTB issuance
First Metro was awarded as
with the opening of centers launch of its latest offering, Outstanding Leader in Asia at
in Cagayan De Oro City, Asset Master. Designed as a the Asia Corporate Excellence and, for the second consecutive to date. one of the top Government
FMIC was the sole arranger year, the Best M&A House by
Cabanatuan City, and Pagadian single-pay, investment-linked & Sustainability Awards for
for the P1 billion fixed rate regional investment magazine FMIC and its stockbrokerage
Securities Eligible Dealer
City. To date, it has established insurance plan, Asset Master his outstanding business
close to a hundred branches allows customers to build a acumen, professionalism, and corporate notes issuance Alpha Southeast Asia at its arm First Metro Securities Market Makers in 2018 by
of AEON Credit Service 12th Annual Best Financial Brokerage Corporation
nationwide and has installed diversified investment portfolio entrepreneurial skills.
(Philippines), Inc., a landmark Institutions Awards. During the (FirstMetroSec) reaped awards
the Bureau of the Treasury.
more than 800 AXA Advisory of local and global investments
Corners in Metrobank and — a solid foundation on which In 2018, AXA celebrated transaction in the domestic awards covered period, First at the 2018 PDS Annual First Metro was the only
capital markets. This was the Metro participated in 60% of Awards. First Metro bagged
PSBank branches within the to build one’s financial legacy. Corporate Responsibility Week
first-ever issuance in the the total publicly listed capital the Top Corporate Securities
investment bank in the
archipelago. to include a countryside venue
AXA embarked on a brand for the first time. Nearly 450 Philippines and second only markets transactions in the Market Maker and ranked 3rd top ten list. Along with
in the Asian region under the Philippines, raising P29.8 billion in both the Top 5 Fixed Income
Early in 2018, the campaign towards the end employee-volunteers from
ASEAN + 3 Multi-Currency for the public and private Brokering Participant and
nine banks, First Metro
of 2018 with “Choose AXA,” Manila and Cebu donated
AXA Shared Services communicating the new their time and skills to touch Bond Issuance Framework sectors. In the equity space, Top 5 Fixed Income Dealing was commended for its
(AMBIF) program. This First Metro completed two Participant, while FirstMetroSec
Centre-Philippines was proposition that the company 2,250 lives in partnership with
issuance was also the first stock rights offerings (SRO), got the 4th spot in the Top
support to capital markets
now offers both life and general the Metrobank Foundation,
inaugurated. As one of the insurance products to address Hands On Manila, Philippine fully-guaranteed debt facility including the landmark P60 5 Depository Brokering development through its
of Credit Guarantee and billion SRO of its parent Participant.
IT hubs for AXA in Asia, customers’ various needs all Red Cross, and the University
Investment Facility (CGIF) company, Metrobank, where it
presence in the primary
under one roof, whether it’s of San Carlos Cebu, to name a
it has hired around 300 savings, retirement, business few. Outreach activities included in the Philippines, and the acted as joint global coordinator, First Metro remained the and secondary markets for
first security by a Restricted joint bookrunner, issue country’s leading bond house
IT professionals, offering protection, or motor security food packing, a blood drive, and
Issuer and Non-Reporting manager, and domestic lead as it received another slew
government securities.
that they need, to name a few. training sessions on first aid and
innovations in customer Billboards and video ads bearing financial literacy.
service to the AXA entities
that it serves.
48 49
Summary of Financial Statements
(In Million Pesos, Except Per Share Amounts and Foreign Exchange Rates)
50 51
Solomon S. Cua Robin A. King Dr. Jesli A. Lapus Francisco F. Del Rosario, Jr. Fabian S. Dee Francisco C. Sebastian Arthur Ty Alfred V. Ty Edgar O. Chua Edmund A. Go Rex C. Drilon II Vicente R. Cuna, Jr.
Director Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director President/Director Vice Chairman Chairman Director Independent Director Director Independent Director Director
Director since April 2018 Director since August 2011 Director since August 2010 Director since April 2013 President/Director since April Director since April 2002 Director since April 2002 Director since September 2015 Director since April 2017 Director since May 2007 Director since August 2012 Director since April 2014
63 years old 71 years old 69 years old 71 years old 2012 (also served as Director 64 years old 52 years old 51 years old 62 years old 68 years old 72 years old 56 years old
Vice Chairman/Director, Philippine Director, Makati Sports Club Director, STI Education Systems Director, DMCI Homes, Inc. from September 2007 to Co-Vice Chairman, GT Capital Chairman, GT Capital Co-Vice Chairman, GT Capital Independent Director, Integrated Advisor, Philippine Savings Bank* Vice Chairman, Institute of Head, Enterprise Services Sector
Racing Club, Inc.* Trustee, Asiapro Foundation Holdings Inc.* Trustee, ABS-CBN Foundation March 2011) Holdings, Inc.* Holdings, Inc.* Holdings, Inc.* Micro-electronics, Inc. * Director for Investments, Ateneo Corporate Directors Former President, Philippine
Chairman, Philippine AXA Former Independent Director, Chairman, STI Education Services Chairman, Institute for Solidarity 56 years old Director, Metro Pacific Vice Chairman, Philippine Vice Chairman, Metro Pacific Independent Director, Energy de Manila University Trustee, Institute for Solidarity Savings Bank*
