TheDivineLawMastership 10821020
TheDivineLawMastership 10821020
TheDivineLawMastership 10821020
A Fundamental Tex t Book for all Students
enrolle d in the Secret Schools ,
A uthor of Ph ilosoph y of F ire, The R os i
crucians, Race Regeneration
Th e Way to Happiness,
Making Health
Cert ain .
This book is not addressed to the general public but more
p articularly to those who are truly seeki ng f or something aside
from the ord inary or that which is termed orthodox and we
“ ”
sh all therefore feel enti rely free to exp ress ourselves wi thout ,
taugh t it
Hermetics The Magi Priests of Melchiz adek the Illuminati ,
appear in various j ournals Among the wri ters P aul Tyner and
menced the publication of books on the Rosi cruci ans and their
teachings as well as on the Philosophy of the ancient Initi ates
, .
4 1 X 12 9 1
can be attai ned only th rough faithfulness obedi ence and servi ce , ,
was to i nsti l into the minds of th ose who were uninformed and ,
who fell i nto the net S pread f or them the non necessity aye ,
, ,
whi ch they were guilty thi s would at once have stamped them
true sch ool which taugh t the Ancient Mysteri es and therefore
capable of trai ni ng one f or Ini ti ati on and Soul Ill umi nati on .
dates beyond the year 4 255 B C Asp i rants entered the School
. .
teries— —
ancient even before th at d ate were taugh t all who en
tered Later these Mysteries were taught in the Secret Sch ools
of G reece Indi a Pe
rsi a T hrace Scandi navi a and the Gothi c
, , ,
of God the Immortal ity of the Soul and the possibi lity of bring
the fi rst d awn of civ i l iz ati on all who sought knowledge of the
powers of the soul and l ight on the future of the soul entered ,
hands of the profane Written history admi ts that all the wise
men were initi ates in the mysteries and the true Rosi cruci an
School as well as the Order of the Magi are di rect descendants ,
o the anc ent
f P ri es h d
t oo an d to -day as in ages p ast they de
, ,
as the Rose Cross and the Illuminati and immessed upon their,
at once procl aimed two things : First that they not having , ,
entered the Secret Schools could not possibly teach or train thei r
Second hav ing been neither trained nor taught in the Fraternity
that he has been trained and taught in the Secret Sch ools or ,
taken upon himself the vow of the soul and then repudi ated it ,
to hi story .
i k
s c ness, failure or death followed as a result Why ? Because .
the v ow was taken upon thei r own soul and thi s was the begin
ning of the creati on of vib rati ons whi ch would g radually gain
Divine Law has not devi ated one jot nor tittle Ages have .
cause no two aspi rants who enter the portals of the chool are S
alike in thei r needs or natures . T he training is ind ividual The .
instructions which will save one body from disease and bring
the soul in th at body to illuminati on w
ould result in destruct ion
ings which will raise one seeker from a state of degrad ation
would instil unworthy desires in another These are but f ew
in any manner ignores his oblig ation and allows books or manu
that th ose who cl aim to be Initi ates and then teach that an oath
that the Secret chools h ave ever stood f or .
written were we and none can possibly posses: aut hority under
gifts and sacri fices f or i
s ns.
2 .
Who can have compass on on the i ignorant, and on
them that are out of the way; f or that he h imself also is com
3 . A nd by as
re m herwf he m ght as f or the peoph so
I Begotten thee .
prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him
that was able to save him from death and was heard in th at ,
he feared ;
8 Though he were a Son yet learned he obedience by the
things which he sufi ered .
honors his own oblig ati ons and the instructions which helped
him to become at O ne wi th the Father and a P riest of the O rder .
more obed ient and with stri cter obedience results greater attain
ment .
h ave need th at one teach you ag ain which be the first principles
even t h ose who by reason of use h ave thei r sense s exerci sed to
discern both good and evil .
Fraterni ty .
instance that in verse twenty of Chapter six Hebrews : Whither
, ,
there that another pri est should rise after the order of Melchiza
dek and not be called after the order of A aron
, .
past All true seekers may enter its portals by assuming the
ob ligation th at is required The instructions are elemental and
termed the D ivine Law and the cience of the oul S Th ey are S .
“ ”
The Law of the Universe is equal exchange If one .
others f or the nece s si ties of life and the many essenti als of
Law of Compensation .
payment f or their teachings or servi ces makes the statement ,
th at pro rota the members of such bodi es pay many ti mes more
the members often unconsci ously feel th at they must give giv e
, , , ,
and give to their utmost in order to show that they are not
ligious and mysti cal instructi ons should be free to all seekers
and th at his soci ety would live up to the mysti c law so indi cated .
The founder of said society had enrolled and taken the oblig a ,
, .
“ ”
of th ose who loudly talk of all should be free .
one who had experi ence in legiti mate work , and from some of
the letters the followi ng extracts are recorded . These give the
usual plan .
field work f or the pres ent You have good people in many parts
the names of any and all persons whom they believe likely to
Then you can mail out to the new prospective the literature
consi sting of ci rcular letter ci rcular etc ,If they are interested
, .
th ey will gl adly si gn the obl ig ati on and send you thei r appli ca
wri te all literature and monthly lessons and you can get them
out and this should furni sh us with picked people I am sati s .
tain th at they are ready and will stand f or the higher things .
If you will h andle it from there f or the next two years
until I get set tled then I will assume the h andling of it all if it
I will try to plan means to get money from them later; but
are very sensitive on the money questi on ; and very quick to see
ing and religion is free plan There is nothing free in nature
” “
, .
Irres pective of how sacred 9 posses sion one may have in this
. ,
of ex c an e
h gIf we posses s a truth that will make free then in
p y po st ag e to sa y n
,o thi ng of our tim e By d oin g thi s w
once make debtors of th ose who accept and they will be bound , ,
pensation If we have not the money and the one who is des irous
who have the benefi ts conferred upon them become his debtor ,
therefore spi ri tual begg ars until they h ave compensated him .
received but in the field of the occult and the mysti c ch arlatans
, ,
“ ”
deluded by the belief th at salvati on of soul is free and that
somewh ere someone will l abor f or them without a thought of
, ,
16 S S
quate returns This is part of the D iv ine Law which the ecret
those who are truly seeki ng f or something aside from the ordin
ary or orthodox
We h ave been fearless and frank in our re
F ratemally given ,
.R Swms ux m: Cm .
humanity universally .
F ourth : ()
a I t is the aw a k en in g fi n d i ng a n d
i ll um in a
ti on of th e S oul Center b
() .I t is th e esta bli shi ng o f a re l a
ual Hierarchies .
to be avoided.
44 THE I I
its creati on is fini shed Then the earth opens and the waters
pa rt,
— the w aters break and the little earth the new man ap
, , ,
told that at the dawn of creati on God p arted the earth from the
waters and there was l i ght over the face of the earth Likewise .
when the body of the new creature is born when it is freed from ,
, , ,
tive mind .
All animate th ings all th at can breathe partake of this spi rit
, , .
dividual it does ,
not posse s of an entity
s s the characteristic It .
in his life .
con erre d , a capability of dev eloping the div ine spark into a
ing its fi rst pilg ri mage the p rocess of aw akening from l atency
inh abiting the temples of clay have been here before Some of .
pos ted the j ourney many times are young and inexperi enced , .
