CH 1 - Crafting XP & Resources
CH 1 - Crafting XP & Resources
CH 1 - Crafting XP & Resources
- Cresources
R A F TforI leveling,
N G X and P C
anA L C to&manually
option R E S enter
O U the
R Cdesired
E S amount of items to be crafted. Us
- M Avalue
R KofEthe
T item,
& T theRmarket
A D Ivalue
N G ofCthe
A refined
L C U and
L Araw
ingredients to create the item, the profi
item and listing it for its current market value, and suggested listing price to retain a profit.
- Fbetter
ISH I N GBrought
fishies. C H EtoAbyTDynomega.
S H E E Check
T out for even more usef
- TofEoptimal
R R I territory
T O R Ystanding
S T Aperks.
N D This
INGis a C A L C and
modified U Lprefilled
ATOR version of Mala Zedik's Territor
C Name of craftable Item. Items are sorted first by Station Tier, then by Tradeskill Level
selecting different tiered ingredients. All recipes listed in this tool will use the lowest tiered and
D available ingredient as there is no impact on XP gains. Some ingredients, however, have multip
Q These are noted with a bracket, [XX], and the ingredient type in the name. You will need to per
T This is a manual input field. Use this to input the desired quantity of the item (C)
output of required ingredients in (U-Y).
U materials are directly used in the recipe and should be refined no further. You can use this to de
V refined materials need to be made, or how many of an item you can make with the current amou
X materials must be harvested and refined at their respective stations to get the required refined in
Y preplan your harvesting outing so that you do not return short handed or spend more time gathe
Z Do not manually input into this field. This is the quantity of the item (C) that needs to be made
many levels you desire to advance, input into (AJ) and (AL), at the crafting station.
AA materials are directly used in the recipe and should be refined no further. You can use this to de
AB refined materials need to be made, or how many of an item you can make with the current amou
AD materials must be harvested and refined at their respective stations to get the required refined in
AE preplan your harvesting outing so that you do not return short handed or spend more time gathe
Arcana (Hi-Res) Arcana (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Armoring (Hi-Res) Armoring (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Cooking (Hi-Res) Cooking (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Engineering (Hi-Res) Engineering (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Furnishing (Hi-Res) Furnishing (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Jewelcrafting (Hi-Res) Jewelcrafting (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Refining (Hi-Res) Refining (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Weaponsmithing (Hi-Res) Weaponsmithing (Hi-Res) (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Cooking Cooking (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Engineering Engineering (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Jewelcrafting Jewelcrafting (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Refining Refining (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing (Printer / Colorblind Friendly)
If you would like to report errors, bugs, make a suggestion, or have any questions, feel free to contact me on Discor
t of items to A
Used E power
A L Tthe
to create the item, ER N A T E for
profit/loss L crafting
I N K the
etain a profit.
A L TTerritory
on of Mala Zedik's E R N A Standing
y Tradeskill Level
ll use the lowest tiered and most commonly
ents, however, have multiple valid options.
name. You will need to personally choose which
the item (C) you would like to make to get the
nd Friendly)
d Friendly)
blind Friendly)
ind Friendly)
rblind Friendly)
d Friendly)
olorblind Friendly)
n order to craft
quired mat
nstead of Rugged Leather
ir ore density
276 12
Green Wood 49 392 Timber OR 1,568 Green Wood
Iron Ore 245 Iron Ingot 980 Iron Ore
Rawhide 196 Coarse Leather 784 Rawhide
Fire Mote 294 Fire Mote 294 Fire Mote
276 12
Green Wood 49 392 Timber OR 1,568 Green Wood
Iron Ore 245 Iron Ingot 980 Iron Ore
Rawhide 196 Coarse Leather 784 Rawhide
Life Mote 294 Life Mote 294 Life Mote
276 12
Rawhide 49 392 Coarse Leather OR 1,568 Rawhide
Fibers 245 Linen 980 Fibers
Iron Ore 196 Iron Ingot 784 Iron Ore
Water Mote 294 Water Mote 294 Water Mote
276 12
Rawhide 49 392 Coarse Leather OR 1,568 Rawhide
Fibers 245 Linen 980 Fibers
Iron Ore 196 Iron Ingot 784 Iron Ore
Death Mote 294 Death Mote 294 Death Mote
3 1
Hyssop 220 440 Hyssop OR 440 Hyssop
Water 220 Water 220 Water
6 3
Hyssop 110 110 Weak Alkahest OR 220 Hyssop
Water 110 Medicinal Reagents 110 Water
Medicinal Reagents 110 Medicinal Reagents
6 3
36 12
36 12
20 4
24 12
24 12
36 12
24 12
36 12
36 12
36 12
36 12
36 12
15 3
15 3
15 3
15 3
15 3
15 3
15 3
576 12
576 12
576 12
576 12
966 42
966 42
966 42
966 42
42 6
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
1470 42
1470 42
1470 42
1470 42
1470 42
1470 42
1470 42
1470 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
2016 42
2016 42
2016 42
2016 42
2100 42
2100 42
2100 42
2100 42
882 176
48 12
48 12
48 12
48 12
48 12
48 12
48 12
3381 147
3381 147
3381 147
3381 147
108 12
588 147
588 147
588 147
441 147
441 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
5145 147
5145 147
5145 147
5145 147
5145 147
5145 147
5145 147
5145 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
588 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
7350 147
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
126 42
9476 412
9476 412
9476 412
9476 412
240 20
1648 412
1236 412
1236 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
14420 412
14420 412
14420 412
14420 412
14420 412
14420 412
14420 412
14420 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
1648 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
19364 412
4 0 50
4 0 50
4 0 50
4 0 50
1 0 5
2 0 5
2 0 5
12 5 50
12 5 50
4 5 50
4 5 50
4 5 50
5 5 50
4 5 55
12 7 50
12 8 50
12 9 50
12 10 50
12 11 50
3 25 50
3 25 50
3 25 50
3 25 50
3 25 50
3 25 50
3 25 50
5 25 50
5 26 50
7 27 50
10 27 50
7 50 100
7 50 100
5 50 100
5 50 100
6 50 100
14 50 100
14 52 100
42 50 100
42 50 100
14 53 100
14 55 105
42 56 100
42 57 100
42 58 100
42 59 100
42 60 100
7 60 100
7 60 100
7 60 100
7 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
42 61 100
42 62 100
42 62 100
42 62 100
42 62 100
42 62 100
42 62 100
42 63 100
42 63 100
42 64 100
42 65 100
5 75 100
5 76 100
4 77 100
4 77 100
5 80 100
5 81 100
4 82 100
4 82 100
176 10 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
11 100 150
11 100 150
9 100 150
9 100 150
12 100 150
49 100 150
49 102 150
147 100 150
147 100 150
147 100 150
49 103 150
49 105 150
147 106 150
147 107 150
147 108 150
147 109 150
11 60 100
11 60 100
11 60 100
11 60 100
9 60 100
9 60 100
9 60 100
9 60 100
147 111 150
147 112 150
147 112 150
147 112 150
147 112 150
147 112 150
147 112 150
147 113 150
147 113 150
147 114 150
147 115 150
6 135 150
6 136 150
5 137 150
5 137 150
6 140 150
6 141 150
5 141 150
5 141 150
6 145 150
6 146 150
5 147 150
5 147 150
2 150 200
2 150 200
2 150 200
2 150 200
2 150 200
2 150 200
2 150 200
15 150 200
15 150 200
12 150 200
12 150 200
20 150 200
110 150 200
412 150 200
412 150 200
110 152 200
110 153 200
110 155 200
412 156 200
412 157 200
412 158 200
412 159 200
412 160 200
15 160 200
15 160 200
15 160 200
15 160 200
13 160 200
13 160 200
13 160 200
13 160 200
412 161 200
412 162 200
412 162 200
412 162 200
412 162 200
412 162 200
412 162 200
412 163 200
412 163 200
412 164 200
412 165 200
3 185 200
2 186 200
2 187 200
2 187 200
3 190 200
2 191 200
2 192 200
2 187 200
3 195 200
2 196 200
2 197 200
2 197 200
2 0 Linen Footwear/Shoes
1 5 Linen OR 20
3 Coarse Leather 12
1 Iron Ingot 4
2 0 Linen Leggings/Pants
1 10 Linen OR 40
6 Coarse Leather 24
2 Iron Ingot 8
2 0 Linen Gloves/Handwraps
1 4 Linen OR 16
4 Coarse Leather 16
1 Iron Ingot 4
2 0 Linen Dress/Shirt
1 22 Linen OR 88
12 Coarse Leather 48
1 Iron Ingot 4
2 0 Linen Bonnet/Hat
2 0 Coarse Leather Boots
2 0 Coarse Leather Pants
2 0 Coarse Leather Gloves
2 0 Coarse Leather Shirt
2 0 Coarse Leather Hat
2 0 Iron Plate Boots
2 0 Iron Plate Greaves
2 0 Iron Plate Gauntlets
2 0 Iron Plate Breastplate
2 0 Iron Plate Helm
2 0 Coarse Leather Adventurer's Satchel/Bag
2 0 Set of Impenetrable Crude Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Set of Unyielding Crude Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Set of Stalwart Crude Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Set of Hardened Crude Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Set of Stout Crude Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Set of Toughened Crude Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Set of Rugged Crude Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 15 Standard Repair Kit
2 20 Weak Oakflesh Balm
2 50 Set of Impenetrable Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 50 Set of Unyielding Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 50 Set of Stalwart Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 50 Set of Hardened Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 50 Set of Stout Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 50 Set of Toughened Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
2 50 Set of Rugged Iron Armor (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Sateen Footwear/Shoes
3 50 Sateen Leggings/Pants
3 50 Sateen Gloves
3 50 Sateen Dress/Shirt
3 50 Sateen Hat
3 50 Sateen Robe Shoes
3 50 Sateen Robe Pants
3 50 Sateen Robe Gloves
3 50 Sateen Robe
3 50 Sateen Robe Hat
3 50 Rugged Fur Boots
3 50 Rugged Fur Pants
3 50 Rugged Fur Gloves
3 50 Rugged Fur Coat
3 50 Rugged Fur Hat
3 50 Rugged Leather Boots
3 50 Rugged Leather Pants
3 50 Rugged Leather Gloves
3 50 Rugged Leather Coat
3 50 Rugged Leather Hat
3 50 Steel Plate Boots
3 50 Steel Plate Greaves
3 50 Steel Plate Gauntlets
3 50 Steel Plate Breastplate
3 50 Steel Plate Helm
3 50 Steel Heavy Boots
3 50 Steel Heavy Greaves
3 50 Steel Heavy Gauntlets
3 50 Steel Heavy Breastplate
3 50 Steel Heavy Helm
3 50 Rugged Leather Adventurer's Satchel/Bag
3 60 Amrine Tracker Shoes
3 60 Arhrine Tracker Leggings
3 60 Amrine Tracker Gloves
3 60 Amrine Tracker Coat
3 60 Amrine Tracker Hat
3 60 Obelisk Pathfinder Boots
3 60 Obelisk Pathfinder Pants
3 60 Obelisk Pathfinder Gloves
3 60 Obelisk Pathfinder Coat
3 60 Obelisk Pathfinder Hat
3 60 Amrine Scout Shoes
3 60 Amrine Scout Leggings
3 60 Amrine Scout Gloves
3 60 Amrine Scout Coat
3 60 Amrine Scout Hat
3 60 Obelisk Outrider Shoes
3 60 Obelisk Outrider Leggings
3 60 Obelisk Outrider Gloves
