CH2 English
CH2 English
CH2 English
Claim online
You can use the online service to claim Child Benefit or add another child to an existing claim.
It’s quick and easy to claim online, or through the HMRC app, and you could get your first payment in as little as 3 days.
To claim online, go to
You can view and manage your claim quickly and easily by downloading the HMRC app.
If we need you to send us more information, we’ll let you know.
If you cannot claim online, fill in this form and send it to us.
You will not need to pay the tax charge The Child Benefit you or your partner The Child Benefit you or your partner
unless your income or your partner’s get will be more than the tax charge. get will be the same as the tax charge.
income goes over £50,000 in any year The person with the higher income must You can decide not to get the Child
in the future notify HMRC and pay the tax Benefit payments. Or the person with
charge each year by registering for the higher income must notify HMRC
Self Assessment. Or you can decide not and pay the tax charge each year by
to get Child Benefit Payments registering for Self Assessment
You should fill in and send us this form even if you decide not to get Child Benefit
payments. If you do not want to get Child Benefit payments, answer ‘no’ to question 62
For help filling in this form, read the CH2 Notes, ‘Child Benefit: Getting your claim right’.
Do not delay making your claim because Child Benefit can only be backdated up to 3 months
Telephone number
First name
11 What is your nationality?
Middle names
This is shown on your passport if you have one,
for example, British, Irish, French, Polish.
5 Have you ever been known by any other last names Nationality
or family names including your maiden name?
D D M M Y Y Y Y No If No, go to question 14
For office Yes If Yes, tell us the full name and date of birth
use 1 7 Your address
of the eldest child you’re entitled
to or currently receiving Child Benefit for,
then go to question 14
No If No, go to question 9
Child’s middle names
Yes If Yes, go to question 10
Page 2 Online
1 About you continued About you continued
14 Have you always lived in the UK? 21 Do you work in another country or receive benefit
By this we mean you’ve never lived outside the UK. from another country, or have you at any time in the
Read page 3 of the CH2 Notes. last 3 months?
Yes I’ve always lived in the UK, go to question 22 Yes If Yes, tell us the name of the country
15 Do you usually live in the UK?
Read page 3 of the CH2 Notes.
22 Are you a member of HM Forces or a civil servant
No If No, go to question 16 working abroad?
16 Which country do you usually live in? 23 What is your marital or civil partnership status?
Tick one box that applies. We consider you single for
Child Benefit purposes unless you live with a partner.
17 Tell us the date you arrived in the UK Married or in a civil partnership, go to question 24
2 About your partner
20 What is your employment status?
Tick the box or boxes that apply. 24 Your partner’s full name
You only need to answer this question if
you’ve ever lived outside of the UK.
Employed in the UK
Page 3
2 About your partner continued About your partner continued
28 What is your partner’s employment status? 31 Is your partner entitled to Child Benefit now or are they
Tick the box or boxes that apply. waiting to hear if they can get Child Benefit?
29 Is your partner a member of HM Forces or a civil servant Child’s first name
working abroad?
No Yes
Child’s middle names
No If No, go to question 31 D D M M Y Y Y Y
Important information 34 How many children are you claiming for on this form?
If this Child Benefit claim is for a newborn child, you
should register their birth before you send your claim
to us or a decision on your claim could be delayed.
Child Benefit can be backdated for up to 3 months. 35 How many original birth certificates, adoption certificates,
Do not send us a birth certificate if either: passports and/or travel documents are you sending us?
• the child’s birth was registered in England, Wales If you do not send original documents a decision on your
or Scotland as we can check their birth information claim may be delayed
• you or someone else has claimed for this child in
the past
Birth certificates – only send if the child’s birth
Documents we need was registered in Northern Ireland or outside
If the child’s birth was registered in Northern Ireland the UK
or outside the UK, send us a birth certificate for each
child in this claim. Adoption certificates
If your child is adopted, you should send us the
adoption certificate. Passports
If any child in this claim was born outside the UK we also
need to see their passport(s) or their travel documents Travel documents
used to enter the UK.
We’ll normally return your documents within 4 weeks.
If you do not send the documents we need with the
claim form, a decision on your claim will be delayed.
Page 4
3 Children you want to claim for - Child 1
36 Child’s full name including last or family name Have you or anyone else ever claimed Child Benefit for
As shown on their birth or adoption certificate.
this child? Read page 4 of the CH2 Notes.