Certain ones are here f or the l ast time finishing their work on ,
stay in th at S p here depend s enti rely on the deg ree of its develop
tinne its development and render its servi ces to humanity The .
may have learned of the D ivine Law and may also have been
living in h armony with it to the best of its abili ty in accord ance
with its degree of enlightenment I t possibly definitely placed
e ecute wishes T he soul being so h ighly sensitized wit h
its .
the one dominant desi re and ambiti on becomes its own law of
attracti on di recting its p ath to p arents who will cheri sh j ust
ti on and in many sep arate homes wh ich represent v ari ous type
Having found sati sfactory conditi ons the S oul hovers near its ,
ch osen future h ome awai ting the time when the body shall be
ush ered into a world of l ight on the earth pl ane and sh all d raw
its fi rst b reath of independent exi stence The new being wub .
the fi rst inh aled b reath of life d raws into thi s body — which is
, ,
as mighty l
sou s in h
so me
v ot er a enue of use ulness
f There is .
sequently they are not under the funct ioning of the law of self
more free in the soul world than th ey were during the earth
s or ot hers ; hence the soul is charged wit h no marked v ib r a
af f ormatia n .
solely f or the selfish self , and have not a thought of the welfare
this class , the sa xl was nev er roused f ra n its sln mbers , and on
leaving the house of clay
fi t is noth in g
but a spark or atan of
the div inity, no more awakened than it was when it first emanat
ed f ra ehovah I t remains in the same unaroused , unawakm
ed, unco c
ns ious , non-ind ividualized state; therefore, it returns
to the universal
the controlling forces of the body I t may even be the res ult.
of long continued indulgence in imp roper food thus st arving ,
When the mind is deth roned the soul takes its flight and only
, ,
through immoral practi ces s i ns against the Holy Ghost then , ,
entity ; the fi res of the soul bei ng used to feed the lust ful pas
speaki ng I t posses se
. s the potenti al i ty of a soul I t is the .
Consciousnes s .
loses its personal i ty and will be given to some more fai thful
servant to ch eri sh and unf old If however he performs his
, ,
vice attai ns Individual Consci ousness sonsh i p wi th the ,
Father .
Life is Serv ice
We must reco gnize th at the aim of l i fe is service and th at
“ ”
only advocate the ad age of the anci ents : Know Thyself ,
developing exerci ses and to h ave parti cular regard f or the body
h armony with it ?
O r after ex i sting as an ordinary mortal on the earth plane
, ,
and wi th out maki ng any speci al eff ort to develop the oul and S
its potenti ali tie s while in the materi al form is it possible f or
the human and its limi tati ons into Soul C onsci ousness wi th its
The old idea that, at the end of one s ort eart h h exi stence ,
ment has long si nce been di scarded by every sober mi nded per
How and where both mercy and j ustice are to be sati sfied
in regard to th ose who h ave not consciously attained the rebi rth ,
man may have disobeyed the divine law yet after passing to , ,
earth he may be enti rely f reed from his sins and be released
th at when thi s freed om from the results of sin has been eflected ,
by the church d espite the i nj unction : Unless a man be born
that th ose who h ave p assed to the B ey ond may th ere receive in
structions in the Truth and may identify themselves wi th the
have freed themselves from the law of sin while in the flesh ,
to oth ers nor wipe out the record of w rong d oing inscribed on -
thus li gh tly unload thei r responsibili ties and enter the Elysi an
the Law .
They fai l to grasp the fund amental si gni ficance of the need
f or the Rebi rth the necessi ty to attain S oul Consci ousness h ere
and now .
philosophy but that all questi ons are embod ied in the truth as
is very plain :
Ye must be born again ”
He did not use the
Ye should be born again
, N or does he ex pre
. ss
potentate to his subj ects in order to impress them with his right
to dominate I t is to be accepted as the interpretati on by one
who taught the Divine Law in its highest aspect and who stated
the condi ti ons under whi ch a certain thing becomes possible .
To be born agai n is the only condi ti on under which it is
possible f or man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven J ust .
birth into Soul Consci ousness here and now the only plan
, ,
sense pl ane amid materi al env i ronments The very des i res and
lease from this envi ronment and the essenti al features of his
ascent i nto a higher pl ane of being .
hom a nist ”
mnst me
” “
again nn d t o accep th e rnean and
W m fi y wfi h and to bring fl x sm l ifl o om d m
T o canpaeha fl this and m aooq n is the f nlfilmul of the re m
s maturi ng to a personality on the sense plane was gradual
i tself from the false claims of superiority and the subtle dev ices
of sense This demands an untiring patience and an unf ailing
are to become the means of its release from the bondage to the se
S oul must reg ain its rightful rulership ov er the materi al self ,
personality .
with its varied and mani fold acti vi ties and possi bili ties are ,
adj uncts of the soul and limi ted to th e experi ence s of earth .
Thus the very energies that the soul has developed through
soul may accompli sh its toilsome ascent into the realm of Soul
has developed all the faculties mental and physi cal that re , ,
late it to its materi al envi ronment and has attained self con ,
Conscious Individualized oul and finds its culmination in the
born ag ain .
B oth body and mind are merely featu res th at link man to
the earth pl ane N either one possesses the quali ties of a per
bination or partnership of body spi rit and the div ine spark
, , ,
body serves as a vehicle and manif estor of both mind and soul .
p o r a ril
,y th e fl esh beco me s su p r em e a nd will
, b e in the ascen d
ency .
Regeneration the refinement of the materi al and fleshly
d i
e s re s a d appeti tes
n — the transmutati on of sensual th oughts
and desi res i nto Ch ri sti e qual i ti es gradually builds the oul
, S
and bri ng s it i nto C onsci ous Individuali ty .
must be refined before being admi tted to the soul sphere Coarse .
sion. This being the case there remains but one point to con
sider — the status of the soul while in the B eyond and the con ,
returns to the realm of spi rit The mind having served as the.
been corrupted th rough persi stent and will ful wrong doing to
nei ther can it experi ence g rowth nor ch ange B ecause it has no .
the soul sphere the soul th at is in thi s p arti ally evolved state
in order that it may ag ain enter fl esh condi tions and continue
the work that the Divi ne Law forces it to accompli sh .
momentum in an earthly di recti on then its stay in the soul ,
Sphere will be short and it will naturally and qui ckly gravitate
citizenship was in
after having attained this consci ousne s s its ,
heaven even though the soul was dwelling in the flesh and was
the earth pl ane and take upon i tself fle s h ; th ough it may h ave
soul may p ass after its departure from the body Consequently .
there is no realm in the Hereafter none except in the physi cal
—th at admits of a fulfilment of the requi rements of the new
bi rth whi ch is declared essenti al to those who desi re to enter
the Kingd om of Heaven
“ ”
accepted by him the arti san di rects his thought and energy
interest and the specific work outlined f or him is left un
touched . Surely the employer would not be expected to com
pensate the workman f or the services left unf ulfiled although ,
then can God be expected to rew ard His child ren wi th the
r se —
ments as are best adapted to its pu po s th at of leading the
soul to Illumi nat i on and Individualized Consci ousness . I n this
sch ool of di scipline and training man must come to an under
Illumination of his oul N ot until these things h ave been at
is it to be re ar e g d d merely
hi cal standard th at concernsas an et
ment is in reality a law of the Universe one existing on every
plane of manifestati on a law controlling all th ings ,
of h eaven
imply ? Simply thi s : The kingdom of heaven is
ability to di rect these into the right ch annels and with proper
must search his own within He must explore his inner king .
achi eve He must attain self mastery and become profi ci ent in
eous ess
n — well named f or it is the d omain of div ine powers ,
e er, th s i thought must be emphasized —Even though the f acul
ties of this inner sph ere may h ave been developed
and brought
of God and His righteousness unless man s desi res h ave been
” ’
oughly obedi ent to the Will and the P urpose of the Divine Law .