3 60 Obelisk Outrider Shirt
3 60 Obelisk Outrider Hat
3 60 Amrine Guard Boots
3 60 Amrine Guard Greaves
3 60 Amrine Guard Gauntlets
3 60 Amrine Guard Breastplate
3 60 Amrine Guard Helm
3 60 Obelisk Infantry Boots
3 60 Obelisk Infantry Greaves
3 60 Obelisk Infantry Gauntlets
3 60 Obelisk Infantry Breastplate
3 60 Obelisk Infantry Helm
3 65 Advanced Repair Kit
3 70 Common Oakflesh Balm
3 100 Set of Impenetrable Steel Armor (Town Board Quest)
3 100 Set of Unyielding Steel Armor (Town Board Quest)
3 100 Set of Stalwart Steel Armor (Town Board Quest)
3 100 Set of Hardened Steel Armor (Town Board Quest)
3 100 Set of Stout Steel Armor (Town Board Quest)
3 100 Set of Toughened Steel (Town Board Quest)
3 100 Set of Rugged Steel Armor (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Silk Footwear/Shoes
4 100 Silk Leggings/Pants
4 100 Silk Gloves
4 100 Silk Dress/Shirt
4 100 Silk Fascinator/Hat
4 100 Silk Robe Shoes
4 100 Silk Robe Pants
4 100 Silk Robe Gloves
4 100 Silk Robe
4 100 Silk Robe Hat
4 100 Layered Fur Boots
4 100 Layered Fur Pants
4 100 Layered Fur Gloves
4 100 Layered Fur Coat
4 100 Layered Fur Hat
4 100 Layered Leather Boots
4 100 Layered Leather Pants
4 100 Layered Leather Gloves
4 100 Layered Leather Shirt
4 100 Layered Leather Hat
4 100 Starmetal Plate Boots
4 100 Starmetal Plate Greaves
4 100 Starmetal Plate Gauntlets
4 100 Starmetal Plate Breastplate
4 100 Starmetal Plate Helm
4 100 Starmetal Heavy Boots
4 100 Starmetal Heavy Greaves
4 100 Starmetal Heavy Gauntlets
4 100 Starmetal Heavy Breastplate
4 100 Starmetal Heavy Helm
4 100 Layered Leather Adventurer's Satchel/Bag
4 110 Shipyard Watch Shoes
4 110 Shipyard Watch Leggings
4 110 Shipyard Watch Gloves
4 110 Shipyard Watch Shirt
4 110 Shipyard Watch Hat
4 110 Deepmist Spy's Shoes
4 110 Deepmist Spy's Leggings
4 110 Deepmist Spy's Gloves
4 110 Deepmist Spy's Shirt
4 110 Deepmist Spy's Hat
4 110 Shipyard Lookout Boots
4 110 Shipyard Lookout Pants
4 110 Shipyard Lookout Gloves
4 110 Shipyard Lookout Coat
4 110 Shipyard Lookout Hat
4 110 Depthguard's Boots
4 110 Depthguard's Pants
4 110 Depthguard's Gloves
4 110 Depthguard's Coat
4 110 Depthguard's Hat
4 110 Shipyard Guard Boots
4 110 Shipyard Guard Greaves
4 110 Shipyard Guard Gauntlets
4 110 Shipyard Guard Breastplate
4 110 Shipyard Guard Helm
4 110 Deepwarden's Battlestompers
4 110 Deepwarden's Battleguards
4 110 Deepwarden's Battlebraces
4 110 Deepwarden's Battleplate
4 110 Deepwarden's Battlehelm
4 115 Expert Repair Kit
4 120 Strong Oakflesh Balm
5 150 Infused Silk Footwear/Shoes
5 150 Infused Silk Leggings/Pants
5 150 Infused Silk Gloves
5 150 Infused Silk Dress/Shirt
5 150 Infused Silk Hood/Hat
5 150 Infused Silk Robe Shoes
5 150 Infused Silk Robe Pants
5 150 Infused Silk Robe Gloves
5 150 Infused Silk Robe
5 150 Infused Silk Robe Hat
5 150 Infused Fur Boots
5 150 Infused Fur Pants
5 150 Infused Fur Gloves
5 150 Infused Fur Coat
5 150 Infused Fur Hat
5 150 Infused Leather Boots
5 150 Infused Leather Pants
5 150 Infused Leather Gloves
5 150 Infused Leather Coat
5 150 Infused Leather Hat
5 150 Orichalcum Plate Boots
5 150 Orichalcum Plate Greaves
5 150 Orichalcum Plate Gauntlets
5 150 Orichalcum Plate Breastplate
5 150 Orichalcum Plate Helm
5 150 Orichalcum Heavy Boots
5 150 Orichalcum Heavy Greaves
5 150 Orichalcum Heavy Gauntlets
5 150 Orichalcum Heavy Breastplate
5 150 Orichalcum Heavy Helm
5 150 Infused Leather Adventurer's Satchel/Bag
4 150 Set of Impenetrable Starmetal Armor (Town Board Quest)
4 150 Set of Unyielding Starmetal Armor (Town Board Quest)
4 150 Set of Stalwart Starmetal Armor (Town Board Quest)
4 150 Set of Hardened Starmetal Armor (Town Board Quest)
4 150 Set of Stout Starmetal Armor (Town Board Quest)
4 150 Set of Toughened Starmetal Armor (Town Board Quest)
4 150 Set of Rugged Starmetal Armor (Town Board Quest)
5 160 Dryad Stalker Boots
5 160 Dryad Stalker Pants
5 160 Dryad Stalker Gloves
5 160 Dryad Stalker Coat
5 160 Dryad Stalker Hat
5 160 Guardian Spearmarshal Boots
5 160 Guardian Spearmarshal Leggings
5 160 Guardian Spearmarshal Gloves
5 160 Guardian Spearmarshal Coat
5 160 Guardian Spearmarshal Hat
5 160 Dryad Patroller Shoes
5 160 Dryad Patroller Leggings
5 160 Dryad Patroller Gloves
5 160 Dryad Patroller Shirt
5 160 Dryad Patroller Hat
5 160 Guradian Flanker Shoes
5 160 Guardian Flanker Pants
5 160 Guardian Flanker Gloves
5 160 Guardian Flanker Shirt
5 160 Guardian Flanker Hat
5 160 Dryad Guard Boots
5 160 Dryad Guard Greaves
5 160 Dryad Guard Gauntlets
5 160 Dryad Guard Breastplate
5 160 Dryad Guard Helm
5 160 Guardian Plate Boots
5 160 Guardian Plate Greaves
5 160 Guardian Plate Gauntlets
5 160 Guardian Plate Chestguard
5 160 Guardian Plate Helm
5 165 Master Repair Kit
5 170 Powerful Oakflesh Balm
5 180 Shadewalker Mask
5 185 Shadewalker Robe
5 190 Shadewalker Handwraps
5 195 Shadewalker Leggings
5 200 Shadewalker Shoes
5 180 Beasthunter Mask
5 185 Beasthunter Garb
5 190 Beasthunter Handwraps
5 195 Beasthunter Legwraps
5 200 Beasthunter Footwraps
5 180 Fur-Lined Orichalcum Helm
5 185 Fur-Lined Orichalcum Breastplate
5 190 Fur-Lined Orichalcum Gauntlets
5 195 Fur-Lined Orichalcum Greaves
5 200 Fur-Lined Orichalcum Boots
5 200 Voidbent Shoes (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Pants (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Gloves (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Robes (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Wraps (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Boots (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Leggings (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Grips (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Coat (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Hat (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Sabatons (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Legguards (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Gauntlets (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Breastplate (Requires Artifact)
5 200 Voidbent Helm (Requires Artifact)
108 12
Fibers 124 620 Linen OR 2,480 Fibers
Rawhide 372 Coarse Leather 1,488 Rawhide
Iron Ore 124 Iron Ingot 496 Iron Ore
216 12
Fibers 17 170 Linen OR 680 Fibers
Rawhide 102 Coarse Leather 408 Rawhide
Iron Ore 34 Iron Ingot 136 Iron Ore
108 12
Fibers 124 496 Linen OR 1,984 Fibers
Rawhide 496 Coarse Leather 1,984 Rawhide
Iron Ore 124 Iron Ingot 496 Iron Ore
420 12
Fibers 32 704 Linen OR 2,816 Fibers
Rawhide 384 Coarse Leather 1,536 Rawhide
Iron Ore 32 Iron Ingot 128 Iron Ore
216 12
108 12
216 12
108 12
420 12
216 12
108 12
216 12
108 12
420 12
216 12
972 12
612 12
612 12
612 12
612 12
372 12
372 12
372 12
2 0
36 12
1845 46
1170 47
1170 47
1170 47
945 47
945 47
945 47
405 45
810 45
405 45
1575 45
810 45
405 45
810 45
405 45
1575 45
765 45
405 45
810 45
405 45
1575 45
765 45
405 45
810 45
405 45
1575 45
810 45
405 45
810 45
405 45
1575 45
810 45
405 45
810 45
405 45
1575 45
810 45
3645 45
855 45
1260 45
855 45
2025 45
1260 45
855 45
1260 45
855 45
2025 45
1260 45
855 45
1260 45
855 45
2025 45
1260 45
855 45
1260 45
855 45
2025 45
1260 45
1260 45
1260 45
855 45
2025 45
1260 45
1260 45
1260 45
855 45
2025 45
1260 45
6 0
135 45
6888 172
4368 175
4368 175
4368 175
2688 179
2688 179
2688 179
1512 168
3024 168
1512 168
5880 168
3024 168
1512 168
3024 168
1512 168
5880 168
2856 168
1512 168
3024 168
1512 168
5880 168
2856 168
1512 168
3024 168
1512 168
5880 168
3024 168
1512 168
3024 168
1512 168
5880 168
3024 168
1512 168
3024 168
1512 168
5880 168
3024 168
13608 168
3192 168
4704 168
3192 168
7560 168
4704 168
3192 168
4704 168
3192 168
7560 168
4704 168
3192 168
4704 168
3192 168
7560 168
4704 168
3192 168
4704 168
3192 168
7560 168
4704 168
4704 168
4704 168
3192 168
7560 168
4704 168
4704 168
4704 168
3192 168
7560 168
4704 168
15 0
504 168
4536 504
9072 504
4536 504
17640 504
9072 504
4536 504
9072 504
4536 504
17640 504
8568 504
4536 504
9072 504
4536 504
17640 504
8568 504
4536 504
9072 504
4536 504
17640 504
9072 504
4536 504
9072 504
4536 504
17640 504
9072 504
4536 504
9072 504
4536 504
17640 504
9072 504
40824 504
13104 524
13104 524
13104 524
8064 538
8064 538
8064 538
5544 554
9576 504
14112 504
9576 504
22680 504
14112 504
9576 504
14112 504
9576 504
22680 504
14112 504
9576 504
14112 504
9576 504
22680 504
14112 504
9576 504
14112 504
9576 504
22680 504
14112 504
14112 504
14112 504
9576 504
22680 504
14112 504
14112 504
14112 504
9576 504
22680 504
14112 504
15 0
1512 504
8568 504
17640 504
4536 504
8568 504
8568 504
17640 504
4536 504
8568 504
9072 504
17640 504
4536 504
9072 504
3 0 50
3 0 20
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 20
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
0 15 50
12 20 50
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
4 50 100
4 100 200
5 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 71 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
23 50 100
23 50 100
23 50 100
25 50 100
24 50 100
4 50 100
4 100 200
5 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 100 200
5 50 100
5 50 100
5 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
4 50 100
8 60 100
6 60 100
9 60 100
5 60 100
6 60 100
8 60 100
6 60 100
9 60 100
5 60 100
6 60 100
8 60 100
6 60 100
9 60 100
5 60 100
6 60 100
8 60 100
6 60 100
9 60 100
5 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
9 60 100
6 60 100
7 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
9 60 100
6 60 100
7 60 100
0 65 100
12 70 100
10 100 150
10 100 150
10 100 150
10 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
7 100 150
7 100 150
8 100 150
6 100 150
6 100 150
6 100 150
6 100 150
8 100 150
5 100 150
6 100 150
84 100 150
84 100 150
84 100 150
95 100 150
89 100 150
7 100 150
7 100 150
8 100 150
6 100 150
6 100 150
6 100 150
6 100 150
8 100 150
7 100 150
8 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
6 100 150
6 100 150
7 100 150
14 100 150
10 100 150
16 100 150
8 100 150
10 100 150
14 100 150
10 100 150
16 100 150
8 100 150
10 100 150
14 100 150
10 100 150
16 100 150
8 100 150
10 100 150
14 100 150
10 100 150
16 100 150
8 100 150
10 100 150
10 100 150
10 100 150
15 100 150
9 100 150
11 100 150
10 100 150
10 100 150
15 100 150
9 100 150
11 100 150
0 100 150
12 100 150
10 150 200
10 150 200
12 150 200
9 150 200
9 150 200
8 150 200
8 150 200
8 150 200
7 150 200
8 150 200
252 150 200
252 150 200
252 150 200
285 150 200
268 150 200
10 150 200
10 150 200
12 150 200
9 150 200
9 150 200
9 150 200
9 150 200
11 150 200
10 150 200
11 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
8 150 200
9 150 200
11 150 200
12 150 200
13 150 200
12 150 200
13 150 200
13 150 200
13 150 200
13 150 200