Life, Inc. First Metro Investment Corp. Group Inc. in Asia Chairman, Metrobank Card Investments Corporation* Savings Bank* Investments Corporation* Development Corporation* Director, Metropolitan Bank in Asia Former Director, First Metro
Chairman, Charter Ping-An Former Independent Chairman – Center for Tourism, Senior Executive Director, PWC Corporation Chairman, First Metro Investment Vice Chairman, First Metro Vice Chairman, Toyota Motor Trustee, Pilipinas Shell (China) Ltd. Former President/Director, Cebu Investment Corporation
Insurance Corp. Director,Toyota Financial Asian Institute of Management Isla Lipana Chairman, Metro Remittance Corp. Investment Corp. Philippines Corporation Foundation, Inc. Investment Consultant, St. Peter Holdings, Inc. * AB Economics, De la Salle
Director, Profriends Developer, Inc. Services Philippines Independent Director, Philippine Former Cabinet Member, Habitat Singapore PTE Ltd. Chairman, First Metro Asset Vice Chairman, AXA Philippines Chairman, Lexus Manila, Inc. Chairman, De La Salle Life Group Former President/Director, University
Director, Grand Titan Capital Corporation Life Financial Assurance for Humanity Philippines Chairman, LGU Guarantee Management Inc. Chairman, Metropolitan Bank Chairman, Federal Land, Inc. University Board MBM, Asian Institute of Cebu Property Ventures and
Holdings, Inc. Former President/Director, Global Corporation Former President, Management Corporation Director, Property Company of (China) Ltd. Chairman, Property Company of Chairman. Makati Business Club Management Development Corporation *
Former Undersecretary of The Bank Phils. Chairman, LBP Service Association of the Philippines Director, Bancnet, Inc. Friends Inc. MBA, Columbia University, Friends, Inc. Chairman, Philippine Business for Former Chief Operating Officer,
Department of Finance MBA, Finance, University of the Corporation Former Vice Chairman/President/ Trustee, Metrobank Foundation, Inc. Director, Federal Land, Inc. New York BS Business Administration, the Environment Ortigas & Company
Masters of Laws, London School Philippines Former Secretary, Department of CEO, Development Bank of the BS Management Engineering, AB Economics, Ateneo de Manila University of Southern President and CEO, Cavitex Former Independent Director,
of Economics & Political Science Trade and Industry Philippines Ateneo de Manila California Holdings Inc. First Metro Investment Corp.
Former Secretary, Department of Former Undersecretary for BS Chemical Engineering, De La Chairman, Keyland Corporation
Education Finance, Department of Salle University Chairman, YLD Holdings, Inc.
Former President/CEO/ Land National Defense BS Business Administration,
Bank of the Philippines MBM, Asian Institute of University of the East
MBM, Asian Institute of Management
* Publicly Listed
52 53
ADVISERS Hon. Fidel V. Ramos
Senior Adviser
Hon. Artemio V. Panganiban
Senior Adviser
James Go
Senior Adviser
Carlos S. Chan
Senior Adviser
Former President, Republic of the Philippines Retired Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the Adviser, Metrobank Foundation, Inc. Chairman, Liwayway Marketing Corp.
Philippines Chairman, Chan C. Bros, Inc.
Chairman, Board of Advisers, Metrobank Chairman, Liwayway (China) Co., Ltd.
Foundation, Inc. Special Envoy of the President for the People’s
Republic of China
Gabriel Chua Dr. Placido L. Mapa, Jr. David O. Chua Cornelio C. Gison
Dr. David K.P. Li Adviser Adviser
Senior Adviser Senior Adviser Senior Adviser
President, Solid State Multi Products Corp. Senior Adviser, Metrobank Foundation, Inc. President, Cathay Pacific Steel Corp. Former Undersecretary, Department of
Chairman/CEO, Bank of East Asia, Ltd. Finance
Chairman, University of Asia & the Pacific Trustee, University of the East
Hong Kong
Trustee, University of the East – Ramon
Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, Inc.
Vice President, Federation of Filipino-Chinese
Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Former Director, Philippine Stock Exchange
54 55
Senior Officers
Standing (L to R):
EVP Maritess B. Antonio • EVP Vivian L. Tiu SVP Digs A. Dimagiba
Financial Market
SVP Bernardino D. Ramos • EVP Corazon Ma. Therese B. Nepomuceno
Sitting (L to R):
EVP Aniceto M. Sobrepeña • SVP Homer Gerrard L. Ortega• SVP Jette C. Gamboa
EVP Paul Robert Y. Murga • SVP Christine W. Yang • SVP Stephen S. See
Sitting (L to R):
SVP Maria Lizette B. Perez
SEVP Fernand Antonio A. Tansingco
SVP Angelica S. Reyes
56 57
Sitting (L to R):
SVP Mary Rose S. Tiamson
EVP Mary Mylene A. Caparas
SVP Antonio R. Ocampo, Jr.
SVP Ferlou I. Evangelista
Not in photo:
SVP Fermin T. Chio
Sitting (L to R):
SVP Manolito M. Osorio
SVP Lita S. Tan
EVP Richard Benedict S. So
SVP Emmeline D. Go
58 59
60 61
Visionary founder
Sincere business partner
Generous philantropist
He founded Metrobank and built it based on the philosophy of helping others.
56 years later, it has become one of the most enduring legends of entrepreneurship in the country.
For him, business was more than just about making money, it was about trust and relationships.
He lived by an unwavering set of principles in all aspects of his life.
Dr Ty’s legacy of business leadership is now in the hands of the next generation.
We will honor his memory by committing to keep all our customers and stakeholders in good hands.
On behalf of the Officers and Staff of the Metrobank Group,
thank you and God speed our beloved Group Chairman.