Thus seeking the kingdom of heaven is a twofold pro
poss ibilities whi ch are l atent w ithin man s being O n the other ’
hand it embraces the puri fi cation of man s desi res and motives
and in execut ing construct ive p lans .
see s heavi er the pri ce he must pay Ex cuses are
to efi ect , the .
None will be allowed to plead : My parents would not allow
me to do thus and so O r: My children prohibited me from
pleas r always indicating inh erent weaknesses are as old as
man They were age ridden and moss grown in the time of
- -
of heaven This clearly indicates th at slavery or bondage is
the realm of ach i evement The student who studies the greater
and di scouragements .
tives or a pull with politi cal facti ons and if these are w ant ,
other .
law the foundati on of success
, .
The one who desi res to free himself from certain obj ection
able conditi ons and wi shes to obtain what is more acceptable ,
desires are toward one thing the mind toward another and the
, ,
a certain thi ng above all oth ers but if his nature is subjected , ,
certai n his convi cti ons being at cross currents with one another
, ,
while his desi res and flitting fancies are legion The man that .
centrate and condense them into one supreme d esire His entire .
the old condi ti on into the new Without grumbling and with .
toward the accompli shment of the obj ect in view His mental .
tal fabri c and be woven into the very fibre of his nature
manifold powers is in very truth the Center of C ausation ,
principles and divine laws underli e and control the activ ities
and the movements of Will P ower and Thought Force He must .
and requi res the help and the guid ance of those who understand
ers cannot do th e work f or him; but th ey can tea ch him the L aws
They can guide and encourage and guard him in the self
tra n in g n lf —
a d the se di scipline th at are essenti al to enable him
tasks in a diflerent Spi rit and a more orderly manner All his .
acti ons his undertaki ngs and his pl ans, will come to be g auged
dividual .
and self h appiness are und eni ably d epend ent upon his meeting
ing f or love attenti on and symp athy f rom oth ers after awaken
, ,
“ ”
the old story I cannot afi ord it Experience teaches us .
tal begg ars They are willing to pay f or the ornaments of per
son and the sati sf acti on of the physical but f or the spi ri tual ,
in thei r vari ous lines of endeavor wh ile those who were satis
fied with less th an the very best made no perceptible g ain eith er
the best .
actuated by the thought : I cannot afi ord it but by the ques
“ ”
reaches the sti cki ng place such as the convi cti on th at nothing
but the best w i ll do then one surely finds a way to secure the
help needed Man always finds some way to obtain the things
The Div ine Law is not unj ust in its demands The human .
“ ”
above the pl ane of parasites and spi ritual beggars and th i s
, ,
the recipi ent of tokens of regard one must also be the giver , .
— —
The person accepting anything even a gift is held ac
countable f or it by the Law and th rough some means at some
The losses and inj uries and mi sfortunes and rebufi s of daily
life are often to be accounted f or by this demand of the law .
quality ; and best quality is in the end the most certai n and
, ,
o good fortune is found in the stand ard of self reli ance and
f - -
self mastery
T o seek and to find the kingdom of heaven to
spi rit and soul We have knowledge of th ose who deny exi st
ence of the body and the materi al but who daily live to glutton
ize and fill thei r pockets with money both highly material
agents . These mortals fi lled with moral fi lth which is varnish
, ,
Reality th at is God or the I nfinite the Creator of man and
, , ,
all that exi sts Man may di savow the Fatherhood of God may
was and ever will be a Supreme Reality call this what we will
, , ,
the seasons never fail nor does the earth cease in its rev oluti on .
manif estation .
d ivine l aws by whi ch the Infinite funct i ons Thi s fact oflers .
may be sai d th at fai thfulness indi cates being true to the laws
whereby man unfolds and express the D iv ine Image in whi ch
he is created .
fi rst of all to Himself and to His own laws then man created , ,
in His likeness sati sfie s the h ighest ideal by being faithful fi rst
T o man was given dominion over all things over his own ,
conditi ons and envi ronments both physi cal and spiri tual
, as ,
own nature mai ntains its authority over the lower and the in
f erior He must grant the spi ritual quali ties of his own super
iority over the less noble tendencies of the limited personal self .
to the requi red obedience to th ose who can instruct him and
show him th e way .
sical and spiri tual law it is not strange that the multi tudes
ing concerning the Divine Law and willing obed i ence thereto ,
tive posi tive heal thful upbui ld i ng th ought and p assi ve neg a
, , , , ,
atti tudes .
one s own th ought kingdom However the work must not end
its way out and manifest i tself in the personali ty I n due time .
conditi ons in one s atti tude and to i nfl uence oth ers to esti mate
cord ingl
i d
att tu e, potent as this is in and of itself is by no means suf
, ,
a state of health prov i ded be cont i nually hold s the th ough t that
i deal though they may be can never displace proper food fresh , ,
carry the lines from pl ant to h ouse to say noth ing of the cost
thei r fellow men were l aying up stores of ri ches and enj oyi ng
themselves immensely N or does it end here
. These trai ned .
ones must live and strange as it may seem the seekers expect
, ,
tw porary profit ; but, in due season, the Equaliz ing Law ex act s
an adj ustment on the part of him who has employed such re
prehensible methods of busines s .
to receive a fai r ex ce
ss Both rich and poor are under the iden
tical Law and each must render account f or his own deeds and ,
wastes his own energy by concerning himself about the one who ,
c ares the Law of one s
B eing . T o follow thi s Law one must
be true, th ough anoth er may do j ust the Opposi te .