20 160 200
15 160 200
24 160 200
11 160 200
14 160 200
20 160 200
15 160 200
24 160 200
11 160 200
14 160 200
20 160 200
15 160 200
24 160 200
11 160 200
14 160 200
20 160 200
15 160 200
24 160 200
11 160 200
14 160 200
13 160 200
13 160 200
22 160 200
13 160 200
16 160 200
13 160 200
13 160 200
22 160 200
13 160 200
16 160 200
0 165 200
12 170 200
8 180 200
7 185 200
8 190 200
8 195 200
8 180 200
7 185 200
8 190 200
8 195 200
9 180 200
8 185 200
7 190 200
7 195 200
1 0 Light Ration
1 1 Raw Food OR 1
1 1 Cooked Cranberries
1 1 Cranberry OR 1
1 Sugar 1
1 Water 1
1 2 Roasted Broccoli
1 1 Broccoli OR 1
1 Butter 2
1 Salt 1
1 3 Cooked Melon
1 1 Melon OR 1
1 Honey 1
1 Cinnamon 1
1 4 Steamed Squash
1 5 Cooked Wild Berries
1 6 Barley Soup
1 7 Roasted Potatoes
1 8 Cooked Corn
1 9 Roasted Carrots
1 10 Roasted Cabbage
2 0 Juice Samples (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Canned Fish Samples (Town Board Quest)
2 0 Dried Meat Samples (Town Board Quest)
2 1 Travel Ration
2 2 Energizing Travel Ration
2 3 Flavored Fish Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Carb Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Herb Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Breakfast Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Garlic Meat Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Herbal Game Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Glazed Chicken Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Sweet Juice Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Canned Fish Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 3 Meat Jerky Rations (Town Board Quest)
2 5 Meat Bait
2 5 Fish Bait
2 5 Bread Bait
2 5 Cheese Bait
2 5 Bread
2 5 Butter
2 5 Cheese
2 5 Cooking Oil
2 5 Flour
2 5 Pasta
2 5 Pastry Crust
2 5 Sausage
2 5 Seasoning Blend
2 7 Roasted Potatoes
2 8 Cooked Corn
2 9 Roasted Carrots
2 10 Roasted Cabbage
2 11 Cranberry Infusion
2 12 Steamed Broccoli
2 13 Candied Melon
2 14 Roasted Squash
2 15 Wild Berry Trifle
2 16 Nutty Brew
2 17 Herb-roasted Potatoes
2 18 Cornbread
2 19 Herb-roasted Carrots
2 20 Baking Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Canned Fish Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Meat Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Condiment Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Spice Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Exotic Herb Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Perennial Herb Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Yoghurt Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Salted Fish Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Flavored Pork Provisions (Town Board Quest)
2 20 Boiled Cabbage
2 21 Pork Chops and Apple Sauce
2 22 Garlic Steak
2 23 Roasted Carrots with Dill
2 24 Cheesy Broccoli Soup
2 25 Fruit Salad
2 25 Russet Brown Dye
2 26 Shooter Sandwich
2 27 Meat Pie
2 27 Amaranth Dye
2 28 Roast Pork Shank
2 29 Poached Fish with Lemon and Dill
2 29 Spicy Pepper Dye
2 30 Apple Pie
2 31 Campfire Stew
2 31 Buttered Rum Dye
2 32 Garlic Rosemary Poultry
2 33 Blackened Fish Filet
2 33 Autumn Moss Dye
2 34 Fish with Tomato and Basil
2 35 Sausage with Creamed Corn
2 35 Smokey Malachite Dye
2 36 Seared Venison Steak
2 37 Spiced Melon Pie
2 37 Soft Cyan Dye
2 38 Butter Poached Game
2 39 Tarragon Poultry Sliders
2 39 Comet Dye
2 40 Game Stuffed Apple with Mushrooms
2 41 Venison Jerky
2 41 Sovereign Purple Dye
2 42 Fish with Tanagon and Oregano
2 43 Melon Créme Tart
2 43 Daisy Pink Dye
2 44 Game Meat Skewers
2 45 Venison Pot Roast
2 45 Murky Water Dye
2 47 Dust Dye
2 49 Rose Stone Dye
3 50 Light Meal
3 50 Energizing Light Meal
3 50 Condiment Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Canned Fish Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Exotic Herb Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Luxury Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Fruit Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Carb Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Dairy Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Cereal Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Vegetable Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Quality Meat Supplies (Town Board Quest)
3 50 Cranberry Compote
3 51 Rusty Cream Dye
3 51 Herb-crusted Broccoli
3 52 Melon Infusion
3 53 Herb-Roasted Squash
3 53 Raw Sienna Dye
3 54 Wild Berry Compote
3 55 Honey Brew
3 55 Warm Slime Dye
3 56 Boiled Potatoes (Recipe)
3 57 Herb-Crusted Com on the Cob (Recipe)
3 57 Vridian Green Dye
3 58 Carrot Soup (Recipe)
3 59 Herb-Roasted Cabbage (Recipe)
3 59 Pale Cobalt Dye
3 61 Fjord Dye
3 63 Cool Violet Dye
3 65 Sublime Velvet Dye
3 67 Natural Gray Dye
3 69 Forest Lichen Dye
3 71 Supreme Omelet (Recipe)
3 71 Paradise Vermilion Dye
3 72 Fried Calamari (Recipe)
3 73 Stuffed Squash (Recipe)
3 73 Seasoned Leather Dye
3 74 Steak with Mushroom Gravy (Recipe)
3 75 Blueberry Pie (Recipe)
3 75 Shadow Moss Dye
3 76 Citrus Tart (Recipe)
3 77 Honeyed Melon (Recipe)
3 77 Swamp Grass Dye
3 78 Coconut Custard (Recipe)
3 79 Roasted Game Bird with Berry Glaze (Recipe)
3 79 Wedgewood Dye
3 80 Cheesecake (Recipe)
3 81 Corned Beef and Cabbage
3 81 Castle Aquamarine Dye
3 82 Venison Stroganoff
3 83 Aurora Blue Dye
3 84 Meatloaf (Recipe)
3 85 Fish Cakes (Recipe)
3 85 Coarse Amethyst Dye
3 86 Coconut Crusted Fish Filet (Recipe)
3 87 Ravioli with Brown Butter and Sage (Recipe)
3 87 Summer Rasberry Dye
3 88 Pork Chops with Pan Gravy (Recipe)
3 89 Game Meat with Citrus Glaze (Recipe)
3 89 Corduroy Dye
3 90 Grilled Poultry with Saffron Rice (Recipe)
3 91 Grilled Pork with Spiced Squash (Recipe)
3 91 Dark Tan Dye
3 92 Deep Fried Poultry (Recipe)
3 93 Fruit Salad with Toasted Coconut (Recipe)
3 93 Field Peach Dye
3 94 Onion Smothered Pork (Recipe)
3 95 Baked Fish Filet (Recipe)
3 95 Medium Carmine Dye
3 97 Delicate Sand Dye
3 99 Avocado Dye
4 100 Satisfying Meal
4 100 Energizing Satisfying Meal
4 100 Canned Fish Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Carb Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Condiment Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Baking Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Fruit Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Cereal Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Vegetable Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Meat Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Spice Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Perennial Herb Stockpile (Town Board Quest)
4 100 Tart Fruit Salad
4 101 Roasted Vegetable Medley (Recipe)
4 101 Tranquil Willow Dye
4 102 Cabbage-Wrapped Roasted Fish (Recipe)
4 103 Creamed Corn (Recipe)
4 103 Mineral Green Dye
4 104 Berry Brew (Recipe)
4 105 Strong Honey Brew (Recipe)
4 105 Elderberry Dye
4 106 Poultry with Roasted Potatoes (Recipe)
4 107 Breakfast Bread (Recipe)
4 107 Harsh Violet Dye
4 108 Vegetable Boil (Recipe)
4 109 Cabbage-Wrapped Roasted Fish (Recipe)
4 109 Tamished Obsidian Dye
4 111 Dazzling Coral Dye
4 113 Rich Vanilla Dye
4 115 Cinnamon Dye
4 117 Tropical Mist Dye
4 119 Juniper Dye
4 121 Clam Chowder (Recipe)
4 121 Delicate Silver Dye
4 122 Venison Roast (Recipe)
4 123 Pesto-stuffed Turkey Breast (Recipe)
4 123 Desert Dye
4 124 Bear Flank Pinwheels (Recipe)
4 125 Fish and Chips (Recipe)
4 125 Harvest Barley Dye
4 126 French Toast (Recipe)
4 127 Seafood Bisque (Recipe)
4 127 Saddle Brown Dye
4 128 Roasted Wolf Loin (Recipe)
4 129 Filet with Mint and Cracked Barley (Recipe)
4 129 Sunset Slate Dye
4 130 Paella
4 131 Venison Tenderloin with Herb Butter
4 131 Grit Dye
4 132 Braised Wolf Loin
4 133 Calamari and Tomato Stew (Recipe)
4 133 Rough Almond Dye
4 134 Turkey Breast with Cranberry Glaze (Recipe)
4 135 Salted Ham with Apple Butter (Recipe)
4 135 Deep Chocolate Dye
4 136 Grilled Wolf Loin with Seasoned Squash (Recipe)
4 137 Blueberry Glazed Ham Hock with Steamed Vegetables (Recipe)
4 137 Putrid Plum Dye
4 138 Turkey and Stuffing with Mushroom Gravy (Recipe)
4 139 Stuffed Calamari (Recipe)
4 139 Deep Sea Green Dye
4 140 Wolf Loin Meat Pies (Recipe)
4 141 Caviar Crostini (Recipe)
4 141 Detritus Dye
4 142 Berry Glazed Roasted Ham (Recipe)
4 143 Cordon Bleu (Recipe)
4 143 Dove Gray Dye
4 144 Orange Thyme Turkey Breast (Recipe)
4 145 Turkey Pot Pie (Recipe)
4 145 Distorted Amber Dye
4 147 Verdun Green Dye
4 149 Pesto Dye
5 150 Hearty Meal
5 150 Energizing Hearty Meal
5 150 Sweet Cranberry Brew
5 151 Savory Vegetable Medley (Recipe)
5 151 Starlight Dye
5 152 Glazed Melon Bread (Recipe)
5 153 Herb-Crusted Vegetables (Recipe)
5 153 Berry Pit Dye
5 154 Sweet Wild Berry Infusion (Recipe)
5 155 Spicy Cabbage Soup (Recipe)
5 156 Salted Roasted Vegetables (Recipe)
5 157 Spicy Steak Pie (Recipe)
5 157 Sea Clam Dye
5 158 Savory Fish Cake (Recipe)
5 159 Salted Poultry with Cabbage (Recipe)
5 159 Gunsmoke Dye
5 161 Crumbled Rock Dye
5 163 Copper Dye
5 165 Frozen Basalt Dye
5 171 Roasted Gnufish (Recipe)
5 172 Bacon-Wrapped Scallops (Recipe)
5 173 Spaghetti Bolognae (Recipe)
5 174 Carrot Cake (Recipe)
5 175 Honey Roasted Ham (Recipe)
5 176 Fall Harvest Turkey (Recipe)
5 177 Fried Albenaja (Recipe)
5 178 Poacher's Pie (Recipe)
5 179 Rabbit Stew (Recipe)
5 180 Carbonara
5 181 Squid Ink Pasta with Clams
5 182 Filet in Mushroom Sauce
5 183 Steamed Abaia Serpe (Recipe)
5 184 Glazed Bear with Sauteed Vegetables (Recipe)
5 185 Stuffed Venison Tenderloin (Recipe)
5 186 Turkey Thigh with Pan Gravy and Spiced Wild Berries (Recipe)
5 187 Blackened Ray-Finned Barb with Fondant Potatoes and Bariey (Recipe)
5 188 Pork Belly Fried Rice (Recipe)
5 189 Roasted Rabbit with Seasoned Vegetables (Recipe)
5 190 Smoked Rib Cap with Cabbage and Barley Soup (Recipe)
5 191 Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair (Recipe)
5 192 Roasted Turkey Thigh (Recipe)
5 193 Venison Tenderloin with Blueberry Glaze (Recipe)
5 194 Slow Roasted Bear Flank with Root Vegetables (Recipe)
5 195 Blackened Mandje Mandje with Corn Succotash (Recipe)
3 3
Raw Food 1,150 1,150 Raw Food OR 1,150 Raw Food
3 3
[T1] Raw Food 1,149 1,149 [T1] Raw Food OR 1,149 [T1] Raw Food
9 3
Cranberry 383 383 Cranberry OR 383 Cranberry
Sugar 383 Sugar 383 Sugar
Water 383 Water 383 Water
9 3
Broccoli 379 379 Broccoli OR 379 Broccoli
Milk 379 Butter 758 Milk
Salt 379 Salt 379 Salt
9 3
Melon 376 376 Melon OR 376 Melon
Honey 376 Honey 376 Honey
Cinnamon 376 Cinnamon 376 Cinnamon
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
21 4
21 4
21 4
10 5
10 5
80 5
55 6
80 5
80 5
80 5
80 5
80 5
80 5
80 5
80 5
15 3
15 3
15 3
15 3
6 3
6 3
9 3
9 3
6 3
6 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
9 3
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