Child’s last name
No If No, go to question 45
No If No, tell us the name and address of the
person the child lives with
39 Has this child’s birth been registered in England, Wales
or Scotland? Name
No If No, send the documents as shown on
page 4 of this form – ‘Documents we need’
Yes If Yes, and they were born in England or Wales,
do not send any documents, tell us the 9 digit
Name If Yes, go to question 46
system number from the bottom left hand
corner of their birth certificate – office
read page 4 of the CH2 Notes 46 Has this child lived with anyone else at a different use 6
Yes If Yes, and they were born in Scotland, do not No If No, go to question 48
send any documents, tell us the district
number, year and entry number from their Yes If Yes, tell us their name, address and
birth certificate – read page 4 of the CH2 Notes telephone number
40 Has this child ever been known by any other name?
No Yes D D M M Y Y Y Y
Social worker
use 4
42 Is this child your: 48 Are you adopting or planning to adopt this child
Read page 4 of the CH2 Notes.
through a local authority?
Male Female Does this child live with you in the UK?
58 office
use 9
Read page 4 of the CH2 Notes.
office 51 Child’s date of birth
use 7
No If No, go to question 61
The account is in someone else’s name – tell us office
64 To get Child Benefit paid every week tick all boxes which use 13
the name of the account holder in the box below
apply to you or your partner
The account is in joint names – tell us the names
I am a single parent of the account holders in the box below
Name 1
I or my partner receive one or more of the following:
• Income Support Name 2
• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
• Pension Credit
67 Name of the bank or building society
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• Universal Credit
65 Do you already get Child Benefit? 68 The branch sort code. Read page 5 of the CH2 Notes. office
use 14
— —
No If No, go to question 66
Yes If Yes, we’ll use the bank or building 69 The account number. Read page 5 of the CH2 Notes.
society account we already pay your
Child Benefit into. office
use 15
Go to the declaration on page 8
70 If the account is with a building society, tell us the roll
or reference number if you have it
Read page 5 of the CH2 Notes.
Fill in the declaration on page 8.
Page 7
Documents we need
If you’re making a claim for a child you’ve not claimed for before, you need to send us:
• the birth certificate if their birth was registered in Northern Ireland You can find more information
or outside the UK online, go to GOV.UK and search
• the passport or travel documents used to enter the UK, if the child was not for ‘Child Benefit’.
born in the UK If your circumstances have changed,
• the adoption certificate if you’ve adopted the child go to GOV.UK and search for ‘Report
You also need to send us any extra pages you’ve filled in if you want to claim for changes that affect your Child Benefit’.
more than 2 children. If you cannot go online or need more
If you do not send all the documents we need with the claim form, a decision on your help, you can call the Child Benefit
claim could be delayed, however your payments can be backdated to the date we helpline on 0300 200 3100.
receive your claim once our decision is made. You’ll still need to send the documents If you’re a Relay UK user – 18001 then
as soon as you can after submitting your claim. 0300 200 3100.
Make sure we have the right address to return your documents. If you move without If you’re overseas – +44 161 210 3086.
telling us your new address, we’ll not be able to return your documents and we may You can also write to:
destroy them. If we believe that any of the documents you send us are not genuine, HMRC Child Benefit Office
we may keep them. PO Box 1
What you need to do now NE88 1AA
After you’ve signed and dated the declaration below, return your form with any
You’ll need your National Insurance
documents we need. If you do not have a pre-addressed envelope, send your form to:
number if you call or write.
Child Benefit Office (GB)
Ffoniwch 0300 200 1900 i dderbyn
fersiynau Cymraeg o ffurflenni
a chanllawiau.
NE88 1ZD
You’ll need a stamp for your envelope; make sure you pay the correct postage.
If you’re sending us any documents you want returning, fill in the address label (CH3)
and enclose with your claim form.
Declaration Tick the boxes that apply to you and sign this form to claim Child Benefit.
I’m sending the birth certificates or other documents that you need with this form.
I understand if I do not send the documents you need with this claim form, a decision on my claim will be delayed.
I declare that the information I’ve given on this form is correct and complete. If I give information which I know is not correct
or complete, you may take action against me. I’ll tell you about changes to my circumstances when they happen and
understand I could be overpaid and may have to pay money back if I do not.
Signature Date
D D M M Y Y Y Y use 16
Documents returned
Birth certificate Normal
Passport Recorded
Other Registered
Page 8
Address label – fill in and send this back with
your completed claim form.
Address line 1
Address line 2
Make sure your postcode is shown
correctly within the boxes. For example,
postcode XX1 6AA would be shown as
X X 1 6 A A
• fill in your name and address above in block capitals using a black pen
• send this address label back to us with your completed claim form
• you’ll need a stamp for the envelope - make sure you pay the correct postage
Important – if you do not send this address label with your claim form, it may take us longer to send
your documents back to you and to make a decision on your claim.
HMRC use only – we’ll use this when we send your documents back to you.
Your documents
Thank you for sending us your claim form, I have enclosed your:
Other document(s)
You do not need to do anything – we’ll write to you again as soon as we’ve made a decision
about your claim.