All that has thus f ar been said does not imply th at a man
of superi or abil i ty should conti nue in a positi on which a less
qual i fied man is able to fill nor is he bound to serve any man
who does not appreci ate his servi ces He is always free to seek .
his mental att i tude his desires and his ideals and must con
, ,
has wi thin his own being the resources and the powers to make
of h imself wh at he wi shes to be and he h as the possibility , ,
begi nning the found ation p rinciple I t is necessary f or one
, .
requi res not only eflort but money as well F or its better posi .
and mature experi ence A man so equipped may ask his price
worked his way th rough college and has come forth the stronger
f or having been th rown on his own resource s and the sacrifices
mental ity and the vibrations betray the vi ctim of these delusions
This mental attitude frees him from ensl av ing condi tions,
sets into moti on laws th at attract to h im opportun ities f or ser
vi ce and places him in harmony wi th the Divine Law of the
and the confidence of those who are not onl y in need of servi ce,
He who k
see s to establi sh condit ions of mastership and
known the attainment of his desi re would not have been to his
Let us i
cont nua lly endeavor to unfold and ex press the
Admittedly God being all good all loving and all wise
, , , ,
did not indeed could not Himself create evil as such There
, .
these agents powers forces and p assi ons are not in th emselve
, , s
each of th ese must receive its full share of attention in solv ing
plane .
breath of life ”
. i —
T o be made n God s imag e after His lik e
ness s ignifies to be blessed wi th all the faculti es and creat i v e
powers that God himself possesses I n thi s sense is man an .
decree: “
Ch oose ye wh om ye will serve This constitutes the
and act .
author of evil .
are free from the entanglements of the delusi ons and i llogi cal
as religi ons First of all there are not two di stinct powers in
the universe one good and the other evil Nei ther are there
two di sti nct d i vi niti es one the author of good and the other
, ,
chanics arch i tecture and h ome making and abov e all it aids
, , ,
which is to be regarded as fi rst of all the fine arts as well as
use in h is creat ive cap acity and with which God is not encum ,
his life .
is fashi oned empl oys his manifold faculti es and potenti alities
th ose in h is immed i ate ci rcle but these are often secured at the
expense of others th rough th ei r p ain and suff eri ngs and h erein ,
th at there is no wi ckedness .
sires in themselves evil ; but to allow the carnal self and its ap
petites to d ictate and to control th i s is evil .
mi suse of the powers inna tely good and noble or through the ,
and its demand s are not in themselves evil ; but to allow its
mind is the orig in and source of evil Therein must beg i n the .
also to the essence of the soul and to the rel ati on ex isting be
exist in so f ar as their e
, s sences are concerned they live only ,
the field may to morrow give its life to man Refuse and decay
the unsightly and even poi sonous th ings through chemi cal ,
bination of body spirit and soul When the spi rit of life is
breathed into the body and the soul takes posse s sion th ere is
, ,
we term mind .
entity until it has been awakened , devel oped and ill uminated .
of the soul whi ch unf old and grow as naturally and as truly
p roper cond i tions becomes the maj estic oak The Divine Law
, .
a r r —
p akes of two p ime features Love and the understanding of
t ,
Truth and in the scriptures thi s is notated as :
Thou shalt
” “
love thy nei gh bor as thyself and Know the truth and the ,
to the Divine Law wri tten on the t ablets of its own heart It .
ings of light and warmth from the evolv ing soul nature This .
of servi ce to men .
, or
Illumi nated as opp osed to its previ ous cond i tion of
and intenti onally di rects invi sible forces in the executi on of l ofty
ideals and delights in its own creati ve skill D esires and i deal s
set into operati on forces cal cul ated to b ri ng about the real i z a
tion of its concepti on Thus the mind consci ously applies its
ing beneath the ashes of camality and selfi shne ss The desi res .
pulses holds supremacy over the entire being Flesh and fleshly
of evi l .
Through the carnal man the man of flesh are born , ,
cond itions . They are man made - and ev il because they are de
structiv e . To claim that G od had anything to do with their
creation is to libel Him , and to bring His D iv ine A ttributes down
to the lev el of the brut e .
with the law of his own stifled divine nature h as brought abou t,
these things .
the spi ri tual ideal much eff ort is necessary to arouse it f rom its
sluggi sh habits . i —
External nfluences warnings admonitions , ,
inculcati ons from those who understand the higher law are —
requi red to arouse the i ndivid ual from thi s inertness to a recog ,
. This great law must be brought to man s attenti on ’
between the lower self with its ignoble demands an d the soul
nature wi th its ideali sti c tend encies This war of the two
th at the soul and its monitor the consci ence are being aw aken
, ,
utiliz ing its powers and faculties its thoughts and desi res in
, ,
Second the misfortunes and losses due to his own acts but
responsible .
set into mot ion forces th at return in a ' reacti onary i nfluence
, ,
so sh all he reap
There was added no modification, of possi
indicates the law of cause and its eflect ex tending from one
incarnation to another .
may coming under the third group can be classed neither under
, ,
undesi rabl e conditions righ tly accepted are the accumul ation of ,
P rovidence an d its exact ing law if the illy paid laborer does ,
Retributi on .
debri s that effectually buries the tiny spark of the Div ini ty .
Thi s continues until the time of the death of the body Then .
the p art from J ehov ah returns to the storeh ouse of God and ,
abstractly and in only a general way in its act ion on the soul , .
the i ndebtedness wi th i nterest “
A s we do unto others so
vocable law under which we receive exactly and with the addi ,
who h ave not done and said much to cause sorrow or l oss to
others ; and thi s we w ould be well aware of h ad we a compre ,
received value we did not render full equiv alent in serv i ce Thi s
, .
ed but to the Law of R ight eous ness ; and thi s same Law will
according to h is deserts .
ti on
. I t may be th at
I personally am a drone and refuse to
, ,
mind and refusal to perform his full duty he not only robs me ,
Accord ing to the inculcati ons of the N azarite Initi ate and
the many other true masters man is here f or a specific p urpose
, .
Father His duty here is to learn to know the Law and his
Law .
one who desi res to borrow money of us We will hold the note .
must be pai d as also the interest Th ose who cause us suff ering
mi serie
s of the master i nitiate are so much greater th an those
therefore to Immortal i ty .
A ction is Life .
The consistent believer in the regular school of medicine
will have none but an Allopath when he is ill The Churchist .
who has faith in the B aptist church will acept ca nmunitm from
none other than that of the B aptist church The Physi cal Cul
turist will not f or one moment follow the practice s of the Ori ent
and not merely in p rofe s sion wi ll when ill seek the demonstra
their consistency .
The aS pirant entering one of the Secret chools should be S
equally consi stent and center his whole attention and all his
de m
s ires in the accom ishment of the Work as taught by his
sch ool . Strange as it may seem no sooner does the seeker enter
He will study the lessons of his school and at the same
, ,
to become a Master ”
of human action and ex pects . Guru
Rakadazan .
tation must pass through the various stage s of infancy and child
on the opini ons and creed s of others the sense of subj ugation ,
g radual This requi res not only time but patience and pains
p ated the more time and deli cacy are neces sary in the proces s
, .
most difi cult task the god s set f or man to do The fear though t .
Th at perfect love casteth out all fear i ndicating th at when ,
especi ally fi ts the case; and thi s truth removes all imped i ments
L abor with the thought of your sonship w ith the all Recognize .
are filled with love and true desi re We are not over sensitive
then weigh carefully both adverse Op inions and cri ti ci sms and ,
p fi
ro t by the insight of others .
ill will retali ation and resentment the spirit of getting even
“ ”
bonds fettering the soul to the lower self and cannot right a
wrong The moment man decides to become free in thought
self mastery
att i tude of mi nd and that ill will and grudges can never result
these will set one free from the bondage of fear and limi tati on ,
they do
Buddha worded thi s somewh at difierently saying
“ ”
T o know all is to forgive all This is the atti tude of mind
adverse condi ti ons, and will assuredly attract to the indi vidual
i f they are not so now they may in time learn the needed lesson
sion are due to ignorance lack of experience and ani mal ex uber
they may be j ust as deci ded and even more glori ous I t th ere .