375 16
375 16
375 16
375 16
375 16
375 16
375 16
375 16
375 16
375 16
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
20 5
20 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
45 15
45 15
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
1665 46
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
75 15
75 15
30 5
30 5
30 5
180 45
180 45
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
8235 137
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
270 45
270 45
30 5
30 5
30 5
675 135
675 135
945 135
945 135
30 5
945 135
945 135
30 5
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
30 5
945 135
945 135
30 5
30 5
30 5
30 5
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
945 135
3 0 50
3 1 50
3 1 50
2 2 50
3 3 50
2 4 50
3 5 50
3 6 50
2 7 50
2 8 50
3 9 50
2 10 50
4 0 50
4 0 50
4 0 50
5 1 50
5 2 50
4 3 50
2 3 50
5 3 50
3 3 50
5 3 50
5 3 50
3 3 50
5 3 50
5 3 50
5 3 50
2 5 50
2 5 50
1 5 50
1 5 50
2 5 50
3 5 50
3 5 50
3 5 50
3 5 50
2 5 50
2 5 50
3 5 50
3 5 50
2 7 50
2 8 50
3 9 50
2 10 50
5 11 50
3 12 50
4 13 50
2 14 50
5 15 50
3 16 50
4 17 50
3 18 50
5 19 50
12 20 50
16 20 50
16 20 50
9 20 50
16 20 50
16 20 50
16 20 50
16 20 50
16 20 50
16 20 50
3 20 50
3 21 50
4 22 50
4 23 50
3 24 50
5 25 50
5 25 50
3 26 50
3 27 50
5 27 50
4 28 50
5 29 50
5 29 50
3 30 50
5 31 50
5 31 50
3 32 50
3 33 50
5 33 50
3 34 50
4 35 50
5 35 50
4 36 50
3 37 50
5 37 50
4 38 50
3 39 50
5 39 50
5 40 50
5 41 50
5 41 50
3 42 50
3 43 50
5 43 50
3 44 50
5 45 50
5 45 50
5 47 50
5 49 50
15 50 100
15 50 100
28 50 100
46 50 100
46 50 100
46 50 100
46 50 100
20 50 100
23 50 100
46 50 100
46 50 100
35 50 100
15 50 100
5 51 100
8 51 100
15 52 100
13 53 100
5 53 100
15 54 100
15 55 100
5 55 100
9 56 100
8 57 100
5 57 100
8 58 100
9 59 100
5 59 100
5 61 100
5 63 100
5 65 100
5 67 100
5 69 100
9 71 100
5 71 100
9 72 100
11 73 100
5 73 100
13 74 100
8 75 100
5 75 100
9 76 100
15 77 100
5 77 100
15 78 100
15 79 100
5 79 100
8 80 100
15 81 100
5 81 100
15 82 100
5 83 100
11 84 100
8 85 100
5 85 100
11 86 100
8 87 100
5 87 100
11 88 100
15 89 100
5 89 100
11 90 100
11 91 100
5 91 100
8 92 100
15 93 100
5 93 100
11 94 100
13 95 100
5 95 100
5 97 100
5 99 100
45 100 150
45 100 150
137 100 150
55 100 150
69 100 150
110 100 150
137 100 150
137 100 150
137 100 150
110 100 150
137 100 150
137 100 150
45 100 150
27 101 150
5 101 150
45 102 150
34 103 150
5 103 150
45 104 150
39 105 150
5 105 150
27 106 150
30 107 150
5 107 150
34 108 150
27 109 150
5 109 150
5 111 150
5 113 150
5 115 150
5 117 150
5 119 150
39 121 150
5 121 150
45 122 150
27 123 150
5 123 150
34 124 150
30 125 150
5 125 150
30 126 150
45 127 150
5 127 150
45 128 150
45 129 150
5 129 150
45 130 150
39 131 150
5 131 150
30 132 150
30 133 150
5 133 150
45 134 150
39 135 150
5 135 150
39 136 150
45 137 150
5 137 150
25 138 150
34 139 150
5 139 150
34 140 150
23 141 150
5 141 150
30 142 150
30 143 150
5 143 150
34 144 150
34 145 150
5 145 150
5 147 150
5 149 150
135 150 200
135 150 200
135 150 200
86 151 200
5 151 200
86 152 200
86 153 200
5 153 200
135 154 200
135 155 200
118 156 200
95 157 200
5 157 200
95 158 200
95 159 200
5 159 200
5 161 200
5 163 200
5 165 200
135 171 200
118 172 200
105 173 200
105 174 200
118 175 200
135 176 200
79 177 200
79 178 200
135 179 200
73 180 200
95 181 200
118 182 200
118 183 200
105 184 200
135 185 200
86 186 200
79 187 200
105 188 200
118 189 200
105 190 200
79 191 200
135 192 200
135 193 200
105 194 200
95 195 200
2 0 Gunpowder (x5)
1 5 Charcoal OR 10
2 Flint 2
1 Saltpeter 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
96 12
Green Wood 140 700 Charcoal OR 1,400 Green Wood
Flint 280 Flint 280 Flint
Saltpeter 140 Saltpeter 140 Saltpeter
72 12
Iron Ore 2,157 8,628 Iron Ingot OR 34,512 Iron Ore
Fibers 2,157 Linen 8,628 Fibers
Green Wood 2,157 Gunpowder 4,314 Green Wood
Flint 0 0 863 Flint
Saltpeter 0 0 432 Saltpeter
108 12
120 12
204 12
204 12
204 12
120 12
120 12
204 12
204 12
204 12
36 12
576 12
576 12
576 12
396 12
270 45
360 45
495 45
810 45
810 45
810 45
495 45
495 45
810 45
810 45
810 45
990 45
1305 45
1305 45
1305 45
990 45
1305 45
1305 45
1305 45
135 45
2160 45
2160 45
2160 45
1485 45
2160 45
2160 45
2160 45
1485 45
840 168
1176 168
2016 168
3192 168
3192 168
3192 168
2016 168
2016 168
3192 168
3192 168
3192 168
3864 168
5040 168
5040 168
5040 168
3864 168
5040 168
5040 168
5040 168
504 168
8400 168
8400 168
8400 168
5880 168
8400 168
8400 168
8400 168
5880 168
8400 168
8400 168
8400 168
5880 168
2520 504
3024 504
6552 504
10080 504
10080 504
10080 504
6552 504
6552 504
10080 504
10080 504
10080 504
12096 504
15624 504
15624 504
15624 504
12096 504
15624 504
15624 504
15624 504
1512 504
23688 504
23688 504
23688 504
16128 504
23688 504
23688 504
23688 504
16128 504
23688 504
23688 504
23688 504
16128 504
7 0 50
3 50 100
4 0 100
3 0 50
3 100 200
3 155 200
3 50 100
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 50
12 20 50
3 25 50
3 26 50
3 27 50
3 28 50
3 50 100
5 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
5 155 200
4 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
4 50 100
6 60 100
7 60 100
5 60 100
5 60 100
6 60 100
7 60 100
5 60 100
5 60 100
12 70 100
3 75 100
3 76 100
3 77 100
3 78 100
3 79 100
3 81 100
3 82 100
3 83 100
5 100 150
7 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
8 100 150
7 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
7 100 150
9 110 150
8 110 150
8 110 150
10 110 150
9 110 150
8 110 150
8 110 150
10 110 150
12 120 150
4 135 150
4 136 150
4 137 150
4 138 150
4 140 150
4 141 150
4 142 150
4 143 150
4 145 150
4 146 150
4 147 150
4 148 150
7 150 200
12 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
10 150 200
9 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
9 150 200
11 160 200
10 160 200
10 160 200
13 160 200
11 160 200
10 160 200
10 160 200
13 160 200
12 170 200
1 185 200
1 186 200
1 187 200
1 188 200
1 190 200
1 191 200
1 192 200
1 193 200
1 195 200
1 196 200
1 197 200
1 198 200
14 1
Green Wood 1,670 16,700 Charcoal OR 33,400 Green Wood
Weak Solvent 6,680 Weak Solvent 6,680 Weak Solvent
61 1
Reeds 384 13,440 Reeds OR 13,440 Reeds
Fibers 9,600 Fibers 9,600 Fibers
Weak Solvent 384 Weak Solvent 384 Weak Solvent
282 6
282 6
156 6
156 6
96 6
150 6
150 7
150 6
150 6
150 6
282 6
282 6
282 6
282 6
282 6
282 6
138 6
138 6
138 6
282 6
126 6
282 6
282 6
282 6
282 6
156 6
156 6
24 6
24 6
282 6
84 6
384 24
1104 24
1464 24
624 24
624 24
1128 24
96 24
96 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
624 24
624 24
624 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
1560 24
120 6
1128 24
1128 24
96 24
1128 24
1128 24
1128 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1704 24
1128 24
1128 24
336 24
3680 80
1128 24
4416 96
4512 96
2496 96
2016 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
2496 96
2496 96
2496 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
288 96
6240 96
4512 96
1920 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
384 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
2496 96
2496 96
2496 96
2496 96
2496 96
2496 96
4512 96
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4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
4512 96
2208 96
4512 96
2208 96
4512 96
4512 96
2208 96
2400 96
2496 96
2496 96
2496 96
2496 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
4608 96
1344 96
8320 320
8320 320
6720 320
8320 320
15040 320
6720 320
15040 320
15040 320
8320 320
8320 320
8320 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
5120 320
5120 465
7360 320
7360 320
7360 320
1280 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
6720 320
8000 320
6720 320
8640 320
6720 320
8640 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
8320 320
15040 320
15040 320
7360 320
15040 320
7360 320
15040 320
7360 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
15040 320
1 0 50
1 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 100
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 85
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
3 0 50
3 20 50
2 35 50
6 50 100
4 50 100
2 50 100
1 50 100
2 50 100
2 50 100
1 51 100
3 52 100
3 53 100
2 54 100
2 55 100
2 56 100
2 57 100
2 58 100
2 59 100
2 60 100
2 61 100
2 62 100
2 63 100
2 64 100
2 65 100
2 66 100
2 67 100
2 67 100
1 68 100
2 68 100
2 69 100
6 70 100
2 70 100
2 71 100
2 72 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 75 100
2 85 100
24 100 150
3 100 150
2 100 150
2 100 150
3 100 150
3 101 150
45 102 150
3 103 150
3 104 150
3 106 150
3 107 150
3 108 150
3 109 150
3 110 150
3 111 150
3 112 150
3 113 150
3 114 150
3 115 150
96 116 150
3 117 150
3 117 150
3 118 150
3 118 150
3 119 150
3 120 150
10 120 150
3 121 150
3 122 150
3 123 150
3 124 150
3 125 150
3 126 150
3 127 150
3 128 150
3 129 150
3 130 150
3 131 150
3 132 150
3 133 150
3 134 150
3 135 150
3 136 150
3 137 150
3 138 150
3 139 150
3 139 150
3 140 150
3 140 150
3 141 150
3 141 150
3 142 150
3 142 150
3 143 150
3 143 150
3 144 150
3 144 150
3 145 150
3 145 150
3 145 150
3 146 150
3 146 150
4 147 150
3 147 150
3 148 150
3 148 150
3 149 150
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
3 150 200
96 150 200
4 150 200
4 151 200
1 152 200
4 153 200
4 154 200
4 155 200
4 156 200
4 157 200
4 158 200
4 159 200
4 160 200
4 161 200
4 162 200
4 163 200
4 164 200
4 165 200
4 166 200
6 167 200
4 168 200
4 169 200
4 170 200
16 170 200
4 171 200
4 172 200
4 173 200
4 174 200
4 175 200
4 176 200
4 177 200
4 178 200
4 179 200
4 180 200
4 180 200
4 181 200
4 181 200
4 182 200
4 182 200
4 183 200
4 184 200
4 184 200
4 184 200
4 185 200
4 185 200
4 186 200
4 186 200
4 187 200
4 187 200
4 188 200
4 188 200
6 189 200
4 189 200
4 190 200
4 190 200
4 191 200
4 191 200
4 192 200
4 192 200
4 193 200
4 193 200
4 194 200
4 194 200
4 195 200
4 195 200
4 196 200
4 196 200
4 197 200
4 197 200
4 198 200
4 198 200
4 199 200
4 199 200
356 89
Flawed Amber 38 38 Cut Flawed Amber OR 38 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 38 Silver Chain 76 Earth Mote
Silver Ore 38 Silver Setting 1,520 Silver Ore
38 Silver Ingot
356 89
Flawed Amethyst 38 38 Cut Flawed Amethyst OR 38 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 38 Silver Chain 76 Soul Mote
Silver Ore 38 Silver Setting 1,520 Silver Ore
38 Silver Ingot
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
356 89
30 6
30 6
30 6
24 6
267 89
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
1244 311
102 17
102 17
102 17
68 17
933 311
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
2220 555
336 48
336 48
336 48
192 48
1665 555
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
3770 943
768 96
768 96
768 96
384 96
2775 925
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
