HIRA-P-NOR-2019-000404 Order

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West Bengal Rea! Estate Regulatory Authority

Calcutta Greens Commercial Complex (1't Floor)
LOiO|L, Survey Park, Kolkata -7OO 075

Name of the Applicant: Realtech Nirman Pvt' Ltd'

Name of Project: Hijibiji

WBHIRA Registration No: HIRA/P/NOR/ 2Ol9 I OOO4O4

Order and Signatures of Au thority Note of
and date of
taken on

whereas an Application has been submitted as per the

provisions contained in section 6 of the Real Estate (Regulation
and Development) Act, 2016 read with Rule 7 of the west
Bengal Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2021,
by the Applicant Promoter, the Realtech Nlrman Pvt. Ltd.
before the west Bengal Real Estate Reguiatory Authority
(WBRERA), for extension of the Real Estate Project namely
'Hijibiji', with payment of fees for extension of the project
amounting to Rs.7 ,23,360 l-(Rupees seven Lakhs Twenty Three
Thousand Three Hundred Sixty only), which is twice the
registration fees of the said project, on O2.O9.2023 by electronic
transfer made to the Account of the WBRERA Authority;

And whereas the said project was registered under

erstwhile west Bengal Housing Industry Regulatory Authority
(WBHIRA) by WBHIRA Registration No'
HIRA/P/NOR/20lglooo4o4. The validity of the Registration of
the said project expired on 31.12.2022. An extension of 9 (nine)
months was granted by the erstwhile WBHIRA on account of the
first wave of Covid 19 pandemic and the said extension of 9
months is going to be expired on 3o.o9.2o23. As per the
Applicant the aforesaid project cannot be completed within
3O.O}.2O23 as the project got delayed for some bonafide
reasons and therefore he prayed for an extension of 18 months
(one and half year) of the validation of registration of the said

project. As Per him the grant of the extension of the Project

shall help the Applicant to complete th e remaining works of the
said project and interest of every stake holders including the
flat-buyers shall be protected upon extension of the registration
of the said project. Therefore, the Applicant herein applied for
extension of the Validity of the Registration of the said project
for a period of 18 (Eighteen) months from ol.lo.2o23 to

And whereas an offline hearing has been held today at

3:30 p.m. and shri shishir Gupta , Managing Director
alongwith Advocate Neha Kumari Gupta and Advocate Mintu
Paul appeared before the Authority as Authorized
Representatives of the said Applicant Promoter company and
signed the Attendance Sheet. At the time of hearing, he has
explained the reasons for non-completion of the said project
within the validity period of the Registration of the said project
and prayed for an extension of 18 months to complete the said
project and handover of the flats / units to the Allottees. He
also explained with reasons that the delay was beyond the
control of the Applicant Promoter Company;

And whereas a Notarized Affidavit-cum-Declaration

dated 26.09.2023 has also been submitted by the Applicant
herein, explaining the reasons for seeking extension of the
instant project. As per the Applicant, in spite of his utmost
effort, he could not complete the construction of the project in
all respect within the validity period of the aforesaid project that
is within 3o.o9.2o23 due to various reasons including the
following :-

a) The said project could not be completed within the

scheduled timeline for the sl0wdown in the construction
process with the active interference of the virus namely
Covid-19 followed by the first and second wave' The
nationwide lock down and subsequent restrictions
resulted in many of the workers returning to their
hometowns and facing d.ifficulties in returning promptly
to the construction site, as a result there was a

considerable delay in labour availability, which directly

affected the construction activities and the latches for the
delay was unintentional delay as per the Applicant.
b) The Applicant Promoter also encountered another ]

obstacle during the construction process. There was a 12

to 14 ft. long road leading to the project, where the
construction of a drainage facility was ongoing'
Unfortunately, this construction work took approximately
6 to 7 months to complete, obstructing the passage of
vehicle carrying raw materials to the construction site.
Consequently there was a significant delay in the
transportation of essential materials, further impeding
the progress of the Project.
c) In addition to that, the Applicant Promoter faced a legal
dispute relate to a specific piece of land where the project
is situated. Although the Applicant was initially aware
that the land was undisputedly owned by the landlord, a
third party claimed ownership and liled a civil suit
against the landlord which was pending before the
learned 1st civil Judge (Jr. Div.) at Barasat for a
considerable time. The said court subsequently issued a
stay order effectively halting the construction activates of
the project. The stay order subsequently got vacated. The
legal complication caused a major setback and further
delayed the completion of the project.
d) The Applicant Promoter also encountered a shortage of
materials, which had a substantial impact on the
construction timeline. There were 32 to 35 syndicates
responsible for supplying stone chips, bricks and sand for
the project. However, these suppliers charged
unreasonably high rates compared to the market price
and engaged in negotiations to withhold the supply of raw
materials. This scarcity of essential materials has caused
significant delays in the procurement process, hindering
the progress of the construction activities.

And Whereas, after careful examination of the

submissions of the Authortzed Representatives of the Applicant
on Notarized Affidavit and supporting documents on Affidavit,
submitted by the Applicant and placed on record, this AuthoritY

is of the considered view that the delay in completion of the

instant project is not due to any default or negligence on the
part of the Applicant and the extension prayed by the Applicant
is urgently required for completion of the said project, for
obtaining the Completion Certificate from the Competent
Authority and handover process of the completed flats / units
to the Allottees;

in exercise of the power conferred

Now Therefore,
under section 6 of the Real Estate (Regulation and
Development) Act, 2016 read with Rule 7 of the West Bengal
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2021, this
Authority is pleased hereby to allow extension of the
Registration of the instant project namely'HUibiji'ef,
Kolkata' for a period of 12 months (1 Year) from OL.LO.2O23
to 3O,O9.2O24. The extension of 12 (Twelve) months is granted
on the ground of force majeure condition created by Covid-19
Pandemic in exercise of the power conferred in first paragraph
of section 6 of the RERA Act, 2OL6.

This extension shall not affect the rights and interests of

the allottees of the said project. If this extension is not granted
then interest of the allottees will be seriously affected and the
extension is also required for obtaining Completion Certificate
from the Competent Authority. Therefore, this extension is
hereby granted as a Special Case and this order should not be
treated as a precedent in any other case of extension of project;

Applicant is hereby directed to submit immediately arr

online application for Extension of Registration of the Project
named 'Hijibiji' as per Form E of the West Bengal Real Estate
(Regulation and Development) Rules, 2O2!, in the WBRERA
website by using their login id and password by which he had
applied for Application for Registration of the said Project;

Secretary, WBRERA is hereby directed to issue a System

Generated Certificate for Extension of Registration of the said
Project as per Form F of the West Bengal Real Estate
(Regulation and Development) Rules, 2021, for a period of L2

months (1 Year) from O1.1O.2O23 to 30.09.2o24;

Let copy of this order be sent to the Applicant by speed

post and also by email immediately.

West Berrgal Reat Estate Regulatory Authority


Member Member
West Bengal Real Estate Regulatory Authority West Bengal Real Estate Regulatory Authority

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