Kindliness of t ou
h ght and forgiveness toward others con
peti on The truth that stimul ates and fosters love is the tr uth
termed heaven the kingdom whi ch all men would like to enter
p e rim en t a
,l lea d s hi m o n to d eeper research a n d to keener in
the l i ngui st and other i nvesti gators and so learn to love the
science of self mastery f or its own sake and to take g reat p ride
of our connecti on with the one and only source of power which ,
los ing the little that we have g ained Faith and understanding
S uccess in any endeavor is att ained only as we truly love the task
in which we are engaged Humility urges one constantly to use
success . The l i
a ternat on of ups and downs, ins and outs the
undertakings, the temporary
“ ”
recurrence of tight places in our
and the power and the cause O ne must nev er cease to recognize
must fi rst have been the servant in all th ings over which one
desi res to govern ”
True man in his realm is a creator as
, ,
the Infini te in the universal realm is the C reator ; but man does
not create the pri mitive substance nor the essence from whi ch
, ,
all thing s are d rawn forth A t best he can mould shape and
of one who has served app renti ce s hip before him The moment .
not desi re .
Does it pay ? A thought a desi re or act pays only wh en
the future From feelings of h atred and ill will there is a di rect
soul ; also the return waves from such though ts which are t e ,
, .
at fault . The assurance of his own attitude tow ard all mankind
enables him to rightly accept loss or misfortune He compre .
sorro w .
the mind to become affected — by j ust doi ng one s very best and
as one would under the most f avorable cond i ti ons one usually ,
pose Trust the Absolute Law whi le you are doing your best
. .
th ings are going to ruin ; but when the mentality clears we find
, ,
qu enc e a ll
, thi ng s else ev en i n
,cl ud i ng the C rea tor N ow in the .
Freedom .
128 I I
natural magnets
There are other metals whi ch though they
, ,
“ ”
by others be put th rough a process th at establishes the righ t
from th
p leted of th ei r stren gth after contact with non vi tal ones th ough -
matter how much magneti c energy these may draw from it Thi s .
also oversh ad owed by a div ine law whi ch gives h im the right of
and puri ty .
ship and the ch oicest of food products and yet h avi ng free
, , ,
lily has no free choice because it has not been g i ven conscious
only the best The other man created like unto the gods and
, ,
playt hing of fate and bemoans his lot all the days of his li fe
in h
s ort,if he will assume the uprightnes s of a man in all re
spects — then in time he will become magnetic and posse
, s sed of
all compari son and whi ch from its nature is capable of receiv
, ,
magnetism .
and to dwell upon — these acti v iti es help him unto the path that
leads to energy and power Th us it will readily be seen that
care in reg ard to diet bath ing b reathing and sleeping atten
, , ,
ing out of the appl i cati on of the law of selecti on on the mental
and the soulual pl anes .
“ ” “
better desi gnated than the Law of Equalizati on or of Eq ual ,
or co operati on
- I t is b ased on the f act th at all things in
to oneself thi s att itude of mind is an exp ression of the natural
law of Equal i z ation or fai r exch ange ,
energy it is necessary to p uri fy the desi res and the motives and
, ,
cerned in the transact i on suff ers loss or harm is not fai r and
the Ameri can people and typ i cally i llustrated in thei r bargai n
counter madness which makes f or cheapness
T he stamp of it .
is mani fested in all thei r acts and is f orsh adowed even on thei r
features If a man desi res to accumul ate and to store up a vast
r .
fo ces th at make f or health h appines s and succes s then he
must make certain to employ his concentrated forces and powers
only in the right manner T he B iblieal story of the talents
our powers and possessi ons even the li ttle th at we have will ,
be taken from us .
only of one s elf but also of th ose whom one s acti ons may
aflect .
, .
self and to the person who takes such privilege s A man should .
the law of love and good will and in harmony wi th the Law
accom ishment Consequently to accumul ate and store dy
students of the higher d evel opment The fi rst step in eff ort
servi ce in the p ract ical aff ai rs of a rati onal life one transfers ,
condensati on .After his desi res are classi fied purged and the ,
res ons ible was not either created or accumulated by them;
the power is to lose all ; f or they would not know how to restore
and its use and if perch ance through some accident they de
, , ,
the loss .
dation f or the influx of the higher "Eth Fi re
, .
, S
through the practice of concentrati on he finds that his control
until such time as the engi ne is again start ed and the current
begins to flow from the dynamo Thi s ap tly illustrates the
batteri es receive the current from the dynamo and store it for
use whenever requi red . Thi s method allows the generating of
the current at any desi rable time and the power is available
The body may well be cons idered as the eng ine I n it are .
mind does not receive sufficient energy from the body , then, like
the dynamo, it cannot create a satisfactory volume of current or
v ibration in consequence the forces actually created will not
, , ,
and requi res he must carefully consider the th ree g reat factors
s of ZEth maintain
F or the reasons j ust stated the Initi ate ,
sides the magnets — which are pos itive and negative also the
, ,
cate and sci enti fically wound net work of wi res A ny interf er
ence or break in thi s intri cate system will prevent the produc
really is an admitted f act that the Ameri can peo le are fast be
machine it is true may conti nue more or less active; but there
, ,
merely because the taste is desi rable but because they contain ,
as occasi on requi res and the p oi nts of fri cti on must at all times
p ov erished T o se
. cure actual resu l ts the one d esi ri ng to accu,
mul ete ZEth forces must be certain that his dietary includes
arti cles of food adapted to the v aried need s of the organi sm .
and at p roper speed and the dynamo is generating the requi red
that engine and dynamo are all th at can be desi red the light ,
attain the greatest po wer each one must adopt as h is motto the
what they do This must be f elt in the hearg not merely uttered
by the lips .
are the qualifi cati ons whi ch make s it possible f or the soul to
al l unrighteousne
s s and to make certain th at love is the motive
Ye are the light of the worl
Let these considerati ons stimulate each one to more earne
devoti on and fai thfulness in his des ire to attain the highes t
ideal of character T o be truly the ligh t .
fault .
com re en
p h d ne t er th e law o
i h f its in cre a se nor o f its a pp
l ia b il
ity ; t h erefo re th e y co
nt in ue to be m a gn etic p ers on ali ti es o n ly
while conditions are favorable A s soon as anything reverses
h i
t er o ep w r— un ki n d th ou ghts un w o
rthy d ee ds or a n gry w or ds
they qui ckly become as g reat fai lure s as they were formerly
successes .
power wh ich gives him the ability and the inclinati on to work
and to accompli sh .
must learn to make definite use of his magneti c and vi tal forces
in drawing to himsel f the E th fi res di rect from the ZEth sphere .
14 9
carefulness .