9 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
8 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
2 0 50
89 20 50
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
30 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
30 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
21 50 100
1 50 100
1 50 100
1 50 100
1 50 100
104 50 100
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
54 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
54 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
54 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
16 100 150
1 100 150
1 100 150
1 100 150
1 100 150
46 100 150
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
92 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
92 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
92 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
7 150 200
1 150 200
1 150 200
1 150 200
1 150 200
15 150 200
2 0 Iron Rapier
1 7 Iron Ingot OR 28
2 Timber 8
1 Coarse Leather 4
1092 12
1092 12
1092 12
612 12
612 12
612 12
612 12
372 12
372 12
372 12
120 12
Iron Ore 30 210 Iron Ingot OR 840 Iron Ore
Green Wood 60 Timber 240 Green Wood
Rawhide 30 Coarse Leather 120 Rawhide
120 12
Iron Ore 112 784 Iron Ingot OR 3,136 Iron Ore
Green Wood 224 Timber 896 Green Wood
Rawhide 112 Coarse Leather 448 Rawhide
120 12
Iron Ore 112 784 Iron Ingot OR 3,136 Iron Ore
Green Wood 224 Timber 896 Green Wood
Rawhide 112 Coarse Leather 448 Rawhide
204 12
204 12
2 0
36 12
396 12
576 12
576 12
396 12
1845 46
1845 46
1845 46
1845 46
1170 47
1170 47
1170 47
945 47
945 47
945 47
495 45
540 45
495 45
495 45
810 45
810 45
990 45
990 45
990 45
1035 45
1305 45
1305 45
990 45
990 45
990 45
1035 45
1305 45
1305 45
6 0
135 45
1485 45
2160 45
2160 45
1485 45
1485 45
2160 45
2160 45
1485 45
6888 172
6888 172
6888 172
6888 172
4368 175
4368 175
4368 175
2688 179
2688 179
2688 179
2016 168
2016 168
2016 168
2184 168
2520 168
3192 168
3192 168
3864 168
3864 168
3864 168
4032 168
4368 168
5040 168
5040 168
3864 168
3864 168
3864 168
4032 168
4368 168
5040 168
5040 168
12 0
504 168
5880 168
8400 168
8400 168
5880 168
5880 168
8400 168
8400 168
5880 168
5880 168
8400 168
8400 168
5880 168
13104 524
13104 524
13104 524
13104 524
8064 538
8064 538
8064 538
4536 567
5544 554
5544 554
6552 504
6552 504
6552 504
7056 504
8064 504
10080 504
10080 504
12096 504
12096 504
15624 504
12600 504
12096 504
13608 504
15624 504
12096 504
12096 504
15624 504
12600 504
12096 504
13608 504
15624 504
15 0
1512 504
16128 504
23688 504
23688 504
16128 504
16128 504
23688 504
23688 504
16128 504
16632 504
23688 504
23688 504
16128 504
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
12 0 50
3 0 20
3 0 50
3 0 50
3 0 20
3 0 50
0 15 50
6 0 50
3 25 50
3 26 50
3 27 50
3 28 50
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
12 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
3 50 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
5 60 100
5 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
6 60 100
5 60 100
5 60 100
0 65 100
5 70 100
3 75 100
3 76 100
3 77 100
3 78 100
3 80 100
3 81 100
3 82 100
3 83 100
11 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
12 100 150
11 100 150
11 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
5 100 150
9 110 150
9 110 150
9 110 150
9 110 150
8 110 150
8 110 150
8 110 150
9 110 150
9 110 150
9 110 150
9 110 150
8 110 150
8 110 150
8 110 150
0 115 150
6 120 150
5 135 150
5 136 150
5 137 150
5 138 150
5 140 150
5 141 150
5 142 150
5 143 150
5 145 150
5 146 150
5 147 150
5 148 150
13 150 200
13 150 200
13 150 200
14 150 200
14 150 200
13 150 200
14 150 200
14 150 200
14 150 200
15 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
6 150 200
11 160 200
11 160 200
10 160 200
11 160 200
11 160 200
10 160 200
10 160 200
11 160 200
11 160 200
10 160 200
11 160 200
11 160 200
10 160 200
10 160 200
0 165 200
3 170 200
1 185 200
1 186 200
1 187 200
1 188 200
1 190 200
1 191 200
1 192 200
1 193 200
1 195 200
1 196 200
1 197 200
1 198 200
2 0 Coarse Leather
1 4 Rawhide OR 4
3 50 Rugged Leather
1 4 Coarse Leather OR 16
1 Tannin 1
4 100 Layered Leather
1 6 Thick Hide OR 6
2 Rugged Leather 32
1 Tannin 3
5 150 Infused Leather
1 8 Iron Hide OR 8
2 Layered Leather 12
1 Tannin 64
5 200 Runic Leather
1 5 Infused Leather OR 40
1 Smolderhide 60
1 Scarhide 320
1 Aged Tannin 35
36 9
Rawhide 391 1,564 Rawhide OR 1,564 Rawhide
190 38
Rawhide 805 3,220 Coarse Leather OR 12,880 Rawhide
Tannin 805 Tannin 805 Tannin
1665 185
Thick Hide 713 4,278 Thick Hide OR 4,278 Thick Hide
Rawhide 1,426 Rugged Leather 22,816 Rawhide
Tannin 713 Tannin 2,139 Tannin
8470 770
Iron Hide 1,157 9,256 Iron Hide OR 9,256 Iron Hide
Thick Hide 2,314 Layered Leather 13,884 Thick Hide
Rawhide 1,157 Tannin 74,048 Rawhide
Tannin 8,099 Tannin
Iron Hide
Thick Hide
Aged Tannin
9 0 50
11 50 100
41 100 150
93 150 200
2 0 Charcoal
1,125 2,250 Green Wood OR 2250
2 0 Iron Ingot
1 4 Iron Ore OR 4
2 0 Voidbent Ingot
1 1 Void Ore OR 1
1 Void Essence 1
10 Energy Core 500
0 500
0 500
0 500
0 500
2 0 Silver Ingot
1 4 Silver Ore OR 4
3 50 Steel Ingot
1 3 Iron Ingot OR 12
1 Flux 1
2 Charcoal 4
3 50 Gold Ingot
1 5 Gold Ore OR 5
2 Silver Ingot 8
1 Flux 1
4 100 Platinum Ingot
1 6 Platinum Ore OR 6
2 Gold Ingot 10
1 Flux 16
4 100 Starmetal Ingot
1 6 Starmetal Ore OR 6
2 Steel Ingot 24
1 Flux 3
2 Charcoal 12
5 150 Orichalcum Ingot
1 8 Orichalcum Ore OR 8
2 Starmetal Ingot 12
1 Flux 48
2 Charcoal 7
5 200 Asmodeum
1 5 Orichalcum Ingot OR 40
1 Tolvium 60
1 Cinnabar 240
1 Obsidian Flux 35
2 Charcoal 144
0 1
0 1
18 9
Green Wood 782 1,564 Green Wood OR 1,564 Green Wood
36 9
Iron Ore 391 1,564 Iron Ore OR 1,564 Iron Ore
Void Ore 0
Void Essence
Water Mote
Earth Mote
Fire Mote
Air Mote
Death Mote
Life Mote
Soul Mote
36 9
Silver Ore 391 1,564 Silver Ore OR 1,564 Silver Ore
228 38
Iron Ore 671 2,013 Iron Ingot OR 8,052 Iron Ore
Flux 671 Flux 671 Flux
Green Wood 1,342 Charcoal 2,684 Green Wood
304 38
Gold Ore 504 2,520 Gold Ore OR 2,520 Gold Ore
Silver Ore 1,008 Silver Ingot 4,032 Silver Ore
Flux 504 Flux 504 Flux
1665 185
Platinum Ore 713 4,278 Platinum Ore OR 4,278 Platinum Ore
Gold Ore 1,426 Gold Ingot 7,130 Gold Ore
Silver Ore 713 Flux 11,408 Silver Ore
Flux 2,139 Flux
2035 185
Starmetal Ore 584 3,504 Starmetal Ore OR 3,504 Starmetal Ore
Iron Ore 1,168 Steel Ingot 14,016 Iron Ore
Flux 584 Flux 1,752 Flux
Green Wood 1,168 Charcoal 7,008 Green Wood
10010 770
Orichalcum Ore 979 7,832 Orichalcum Ore OR 7,832 Orichalcum Ore
Starmetal Ore 1,958 Starmetal Ingot 11,748 Starmetal Ore
Iron Ore 979 Flux 46,992 Iron Ore
Flux 1,958 Charcoal 6,853 Flux
Green Wood 27,412 Green Wood
Orichalcum Ore
Starmetal Ore
Iron Ore
Green Wood
Obsidian Flux
9 0 50
9 0 50
9 0 50
13 50 100
22 50 100
48 100 150
45 100 150
97 150 200
2 0 Stone Block
1 4 Stone OR 4
2 0 Cut Flawed Amber
1 1 Flawed Amber OR 1
2 Earth Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Amethyst
1 1 Flawed Amethyst OR 1
2 Soul Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Aquamarine
1 1 Flawed Aquamarine OR 1
2 Water Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Carnelian
1 1 Flawed Carnelian OR 1
2 Fire Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Diamond
1 1 Flawed Diamond OR 1
2 Life Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Emerald
1 1 Flawed Emerald OR 1
2 Earth Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Jasper
1 1 Flawed Jasper OR 1
2 Air Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Malachite
1 1 Flawed Malachite OR 1
2 Soul Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Moonstone
1 1 Flawed Moonstone OR 1
2 Death Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Onyx
1 1 Flawed Onyx OR 1
2 Life Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Opal
1 1 Flawed Opal OR 1
2 Soul Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Ruby
1 1 Flawed Ruby OR 1
2 Fire Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Sapphire
1 1 Flawed Sapphire OR 1
2 Death Mote 2
2 0 Cut Flawed Topaz
1 1 Flawed Topaz OR 1
2 Air Mote 2
2 25 Corrupted Fragment
1 5 Corrupted Sliver OR 5
2 25 Eternal Heart
1 50 Death Mote OR 50
50 Life Mote 50
50 Soul Mote 50
2 25 Amrine Tuning Orb
1 10 Corrupted Sliver OR 10
1 Iron Chisel 1
50 Stone Block 200
1 Eternal Heart 50
3 50 Stone Brick
1 4 Stone Block OR 16
1 Sandpaper 1
3 50 Amber
1 3 Flawed Amber OR 3
1 Earth Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Amethyst
1 3 Flawed Amethyst OR 3
1 Soul Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Aquamarine
1 3 Flawed Aquamarine OR 3
1 Water Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Carnelian
1 3 Flawed Carnelian OR 3
1 Fire Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Diamond
1 3 Flawed Diamond OR 3
1 Life Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Emerald
1 3 Flawed Emerald OR 3
1 Earth Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Jasper
1 3 Flawed Jasper OR 3
1 Air Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Malachite
1 3 Flawed Malachite OR 3
1 Soul Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Moonstone
1 3 Flawed Moonstone OR 3
1 Death Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Onyx
1 3 Flawed Onyx OR 3
1 Life Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Opal
1 3 Flawed Opal OR 3
1 Soul Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Ruby
1 3 Flawed Ruby OR 3
1 Fire Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Sapphire
1 3 Flawed Sapphire OR 3
1 Death Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Topaz
1 3 Flawed Topaz OR 3
1 Air Wisp 5
1 Weak Solvent 1
3 50 Cut Amber
1 1 Amber OR 3
2 Earth Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Amethyst
1 1 Amethyst OR 3
2 Soul Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Aquamarine
1 1 Aquamarine OR 3
2 Water Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Carnelian
1 1 Carnelian OR 3
2 Fire Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Diamond
1 1 Diamond OR 3
2 Life Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Emerald
1 1 Emerald OR 3
2 Earth Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Jasper
1 1 Jasper OR 3
2 Air Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Malachite
1 1 Malachite OR 3
2 Soul Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Moonstone
1 1 Moonstone OR 3
2 Death Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Onyx
1 1 Onyx OR 3
2 Life Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Opal
1 1 Opal OR 3
2 Soul Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Ruby
1 1 Ruby OR 3
2 Fire Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Sapphire
1 1 Sapphire OR 3
2 Death Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Cut Topaz
1 1 Topaz OR 3
2 Air Wisp 15
