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Section 29.1 The Sun

1. ​Identify ​four unique characteristics of the Sun.

2. ​State​ three facts about each layer of the Sun’s atmosphere in the table below.

Photosphere Chromosphere Corona

1. Lowest layer 1. Layer above 1. Top layer of the
2. the visible surface of photosphere sun’s atmosphere
the sun's atmosphere Visible only during a 2. Composed of low
of earth solar eclipse density gas
Most of the sun’s visible appears red 3. visible on earth
light is emitted from this during a solar
layer eclipse

3. ​Sequence​ the solar activity.

3 The cycle progresses to maximum spots.

4 The magnetic field returns to its original polarity.
2 The cycle starts with minimum spots.
1 The Sun’s magnetic field reverses in polarity.

4. ​Analyze ​Figure 19.6 in your text. Make your own sketch of a cross-section of the
Sun. Label the following in your sketch: ​the core, the radioactive zone, the convective
zone, radiation, convection

convective zone
radioactive zone
5. ​Compare​ continuous, emission and absorption spectra. Write each characteristic in
the correct location in the diagram below.
emission absorption
-appears as bright lines -produced by a solid, liquid, or gas
-has no breaks in the spectrum -comes from a non-compressed gas
-appears as a series of dark bands -visible light arranged by wavelength

6. Explain solar composition by completing the sentence.

The sun consists of Hydrogen, about 70.4 percent by mass, and Helium,
28% percent, as well as a small amount of other trace gases.
Section 29.2 Measuring Stars

1. ​Organize​ information about star clusters by completing the diagram below.

2. ​Identify​ six basic properties that scientists use to categorize stars.

Diameter Energy Output
Mass Surface Temp.
Brightness Composition
3. ​Write​ a review question related to the classification of stars. Then write a second
review question related to wavelength shifts. Give the answer to each of your questions.

Question: What do star types correspond to ?

Answer: Star types Corresponds to temp

Question: When a star moves toward earth what end of the spectrum do the lines shift

Answer: The blue end of the spectrum.

4. ​Analyze ​ Table 29.2 in your text. Describe the general characteristics of stars (size,
temperature, and absolute magnitude) found in different locations on the H-R diagram.

Upper-left corner Upper-right corner Lower-left corner
large, hot, and bright large, cool, and bright large, cool, and bright

Section 29.3 Stellar Evolution

1.​ Draw​ a diagram illustrating the two different life cycles a star may take based upon its
mass. Include the following terms: supernova, red giant, black dwarf, super giant,
protostars, nebula, white dwarf, black hole, neutron star

2. ​Sequence​ the steps in the life cycle of the Sun.

3 converts hydrogen into helium in its core

7 star contracts back to normal size and becomes stable
4 As the core runs out of hydrogen and then helium, the core contracts and the
outer layers expand, cool, and become less bright.
1 Stars are born in the nebulae.
8 outer layers expand again and are driven off entirely leaving a planetary nebula
5 the star becomes a red giant, the core becomes hot enough to become carbon
9the core becomes exposed and is a white dwarf
6the star loses gas from its outer layers
2 Huge clouds of dust and gas collapse under gravitational forces, forming protostars.

3. ​ Compare​ the evolution of a massive star with the evolution of the Sun using a Venn
Diagram. Write each description below in the correct place.
-begins as a nebula -loses less of its mass
-becomes a red giant once -loses much of its mass
-becomes a red giant several times -more reaction phases-fewer reaction phases
Massive Star Both Sun

-becomes a red giant several times Begins as a nebula becomes a red giant once
-loses much of its mass -fewer reaction phases
-more reaction phases loses less of its mass

four unique characteristics of the Sun.
four unique characteristics of the Sun:

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