T he fi res from the " Eth sphere are so penetrating and mighty ,
aside old destruct ive habi ts both physi cal and mental and must
, , ,
struct ive des i res He must gradually rebui ld his shattered body
in its v ari ous dep artments must learn to accumul ate and con
serve his physical forces and vi tal energ i es and must di rect and ,
p art of his life While the law of love and f orgivness having
been made th e ruling moti ve in all his activities will insure him ,
the stand ard of his endeav ors will become his guid ance and
principle .
g d
o o . A ny at m
te pt to do otherwi se would ultimately — ftc ,
quently immedi ately terminate in the destruction of the guilty
fi rst req ui site of triumph on the material plane th at des erves the
term -
success .
and whi ch represents peace on earth and good will toward -
men .
the life
whereby he may in t ime consciously prove his one
, , ,
S cience of th e S oul ,
S ee Ph ilO BO p h ical Publ ishing Cc . .
and ch arms th ose w i th whom he associ ates ; yet to all app reci able
to the one so gifted and also to others i rrespect ive of how g reat ,
appear like unto a vivid fi re but p urer and clearer than any
are empl oyed in the treatment of di sease the physi ci an can see ,
follows the arms to the h ands and thence enters the body of
may be subj ected to the most careful analysi s and may be di rect
ed in the treatment of di sease with as much percision as elec
I n that age the Priest Ini tiates were men of migh ty power
, ,
men who healed by the touch as portrayed on the anci ent monu
ments and as J esus is said to have done They were men who
, .
lived the ideal life who thought and acted in harmony with the
times Pri ests of the iEth who were cap able of mighty works .
and there who was will ing to dedicate his life unreserv edl to
the "Eth Hi erarchies and the " Eth manife s tati ons of the Dei ty
, .
asp i rants who are t rying to cast out selfishness malice bigotry, , ,
h arsh j udgment and the spi rit of criticism of others These are .
the f ew who are begi nni ng to have fait h in God and in those
who are appoi nted by God to teach the truth and are suflering,
As in all ages of the pasg the first masters must sufi er and
go t h e w ay o f th e fl esh Th. ey are born in m ortalit y ; and ,
mortal ity . The new civ ilizati on born in truth and under the
minds ?
I s it possible f or man to sodesire and live that he
think , ,
of thi nki ng and living and who are consequently seri ously per
pe lla tio ns su ch as bl a c k m
,a gi c ma li ci ou s
, an i m al m a g n eti sm ,
is determined by a j ust and righteous law a D iv ine Fiat that
is absolute and never failing in its operati on
- — a Law that will ,
defend all who meet the conditions of its protection The pur .
at fault in th e matter .
the gov erning underlying Law the O ne Law th at controls all
mental forces Thi s Law has to do not only with mind in
tive i nfluences from oth er mentalities but also wi th its receptiv ity ,
toward di sease all evil bei ng understood as di sease The Law .
body is re
th ought atmosphere (
aura) condi ti ons si mil ar to the v ibrati ons
we find p rotecti on ag ai nst all inj uri ous i nfluences and destruc
tive forces comi ng from i nv i sible realms of acti on whether these ,
Father forg i ve th em f or they know not what they do
, ,
To .
root out all feeli ngs of revenge retali ati on resentment and
, ,
hatred ; to elimi nate the desi re f or every typ e of get even ness ;
“ - -
inj ury .
tiv ating the qualities leading toward Soul C onsci ousne s s and
ternal condi ti ons of life These are the only requi rements
We have been admoni shed to resist ev i l with good ; whi ch is ,
and goodness are ever potent f or the neg ati on of unp ri ncipled
ing into combat with mental forces ; but merely to think ex alt
ingly livi ng the goodly life and cheri sh kindly thoughts and
, ,
and is the highest aspi rati on of the h eart is infini tely better than ,
and forgiveness are self adj usting self operative weapons con
respect to our own intenti ons and purposes even though we may ,
is the law Someth ing wi thin the self is harmoni ous with or
or ultimate failure ,
I t is on the contrary often a stepping
, ,
neg at ive type of goodness Many are virtuous not because the
heart dictates the acts but f or some ulterior reason They fear
, .
acti onary effects of the radi ati ons of one s own heart T o cut ’
the eflect of the d eed The intent of the heart, rather than the
outer act sets into moti on the v ibratory forces and finally in
the motive be selfish and ignoble the vibratory forces enter the ,
he learns to l
c eanse himself from all
his enti re nature, and rid
destructive thoughts and desires will he become a free strong , , ,
from this attitude I n this error may be found the seat of all
other errors Let it be our fixed aim to reach the pl ane where
A n eye f or an eye T he better plan is to learn the truth and
so always be protected .
That is to free the mind and heart from evil When once thi s
, .
m ef use to even em m zz e m
a mh a clear carn zim mi
w ac h ave brong irt us harm ami
Wing us s ea : amt
“ 13 3
. 0 11c
is accomplished , there will no longer be the creation of any but
the most i g and ennobling vibrations thus pro
ex a te l d ,
e evat n ,
istence .
and power the forces th at would oth erwise h ave been h armful
was j ust and could not permit anythirg that would be unj ust to
a s ingle soul Accordingly He oflered safety to the inh abitants
family He being free from evil a man who loved God and
, ,
consci ous soul is free f rom app arent failure and sorrow M an .
teris l Sphere because of his need f or further experi ence and the
necess ity of greater purifi cati on Through apparent failures
ing his earthly mi ssi on has not been a failure but a worthy and
, ,
to become free h appy and strong th rough any other means than
He will then devote his entire t ime and attenti on to the study
of the text books of that sch ool only He is perfectly willing .
nor bigoted because he will not read the text books of the -
must have suffici ent faith to follow its dictates in all things ,
F or the young medical student to read the books of sys
tems other th an the one to whi ch he has subscribed is to become ,
So also f or the neophyte who is enrolled in one School
, ,
many of these supposedly non beli ev ers Show great rev erence -
and have reverence f or none of the truly desi rable things in life .
tates of the Divine Law and to h ave great fai th in the Father
hood of God but who shows li ttle love f or his neighbor or his
human plane who cannot see the desi rability of the beautiful
home ci rcle and the sub— human ki ngdom f or the beautiful the , ,
ch aste and the elevating ; who is willi ng to lend the help ing
of any verbal avowal of non faith in the exi stence of a Div ine
Ruler .
seek the best th at life can give and th i s in i tself indi cates heart
Ideal and his love f or the beautiful or rev erence f or the great ,
“ ”
or successful consti tutes
, worship in the true sense of that
of the lovely and the lovable it is not essential f or him to
const ant efiort to bri ng thi s ideal into materi aliz ati on The all .
acceptable worship .
a personal being who knows love but also h ate who manifests, ,
the Diety a Universal Personification of creative Love of j us ,
creat ion of the heavens and the earth who is Himself now ,
who knows nei ther h atred mal i ce nor rev enge who does not
, , ,
O f such a teaching they may have heard but thei r own ideas ,
are as yet so i ndefi nite and vague th at they do not give them
, ,
These unconscious w
h eard of the inculcati on
17 4 T HE D IVIN E LA W, S
find I t is to obey the D i vine Law that leads one to God , the
God, s s of
and a consciousne His indwelling in cur own heing .