1 Weak Solvent 2
3 50 Corrupted Shard
1 4 Corrupted Fragment OR 20
3 50 Elemental Heart
1 50 Water Mote OR 50
50 Earth Mote 50
50 Fire Mote 50
50 Air Mote 50
3 50 Energy Core
1 1 Elemental Heart OR 50
1 Eternal Heart 50
3 50 Starstone Tuning Orb
1 10 Corrupted Fragment OR 50
1 Steel Chisel 1
50 Stone Brick 800
1 Elemental Heart 50
3 50 Siren Tuning Orb
1 5 Corrupted Shard OR 100
1 Starmetal Chisel 1
50 Lodestone Brick 300
1 Energy Core 1600
5 Fancy Shell 150
3 50 Monoecious Tuning Orb
1 5 Corrupted Shard OR 100
1 Starmetal Chisel 1
50 Lodestone Brick 300
1 Energy Core 1600
5 Firefox 150
3 50 Protector's Tuning Orb
1 5 Corrupted Shard OR 100
1 Starmetal Chisel 1
50 Lodestone Brick 300
1 Energy Core 1600
5 Glowing Swamp Moss 150
3 55 Depths Tuning Orb
1 10 Corrupted Shard OR 200
1 Starmetal Chisel 1
50 Lodestone Brick 300
1 Energy Core 1600
3 75 Dynasty Tuning Orb
1 10 Corrupted Crystal OR 200
1 Orichalcum Chisel 1
50 Obsidian Voidstone 2500
1 Energy Core 12800
3 75 Corrupted Crystal
1 3 Corrupted Shard OR 60
4 100 Lodestone Brick
1 6 Lodestone OR 6
2 Stone Brick 32
1 Sandpaper 3
4 100 Brilliant Amber
1 4 Amber OR 12
1 Earth Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Amethyst
1 4 Amethyst OR 12
1 Soul Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Aquamarine
1 4 Aquamarine OR 12
1 Water Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Carnelian
1 4 Carnelian OR 12
1 Fire Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Diamond
1 4 Diamond OR 12
1 Life Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Emerald
1 4 Emerald OR 12
1 Earth Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Jasper
1 4 Jasper OR 12
1 Air Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Malachite
1 4 Malachite OR 12
1 Soul Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Moonstone
1 4 Moonstone OR 12
1 Death Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Onyx
1 4 Onyx OR 12
1 Life Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Opal
1 4 Opal OR 12
1 Soul Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Ruby
1 4 Ruby OR 12
1 Fire Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Sapphire
1 4 Sapphire OR 12
1 Death Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Brilliant Topaz
1 4 Topaz OR 12
1 Air Essence 40
1 Weak Solvent 5
4 100 Cut Brilliant Amber
1 1 Brilliant Amber OR 12
2 Earth Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Amethyst
1 1 Brilliant Amethyst OR 12
2 Soul Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Aquamarine
1 1 Brilliant Aquamarine OR 12
2 Water Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Carnelian
1 1 Brilliant Carnelian OR 12
2 Fire Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Diamond
1 1 Brilliant Diamond OR 12
2 Life Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Emerald
1 1 Brilliant Emerald OR 12
2 Earth Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Jasper
1 1 Brilliant Jasper OR 12
2 Air Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Malachite
1 1 Brilliant Malachite OR 12
2 Soul Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Moonstone
1 1 Brilliant Moonstone OR 12
2 Death Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Onyx
1 1 Brilliant Onyx OR 12
2 Life Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Opal
1 1 Brilliant Opal OR 12
2 Soul Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Ruby
1 1 Brilliant Ruby OR 12
2 Fire Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Sapphire
1 1 Brilliant Sapphire OR 12
2 Death Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Cut Brilliant Topaz
1 1 Brilliant Topaz OR 12
2 Air Essence 80
1 Weak Solvent 6
4 100 Corrupted Lodestone
1 2 Corrupted Cyrstal OR 120
4 100 Genesis Core
1 3 Elemental Heart OR 150
3 Eternal Heart 150
3 Corrupted Rune 150
3 Molten Rune 150
4 100 Genesis Tuning Orb
1 10 Corrupted Lodestone OR 1200
1 Asmodeum Chisel 1
5 Runestone 1250
1 Genesis Core 6400
5 150 Pristine Amber
1 5 Brilliant Amber OR 60
1 Earth Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Amethyst
1 5 Brilliant Amethyst OR 60
1 Soul Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Aquamarine
1 5 Brilliant Aquamarine OR 60
1 Water Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Carnelian
1 5 Brilliant Carnelian OR 60
1 Fire Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Diamond
1 5 Brilliant Diamond OR 60
1 Life Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Emerald
1 5 Brilliant Emerald OR 60
1 Earth Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Jasper
1 5 Brilliant Jasper OR 60
1 Air Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Malachite
1 5 Brilliant Malachite OR 60
1 Soul Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Moonstone
1 5 Brilliant Moonstone OR 60
1 Death Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Onyx
1 5 Brilliant Onyx OR 60
1 Life Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Opal
1 5 Brilliant Opal OR 60
1 Soul Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Ruby
1 5 Brilliant Ruby OR 60
1 Fire Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Sapphire
1 5 Brilliant Sapphire OR 60
1 Death Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Pristine Topaz
1 5 Brilliant Topaz OR 60
1 Air Quintessence 260
1 Weak Solvent 26
5 150 Cut Pristine Amber
1 1 Pristine Amber OR 60
3 Earth Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Amethyst
1 1 Pristine Amethyst OR 60
3 Soul Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Aquamarine
1 1 Pristine Aquamarine OR 60
3 Water Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Carnelian
1 1 Pristine Carnelian OR 60
3 Fire Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Diamond
1 1 Pristine Diamond OR 60
3 Life Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Emerald
1 1 Pristine Emerald OR 60
3 Earth Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Jasper
1 1 Pristine Jasper OR 60
3 Air Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Malachite
1 1 Pristine Malachite OR 60
3 Soul Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Moonstone
1 1 Pristine Moonstone OR 60
3 Death Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Onyx
1 1 Pristine Onyx OR 60
3 Life Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Opal
1 1 Pristine Opal OR 60
3 Soul Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Ruby
1 1 Pristine Ruby OR 60
3 Fire Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Sapphire
1 1 Pristine Sapphire OR 60
3 Death Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Cut Pristine Topaz
1 1 Pristine Topaz OR 60
3 Air Quintessence 440
1 Weak Solvent 27
5 150 Obsidian Voidstone
1 8 Lodestone Brick OR 50
2 Lodestone 256
1 Sandpaper 25
1 Loamy Lodestone 1
5 150 Undying Heart
1 10 Death Quintessence OR 600
10 Life Quintessence 600
10 Soul Quintessence 600
10 Blight Seeds 10
5 150 Lazarus Core
1 1 Elemental Heart OR 50
1 Undying Heart 50
3 Glowing Spore 50
3 Earth Totem 50
5 150 Lazarus Tuning Orb
1 20 Corrupted Lodestone OR 2400
1 Asmodeum Chisel 1
10 Runestone 2500
1 Lazarus Core 12800
5 200 Runestone
1 5 Obsidian Voidstone OR 250
1 Obsidian Sandpaper 1280
1 Putrid Lodestone 125
0 5
36 9
Stone 391 1,564 Stone OR 1,564 Stone
129 43
Flawed Amber 110 110 Flawed Amber OR 110 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 220 Earth Mote 220 Earth Mote
129 43
Flawed Amethyst 110 110 Flawed Amethyst OR 110 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 220 Soul Mote 220 Soul Mote
129 43
Flawed Aquamarine 110 110 Flawed Aquamarine OR 110 Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote 220 Water Mote 220 Water Mote
129 43
Flawed Carnelian 110 110 Flawed Carnelian OR 110 Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote 220 Fire Mote 220 Fire Mote
129 43
Flawed Diamond 110 110 Flawed Diamond OR 110 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 220 Life Mote 220 Life Mote
129 43
Flawed Emerald 110 110 Flawed Emerald OR 110 Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote 220 Earth Mote 220 Earth Mote
129 43
Flawed Jasper 110 110 Flawed Jasper OR 110 Flawed Jasper
Air Mote 220 Air Mote 220 Air Mote
129 43
Flawed Malachite 110 110 Flawed Malachite OR 110 Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote 220 Soul Mote 220 Soul Mote
129 43
Flawed Moonstone 110 110 Flawed Moonstone OR 110 Flawed Moonstone
Death Mote 220 Death Mote 220 Death Mote
129 43
Flawed Onyx 110 110 Flawed Onyx OR 110 Flawed Onyx
Life Mote 220 Life Mote 220 Life Mote
129 43
Flawed Opal 110 110 Flawed Opal OR 110 Flawed Opal
Soul Mote 220 Soul Mote 220 Soul Mote
129 43
Flawed Ruby 110 110 Flawed Ruby OR 110 Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote 220 Fire Mote 220 Fire Mote
129 43
Flawed Sapphire 110 110 Flawed Sapphire OR 110 Flawed Sapphire
Death Mote 220 Death Mote 220 Death Mote
129 43
Flawed Topaz 110 110 Flawed Topaz OR 110 Flawed Topaz
Air Mote 220 Air Mote 220 Air Mote
45 9
Corrupted Sliver 203 1,015 Corrupted Sliver OR 1,015 Corrupted Sliver
1350 9
Death Mote 7 350 Death Mote OR 350 Death Mote
Life Mote 350 Life Mote 350 Life Mote
Soul Mote 350 Soul Mote 350 Soul Mote
558 9
Corrupted Sliver 17 170 Corrupted Sliver OR 170 Corrupted Sliver
Iron Chisel 17 Iron Chisel 17 Iron Chisel
Stone 850 Stone Block 3,400 Stone
Death Mote 17 Eternal Heart 850 Death Mote
Life Mote 850 Life Mote
Soul Mote 850 Soul Mote
180 36
Stone 850 3,400 Stone Block OR 13,600 Stone
Sandpaper 850 Sandpaper 850 Sandpaper
1308 262
Flawed Amber 117 351 Flawed Amber OR 351 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 117 Earth Wisp 585 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Amethyst 117 351 Flawed Amethyst OR 351 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 117 Soul Wisp 585 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Aquamarine 117 351 Flawed Aquamarine OR 351 Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote 117 Water Wisp 585 Water Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Carnelian 117 351 Flawed Carnelian OR 351 Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote 117 Fire Wisp 585 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Diamond 117 351 Flawed Diamond OR 351 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 117 Life Wisp 585 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Emerald 117 351 Flawed Emerald OR 351 Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote 117 Earth Wisp 585 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Jasper 117 351 Flawed Jasper OR 351 Flawed Jasper
Air Mote 117 Air Wisp 585 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Malachite 117 351 Flawed Malachite OR 351 Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote 117 Soul Wisp 585 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Moonstone 117 351 Flawed Moonstone OR 351 Flawed Moonstone
