BP Architecture - EMAP Seminar

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System Architecture

Vibration Data Bently Manual Input

System 1 System 1 OLE BP “Engine”

DAQ Unit (process data)

Calculated Performance Data

Process Data
Process Data: flow, pressure, temperature…
Thermodynamic Capability
Bently Performance Optimization Software
 Machinery focused  Power plant focused
– Compression – On line performance
– Gas Turbines & plant optimization
– Steam Turbines – Machines & fixed
– Generators assets
– Pumps
EfficiencyMap™ Heat
Balance Simulation

Combined Cycle & Peakers


Analyze Individual Equipment Performance

EfficiencyMap™ in a Nutshell
EfficiencyMap tells you:

1. Where you ARE

– Measured and/or Heat Balance
2. Where you SHOULD BE
– Expected Performance
3. Where you COULD BE
– Optimizer Results
EfficiencyMap™ Modules
Embedded Data Acquisition
Plant DCS / Controls Historian and Archiving

On-line Heat

EfficiencyMap Loop
Where you ARE Balance

Where you SHOULD BE Analysis

Decision Optimization
Where you
Support TM Payback Optimization BE
Plant GateCycle

EfficiencyMap embedded into System 1TM

EMap ™ - Performance Monitoring
Measures Plant Performance and Identifies Degradation
Unexpected Degradation of Equipment Performance
P la n t H e a t R a te (B tu /k W h )

Actu al
E xp e cte d
Drill-Down Capabilities
to Find the Root Cause
of Your Performance
P a rt-L o a d
O p e ra ti o n
Am b ie n t
Am b ie n t
6,500 T e m p e ra tu re D ro p
T e m p e ra tu re R i se

6,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

Unrecoverable Levels of Degradation

Differentiates Between Normal Operational Changes and Equipment Degradation

EMap ™ - Performance Monitoring
Plant-Level Diagnostics for Major Equipment Degradation
Plant Heat Rate ST = 0
Impacts (Btu/kWh)

GT1 = 0
HRSG1 = 0 CT = 50
CD = 0

GT2 = 200
HRSG2 = 0

P la n t H e a t R a te (B tu /k W h )

Actu al
E xp e cte d
Drill-Down Capabilities
P a rt-L o a d
• EfficiencyMap Can Direct You
A m b ie n t
O p e ra tio n

A m b ie n t
Right to the Heart of Your Plant
6,500 T e m p e ra tu re D ro p
T e m p e ra tu re R ise
Performance Problems
6,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

EMap ™ - Performance Monitoring
Component-Level Diagnostics for Immediate Action
GT2 Power (MW) Cooling Tower Water Temperature (F)
220 140
Acceptable Performance Performance Change
200 130 Expected

Degradatio Part-Load
Temperature Ambient n
180 Drop Engine Off
Temperature 120

160 110

140 Actual 100

Expected Accepatable Performance Performance Change

120 Degradatio 90

Plant Heat Rate

Impacts (Btu/kWh)

Expanded Drill-Down Capabilities

CT = 50
• Component-Level Analysis
• Pinpoint the Exact Equipment
GT2 = 200 Issue
EMap ™ - Plant Optimization
Monitors the condition of the entire plant and makes real-time
recommendations regarding turbine output to maximize overall fuel
Typical Operations

Before After
13.2 Optimization Optimization 170

All Major Factors Accounted For

Fuel Cost ($1,000/hr)

Fuel Cost
$100/hr fuel reduction •Current Electricity Pricing

Power (MW)
13.1 $400,000/year savings 150
•Current Fuel Pricing
•Actual Equipment Performance
13.0 GT1 Power 130

GT2 Power

12.9 110
Actual Control Recommendations

Optimal Equipment Loading Decisions in Real Time

Overall Capability Overview

Bently Performance

Optimization Software

Rotor- Thermo-
dynamics dynamics

Bently Performance

Optimization Software

Rotor- Thermo-
dynamics dynamics

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