At the same time works, suc h as the Father within pra npts ,
w h T fl h i f i w i h G d
gro t o e ec
.t t e consc ousnes s o un ty t o is the ,
earth p lan e Th e u n de r
.t akin g o f thi s G reat W is wo rship
ing (win king) at the foundation of a liv ing, vital, throbbing ,
pulsat in g u r in
g g relig io n I t is no t m erd y a
. rd igm
i hu t b e
“m es a —
m aled A o the indiv idual soul —religim . I t is a
the same law applies Man is a little world fashi oned after the
Generation or creation which simply means a bringing
forth to vi sible manifestation is the swinging of the pendulum
of the law of exp ression to one side of exi stence When man .
The law of creati on is under the control of God the Fath er the , ,
privilege of choi ce man is endowed with the abi lity and the
but in its final results and mani festati ons th rough the per
thing to set the law into Operati on gi v ing it its di rection and ,
mot ive power Thi s something thi s origin of law thi s center
, ,
God the F ather of all the Sup reme B ei ng the Universal source
, , , .
realizati on of the Law that has been set into motion co operation ,
A non intelligent force coul d not set into motion a law nor
order cap able of livi ng and propag ating its own kind
This is a mi staken idea Man can live the Regenerate life and
the right can l ead the Regenerati ve life as easily as the one who
the Law from functi oning in one direction is to nuln its acti on
. m
in another T o be co plete man must recognize the demands ,
body being the temple and the soul being that which is to dwell
our finer nature the Soul The aspirati on to find God the
Father within to know Him and to feel united with him this
l aws ; but there is something higher than ethical law and moral
oblig ati on. To meet the conditi ons of the higher we must har
monize our thoughts desires and acts with the Law of Regenera
“ "
question : Wh at of God the Father receives a highly satis
, ,
Though constantly used as a medium by unknown forces ,
given them by the people are feared by all who come in contact
with them and who willingly give in order to avoid the curses
th at might otherwi se be directed ag ai nst them .
harm to body, mind and aoul to all who are f oolish enough to
be misled .
lows this path never becomes a master in the true sense of the
term He develops into a mere mach ine is a plaything of dis
attain the highest mus t consci entiously shun it Those who f01 .
tices whi ch prod uce negative conditi ons of body mind and soul , .
tiv e that foreign enti ties and influences can work th rough him .
respect one who might be a power f or good in the world cap abl e
, ,
notion th at she can at wi ll leave the body and v i sit oth er p arts
, , ,
of the world .
thing ; but he never attempts thi s to sati sfy an i dle whim nor
to di splay phenomenal power and he nev er talks about h is
adept doe
, s undertake such a trip it is in full consci ousness ,
control. The nerve and brain cells are starved and f ar below
normal because thei r vi tal i ty is constantly sapped by the dis
much nerve and brain energy is lost and the general system be ,
oth er— i - —
because t s self destructive negativism in any form
i ,
leave the body and to be consci ous wh ile so doing are neither ,
more nor less than the dupes of thei r own imaginati on—the
the fact th at not one out of a hund red is able to even sense ei ther ,
thei r contact with the Universal ZEth By snifi ng the air the .
there can be but one conclusi on : psychi cs are the dupes of their
who seeks the welfare of self alone The truly Illuminated and .
self on the road to divinity and to all th at is g ood and des i rable ,
when possible and done with the highest moti ves there is d anger ,
tempt to develop the ability to leave the body until after Illum ,
ination has been attained and the soul has become wise in things
Spi ri tual The seeker may instead di rect his attention toward
, , ,
the true aspi rant will give him the ident ical power over the
forces of nature that destructive Yogaism would ; and in ad ,
diti on it also instils the desi rable qualiti es of the soul love ,
truth intui ti on and the abili ty to live a practi cal useful life one
, , ,
I ts aim is to create of them helpers of h umani ty not through a
means that weakens or lifts the load from the shoulders on
which it has been pl aced but by pointing out the way to self
coming, that eflort and stru ggle are the pri ce that must be p aid
f or attainment and achievement Practical Yogaism encourages .
the right and comprehends that he who talks does not know ;
True positive practi cal eflort along Spi ri tual lines gives bi rth
, ,
ent taught by the modern Secret Sch ools and the neg ative Yoga ,
nature since Those who entered this sch ool or Pries thood as
and the g ardens bel onging to the P ri es th ood by div ine right or
Pri esthood and its outer ci rcle the Temple of Illuminati This
, .
ine rt and he would be less than man Like all others, the - .
or oth erwi se
. His Mastership , however has, taught him to v iew
his life and the forces that give him greater power .
O n enteri ng the Secret Schools and commencing the study
in them attempt to practi ce the breathing ex erci ses of one
S chool the cali stheni cs of another the dietary of one system
, , ,
Subscribe whole souledly to the enti re system follow it
ing I n its ci rcle are Pri ests who ofler communi on in h armony
“ ”
strange gods . In all h onesty to yourself be at least as con
si stent as are those whom you h ave left because you consid ered
knowledge . Guru Rakadaz an .
before those who come f or guidance and help one s personal ,
sufferings g rievance
, s losses and atlx ieties is to quickly lose
, ,
The less one has to say about one s personal li fe and intere
s ts ,
the more self - respect and real power d oes one manifest The .
sub im t t m
he s l s
e v e to self di scipline in this respect
- A self .
silence rel ative to the study and the degree of success of others .
between Master and those who seek Initiation The student has .
communi cate to the aspi rant T he master s communi cati ons and
preferred always .
The missi on of the Master and the Ini tiate is to lead the
seeker to the T ruth to guide him in the path of true devel op
ment and help him to find the Light within his own Center
, ,
lower and leader shall view all things through the same eyes ;
but it doe s demand confidence and deference The teacher .
his own Inner Guidance and the Light of his own Center His .
accept thi s and to face his own conscience th rough the righteous
the condi ti ons necessary to soul growth the law of honesty and ,
devoti on make it obl igatory upon each to maintain the atti tude
the traitor .
f or this becomes more and more app arent to the sincere aspi rant
the farth er he advances on the p ath "ltimately he will compre .
“ ”
s of that particular ex acting
to the taste l .
the sa e situati on and find it pre eminenfly encouraging
- .
those whose habits di ffer from ours th at is the time one must , ,
“ ”
and di rects our attenti on to the need of a deeper work of g race
in our own heart We serve as themirror of one another Th at
. .
self mastery
. Especi ally must they be mastered by him who
asp ires to become a teacher or a leader in the cause of truth and
righteousness .
the applause of men to the humble station of the one who barely
and strai n ? D oes he not rather yield hi mself loyally and brave
ly to present conditions on equali ty wi th a comrade th at may
never h ave known luxury ? If carnal man bent on the destruc ,
l i fe instead of death be willing to deny himself and to find
and i mmortal i ty .
method but one that the Masters and Initiates of all the cen
tut ies h ave taught and followed one tested and proved in the ,
do not recogni ze clan and class with such keen preci sion as do
other countri es ; yet perh aps this very fact makes the social
sions are here repeated with reg ret and sorrow of heart merely ,
S oul recogni zes only the fai rness of mind and greatness of soul .
the whi te man who speaks of a less fortunate brother of his own
race in the same terms is that of col or only
, I n the case of .