Death Mote 117 Death Wisp 585 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Onyx 117 351 Flawed Onyx OR 351 Flawed Onyx
Life Mote 117 Life Wisp 585 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Opal 117 351 Flawed Opal OR 351 Flawed Opal
Soul Mote 117 Soul Wisp 585 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Ruby 117 351 Flawed Ruby OR 351 Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote 117 Fire Wisp 585 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Sapphire 117 351 Flawed Sapphire OR 351 Flawed Sapphire
Death Mote 117 Death Wisp 585 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1308 262
Flawed Topaz 117 351 Flawed Topaz OR 351 Flawed Topaz
Air Mote 117 Air Wisp 585 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent 117 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Amber 141 141 Amber OR 423 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 282 Earth Wisp 2,115 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Amethyst 141 141 Amethyst OR 423 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 282 Soul Wisp 2,115 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Aquamarine 141 141 Aquamarine OR 423 Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote 282 Water Wisp 2,115 Water Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Carnelian 141 141 Carnelian OR 423 Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote 282 Fire Wisp 2,115 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Diamond 141 141 Diamond OR 423 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 282 Life Wisp 2,115 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Emerald 141 141 Emerald OR 423 Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote 282 Earth Wisp 2,115 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Jasper 141 141 Jasper OR 423 Flawed Jasper
Air Mote 282 Air Wisp 2,115 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Malachite 141 141 Malachite OR 423 Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote 282 Soul Wisp 2,115 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Moonstone 141 141 Moonstone OR 423 Flawed Moonstone
Death Mote 282 Death Wisp 2,115 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Diamond 141 141 Onyx OR 423 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 282 Life Wisp 2,115 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Opal 141 141 Opal OR 423 Flawed Opal
Soul Mote 282 Soul Wisp 2,115 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Ruby 141 141 Ruby OR 423 Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote 282 Fire Wisp 2,115 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Sapphire 141 141 Sapphire OR 423 Flawed Sapphire
Death Mote 282 Death Wisp 2,115 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
1090 273
Flawed Topaz 141 141 Topaz OR 423 Flawed Topaz
Air Mote 282 Air Wisp 2,115 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 141 Weak Solvent 282 Weak Solvent
36 9
Corrupted Sliver 4,248 16,992 Corrupted Fragment OR 84,960 Corrupted Sliver
1800 9
Water Mote 85 4,250 Water Mote OR 4,250 Water Mote
Earth Mote 4,250 Earth Mote 4,250 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 4,250 Fire Mote 4,250 Fire Mote
Air Mote 4,250 Air Mote 4,250 Air Mote
18 9
Water Mote 8,496 8,496 Elemental Heart OR 424,800 Water Mote
Earth Mote 8,496 Eternal Heart 424,800 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 0 424,800 Fire Mote
Air Mote 424,800 Air Mote
Death Mote 424,800 Death Mote
Life Mote 424,800 Life Mote
Soul Mote 424,800 Soul Mote
558 9
Corrupted Sliver 275 2,750 Corrupted Fragment OR 13,750 Corrupted Sliver
Steel Chisel 275 Steel Chisel 275 Steel Chisel
Stone 13,750 Stone Brick 220,000 Stone
Sandpaper 275 Elemental Heart 13,750 Sandpaper
Death Mote 13,750 Death Mote
Life Mote 13,750 Life Mote
Soul Mote 13,750 Soul Mote
558 9
Corrupted Sliver 275 1,375 Corrupted Shard OR 27,500 Corrupted Sliver
Starmetal Chisel 275 Starmetal Chisel 275 Starmetal Chisel
Lodestone 13,750 Lodestone Brick 82,500 Lodestone
Stone 275 Energy Core 440,000 Stone
Sandpaper 1,375 Fancy Shell 41,250 Sandpaper
Water Mote 13,750 Water Mote
Earth Mote 13,750 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 13,750 Fire Mote
Air Mote 13,750 Air Mote
Death Mote 13,750 Death Mote
Life Mote 13,750 Life Mote
Soul Mote 13,750 Soul Mote
Fancy Shell 1,375 Fancy Shell
558 9
Corrupted Sliver 275 1,375 Corrupted Shard OR 27,500 Corrupted Sliver
Starmetal Chisel 275 Starmetal Chisel 275 Starmetal Chisel
Lodestone 13,750 Lodestone Brick 82,500 Lodestone
Stone 275 Energy Core 440,000 Stone
Sandpaper 1,375 Firefox 41,250 Sandpaper
Water Mote 13,750 Water Mote
Earth Mote 13,750 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 13,750 Fire Mote
Air Mote 13,750 Air Mote
Death Mote 13,750 Death Mote
Life Mote 13,750 Life Mote
Soul Mote 13,750 Soul Mote
Firefox 1,375 Firefox
558 9
Corrupted Sliver 275 1,375 Corrupted Shard OR 27,500 Corrupted Sliver
Starmetal Chisel 275 Starmetal Chisel 275 Starmetal Chisel
Lodestone 13,750 Lodestone Brick 82,500 Lodestone
Stone 275 Energy Core 440,000 Stone
Sandpaper 1,375 Glowing Swamp Moss 41,250 Sandpaper
Water Mote 13,750 Water Mote
Earth Mote 13,750 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 13,750 Fire Mote
Air Mote 13,750 Air Mote
Death Mote 13,750 Death Mote
Life Mote 13,750 Life Mote
Soul Mote 13,750 Soul Mote
Glowing Swamp Moss 1,375 Glowing Swamp Moss
558 9
Corrupted Sliver 254 2,540 Corrupted Shard OR 50,800 Corrupted Sliver
Starmetal Chisel 254 Starmetal Chisel 254 Starmetal Chisel
Lodestone 12,700 Lodestone Brick 76,200 Lodestone
Stone 254 Energy Core 406,400 Stone
Sandpaper 38,100 Sandpaper
Water Mote 12,700 Water Mote
Earth Mote 12,700 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 12,700 Fire Mote
Air Mote 12,700 Air Mote
Death Mote 12,700 Death Mote
Life Mote 12,700 Life Mote
Soul Mote 12,700 Soul Mote
198 3
Corrupted Sliver 439 4,390 Corrupted Crystal OR 87,800 Corrupted Sliver \
Orichalcum Chisel 439 Orichalcum Chisel 439 Orichalcum Chisel
Lodestone 21,950 Obsidian Voidstone 1,097,500 Lodestone
Stone 439 Energy Core 5,619,200 Stone
Sandpaper 548,750 Sandpaper
Loamy Lodestone 21,950 Loamy Lodestone
Water Mote 21,950 Water Mote
Earth Mote 21,950 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 21,950 Fire Mote
Air Mote 21,950 Air Mote
Death Mote 21,950 Death Mote
Life Mote 21,950 Life Mote
Soul Mote 21,950 Soul Mote
27 9
Corrupted Sliver 3,214 9,642 Corrupted Shard OR 192,840 Corrupted Sliver
1539 171
Lodestone 772 4,632 Lodestone OR 4,632 Lodestone
Stone 1,544 Stone Brick 24,704 Stone
Sandpaper 772 Sandpaper 2,316 Sandpaper
7588 1265
Flawed Amber 157 628 Amber OR 1,884 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 157 Earth Essence 6,280 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Amethyst 157 628 Amethyst OR 1,884 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 157 Soul Essence 6,280 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Aquamarine 157 628 Aquamarine OR 1,884 Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote 157 Water Essence 6,280 Water Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Carnelian 157 628 Carnelian OR 1,884 Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote 157 Fire Essence 6,280 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Diamond 157 628 Diamond OR 1,884 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 157 Life Essence 6,280 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Emerald 157 628 Emerald OR 1,884 Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote 157 Earth Essence 6,280 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Jasper 157 628 Jasper OR 1,884 Flawed Jasper
Air Mote 157 Air Essence 6,280 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Malachite 157 628 Malachite OR 1,884 Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote 157 Soul Essence 6,280 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Moonstone 157 628 Moonstone OR 1,884 Flawed Moonstone
Rawhide 157 Death Essence 6,280 Rawhide
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Diamond 157 628 Onyx OR 1,884 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 157 Life Essence 6,280 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Opal 157 628 Opal OR 1,884 Flawed Opal
Soul Mote 157 Soul Essence 6,280 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Ruby 157 628 Ruby OR 1,884 Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote 157 Fire Essence 6,280 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Sapphire 157 628 Sapphire OR 1,884 Flawed Sapphire
Rawhide 157 Death Essence 6,280 Rawhide
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
7588 1265
Flawed Topaz 157 628 Topaz OR 1,884 Flawed Topaz
Air Mote 157 Air Essence 6,280 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 157 Weak Solvent 785 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Amber 220 220 Brilliant Amber OR 2,640 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 440 Earth Essence 17,600 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Amethyst 220 220 Brilliant Amethyst OR 2,640 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 440 Soul Essence 17,600 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Aquamarine 220 220 Brilliant Aquamarine OR 2,640 Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote 440 Water Essence 17,600 Water Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Carnelian 220 220 Brilliant Carnelian OR 2,640 Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote 440 Fire Essence 17,600 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Diamond 220 220 Brilliant Diamond OR 2,640 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 440 Life Essence 17,600 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Emerald 220 220 Brilliant Emerald OR 2,640 Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote 440 Earth Essence 17,600 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Jasper 220 220 Brilliant Jasper OR 2,640 Flawed Jasper
Air Mote 440 Air Essence 17,600 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Malachite 220 220 Brilliant Malachite OR 2,640 Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote 440 Soul Essence 17,600 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Moonstone 220 220 Brilliant Moonstone OR 2,640 Flawed Moonstone
Rawhide 440 Death Essence 17,600 Rawhide
