Brewlabs - BitBucks BITBUCKS Block 9907654
Brewlabs - BitBucks BITBUCKS Block 9907654
Brewlabs - BitBucks BITBUCKS Block 9907654
Binance Smart Chain
Contract 0x51bbc7cd99d55d47dfcbd943fe65ab1756163e74
Manual Review
Completed by Brewlabs
As at 09/08/2021
Block 9878381
Brewlabs, a product arm of Healing Potion, provides paid due diligence in the form of audits for
Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum and Matic tokenised projects within the cryptocurrency space. Before
reading this audit report, we strongly encourage you to do your own research and ensure that you are
only utilising the information provided as a secondary measure to help improve your decision-making.
This audit will not protect you or your investment in any form and has only been created at the request
of the token to provide general insight into the tokenised project. This audit does not serve as financial
advice of any kind. Brewlabs cannot guarantee that any form of malicious or fraudulent acts such as
exit scamming, liquidity removal or token sell off by team members will not occur. By reading this audit
report, you understand that any information utilised by Brewlabs has been provided directly by the
subject token. Brewlabs indemnifies itself from any misinformation provided by the subject token
Initial disclaimer
BEP-20 Contract Audit
Deployment date: 01/08/2021
Number of previous audits: 0
Verified on BSCScan: Yes
GitHub available: No
Platform: BEP-20; Solidity
Contract Risk Result: Low
0 0 2
Critical Vulnerabilities Common Vulnerabilities Info Findings
Purchase Tax 8% WBTC reflection to holders 12% WBTC reflection to holders Selling Tax
The team is disclosed on the There is a very basic list of There is a visible roadmap that There is no dAPP functionality
website however no links to contract functions available is being maintained on the on the website.
social media/LinkedIn to on the website under the website.
confirm identities. whitepaper heading.
Team engagement.
0 0 0
The team has opted not Vision Alignment & SWOT Hypothetical Response Financial Management
to complete the team Analysis Scenario Strategy
alignment exercise.
Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.
Core Use
Development Resources
Other Use Cases
The Bitbucks team have
built the core use case The team at Bitbucks seek to further The team at Bitbucks have Comments have been made
for the future of the token integrate cryptocurrency into the 1 developer working as part of across the website that relate
around real world real world combining cryptocurrency the project. to the addition of a swapping
financial utility. assets with merchant bank cards 1 individuals working within the tool (DEX), liquidity farming and
such as VISA/Mastercard. team in community mobile wallet.
management/marketing roles.
1 web and graphic designer
working as part of the project.
Use Case
Possible Risk
Risks identified by this report are for consideration only and do not
encompass all potential risk with this project. The authors of this report
strongly suggest you always do your own research when researching
speculative markets.
External Identified
Market Risk Risk Factors
Such is the nature of any coin, The whitepaper exists but No KYC completed.
token, or project within the is missing content around No team wallets disclosed.
speculative cryptocurrency products such as BitSwap Due to the initial team size
market, external market risk is (DEX), staking farms etc. development resources will
always present. External market It is unknown if the contract need to be managed
risk can be defined as the will be renounced. effectively.
volatility experienced within Significant holders or team Rewards are in BTCB which
speculative markets. wallets could be liquidated, is not true Bitcoin. BTCB is
which may drastically anchored to the price of
reduce price. Bitcoin and can be sold at
the price of true Bitcoin.
Possible Assurance
Assurances identified by this report are for consideration only. The authors of
this report strongly suggest you always do your own research when
researching speculative markets.
The content in this manual audit review is general in nature and should not be considered
financial advice or reliable at the time of reading. Cryptocurrency and related coins, tokens,
projects, and terminology are speculative/volatile in nature and should be thoroughly
researched by the individual before making any financial decisions. Brewlabs does not
encourage the use or investment of speculative cryptocurrencies. This document services a
summary of information provided to Brewlabs by the individuals or community members
within the review of the subject coin/token/project as at the completion date of this report.
Brewlabs indemnifies itself of any security vulnerabilities that have not been identified in this
manual audit review, any malicious actions of the team members identified in this manual
audit review or malicious community actions related to coin/token/project subject to this
manual audit review. Any information that has not been made available to Brewlabs during
the audit process serves no fault of Brewlabs or the purpose of this report. Furthermore, if
this report is tampered with, falsified from its original or inconsistent with the data provided
by the community or team at the time of this report Brewlabs indemnifies itself from any
financial loss the reader of this report may or may not incur. Brewlabs provides no
guarantees against the volatility of the external market and its impact on the subject
coin/token/project. Brewlabs provides no guarantee against team wallet or large wallet
holders liquidating their subject coin/token/project holdings. This manual audit report of the
subject token/coin/project is ultimately property of Brewlabs.
Final disclaimer