Let the aspi rant and he who would be Master or Ini tiate
always remember th at in God s great universe there is no trash
and no col or line I n the eyes of the All Father the brother of
adv antage .
finding fault with the lowly I t forev er and always proves itself
that the most h umble may feel its radi ati ons and be convinced
of its genuineness .
You cannot draw the faithful dog to you while at the same
moment you are holding a whip behind your b ack and make him
believe you want to pet him Inst inctively he will feel the de
to try to help the uneducated and the lowly and make them feel
th at you love them while you are cheri shing in your heart a
feeling of cri tici sm j udgment and superiority
culture True refi nement and polished speech and manner are
admi rable i ndeed and much to be desi red and admi red in all ;
, ,
law of reserve and di scret ion must be the guide The nobler .
of noble culture all thi ngs are l awful but not all things are
, ,
expedient .
The truly developed soul sees and hears many thi ngs with
out allowi ng them to make an i mp ressi on on i tself The act of .
the aflairs of others are seemi ngly th rust before our noti ce giv ,
the f ew .
his work may be re s tri cted to the more polished of soci ety ,
theoreti cally he must find the actual realiz ati on, and receive
p reparati on before all else but loyalty to the cause Let him , .
impati ent ; but seek to be genuinely sincerely thoroughly pre , ,
The Science of the oul will develop the power that is to
lead the children of men who now dwell in ignorance out of
, ,
the d arkness into the light B ut th at the multi tude may come
to an understa ding
n of the W dor of God — the Di i ne
v L aw — it
is necessary f or those who would lead and teach to understand ,
teri ng mind heart and soul i nto the servi ce of the master
, .
demanded ; but only in reg ard to things that are harmful either
to the self or to others Long pas t is the day when it was re
is the speci al dinner the game or recreati ons and Sports classed
, ,
as mortal sins
“ ”
We are approaching the cycle in which noth
the vari ous aspects of the Divine Law and posse s s a keen insight
mising They must teach impersonally and imparti ally the prin
If men and women coul d be made to see the future with its
opportunitie s they would quickly come forward and prepare
themselves giving heart and soul to the Great Work—a labor
that is not f or the self alone, but also f or humanity and f or
“ ”
God A s in all other worthy endeavor p reparedness is the
. ,
selves Unless man is ready to meet in his own heart the con
ditions of the Div ine Law the Law of Love and Forgiveness
in its vari ous aspects he is li able to make many serious mistakes
, ,
M ankind generally s to day characterized by restlessness
and more materi alistic in thei r tendencies, and less spi ri tual,
The pri ce of every bes uty in this world is in proportion
to its quality even although the payment of the p rice exacted
“ ” “
depos i ted as an assurance of good f ai th or to bind the ,
barg ain .
, S
I n an oath God or the oul within is taken to witness ,
the Vibratory forces which have been called int o being by the
oa h ,
which rodu
p ces the efiect,
p romise pled ge vow and oath mean virtually the same thing
, , ,
the aspi rant must pledge upon h is soul since thi s allies him ,
A mast er
t each er, one wh o h as een engag ed in t eaching b
t h e sacre
s cience t o, and t rainin
neo h t es , f or t h e
t went -nv e ear s , h as s h own recor s t o t h e writ er which ons t ed
as t
g p y p
p d
d re act ua
p llyf p
os itiv e roo t h at more t h an ort as irant s out of ev er
fk l
ait h es s t o t h eir mos t s acred v ow
h un f y p y
r ov e F or .
t h em awa or s e s t h em
y T h es e same recor s cl ear
t h at in each and ev er case, t h e rev ersa of t h e V i rator forces ,
rov e
caused such dis oya t y of th e s oul, s et into motion
by l
which eith er rough t f earf u sick ness, utt er f ailure in usiness
l orces
l b
or vi o ent end in of life g
I n such ins tances as wh ere t h e s tu
his oath and allowing privat e lessons or books to fall int o other
they are governed by the experi ences and records of the vast
army of leaders and teachers who h ave preceded them and who
recorded faith ful and unbiased ch roni cles of thei r work ex peri ,
The Science of the oul finds no reason f or emph asizing
one form of a p romi se more th an another nor does it insi st on ,
any parti cul ar formality in reg ard to enforcing loy alty and de
loyalty and devoti on and thus make clear the natural and the
inevit able results of di sloyalty and fai thlessness —
not because it
teaches thus and so but because the Law i s and no one has ev er
lived who und er any ex cuse or by any hook or crook could suc
, , ,
mental pri nciples are concerned but demands one certain form
of all who w ould enter the p ath under thei r b anner and be in
made .
( t h ough ts word s o
,r acts ) th at migh t br ing th e cause or th e
but one is still honor bound to maintain silence and an att i tude
The rel ati onship between individual s and org anizati ons
and oth er individuals is twofold , There are oblig ations on both
an org ani zati on of any kind should be entered into only after
full allegi ance of heart and life and with sincerity of purpose
and with the full knowledge th at th ere can be no mental t e
servati on under the D ivi ne Law as he who thus attempts to ,
evade the spi rit and the letter of an oblig ati on thereby sets i nto ,
his doom .
result .I t is not God nor any man nor order that punishes but
, , ,
the return waves of the reversed vibratory forces, and no man has
but the D ivine Law continually functi oning in our own lives
and founded in the soul itself determines our release when the
tarily with free will we took the oblig ation upon ourselves ; and,
The D ivine Law functi oning in our own lives will be certain to
keep stri ct account and make certain that the reckoning is ac
curate Admittedly many have retarded the day of accounting
cuse .
evens up .
confidence j ust as th ose who trusted him and accepted his oblig a
the i nevitable effects of our own thoughts and deeds th rust upon
thing .
— n
a man l oss mi sfortu e accident offers us not the right to
is made to ourselves our own soul and not to others ; and the
, ,
Divine Law that underlies and works through our thoughts and
deeds will exact payment if we do not voluntarily meet the con
ditions as specified in the promise pledge or oath ,
The D iv ine Law does not step in and p rohibit a man from
making any kind of a promi se or obligation ; but it demand s that
the pledge be fulfilled according to the specified agreement ; nor
can man plead th at the one to whom he made the pledge has not
selves ; and he who repudi ates his vow who v i ol ates his h onor
, ,
of the Mysti c .
p arty or parties
, .
bodi es who have usurped honored titles and who are associated
wi th no Spi ri tual Hierarchi es They are outl aws in the Spi ri tual
realm , and request no such ob ligati ons and unsophi sti cally
spi ritual .
penalty resulting .
yet p
ri marily he is h ono
,r bound to h is own soul and the Divine
Man God s Ex perience
Did you ever stop to think that We are really just God s ‘ ’ ’
Experiences ? That idea came to me sometime ago and seems
become Illuminated Anointed .
Thi s thought filled me with an intense desire to KN OW
Him in this life Always before I used to seem content with
‘ ’ ”
personali ty of course and not the Ego the Soul
, , Ex tracts , .