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Diamond 220 220 Brilliant Onyx OR 2,640 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 440 Life Essence 17,600 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Opal 220 220 Brilliant Opal OR 2,640 Flawed Opal
Soul Mote 440 Soul Essence 17,600 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Ruby 220 220 Brilliant Ruby OR 2,640 Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote 440 Fire Essence 17,600 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Sapphire 220 220 Brilliant Sapphire OR 2,640 Flawed Sapphire
Rawhide 440 Death Essence 17,600 Rawhide
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
5420 1355
Flawed Topaz 220 220 Brilliant Topaz OR 2,640 Flawed Topaz
Air Mote 440 Air Essence 17,600 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 220 Weak Solvent 1,320 Weak Solvent
18 18
Corrupted Sliver 65,948 131,896 Corrupted Cyrstal OR 7,913,760 Corrupted Sliver
108 9
Water Mote 10,992 32,976 Elemental Heart OR 1,648,800 Water Mote
Earth Mote 32,976 Eternal Heart 1,648,800 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 32,976 Corrupted Rune 1,648,800 Fire Mote
Air Mote 32,976 Molten Rune 1,648,800 Air Mote
Death Mote 1,648,800 Death Mote
Life Mote 1,648,800 Life Mote
Soul Mote 1,648,800 Soul Mote
Corrupted Rune 32,976 Corrupted Rune
Molten Rune 32,976 Molten Rune
153 9
Corrupted Sliver 7,759 77,590 Corrupted Lodestone OR 9,310,800 Corrupted Sliver
Asmodeum Chisel 7,759 Asmodeum Chisel 7,759 Asmodeum Chisel
Lodestone 38,795 Runestone 9,698,750 Lodestone
Stone 7,759 Genesis Core 49,657,600 Stone
Sandpaper 4,849,375 Sandpaper
Loamy Lodestone 193,975 Loamy Lodestone
Obsidian Sandpaper 38,795 Obsidian Sandpaper
Putrid Lodestone 38,795 Putrid Lodestone
Water Mote 1,163,850 Water Mote
Earth Mote 1,163,850 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 1,163,850 Fire Mote
Air Mote 1,163,850 Air Mote
Death Mote 1,163,850 Death Mote
Life Mote 1,163,850 Life Mote
Soul Mote 1,163,850 Soul Mote
Corrupted Rune 23,277 Corrupted Rune
Molten Rune 23,277 Molten Rune
41256 5894
Flawed Amber 238 1,190 Brilliant Amber OR 14,280 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 238 Earth Quintessence 61,880 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Amethyst 238 1,190 Brilliant Amethyst OR 14,280 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 238 Soul Quintessence 61,880 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Aquamarine 238 1,190 Brilliant Aquamarine OR 14,280 Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote 238 Water Quintessence 61,880 Water Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Carnelian 238 1,190 Brilliant Carnelian OR 14,280 Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote 238 Fire Quintessence 61,880 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Diamond 238 1,190 Brilliant Diamond OR 14,280 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 238 Life Quintessence 61,880 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Emerald 238 1,190 Brilliant Emerald OR 14,280 Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote 238 Earth Quintessence 61,880 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Jasper 238 1,190 Brilliant Jasper OR 14,280 Flawed Jasper
Air Mote 238 Air Quintessence 61,880 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Malachite 238 1,190 Brilliant Malachite OR 14,280 Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote 238 Soul Quintessence 61,880 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Ruby 238 1,190 Brilliant Moonstone OR 14,280 Flawed Ruby
Death Mote 238 Death Quintessence 61,880 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Diamond 238 1,190 Brilliant Onyx OR 14,280 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 238 Life Quintessence 61,880 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Opal 238 1,190 Brilliant Opal OR 14,280 Flawed Opal
Soul Mote 238 Soul Quintessence 61,880 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Ruby 238 1,190 Brilliant Ruby OR 14,280 Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote 238 Fire Quintessence 61,880 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Sapphire 238 1,190 Brilliant Sapphire OR 14,280 Flawed Sapphire
Death Mote 238 Death Quintessence 61,880 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
41256 5894
Flawed Topaz 238 1,190 Brilliant Topaz OR 14,280 Flawed Topaz
Air Mote 238 Air Quintessence 61,880 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 238 Weak Solvent 6,188 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Amber 317 317 Pristine Amber OR 19,020 Flawed Amber
Earth Mote 951 Earth Quintessence 139,480 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Amethyst 317 317 Pristine Amethyst OR 19,020 Flawed Amethyst
Soul Mote 951 Soul Quintessence 139,480 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Aquamarine 317 317 Pristine Aquamarine OR 19,020 Flawed Aquamarine
Water Mote 951 Water Quintessence 139,480 Water Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Carnelian 317 317 Pristine Carnelian OR 19,020 Flawed Carnelian
Fire Mote 951 Fire Quintessence 139,480 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Diamond 317 317 Pristine Diamond OR 19,020 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 951 Life Quintessence 139,480 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Emerald 317 317 Pristine Emerald OR 19,020 Flawed Emerald
Earth Mote 951 Earth Quintessence 139,480 Earth Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Jasper 317 317 Pristine Jasper OR 19,020 Flawed Jasper
Air Mote 951 Air Quintessence 139,480 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Malachite 317 317 Pristine Malachite OR 19,020 Flawed Malachite
Soul Mote 951 Soul Quintessence 139,480 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Ruby 317 317 Pristine Moonstone OR 19,020 Flawed Ruby
Death Mote 951 Death Quintessence 139,480 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Diamond 317 317 Pristine Onyx OR 19,020 Flawed Diamond
Life Mote 951 Life Quintessence 139,480 Life Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Opal 317 317 Pristine Opal OR 19,020 Flawed Opal
Soul Mote 951 Soul Quintessence 139,480 Soul Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Ruby 317 317 Pristine Ruby OR 19,020 Flawed Ruby
Fire Mote 951 Fire Quintessence 139,480 Fire Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Sapphire 317 317 Pristine Sapphire OR 19,020 Flawed Sapphire
Death Mote 951 Death Quintessence 139,480 Death Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
30942 6188
Flawed Topaz 317 317 Pristine Topaz OR 19,020 Flawed Topaz
Air Mote 951 Air Quintessence 139,480 Air Mote
Weak Solvent 317 Weak Solvent 8,559 Weak Solvent
9240 770
Lodestone 1,061 8,488 Lodestone Brick OR 53,050 Lodestone
Stone 2,122 Lodestone 271,616 Stone
Sandpaper 1,061 Sandpaper 26,525 Sandpaper
Loamy Lodestone 1,061 Loamy Lodestone 1,061 Loamy Lodestone
360 9
Death Mote 27,214 272,140 Death Quintessence OR 16,328,400 Death Mote
Life Mote 272,140 Life Quintessence 16,328,400 Life Mote
Soul Mote 272,140 Soul Quintessence 16,328,400 Soul Mote
Blight Seeds 272,140 Blight Seeds 272,140 Blight Seeds
72 9
Water Mote 136,068 136,068 Elemental Heart OR 6,803,400 Water Mote
Earth Mote 136,068 Undying Heart 6,803,400 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 408,204 Glowing Spore 6,803,400 Fire Mote
Air Mote 408,204 Earth Totem 6,803,400 Air Mote
Death Mote 81,640,800 Death Mote
Life Mote 81,640,800 Life Mote
Soul Mote 81,640,800 Soul Mote
Blight Seeds 1,360,680 Blight Seeds
Glowing Spore 408,204 Glowing Spore
Earth Totem 408,204 Earth Totem
288 9
Corrupted Sliver 34,017 680,340 Corrupted Lodestone OR 81,640,800 Corrupted Sliver
Asmodeum Chisel 34,017 Asmodeum Chisel 34,017 Asmodeum Chisel
Lodestone 340,170 Runestone 85,042,500 Lodestone
Stone 34,017 Lazarus Core ### Stone
Sandpaper 42,521,250 Sandpaper
Loamy Lodestone 1,700,850 Loamy Lodestone
Obsidian Sandpaper 340,170 Obsidian Sandpaper
Putrid Lodestone 340,170 Putrid Lodestone
Water Mote 1,700,850 Water Mote
Earth Mote 1,700,850 Earth Mote
Fire Mote 1,700,850 Fire Mote
Air Mote 1,700,850 Air Mote
Death Mote 20,410,200 Death Mote
Life Mote 20,410,200 Life Mote
Soul Mote 20,410,200 Soul Mote
Blight Seeds 340,170 Blight Seeds
Glowing Spore 102,051 Glowing Spore
Earth Totem 102,051 Earth Totem
Loamy Lodestone
Obsidian Sandpaper
Putrid Lodestone
9 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
43 0 50
9 25 50
9 25 50
2 25 50
11 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
145 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
55 50 100
2 50 100
9 50 100
0 50 100
1 50 100
0 50 100
0 50 100
0 50 100
0 55 100
0 75 100
0 75 100
38 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
133 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
55 100 150
0 100 150
0 100 150
0 100 150
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
119 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
59 150 200
28 150 200
0 150 200
0 150 200
0 150 200
2 0 Linen
1 4 Fibers OR 4
3 50 Sateen
1 4 Linen OR 16
1 Weave 1
4 100 Silk
1 2 Sateen OR 32
6 Silk Threads 3
1 Weave 6
5 150 Infused Silk
1 2 Silk OR 64
8 Wirefiber 7
1 Weave 12
5 200 Phoenixweave
1 5 Infused Silk OR 320
1 Scalecloth 35
1 Blisterweave 60
1 Wireweave 40
36 9
Fibers 391 1,564 Fibers OR 1,564 Fibers
190 38
Fibers 805 3,220 Linen OR 12,880 Fibers
Weave 805 Weave 805 Weave
1665 185
Fibers 713 1,426 Sateen OR 22,816 Fibers
Weave 4,278 Silk Threads 2,139 Weave
Silk Threads 713 Weave 4,278 Silk Threads
8470 770
Fibers 1,157 2,314 Silk OR 74,048 Fibers
Weave 9,256 Wirefiber 8,099 Weave
Silk Threads 1,157 Weave 13,884 Silk Threads
Wirefiber 9,256 Wirefiber
Silk Threads
9 0 50
11 50 100
41 100 150
93 150 200
2 0 Timber
1 4 Green Wood OR 4
3 50 Lumber
1 4 Aged Wood OR 4
2 Timber 8
1 Sandpaper 1
4 100 Wyrwood Planks
1 6 Wyrdwood OR 6
2 Lumber 8
1 Sandpaper 16
5 150 Ironwood Planks
1 8 Ironwood OR 8
2 Wyrdwood Planks 12
1 Sandpaper 16
5 200 Glittering Ebony
1 5 Ironwood Planks OR 40
1 Wildwood 60
1 Barbvine 80
1 Obsidian Sandpaper 160
36 9
Green Wood 391 1,564 Green Wood OR 1,564 Green Wood
266 38
Aged Wood 575 2,300 Aged Wood OR 2,300 Aged Wood
Green Wood 1,150 Timber 4,600 Green Wood
Sandpaper 575 Sandpaper 575 Sandpaper
1665 185
Wyrdwood 713 4,278 Wyrdwood OR 4,278 Wyrdwood
Aged Wood 1,426 Lumber 5,704 Aged Wood
Green Wood 713 Sandpaper 11,408 Green Wood
Sandpaper 2,139 Sandpaper
8470 770
Ironwood 1,157 9,256 Ironwood OR 9,256 Ironwood
Wyrdwood 2,314 Wyrdwood Planks 13,884 Wyrdwood
Aged Wood 1,157 Sandpaper 18,512 Aged Wood
Green Wood 37,024 Green Wood
Sandpaper 8,099 Sandpaper
Aged Wood
Green Wood
Obsidian Sandpaper
9 0 50
20 50 100
50 100 150
113 150 200